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Friday, October 2, 2009

Introducing: The Immune Booster - Colostrum

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

The Immune Factors.

To comprehend what the Immune Factors are in high quality first milking colostrum and what they do, it is important to recognize that some of these components have one or more effects on the overall regulation and functioning of the immune system (immuno-regulating substances), while others are very restricted in what they can do and their benefits are usually very localized in the body, ordinarily exerting their effects primarily in the gut (gut protective substances).

Immuno-Regulating Substances

Thymosin (Alpha and Beta Chains) - Two protein-based chains make up this hormone. The chains are separate in colostrum; however, they can either stay separated and work independently on the thymus gland, or they can work together to activate, develop and maintain the immune system.

Proline-Rich Peptide (PRP) - This hormone is also called Thymulin. It is a small protein that helps the immune system organs as well as the thymus. It helps these organs from over-reacting to a threat.

Cytokines. Small proteins produced by various cells in the body that induce the generation of specialized types of white blood cells, signal them to come to the site of an insult and help in their passage through tissues.

Lymphokines - These proteins are created by various types of white blood cells and are of varying sizes. These proteins tell similar cells to change themselves so that they can release substances which can destroy invading microorganisms

Let's meet the Gut Protective Substances

Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) - Most of the proteins found in colostrum are these Immunoglobulins, better known as antibodies. As the mother cow responds to microorganisms throughout her life and fights them off, her immune system produces these antibodies which are then transferred into colostrum before she delivers her calf. These antibodies can fight off viruses, fungi and bacteria that infect a person's gastrointestinal tract.

Transfer Factors - These small proteins are created as the body responds to exposure of specific types of microorganisms, especially microorganisms that live for long periods of time in deep tissues. These proteins are limited in their effectiveness in defending against microorganisms; instead, they act with a variety of white blood cells as they strive to keep microorganisms in check.

Lactoferrin - This mineral-binding carrier protein attaches to iron that is available. Some aerobic bacterias need iron in order to reproduce. Lactoferrin is effective as it strives to impede the growth of microorganisms found in the gut. Some studies show Lactoferrin as an immuno-regulating substance that has anti-tumor, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Transferrin - This mineral-binding carrier protein also attaches to iron that is available. It can either act together with Lactoferrin or on its own to impede the growth of microorganisms in the gut.

Lysozyme - This enzyme attaches itself to cell walls of pathogenic bacterias as well as degrading proteins. Once it attaches, it is very powerful because it leaves holes in the walls of the bacteria.

Lactoperoxidase - This enzyme also attaches itself to cell walls of bacterias and degrading proteins. Once it attaches, it is mildly effective as it interferes with the bacteria's replication.

Xanthine Oxidase. Another mildly effective enzyme that can also attach to the wall of certain bacteria, degrade different proteins than those affected by lactoperoxidase and also interfere with the ability of the bacteria to replicate.

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) - Colostrum contains three types of functional white blood cells: neutrophils, polymorphonuclear, and macrophages. Their functions are best put to use right when the antibodies attach to the microorganisms. Each of these white blood cells can phagocytize foreign bodies and microorganisms. They also apply a substance which is carried into the microorganisms to destroy them.

Oligosaccharides and Glycocnjugates - These complex carbohydrates are found attached to the interior surface of the gastrointestinal tract of the body. They prevent microorganisms from attaching to the gastrointestinal tract. - 17268

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Faster Weight Loss With The Right Superfood

By Alice Drew

Weight loss products are in any place that you wish to look these times. In today's world, there are many people desiring to lose weight or keep it off better. If you are in such a group as I just described, you may wish to aid your weight loss efforts by trying a so-called weight loss product. As you may come to expect, some weight loss products are better than others.

In the last decade, one particular kind of weight loss product that has taken off in particular is the acai berry. The acai berry is a fruit that grows naturally in Central and South America on trees that are a type of palm. Local people have been using these acai berries for normal food consumption as well as medical use due to its medicinal and nutritional properties.

These days, companies are utilizing the benefits of acai berries and bringing them to people all over the world to use for their dietary supplement and weight loss purposes. Today, you can buy acai in powder, juice or even in its original fruit form. This is beneficial especially to people who live in areas where acai berries do not grow naturally.

