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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chiropractic and Reducing Stress

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We certainly live in stressful times. It's not easy to assess whether our era is the most stressful, but we do have plenty of daily stress. The job, the home, the kids, the relatives, and the economy - all these stresses add up and yet we wonder why we have so many aches and pains.

So many ailments are stress-related. Americans are notoriously overweight. Overeating is a stress-coping mechanism.1 Headaches and backaches are often associated with increased stress. There's a strong correlation between high blood pressure and stress, ulcers and stress, and even cancer and stress.

What can we do? The external stresses in our lives aren't going away. Our activity-filled lives are busy and complex - there's always going to be stress. The key is to help avoid or ease the physical effects of stress. Interestingly, chiropractic treatment can be of great assistance in reducing the effects of stress on the body.

In general, stress causes muscles to tighten. This is an unconscious reaction. Tight muscles cause a cascade of further muscle tightening, shortening of muscles and ligaments, and a resulting decrease of mobility in joints, particularly shoulder joints, hip joints, and joints of the spine.2,3

The overall mechanical effect of stress has a number of additional consequences. All the extra unconscious muscle activity wastes precious nutritional resources and uses up energy needed for critical body functions. Lactic acid accumulates, irritating nerve endings and further increasing muscular tightness. And, importantly, the losses in spinal joint mobility lead directly to increased levels of pain. This, of course, leads to more stress.

The vicious circle of stress, muscular tightness, and pain can be relieved and reduced by chiropractic treatment.4 Chiropractic therapy is specially designed to improve joint mobility of the spine and pelvis. This gentle, effective treatment gradually restores maximal spinal motion. Muscle tightness is alleviated, metabolic processes begin to return to normal, and nutrients become more available to help maintain healthy functioning. Levels of pain are reduced, and we become better able to withstand the physical effects of stress.

Your chiropractor will explain the many benefits of treatment, and will provide instruction in stretching techniques and specific exercises that will help maintain the positive results of therapy.

There will always be stress in our lives. We can learn how to reduce the physical effects of stress, and become stronger, healthier, and happier in the process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Take a Break! A few quick tips -

Get up out of your chair or leave your workbench and walk over to an open window. Change your point-of-view. Breathe some fresh air. Go for a five-minute walk, either in the corridors of your building or out-of-doors. Call a friend and chat for five minutes. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and take an imaginary vacation - relaxing on a warm beach, deep-sea fishing on a beautiful yacht, or skiing down a gorgeous mountain.

These short, focused breaks will help reduce muscular tightness and physical stress, and also help your brain recharge so you can be more creative and productive!


1Marchesini G, et al: Psychiatric distress and health-related quality of life in obesity. Diabetes Nutr Metab 16(3):145-154, 2003 2Weickgenant AL, et al: Coping activities in chronic low back pain: relationship with depression. Pain 53(1):95-103, 1993 3Burns JW: Arousal of negative emotions and symptom-specific reactivity in chronic low back pain patients. Emotion 6(2):309-319, 2006 4Hurwitz EL, et al. A randomized trial of chiropractic and medical care for patients with low back pain. Spine 31(6):611-621, 2006 - 17268

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Colon Cleaning is Critical for Good Health

By Donnie Boots

Why do you want to clean your colon? It might be better to ask "Why do you want to drag around with you all those extra pounds of toxins and excess wastes? You can get rejuvenated. You can get rid of environmental toxins that have built up inside your body. Many people lose weight when they cleanse their colon because it has years of waste impacted on the walls of their intestines. Yuk.

When people ate more fiber and drank more water, normal colon cleansing and natural elimination of human waste was not usually a problem. Today, however, even the environment around us has contaminants that we inhale and we are never as active as we need to be, unless we are living and working on a farm or ranch or running to keep up with toddlers.

The equally long history of different kinds of colon cleansing may have been called by different names. Methods and products are often similar through the years. Everyone has a grandparent that swore by prune juice. My sister now swears by Cascara segrada, an effective nutritional supplement used for detoxification. In Chinese medicine there are many appropriate herbs for teas that will help you establish a regular pattern of colon cleansing.

