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Friday, January 15, 2010

Did Skinny Vinny (Vince Delmonte) Get Ripped?

By Caitlin Ryan

You bet he is. Once deemed Skinny Vinny, he has transformed his body into a toned, ripped, muscular physique that is the envy at the beach.

Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense body building programs have been best sellers for quite some time. There is a reason behind that. All of his programs are based on his own experience and what it took to go from a skinny guy to the chiseled, ripped guy he is today.

You see, Vince struggled to gain body mass. He worked hours in the gym only to find he could not gain an ounce. He watched other guys lift weights and workout in less time and gain more muscle mass. He would mimic some of these routines that worked so well for others, but he still could not increase his muscle mass.

He then tried to find a supplement that would boost his efforts in the gym. After reading hundreds of supplement owned magazine articles, he tried many products.

The supplements just did not work for him. He began exploring weight gain programs and realized he just did not fall into the category of people for which the programs were designed.

Vince finally realized that for him, the program needed to address his needs. Determined to design his own program, he began learning about body types. There are three different basic body types: ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. Some people have traits of more than one type.

Vince's body type is ectomorph. They have very lean bodies, but are also small in stature. Their frame is slight with small shoulders. Body building programs do not usually address their needs. Supplements and protein powders do little for muscle mass and more for overall weight gain leading some ectomorphs to develop a gut rather than six-pack abs.

People who gain body fat easily and have round, soft figures are called endomorphs. Though they may gain lean body mass with some traditional programs, they are not guided down the right path for body fat loss.

The only ones who seemingly benefit from the usual programs are mesomorphs. They already have lean, built bodies to begin with and can further their efforts with traditional programs.

Vince started combining every day foods in the right way to help him gain lean body mass. It worked. His program is designed to help the individual based on body type, so after he helps you figure out your body type, you can begin combining foods to lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass.

He uses muscle challenge to help you build muscle in less time than traditional programs. Increasing weight rather than reps helps build muscle fast no matter what your body type.

His methods helped him go from a skinny guy to a guy with an awesome, natural build. - 17268

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Will My Easy Bruising Be Lessened Through The Use Of Bioflavonoids?

By Carolyn Cooper

Are you looking for a bruising remedy that is really effective, or are you on the hunt for a solution that allows you to bruise less than you are right now? If so, you will find that bioflavonoids can be a great tool that will help you move forward. Many people are talking about the use of bioflavonoids in their supplements, but what can they really help you with? It is always a good idea to learn more about supplements before you take them to see why they make such a great bruise treatment.

The first thing that should be considered is that bioflavonoids are only found in plants, and they are involved in the processes of protecting the plants from illness or from harmful microbes while creating pigmentation at the same time. Even though bioflavonoids are found in most plants, they are more readily available in some plants more so than others, and there is substantial evidence that bioflavonoids are able to help our bodies react to harmful invasions by things like viruses, allergens, and even cancer causing agents. You should also consider that bioflavonoids have proven anti-inflammatory properties and can act in an anti-allergic manner as well.

More than 4000 bioflavonoids have been currently identified, and all of them can prove helpful and useful to your body. All bioflavonoids were once grouped as varieties of Vitamin P, but now they are being separated into several groups that respond differently to various situations.

Proanthocyanidins are often abbreviated to PCO, and they are extremely strong substances that are found in grape seeds and in the bark of the maritime pine. You will also find that there are quercetins, which are a very active type of bioflavonoids. The bioflavonoids that we most commonly run into are the ones that are found in citrus, and these are the ones that are typically used to treat people who bruise easily. You may also find that they are used to increase the permeability of capillaries, for varicose veins and also for hemorrhoids.

When you are in trying to find a means of healing from bruises, remember that bioflavonoids are an important choice for you. You will find that in the first place, they are great when you are thinking about healing your body in general. A bruise is a sign of trauma to the body, and you will discover that finding the proper remedy is important. Remember that a bruise is simply a situation where a capillary under the skin is broken and seeping blood into the surrounding tissue. Taking bioflavonoids can help you get the damage healed up very quickly, and you will find that this is an important part of getting rid of your tendency to bruise.