So, let's get down to the benefits and great effects that the acai berry is reported to give. Acai berries are great for the cardiovascular system. Also, acai berries aid greatly in the digestive and immune systems in the human body. We also know now that people who consume acai berries on a regular basis can experience healthier levels of energy and improved sleep patterns as well as better skin.

Acai berries also detoxify the body. This is a great benefit because of its high fiber content which means that the stomach walls will be cleaned and toxins will be allowed to flush out. Later on, you will be able to absorb more nutrients from the food you eat because of this.

There are many other nutrients present in acai berries that help us including anti-oxidants and omega. Omega-6 and omega-9 while not very well known can help us by lowering the blood cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation in the body.

Acai is being hailed as a "super food" because of all these great effects. From what you have just seen, it does contain a great number of benefits that our "normal" foods don't seem to possess.

If you are looking to lose weight or maintain the weight you have, you might be interested in trying out acai to see if it gives you the benefits or results that you want. At the very least, acai is a fruit and organic so you do not need to worry about chemicals or other substances that may be added to other kinds of weight loss products.

If you want to try the acai berry out for yourself, there is no difficulty in finding it. It is widely available in health food stores and even some supermarkets. However, if you still cannot find it, you can always order acai products off of the internet and have them shipped right to your door. Always remember to consult a doctor before embarking on any type of weight loss quest to make sure there will be no negative effects to your body or health. - 17268

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You Should Not Be Doing Crunches - Washington, DC Fitness Coach Tells You Why

By Josef Brandenburg

You will often find that a Washington, DC fitness coach would not recommend that you do crunches. Why? Because they are not going to help you get your perfect abs. Although everyone who wants great abs seems to be doing them, they are probably not getting the results you think they are getting.

People just can't stop telling about what they think is the best way to get a flat stomach and strong abs, but just because everyone gives you the same information, doesn't make it the right information. Here are a few reasons why they are wrong about crunches.

1. You need to leave behind your misconception that abdominal crunches are going to be of any use to you. If you are looking for flat abs and you want to display a 4, 6 or 8 pack, you have to get rid of the thick layer of fat on your stomach that hides the natural abs that you were born with by following a good weight loss program.

2. Another truth about crunches which you might not know is that the position in which your body is placed while doing crunches is not at all convenient and puts a lot of pressure on your back, which can have adverse effects on your posture.

3. There is a lot of wrong information floating around so, if you are looking for both protection to your back and perfect results for your abs, then talk to your Washington, DC fitness coach, because crunches do not do your back any good, especially when they are not done right.

So, What Do You Do?

As mentioned, the first step is to start working a fat loss program. A good Washington, DC fitness coach is available to help you to accomplish these goals. When you work to burn off that fat, you allow your abs to actually shine right on through, without the use of any type of crunch.

Your internal weight belt also needs to be taken into consideration. In case you don't know what that is, your internal weight belt is made up of the muscles that support your lower back as they tighten inwards when you are moving or lifting. Properly functioning core muscles ensures that your weight belt turns on automatically when needed whether you think about it or not. A fat belly is the result of weak muscles.

The bottom line: crunches are not going to provide you with those six pack abs that you are interested in. Instead, it is highly recommended that you work with a Washington, DC fitness coach who can help you to create a plan to improve those core muscles and lose the weight that is shielding your abdominal muscles. - 17268

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Easy Tips On How To Jump Higher

By Bart Icles

Becoming a better basketball player means having to develop the different skills needed while playing a game. Aside from enhancing your basic and advanced basketball skills, you will also need to develop your physical fitness skills like your speed, strength, and agility. Another skill that contributes much to your competence as a basketball player is your jumping ability. Indeed, becoming a better ball player means learning how to jump higher. There are tons of tips on how to jump higher available in sports manuals and online that you can easily get yourself overwhelmed by their sheer number. But what really is important is you will be able to develop a jump higher program that you can integrate to your daily exercise routine.

You jump higher training program does not really need to be all too complex. What you really need is to learn tips on how to jump higher that best answer your jumping needs. You need not invest on expensive exercise machines and costly gym memberships. All you need to do is to properly and regularly perform simple exercises that have been proven to increase the height of your vertical jump.

