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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why Most Fat Burning Diets Fail.

By Cody Campbell

Do fat burning diets actually work? This is one of the most talked about questions online today. Some health workers will tell you that they do, while others will tell you to stay as far away from them as possible. Why is there such a mixture of opinions on this topic? Well I truly believe that it has everything to do with their lack of understanding on the subject. Most people just don't understand how the body burns energy in the digestion of the food that they have consumed.

A common misunderstanding of how the human body works deals with the issue of burning calories. Some assume that the body burns calories for energy only when it is performing physical tasks. This is not an accurate assessment as the body will burn calories for all its functions including breathing, beating the heart, and, yes, digesting food. Of course, the body will not burn 2,000 calories when digesting food but it will require a certain amount of calories in order to handle the burning process. The advocates of the quick fat burning diets assert there are foods, however, that can be referred to as negative burning foods.

So you might be asking how this actually works. Well let's say that you eat a piece of food that is roughly 110 calories. Now when your body digests this piece of food it requires 135 calories to digest it. So even though you have eaten something that is 110 calories your body required 135 calories on order to digest it. Your body needed an additional 25 calories in order to digest the piece of food that you ate. So it's safe to say that if you ate more of these negative burning foods you would naturally start to drop off body fat as your body would need to burn body fat for the additional calories needed to digest the negative foods you eat. Does this really work?

Well, it is possible to work with fast fat burning diets but it is necessary to do so in a manner that can be dubbed both reasonable and realistic. You are not going to eat a 5,000 calorie diet per day and not exercise and developed a ripped physique. The body just does not work that way and anyone that tells you that it does is flat out being disingenuous. So, how then can you take advantage of such fat burning diets and achieve results?

All you have to do is add negative calorie foods to your diet plan. Foods such as lean meats (chicken), low fat yogurt and apples are a few of the most popular negative burning calorie food choices on the internet today. So if you're goal here is to lose weight, then adding these types of foods to your diet make perfect sense. That being said if you are looking for fast results I would recommend that you eat a diet full of negative burning foods as well as implement a weight training routine or muscle building routine for faster and optimal results.

Adding a weight training routine or muscle building routine to your fat burning diet plan will supercharge your fat burning results. You will increase your metabolism and burn twice as many calories resulting in even greater fat loss. - 17268

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Cooking: Five Tips On Cooking Food

By Owen Jones

There can not be a lot of people who do not enjoy their food, but the human race, being what it is, I expect that there are a few of them. Nonetheless, for the remainder of us, food is a font of daily delight and, like drink, it is frequently used to mark a celebration. not only that, but different foodstuffs are used for the different meals or distinct celebrations. Festive meals were unquestionably considered around the seasonal foodstuffs available, but a number of foods were transported enormous distances for the consumption of those who could meet the expense of them. For example, my father thought it a great luxury to be given an orange in his stocking on Christmas Day 60 years back. How the times have changed! Very few children would deem an orange a present, special or not, any day of the year nowadays.

Nevertheless, the storage of foodstuff is still a daily affair and therefore, I have written a couple of top guidelines on preserving food below, so that you will obtain the best from that which you have bought or grown in your garden even a long period afterward.

Chicken Stuffed With Spoons: a great way of preparing chicken to be eaten at a cold buffet or in sandwiches, is to put as many spoons as possible into the cavity of the chicken (not silver or plated ones though). Then, place the chicken in a large saucepan or pot and bring the water to the boil slowly. Simmer for 10 minutes, cover and leave until the water is room temperature. The spoons will retain the heat and cook the chicken from the inside out. it will be one of the most succulent chickens you have ever eaten.

Roasted Crisp And Light: if you like crisp-skinned roasties, it is best to parboil them first, but that is only half the story. so, boil the potatoes for five minutes and drain thoroughly. Put the lid on the pan and shake it about violently. Bang it hard on the chopping block several times. The harder the better. Then put the parboiled potatoes in the baking tray with the meat or fowl to cook as you would normally.

Salad Soup: Do not throw away salad that has been soaked in salad dressing. Whisk it up in a food processor with a can of tomatoes of tinned soup. Add lots of garlic to taste and adjust the thickness to suit your taste. Chill it down and you will have one of the most delicious summer soups ever.