When you are interested in seeing how bioflavonoids can help you, remember that they are going to strengthen your blood vessels as well. Remember that as we get older, our blood vessels do get frailer. There are many different options that can help you strengthen your blood vessels, and this can help you keep your body from bruising even before you bump yourself.

When you are seeking a solution for your bruising easily, and when you are ready to overcome the bruising which seems to come from nowhere, consider taking up a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which not only contains bioflavonoids but other all natural, beneficial ingredients that can help you reduce or prevent bruising easily altogether. - 17268

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Workouts For Lower Abs

By Elliott Berry

Step 1 for you is obviously to eat right. You cannot be spending hours doing abdominal exercises and then rendering all that work worthless by eating preprocessed food and unhealthy food. Eat a delicious controlled diet before you set out on exercising your abs. This tip will serve you well, and the ignorance of this will end up in you having to work twice as hard to get that 6 pack. Read further on abs diet.

Workouts for Lower Abs for males and females

Leg Lifts

This is the most simple of all the work-outs for lower abs for men and ladies. You need to lie down on a smooth surface, and place your arms on your side. Tighten your abdominal muscles, control your respiring and lift both your legs up off the ground, till they are vertical to the ground. Keep them there for one or two seconds.

Then delicately lower them back onto the ground. Begin with sets of ten - 15 repetitions and perform two - 3 sets at a time. As you progress and your abs get stronger, you can increase the number of repetitions per set.

Alternate Leg Walk

This exercise is very similar to leg lifts. You need to station yourself in the same manner as before and then proceed. Now lift your legs together till they're at an angle of forty five degrees to the ground. Now gradually lower one leg towards the ground, but ensure not to let that leg rest on the ground. In the meantime the other leg must remain as it was. Now get the leg you moved back up and move the second leg towards the ground. Set the amount of repetitions for yourself dependent on how long you can continue this procedure. Don't forget to time your respiring to perfection.

Leg Circles

This is another one of the best work-outs for lower abs for girls and men, that you will come across on numerous occasions. You must lie down on a level surface for this exercise too. Place your hands under your back or your butt. Now you want to lift your legs up to a 90 degree angle ( just like you probably did for the leg lifts exercise ) and rotate both your legs together in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. As you feel your abs getting stronger, you can increase the number of circles you make. - 17268

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Fast Way To Lose Belly Fat Diet Is Possible Here

By Carter Singleton

Get a quick way to lose belly fat by following a new diet technique that's's being raved about in several different circles. This calorie shifting diet works very well for all body types as it's universal, scientific elements at work that do the goal.

There can be a fast way to lose belly fat if you start shifting the quantity of calories you consume every day. In other words, if you pig out today and have a high amount of calories, just make sure that tomorrow, you eat foods that have low calories.

You can eat lots of food, but your calorie consumption must be either noticeably higher or lower than the previous day. It helps to have a general meal plan so you stay on track with your shifting. That's's what becomes a fast way to lose belly fat.

This caloric shifting will also noticeably speed your metabolic rate, which we all know immediately burns fat all over the body. It's a quick way to lose belly fat if you speed up your constitution and increase your fat burning hormones.

regardless of how many crunches you're doing or the amount of low carb and low calorie diets you are following, it's not a fast way to lose belly fat. This is because crunches are actually building up your ab muscles and the low calories are starving your body!

So what does your body do? It starts storing fat better. So of course, that makes it tougher for you to lose weight in places like the belly. That's's hardly a technique to lose difficult belly fat.

Top Diet to Lose that Stubborn Belly Fat?

That's where calorie shifting is dissimilar. Your calorie shifting becomes a fast way to lose belly fat because the shifting naturally speeds up your fat burning thru higher metabolism.

