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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fish Oil For Memory Improvement

By Dr. Bill

Sometimes a cup of hot chocolate is just the thing to counter the effects of a cold winter day. I don't drink it very often, but I just love it and it always perks up my mood.

I used to get the same feeling when I would see my exam scores, back in medical school. But once you knew where you stood, you just found the nearest bed and passed out. This is completely different. You drink the hot chocolate, and then get motivated to get something accomplished.

I saw an interesting article in my local paper yesterday. I can't saw that I often find relevant news in my little local paper, but obviously, you never know.

The article was about the USA National Memory Championship, which is a competition that was begun in 1997 by Tony Dottino, owner of the Dottino Consulting Group. The upshot is that when the Dottino Group started applying neuroscience to business models, they discovered that most people have no idea of what remarkable things their own brains can accomplish.

Tony found that when discussing this topic with people, most seemed to want to avoid the topic altogether, and were especially interested in avoiding the subject of anything having to do with memory.

Their number one concern: That as you get older, you'll lose your memory.

Tony set out to educate people, teaching, "Your brain is like a muscle, and must be exercised. When given the proper training, it gets stronger, regardless of age."

Tony had a friend named Tony Buzan, who ran a competition in a English pub where patrons were pitted against each other to test their memories.

The Tonys got together and created the USA Memory Championship.

You may be wondering: what is Chester's secret?

Be patient, and I'll let you in on the secret.

Contestants in the Memory Championship compete in events like this:

1. They are required to memorize 99 names and faces.

2. They are required to memorize the order of a shuffled deck of cards.

3. Poetry

4. They must memorize numbers that are given out very fast.

5. A list of 500 words or 1000 random numbers

Hell...I was humbled by just the list.

Chester is the defending National Memory Champion, and has competed for the last seven years.

Chester does 3 hours a day of memory exercises, and he also takes fish oil, which he swears enhances the functioning of his brain. He also takes a B-complex vitamin, which he believes goes a long way towards enhancing his concentration.

So why does fish oil improve Chester's memory? The brain consists of at least 30% DHA, which is one of the omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil. DHA enhances brain power and helps maintain brain cell membranes. So we can't be too surprised to learn that Chester counts on fish oil to help him improve his memory.

Good food, exercise, and pharmaceutical grade fish oil will keep your brain functioning at an optimum level, as demonstrated by the defending champ. You can keep your own brain sharp by using an ultra pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil from the deep arctic waters of Norway.

For Baby Boomers, their utmost health concern is the possibility of Alzheimer's and memory loss. What Boomers should know is that pharmaceutical-grade fish oil, combined with proper nutrition and exercise will go a long way towards keeping their minds focused and sharp well into the future.

So while we may not win the National Memory Championship, we have an excellent chance of remembering where our car is parked in the shopping mall. - 17268

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Your Nutritionist: Too Fat to Fish?

By Dr. Bill

This morning, like every morning, I tried to avoid reading my email first thing, because if I get hooked on a good story, I can easily lose track of time and I don't end up getting enough done. But I couldn't resist this morning, and I read an email from someone I know who was just diagnosed with Type II Diabetes

John loves to eat and loves to drink beer. He is in his mid-fifties and weighs about 20-25 pounds more than he should, so he's not exactly fat, but he's certainly not thin either. With this new diagnosis of Type II Diabetes, he is going to have to make some lifestyle changes, if he knows what's good for him.

John told me in the email that his family practitioner had sent him to a nutritionist after she told him about his diabetes diagnosis. John is 6' 1" and weighs between 255-230. I think it's entirely possible that John could get in shape within about 90 days.

He took the appointment with the nutritionist, and showed up for his appointment at the prescribed time. He checked in with the receptionist, who weighed in about 250, and couldn't have been a hair over 5'5". What we used to call "as wide as they were tall," behind closed doors.

You would think that a nutritionist would not want to have an obese person be the first thing a patient sees when they walk through the door, but John thought that maybe they had to hire her because she was qualified and they didn't want to break any discrimination laws.