So in today's hectic world, everyone wants something fast. Fast and effective. Maybe you never had a colon cleanse and you are really worried about how to go about it. Should you go to a clinic? Should you ask your doctor? Should you do it alone at home? How dangerous is that? What should you look for in colon cleansing products? How do you know when one is good or not? First it takes a bit of common sense and then it takes a bit of knowledge about how your body functions.

Your colon cleansing products should be effective, safe, affordable and have a refund guarantee with it. It helps to be recommended by trusted colleagues. But I know you still have questions about how to detoxify your colon. I follow the same pattern that nature does. You put food into your mouth and it gets digested and whatever does not digest is is eliminated waste. So your colon cleansing product should assist with flushing out your digestive system and include some water soluble fibers to scrub the walls of your intestines.

The purpose of colon cleansing products is to remove toxins from your body. You want to get rid of unwanted chemicals and excess waste, not add more chemicals to the mixture within. That seems counterproductive. Nonetheless, you need to understand the ingredients in the colon cleansing products. If the label does not give you adequate ingredients and instruction, leave it on the shelf. If there are more unidentifiable or unfamiliar chemicals than there are natural contents, avoid it too. If I cannot pronounce or do not recognize the ingredients I simply put the product back on the shelf.

Some people prefer the old style enema because that is what they are familiar with. Well, that is sometimes risky. It is not as highly recommended today as it once was. Some people think using a bidet is an adequate cleanse. They are wrong. A bidet will only rinse the external areas. Remember, the purpose of colon cleansing is to clean your colon of impacted excess wastes that are reducing your body's essential functions. The colon is designed to absorb water and nutrients from the food you eat. It is the last stop before waste is eliminated.

If you have an inadequate diet or insufficient exercise or have a lot of stress or are exposed to environmental contaminants in your every day life, then don't even ask. Your colon needs cleansing. That is highly recommended in order to restore healthy function to your liver and kidneys and other organs. A clean colon contributes to a healthier and rejuvenated you. Then you need to pay attention to lifestyle changes to keep yourself at optimal health. - 17268

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Observe The Miracle Of The Acia Berry Today!

By Alice S Stewart

Recent claims about the acai berry have been pretty amazing. While there is some scientific evidence that has been conducted on this berry, it has still been advertised as one of the best nutritional finds ever and it has been advertised as a miracle cure for everything from obesity to cancer.

Well, the acai berry is really quite a miraculous nutritional find. It is brimming with vitamins and minerals, Omega fatty acids and an array of important antioxidants. However, it is not really that much more amazing than many other more common superfoods. There are many extremely healthy super foods such as blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, walnuts, salmon, green tea and the list goes on and on. The acai berry is just a more recent discovery.

In order to have a health promoting diet you must eat a combination of health promoting foods. Our bodies require a combination of nutrition in the form of the macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats and the micronutrients of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals and oxygen damage that has a proven causal relationship in everything from aging to disease. When we improve the quality of what we eat we add to our health and longevity. But the addition of just one superfood like the acai berry cannot do this. We must have a variety of healthy foods.

If you are on a weight loss program you will see advantages from the addition of acai berry products. However this alone will not assist you in losing weight. You also need to start a consistent exercise program and eat less. You can receive superior nutritional support from acai berry products but all alone that will not help you. You must also do other things if you need to lose weight.

Our bodies respond powerfully to superior nutrition. We were born to eat abundantly from nature's own bounty. That means a healthy variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This does not really mean that you must become a vegan because omnivores, or those who consume meat and animal products, may also have an exceptionally healthy diet. However there are some animal products that are more nutritious than others and you may benefit from knowing where your food is coming from but of course, that relates to fruits, vegetables and grains also.

The foods that we need to avoid are the unnatural and manmade things. If your food will not spoil on its own within a short period of time it likely is not very healthy to eat. If bacteria won't eat the food then you probably shouldn't either! The acai berry starts to lose its nutritional value as soon as 24 hours after it is removed from the tree so it needs to be freeze-dried or frozen almost instantly.

While it is not a miracle food the acai berry can still be an amazing addition to your healthful diet. The nutrients within this astonishing berry can protect your body from damage from free radicals, which in turn will protect you from diseases. It will help your weight loss efforts because of the outstanding nutritional advantages.

