Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Truth about Antioxidants and Cancer

By Travis Van Slooten

People are frequently discussing the benefits of antioxidants. Antioxidants work to slow down the process of cancer and sometimes even prevent it. Yes, the underlying truth regarding antioxidants and cancer simply is that antioxidants really work to prevent the development of cancer in your body.

Antioxidants are our bodies' first line of defense in slowing down the destructive action of free radicals, which are found inside the body and in the environment. When they reach high levels in the body, they can be harmful and may cause cancer. Antioxidants have the power to stop free radicals from multiplying and doing severe damage to our bodies.

There has been a lot of laboratory studies conducted that show not only that they work to slow down cancer but that they may even possibly prevent cancer development. In fact, many cancer patients load up on antioxidants to slow down the cancer process.

While fruits and vegetables are the best sources of antioxidants, they can also be found in other foods including certain meat products, poultry, fish, and nuts. Common anti-oxidants that are most useful in combating free radicals in the body are beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, selenium, and Vitamins A, C, and E. If you don't act to repair the free radicals already found in your body, they will only grow more in number as by stealing electrons from other atoms, these in turn, will become free radicals too. The more free radicals are presents in one's body, the greater the possibility of cell damage, until eventually you may develop cancer-ridden cells.

They work to flush the free radicals from your body and repairing the cell damage already inflicted by the free radicals. Where do free radicals come from? Why do you have to fight against so many to be healthy? It is because free radicals come from many places and actions. Simply breathing in oxygen causes free radicals. You also get them in abundance from exposure to sunlight, food digestion, pollution and cigarette smoking.

There are also persons who come from a family line who are prone to certain types of cancer, and if you are one those, it is all the more imperative for you to pack on more antioxidants in your body. And even if you just want to lessen the chances of developing cancer, the answer is in eating more fruits and vegetables, which are rich sources of antioxidants.

Choosing a high quality antioxidant supplement is also important because most people just do not get enough fruits and vegetables to stabilize the free radicals in their body. Don't rely on supplements solely for health as it's important to get as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can. The perfect one-two punch to help prevent cancer is fruits and vegetables and a high-quality supplement! - 17268

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Over 40? Enhancing Your Muscle Mass

By Susan O Esquire

Are you over the hill at 40? While it is true that you metabolism slows down as we age, this does not prevent you from improving your muscle mass when you are over 40 years old. There are a number of ways you can increase your metabolism with the help of diet, exercise and even massage therapy. If you are looking to improve your muscle mass, then you need to plan your diet to support your body. Building up muscle mass requires working out your muscles. Massage therapy helps to improve both warm up prior to exercise and warm down of muscles after exercise.

One of the issues of aging is a slowing metabolism. As our metabolism slows down we will also tend to lose muscle mass. With a slowing of metabolism also comes with a lack of energy on our part to better control it. This can leave use with the spare tire around our midsection. This is just a normal occurrence as we age.

Getting older causes our bodies to slow down the metabolic rate through time. This can lead to the build up of more fat and the loss of muscle mass. There are ways to increase your metabolism which can help to reduce fat and to increase muscle mass.

You can improve muscle mass over 40, but you must push yourself, work extra hard and rise above it. Once you get to a certain point, you will build up muscle mass as your metabolism starts to pick up. Remember muscle tends to burn more calories than fat and this also increases our metabolism.

Your diet is very important to help you increase your metabolism and to increase your muscle mass. It is always best to work with a nutritionist so that you get a balanced diet and the right types of energy sources. Like anything new, take it slow and avoid drastically changing your eating habits.

Exercise needs to target specific areas for building up muscle mass. Like any exercise, do not over focus on certain muscles. Remember your body is a machine and it must work together to be effective. Establish your routine and build your strength. Exercise helps to increase your metabolism.

Massage therapy is a great addition to your new regimen. Massage helps to improve your range of motion, removes toxins from the body and can help improve circulation. A massage chair can be a great asset and provides many different treatments to the body.

Women have a fear about adding muscles as they have a perception that they will become more masculine. However, women do not have the high levels of testosterone to build up the bulky muscles like men do. Do not worry women, you will only become more voluptuous as your curves will be better highlighted.

Anytime you start something new, it is important to stick with the basics. Master the basics of diet, exercise and massage. Keep these in balance and do not over do it. Think about getting a massage chair to help relieve the tension from your body and to help you build up muscle mass in the healthiest way possible. Massage chairs are an extremely convenient method of getting massage therapy.