John waited in the waiting room and after about 20 minutes they called him in. When the nutritionist arrived, he was just flabbergasted. She was tall, but she could not have weighed less than 300 pounds, according to John.

The nutritionist began to talk to John about his health and the ways he could improve it thought diet, but John could barely concentrate. He just kept wondering, "Why on earth are the receptionist and the nutritionist so incredibly fat?"

The nutritionist got to the part where she was displaying plastic food to show John about correct portion sizes, but John could not keep silent. Finally he blurted out, "If you know so much about nutrition and the rules of dieting, why are you so overweight?"

There was absolute silence on the other side of the desk, and then she said, "What did you say?" like she hadn't heard him correctly.

John played along and repeated his question. "How can you be so overweight, when you know all these rules about dieting and nutrition?"

This is when the nutritionist just lost it and started screaming at John. She ordered him out of her office. John left, but even with all the histrionics, he still thought his question was valid. On the way out the receptionist asked if everything was okay, and John muttered something about people who shouldn't give advice if they are not willing to follow it themselves.

He went back to his family practitioner and told her the story. She kept a straight face on for a minute or two, and then couldn't stop her own laughter.

After that, John was told of some rules that he really had to pay attention to.

I recommend, as John's doctor does, supplementation with pharmaceutical grade fish oil, especially for patients with Type II diabetes. Diabetes really ups the risk for cardiac issues, and although John does not have heart problems right now, his risk level is high. The pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is useful in the treatment of diabetes because it can help control lipid levels, particularly triglyceride levels. These levels are often elevated in patients with diabetes.

And diabetes is not the only thing the pharmaceutical grade fish oil is good for. This type of fish oil has been shown to have a positive effect on reducing the risk of some cancers and cardiovascular disease, and also has been linked to better joint health and improvement in mood and behavior.

It's really important for people with Type II diabetes to do what they can to elevate their mood, because many of them suffer from depression that is brought on by the disease.

I think John was absolutely within his rights to ask that question of his nutritionist. How is his situation different from taking health advice from a pulmonologist who thought nothing of smoking?

Nutritionists need to listen to themselves and follow through on what they are talking about, not just hand out diet advice with one hand and eat junk food with the other.

John told me that when he was in the nutritionist's office he had noticed cases of Diet Coke, which, if you didn't know, is the number one beverage that fat people consume.

Don't hesitate to get another opinion, especially in a situation like this, where you have reason to doubt the validity of what your practitioner is telling you, based on his or her own habits. - 17268

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Tinnitus Relief - Stop Buzzing In The Ears

By Matt Hellstrom

Often the unfortunate consequence of having stood far too close to the speakers at one too many rock concerts during your youth; is tinnitus. Better known as "ringing in the ears", tinnitus is an annoying, pain in one or both ears! To make matters even worse, you may have caused some permanent damage to your hearing as well because you just had to listen up nice and close without even thinking about your poor ears. Luckily for you, there is some tinnitus relief available to help with the symptoms.

Although there is tinnitus relief for the many sufferers of the problem, there really isn't a sure-fire cure as such. Those bothersome sounds that ring continuously in your ears, as well as the possibility of permanent damage to your hearing will be a constant reminder of your days of attending rock concerts.

One of the methods employed for tinnitus relief is to leave an air conditioner running or a radio turned on. This is known as "White Noise" and the way it brings relief, is to mask the ringing sound with an entirely different noise. Now you're probably wondering how that helps? Noise is noise; right? Not always. If it distracts your mind from the ringing sound, it works.

A type of tinnitus relief is treatment that teaches you to retrain your brain to distract you from the nonstop ringing that bothers you. Any form of treatment is usually very welcome, as this condition can literally drive the sufferer mad with frustration!

A popular treatment for tinnitus relief is the use of herbs such as Ginko Biloba and other natural therapies. An Asian Alternative Medicine that is mostly used to treat cardio and lung disorders, but it is also believed to increase blood circulation and oxygen to the brain making is believed to be beneficial. Because this treatment does thin the blood, it is vital that extra care is exercised to ensure that it doesn't cause other health problems.

