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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Experts Weigh In - The Best Ways To Build Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

People usually go to the gym to lose weight; but there are a special few who have a passion to get massive muscles and a packed physique. Is this more up your alley? If it is, then here are helpful tips on ways to build muscle fast.

For some people, building muscle mass may be easier than losing weight and keeping it off. Either way, the same persistence, and discipline should be exercised in whatever training you decide to take on. Some bodybuilders relish the idea of hitting the gym hard every day; do not do this. Make sure you spend only a maximum of an hour and a half per session about 2 to 4 times a week. Take the days in between as an opportunity to rest well. Sleep allows the body to repair and grow the tears in muscle tissues obtained from exercise.

When exercising, use power in lifting the weight and control in lowering. This will increase your body mass, stamina and strength. Always ensure that you have a correct form so that you don't risk injuring parts of your body. Many times, all it takes is a shift in position to improve the quality of the whole set of drills.

If you are a beginner, the trainer will most probably start you off with higher number of reps and lower weight loads. Before long, your body gets accustomed to the physical challenges you are inflicting on it; periodically increase the weights or reps so your body gets continually pushed to perform better. When you get to the heavier loads have a professional trainer or spotter on hand to assist you as much as possible. Always practice gym safety.

Anyone who has attempted to work out in the past knows the familiar face of muscle soreness and it is felt in the next few days. When certain muscles are especially sore, do not exercise them until they feel normal again. They need to be restored properly but you can train the other muscle groups in the meantime. For example, train the chest and biceps one day; then work out your back and shoulders another day. A 1 to 2 minute rest in between sets is advisable.

If you plan on losing weight, maintain a high cardiovascular, low calorie diet; for building muscle mass you need a low aerobic training, high calorie diet. Yes, it's time to chow down some serious calories-around 3000 units depending on your particular body type. Don't go and binge on food high in saturated fat. Go for a diet rich in protein, carbohydrates and fiber. Study the market on recommended muscle building supplements and protein shakes that you can consume to pack in the essential calories and nutrients you need daily.

There will always be popular fads and ways to build muscle fast. However, do not go for the flash; research the programs and products presented thoroughly. You have an opportunity to look great so make the most out of it. Take care of your body-it is the only one you will ever have. - 17268

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Acai Nutrition Facts: All The Acai Nutritional Information You Need

By Travis Van Slooten

The acai berry is the most recent super fruit to hit the market and the acai nutritional statistic tell you why. Whether you saw it on television talk shows or in the supplements aisle, you have no doubt heard it touted as the greatest food to have come along in quite some time. People have begun exploring the acai berry as a treatment for countless ailments and illnesses. And when you look at the acai nutrition facts, it is easy to see why they think this little berry could be so

The Battle of Antioxidants and Free Radicals

It's almost a guarantee that you've heard the term antioxidant before. You have probably also heard them associated with their arch nemesis, the free radical. But first, you have to understand what these terms actually mean. Free radicals, a naturally occurring atom, are different from normal atoms because they lack an electron from their pair. They make up for this by stealing electrons from other atoms, creating more free radicals. In abundance, they are believed to be a driving force behind many problems from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's to cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants combat and slow the effects of free radicals by giving the electron they desire without allowing them to steal it from healthy atoms.

What makes acai berry really stand out is its antioxidant content which measures far above all other fruits. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a system which scores a type of food on its antioxidant level -- the higher the number, the greater the antioxidant content. For instance, the avocado only measures 19 on the ORAC and yet is known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. With a 94 ORAC score, Cranberries have long been called super fruit. Acai berry on the other hand, scores an amazing 610 ORAC count. Now let's see other fruits even come close to that.

Other Healthy Facts About the Acai Berry

The acai is not touted as a super food for nothing. True, its antioxidant content is just unbelievable but it doesn't stop there. Acai contains a component called anthocyanins, the same substance found in red wine, which is effective in fighting coronary heart disease. A decent amount of unsaturated fats can also be found in acai berry. These unsaturated or "good" fats, produce essential fatty acids like Omega-6 which are needed in the body. Acai berry is also a good source of fiber, which is an energy booster.

Does That All Make the Acai Berry a Super Fruit Worth Studying?