It keeps the chemistry just off balance so your body doesn't resort to storing fat better. Fat Loss four fools is the top calorie shifting diet with the longest track record of real results.

Try this type of diet over any others if you would like a quick way to lose belly fat. - 17268

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Green Tea Is A Fantastic Nutrition Tea

By Aoife Joyce

If you are currently dealing with any minor ailments or illnesses or you just want to keep ahead of things, there is some exciting information you should know about Green Tea. Most people may know that the basics of green tea are that it is very good for you. But for those of you who would like to know more about what it can do in detail,then you will enjoy reading the remainder of this article.

To start, Green Tea originated in China over 4,000 years ago. It is made from the pretty plant leaves of Camellia Sinensis. These leaves are dried by way of steaming. This steaming action allows the all important antioxidants to remain in their original and best state. Speaking of antioxidants, the main and most important one found in green Tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate or in short terms EGCG. This is the antioxidant that has more power than Vitamin C, in fact it is 100 times more beneficial to you than Vitamin C. And interestingly enough it has 25 times more of an impact than Vitamin E, great news for your skin.

Fats and sugars that we ingest are synthesized by the body into a matter called Triglyceride. Triglyceride is used up by the body as a source of energy. If too much sugars and fats are taken in to the body however, there develops an excess of triglyceride. This excess is part to do with what causes obesity. This is not to say that EGCG can remove problems with weight on its own. However it can help hugely with efforts in reducing weight and weight loss diets. It can work in this way as EGCG actually stimulates the enzyme that dissolves triglyceride.

The electrons that cause massive disturbance in the body are known as Free Radicals. These electrons are in an unpaired state. Because they are incomplete, they are in a 'reactive' condition. Due to this state, they travel around the body probing for a healthy electron to pair up with. Our body creates some free radicals naturally, but not to a disturbing quantity. The majority of the free radicals found in the body are there due to external factors like UV radiation and toxins in the atmosphere. As they are unhealthy electrons, by latching onto a healthy pair, cause damage to that healthy pair. They bring devastation to the cells membranes, allowing bacteria's and diseases to cross the threshold and form within them.

As this continues, one cell after another, it can lead to larger structures becoming unhealthy. Some examples of results of this are cardiovascular diseases, lowered immunity, cancer development and possible DNA damage. All of this can be helped to be prevented by increasing your intake of EGCG. EGCG has the amazing ability of KILLING free radicals. So the more EGCG, in the form of Green Tea and other foods that you ingest, the higher your immunity and body's strength will be to fight off illness and diseases.

On this note, Green Tea is not the only food that contains EGCG. It can be sourced in many other foods in high doses also. Some of those foods are carrots, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, grapes and red wine. In saying that, Green Tea does contain the highest percentage of EGCG antioxidants than all previous mentioned foods. Green Tea also holds Vitamin B2, Riboflavin, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells, production of antibodies and cell respiration and growth. This next to EGCG and all the other antioxidants it holds, can help in avoidance of several diseases, some I spoke of above, others include strokes, blood clots, skin cancer and many minor complaints and ailments - age spots, mouth ulcers, gum disease, heartburn, lack luster hair, weak nails, even your memory and vigor. - 17268

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The Start of the Acai Berry Craze

By Brittany Koxlauger

The acai berry is indigenous to the swamps and floodplains of Central and South American where the acai palm also grows. In the local dialect acai translates to 'fruit that cries or expels water' and the acai fruit fits the depiction impeccably. In the native tribes of Brazil, the acai berry formed a considerable component of the nutritional regime. However, the recent rush in international call for this berry have also led to the farming of the palm which was not so prevalent formerly.