Do you have the determination to improve your muscle mass? You can certainly do it. Just realize that you have to work harder at it to increase your metabolism. You will not achieve results in one week. You have to stick with it and over a 2 to 3 month period you will see results. Stick to your diet, exercise program and massage chair therapy and you will feel increases in energy and much greater strength than you have in years. - 17268

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Lifetime Benefits of Taking Fish Oil

By David Reynolds

Several researches has revealed that there are tons of benefits that we can get from the omega 3 fatty acids extracted from fish oil, and these benefits can last a lifetime.

How can we benefit from fish oil?

It can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life. It is also said to be good for the development of the brain. There are claims that it can help people get higher scores in IQ tests too. It is also said to reduce depression tendencies and gives fewer headaches. People experiencing arthritis should also try this as it can reduce arthritis pain. It is good for the heart and is a good protection against prostate and breast cancer. It can also help those with diabetes. It basically has a lot of health benefits.

From the time of conception, omega 3 fatty acids play a very important role in our lives. It helps in the production of healthy egg cell for women and sperm cells for men. Adequate amounts of EPA and DHA are needed by both men and women to assure a healthy pregnancy.

During the time of gestation, omega 3 fatty acids are needed for baby's brain development. Our brain is made up of long chain omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA. There is around 70% of it in a baby's brain and more than 60% in an adult, and fish has been reputed to be a food for the brain.

Balanced ratios of DHA and EPA which can be found in 1200mg of pure omega 3 fish oil is highly recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a supplement for pregnant and nursing women.

At least 1000 mg of pure omega 3 fish oil is also recommended as a daily supplement by the NIH to other adults. For what reason? Just view these results.

The EPA and DHA found in fish oil is said to be good in preventing inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, bursitis, cystitis and other disorders, according to some clinical tests.

Fish oil does not necessarily cure such conditions, but it can provide safe and natural relief from the condition without harmful side effects.

EPA and DHA are also said to be good in preventing heart diseases according to researches. It helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevents irregular heartbeat, and blood clotting which can lead to stroke and possibly sudden cardiac arrest.

Lastly, reports show that a diet supplemented regularly with omega 3 fish oil helps prevent Alzheimer's and increases the chances of patients who are terminally ill with cancer to have a higher survival rate and a much better quality of life.

Truly adequate intake of omega 3 fatty acids can be beneficial to our health, while the lack of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet can cause some health problems like bipolar disorder, depression, pre-menstrual syndrome, violence and suicide.

Recent survey results however, have been very bothering, as it shows that 85% of Americans have deficiency in these fatty acids and around 98% of pregnant and lactating women get only less than 18% of the recommended amount by the NIH.

And not only that, there is a big problem in around 20% of the American population, as the two omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA cannot be detected in their blood. They have an extremely low level of DHA and EPA.

Now is your chance to make sure you get enough fish oil. Start it by eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies and sardines. You may also opt for taking high quality pure fish oil as daily supplements. - 17268

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How to be Fit in a Right Way

By Stephen Unato

Its easy to enroll in a gym. Its easy to choose a diet. Its easy to wish you have a beautiful body. But then, once you begin these things, you will realize that not all of them are easy. Not all of them are easy to achieve.

Once you have started a program, it will either make you or break you. Yes, exercise can change your body but they will be hard to reach without proper guidance. Many programs will be offered to you but not all of them will give you good results.

Diet plays an important role to your fitness too. You may have read some of them. You may try some. Or friends will tell you what to do. There are many sources, but you will stumble again on one problem. You will become confused if which one would be the right for you.

Every problem has a solution. And when we talk about weight loss, The Body Project Studio is the one who have all the expertise on it. They will give you all the things that you need in order to have that perfect body that you want.

They have pretty good instructors that aides you in every exercise. And these exercises are for the ones that you really need to develop. You do not have to do a lot and then suffer a terrible effect. They will take you slowly but surely.

In terms of your diet, they have nutritionists know what to do with you. You will be given diets that are suited to your needs. And together with proper exercise you will have what you want.

Plus, they will monitor and evaluate your progress and suggest what is good for you. This ensures that every program that you are in is effective. If not they can easily modify it. This will lead to really good results.

