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Friday, December 12, 2008

Food Contamination - What Can We Do About It?

By Lidia Peru

When you buy fresh vegetables and fruits at the grocery store those items look great. We think they are clean and ready to use with just a rinse of water. But with news stories of critical illnesses caused by contaminated foods, how safe are the foods we buy?

It doesn't seem to matter whether that food is imported. We've all heard there are fewer controls on growing conditions and safety in other countries. No, the word gets out about the outbreak of contamination in spinach grown in California.

In a report edited by W. Jongen at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands, there are many considerations in improving the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods can come in contact with contaminants many times during their growing and processing cycle.

A naturally occurring danger is the overgrowth of pathogens on our foods. Given the right conditions these pathogens can create a protective shell, protecting the bacterial growth below them. These bacteria include E. coli and salmonella, to name a few.

Pesticides residues can also remain on our produce. Foods can appear to be clean and attractive, encouraging consumption without proper cleaning.

Naturally occurring fungi can be found on any organic matter. When those fungi multiply, the mycotoxins can become harmful to our health. This risk can be found in foods fed to livestock as well as foods consumed directly by consumers.

What can the consumer do to improve the qualities of the foods they feed their family? One simple tool I have found is chlorine dioxide. This chemical is found in our bodies, and is vital to health and wellness. Chlorine dioxide has also been used for treating water for over 70 years, making it an amazing water purifier. How do we get this powerful cleansing reaction? MMS, or miracle mineral solution creates chlorine dioxide when it is mixed with a food based acid like citric acid.

You can mix a small quantity of MMS and place it in a sprayer bottle with water. Spray it on your food and it will target the pathogens on your produce. Foods can also be soaked in a solution, adding an additional cleansing to assure that your foods are as clean as possible. When the chlorine dioxide is done it changes to salts and water. Using chlorine dioxide, as a last-step in food prep is simple, safe and effective.

Your family and your own health and wellness is in your hands. Our current practices with chemical fertilizers and pesticides has given us great food supplies year-round, and has served our ever growing populations. Miracle Mineral Solution and chlorine dioxide give us a tool to assure that our foods are the best they can be. - 17268

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Your Kitchen- the Last Step to Healthy Eating

By Lidia Peru

When you buy fresh vegetables and fruits at the grocery store those items look great. We think they are clean and ready to use with just a rinse of water. But with news stories of critical illnesses caused by contaminated foods, how safe are the foods we buy?

Some believe that the contaminated foods are imported, that other countries do not have the stringent guidelines for food growing and handling. So then how is it that we hear of recalls of tainted spinach from California growers?

Studies have been conducted to review and improve the safe handling of fresh foods. There are many events in the life cycle of our foods that have the potential for dangerous contamination.

A naturally occurring danger is the overgrowth of pathogens on our foods. Given the right conditions these pathogens can create a protective shell, protecting the bacterial growth below them. These bacteria include E. coli and salmonella, to name a few.

The residue of pesticides used over the growth cycle of foods can also stay on our produce. Looks can be deceiving, and while that fruit make look pretty and healthy it can contain a layer of pesticide residue on its skin.

Mycotoxin is a toxin in the fungus family. Due to their microscopically small spores,fungi are found nearly everywhere in small quantities. They feed off organic matter when the conditions are right. In too great a quantity mycotoxin poisoning can take place. This overdose can come through direct consumption or by feeding contaminated feed to livestock.

Is there anything the consumer can do to improve the qualities of their food prior to consumption? One tool I have found is to use a low cost naturally occurring chemical process that occurs when I mix miracle mineral solution, or MMS, with a food based activator, like lemon juice. The chemical reaction is to produce chlorine dioxide, an important chemical that is also produced in our bodies. Chlorine dioxide has been recognized as a water purifier for over 70 years.

It's simple to mix a little MMS then dilute it with water in a sprayer bottle. You can then use this spray as a cleansing mist over your produce, and it will target the toxins, bacterias, and fungi that can linger in foods. Do you then need to clean the MMS off your foods, or does it leave a residue? No, chlorine dioxide converts to salt and water when its done.

I know that the health and wellness of your family is important to you. Miracle Mineral Solution gives us a choice that can lead to a healthier happier environment. - 17268

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You'll Learn How To Get From Skinny To Sexy Fast!

By Westy

No Nonsense Muscle Building will help you to turn your skinny body into a sexy well muscled body in no time at all. The principles that are shown in this program by Vince Delmonte, will work toward helping you reach your goals if you follow the guidelines exactly. There will be no question in your mind about where Vince stands on excuses. From the very first page you will find out that the only obstacle that has prevented you from having the body that you want is you.