But the best way to achieve and maintain great health through diet is to make sure that you are adding in a combination of many healthy foods including blueberries, spinach, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, tomatoes, green tea and of course, the list goes on. If you improve your diet all around you will also get the highest benefit from acai berry products due to the synergy of nutrients. Your health will improve in many ways. - 17268

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Whole Wheat Pancakes Taste Better With Fruit

By Jamis Hartley

Healthy eating is a good way to get your body in shape, to lose unwanted pounds and to get the overall good health that you're trying to achieve. What better way to offer those benefits to yourself than whole wheat products? Whole wheat pancakes offer a great nutty flavor that is well complimented by fruit or other healthy and natural sweeteners.

Whole wheat pancakes are a perfect way to get a huge healthy dose of essential vitamins and minerals. Whole wheat pancakes with fruit is the perfect way to enjoy the healthy dose of all that good stuff. It makes it delicious for breakfast or even a quick and easy meal for dinner.

Adding anything to sweeten naturally to the whole wheat pancakes rather than using the processed syrups is a good way to lower the sugar content that you take in and still provide a great taste. It will also add a super taste to your healthier whole wheat pancakes that makes them seem even more like a treat.

Try something like blueberries or raspberries heated with a few teaspoons of lemon and a couple teaspoons of natural cane sugar. The warm topping comes with a lot less sugar than the high fructose corn syrup alternative and is so inviting on a cool morning. It will soak into your whole wheat pancake creating a great taste and texture.

Here is a great recommended recipe: Use blue berries or raspberries or whatever berry you like and add five tablespoons of lemon juice and heat to boiling. Stir in one third cup cane sugar or equivalent in sugar substitute if you have it. Let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes until it starts getting a little thicker. Remove from heat and serve.

The warmed fruit over the fluffy whole wheat pancakes is a wonderful way to start any day, but on a snowy morning it absolutely shines. The kitchen is scented with the smells of cooking and you're going to get a lot of visitors in and out asking "Is it ready yet?" When breakfast is whole wheat pancakes and warm fruit, who's going to skip a meal?

Whole wheat pancakes are a healthy, more natural way to start your morning. The advantages of whole wheat to your health are well known. Offer them to your own family and make breakfast an event that everyone looks forward to.

A breakfast event that features warm whole wheat pancakes and fruit topping becomes an event that the entire family looks forward to, even if you only do it on the weekends. The health of your family benefits from the whole wheat pancakes--the health of your family unit benefits from breakfast together. - 17268

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How to Increase Your Bench Press and Build Your Upper Body Muscle Mass Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Most people know that in order to build up muscle in the upper body one of the best exercises to do is the bench press. A frequent question bodybuilders ask each other is how much you can bench press. Let us examine what it takes to build muscle and how to achieve a bigger bench press. This can be done in a few very effective ways that will make a noticeable difference fast.

Develop your triceps. Almost two thirds of the total muscle mass on your arms is comprised of the triceps muscle. Strengthening your triceps is very beneficial to increasing your bench press. Some excellent exercises that will help build muscle mass on your triceps are using both barbells and dumbbells and doing close grip bench-presses as well as skull crushers. Do not do exercises that just isolate the muscle because they are not good, as they will isolate the muscle completely. Working your triceps will certainly assist in adding weight to your bench press.

Work your triceps separately. The majority of bodybuilding regimens advise that you workout the chest in the same session as the triceps. If you train the triceps separately, you can concentrate on them and get the muscle growing very quickly. Try this over a few weeks and then have a look at how many more kilograms you can bench press.

Change is good. Have you been doing that same old workout regimen for months now? When your muscles have done the same workout a few times, they become used to it and therefore the need to keep growing muscle is not needed. Keep changing things around, it can be slight changes like changing the grip width or even reversing the order of your regimen or they can be more drastic changes such as doing supersets or compound sets and others.

Make sure you are not doing too much. While with most things in life more is better, in muscle building this is not quite true. If you do too much and overtrain your chest then it can struggle to recover and find it hard to grow more. Focus on intensity and technique as opposed to quantity. A short intense workout is much more effective than a long drawn out one.