They can also be checked on line. There are people who have undergone their training and joyfully posted their testimonies to the site. You can check them out to, and once you have been successful you can post your story there and help change others lives. - 17268

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How Can a Strict Yoga Regimen Help Me Reduce Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are a variety of remedies and activities that may hold some promise for helping you reduce your bruises, but you probably have not considered undertaking a yoga program before. Different people have various definitions for yoga. Some people base their involvement with yoga for spiritual awareness, while other people are strictly interested in gaining better strength and better flexibility, which might also become a pathway for helping you be able to help prevent your bruising.

When you are getting set up to begin the practice of yoga, there are numerous options available to you. The only things that you really need to get started are some comfortable clothes and a yoga mat that will provide you traction and minimal joint protection. There are likely a lot of beginning yoga classes that are available in your local area, and if you would rather learn on your own, you have the option of using a instructional videos downloaded from the internet or commercially available DVD's.

When you practice yoga, you are strengthening your body and building up muscles. Similarly, you are at once relaxing your body and training it to do things like fall more gracefully and to move more gracefully in general. As your body gets healthier and healthier through this exercise, you will discover your bruising may become much less common.

There are many different forms of yoga from which to choose. Hatha yoga is the method most commonly taught, and vikram yoga, is considered to be an aerobic activity because of the intensity of the workouts. Also, there is very gently yoga that is practiced mainly by pregnant women or parents with small children.

One of the most important things about yoga is that it will make you sweat, and through sweating, you will be removing impurities from your body. Take a moment to think about how toxicities can build up in your body and use up the body's resources to fight. Your body should be in a place where you can devote your resources towards healing bruises quickly and effectively, and this is where any good exercise program can prove beneficial.

You are already aware that bruises are caused from the breakage of tiny blood vessels right below your skin, but you should also be aware of the means available to help prevent the bruising. Yoga helps prevent bruising because it increases your cardiovascular fitness level, which causes your veins to become stronger and less susceptible to minor bumps that cause bruises.

One of the greatest advantages of participating in a yoga routine is the fact that you will become more graceful. Your movements will be much surer, and this will greatly reduce your occasions of roughly bumping yourself into something. You may also be taught to fall in such a manner that will result in less bruising.

You've now learned how yoga can be beneficial in helping you overcome your bruising easily. Perhaps now would be a good time to evaluate how combining a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your yoga routine can increase the chances of your helping reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Lose Weight With Acai Berries

By Damien Surplus

The acai berry is a deep purple fruit that grows on trees in the Amazonian rain forests of South and Central America. It has recently been touted as a super food and popular weight loss supplement. Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have helped to popularize the fruit and its health and weight loss benefits.

With all the hype and claims about weight loss products out there, it is important to understand that the acai berry by itself cannot help you to lose weight. Like any effective weight loss program, you will still need to eat right and exercise on a regular basis. However, that doesn't mean the acai berry isn't effective in helping you to lose weight.

Although acai berries alone is not a sole solution to losing weight, the purple berry can provide your body with several benefits to help it lose weight. The berry is packed full of fiber, minerals, phytosterols, antioxidants and fatty acids. Your body needs all of these things to remain healthy, burn calories and fat, and lose weight.

One of the critical things you need to do to lose weight is to boost your metabolism. This helps to burn calories faster and more effectively. The acai berry is rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids which help to increase your metabolism and therefore burn fat and calories more efficiently.

Acai berries are also full of fiber which offers you a couple of important benefits related to losing weight. First of all fiber helps your digestive tract to break down and move food through and out of your body rather than storing it as fat. Eating foods rich in fiber also helps to keep you feeling full and you will be less likely to reach for high calorie snack foods.

Another beneficial thing that acai berries contain is photosterols which are another thing that provides benefits to your digestive tract. They help to keep your digestive tract healthy and also work in improving your cardiovascular system. When you have a healthy digestive tract, your food can move through and out of your body more efficiently and faster.

Another thing acai berries are rich in is amino acids. Your body needs amino acids to develop and keep your muscles working efficiently. When you have strong muscles working efficiently, you will burn fat and calories more effectively which helps you to lose weight.

Some of the hype and claims concerning acai berries does merit some skepticism, and the highly touted berry cannot alone cause you to lose weight. However, without a doubt the berry is full of many important health benefits. The acai berry can help to increase your metabolism, which in turn assists your body in burning calories and fat more efficiently, improves digestion and facilitates a healthy digestive tract, helps in the muscle building process, will keep your energy level up and help you stay feeling full, which all work to help you in losing weight. - 17268

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What Are The Possible Acai Berry Side Effects?