Curdling Cure: if your mayonnaise has curdled there is one sure fire way to bring it back to life. stir in a couple of tablespoons of Hellmann's mayonnaise and your problem will be over.

Simply Scrumptious Topping: a really, quick, delicious and almost infinitely variable topping for a savory pie can be made in seconds. Choose the flavour you want from the crisp rack; puncture the bag to let our the air and then crush the contents in the gag. it really adds something to a pie. The same trick can be used on the bottom of a potato pie a Texan housewife told me. - 17268

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How Bowtrol Can Help Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome

By Kor Rassad

Approximately twenty five million people suffer from from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. This troublesome condition can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramping, bloating, constipation and heartburn. It is a very uncomfortable condition and one that causes much suffering to those who are stricken with it. There is a growing trend of using natural products to relieve symptoms of IBS. Bowtrol is a great product that works by cleansing your colon. Many people are experiencing positive results by using this product.

Colon cleansing is a natural way to essentially clear your body of harmful toxins and chemicals. It also helps to regulate the bowels and can alleviate IBS symptoms. Many people are starting to lead normal lives thanks to this type of remedy.

Prescriptions drugs are very harsh and can also carry many possible side effects. Natural remedies are often preferred because they are less harsh and usually do not cause side effects. Bowtrol works naturally with your own body to regulate you and provide you with relief from your symptoms. It can be used long term and does not cause harmful side effects.

Abdominal pain is caused by the contracting and spasming of muscles in the intestines. This is very bad for your entire body and this affliction can also affect other organs in your body. It may affect your colon, gall bladder, esophagus, stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The build up of harmful toxins is caused by severe constipation. Colon cleanser will rid your body of these toxins and will also regulate your system.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very serious condition and one that needs to be treated. Your digestive tract is not functioning properly and this will eventually affect your entire body. Contrary to popular belief, the symptoms of IBS are real and are not psychosomatic.

Prescription medications are very strong and are harder for your body to process. Natural remedies such as Bowtrol are a great alternative to prescription drugs. Many people have suffered for years with this condition and are now symptom free thanks to this natural treatment. It is truly amazing to see the difference that it can make in your life.

IBS is often a highly misunderstood condition and this only adds to the frustration felt by those who experience it. Bowtrol is a highly effective natural remedy that help you to manage this affliction effectively. Many people find that they enjoy life much more thanks to becoming symptom free. - 17268

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Belly Fat Diet - Your Ultimate Guide

By Irvin Ewing

Whatever you do though, there are a few top dietary tips that you need to remember.

What makes an ideal belly fat diet? First, off : cut back on calories, load up on whole grains.A recent study showed that a diet that is low on calories and rich in whole grains effectively trims unwelcome tummy fat. In the said study, revealed in the american book of Clinical nourishment, the subjects were divided into two groups. The first group was the subject of a diet of only whole grains, among other foods, while the second was subjected to a diet of refined grains. The 1st group ended up generally losing more inches from their waistline. The experts' explanation? A diet that's's loaded in whole grains and low in refined carbohydrates changes the way insulin and glucose replies to food intake, thereby facilitating the burning of fat deposits in the stomach.

Stay away from anything "refined." Eating refined foods causes a rise in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, signals the body to supply more insulin. As a consequence of this heightened insulin reply, the body causes fats from the food intake to be deposited faster.

The more fiber, the better. In opposition to the consequences of refined foods, fiber-rich foods stabilize insulin response, causing the body to be ready to employ glucose in the blood. This, in turn, helps lower blood glucose levels and prevents or minimizes fat deposits. Another sound excuse to go for fiber : fiber-rich foods keep you feeling full longer, so you generally metabolize faster even if you eat less.

When you have to have fat in your belly fat diet, choose monounsaturated. Fats found in fruits, veggies and natural oils and extracts like canola and olive oils are examples of monounsaturated fatty acids that can help you keep your stomach trim. Except for its belly-friendly benefits, monounsaturated fatty acids also keeps the body healthy and lowers the risk of heart diseases. Remember though that anything in excess-including good fatty acids-is bad for the health. At the end of the day, monounsaturated fats are still fats packed with nine calories in every gram. The secret to enjoying peanuts and almonds, along with olives and olive oil, is moderation.