Most tips on how to jump higher will make you start working on your calves. There is much sense to this indeed because your calf muscles are primarily responsible for making jump. Strengthening your calf muscles is one way of giving you the added lift you need. You can start working on your strength by adding strength training in your regular exercise routine. One way is through doing lunges while holding a set of dumbbells on each of your hands.

Plyometric exercises are also great ways of working your speed, strength, and agility. You can read more about plyometric drills for basketball in several websites online. What is great about plyometrics trainings is that the exercises included in them do not require the use of complicated exercise machines. You simply need to perform specific drills and exercises properly. And this does not mean you will need to lock yourself up in the gym. You simply need to perform the exercises one hour each day at the most.

Other great ways of making you jump higher includes regular jump rope sessions ? on your toes. Jumping rope on your toes will not only strengthen your calf muscles, it will also give you a total body workout. Other tips on how to jump higher would involve walking on tiptoes for 15 to 30 minutes everyday. Completing sets of jumps can also help much in significantly increasing the height of your vertical jump. - 17268

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Common Sense Ways To Slow Down The Aging Process of Looking Older

By Mejia Newman

There are plenty of natural foods that are rich in antioxidants. They can enhance your life in many ways by extending your life and helping you look and feel younger. Antioxidants are an essential ingredient to having more energy, stronger nails, a healthy circulatory system and silky looking hair and skin.

There many causes for aging prematurely. No one wants to look older before their time. The world in which we live and the foods that we eat are big causes for aging prematurely. The air is filled with pollutants and toxins that get into your skin and hair. Food pesticides are often ingested into the body where they can cause harm over time. All of these factors are proven to rob you of an extended youthful life.

By eating foods that naturally contain antioxidants, you can start reversing the effects of premature wrinkling. Your hair and nails will start improving over time as well. This is why foods rich in vitamins and minerals have taken center-stage in many popular health and beauty magazines. It is the best diet proven to help you look and stay younger.

Besides environmental factors such as pollutants and airborne toxins, people these days are dealing with tremendous amounts of stress. These stresses tend to cause sleepless nights and often cause people to turn to drinking too much alcohol and other chemicals that slowly damage and destroy the ability to live a youthful life. It seems to be endless these days, but you can start the process of restoring your youth now.

Overexposure to the sun and tanning beds can also cause you to age much faster. Each year, millions of people spend the summer sun-tanning without regard to protecting their skin. By taking precautions and using a proven sun-block with high SPF protection, you can protect your skin from the damaging affects of overexposure to the sun. The sun will strip years from your appearance if you don't protect your skin.

If you want to start reversing the damaging effects caused by too much tanning, start eating foods that contain lots of antioxidants. There is plenty of available research that proves antioxidants are known to help restore a youthful appearance. They are good for helping to promote healthier looking skin, hair and nails and they have a positive effect on the entire body as well.

If you are looking to combat wrinkles, eat foods that contain Zinc and Calcium Magnesium or take a daily supplement to get these two important minerals. If you are unsure, search the internet for studies of these two minerals and you will be convinced. Additionally, you may want to start using a Collagen cream. It helps to protect you skin from damaging pollutants and helps your skin restore its elasticity. You can buy a Collagen rich cream at your local pharmacy or grocery store.

Don't wait until you have looked into the mirror only to discover that you look 20 years older than you are. If you start learning how to protect the delicate layers of your skin now and change your diet to include foods that are rich in antioxidants, you will be able to preserve your youthful appearance for many years. - 17268

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The Significance of Proper Diet and Exercise

By Jesse Regan

There can be many reasons why you should be thankful for high technology. If it not had been for its advance a great number of things, from transportation to communication, would have remained inconvenient. It has provided you with gigantic flat screen TV, which you can watch for hours while sitting lazily in your sofa. It has even made your desk job so easy with your computer just as it did for the manufacturing sector with automation. With almost everything done with push buttons, people have become inert enough to gain weight easily.

That alone is bad news but what even worsens it is type of food many people prefer to eat. Most of todays food can no longer seem to do without ingredients with inorganic origins. What are most prominent; however, are the generous servings of fat and sugar in every meal. These two happen to be the main causes for heart diseases and diabetes yet still many people cannot let go of these. It is only when they reach their forties that they realize how their neglect for good eating habits has badly affected their health, which in some cases are too late.