By Travis Van Slooten

With all of the great health benefits of acai berry receiving plenty of press, many people are left wondering if there are acai berry side effects. Most products only list their side effects in the small print as it is. But when a super fruit like acai berry becomes as popular as it has, it is important that people know whether or not they can rush out and try the supplement. There are some very important things that you need to know about before you consider acai berry.

Side Effects of Acai Berry in its Raw Form

Natives living in the Amazon rainforests in Brazil where acai berry is sourced have made this fruit part of their daily intake for hundreds of years now. Studies reveal acai consists of about 40% of their diet. The fact that no side effects have been observed from the people who consume the largest quantities of acai should say something about eating acai in its raw form. The only instance where a few individuals might have some adverse reaction to acai is if they have pollen or food allergies that might be set off by eating the fruit. But this is no different than what other people experience from eating mangoes or oranges which could trigger irritants in the body. Other than this, it's safe to assume that acai berry in its natural form should cause little or no discomfort at all.

How are the Supplements Different?

The fact remains that all supplements are not created equal. While many people may experience no reactions to a raw acai berry product, there could be reactions to specific supplements. Some of these problems could be attributed to the supplement manufacturers. Some companies may use filler such as caffeine, which may cause undesirable reactions in many people. Other acai products may have additional sugars or dyes which could cause misconstrued acai berry side effects in certain people. However, many people who experience reactions are simply not using the product in the recommended way. As with almost any other product, too much can be a bad thing. Drinking too many acai berry beverages, for instance, may cause upset stomach or diarrhea. It is important that you take only the amount recommended by the manufacturer.

Is Taking Acai Berry Risky?

That's sort of like asking if apples and bananas can be dangerous. Although the fruit is from South America and many Americans have little experience with it, the fruit is just as safe as any other berry out there. People with food allergies should be careful, but for the vast majority of people, acai berries and pure acai supplements are not going to pose a problem. When taken in the recommended amount and by people who have no previous allergies, you should not experience any acai berry side effects. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover - Body Type D

By Frank Further

Did you take the 6 Week Body Makeover Blue Print? What type of body do you have? Are you classified as a "D" person? This post will describe the attributes of a "D" body type and the reason why you're fat.

Your body's metabolism is much slower than other people's. The main reason why your body's metabolism is slow is because of the lack of lean muscle mass in your body and your body's inability to maintain lean muscle. Metabolism increases with an increase in muscle mass, your lack of lean muscle will decrease your body's chance of breaking down food energy.

The speed of your metabolism is the main factor of what creates fat loss and fat gain. Body type D people usually have a very heavy body. However, the density of their body types are heavy due to fat and not from muscle. D people have soft loose flesh and have an easy time gaining weight. Your body is a combination of an obese person and a very thin person. Ecto-morph people are thin and have very little muscle mass. The combination of the two is what makes you gain weight.

There are several factors that cause you to not lose weight: your slow metabolism and your lack of lean muscle. These two correlate with each other because the lack of lean muscle slows down your metabolism. A slow metabolism means that you're down breaking down the calories required to lose weight.

Genetics play an important part in your weight gain and your body's inability to lose weight. Another reason why you cannot lose weight is because of lifestyle choice. A sedentary lifestyle is a "double whammy" to fat gain.

Dieting can cause weight gain due to many reasons. The more you starve yourself, the more your body will seek energy from other sources. Diets with low carbohydrate intake are especially bad because your body start eating your lean muscle tissue. Since D body types do not have an adequate amount of lean muscle tissue, dieting will basically destroy what little muscle tissue you already had.

Once you understand your body, the easier it is to lose weight. The 6 Week Body Makeover will show you how to lose weight without starving yourself. There is hope for your body and for your life. Be proactive in your diet and try doing the body blue print so you can start your own body makeover. - 17268

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A Berry Or More To Do Your Health A Service

By Anastacia Sampson

For high Vitamin C doses we may indulge in fresh strawberries. While many other berry fresh types abound! From blue-staining blueberries (that are blue-purple in colour) to raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and other juicy sweet berries.

Not all berries are for consumption as some can be harmful and fatal. We may come across wild berries, mushrooms and other unknown varieties. It is worth knowing what is poisonous before you pick and eat. Mushrooms may look appealing; they are a fungus and some mushrooms can be dangerous.

Mushrooms are of high moisture content, while shitake mushrooms are known to be very health supporting. Nutritious berries supply various levels of protective antioxidants. To reduce our rate of ageing and help ward away the development of disease we have blueberries. Therapeutically for urinary tract infections we have cranberries. Susceptibility to kidney stones is alleviated by taking cranberry juice. Medications for urinary and bladder problems incorporate cranberries.