Ultimately, and to reiterate the final point, keep everything moderately. Theoretically, you can still enjoy all the goodies that you like, but in decent servings. You see, a belly fat diet does not have to feel and spell "deprivation. - 17268

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Reduce Belly Fat - Diet And Exercises For Busy Women

By Oliver Henson

Here's how to reduce belly fat using diet and exercises... Specifically for busy women. Since time is at a premium, you need something that is's quick and generates results. I have what you're looking for.

Reduce Belly Fat - Diet and Exercises

1.Do Belly Rubs

What you do is rub your hands together really hard for fifteen seconds. Now, while lying down, rub little circles around you belly button with one of the hands for thirty seconds. Rest and repeat for a total of 5 minutes a day. Best to do it two times a day for 2-3 minutes every time.

This works because of the heat energy in your hands. It goes straight thru your skin and right into the belly fat deposits... Either loosening them up for excretion or literally destroying them right on the spot.

2.Eat 3 apples a day

Laugh at the boring tip if you want, but if you'd like a straightforward way to lose two pounds a month for some months... Here it is.

3.Jump on a mini-trampoline during your spare time

This is a great and convenient exercise. What I do that literally saves me 10's of hours of time every month is I jump on the mini-trampoline during TV commercials. So I mix my television time with my workout time... Thus saving a giant piece of workout time and the drives to and from the gym!

You'd be amazed at how many commercials get stuffed into tv programs... About 22 mins worth of commercials an hour. So get jumping... It's maybe the best $25 I ever invested.

4.Walk on an incline

I hate walking and jogging when it comes to weight reduction. A nice walk is fine, but I do it for leisure, not weight reduction. But walking on an incline, WOW, that could be a massively weight loss exercise.

So if you can find a treadmill, incline it 10-15 degrees and walk on it for 15-20 mins. Try it and get back to me... Malevolent laugh! It's a love-hate kind of exercise. You're going to love the weight loss results... Particularly it peeling away belly fat. - 17268

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Tips For Losing Weight With The

By Lee Reid

Mediterranean diet is really something which has evolved from the countries surrounded by the Mediterranean sea.Generally, these diets are supposed to bring good health and good energy level.

There are certain variations in the food they take even with these countries. Some countries will consume a lot of sea food while others will consume a lot of meat. The most popular Mediterranean diet was produced by Dr. Walter Willet from the University of Harvard.High consumption of healthy foods is the basic idea of Mediterranean diets.Some of the dieting methods involved in Mediterranean diets are high vegetable consumption, high fruit consumption, high olive oil consumption and limitations of meat consumed with meat.

Mediterranean diets will consist of higher amounts of fats than other related diets.Although American hear diets may seem similar to these Mediterranean diets, the main difference is the consumption of oil.While Mediterranean diets will give you higher amounts of required vitamins and proteins, it will also restrict the consumption of more unhealthy foods such as meat which can bring about heart issues if taken excessively.Hence this kind of a dieting plan is not only about increasing the plus factors, but also about reducing the minus factors as well.The more use of vegetable and fruits instead of animal proteins is a common factor in a Mediterranean food plan.In addition to offering you with good health, these kind of food plans will also reduce your cost factor.

Vegetables, fruits, onions, cheese, yogurt and olive oil are consumed in a daily basis while eggs, sea food and sweets are consumed in a weekly basis.Mediterranean people will not consume red meat regularly, hence the use of red meat is considered to be a monthly factor.A wine consumption of about 1-2 glasses per day will also give better health.This kind of a dieting will surely help you gain better health regarding the heart.Many people have achieved significant health improvements with similar health friendly diets.

You can always educate yourself about something useful and important through many useful online articles about Mediterranean diets. A Mediterranean diet will surely bring good health and good dieting habits for you and your family.Clarify any problems with Mediterranean diets with your family doctor and get the correct dosage of each component with the amount of red wine consumption. You can always bring some good healthy diets to your life with the help of Mediterranean diets. - 17268

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Foods For Muscle Building And Losing Fat

By Haymerae Freend

Healthy build is thought to be a significant trait of one's personality. Strong abdominal muscles along with the combination of biceps and triceps play a pivotal role in the enrichment of personality and other bodily features. These aims can only be accomplished by proper utilization of balanced diets along with the exercises on daily basis. Similarly, your willpower and uphill struggle also play their part.