Although the acai berries look a lot like grapes, they have a lesser amount of pulp and are a great deal smaller than grapes. They are green or dark purple in color, depending on species and maturity, and drape in bunches of 500 to 900 fruit. The seed is very significant and takes up nearly 80% of the volume of the entire fruit and is covered in a exceptionally slim layer of pulp. The berry is thought to be a food by itself and is taken salty or sweet depending on what has been mixed with it and as per resident as well as personal preferences. The pulp and juice obtained from it are served in a variety of ways all across Brazil, Peru, Belize and other countries in the region; with granola, mixed with ice cream, in liqueur, etc. Because of these inventive uses, the acai berry has grown in demand. This growth is also due in part to the recent marketing promotion as a dietary enhancement.

Even if marketers advertise the acai berry as a marvel fruit with high fiber content, capable of producing amplified libido, heart health, skin appearance, improved digestion, heightened energy levels, reduced cholesterol, etc., there have been no independent scientific studies confirming any of these claims. There have been many complaints from consumers that the manufacturers and retailers are scamming them and even though they have applied for refunds at some point in the free trial period, the consumers are being rejected. So it is prudent that potential purchasers of this product think over their options thoroughly before taking a determination to go for it or not. Taken overall, the acai berry is precisely average as compared to other fruit in terms of nutritional content, anti - oxidant levels, vital vitamin content, etc.

Whatever little scientific studies have been conducted has revealed the berry in some of the forms mentioned in the preceding paragraph works well as a contrast agent in MRI scans. It is also a stable natural coloring agent and tests have revealed that its use may bring about a reduction in the proliferation of experimental leukemia cells in the laboratory.

Now that the plant is being cultivated, ample quantities of the seeds are set aside aside for planting in new groves or replenish damaged or destroyed tress. The seeds are regularly ground up to make food for pigs and consist of part of organic soil used at some stage in planting. - 17268

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Fat Burning In A Nutshell

By Ricardo Daryans

At any time of year, we can use every last tip to help avoid holiday weight gain. Here you will find some fat loss tips.

1) No liquid calories (with the exception of a post-workout drink).

Please, no juices, sodas or sports drinks. Liquid sugar is your worst enemy when you are trying to lose fat.

You have to say goodbye to alcohol, especially if you are adding mix to drinks, you'll be drinking hundreds of calories.

2) Forget about fast food.

Do not eat at fast food restaurants. Even if you choose what you think is healthy, remember this: Fast food restaurants are all about profit.

Fast, cheap, poor quality food ingredients is what you will find there. Accept it, it's cheap food, it's fast food, it's bad food.

If you want to be sure that the food you are eating is as good as it gets, then think about the option of preparing your own meals. There's no better way to be sure of what exactly you are eating.

But believe me, it will taste so much better than fast food, and healthy eating will make you more alert. Eating fast food will make you feel terrible, and will make you want to have an afternoon nap at your desk.

Make one small improvement to your nutrition everyday for the rest of your life.

3) Try eating more fruits and vegetables.

If you are eating 2 servings per day, then go up to 4 servings per day by the end of the week. And even if you think you are doing great by having 5 servings per day, you still need to double that (take 2-3 weeks to work your way up to 10 servings per day).

Stick with fiber-rich fruits and vegetables - organic if possible.

Most nuts are roasted in oils (possible source of trans fats), so stick to natural or dry-roasted nuts.

Don't worry...this small amount of nuts won't make you fat, but will fill you up and help you lose weight.

5) Be consistent with your workouts.

And make sure the workouts are efficient and effective. To make it easy for you to follow, stick with the Turbulence Training fat burning workout system.

If you train consistently, you'll see great results in a few weeks. It doesn't matter if you train in the morning before or after breakfast, or at night before or after dinner, or at 1pm on days when the moon is in line with Saturn.

6) EXTRA TIP: After anytime you eat a big meal, the best you can do is to go for a walk any movement is better than sitting around watching the TV, and it will help you in the fat burning process and to control your triglycerides and cholesterol. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Workouts, Having a Pump Does Not Mean You Are Gaining Muscle

By Ricardo D Argence

Picture this scenario: you've been working in the gym for half an hour and after a really hard set of your routine on the bench your chest feels tight and engorged with blood. It feels great, healthy, powerful. "Pump", is how they call that feeling. If you have ever had the feeling, then you know great it feels. Arnold said it's like having sex (i'm not really sure if it's good in THAT level, but yes, it's an amazing feeling).