Solid rest. Your muscles are not going to grow in the gym! At rest is when they grow. If you don?t give enough time for growing then you simply won?t grow. Of course do not workout again when your muscles are still, a fair rule of thumb is to limit yourself to 6-9 sets each session for each muscle group, any more and you risk overtraining.

Take a break from training. If you reach a training plateau, then think about taking a total break. Let your body completely recover from all the strains, come back to your exercises a week or so later, and be even more motivated.

Examine your diet. Are you eating 6 meals per day with a minimum of 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight you have? If you are not following this sort of diet, then it is probable that you are limiting your gains by not following a muscle building diet. In every meal try to eat 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the remainder can be fats.

Concentrate on your technique. Are you pressing correctly? Bad technique can take away the focus from the chest muscles and can put you at elevated risk of injury. Make sure you are not lifting your feet up off the ground and that your hands are not grasping the bar too close together. These are the two most commonly made errors.

By following the guidelines above you will be giving yourself the best chance to build muscle mass on your chest fast. - 17268

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BMR And Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Increasing your BMR is the most sustainable way to ensure continual fat loss. Why? Because your BMR dictates how many calories you burn around the clock, even while sleeping.

Unfortunately, you've probably been fed a bunch of lies when it comes to BMR and how to raise it. Extract X, for instance, will not significantly raise your BMR no matter what the infomercial says.

So without further ado, here are some things that really affect BMR and fat loss:

1. Age. As you age, BMR goes down. Why? Because you lose muscle mass. What's the best way to prevent this? With resistance training. A solid resistance training program will do wonders for your BMR in additional to your hormonal profile.

2. Body composition. The more lean tissue the more calories you'll burn around the clock. Again, building lean tissue will keep that BMR full blast. And if you feed the mitochondria in your lean tissue the right nutrients, you'll burn even more calories.

3. A high fever. A strong fever will also raise your BMR. Does this mean you should try to get sick? Absolutely not! But it doesn't hurt to know the facts.

4. Catabolic hormones. In the short run, stress hormones will cause your BMR to go up. But caution is warranted here because over the long run, said hormones will actually lower your BMR. Why? Because of lean tissue loss.

5. Temperature. If you have to adjust to cold temperatures your BMR goes up. If you have to adjust to hot temperatures your BMR also goes up.

6. Caloric drops. If you fast or starve, your BMR will drop very fast. Probably a lot faster than you think. In order to reduce the damage from dieting, you should only slightly restrict calories and never skip meals.

Learning how to master your metabolism is one of the most important things you can do to ensure long term fat loss success. Most women can see initial fat loss with minor changes, but if you want long term changes, you have to increase your BMR. - 17268

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Are Diet Pills the Secret to Weight Loss ?

By Jane Moore

People often wonder whether diet pills are the secret to weight loss. The answer is a qualified no, or I guess, a qualified yes depending on how you look at it. Many people have some stubborn fat that they can't lose or have otherwise reached a weight loss plateau. The right kind of diet pill can be a big help to any type of weight loss regime, but diet pills alone do not result in weight loss.

Plenty of research has been done on finding a magical diet pill, but the unfortunate reality is that any diet pill that will allow significant weight loss without additional efforts on the part of the user, have been determined to be unsafe. There are however plenty of diet pills on the market that have been proven safe, and effective. The question is, what does effective mean? It means that taking these diet pills will effect some weight loss, but in order to reach the goals that a typically overweight person would set, diet pills alone will not be enough. In addition to diet pills, there are also diet supplements which could also be a help in your weight loss goals, by boosting metabolism, or helping with vitamin and mineral balances to give you more energy.

One of the most well known diet pills called Alli falls in the category of diet pill called 'fat blockers'. A stronger prescription only version of the same diet pill is called Orlistat. These types of diet pills block fat in your diet from being absorbed into your body. This gives you a little more control over the calories you consume, even if you don't have perfect self-control over the foods you eat. Even though you require a prescription for Orlistat, Alli can generally be found in most US drug stores.

