Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Need for a Regulation of Green Lipped Mussel Extracts

By Paul J. Easton

With the quantity of lipids and other nutrients discovered naturally in this marine animal, a lot of health specialists consider this extract can be a powerful anti-inflammatory cure in a non-synthetic form. The extract from green lipped mussels was first as another healthy alternative similar to fish oils - both of which are loaded in the essential fatty acid, omega-3. Along with the mussels' omega-3s, extract of the seafood also contains iron, betain, and chondroitin sulphate and all of these substances are generalized to feature an anti-inflammatory or other healing result on the body.

Extracts from green lipped mussels are uniquely supplied only from a small number of New Zealand marine stations. Price is one major factor when considering green mussels as they are only accessible in New Zealand. There are a few licensed marine farms which can issue the product and that make these supplements moderately pricy.

Not all green lipped mussel extracts in the market are equal. Any company which calls for to be competent to provide the same level of quality of extract at lower prices is just offering lower quality ones. They commercialize the compound which carries far fewer lipids by packaging the powder left over after lipid removal, which is less impressive in treating inflammation problems.

The New Zealand Mussel Industry Council (NZMIC) does not deliver a mandated definition which determines the necessary components to call the product natural green lipped mussel extract. Without the proper regulation with green lipped mussel extracts, this results in companies out there to sell a nutraceutical holding below acceptable standard omega-3 to treat arthritic inflammation effectively.

It is ensured nevertheless that most products branded as green mussel extract do contain the natural nutrient profile of the animal in their labels as of the moment. Customers should carefully analyze the label on the bottle. And only deal with a reputable company when purchasing green mussel extract as a health supplement.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17268

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Recession Causing US Citizen to Put on Weight

By Alex Strength

Many people know that even if they havent felt the pinch of the looming recession that they will have to tighten their purse strings if they are going to get through it. The problem is that most people will unknowingly neglect the quality of the foods that they take in simply to get their dollar further. It is alright to save on other unnecessary things but you should never skimp out on the dietary needs of your family.

A recent article in a popular weight loss magazine states that the American society is the most obese in the world and has some of the highest rates of heart disease that can be directly attributed to being obese. This is even before the public knew of the pending recession. Strangely enough, with the looming recession and people cutting back on their spending for food, initial reports have indicated that even more people are graduating to the obese category and more people are suffering from heart disease. This is in sharp contrast to what normally happens to less developed nations. When suffering from financial distress they normally would suffer from malnutrition and instead start losing weight.

When investigating we came upon the answer to this strange phenomenon. It is mainly down to the pricing structure of foods in the US being radically different compared to other less industrialized nations. During the industrializing of the US and in the early post-war era, Americans demanded more meat and didnt have as much demand for vegetables. As a result of the economy of scales, animal proteins and fats are actually cheaper to buy than vegetables and low G.I (glycemic index) carbohydrates. Shoppers looking for deals in supermarkets can very easily purchase off cuts of meat that have been ground up for a mere few cents per pound.

It is this imbalance of nutrients that has made Americans obese over the years. The affects of this imbalance are even worst in these recessionary times as people are forced to consume foods that are cheaper. Those in financial distress will opt for off-cuts of meat which are extremely fatty and unhealthy. Vegetables, especially fresh ones are quite a bit more expensive compared to meats thus the distressed will rely on meats and carbohydrate diets that are extremely bad for them in the attempt to save money.

This is made even worst with the abundance of fast food restaurants and diners which offer foods at very cheap prices. Although suitably cheap for those in distress the long term affects of eating foods like these are a very sharp deterioration of health and a much higher incidence of heart disease. In addition to the over abundance of animal fats and proteins in their diet they also suffer from a lack of important fresh green vegetables which can provide very important nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Although it may seem at first that you have to make the choice between either maintaining your health of keeping your wallet happy, the decision doesnt have to be like that. You can get foods that are good for your health while still keeping your wallet happy. The only down-side is that you have to put extra effort in looking for quality foods. For the best health you should aim for freshness, leanness and fiber in your diet. You can get very fresh vegetables from farmer markets at extremely competitive prices. Cheap cuts of meat that are still lean can be obtained from your small-time butchers at very decent price too. It is all just a matter of looking around and finding foods that are nutritional and not simply relying on what supermarkets are able to provide.

The trick to getting a good diet in even if you are in financial distress is to shop carefully and not simply find easy solutions by choosing food that is of lower quality. You should never look at canned foods as alternatives to properly cooked fresh foods. The problem is that you just have to spend just a bit more time in sourcing for your foods that you can cook yourself. - 17268

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Head Of The Class: The Best Female Weight Loss Supplements

By Francesca Woodborough

There could be many different reasons for why you may have decided that you need to shed some weight; health reasons, upcoming party, the new dress from your favorite clothing store, the beach scene, or maybe you are feeling the need to trim down a little.