The program places the focus on the hard work that you will have to do and eliminates the negativity that may have stopped you in the past. If you follow the program exactly as it is presented, you will gain the results that are promised. There are many things that are included in this program that you will not find anywhere else and that makes this a worthwhile program to start with. You will find a focus placed on your flexibility and your endurance that is not often found in other programs.

One thing you need to remember is the focus of the program lies on adding muscles to those skeletal-like bodies. Vince brings to you the best approach to develop great muscles; he emphasizes on it and says "The Skinny Guy's Secrets to Insane Muscle Gain." Vince would love to see you free from excuses and heading for some great work. Once he is convinced, he'll put you through his work out methods based on the 9 principles of growth. Every trainer has to abide by these basic rules, missing out on one will not produce the best results.

If you truly intend to gain a lot, then you will have to understand the methods and make it regular practice when you are working out. The best thing about Vince is that he has given a broader explanation of all his principles including the heavy weights, progressive overloads and intensity. The terminology and its application are stated very clearly.

Vince has dedicated two chapters of the book to recovery and hormones. He says that proper rest is very essential for the body to build up your strength. Hormones play a major role in developing muscle mass, Vince has made it an important element, and his diets and trainings are aimed at increasing the hormones that help in muscle building. Life isn't that easy with Vince as your trainer, he just won't settle down for a gym session. He prefers cyclic periodization program, followed by a change in sets and the reps that can avoid adaptation and trigger the muscle fibers.

In the early part of your program, you might find the workouts and program a little complicated. Once you are past this early time, you will find the reading a bit easier to follow and the program becomes very simple. The members area of the program will allow you to find more information about the program and your fifty two week workout program. There is a calendar included that allows you to schedule your workouts. There are also fully animated descriptions of all the exercises so that you can be sure that you are doing them properly.

When you use the calendar, you will find it easier to set goals and reach those goals. The program works on a three week gym session cycle. It is possible to personalize the program so that you can work on your weak areas and work your way up to the level that you want. When you are dealing with issues about your body, you will find answers to the issues that will allow you to continue with the program and gain the results.

Flexibility training (stretching done to increase your body's flexibility from the very first day), lessening muscle imbalances (maintaining an even balance between the strong and the weak parts of your body) and specialty workouts are a part of Vince is training section. You start with the weight training and proceed towards some of the modern techniques of maintaining your body.

Listening to your body is also an important part of the program. You will learn how to use what your body is telling you to your advantage. This is something that every trainer has to be aware of when they are working with bodybuilding. - 17268

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Muscle Building Workouts, How to get a Solid Chest

By Ricardo d Argence

Building muscle for a solid chest is surrounded by several delusions and wrong ideas. Working out any area of the body takes discipline. In this case, disciplined targeting of the pectorals is necessary to get that lovely chiseled look. Bench presses are believed by most to be the best way to achieve these goals. To get a refined look, its important to try additional exercises besides this one, although it does work the pectoral.

If you do these easy weight workouts, you can create an attractive and well-built chest.

High Cable crossover will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs. Low Cable crossovers, is another inner pec exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension.

Bench press-Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral. Bench press-Close grip, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest.

Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles but you really have to squeeze them together. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench. Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs.

These are a few good chest muscle exercises, varying your workout will decrease the likely hood of you reaching a plateau. Now it is important that you also realize that nutrition and rest are equally important.

When you are building muscle, nutrition is as important as weight lifting. When you lift weights, you are actually tearing muscle tissue. To repair the muscle and thereby make it larger your body requires protein and complex carbohydrates. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Water is also important for any workout routine. The human body needs water to provide nutrients to the cells, process waste, and keep the internal body temperature regulated. Along with all of these, water acts as a cushion for the joints and offers protection for the important internal organs. It is important to increase your daily fluid intake, as intensive workouts can easily deplete vital fluid levels.

Getting an adequate amount of rest is just as important to any other factor when body building. Some product salesperson suggested the thought that sleep is unfavorable to building muscle, claiming that a catabolic phenomenon occurs while at sleep. However it is a false claim by marketers wanting to sell their product on saying that this is where the muscle wastes away. This isn't just a baldfaced lie, it may actually result in grave consequences mentally as well as physically.

Sleep is your body's way of regenerating and healing itself, without sleep your muscles will not heal properly and all your work will have been for nothing. Not to mention the fact that you will be fatigued and enable to complete future training sessions.