A "Pump" is nothing but the tight, blood-congested feeling in a muscle after it has been intensely trained. Muscle pump is caused by a rapid influx of blood into the muscles to remove fatigue toxins and replace supplies of fuel and oxygen. But it doesn't matter how great you feel, if the goal you're trying to reach is to build muscle.

There is certainly nothing wrong with achieving a pump in the gym, and it is simply a natural result of intense weight training. However, contrary to what the majority of weightlifters may think, a pump is in no way indicative of a successful workout. Anyone who uses the intensity of their pump as a gauge for the effectiveness of their workout is making a costly error.

Maybe you have heard them (maybe you are one of them), those guys telling "my friend, this will give you a crazy pump!", and, ok, maybe you'll achieve your pump, and it will feel like heaven. But once again I tell to you: if you paid that membership and go every day to the gym to have big muscles, great muscles, if you want them look like stone, that pump is not the best way to get them.

A pump does not build muscle. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. But overloading and giving your body a reason to grow does. It's just a way to keep you training. Just that. If you really want to measure your achievements all you have to do is to keep a notebook and write down some numbers..

Take your workout records (in terms of weight and reps) from the previous week and compare it to the current week. Did you improve? Were you able to either increase the resistance slightly on each exercise, or perform an extra rep or two? If so, you had a successful workout, regardless of how much blood you were able to pump into your muscle tissue.

I hope this article cleared up your confusion on the issue of "muscle pumps". There's so much misleading muscle-building information circling around on the Internet these days that it can sometimes be impossible to know who to listen to. - 17268

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Best Fat Burning Food - The Top 9 Choices

By Travis Hunt

Contrary to popular belief, the best fat burning food isn't impossible to find at all. You won't have to break the bank for this one that's for sure. Going out to buy fat burning foods couldn't be easier.

Below, you will find a list of readily accessible fat burning super foods that can be found at your local grocer, the nearby supermarket, or even your own kitchen. Check out your top 9 best fat burning food options that will help you get that smoking hot body you've wanted forever:

* Vegetables. Leafy veggies and other kinds of veggies like cauliflower, tomatoes, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts regulate your metabolism and help control your insulin levels.

* Spices. Thermogenic foods like garlic, ginger, cinnamon, hot peppers, and mustard are fantastic. You'd definitely like these flavor enhancers. As they raise your body's temperature, they also crank up your metabolism.

* Complex Carbs. Not eating enough crabs can be detrimental to your overall health. Complex fiber-rich carbs are essentially good for you. The best fat burning food complex carbs are made up of brown rice, whole grain baked foods, beans, and oatmeal.

* Lean Meats. Your metabolic rate increases from eating foods that are high in protein. Turkey breast, eggs, and fish are rich sources of lean protein, but the best fat burning food, and probably the easiest to find, is lean chicken meat.

These are a number of other fat burning foods you should also buy more of:

* Fresh Fruits. Slice them up or blend a few of them together to make a delicious smoothie. You never have to sacrifice good taste for great quality food ever again.

* Apple Cider Vinegar or Ordinary Vinegar.

* Essential fatty acids and other foods full of Leptin like sardines, tuna, and salmon.

* White or Green Tea. Serve it hot or ice cold; it's your call.

* Low-fat dairy. Getting rid of dietary fat completely can't be good for you either. Eating junk food and highly processed fat is. Treat yourself with a small piece of dark chocolate once in a while.

These 9 mouth-watering thermogenic foods can really spice up any meal - morning, noon, or night. I'm pretty sure you already have some of these foods in your kitchen. Incorporating all these spices and ingredients can certainly add variety to your own personal menu.