If the acai berry doesn't constitute a super fruit, what does? It contains many of the healthy properties of other fruits, in addition to astronomical levels of antioxidants. While you will likely never get to have a fresh acai berry, unless you visit Brazil, you can get all the nutrition from pure acai supplements. If you obtain a high quality supplement, you can experience the benefits of acai for yourself. The acai berry is one of the most beneficial foods you can eat, the acai nutrition facts don't lie. - 17268

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The Expanding Career Field of Personal Training

By Jack Leblanc

The field of personal training is expanding at about the same rate as American waistlines. Obesity is a serious and growing problem among average Americans. As medical research links more health risks, like heart disease, hypertension and stroke to even moderate obesity, more Americans are trying to improve their health by getting fit. Some companies have even opened employee fitness centers in an effort to improve their employees' health and reduce the cost of health insurance.

This has created a huge demand for certified personal fitness trainers. Personal fitness trainers work with their clients on nutrition and exercise programs that are tailored to the individual. The goal is to improve the client's overall health by increasing their level of fitness.

Personal trainers require some knowledge of medical conditions because they may need to work with clients whose diet or physical activity is restricted by a chronic health issue.

The second area is general medical knowledge. You will need to be aware of any chronic health complaints your client suffers from and the impact of the condition on their ability to participate in physical activities. Some clients don't decide to address their fitness issues until after they discover a problem. You need to know the individuals limitations and you may need to speak with their doctor regarding special dietary needs and physical activity before you can design their fitness plan.

The final area is the one that most people think of first, exercise. Each client has different physical abilities, limitations and goals. Exercise programs need to take into account the needs and limitations of the client. The personal trainer must be familiar with both aerobic and strength training exercises and design a realistic and balanced program for each client.

Setting up proper exercise programs is central to the job of personal fitness training. The trainer must consider the individual clients fitness level, general health and age and set up a program that meets all the client's needs. The trainer must be well versed in both aerobic and strength training exercise and equipment, since a balanced approach to exercise contains elements of both.

Training to become a certified personal trainer can be done in a number of ways. You can chose a college program at either the associates or bachelors level (2 or 4 year), or you can enter a training program to earn the necessary credits to become certified. This is a rewarding career choice both from the standpoint of salary and from the satisfaction of helping people improve their health and their lives. You can chose to be a private trainer or work in the fitness industry.

If this sounds like the job you're looking for , you should look in the training programs available and decide the best method to obtain your certification. For those planning on operating as a private business, you should also look into basic business courses to give you the skills you will need to insure your success. - 17268

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Some Fast Tips To Make Recipes Healthy

By Chris Lee

Finding an alternative to unhealthy recipes is vital if you want to live a healthier lifestyle. You can find many healthier versions of nearly every recipe in the world if you look. The first rule in preparing healthy dishes is in using healthy ingredients. The worst thing that you can do if you are attempting to make healthy recipes is to add unhealthy ingredients. To ensure that you are choosing the right ingredients, make a list of what you will need before heading off to the grocery store.

Second, you need to understand the importance of timing. If you find that you have time on your hands, then you can prepare some healthy meals ahead of time. You can cook recipes up ahead of time and freeze them for later use. If you find that you are running short on cooking time, these frozen meals will come in very handy. You can use them when you just do not have the time to prepare a healthy meal. Instead of stopping for fast food, you can simply microwave one of your healthy meals.

The third healthy tip is to always search for fresh ingredients. If you are preparing soup for instance, try to find fresh produce. Try adding fresh herbs from your garden for added flavor. Using fresher ingredients is a much healthier way to cook. You should always use fresh vegetables when possible.

Using cooked or canned vegetables takes away from the health benefits. The fourth tip is about choosing healthy meats. While there are many healthier types of meats than beef or pork, this tip is related to the actual cut of the meat that you use in your recipes. You know, of course, that chicken and fish are much healthier. This is important for those recipes when substitution is simply not an option. If this is the case, then find the leanest cut of beef that you can possibly find.

When using ground beef, many cooks thing that one is as good as the other. This is simply not true. If you need to use ground beef, then choose a ground chuck that contains less fat. You can determine how lean the cut is by checking the label on the meat package. You can also get answers from those in the meat department. Finally, your fifth tip is to watch out for those fatty sauces. Check for substitution possibilities when creams, sauces and gravies are concerned. Be sure that you learn and understand how to substitute healthy ingredients for unhealthy ones. - 17268

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Discover How To Make Your Bodybuilding Workout Work For You

By Emmanuel Palmer

How does a body like Terminator sound like? Impossible? Think again. If you are ready and willing to undergo a serious bodybuilding workout with physically demanding weight lifting programs it can be done. Be forewarned though, this is no walk in the park. Your body will be pushed to its limits. If you can handle it, then read on to see how you can turn from Crushee to Crusher in just a matter of time.