Fortunately, many suggestions and methods are already out to avoid obesity and coronary diseases. The main solution is physical fitness. For a slim appearance, some people have opted for slimming pills and other kinds of food supplements. You may think these provide the easy ways but wait until you hear some bad stories about these. These are mostly artificial means and can produce undesired effects on the body. Besides, these may just make a person slim and not necessarily fit.

The safest and yet sure-fire ways of getting a fit and healthy body is through proper diet and exercise. These do not require someone to take pills or to go under the knife. These introduce a person to a healthier lifestyle and encourage them to turn away from inactivity and poor eating habits. To get results rapidly, both should be complementing each other.

Proper diet does not merely impose limits on the individuals amount of food intake. In fact, it gives primary importance to what one should eat to stay fit. These include food with enough proteins, good cholesterol, and vitamins and nutrients. Of course, some types of food should be avoided such as those heavy with fat, salt, and sugar. Dieting also does not mean skipping meals. Instead, it allows one to eat regularly but only the food allowed at moderate amounts.

Exercise is needed to burn cholesterol and to hasten weight reduction. Workout routines like the cardio and weight training require the body to use up so much energy, which means spending most of its fats as fuel. Cardio routines are most effective in weight loss and builds up ones endurance. Weight training, on the other hand, develops the bodys physical strength. It aids in toning the muscles to replace the fat lost. One should take some caution though in performing some routines to avoid injuries.

These are just a few golden nuggets about diet you can find online. - 17268

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Unearth The 5 Top Weight Loss Rules

By Paula D Bryant

Some people believe that "all diets work" and that our problem is not that we can't lose weight it is instead that we can't keep it off after it is lost. We go on the diet and lose the weight then we get off the diet and the weight comes back. Except for the resistant dieter who never drops a pound in the first place.

As a experienced dieter who had for many years been trying various ways to lose weight I knew that this was not a fact. The issue was that there had been many diet programs that I tried and followed the advice exactly only to see the scale not budge. True story, the scale did not record the drop of even one pound. My body was totally resistant to losing weight.

It is a biological thing for women. Men are always able to lose weight and gain muscle easier and faster than women because women are biologically programmed to hold onto the fat. In the rare event of a famine our bodies are programmed not only to make sure we stay alive but also to keep any offspring that we may be carrying alive. Biologically it is just more challenging for women to lose weight.

But in the past few years and throughout this struggle, I have learned quite a few things that can help a woman to lose weight. I will share my top five rules for weight loss here.

First rule is to Eat. That's right; never starve yourself if you want to have lasting weight loss. Eating regularly will keep you from getting over hungry which in turn will keep you from eating everything in site later on. It also keeps your metabolism pumping and your body keeps on burning calories. If your body thinks it is starving it will shut down your metabolism and conserve the fat so eat, at least 3 meals and as many as 6 small meals every day.

The second rule is to be aware of what you do eat. Empty calories in the form of "white foods" and empty carbohydrates do nothing to fill you up and just pile on the pounds. Choose quality and you will automatically reduce quantity. Many cravings are caused by a deficiency of sufficient nutrients so choose quality, high-density nutritious foods when you do eat. Remove the junk out of your pantry and out of your life.

Third, make sure that you add some protein with every meal. High protein diets work because protein digests slower than carbohydrates; especially simple carbohydrates and they will not cause a sugar spike in your bloodstream. When you add protein you are not nearly as hungry later on and you wind up consuming fewer calories.

Fourth rule is to select quality carbs. Simple carbs, like donuts, cakes and sweets of any kind and anything that is made from white flour will spike your blood sugar, which will cause more hunger, and it will just add to your fat deposits. Complex carbohydrates give you fiber and nutrients that benefit your body. Complex carbohydrates are whole grains and vegetables.

The fifth rule is to start moving. Start an exercise program. Begin walking and take the stairs. You can begin slow and move up to a more difficult program as you become stronger but if you want to lose weight and keep it off long-term exercise is critical.