Bring all of the above elements together and you will quickly build muscle and have the solid chest you have always wanted. Eat right, diversify your routine, and get plenty of sleep to make the most of your body building sessions. - 17268

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Best Bodybuilding Supplements, About Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is not actually a drug, but instead is a natural substance that our bodies produce. Actually, it's a combination of three amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. We can also get creatine from our diets, mostly from animal products like meat or fish.

It helps the body do so-called "explosive" high intensity and repetitive exercise. This means that you can get a better workout when you take creatine, and you'll feel better after your workout too, since your muscles can cover much more quickly from fatigue. It helps reduce the accumulation of lactic acid after your workout, which will help you avoid muscle soreness after your workout.

Even though you can get creatine from your diet, taking supplements of creatine will give you larger amounts of it. Taken within reason, this can help you exercise longer with less fatigue and soreness, and with faster recovery times so that you'll recuperate for less time between workout sessions. This is especially helpful for bodybuilders or other athletes who wish to build muscle mass quickly or improve performance by working out longer and harder.

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP, is a found in your muscles and is simply waiting for you to have a use and need for it. When necessary, it can be given to you speedily and at once, which results in an "explosive" benefits to muscles, making it possible to do intense workouts nearly immediately.

Just remember that while taking creatine your body is going to retain more water in your muscles, resulting in the need for you to increase your intake of water to off set the rest of your organs. In short, be sure you drink enough when you're taking creatine.

Creatine can help you work out longer, harder and more frequently than you can without it, which can help you build muscle faster. It can also greatly reduce muscle soreness after workouts, which not only means you can work out sooner, but you'll also feel better.

However, it has some cons, too. You will experience weight gain because your body will retain water in its muscles. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but just be prepared for the higher number on the scale. You can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures, in addition. Also, it is not advised to take Creatine if you have kidney problems due to the added stress that Creatine can cause to the kidneys.

In order to function correctly and have effective workouts, you must eat right, no matter the supplements you take.

No amount of creatine in the world will help your workout if you still sit there and eat junk food in lieu of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Your muscles require something to build themselves with and junk food will not work. In order to have a more healthy diet it is as simple as adding lean meats, fish and complex carbohydrates as well as fruits and vegetables to your diet. Limit or eliminate trans fats, simple sugars and carbohydrates, and junk food in general.

That said, though, with these guidelines in place, creatine can certainly help you improve your workouts and therefore your muscle mass as long as it's used properly. - 17268

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Find Out Why The Most Popular Diet Plans Aren't The Best Plans!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is nearly impossible to flip on the television today and not see an advertisement of one kind or another for a weight loss plan. If all these plans worked are there so many? the best that I can give you in order to pick the best diet is right for you is to know how your body works. Directly below I've outlined some of the most popular weight-loss programs available online and below I have provided links to highly successful ones you had never heard of.

1. Jenny Craig. This diet needs no introduction its spokespeople Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli are all over the media. We've seen Kirstie Alley shrink from a behemoth to merely a very large woman. And Valerie Bertinelli has made a remarkable transformation. This plan has one big drawback. It is extremely expensive. The mAonthly fee while only $20 does not hint at or reveal that the actual cost is much more. The food is great but expensive. On the plus side the plan matches you with counselor with whom you can speak about your progress or lack thereof when you go in for weigh ins.

2. Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers has by and far been the most successful plan on the market for some time. No food is off limits. The POINTS system allows you to eat whatever you want as long as you don't exceed the daily point value for your weight group. The literature and meetings teach members how to make better food choices so they can eat more and not feel hungry. Exercise is encouraged but it is not necessary for the program to work. Still, exercise is a vital part of our total health and you should consider adding it to any diet you partake in.

3. South Beach. This diet gets a lot of attention because of its advertisement that you will lose up to 13 pounds in the first two weeks. This is done by eating a very restricted diet. In fact the first two weeks are the most restrictive. The basis of the plan, reprogramming the Body to burn calories more efficiently. The foods that are initially restricted are slowly added over time to balance out the diet. The diet really picked up momentum due to the fact that many different providers make frozen meals, bars, and breakfast cereal sold thousands of popular grocery stores.

4. NutriSystem. This diet program is based on the glycemic index for rating carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that is low on the glycemic index is one that will release its energy slowly throughout the day so that sugar levels in the blood are stable, reducing hunger. High glycemic index foods are metabolized quickly and give you a burst of energy but makes you crash not long afterwards. The meals are already portioned out to avoid counting calories, fats, and carbs.