Medical studies display the potency of cranberry juice to protect against some forms of kidney stones. Blueberries have also been shown to effectively protect and treat urinary tract infections. It is these blueberries and cranberries that prevent the harmful bacteria from latching onto the urinary walls. The harmful bacteria are unsupported to grow and therefore cause ill health. It happens that in different countries certain berries tend to grow and are more popular and available. Although access to fresh berries at our nearby grocery stores is not general we do have access to frozen and canned berries. As they are fragile, berries are not suitable for mass transport and storage in fresh form.

Mulberries not only feed us but the leaves of that mulberry tree feed silk worms. For many years we have used berries to make juice, which is an age old practice and we can always find berry flavoured juices or concentrated berry juices.

It is known that bakery products of pies and tarts often include berry ingredients. Often we have the cherries on ice-cream or cakes. Another decorative piece that is nutritious and a colourful appeal! Usually preserved, red cherries are available in packages in grocery stores. Valuable iron levels are in loganberries, blackberries, black currents and raspberries. The gooseberries may be more common and have a yellow tinge. Vitamin E levels in useful levels are found in the blackberries!

All in all berries are high in fibre, minerals and vitamins relative to various other fruits. Although berries may be minor juicy fragile ball-like fruits, they do pack a punch for nutritional health. - 17268

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Body Fitness Training Advice For Men

By Frank Powell

No one knows the number of men who have shifted their focus on why they are working out. You can run a sample survey in any gym, but the variety of answers will probably vary with both the mood of the participants, and the demography of the sample. Someone who's had a bad day at the office may offer a different explanation than he would if he had just closed an important deal.

Just wanting sexy abs is not the only reason to work out; it is necessary to also work out to become healthy which includes extending the lives of the men working out, losing weight, and keeping up with the world changing atmosphere.

Some men are still sweating and straining to add definition to a finely sculpted body, or so that they can attract a date for Saturday night action. But whatever the reason there are several factors that need to be considered. Not all of these factors are directly connected to getting the body into shape.

How much time do you want to devote to the pursuit of fitness? Is your time at the gym detracting from your social life over all? Do you want to workout at home where you can go at your own pace and not be concerned about others critiquing your methods? Do you prefer to workout with a group and get incentive from the others around you? It's a matter of setting your target and keeping to it.

Before starting a workout routine, especially if you are a beginner, its important to talk to a professional. You should talk to a physician, a trainer, and even ask your friends who workout for their input. Then decide where youre going to workout. Some men prefer the privacy of their house while others are motivated by working out by others at a fitness gym. In the time frame you have, decide which of these two venues will give you the best results. You should understand the drawbacks and positives of each venue. For example, a gym is going to have way more equipment then youll ever hope to have in your house but there are no gym fees to workout at your house.

After you receive input and make your decision it is time to proceed with it. If you decided to get a gym membership you must go through the process of finding a good gym. There are a lot of gyms out there. Some of them are not so good and some of them are very good. Dont be stuck with a membership to a place you dont even like. If you decided to workout at home then you must research gym equipment that youre going to purchase. You want to get equipment thats going to last a long time and fit your personal needs. Make sure you develop a workout plan then buy equipment that allows you to do that workout.

When the research for equipment is complete and you know what you want to purchase then its time to go to the store. You have to find a store that has what you need and if it has a good warranty. - 17268

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Inner Balance Results in Happy Babies

By Ellen Valentine, NC

The intestinal tract is a perfect balance of bacteria or flora. It is necessary for proper digestion and adequate absorption of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, essential amino acids and protein. The flora or bacteria labeled not friendly is actually very necessary and good when in balance.

There are a few things in particular that upset that balance. When that happens, good bacteria is destroyed and the not-so-friendly takes on a life of its own, taking up more than the space it is allotted; basically, it takes over the intestinal tract, destroying the good capability of the digestive system to assimilate good food.

Some of the things that may destroy the internal balance for a baby are: antibiotics, antibacterial soaps, medications, improper or denatured food too early in a young life, introducing simple sugar to a baby, and even dairy products given to a new infant can coat the intestinal tract and destroy capabilities early on. Contrary to popular advertisements, cows milk is really only designed for baby cows, not human babies. Cows milk has too high a content of protein and saturated butterfat for a tiny body, and can cause real harm.