It may be that you'll have to work at it. Few people with weight problems solve them once and for all for and never have to think about it again, but if you adhere to these rules most of the time, you will lose weight and you will be able to keep it off. - 17268

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Caloric Restriction vs Resveratrol - It is Your Choice

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Whenever we hear that we have to eat less in order to lose weight we start envisioning ourselves as being deprived and starving. Losing weight is one of the benefits of caloric restriction (CR). The truth is that restriction of our caloric intake may lead to anti-aging health benefits as well! Experimental studies have even shown that it is possible live longer by eating less calories. Let us take a look at how to slow aging with caloric restriction.

Fewer calories do not necessarily mean less nutrition. This idea is about making the body eat right. The best way to start this is not by lessening how much is being consumed by the body but by modifying the kind of the foods taken in. Actually, the highest nutrient values can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, salmon, tuna, trout and beans. They have lesser calories and high nutrient density.

Based on modern studies on primates, worms, mice and flies, a longer and healthier life is possible through a combination of a lower calorie intake and a nutrient dense diet. Along with the quantity comes the quality of life as diseases that indicate aging, such as heart problems, high blood pressure, dementia and the likes, are avoided.

Measurements taken of the regions of the brain that control cognitive ability and memory show that there is far less atrophy of brain tissue in the animals on a restricted calorie diet. The control group were fed healthy foods but allowed to eat as much as they wanted. This group showed all the expected signs of aging including brain atrophy and diseases of aging. Mice and rats which were on a 30% caloric restriction slowed aging by 30%-40%.

In general, the average human male consumes over 2600 calories per day. This is just an average number. There are no magic numbers for determining the precise number of calories that we should consume if we desire to slow aging with caloric restriction. People come in a variety of sizes, and have different metabolisms, meaning that some need more calories just to survive than would be enough to bring on obesity in others.

To get a good look at how caloric restriction affects aging, take note of your average daily calorie intake. Create a database for one month to determine your solid average caloric intake. On the following month, reduce your daily amount of calories taken by 5%. It is important not to make the body feel hungry in the process. The secret lies on the kind of food being consumed. Choose lower calorie foods that are high in nutrients instead of the high calorie foods that are presently in your daily diet.

Visit your doctor and ask him to work with you on this one. Initially, a baseline should be set for your cholesterol, fasting blood sugar and blood pressure levels. On the following month, the caloric intake should be reduced at another 5 percent. At the end of the month, the measurements should again be noted down. This is done month after month. When you see any clear improvements on the statistics, you can be assured that you are effectively slowing the aging process your body is going through. The reduction process should continue until the changes stop. This indicates that you have reached the calorie intake level you need in order to end up with a longer and healthier life.

It has been scientifically found that Resveratrol, which is a compound found in grape skins and red wine, can mimic the anti-aging health benefits of caloric restriction. Studies at the University of Florida revealed that "the effects of low doses of Resveratrol were comparable to caloric restriction, the hallmark of life extension". It is never too late to get a head start on providing your body with the conditions it needs to live a longer and happier life. However, if restricting your daily calories by 15%-30% seems too hard, then when why not consider Resveratrol? Should you get healthier and slow aging with caloric restriction or Resveratrol? It is your choice. - 17268

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Biggest Loser Diet Tips

By Jesse Regan

Losing big can really be something to relish if what is lost is nothing else but your weight. Your fat is definitely not worth keeping as you would with your loved ones portraits. In fact, you would not mind taking all the troubles and doing all the things that should be done as long as these would help you get the fit and healthy body you always wish to have.

If you can have your way though, it would really be better if you can just sit your way into being lean. However, a fit body is not something that can be achieved by just lazing at the living room. This can be realized by workout and diet, two activities that when done together produces amazing results. Working out not just develops ones stamina; it also burns fat at a faster rate. A fitness diet complements this by allowing one to recover energy sources but not bad cholesterol. While working out can be enjoyable, dieting can sometimes be tougher to perform, as it requires some levels of self-restraint.

The good news is that, according to many weight-loss experts, dieting is not a self-imposed starvation scheme. It only urges someone to eat the types of food that are needed minus the dreaded cholesterol. One tip is eating often just to satisfy the stomach but in less and healthy quantities. Therefore, it is all right to go for some bites prior to or after regular meals, which is quite kind to ones appetite.