So how you you choose the right diet for you? All of them are promising and will work. Let me help you. Visit my site now, learn more about these diets and I'll show you how to choose the correct one for you. Visit my site today. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter you'll receive free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 17268

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What are the Best Natural Cures For Thyroid Problems

By Terry Bassett

Thyroid health is a concern for nearly 11,000,000 Americans. When the thyroid is healthy, then your overall body is likely healthy as the thyroid is responsible for maintaining your metabolism, weight, and cholesterol levels. It does this by producing thyroid hormone which regulates the various needs of your body. Many people fail to realize the thyroid's major role in maintaining their overall health and how easily this can be accomplished with natural cures for thyroid problems.

So, what is a thyroid and what are the natural cures for thyroid problems? To start, the thyroid is a gland that's part of the endocrine system. It is responsible for regulating several body functions such as blood pressure, heart rate (or pulse), body temperature (or basal temperture - sometimes called core temperature), and converting food into energy (metabolism). Hormones produced by the thyroid have an essential role in the function of every cell in the body. These hormones are responsible for the regulation of growth and metabolism in the body of both adults and children. Insufficient thyroid hormone can have devastating, life-long effects on children.

Natural cures for thyroid problems are ways to combat hypothyroidism and commonly take the form of supplements. These supplements can be whole-natural (meaning they're from the earth with all-natural ingredients) or synthetic (meaning they're man-made in a laboratory). For most thyroid sufferers, it's better to use whole-natural cures for thyroid problems for several reasons.

First, synthetic supplements typically only have one of the necessary thyroid hormones (typically T3 or T4). Whole-natural supplements will have a broader range (as much as T1, T2, T3, and T4).

Second, synthetic supplements have inconsistencies in their dosage because they're man-made. Natural supplements have a consistent dosage because they're made by Mother Nature herself.

And finally, when all costs for a synthetic are factored in (drive to the doctor, office co-pay, prescription co-pay, insurance deductable, etc), natural cures for thyroid problems cost less.

Benefits of natural cures for thyroid problems:

* Natural supplements have more of necessary thyroid hormones.

* Natural supplements have more consistent dosages.

* Natural supplements have an overall lower cost. - 17268

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Salt Free Seasoning - Learn How To Prepare Meals Without Salt

By Nnaemeka Ferdinand

Getting your meal to be tasty can be done even if you want to keep a salt free diet. Salt as it has already been mentioned in all types of media can be inimical to one's health, especially for one's heart. If consumed a lot, it can prevent the elimination of water from one's body. This has caused many to give up salt and instead enhance the flavor of their meal using salt free seasoning.

Salt free seasoning refers to mixtures of spices and herbs free of salt added to this blend meant to make your food tastier and thus more appealing. Seasoning of course varies from one dish to another, depending on whether the dish contains meat or not. Some spices as they are combined would rather go with vegetables or with a certain kind of meat, white or red. Recipes of salt free seasoning are available from a variety of sources, be they internet sites or cookery books.

One type of salt free seasoning is that which actually makes the salad dressing. As usual, the dressing should be made with a bit of oil and vinegar. But additionally you can add garlic and onion powder, basil, sage and black pepper. Your salad will still be delicious without any salt, unlike what you actually expect in case you are used to eating salted food.

Another type of salt free seasoning is the one meant for cooking fish or seafood. In doing this you should mix one and and half table spoon of pepper in addition with lemon peel and two table spoons of crushed dill, tarragon or chives. Dried mustard or garlic powder are optional. In case you are cooking fish, a bit of paprika will not only boost the flavor, it will also add to the nice and appealing aspect of the dish.

Last but not least the oriental seasoning can also be prepared without any salt and thus we can obtain a different kind of salt free seasoning. Oriental flavors traditionally rely on ginger, garlic and pepper and these can be added in equal quantities so that all three main ingredients can be tasted and felt equally. Usually up to half a spoon should do for one pound of meat.

Of course Mexican food is also a delight to many. A Mexican salt free seasoning can as well be home prepared and it should contain onion, chili and garlic powder mixed with ground cumin. In case you like thyme, basil black pepper and oregano these can also be added to the blend.