Cook with these best fat burning food choices today! - 17268

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Knowing Nutritional Guidelines

By Anastacia Sampson

There are many foods that are packaged with accompanying nutritional information stated on the packaging. There is a high probability that this is read and thought to never alter. Nonetheless, there are many factors which determine anyones true gain of nutrients.

Recognise that farming conditions can alter a plants level of nutrients! A seasons harvest can have different nutritional levels to another seasons harvest. While we receive our nutrients from plants or other foods, all foods receive their nutrients from the soil or sea; which receive their nutrients from rocks. There is more to a rock or stone than meets the eye, as these hold nutrients! By the processes of erosion there is minute chipping away to permit release of nutrients. The released nutrients can then be taken up by the surrounding sea or ground.

Do note that your garden is improved by having stones in the ground. Just planting over and over and taking from the ground does deplete our soils. We really need to give back. Packaged foods do not have a fixed set level of nutrients as the packet or box said it will have it! Remember that plants can only take what is available for them to feed upon and if they grow from nutrient poor soil they reflect that in their health.

Anyone may consult with a relevant health professional to asses whether or not they are receiving levels of nutrients to match their needs. True, nutritional charts are extremely beneficial and essential to work out how to help anyone to be healthy! What we should realise is that we can not bet on that fixed numerical number and our bodies do not absorb the same percentage always. Generally we absorb more if we need it, but sometimes other factors disrupt this; such as alcoholism, certain drugs and digestive-related disruptions.

Health professionals aid us as individuals to asses whether or not we are receiving levels of nutrients to match our requirements. By having nutritional charts we manage to benefit anyone to be generally healthy! Nutritional charts are great but recognise the individuality factor! No use to delude ourselves to believe we are all identical as our bodies do not absorb the same percentage of any given food or nutrient. It is recognised that we absorb more if we need it, yet other factors disrupt this; such as alcoholism, certain drugs and digestive-related disruptions.

Read nutritional information to guide food purchases. Do not fret about the extra calorie to the detriment of better mineral levels in foods. Often we may just glimpse at the calorie content. We dismiss the levels of minerals and vitamins. Seek out whole foods. Avoid mainly fatty foods and you should be on the right path. It could be argued that minor amounts of nutritious fatty nuts help one to lose weight. Believe it or not! Its because we need minerals and vitamins to burn calories. Think like a diplomat. You can weigh less but you need minerals and vitamins, choose fairly and have a balanced meal plan. - 17268

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Food - Tips For Preparing And Storing It

By Owen Jones

In these times of superior awareness of the shortages in the world and the recent economic problems in the whole world, but particularly in the wealthy Western countries, which are the powerhouses of most Third World countries' progress, people are more aware of waste. It is a sin again to throw away food, like it was 50 years ago.

This can only be a good thing although it is a disgrace that it took an international financial crisis to make us recall the lesson. These days, waste of any kind is greeted with public censure and so it is at home too. Most people spend a very high proportion of their outgoings on food and so anyone who wants to cut back, has to first look to this quarter to make a saving.

However, saving does not inevitably mean 'not buying', it can and should mean 'not throwing away'. In other words, prepare your food and do not let your food go off. Preparation and storage are the key words. With that thought in mind, here are a few of my tips for preparing and storing food correctly.

Bread - tons of bread is wasted every day, because it has gone stale or mouldy and yet it is completely unnecessary. Keep your bread in the deep freezer and not in the bread bin. A whole loaf will slice frozen with the proper knife and sliced bread will come away slice by slice. There is no requirement to defrost as it only takes a minute or two at room temperature.

Bananas - most people understand that banana skins go black if stored in the fridge, but most people do not know that bananas can be frozen solid. Yes, the skins will still turn black, but the fruit will be unharmed.

Cake - to stop cake from going stale, store it in a tin with an apple. The moisture in the apple will stop the cake from going hard.

