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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Acai Berry Super Foods

By Jorandy Eck

Recently there has been a growing movement of natural health remedies. With all the horror stories of the prescription medicine world, it only makes sense that people would look for other ways to improve their health. During this revolution a category of "Super Foods" has been discover and introduced to the market.

One super food that is causing a stir is the Amazon Acai berry. It has been used by locals as well as other fruits and vegetables to give them amazing health benefits to live longer fuller lives.

Acai is a large purple berry grown in South America. Acai berry juice has been the secret weapon for many Brazilian athletes. It provides a powerful and long lasting boost of energy that helps anyone perform to the peak of their abilities. It is a staple in many South American diets, and the health of the people who use it is proof to how amazing this fruit is.

Man scientists are excited about some early research performed with the Acai berry. Researchers at the University of Florida have used Acai berry to cause cancer cells to self destruct.

Free radicals are always effecting our bodies negatively with oxidation. Antioxidants are the best to help our body fight off these harmful radicals that break down our cells. One of the most potent forms of antioxidants is in the fruit Acai berry.

To live longer, healthier lives antioxidants have been used to help us feel and look younger as well as strengthen our immune system.

There a are other health benefits you can get from the Acai fruit. Acai contains a large amount of Omega fatty acids. Essential fatty acids help to improve general brain functions, fight depression, and reduce cholesterol. - 17268

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7 Tips to Quickly Shed Off Your Extra Weight

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Go easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are harmless by themselves. It's when you add the cream and sugar that they become fattening. Did you know that having a cup of tea or coffee that has cream and at least two cubes of sugar is as bad as having a big piece of rich chocolate cake?

2. If you must have your tea and coffee, try to drink it black. Black tea or coffee actually has health benefits to it as long as you counteract the caffeine in your body with a nice big glass of water. Caffeine is also not good for you because it affects functions in your body, like your metabolism. Another type of tea that you can drink freely is green tea. Green tea has been used as a medicine in China for over 4,000 years. It aids the digestive system and can help ease an overly full stomach and it has been linked to a reduction in cancer risk.

3. Calculate the calories when you eat, however do not overdo it. It is a sound idea to know the calories that most food items contain. Whenever it's a packed thing then the label is certain to give the calories it has.

4. Work off the extra calories by the end of the week. If you feel you have splurged too much this week, be sure to get to the gym or go walking a little longer to work off those extra calories you have consumed.

5. Stay away from all things fried. If it is breaded, it is better that it is baked. Fried foods are immersed in fat and oil. Even after the excess oil has been drained away, there is still oil absorbed into the food item itself.

6. Don't skip meals. You should have, at the very least, three meals a day, but preferably five small meals. This will keep you from getting hungry during the day and overeating out of starvation.

7. Fresh veggies are better than canned or cooked veggies. Try to have your veggies uncooked. If you cook them, you're indeed taking out nearly 50% the vitamins in them. And canned veggies also are processed and not nearly half as healthy as fresh veggies. Whenever you purchase your veggies it would be good to find out if the label states that it's pesticide free. - 17268

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Usana Vitamins - A Complete Health Plan

By Angela Giles

Myron Wentz founded Usana Health Sciences in 1992 to produce nutritional supplements. Today, its products are marketed by over 175,000 associates in fourteen countries across the world. The company has won several awards for the quality of their products, which promise true health to its consumers.

Nutritional supplements are becoming the order of the day. Our normal diet falls short of sufficient quantity of vital nutrients. One of the chief reasons is that we are moving away from a diet of green vegetables and fresh fruits to one of mechanically processed fast food. Malnutrition in early years causes several mental and physical disorders which are difficult to rectify in later life. Drinking and smoking produce free radicals in the body which are harmful to the cells. Therefore, supplementing one's diet with vitamins and other nutrients is necessary.

Usana Vitamins and Usana Minerals are science-based formulations of various essential ingredients like vitamin A, C, E and zinc, calcium, and magnesium. They are carefully prepared in the right quantity, proportion and form that are required by children, teenagers and adults.

Usana Vitamins for children under 12 years are available in the form of tasteful chewable tablets. Their unique wild berry flavor is prepared from a phytonutrient mix of wild blueberry, raspberry, cranberry and blackberry fruit powders. The tablets are of the shape of small cute animals and hence the product is known as Usanimals. Most importantly, they contain Vitamin E and Vitamin C in a large quantity, which is essential during these years in a child's growth.

Usana Vitamins for teenagers in the 12-18 year age-group, known as BodyRox, supply the essential nutrients for a body undergoing tremendous hormonal and physiological changes. In less than 5 years, the body's strength, height and weight increase significantly. BodyRox contains 31 unique vitamins, mineral and antioxidants.

Chelated Mineral and Mega Anti-oxidant are Usana Vitamin formulations for the adult human being. Free radical damage is more common in adults and this affects normal cell metabolism. To counteract this, Mega Anti-oxidant is packed with a generous dose of 30 separate vitamins and nutrients. Chelated Mineral combines essential minerals in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body.

Apart from Usana Vitamins, Usana offers additional nutritional arsenal in the form of energy drinks, nutritional bars, healthpaks, and optimizers. These products are highly popular amongst competitive athletes and sportspersons. Regular users have reported an improvement in their health, weight loss and a general increase in immunity to diseases. - 17268

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Arthritic Joint Pain And How To Live With It

By Ron C George

There are a unique list of causes, symptoms and treatments for each of the 100 or more types of arthritis. Arthritis suffers will more than likely report pain as the main symptom. Learning how to manage pain is a key factor for an arthritis sufferer.

When it comes to dealing with arthritis pain, at least you can rest assured in knowing that there are a lot of options available to you out there. It is recommended that you begin taking one of the milder forms of treatment and then move your medication up in strength if required. Medications which many of us already use on a regular basis such as Tylenol and Aspirin can be effective pain relievers. However in most cases, the relief provided by these medications is insufficient.

A number of creams and gels can be readily purchased over-the-counter, which are very effective if the arthritis pain experienced is unbearable. Arthritic creams can be incredibly effective for soothing tired, inflamed joints and muscles. They either contain the active ingredient salicylate or are based more around capsaicin or menthol. Available on prescription only are drugs to tackle arthritis, are most impressive.

There are many different types of drugs that are used here, analgesics being the most commonly prescribed type. These are medications that are used to help relieve pain, and which are safe for most people, even those with allergies and stomach problems. The analgesic prescribed, most typically is the fantastically effective and affordable drug acetaminophen. Recommending a combination of acetaminophen and codeine is something a medical practitioner may do if the patient is in extreme pain. Only under the authority of a health care professional should this ever be taken.

Finding the right type of medication that works for you may take time but it will be worth it. Adhere to your doctor's dosage instructions, visit them on a regular basis and keep them informed of how the treatment is going. - 17268

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