Food Contamination - What Can We Do About It?
It doesn't seem to matter whether that food is imported. We've all heard there are fewer controls on growing conditions and safety in other countries. No, the word gets out about the outbreak of contamination in spinach grown in California.
In a report edited by W. Jongen at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands, there are many considerations in improving the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods can come in contact with contaminants many times during their growing and processing cycle.
A naturally occurring danger is the overgrowth of pathogens on our foods. Given the right conditions these pathogens can create a protective shell, protecting the bacterial growth below them. These bacteria include E. coli and salmonella, to name a few.
Pesticides residues can also remain on our produce. Foods can appear to be clean and attractive, encouraging consumption without proper cleaning.
Naturally occurring fungi can be found on any organic matter. When those fungi multiply, the mycotoxins can become harmful to our health. This risk can be found in foods fed to livestock as well as foods consumed directly by consumers.
What can the consumer do to improve the qualities of the foods they feed their family? One simple tool I have found is chlorine dioxide. This chemical is found in our bodies, and is vital to health and wellness. Chlorine dioxide has also been used for treating water for over 70 years, making it an amazing water purifier. How do we get this powerful cleansing reaction? MMS, or miracle mineral solution creates chlorine dioxide when it is mixed with a food based acid like citric acid.
You can mix a small quantity of MMS and place it in a sprayer bottle with water. Spray it on your food and it will target the pathogens on your produce. Foods can also be soaked in a solution, adding an additional cleansing to assure that your foods are as clean as possible. When the chlorine dioxide is done it changes to salts and water. Using chlorine dioxide, as a last-step in food prep is simple, safe and effective.
Your family and your own health and wellness is in your hands. Our current practices with chemical fertilizers and pesticides has given us great food supplies year-round, and has served our ever growing populations. Miracle Mineral Solution and chlorine dioxide give us a tool to assure that our foods are the best they can be. - 17268
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