You have done the right thing so far, regardless of what your reasons are, the fact that you are reading this article means that you have taken a step in the right direction. But what is the best female weight loss supplement that will make you thin as quick as possible - you've seen tons of pills in the supermarket but which ones are safe and which ones don't work?

It is no surprise that you are confused. You health is the most important thing you have so it's imperative that you take your time in this decision.

Unfortunately, finding the very best female weight loss supplement that will give you your quick results may involve getting stuck in and conducting some vigorous research on the web and through other mediums.

Our Top Supplement Pics for Women

What makes a drug the best female weight loss supplement is one that stands the test of time and is not just a passing fad. Hoodia90 has been around for years and has had thousands of documented testimonials from men and women just like you who have shed that weight in time for summer. All the top rate women's weight loss magazines have done a piece on Hoodia90 and nearly all subjects have had varying degrees of success.

Whilst that may be a bit sensationalized, there's no arguing that many sources tout Hoodia90 as being one of the best weight loss supplement for females since the discovery of carbs. Isn't this just a load of hype contrived by the nutrition companies? Possibly, but there's no arguing with the results that women (and men) are able to achieve with this so called best female weight loss supplement.

Add to this the fact that no side affects are ever apparent when taken correctly, and you've got a recipe for success that will have you turning heads this summer for all the right reasons.

How about this for an appetite suppressantPhenhermine is another fantastic addition to anyone's diet claimed by some as being the best female weight loss supplement currently on the market. So if you're looking to squeeze into that size 6 dress for that summer ball you have planned, then consider taking a look at Phenhermine as it is highly documented by many reliable sources to help shed the fat this season.

The ingredients are very effective and almost prescription strength; and you do not need to go through your family physician to get your hands on a bottle. You certainly get more bang for your buck with Phenhermine as well, with more pills in each container than their competitors.

Another close contender for the title of best female weight loss supplement is Hoodia90's closest cousin, 850Hoodia. It too has stood the test of time as one of the best female weight loss supplements and many magazines and independent weight loss forums claim it is all you need to get thin this summer.

Hoodia is actually just a natura herb found in South Africa and deduced from a prickly plant not that different to a cactus in appearance. Of course, the Hoodia herb is then taken to the lab and experimented on and studied so that it does what it does today by suppressing your appetite and making you lose tons of weight fast.

When looking for the best female weight loss supplement, it is definitely worth taking a look at some of the research surrounding the examples above in your pursuit for simple and east weight loss. - 17268

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Do quick loss diet plans work

By Calvin Coarse

The present times are marked by an increased awareness about health issues, especially controlling obesity and having the correct body weight.

Being over weight has some very strong downsides and side effects. If you are obese you are at risk of hearth failure and many more serious conditions.

With how busy we all are these days, some of us even working as much as three jobs just to make ends meat, getting into a solid weight loss routine can be hard to do. In a lot of cases, the use of proper dietary supplements can help us gt our weight under control.

Getting the weight off in a lot of cases is not that hard to do, once you buckle down and do it. With out the aid of proper supplements to go along with our busy lifestyles, most people will gain back a large portion of the weight they lost within 6 months.

What is needed in most cases is a supplement designed o not only aid in weight loss but is also able to help us after we have lost the weight. - 17268

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Get Lean And Build Muscle Together: Possible Or Not?

By Eryk Helms

"How can I get lean and build muscle at the same time?" I'm asked this all the time. It seems like that is the prevailing question today. People want to add that extra bit of muscle, but that big butt needs to go at the same time.

There are basically three ways to get lean and build muscle (These all assume you have a good workout plan):

1. Increase your calories and especially your protein every day. That'll start the process of gaining muscle fast. Once you've reached the size you want, start cutting back on the calories to reveal the new muscle underneath.

2. Burn off the fat first. Then go ahead and start adding on the calories. Then, go back and burn off any excess.

3. Watch what you eat closely, along with body fat percentage. Add in intervals to the workout to stay lean.

Each of these approaches has benefits and drawbacks. Let's look at them...

Method 1: You want to gain more than a single pound or two, right? So, increase your calorie intake (and especially protein) so that you start gaining weight fast, and work out like a maniac to turn those extra calories into muscle. Once you reach the size you want, cut back the calories so that you are below "maintenance" and move the emphasis in your workout to fat burning to get rid of the "padding." What you want to do is to bulk up fast, and then you need to trim down.

Method 2: With this method, you're going to emphasize burning fat first to get lean, and then you add the extra calories to pack on muscle. The downside to this is that you will have to do some more fat burning on the back end, because you just can't convert every extra calorie to raw muscle. And of course you want to add on that muscle right now, right?

Method 3: I like this one the best. You have to add extra calories to your diet, but just don't be a pig about it! Watch your body fat percentage along the way, and cut back a bit if it starts to climb, and eat a bit more if you're not making the gains you want. Maybe 500 extra calories a day to start, and watch it. Then, of course, you'll go through that last fat burning phase to get ripped. Along the way, throw in some high intensity interval training to help burn off any excess calories. This method builds muscle a bit slower than the first one, but you'll look a bit more ripped along the way.