It doesn't matter how much research you do to find an effective and safe diet pill, the fact of the matter is that without adjusting your lifestyle to promote weight loss, simply buying a diet pill is not going to lose the weight for you. And a lifestyle which promotes weight loss is essentially one which includes an appropriate amount of healthy foods, and a fitness program designed to keep you fit and promote fat loss. It may be hard to change bad habits all at once, but make small changes towards a fit and healthy lifestyle, and you will begin to see results eventually. A lifestyle change is for life, so it is something you should adjust to slowly so that you can continue those habits forever.

Something that you can do to help you towards this goal right now are to make some small changes to your current diet plan. It is a known fact that the frequency and time of day that you eat has a big effect on the way your body absorbs food and deals with its metabolism. A useful change might be to promise your self not to eat past a certain time of the evening. Evening snacks are one of the worst offenders when it comes to unburned calories. Another small change is not to skip breakfast. Eating a breakfast of whole or natural foods, including some amount of protein, is the best way to get your metabolism started early in the day. Also, getting yourself fuel early in the morning gives you more energy to get going, which will end up with you burning more calories that you would had you not made time for your morning meal.

Do your research. Investigate the different types of diet pills that are available on the market. However, do not spend any money on diet pills if you are unwilling or unable to make complimentary lifestyle changes. Combined with proper diet and moderate exercise, diet pills can really help you lose weight. - 17268

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All You Need to Know About Styles of Coffee

By Damian Papworth

With all the different names for coffee drinks out there, it's no wonder that people get a little overwhelmed when they're ordering. Fortunately, with all the different styles of coffee, there's actually usually just a simple variation on a classic drink happening. We'll prep you for a world where hazelnut and pumpkin lattes are confusing you from what's really going on behind the counter.

First up, here are some of the names of average drinks, but this time, instead of not understanding what they mean, you're going to learn what the heck the difference between an Americano and a Latte really is.

Espresso Most people think that espresso is a type of coffee, and don't realize that it's one of the styles of coffee. If you're looking for something high-octane, this is it. A one-ounce shot has a lot more caffeine than a regular cup of coffee, thanks to the unique process that involves pressing coffee tightly together and using very hot water.

Mocha Anytime you see the word mocha on a drink, it means that there's some sort of chocolate flavor, usually from syrup, that's been added. For instance, a caffe mocha is a cup where there's a layer of chocolate at the bottom that's then topped with steamed milk, espresso, and usually chocolate shavings or sprinkles.

Caffe Creme A number of different styles of coffee just involve a couple of variations to change the end result. Here, your coffee is brewed right from the beans, resulting in a non-milk layer of foam, referred to as crema, on top of the drink itself. No dairy is involved, but the taste is surprisingly smooth, considering.

But half of what makes coffee is actually the style in which it's brewed, not the ingredients added for it to be served to you. Here are a couple of the processes that you might also not know what the heck their names mean:

The French Press It's known but a bunch of different names, but the concept is always the same. A glass container has a wire part and a plunger. The coffee goes in, almost-boiling water goes on top of it, and then you physically press the coffee with the plunger part. You use coffee that's ground a little rougher in here, and basically are filtering the coffee to make a more delicious cup at home. Surprisingly, it really works.

The Drip If you've got a coffee maker at home that plugs in and doesn't sit on the stove, this is what you're most likely working with. Pour some water into a machine, add your coffee to the other part, and the coffee maker actually heats the water and eventually the dripping boiled water over the grounds makes your cup of coffee. Definitely one of the easiest ways, if not the tastiest ways, to have some coffee.

And of course, the at-home espresso maker produces styles of coffee drinks more similar to those in Italy than, say, your Mr. Coffee ever will.

So now that you're equipped with the names of a couple of drinks, as well as some at-home processes to getting a solid cup of coffee, there's no reason to freeze up the next time you're out at a fancy restaurant and everyone else is ordering coffee-related drinks that you don't quite understand. Once you get the basic vocabulary down, learning the styles of coffee and how to order them and make them at home is a simple undertaking. Bottoms up! - 17268

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Build Bigger Muscle with the Right Weight Training Exercises

By Wakelin Smith

When super slim body shapes are in, it may seem strange to those wanting to lose weight, to find some people work for a body builder look. To build bigger muscle is not for the sole intention of looking good, but rather to have a healthy and energetic body.