It is well documented that stress worsens the condition and that tinnitus relief is available through some thing as simple as making a few lifestyle changes. Including fibre rich foods in your diet as well as reducing the amount of caffeine, stopping smoking and plenty of outdoor exercise helps tremendously. Meditation can also bring about tinnitus relief.

Everyone knows that prevention is a much better path, but anything that gives some tinnitus relief is better than putting up with constant chatter or noise in your ears. Make no mistake; it may be advisable to steer clear of any rock concerts in the future. But if you are really hooked, at least wear earplugs! - 17268

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Usana Rev3 - Join the Energy Revolution

By Angela Giles

Usana Rev3 is a revolutionary drink that stimulates energy metabolism right inside the cells in order to provide sustained energy to the body. It is marketed by Usana Health Sciences, whose nutritional supplements and skin & hair care products are used by thousands of people across the globe.

The Mitochondrion is known as the cellular 'power plant' because it is the main organelle that is responsible for energy production in the human cell. In a complex process called the citric acid or Kreb's cycle, the mitochondrion converts blood sugar/glucose into chemical energy in the form of Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP), which is useful for various cell functions like cell growth and cell differentiation.

Usana Rev3 is not a typical energy drink. It is far superior to other drinks in its contents, taste and effect. Its unique formulation includes L-Carnitine, which stimulates energy generation in the mitochondrion and co-enzyme Q-10 which produces over 95% of the energy generated by the body. L-Carnitine helps to carry fats and fatty acids inside the mitochondrion for energy production and also prevents the accumulation of toxic waste, which results as a byproduct of the process.

In addition to L-Carnitine and CoQ10, Usana Rev3 contains Korean ginseng, malic and citric acid and rhodiola. All these ingredients ensure the correct operation of the Kreb's energy cycle and electron transfer chains. They also help in combating everyday fatigue and stress.

Most energy drinks in the market are the typical crash-and-burn variety. They create an immediate but temporary surge in energy levels and leave the drinker feeling drained after some time. This is a common characteristic of foods with high glycemic sugar content. Usana Rev3, on the other hand, is prepared with low glycemic sugars, that do not cause a crash in energy but sustain the energy levels for a much longer time.

Rev3 contains natural caffeine along with a blend of teas that arouse mental alertness and increase stamina. It also includes a phyto-chemical blend of vitamins and antioxidants in the form of various fruit extracts. The patented Olivol, an olive fruit extract, present in Rev3 has been proven to be highly effective in preventing lipoprotein oxidation. Rev3 comes with a crisp, natural taste and contains no artificial flavoring, coloring or sweetening agents.

Usana Rev3 is cleaner, smarter and stronger than other energy drinks. It is a safe, effective and high quality dietary supplement just like other Usana products which have been consistently rated No.1 in comparison to 1500 other nutritional supplements. - 17268

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What Happens if You Don't Have Any Vitamin K in Your System?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you happen to be someone who must deal with unexplained bruising, or if you bruise spectacularly for little reason, you may find one possibility that you may want to review is a possible vitamin K deficiency. The causes of bruising, especially as we grow older, is a situation that we need to face directly. The difficulty is that there can be many reasons why bruising has become a problem, and you may find yourself at a loss. Vitamin K deficiency is something that can happen in people at any age, and even though it is most common in young children and pregnant women, it is still a condition that you need to be knowledgeable about.

What might be the symptoms that originate from a vitamin K deficiency? When you are examining vitamin K, take into account what your body uses it for. Its prime function is to cause your blood to coagulate, and it is absolutely essential when it comes to sustaining optimum bone density. It is very much a part of the functioning of a variety of the proteins that are involved in blood clotting. It plays a critical role in the development of a healthy fetus, and maintaining the proper intake of vitamin K during pregnancy helps your infant develop into a healthy individual. As you can see, a deficiency of vitamin K can become the cause of some extreme consequences.