So, basically, if you want to get lean and build muscle at the same time, it comes down to this: You need to eat enough good food and work out hard to build muscle, and then cut back and change the workout to fat burning mode. This is really pretty simple stuff; don't let anyone snow you about it. - 17268

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7 Fat Loss Tips to Get You on the Right Track

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy, follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Figure out how you got here. You may need to learn to eat better, or you may need to overcome problems that are encouraging you to eat. Whether it's a lifestyle change or an emotional problem, you may need to do something about it to encourage fat loss. There may even be a hormonal problem that's responsible for your weight - to find out, you'll need to talk to a competent doctor who doesn't have prejudices against you. Once you know what circumstances have caused your gain, you can deal with the problem more easily.

2. Be willing to be in control of your food. That means not allowing friends and family to convince you that just one won't hurt, and it also means paying attention to restaurant food. However, most of all it means not letting food be in charge. Instead of trying severe diet and exercise plans, look for a sustainable option that will result in the best long term physical and mental health. After all, being thin is only one part of being healthy.

3. Instead of eating three big meals, eat small frequent meals. If you eat frequently throughout the day, your metabolism works continuously and burns calories. If you eat big meals your metabolism goes up and down and it is actually harder to lose weight that way. Pay attention to what you eat during these meals and stay away from processed snacks that are high in fat and sugar.

4. Eat slowly and savor the food you are eating. When you eat fast, your body doesn't get a chance to realize that it's full until you've eaten too much. When you chew your food thoroughly you will eat less and enjoy it more.

5. Take baby steps. Do not starve yourself and do not start a fast loss diet that will expect you to make drastic changes. If you want to succeed in your diet it needs to be easy to follow. Take small steps, and get used to them one at a time until you reach your goal.

6. Eat a balanced diet and don't eat processed food. Eating processed food is really bad for you because it is high in fat and sugar. It will cause you to gain weight and put you at risk for diabetes and other physical problems. Foods like lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables are much better for you and will help you stay healthy in the long run.

7. Drink enough fluids. You need to drink plenty of water, unsweetened teas, and other beverages. It's better to stay away from caffeine and diet sodas because they will not hydrate you well enough. Not drinking enough can cause you to feel hungry when you are really thirsty, so make sure you are drinking enough throughout the day. - 17268

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Why Are Whole Grain Foods So Important?

By Scott Davis

Some studies have revealed that people who ate an adequate supply of whole grain in their diet had a lower risk of diabetes. Other components of whole grain food, found for example in whole wheat bread, can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer; the components are a regular "jaw breaker" of Greek and Latin roots such as antioxidants (useful chemicals against aging), lignans (a chemical found in the cell walls of plants that has been associated with reduced risks of breast cancer among others), phenolic acids (plant metabolites which have been found to be natural and powerful antioxidants), phytoestrogens (found to be helpful in reducing risks of cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems). I know all this scientific jargon may be confusing, but the bottom line is clear: WE ALL SHOULD make whole grain foods an important part of your daily diet.

What We Require

In our modern and sophisticated society we believe that natural means better. Many brands at the market claim to be natural, knowing the appeal the word has for most people. The trueth is that they add all kinds of chemicals to their products. These chemical can harm our body and destroy all the healthy properties of whole grain food. Wheat is perhaps the most important component of our daily diet. Yet most products refine it to the point that all its nutritious properties have been destroyed. This is unfortunate, because what our body really needs is whole wheat that's natural. For example, whole wheat bread takes longer to digest (due to the fiber), so we feel fuller more quickly, thus eating less calories. Our sugar levels do not spike because the carbs are digested very slowly.

Whole Wheat and Whole Grains

Some people wonder about the definition of whole grain vs. whole wheat. Whole wheat is whole grain. To be termed a whole grain it has to have all the essential nutrients of the grain still in tact. These parts include the bran, the endosperm and the germ.

If you were to bake bread with whole wheat flour you might find the results a bit course and heavy. Many people don't like whole wheat bread for those reasons. We suggest you buy white whole wheat flour. It's made from a different type of wheat, but with all the ingredients of whole grain. This makes for lighter and fluffier wheat bread. You could also mix in a little white refined flour (about 1/5th) with the regular whole wheat flour to make it lighter and still get some healthy bread.

Whatever your choice, you can still bake all kinds of delicious products with whole wheat flour, from muffins to cookies to whole wheat tortillas. Giving the kids their daily ration of fiber through whole wheat will not only ensure an optimal digestion but also that they will carry on as adults, thus limiting the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Putting it Together

Don't forget to combine whole wheat products with the other healthy foods. While whole grains are important, they alone doesn't make a well rounded diet. Low fat milk products, lean cut meats, beans, vegetables and fruits all contribute to form a healthy, nutritious diet. - 17268

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