The surest way of getting the results you want would be to go on a full time body building program. These programs though are geared towards weight gain first then will be revised for muscle toning and building. The programs include weight training, nutrition, supplementing, and proper procedures to fend off injuries. The steps are quite routine but fun to follow. If you have a trainer be sure that he or she is a certified professional since there are a lot of people out there who say that they are trainers but would prolong the program than necessary.

There are those who say that homemade is best made. It's still applicable to losing weight and toning muscles. You can do the best muscle building techniques in the privacy of your home and still get the best results. It's not necessary that you submit yourself to a grueling trainer and get stuck in a cramped gym environment. You can use common techniques like calisthenics. You can do push-ups, pull-ups and some crunches daily. You can do these with a couple of weight lifting, starting from an empty bar and progressing toward heavier weights. All of these are done in the privacy of your home where you can have peace of mind and comfort.

You can also increase the strength, firmness and tone of your muscles by using free weights. Barbells are suitable for heavy lifting and can give the desired muscle stress level. The higher the stress level means you can build bigger muscle. Dumbbells can be used for maintenance exercises instead of being for main lifts.

When you have a personal goal of looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger's physique, you will have to start from scratch. You will have to start from scratch. Simple and compound exercises that target several muscle groups are perfect to begin with. When you have had a solid foundation you can shift and use isolation exercises. Now it should be self explanatory why this is step by step process.

One thing a person should remember when he wants to be a muscle builder is to have regular squats for leg training. He has to do it as frequently as 1.5 times his body weight. When he does the squat he should do it with his hips lower than his knees. Some people who like to form muscles are working for brawns more than health, but even so, there are reasons why body builders are called health enthusiasts. These people know it by heart that rest, balanced diet, sleep, and drinking enough fresh water are great help in muscle formation than sheer tedious physical exercise without the right sustenance.

The easiest and best muscle building technique is to work on gaining weight through eating a lot of prescribed foods. You might think it is heaven to do so, only that you have to double the dose of protein-rich foods in your diet. Those who don't eat breakfast to trim fats have no room in any muscle building initiative. So don't skip breakfast. Eat some fiber rich carbohydrates. You have one major thing to think about to build bigger muscle, and that is persistence. Sometimes when lifting weights is like asking for death, think about being clad in your sexy swimwear out in the sand of some fabulous beach with the full attention of every guy and gal on the beach. - 17268

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Healthy and Great-Tasting Acai Berry Recipes

By Travis Van Slooten

While you might be able to find recipes for just about any fruit available, acai berry recipes can be hard to come by. That's because it is virtually impossible to get fresh acai berries. But it is easy to get your hands on some frozen acai pulp, which is just as nutritious and still tastes great. If you are just looking to spice up your supplements with a little flavor, or if you are looking to add a healthy twist to a cold summer treat, acai berries are the perfect way to do it.

Acai Berry Smoothies

Who doesn't love smoothies? You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who would pass up on it. So why don't you prepare one which is not only delicious but also healthy? Smoothies can be prepared just the way you want it. You can mix several flavors or add new ingredients and the product remains surprisingly yummy. So add a healthy splash of acai berry the next time you want to go basking under the summer sun with a cold drink on your hand.

1 cup acai berry pulp 1 cups of your favorite yogurt or just vanilla 1 cup pomegranate juice 1 banana

Toss all of the ingredients into your blender and mix them until they are a nice thick smoothie consistency. And you have plenty of freedom with this acai berry recipe. You can use any mixture of flavors that you like. For something tangier, you could use orange juice instead of pomegranate juice. Or if you like a little bite, you can use pineapple juice.

Acai Berry Whipped Cream

Ice cream is good but topping it with something can make it even better. And what would make a great topping is acai berry flavored whipped cream. It may take some effort to produce that light and fluffy cream, but once you do, it's a great way to experience the acai berry taste.