Heavy menstrual bleeding is known to be one effect of vitamin K deficiency, as are nose bleeds, anemia, gum bleeding, hematomas and a thinness of the blood. A vitamin K deficiency can make you bruise very easily, to the point where you don't even remember how you got the bruise in the first place. When examining a vitamin K deficiency, you'll discover that most of the harmful effects have to do with an impairment of your body's ability to cause blood clotting. If you find that you are suffering from any of these symptoms, take some time and figure out what whether a vitamin K deficiency is something that you need to work on.

How do you determine if you are at risk for a vitamin K deficiency? Vitamin K is generally not a problem for adults because it can be found in a wide variety of foods, but if you are prescribed anticonvulsants, it may interfere with the vitamin K that is present in your system. It should also be noted that people who have disorders involving the malabsorption of fat can be subject to having a vitamin K deficiency. Some foods that can augment the amount of vitamin K present in your body include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, wheat bran, cereals and soya beans.

We all desire to stay healthy, so if you have noticed any of the conditions that are recited above, make it a point to speak to a doctor about your situation. It could be that being susceptible to bruising may be pointing to other, more urgent conditions, so always stay aware of what your system needs. It is critical that you pay attention to the signs that your body gives you when something is not right, so be aware. - 17268

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The pros and cons of liquid meals and protein shakes

By Jon Cardozo

One question I often hear asked about a weight gain diet is whether or not you should depend on protein supplements. I'm talking about protein powders, which are sometimes called liquid meals by bodybuilders.

If you think you can simply get away with using protein shakes in place of a solid diet program, there are a few things you should consider.

You must remember that protein powders and similar products were developed because of their convenience and should be used as supplements and not as the core of a diet. You need to consume sufficient vitamins, minerals, fiber etc. if you wish to build muscle as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you're serious about your workout program and want to achieve the best results possible, you'll want to give your body the best fuel available. Unfortunately, protein shakes do not represent the best of the best when it comes to choosing proper nutrition.

Aside from the overall health aspects, you're probably going to get tired of taking the same old shakes all the time! If you don't treat these protein powders as supplements that take them all to time, you're going to get sick of them and may even want to do away with your entire muscle building project.

Do yourself a favor and get most of your calories (at least 60%) from whole foods.

The truth is that most people expect these weightlifting products to make up for an inadequate diet or a lousy training regimen. It may not be as exciting as glamorous, but focusing on the basics is more important than looking for a quick fix such as muscle building supplements.

Protein powders can be very helpful when trying to reach your daily calorie goals. You need a certain amount of grams of protein, and the supplements can help you achieve these targets when it is difficult to prepare additional meals. However, don't let these tin cans, with their often artificial ingredients and nutrient deficient powders, replace a good old fashioned meal plan. - 17268

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Online organic foods

By Karol Wariala

Co-written by: Salad Ceasar. Not every consumer gets the chance to shop in a store or hypermarket where there is an organic food section. Online organic food stores are a smart and modern solution to have access to healthy products that are otherwise unavailable. Even for online orders, there is still a rule of proximity that governs transactions meaning that the supplier still has to be pretty close in terms of geographical location in order to make a good advantageous delivery. Thus, fresh greens, frozen and chilled products are available in a variety of locations, you just have to take your pick.

Special packaging is used in case the products have to stay cool during the transportation. This specification also requires our mentioning the fact that some online organic food orders are more expensive than others, according to the purchased items and the overall conditions of the transaction. The goods may be delivered on the same day or within two business days at the maximum depending on how far you live.

Besides the delivery details, there are some other things you ought to know and pay attention to.

Thus, you should carefully select the supplier you order online organic food from. Shop directly from the manufacturer or farmer if you can, although this is not always possible. In the majority of cases wholesalers act as intermediaries even if one could track the food source as well.

Serious, reliable businesses will indicate the source of the online organic foods so that the clients may have details to refer back to if necessary. Thus, if a certain organic food farm gets mentioned on a web page, one can search for the location, see what they deal in and even contact them for further data a consumer sees fit to check.