It's time to start and where better than working out with one of the best woman magnets of all times-a big and well-defined chest. Remember, to make the most out of your regimen by always taking time to warm up well and stretch thoroughly. This prepares your body for the upcoming physical stress it is about to endure.

Start with two sets of fifteen reps done on the bench press. Increase to three sets of heavier reps with dumbbell flyes. Emphasize your upper chest muscles by altering the degree to 25-30 degree. You can also opt to train your arms after your chest; again starting low and building up to the higher loads. Lift the weight load that will tire your muscles by the 8th rep of the set.

The best way to trim that tummy down is still doing crunches. Only remember to put your hands across each shoulder instead of putting it under your head. The latter position puts strain in your nape and can be a little painful. You can also do leg raises either while lying down or sitting down while holding on to the sides of a bench. For your obliques, take the appropriate weight on each hand and bend your body from side to side, much like a pendulum. Do it slowly because rushing this exercise, especially carrying weights, can give you lower back injuries.

Many gym goers who aspire to be bodybuilders are not as enthusiastic about working out their backs because they seldom see it anyway. You need to develop a strong back, this muscle group is important as it aids in the other exercises wherein you carry a lot of weight. As you begin, start with pull ups, dead lifts and chin ups. Later on as you progress incorporate more exercises like the lat pull downs, barbell shrugs (upper back); seated rows (middle back); and hyperextensions (lower back).

One of the most difficult body parts to see results in are the shoulders. Exercise these muscles with the seated shoulder press and change it up with machine presses, lateral raises and the military press. Warm up with 50% of the weights you usually carry before starting this muscle group. Always work out the shoulders before the triceps.

Training the leg muscles are easy because it develops quite easily; however the drills required for these are usually more physically taxing than the others. Squats are the basic bodybuilding workout for this. It works almost all parts of your legs depending on the variation you use. Include lunges, leg press and hamstring exercises to get those powerful thighs to carry the rest of your muscular body.

Weight lifting programs give us an opportunity to exercise not just our muscles but our grit and determination to accomplish difficult undertakings. At the end of the day you not only take home a fit and muscular physique; you get a champion's heart that will take you anywhere in life. - 17268

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2 Natural Cures For Diabetes - So Straightforward A Caveman Can Do It

By Brian V Shortt

As you sit at this time in a world of despair, reading, researching, contemplating, and day-dreaming that you can spend the remainder of your life with no diabetes; you are hopeful that for just one second the answer to your prayers could be found in a single article, in just one sentence, without the confusion of overwhelming information.

Paralysis by analysis as they say.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, here was a man who had been diagnosed with an not curable disease: Diabetes. It wasn't before his 25th birthday when he started his new life as a prisoner of his own body, always having to babysit his blood sugar, blood pressure, inject himself with insulin, and sacrifice his utmost weakness: Food.

The doctors had insisted that there was nothing he can do, there was no cure for diabetes, and that he ought to remain dependent upon the drugs in which he must purchase. All over the country he searched for a second, third, fourth, fifth opinion - only for his greatest hopes to become a distant memory into the back of his head, and to be lost forever into the newly developed void in his heart.

He researched day and night, night and day. His passion was that of a lion, and his mind was that of a scholar.

At that moment it finally hit him, something to simple, so divine, that could cure his diabetes for good without the aid of foreign substances, naturally. After a year of experimentation he had ultimately discovered something that would rock the world! (Or at least the U.S.). He demanded that he be re-diagnosed against the doctors will, best judgment, and direction.

Astonished, the doctors were astounded. It took hours for the doctors to consult other physicians and to finally reach a conclusion that had went contrary to the established notion of medical science. Insulin levels were normal, and high glucose levels were non existent. This patient was absent of Diabetes Mellitus.

The treatment he received was all natural, inexpensive, painless, and worked like a miracle! He was so excited that he may perhaps share with his doctors about the treatment that cured his diabetes. Certainly these men and women would want to know about an all-natural medical treatment that could cure the incurable!

To his amazement they refused to believe that he had been properly diagnosed, much less that at hand was a true and natural cure for diabetes.

At this moment I would like to thank FTC, FDA, Pharmaceutical companies, etc. For their personal attacks on citizens with this information. They have aided the corruption of the power structures and misled health professionals into the needless agony of millions of innocent people by suppressing this kind of information.