1 cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons acai berry juice 1 teaspoon sugar or substitute

Use cold whipped cream and dish it out on a bowl. Put in the rest of the ingredients and start whipping very slowly with the use of a whisk or an electric mixer. Observe the cream stiffening up and as it does, speed up your mixer. When you see the cream having stiff peaks, you'll know you've done it right. Use this acai blend on your ice cream or any dessert that could do with a yummy topping. You can increase the volume of this recipe by increasing each ingredient by the same amount.

Feel free to make yourself as creative as you can when coming up with yummy and healthy recipes. Think of new ingredients. Be innovative in your cooking techniques. Have fun as much as possible. The more creative you are, the more flavorful your acai berry recipes will taste. - 17268

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Can I Build Muscle If I Don't Eat Meat?

By Ricardo d Argence

Just before I tackle the main purpose of this article which is to show how to build muscle vegetarian style I will briefly outline the different types of vegetarians.

Vegans eschew animal products of any kind, including dairy products. Pesco vegetarians eat fish and dairy products, while lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and milk but don't eat meat or fish. There are more sub categories of vegetarianism, but that will suffice for the purposes of this article.

Because vegetarians don't consume several different types of foods, such as red meat, they also have a lower risk of things like hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease and some cancers.

It can be very health inducing indeed to change to vegetarianism, and not just because of advantages to your health. There are other reasons, too, such as that the vegetarian lifestyle is less cruel to animals and better for the environment.

So, if I am vegetarian how can I get enough protein to pack on muscle mass? The answer to this question very simply is Soy. Soy in reality has higher levels of protein than beef and also contains all eight of the essential amino acids.

You can easily get soy from such sources as soymilk, tofu, and textured soy protein. However, as long as you consume enough calories in the forms of good foods like seeds, rice, beans, nuts, legumes, and vegetables, you should get enough protein, plenty to build a lot of muscle.

However, those who are vegan especially may find themselves in short supply of certain vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, zinc, iron, calcium, and B12. However, supplements can take care of this shortfall.

Vitamin B12 is especially a concern because although it's abundant in dairy products and is therefore not a concern for most vegetarians, it may be a concern for vegans. Meal replacement powders and vitamin and mineral supplements can also help build muscle, but don't overlook plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits in addition to the protein sources mentioned to build muscle as a vegetarian.

So, overall there are many health benefits to being a vegetarian and being a vegetarian need not prevent you from achieving your bodybuilding goals. Of course a key factor to your diet success will be the ability to plan, however this is just as crucial for meat eating bodybuilders also. With the above guidelines in mind go ahead and build muscle vegetarian style!! - 17268

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Are You One Of The Thousands Of People Who Are Walking To Lose Weight?

By Caitlyn Sierra

Okay chances are you are trying to get into shape by learning more about walking to lose weight and you have come to the internet to find out if this is the best way to get back into shape. We all know that losing weight can be one of the most difficult things that we as a society can ever achieve.

With so much information online about how to lose weight; we are all looking for that "little magic pill" that will help us shed those unwanted pounds. In fact if you are one of the thousands of people who are looking for the best ways to burn fat and stay in shape then you have come to the right place. We want to share with you how to begin getting into shape and getting back your self esteem so that you can look and feel great.

Everyone needs to realize is that it is not possible to shed those excess pounds by continuing to sit in front of the television on your couch. One of the main reasons that reasons that so many people are unable to get the body that they deserve is because they are not willing to put forth the effort to get back into shape.

If you want to get back into shape then you have to stop being lazy. Regardless of what you tend to believe it is going to require you to do some type of exercise. One of the great things about exercising to lose weight is that you can easily begin walking for 30 minutes each day to get back into shape. You have to put forth the effort to get back into shape and get the weight off.

Thousands of people in our society are not happy with the results that they are getting whenever they are trying to shed those unwanted pounds. However the only way that you will get the results that you are looking for you have to be willing to do all the necessary work that it is going to take.

The sad truth is that most people who set their goals will never reach them. One of the main reasons is because people will give up on working towards them; we as a society seem to become frustrated that it takes too long to reach those goals.

You can easily visit our site below right now and find out how thousands of people everywhere have realized that walking to lose weight is one of the best methods that they can use. Regardless of what you have done in the past you can get back into shape and feel great about the way that you look and feel. - 17268

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