Although a viable alternative, online organic food orders definitely come second in the top of preferences, right after the direct shopping situation. The advantages of purchasing organic food from the hypermarket include the lower cost, the possibility to choose every item individually and the flexibility of the purchase. Nevertheless, regardless of the alternative, the fact that people take the trouble to look for organic products is a positive indicator of the concern for health, the environment and the future of the consuming society. - 17268

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American Diet

By Robert Varnum

Healthy eating is a topic that is very important to many people today. Below are some healthier diet tips you might be interested in.

Americans need to start eating healthy diet food. The American people weigh more these days. People eat too much junk food and not enough vegetables and fruit. We Americans need to eat more vegetables and fruit. We need to incorporate a few very simple change in our eating habits.

The average American knows vegetables and fruit are very important to us for good nutrition for that reason most of us try to eat right. Studies have shown that if we eat more vegetables and fruit we will decrease our chances of getting heart disease, stroke or cancer.

Choose vegetables in a wide range of colors to ensure that you get many of the important vitamins and minerals. The deeper the color of the fruit or vegetable, the more nutrients it contains. Choose the deeply colored sweet potatoes over white potatoes, for example.

Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake can be helpful in a weight loss program as well. The water and fiber content in fruits and vegetables helps you to feel fuller, quicker and they are often low in calories. The more of the right foods that you eat, the less room you will have for the unhealthy foods. As you eat more of the healthy foods, your appetite for them will increase as well. Remember that the fruits and vegetables are a substitute for the higher calorie foods, not in addition to them. If you only add fruits and vegetables to your current diet then you will be increasing your calorie intake, not reducing it.

You can add extra vegetables and fruit to your favorite foods that already have them in them. First thing in the morning you could add extra fruit to your cereal or add more vegetables to an omelet. To meals that are loaded with pasta and rice you could add vegetables to them and also you could add more of your favorite vegetables to stir fry dishes and soups. As an alternative to high fat snacks you could purchase pre washed vegetables and fruit for your snacks.You would be more likely to eat healthy snacks if they were as available as the convenient junk food snacks.

Fill half your plate with fruit or vegetables at mealtime. Keep fresh fruit handy at home. Take small bags of cut fruit and a small container of vanilla yogurt for dipping or small bag of cut vegetables and a container of low calorie dip, to work as an mid-day snack. That should keep you away from the vending machine. You can also keep a variety of dried fruits in your desk drawer for snacking emergencies.

Some restaurants have healthy alternative menus. Change from ordering French fries to an order of sliced apples or you could order a bowl of fruit and order chicken wraps instead of a burger. Order a smoothie in place of ice cream for your healthy treat.

Eating more vegetables and fruit will make you healthier. So eat more vegetables and fruit in your daily eating plan and it will do wanders for your well being and will aid in loosing those unwanted pounds. - 17268

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Importance of Digestive Enzymes

By Claude Edwin Theriault

Getting safe, fast, healthy fat burn and resulting weight loss isn't easy these days. Since what we have is lots of over processed over cooked foods. Along with many Anti-biotics,Alcohol,Caffeine and food additives that have turned us into a culture of under nourished people seriously lacking in those enzymes that only raw green whole foods contain for our digestive health.

Taken with meals they are a prime compliment to any health concious regime, they burn the foods we eat . Giving us energy as oppossed to that sluggish lie down feeeling we have after meals. They prove a very cost effective means to health and longevity.

I have researched this extensively the past 12 years and gone through the and exercise/diet programs curcuit. To discover this Body Metabolism Pill Supplement. Since they are so vital to providing your body with that Natural fat Burning " Bio-Catalizer" needed to digest protein, Carbohydrates, andSugars,among others.

Getting safe, fast, healthy fat burn and resulting weight loss isn't easy these days. Since what we have is lots of over processed over cooked foods. Along with many Anti-biotics,Alcohol,Caffeine and food additives that have turned us into a culture of under nourished people seriously lacking in those enzymes that only raw green whole foods contain for our digestive health.

Getting safe, fast, healthy fat burn and resulting weight loss isn't easy these days. Since what we have is lots of over processed over cooked foods. Along with many Anti-biotics,Alcohol,Caffeine and food additives that have turned us into a culture of under nourished people seriously lacking in those enzymes that only raw green whole foods contain for our digestive health. - 17268

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