With that said.

What would you say if I told you that there are 2 natural cures for diabetes that are so simple a caveman can do it?

Believe it or not, diabetes can be cured naturally by only two things.

1.) Diet

2.) Exercise

It's so effortless that no one wants to believe it! It's like trying to prove to someone that the world is round, since they just simply don't want to put forth the effort to banish their problems, and would rather just take a pill.

In that sense, medical science is your best bet. It's definitely true that there are no pills in existence yet that could reverse the effects of diabetes; but its also true that by making major changes in your habits you can reverse almost ANY disease.


The foods that you put into your mouth, clearly, can be the single biggest factor in not only controlling your diabetes, but also reversing it as well. Over the last few decades diabetes has taken refuge in more and more households in the United States and is increasingly becoming a larger problem. There is a direct correlation linking diet and disease that most medical professionals refuse to acknowledge for one simple reason:

There is no money in the cure!

Unfortunately, our doctors are merely trained to do two things.

1.) Treat Symptoms/Write Prescriptions

2.) Perform Surgery

We humans have only been eating processed, garbage, chemically altered, lab produced, foods for the past 100 or so years. Our bodies are not made to deal with this unexpected change in diet (as a species), and when the body becomes malnourished like this - it starts to break down.


A wise man once said, "We are made for action, and activity is the sovereign remedy for all physical ills." - Frederick the Great of Prussia

It couldn't be more real. Our bodies are the only machines on the face of this earth that break down, get worn out, and simply start deteriorating through the lack of exercise. This is especially true for aiding in the cure of diabetes. Exercise not only lowers your blood sugar levels, but it also lowers your chance of heart disease - which is common for people who have been unfortunate enough to develop diabetes.

It's vital to note that this article in no way is a substitute for any workout program, or medical journal. You must always talk to your doctor and a fitness expert on the best way to benefit from your workouts.

You should always be keeping track of your blood sugar levels ahead of, during, and after exercising to prevent the possibility of Hypoglycemia.

It is simply amazing what the human body is capable of, solely by consuming the foods that God intended. It is very crucial that we arm ourselves in not only the fight against diabetes, but also the fight against all diseases in general. - 17268

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The Benefits To Health of a Fruit Diet

By Jack Rowntree

Many people start on a fruit diet for a number of reasons and either go on one for a long or short period of time. Often it is part of a cleansing or detox program to help maintain a healthy state. There are ways, however, to consuming various types of fruit to make the whole experience better

Some people will hit the diet head on and go out and consume vast quantities of fruit. This usually has the result of making you feel bloated and nauseous.

The best way to approach this is to copy what grazing animals do and just eat small amounts of it frequently during the day. Small amounts regularly will prevent insulin surges which can make you feel more hungry. It will also prevent large amounts of fruit sitting in the stomach which can ferment and make you feel gassy and bloated.

A great way to get your daily requirements of fruit is by juicing. It is easy to get your full quota in a delicious refreshing drink. As fruit, especially in the liquid form, is easy to digest it places a lot less workload on the bowels. The result of this is that you can get the feeling of having much more energy. This is the reason why carbohydrate and protein heavy meals often make you feel tired and sluggish afterwards.

The type of fruit that you eat is also important. Fruit grown organically has not been exposed to chemical and insecticides and are often grown in good quality soil. The result of this is that you consume less of these undesirable chemicals and get all the benefits of the nutrients that come from the ground.

Organically grown fruit has also been shown to contain greater quantities of important vitamins and nutrients compared to those grown inorganically. Although organic fruit is more expensive than inorganic you do not actually need to consume as much of it to get the equivalent health benefits.

When deciding to go on a fruit diet, whether it's for a few days or longer then trying to eat a good variety is important. In this way you will get a much wider variety of minerals and nutrients into your system and it will also prevent you from becoming bored quickly. - 17268

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Discover the taste and potency of Acai Berry Juice

By Berry Walters

Acai berry juice has become a popular and a refreshing health drink. Often you will see it being advertised on TV, in magazines and on the internet.

Many people ask why is acai so popular? It originates around Brazil in the Amazon rainforest and the local tribes in the region tribes have been using acai as a staple for hundreds of years. Brazilians have found ways to make acai a healthy and tasty dessert in sorbets and drinks when honey and bananas are added.

