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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Muscle Building books - No Bull Bodybuilding Reviewed

By Westy

Marc narrates his real life story of how he invested 16 vital years of his life in this business, but he couldn't get it right. Finally, he had hi mission accomplished in 90 days, something that he could not do in those years (read the article Bodybuilding Beginner for 16 Years?). That was the very beginning of his No Bull Bodybuilding career and Marc is quite sure that most of the readers have had such experiences in the past. It's all due to lack of the basics and also due to incorrect approach.

This leads to the question of how long you intend to stop wasting your time on programs that do not give results. The facts of bodybuilding must be learned and learned quickly if you don't want to waste another minute of your time on programs that will not work for you. It might only take you a short period of time to get the results that you want, or you can spend years chasing after the body that you desire without results. It is up to you.

For beginner's Marc has a guide "Quick start". Also the "Competition Guide" by Layne Norton has some really valuable information. Not to forget, "Beginning Bodybuilding Over 40".

The best part of the book is the Meal Plan. Marc emphasizes on proper dietary habits, restrictions are there, but you need to have a clear idea about you daily calorie intake for better results. Some other contents like are "fat loss plans", "lean muscle builder", "low cholesterol, low fat", "wheat free", "low fat vegetarian" and above all, "mass builder" plans. These plans are forwarded to you along with samples meals for a week and also a list for grocery-shopping. Marc also has a food exchange guide for your taste buds, if you are bored of the present diet, switch to something lese.

It is possible when you order this program to upgrade to the deluxe edition. You will get a $10 discount on the program as well as membership to Marc's Uncensored bodybuilding for only $7.95 per month. You will have access to a giant database that contains audio about bodybuilding. You will also have access to the guide to six pack abs.

The book seems to be disorganized at places, but overall it's quite good. Once you go through the book you'll have a clear picture. The sample programs could have been better defined. It would help the beginners learn even better. A private message board would be an added advantage and would allow the buyers to have a discussion about the topic and its details.

It is a great start for beginners. No Bull Bodybuilding will help you with some great resources for the information that you need to begin on bodybuilding. Because Marc has experienced some of the wrong approaches to bodybuilding, he seeks to eliminate those mistakes for others who are new in the world of bodybuilding.

With such huge resources available, it is difficult to choose the very first step, everyone seems to be convincing, but Mac is simply outstanding. His experience and his passion for fitness and bodybuilding, makes him the most efficient person to help a beginner. - 17268

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These are ways Vegetarians and Vegans Can Eat For Muscle Building

By Caleb Lee

My article earlier on eating clean sketches out simple nutrition guidelines for you. Nonetheless, I received an email from a vegetarian wanting some tips.

For sure, Protein is one of the highly vital "macro nutrients" you need to build muscle and to help you get well from your strength training. Majority of specialists recommend at least 1g per pound of bodyweight each day.

However, most of the advice for getting protein includes eating stuff vegetarians and vegans can't - if that describes you, read this article for muscle building nutrition advice for vegetarians and vegans

In What Way Vegetarians & Vegans Eat?

Most eat lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits, tofu and soy. Certain types eat eggs & dairy products too. But never any animal flesh (meat, fish or poultry). Here's a (not complete) list of types of vegetarians:

* Lacto-ovo Vegetarians. Does not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish or animal flesh of any kind, consumes only dairy and egg products.

* Lacto Vegetarians. Eat dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, except eggs.

* Ovo Vegetarians (or eggetarians). Eat eggs, but not animal flesh and dairy products.

* Vegans. Eat no eggs, no dairy, no animal flesh and no honey.

Problems You'll Run Into With Vegeterianism & Veganism.

Vegetables and fruits are great for vitamins, minerals and fiber. Green vegetables are also good since they boost your alkalinity levels and stabilize acidic foods like meat. Here's a few "problems" you'll run into eating like this though:

* Allergic reactions - if all you eat is dairy and eggs you for protein, then you can run into lactose intolerance, acne, or other allergic reactions from all the dairy food

Low Testosterone - meats, eggs, and dairy products have saturated fat and cholesterol which enhance testosterone. If your T levels are down you'll have a reduced amount of muscle, less strength, less energy, lagging libido, higher body fat, and less of an "ambition"

High-quality Sources of Protein for Vegeterians & Vegans

It's simple when you're lacto and/or ovo. Just don't consume meat and follow my other eating nutritious rules to get your protein: whey protein, cheese, eggs, milk, and so on. If you're vegan, there's a few extra sources of protein:

* Beans. Kidney, fava, winged, mungo, lima, black, garbanzo, hummus ...

* Legumes. Cow peas, chick pea, snow peas, lentils, peas ...

* Whole Grains. Breads, granola, quinoa, oats, brown rice ...

* Protein Powder. Rice protein, hemp protein, soy protein ...

* Milk. Almond milk, coconut milk, plant milk, rice milk, soy milk ...

* Soy. Soy beans, tofu, soy cheese, deli-style soy meats, soy milk,

* Nuts. Cashew, peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, almonds ...

* Seeds. Flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame ... - 17268

About the Author:

The Evolution of Authentic Mexican Food

By KC Kudra

Mexican food is well loved all over the globe. There is plenty of variety when it comes to Mexican food and you can find combinations you have never tried before. A lot of people delight in the smell, taste of authentic Mexican recipes, and admire the great Mexican minds responsible for these tantalizing combinations.

A lot of Mexican food today is based on the traditional Mexican recipes from thousands of years ago, when the Aztecs and Mayas first made them. Some exotic and authentic Mexican food recipes include spider monkeys, rattlesnakes, and iguana. These ingredients are not unheard of but few modern Mexican recipes include them and you will not find them in Taco Bell!