No matter the seasonings you prefer and discover as a favorite in supermarkets, you can prepare at home on your own. All you need is to buy your own ingredients and make your own salt free seasoning based on the ingredients mentioned on the label of the seasoning you like so much. By doing this, you can guarantee better health and tasty food at the same time. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Neck

By Westy

It is very noticeable when you see a bodybuilder who has developed the muscles in their neck. The appearance of well developed neck muscles is one of the ways that you can determine who has been working on their body for a while and who has not. You will also be doing something to prevent any injuries that could occur from your other exercises.

One exercise that is very common to improve the muscles in the neck is the shrug. There are some variations that can be used, but it is actually a very simple exercise. Just shrug your shoulders.

You can do the shrug using dumbells, or a barbell. And surprisingly you can often lift a fair bit of weight doing this exercise too. It's only got a short range of motion so you don't have to really do all that much work. It's easy to do the shrug, just grab the weight, hold near your waist and shrug your shoulders like you don't give a damn. Lift them, up, then down slowly. The control of this exercise is important.

You can develop loads of strength by working with your ideal weight rep range between about 5-7. But be careful. You should make sure you're well warmed up before you start. Even before you attempt to find out what your best rep range is, you should do a couple of workouts using less weight. This is because the neck is a horrible place to get an injury. Just be careful if you've not done much neck work before. Injury in this area is the last thing you need.

There are some other exercises that you can add after you have begun to develop the muscles in the neck.

The exercise is called the weighted neck flexion and it is performed as follows:

1. Wrap a weight plate in a towel

2. Lay back on your weight bench with your head off of the bench.

3. Place the plate on the forehead and support it with your hands.

4. lift your body in a situp style movement using your neck muscles till your chin touches your chest

5. lower your body slowly till you are fully extended again

6. Keep going until you are finished.

Do this exercise in reverse on your stomach.

Other exercises include the neck extension and flexion. Simply place your hands on the appropriate side of the head and apply resistance while pussing in the other direction. You should feel a decent neck workout by simply using your own body to do the work like this. It's a great way to start. Stay away from other exercises like the Neck Bridge unless you've been working out extensively for a good while and have need for this level of neck strength. This exercise would usually only be usefull if you're into wrestling, boxing, martial arts etc. Make sure you get proper guidance if you're attempting the Neck Bridge.

The neck is a small part of your upper body workout and should be strengthened along with your chest, back and shoulders. Make sure that you are working on the muscles in your neck to gain the strength that will benefit you in other parts of your workout routine. - 17268

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Health Infos - Heart Rate Monitors

By Manu Hagen

Heart rate monitors used to be exclusively operated by physicians and nurses alone but that was soon rectified with today's multi-tasking generation. Every mortal seemed to want to know about everything that was related to them and that of course included monitoring their own heartbeats.

Also known as a cardiac monitor, a heart monitor is a piece of electronic equipment that can be used to track or observe heart functions continuously. It allows people to place a numerical value on their healthiness based on their heart rate and have a target heart rate to work for. The more complex versions of the heart monitor allow physicians to see any signs of deterioration or improvement and make the necessary adjustments immediately.

Today, heart monitors are produced by the millions and designed to cater specific types of individuals. Some heart monitors are primarily designed for weight loss programs while others are meant for the use of athletes or fitness programs. Some are wireless or come as a built-in feature of exercise equipment like a treadmill or an exercise bike. It can be strapped to your wrist or of considerable size. It may or may not emit any electromagnetic waves, depending on its purpose. A fatal heart monitor, for instance, must not produce any waves at all as this may affect the health of the baby.

ECG-Accurate Monitors with Chest Straps - Heart monitors which come with chest straps have been some-more mostly not a many correct of heart monitors. A chest tag is strapped around your chest, a couple of centimetres next your breast. It contains a device that's means to acknowledge electrical wake up of your heart as great as broadcast it to a brain of an appurtenance - usually similar to an ECG. A formula has been shown upon an arrangement monitor, which many of times are trustworthy to your wrist similar to a watch. Others however cite formula to be transmitted by audio messages around earphones.

Upon choosing heart monitors with chest straps, you need to remember to keep the strap constantly connected to your body lest you want the heart monitor to produce inaccurate readings.

Lastly, a usually pick opposite shopping heart monitors with chest straps have been an ones which rest upon pulses upon your fingertips. These however do not yield readings as correct as those with chest straps.

Heart Guard Facilities - Basic as great as reduce finish models lend towards to arrangement usually your heart rate as great as might be a gone by practice time as well. This of march does not yield enough report if we wish to know just how most we need to urge prior to we can be competent as a utterly full of health individual. Higher finish models will of March suggest a wider operation of facilities - for a price. Examples of such facilities have been - though not singular to - heart rate section alarms, timers as great as series of calories burned. It might additionally concede users to set pre-programmed workouts along with a targeted heart rate.