Diet is an essential element for both muscles development and losing fats. But, to get good muscles only, one must go for some specific abdominal exercises. Regular performance of good diet and exercises can bring about substantial outcomes in just 6-weeks.

The food you intake must be rich nutritious components like carbohydrates, fiber, protein and calcium. Try to add up fresh fruits, vegetables, white meat, wheat, whey, eggs, fresh juices, pulses, oat meals, green tea and low fat milk and always cook in olive oil. There are tons of food items which really help you in the fight against weight and muscles.

Do not forget to point out food items that are injurious to your muscle building process. You should always avoid eating items which contains fats in excessive amount. Those items include red meat and sugary desserts. Always avoid carbonated drinks. Alcohol is the worst drink to be part of your diet. It consequences can be very dangerous.

In the process of muscle building, water is extremely advantageous. Drinking lots of water particularly in the morning is highly recommended for everyone; however it is supportive for building muscle also. It facilitates in wash out dangerous toxin from our body and ultimately enhances your muscles.

Having extra weight in your body is the real cause of many diseases and problems. When you lost weight, it not only gives you the feeling of looking good but, also, it keeps away many health risks from you. Hence protect yourself and avoid unhealthy routine in your life.

Factually, those who have slim and smart body always enjoy their life as compare to people with obesity. In addition, slim people have minor possibility of getting different kinds of sickness. They are also following good lifestyle, with good quality food and daily workouts.

Moreover, today, a good-looking and healthy body apart from being fashion is a basic need of every prosperous person. It protects you from various above-mentioned diseases and tensions. One must try to uphold a desired waist-line in order to have a good physique. It is no more difficult for you to make it possible by establishing a proper menu and work out. - 17268

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Why Gynecomastia Is Common In Adolescents Younger Then 18

By Dustin Fennell

Why gynecomastia is common in boys younger than 17: Gynecomastia is fairly common in young boys, more common than you think. The breast tissue will grow abnormally large, which can be very embarrassing. Gynecomastia is common in young boys. Most of the sufferers are young boys 9-17. In most of the cases, the condition is due to the hormonal changes. The problem usually disappears on its own within a few years. Most doctors will recommend to wait two or three years (or more) until the body is done growing before considering surgery.

The cause of gynecomastia is uncertain. It is different for each individual case. For some boys, it can be caused by distress or hormonal conditions. Signs of the conditions vary. Often times, the nipples are abnormally large. Approximately thirty to sixty percent of adolescent boys suffer from the condition. Some may suffer from it for the rest of their lives.

Boys that are overweight may have more fat tissue around the breast area. If they are chubby all over, it might appear to look natural to have excessive fat on the chest too. But as boys drop weight and the breasts still remain large, it could be a problem. Talk with a physician to find out the best treatment.

A young boy in his preteen and teenage years is already going through many difficulties. He has to worry about fitting in, figuring out who he is, and of course, girls. And developing man boobs only adds to the hardship. Kids at that age can be very cruel. Boys with man boobs can be targets for taunting.

When changing clothes in gym, most boys with this condition will often feel shy and embarrassed about changing in front of others. Often times, he will be the target of ridicule. His true friends will stick by him, but let's face it, - kids can be very mean. Having man boobs at that age when he is still trying to figure out who he is, can be traumatizing and scar a boy for life.

Losing weight can help shrink the fat around the breast. But sometimes, it does not help. Wait a few years before considering surgery. If the decision to have surgery is made, be sure to have the doctor know of any other medical conditions that are present. When the man boobs disappear, self confidence will be gained.

As a young boy grows, his body is going through many different changes, including hormonal. It may be part of the puberty cycle in some boys. That is why waiting it out is recommended. Hormonal imbalance can cause the condition. And many times when he reaches adulthood and is done growing, the problem disappears without any medical treatment.

If your boy is going through emotional pain, have him see a counselor. Talking about it always helps. They may be able to provide the emotional support he needs. - 17268

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