Watercress - to keep watercress from wilting, store it upside down in water, that is stalks up.

Salt - salt often gets damp, particularly if stored in a steamy kitchen without sufficient ventilation, but you do not have to worry about that if you put two or three grains of rice in the salt cellar. They will soak up the moisture before the salt.

Cereal - prevent cereal from going soft by resealing the bag with a few clothes pegs. Your cereal will last weeks longer.

Jam - boiling jam produces a scum which has to be skimmed off and thrown away. This wastes jam, goodness and flavour. However, if you whisk a knob of butter into the mixture at the last minute the scum will not appear, saving time and goodness.

Funnel - you always seem to need a funnel when you do not have one. Then you vow to get a funnel for the next time. Do not bother. Just cut the top nine inches off a plastic bottle of cola. It makes an excellent throw-away funnel. Some of the larger bottles even have a handle on them which is even better. - 17268

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Great Wholesome Holiday Meals For the Family

By Adriana Noton

Food is always a big part of holiday celebrations. During the holidays, it can often be difficult to make wholesome meals for the family. Fortunately, with a little planning, you can make meals for the family that will be both healthy and tasty. Although not for breakfast, below are a few wholesome healthy recipes and holiday meal ideas for the family.

1. Smoked Turkey Breast with Collard Greens: Ingredients include: 1.5 pounds collard greens, pound smoked turkey breast, cup chicken broth, minced onion, tsp. red pepper flakes, tsp. minced celery, and tsp. ground black pepper. Place the cut up pieces of collard greens and turkey in a pot. Cover them with water and cook on medium heat, covered, for 20 minutes. Add the onion, celery, red pepper flakes, chicken broth, onion, red pepper flakes, and black pepper, and cook on medium heat for approximately an hour.

2. Peppercorn Honey Mustard Pork Roast: Ingredients include: 1- pound pork loin roast, 1 orange, a 12-oz package of cranberries, 1/4 cup honey, 2 tbsp. honey mustard, 2 tbsp. crushed peppercorns, 1/2 tsp. 1 tsp. minced thyme, and 1/2 tsp. salt. Chop up orange and cranberries. Place in saucepan and blend in honey. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and cook 3 to 4 minutes. Cool. Place the pork around the roast in a roast cooking pot. Mix the honey mixture and other ingredients in a bowl. Baste the roast and pork with the sauce. Cook at 325 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove and baste the meat. Cook for another 20 minutes. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and then serve.

3. Honey Mustard Glazed Turkey: Ingredients include: 5 pound turkey breast , 1/4 cup apricot preserves, 1 tbsp. honey-style mustard. Place turkey breast in roast pan. Bake for 2 hours at 325 degrees. In a bowl, blend the mustard and apricot preserves. Baste the glaze over the turkey breast and cook for another 20 min. Remove and serve.

4. Rib Eye Roast with Gravy, Potatoes, and Mushrooms: 1 tbsp minced rosemary, 2 minced garlic gloves, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp ground black pepper, one 4-pound rib eye roast, 4 pounds small potatoes (cut in small portions), 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 pound chopped white mushrooms, 1 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp all-purpose flour, 1 can beef broth, and 1 tbsp tomato paste. In a bowl, mix rosemary, garlic, and salt and pepper. Baste the roast. Cook for 40 minutes at 350F (175C). Add potatoes to the roast pan. Cook for another 20 minutes. Put mushrooms in the roast pan, swirl, and cook for another 40 minutes. Mix butter and flour together in a bowl. Remove roast and vegetables from oven. Remove food from the pan. Add beef broth to the pan juices, boil, and cook for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat and mix in flour mixture and tomato paste, and blend. Pour the gravy in a bowl. Slice beef and serve with gravy, potatoes and gravy.

The holidays do not have to be a time of eating unhealthy foods. Careful meal planning and healthy preparation will give your family plenty of wholesome meals to eat over the holidays. - 17268

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