Ease of Have make use of - Lastly, we contingency squeeze a heart rate guard which we will have no problems of using. What great would a tall finish heart guard do if it takes us an hour to work it? Have been a numbers as great as difference looming in a heart rate guard readable? Can it be used in no-light situations? Have been buttons well-labelled as great as ergonomically positioned?

Heart monitors can be especially costly, more so if you are intent on purchasing higher-end models. If you have a limited budget, you should ask yourself whether or not you truly need to buy a heart monitor. You can of course purchase one of the lower-end models but low calibre heart monitors can lead to inaccurate results and that sort of defeats the purpose of buying one.

If you are intent on purchasing a heart monitor, you need to ask yourself another question: do you need to make a solo purchase or is it alright with you to use the heart monitor that comes as a built-in feature of a treadmill? Lastly, you should remember as well that you can always pay your doctor regular visits and have him monitor your heart rate for you. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Exercises for your TRAPS

By Westy

The traps, as they are commonly called, are the Trapezius muscles. They connect your back and your neck (to put it simply). Most often they are trained when working out the shoulders or back. There are only a few exercises you can use to train these muscles. But don't let that put you off. You can achieve massive growth in this are using just a few simple movements. Often it's enough to simply do a few shrugs after your main workout exercises.

The main exercises that will work these muscles are the upright row and the shrug.

The first exercise is the shrug.

You can perform this exercise very simply with a barbell or dumbbells. You can do these exercises from a position in the back or the front.

It is a simple exercise to perform and you will simply have to hold the weight and shrug your shoulders. That is all there is to it. The exercise can be performed with a shoulder roll as well. When you are performing the shrug you will have to roll your shoulders at the same time.

How it's done:

1. Grab the weight and hold it at arms length in front of your body using an overhand grip

2. Lift the shoulders and try to reach your ears with your shoulders.

3. Hold your shoulders up and then lower them slowly, repeat the movement.

One of the most important parts of this exercise is the amount of control that you use when you are lifting your shoulders. Avoid straining the neck and keep control over the movement. You can use a very heavy weight because of the small range of motion. There are other exercises that you can do, including the upright row. This is often used as a part of the shoulder exercise and it can work the traps and the shoulders at the same time.

Here is how the upright row is done:

1. You should use a wide grip if you are going to be giving the traps a greater intensity.

2. Hold the bar with a wide grip at arms length near your thighs

3. Lift the bar straight up along the line of your body until you get to about the hight of your chin

4. Hold the bar in place and slowly lower the bar, repeat the movement.

It's important to keep you elbows high so they are higher than the bar throughought the movement. These 2 exercises, combined with some solid shoulder exercises and back workouts will help you develop the stronger neck and traps muscles you've been looking for. - 17268

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Are Vitamins For Thyroid Health Beneficial?

By David McCarthy

Vitamins for thyroid health are an ideal alternative to doctor visits and prescription medicines. There's a number of different thyroid hormone replacement drugs on the pharmaceutical marketplace. They are pricey drugs composed of synthetic ingredients with little (often no) natural ingredients. Despite the proven fact that the thyroid is in charge of some complicated jobs, it does not need a complicated diet to keep it healthy. That is why vitamins for thyroid health are strongly recommended.

What is the thyroid gland? The thyroid is a small gland, but it has a huge responsibility. Among many things, it's responsible for maintaining your metabolism. If the thyroid goes afoul, your body will suffer. This is why thyroid health is essential for normal bodily function and healthy living.

The thyroid gland is located below the Adam's Apple in the lower front of the throat below the larynx and above the collar bone. The thyroid gland creates hormones to control the body's metabolic processes.

A daily supplement of vitamins for thyroid health will allow for optimal thyroid function. Minerals along with a couple grams of Vitamin C and a strong multivitamin is recommended daily, however the multivitamin supplement you take must be of high quality, preferably the kind found at dedicated health stores. Larger national drug store brands such as Centrum or Centrum Silver are not adequate as those types of multivitamins are created as a "one size fits all" solution because the makers try to accommodate to the widest possible consumer base. In other words, nationally advertised multivitamins simply do not have the potency or bioavailability that thyroid sufferers need.

Benefits of vitamins for thyroid health:

*All natural and safe; no side effects.

*Vitamins are vailable over-the-counter. You don't need a prescription.

*They're cheap when compared to prescriptions. - 17268

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