If you are one of those who still cannot get over fast-food staple fares, there are some pointers that can prevent you from taking in all that fat. You can ask for a to-go bag even though you are going to dine in the joint. Eat half of what you ordered then put the rest inside the to-go bag for the next meal or for snacks. You could also apply the brakes even before you have emptied your plate, eating to satisfy only and not to stuff. Still, the less expensive and more practical option is to cook your own healthy food in the comforts of your home.

There is that myth about putting a poster of a slim and bikini-clad model in the kitchen supposedly to encourage someone to think twice before taking too many additional bites. However, this can only backfire with the poster seducing anyone to stay at the kitchen too often. Instead of the some hunk or babes poster, posting a picture of a terribly overweight person there may do the job. This will effectively remind what one should not become.

Nothing beats a hot, homemade, and healthy meal. One can make his own delicious food without compromising his diet. He only has to know what dishes and ingredients that are fat-free, low-sodium and low-sugar. If he does not have enough information about these, he can ask an expert about what possible dishes he can eat heartily without worrying about his heart and health.

These are information that you would need when you want to shape up your body and your financial life as well. read more about weight loss from an incredible site. - 17268

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See Acai Berries For Fat Success

By Rebecca S Scott

The acai berry is one of the best nutritional finds of recent times. This amazing little berry is only found in the rainforests of Brazil and it is truly a nutritional powerhouse. There have been numerous claims made that this berry can help with weight loss and that is one reason for its massive popularity.

The acai berry is extremely nutritious. It boasts some of the highest antioxidant contents on the planet along with a vast array of vitamins, minerals, fiber and even essential fatty acids and amino acids. Add to that the taste of a delicious berry; perhaps dripping in dark chocolate and you have all of the makings of a unique, nutritional powerhouse.

It is not possible at this time to get the fresh berry at your local store, health food store or even online. That is because this berry is so extremely perishable that it loses its wholesomeness as soon as 24 hours after it has been picked from the tree. Don't go looking to find the acai berry in the exotic fruit section of your stores produce department. It won't be there.

But you can find a good selection of healthy foods made from the acai, ranging from juices, to products with acai berry included, to extracts, powdered formula's and even supplements and capsules. The best products are those that are processed with a freeze- drying method and those that use the highest amounts of acai berry pulp.

The acai berry can be extremely advantageous if you are trying to lose weight. This is not because the fruit is magical in and by itself but more likely because of the high nutritional content. There are some cultures in the world that think that being overweight is actually a sign of malnutrition and they may be right. Giving your body optimum nutrition is always beneficial if you are trying to lose weight.

The inclusion of acai berry products can increase our metabolism and help our bodies in releasing excess toxins. The acai berry can contribute the healthy clearning of accumulated fat. These things can be of great advantage when you are wanting to lose weight.

The acai berry can assist us in achieving our weight loss dreams by supplying our bodies with the crucial nutritional elements that it craves. When our bodies receive the optimal nutrition that it requires, very often our cravings cease. An exercise plan and lowered caloric consumption is also crucial for weight loss as the acai berry is not a magical solution but only a benefit to other weight loss strategies.

The excellent nutrition of the acai berry can be a great benefit to our bodies whether we want to lose weight or not. We can all gain from the superior nutrition that the acai berry offers. - 17268

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Massage Treatments For Lifting PerFormance

By Frank Nagel

Most people I know say that their health is one of their top priorities. Unfortunately, the reality is that is what they say, but not necessarily what they do. This is sad to me, because we all know that we have to take good care of ourselves. The reality is that we take our bodies and health for granted. Well that is until something happens. Then we kind of just wake up and then maybe we take care of ourselves?at least for a while. We have to make health a priority. We need ways to counteract the affects of stress and find balance in our lives. One method that helps people decompress from stress is massage therapy and the most convenient way to receive it is from a massage chair.

Stress can come from work or it may come from home. We react to the situation and our bodies defend the body by a release of chemicals. These chemicals will build up in the body if not consistently released. One very effective method of release is massage therapy.

Massage chairs are very advanced and can provide full body massages. They are particularly effective in relieving aches, pains and discomfort which can result from the build up of stress in our bodies. The massage chairs of today offer a tremendous variety of comprehensive and effective massage treatments.