A few signs that a baby has an early out-of balance intestinal tract, and the ensuing digestive problems to match are: thrush, cradle cap, rashes that are raised and either crusty or red, recurring constipation followed by diarrhea, recurring sniffles or a rash of tiny pimple-like pustules. Other symptoms include a weakened immune system.

What to do? First of all do your homework with regards what to feed baby. Look for the companies, there are a host of them, that supply pre-biotic and probiotic help for a new system. What mom eats affects the baby if she is a breast feeding mom. It is good for mom to take digestive enzymes, a reliable and natural multi-vitamin supplement and a good probiotic while she eats lots of fresh vegetables and digestible protein.

Hormonal changes for mom: postnatal, cessation of breast feeding (or menopause, though not relevant here) can cause a candida outbreak in new mothers. Vaginal infections may occur. If a mom is still breast feeding she and the baby can trade yeast back and forth in a very painful process which infects the nipple and areola. For the baby it translates as thrush, a yeasty coating in the mouth. Mothers who notice this shared infection should get plenty of rest, take probiotics, eat simply and stay away from simple carbohydrates, stay away from sugars and wines, and find healthy ways to stay happy. Try to find good herbal and nutritional cures for the condition because medications will only add more candida to the mixture after the round of medication has been taken.

There are natural candida remedies for mom on the market, you simply want to make sure with your nutritionist that it won't affect breast milk quantity or quality. The manufacturer should be able to answer questions about their products. Look for companies with high standards, perhaps run by integrative doctors.

Keep life simple postnatal, eat live foods rich in minerals and vitamins, watch food combining for both mom and baby. These are small changes that will set your health above the average. Babies were designed to breast feed for the first few months of life. Make sure rest and enjoyment of baby are included in the daily regime. Ask for help in other areas. Create a lifestyle that is healthy and relaxed. You will set healthy patterns that will be a guideline for the entire family for years to come.

Ultimate Health and Wellness, Ellen Valentne, CNC - 17268

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When You Buy Omega3 Will You Buy The Best?

By Terry Johnston

You buy Omega3 because of all the health benefits for:

*the heart

*the brain

*the joints

*the skin

*the immune system

*our vision

*aiding digestion

Omega 3 fatty acids are most potent in fish oil--a natural source. Because natural sources are the most effective way to introduce nutrients to your body, when you buy Omega3, make sure it is naturally sourced.

With so much of the Earth's water ways are contaminated with heavy metal toxins like mercury and PCBs. The fish caught from those waters produce bad fish oil and should not be eaten--heavy metal contaminants concentrate in the flesh of fish over time. Good fish oil is sourced from cleaner waters.

The best fish oil is processed pure is 100% free from any contaminants, has a low oxidation (decomposition) levels for freshness. It should also be in a natural form meaning natural triglyceride or ethyl ester form oil, not manufactured synthetically.

The important ingredient is Omeg3/DHA. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and higher levels of DHA mean great action against inflammation.

A blend of hoki oil and concentrated ester tuna oil, does something inexplicable, it more than doubles its anti-inflammatory action. This has been dubbed the "X-factor" because of this synergistic action.

When buying Omega 3 oils, you will want to look for this formula, which has 2 " times the inflammation inhibition of normal fish oil and double that of highly refined and concentrated forms of it, according to studies done by "Trinity Bioactives", part of Wellington School of Medicine in New Zealand.

Reducing inflammation is a big reason many choose to buy Omega 3. In the article "The secret killer" in Time Magazine (May 2004). They offer solutions like aspirin, Statins, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors or you could just buy some Omega 3 fish oil which is is gentle on your stomach, but much stronger than aspirin.

Now you can buy Omega 3/DHA in higher concentrations of anti-inflammatory then you can get by eating fish. Newer supplements on the market have some of the most highly effective fish oil concentrates, higher than normal fish oil that many people buy.

Fish oil --Omega 3 fatty acids DHA is been shown to improve brain function.

One study discovered a 60% lower risk of Alzheimers's simply by taking Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oils on a regular basis.

Guidelines from the American Heart Association recommend omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil because of proven benefits to the heart, be taken every day.

In conclusion, when you buy Omega 3/DHA, and start taking it you will realize many health benefits, based on proven clinical studies. Look for Omega 3 in a concentrated supplement for from natural triglycerides, with high amounts of DHA for the best results.

For more information about he amazing benefits of Omega 3/DHA fish oil, please visit my Web Site - 17268

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