The dark purple color of the fruit and is about the size and shape of blueberry with one difference, the hard seed makes up the majority of the berry. The fruit and skin are often used for consumption. The seed is either discarded or ground up for livestock feed.

The acai berry is harvested from the acai palm tree. The fruit is then processed at the source to preserve its healthy qualities. Acai contains omega oils that must be processed immediately after picking or they will spoil.

Acai also contains many other nutrients similar to other fruits. Acai also contains antioxidants that may help against free radical damage. The most enjoyable form of acai is in juice or puree form where you can enjoy it as a drink and mix it yourself with other juices since the pure taste of acai is rather bland.

Acai can be used in recipes and mixed with other fruit juices. Acai makes a great smoothie and tastes great with grape and blueberry. A refreshing treat can be made from mixing it with yogurt, granola, honey, bananas and apple juice. Acai will continue to be popular for sometime because it has established itself as a tasty and healthy fruit juice. You should look for a product that is pure, organic and kosher contains no fillers or extenders. To get the best acai berry juice you may have to purchase it online since most Acai juices contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup and preservatives. - 17268

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Equipment Needed For Home Gyms

By Krasen Dell

Home Gyms mean having your personal fitness areas in the comforts of your homes. This set up is truly something very practical. You can do your work out anytime you want to at your own pleasure. You can wear whatever you want as long as you feel comfortable. You do not need those outfits that are worn in the regular gyms. In fact, these home-fitness set ups are gaining numbers these days.

It is also important to have the appropriate fitness equipment to achieve your goal. In having a home gym, it is also a vital factor to invest on good quality tool or equipment that will last for a long time. Any part of your home can be an ideal fitness area which is accessible to any member of the family at any given time. The gears that you need can be found in some reputable shops and body building sites.

It is very rewarding to see how you have progressed in your weight program. The most important item you must have is the weight calculator. This uses your height, gender and frame size to help determine a healthy weight range for you. You can check your weight regularly as in a daily basis. Make sure you have the following things in your fitness are such as the:

Treadmill: You do not have to go out to jog or do some walking outside of your home. Rain or shine you can do powerful leg works. This is useful for exercising those leg muscles and the whole body as well.

Heart Rate Monitor: The device is for reading your pulse and heart rate. This is ideally attached to the treadmill. It is also important to buy a device like this that is compatible with your treadmill to attain an accurate reading.

Adjustable Weights: You can always adjust the load with your desired weight. A good substitute for a dumbbell set. This comes in one portable tray that can be kept in a corner of your fitness drawer. It does not occupy any amount of large space.

Position Step: You can find this gadget in any sports bar or fitness shop. This is an ideal gear for allowing flexibility of your leg movements. It is also another gear which can be kept in a drawer or cabinet after use.

Foot Weights: These are very effective in reducing your calories. The purpose of the weights is to build strong muscles and bones of the lower extremities of your body. They are good in keeping your weight down too.

Home Gyms are for the members of the family to enjoy exercise with privacy. Always remember that when doing floor exercises mats are important. You need exercise mats to keep you from slipping on a waxed floor in particular. - 17268

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Have You Heard of the Energizing Amazon Berry With the Taste of Chocolate?

By Americo Tognetti

What is this small, round, blackish-purple berry that is the buzz word for people all around the world today? Why it is none other than the acai berry that only grows at the tip-top of palm trees in South America's Amazon rain forest. This amazing berry carries a number of surprising benefits to health as well as being tasty, too. It actually tastes like a mix of fruit and chocolate. That would certainly be enough to placate the taste of chocolate lovers! Most people like to eat this berry on top of their favorite cereal for breakfast. Some love using it when making milkshakes and some people just choose to eat it plain.

If you are a chocolate lover, then you will definitely be in for a treat when you eat the acai berry. One of these things that this berry will do for your body is to detoxify it because the acai berry is loaded with antioxidants. You will not have to bother with a colon cleanse or any sort of fancy product that will clean out your system. After all, the acai berry works beautifully because the body needs it. This little berry has been found to be safe and natural. When you eat the acai berry, no matter how you do it whether it be in a milkshake, by itself, mixed in with your cereal or when it is combined in a fruit bowl, you will find that you are going to lose those excess pounds that you have been trying to shed forever! We are not only talking about a couple of pounds but a couple of digits. People have claimed to lose up to ten pounds a week as stated in testimonials. This is not difficult to believe since the body is chock full of damaging pollutants and accumulated debris that has come from years of unhealthy eating.