What are the benefits of massage therapy? There are many studies that continue to show that receiving regular massage therapy helps in the following ways: It helps to remove toxins out of the body; it increases blood circulation; relaxes the muscles; increases muscle and joint flexibility to name a few. Also note that the studies point out that to obtain these benefits, massage therapy must be received on a recurring basis.

The convenience of a massage chair cannot be understated. The biggest obstacle we hear for receiving regular massage therapy is the time involved with going to a massage therapist. We just simply do not have time in our busy schedules to do this on a consistent basis. This is precisely why having a massage chair can be very convenient. You can get a 10 minute warm up massage before you hop in the shower or just before you go to bed. No appointment need and you have access around the clock.

If you are able to go to the spa on a regular basis and obtain a massage from a masseuse, then you are taking care of your stress by giving it an effective release. On the other hand, if you are not doing this, then a massage chair can be an effective alternative.

A massage chair is an excellent time saver. You get a massage in parallel with a massage chair. A masseuse works your body over one part at a time. The massage chair can massage your back while it massages your legs, buttocks, feet and calves. All the parts of the chair are working and the total time is significantly reduced.

Another important way a massage chair can help is by saving you money. A massage chair can be as little as $3 per hour of massage therapy. Compare this to a masseuse who typically runs $50 per hour plus tip. Massage chairs have a clear economic advantage. This is the typical tradeoff between human labor versus machine labor.

We all say that our health is a priority, but few take the necessary action required. How hard is it to sit for 10 minutes and relax your body and mind? For some impossible, but for most of us, it is very possible. Why not start to establish a routine that helps to reverse the effects of modern day stress. Your health is not a luxury, and neither is having a massage chair to help you bring back that critical balance in your life. - 17268

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Vegan Diet Plan - Healthy Eating for Vegans

By Janine Rose Morley

Restaurants " pleasure yourself to an evening out. Ethnic restaurants, in particular Thai, Indian, Ethiopian, Chinese, and Mexican, are typically a useful option, as they offer a broad range of vegetarian and vegan foods.

Fast food " Grab a quick snack on the run. For the most part chains offer a vegetarian meal of some sort. Pick from: Tacos, veggie burgers, baked potatoes, pasta, falafel, salads and more. Vegans can order pizza with no cheese but loaded with vegetable extras, like peppers, mushrooms, olives and artichokes.

Supermarket chains and natural health food shops ordinarily have available quick vegetarian food items. Select from: Savoury pies, seasoned tofu, veggie burgers, chili, a broad variety of soups, and more.

Veggie convenience foodstuffs Create a meal consisting of some of the following items. You can add your own veggies, rice, noodles, cooked grain, wraps, or breads.

Mock meats " If you like the tough consistency of meat, there are many items that can be added to your meals. Select from bite-sized chunks of "chicken" or "beef", meat analogs that are crumbly such as ground beef, or significant offerings like vegetarian "turkey" substitutes. It is a sound idea to try a few diverse brands, as there is a broad variety of styles and quality. Mock meats, nondairy cheeses and milks, and other vegetarian foods are retailed in mainly major supermarkets these days, and health food stores offer even more.

Tofu " a pre-cooked soy produce that is notable for picking up flavours from the veggies and seasonings that you cook it with. The firm way is best marinated, baked, or stir-fried. Soft tofu can be blended to make creamy dressings, puddings, dips, and smoothies.

Tempeh " a cultured complete soy produce accessible at natural food supplies. Fry till golden and crispy, then add to a dish or dish up on the side with Dijon mustard.

Seitan " a chewy meat-like produce made from wheat gluten. To be had at natural food stores. Canned items " chickpeas, lentils, white beans, refried beans, hearty soups, etc.

Adjust the meals you presently make.. Breakfast and lunch are uncomplicated. Try muffins with fruit spread, toast, or cereal for breakfasts. Get on to sandwiches with spreads like hummus, veggie pate, black bean dip, nut butters, or white beans with lemon and garlic. Pasta, rice or potato salads, and even dinner scraps make impressive lunches.

Combined with light excersises, These meals are a great fast track to healthy weight loss as well. Ahh, The Benefits. - 17268