In addition, the Mexican foods evolved when the Spanish colonists arrived. One ingredient that has not changed is the chili pepper. You may also find a bit of Caribbean influence in some Mexican dishes, especially in the Mexican states of Vera Cruz and the Yucatan. French influence can also be found in some Mexican dishes, one being bolillo. That is a popular bread in Mexico that has a hint of French cuisine.

There are many health benefits when it comes to Mexican foods. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, with low fat and calories. You are not eating authentic Mexican food if you eat at Taco Bell. America has added many fats to the foods, which does not contain all the nutrients you would eat if you ate in Mexico. Mexican dishes contain many fresh ingredients that you may not be able to find in other types of cuisine. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, and others are very healthy for your body.

Each Mexican region offers different Mexican food. A lot of this depends on the geography and climate of the region and its ethnic differences. In the north of Mexico, meat dishes are very popular. In the south, vegetables and chicken are widely used. The Mexican state of Vera Cruz produces a lot of seafood dishes because this state is long and tropical and there are lowlands running up and down the Gulf of Mexico. Fish such as grouper, red snapper, mojarra, and snook are easy to find. Mojarra is an especially delicious local fish. Lobsters, crab, and oysters are plentiful.

As well as the sea, this state has over forty rivers running through it, so there is an endless supply of shellfish and freshwater fish to use in their Mexican food recipes. Seafood is very nutritious, low in fat and carbohydrates and makes an interesting change when used in authentic Mexican recipes.

It is possible to learn plenty of history about Mexican food by the different regions of the country and it is always exciting to try traditional Mexican recipes from various Mexican regions. The history of Mexican food is rich and interesting and when you know where the dishes originated and how they developed, this will add to your overall cooking and eating experience! - 17268

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Is white tea the next big thing?

By Jack Robbins

White tea originally came from China about seven to eight thousand years ago. It was discovered on the plains of Fu Ding and Fujian which were in the eastern southern part of China. Ever since it was known the Chinese people took a liking to it and used it as a health energizer as well as an enjoyable evening drink.

You probably already know that the tea you drink all comes from a particular plant. The plant is referred to as the Camilla sensis plant. The difference arising in different brands of tea is due to the fact that the tea leaves are picked at different stages in their growth period.

While the different colors of tea are interesting, it is quite funny that white tea gets its name from the silver fuzz like material that covers its buds. This later does turn into white when the tea is dried up.

Tea leaves meant to be sold as white tea undergo less processing than any other form of tea.

White tea leaves are removed when they are still quite young leaving the leaf with a much more antioxidants rich base.

It has a mellow and light taste and as is the case with green tea, you should steep it in very hot water.

White tea has slightly less caffeine as compared to green tea as white tea holds 15mg of caffeine as opposed to 20 mg in green tea.

white tea tastes really good but besides that it's also a good natural remedy for almost everything. Research has revealed that it increases the lipoprotein lipase activity in the human body which in turn increases the metabolism rate thus helping considerably in losing weight. It kills cancer cells, it maintains moderately lower levels of cholesterol, it helps in blood circulation by thinning the blood, reducing blood pressure, firmer bones, brighter skin, and so much more - 17268

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7 Secrets to Getting Ripped 6 Pack Abs

By Tony D. Martinez

If it's toned, ripped, six pack abs you're after, you've come to the right place. Everyone wants six pack abs - but you need to know right now that getting them is hard work and requires a lot of dedication. You have to take up a healthy lifestyle and stick to an exercise regimen. Once you've done this, you're on your way to those six pack abs.

As you know, there are plenty of celebrities who are in search of six pack abs. The younger generation look to celebrities as role models and are themselves striving to get those perfect bodies and six pack abs that their idols have.

There are many people who think they can achieve their goal by simply joining a gym - this is sadly not the case. There's more to it than just working out. In fact, the first step on the path to getting six pack abs is to admit that it's going to take time and hard work.

I've looked into the matter and found seven secrets which can help you to get a defined six pack and the killer abs you've always wanted.

1. Accept the fact that getting ripped six pack abs isn't necessarily going to be easy. There are far too many who jump into developing their abs without realizing this - when they find out that it's going to be hard work getting 6 pack abs, they give it up and abandon their dream of killer abs. You need to know from the beginning that it's going to take hard work to achieve that six pack you're after.

2. Routines. Keeping to a routine makes the task of building six pack abs much easier. Make your workouts, mealtimes and even bedtimes a part of your routine.

3. Healthy food: In order to get a well-toned body with 6-pack abs it is very important to avoid junk food and follow a healthy diet plan. A proper diet plan will provide you with every nutrient your body needs to function at its best.

4. Use the right workout plan. This is probably the most important factor. While exercise is great for you, you need to be getting the right kind of workouts if you want to build those ripped 6 pack abs. Consult a professional for advice on what kind of workouts are right for you; if you're working out the right way, your six pack abs will be develop a lot quicker.

5. Quit unhealthy habits: If you are in the habit of smoking or drinking (or both) then quitting will help you achieve that 6 pack faster. Drinking may still be acceptable, provided you consume alcohol in limited amounts. Smoking is a massive hindrance and will make you far less likely to successfully develop your 6 pack abs.

6. Water: dinking enough water is also very important. It is usually recommended that an individual should drink 8-9 glasses of water every day. When you are working out you tend to lose a lot of moisture through perspiration and as result your body begins to dehydrate. Consuming enough water will help hydrate your body enabling it to function properly.

7. Sleep: The strain of working out leads to wear and tear on your body tissues. Your body recovers while you're sleeping. It is highly recommended that you get enough sleep at night to help your body recover and relax so that you're all pumped up and refreshed for the next day.

Using these seven top tips will help you to build those six pack abs faster than you dreamed was possible. Stick to your plan and you'll see the results - best of luck! - 17268

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