As your body gets rid of its pollutants and toxins, it will be able to operate much more efficiently and get rid of fats much easier. Aside from weight loss, the acai berry attacks free radicals that are within your body. These free radicals are the foundation of deadly diseases such as cancer. Being much like the goji berry, the acai berry has many more antioxidants. There is as much as 30 times more anthocyanins in the acai than there is in a glass of red wine. This is one thing that helps to keep your cholesterol in check.

This amazing berry contains omega 6 as well as omega 9, which can also help lower high cholesterol levels and provide protection against heart disease. Do you want to know of another benefit of this energizing super food is that it has a significant amount of fiber, which can also help to prevent of digestive disorders, cancer and weight gain.

Who wouldn't want to include the acai in their daily diet? On its own, it is a source of balanced carbohydrates, healthy fats, balanced proteins and essential vitamins and minerals all in this tiny berry. The benefits far outweigh the negatives - if there are any! You will also get peace of mind by eating the acai berry. The amount of vital nutrients helps to give you mental focus as well as energy. So, as you will notice, there is not one thing bad about the acai berry! - 17268

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Is It Possible To Have My Own Gym In My House

By Ricardo Daryans

Is it possible to build a strong, muscular body working out in my own house? Or joining a gym is the only way to achieve it. That's the question a lot of folks do and I got and answer for that. Of course you can do it and it doesn't matters if it's your house or a gym where you are training.

There may be a lot of factors that make you decide not to go to a gym. Maybe you can't afford the membership, or you don't like the ones close to your home. Or you don't like the guys in that gym. Whatever your reason, it's ok, there's still chances for you.

Actually, there are a lot of people who think that there's no better place to workout than their own houses. You don't waste your time going to the gym and back. All you have to do is walk the stairs anytime you feel in the mood for some exercise.

I could listen to whatever music I wanted to, as loud as I wanted to without having to worry about those around me. I could grunt, yelp and scream through my sets if I was in the mood without disturbing anyone (hey, squatting to failure isn't easy okay?) or train shirtless if I felt like it.

The best is, when you finished the hard work, you don't have to spend more time driving home. That's the last thing you want after all the effort your workout needed.

Ok, there's not only good news. It's almost impossible to have in your home to have certain pieces of machinery such as a leg press or calf machine. And because of that, there'll be some exercises you could not do there.

Even so, that's no bad at all. Ok, that machinery makes your workout easier, but if you don't have that equipment there are still forms to perform similar routines (freeweight substitutions). A proper bodybuilding routine does not require the use of any fancy equipment.

The basic equipment that your home gym should contain is: a) An adjustable barbell with freeweight plates. b) Adjustable dumbbells. c) A bench with incline adjustments. d) A chin-up bar. e) A squat rack.

If you can't afford a squat rack then you'll have to be creative. The bottom line is that you must have some sort of apparatus that will allow you to safely unrack a loaded bar and drop the bar onto a safety catch (or the floor) if your strength gives out during the lift. - 17268

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For Convenience, Safety And Health Use A Kitchen Faucet Filter

By Terry Johnston

Kitchen faucet filters are so convenient. Easy to install they make sure your tap water is fresh clean and healthy. They give you peace of mind about the water you drink and cook with.

Once installed you can forget about having to buy expensive bottled water for trips around town or across the country. Pure fresh water is available 24 hours a day.

The greatest convenience of having access to truly pure, clean water whenever you want it.

You will be pleasantly surprised at the compliments you will get from family and friends about how great your coffee, tea, soups and sauces taste and you will still be using your same tried and true recipes. The only difference? You are now making your coffee, tea, soups and sauces with pure, clean, fresh water.

Kitchen faucet filters come in different quality and performance levels. They don't all do the best job. Hyperbole can surround any item, not just water filters. Sometimes the largest part of the cost of a product is the advertising. It can very hard to get past the hype and really know what the truth is.

A kitchen water filter system--to be useful--must remove lead and chlorine from tap water, but that is the minimum requirement. You should want and expect more from your filter system. You want a system that will take out all the bad stuff (toxins) and leave the good stuff (minerals). Luckily for us the law says the manufacturer can only advertise proven results from the water filters.

A great kitchen faucet filter will remove the bad, keep the good and do it a a very good price. Then all you need to do is choose the right model for your family.

You are reading this because you have been searching on the internet for the information you need to make the right choice for your family.

For more in depth information about great kitchen faucet filters, please visit my Web Site. - 17268

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