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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Make the Move to a Healthy Body with a Berry

By Leo Borjanieck

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

When the body's cells consume oxygen, it creates free radicals (or by-products) that can cause a lot of problems to our body. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing, repairing, and removing the damage done by these toxic by-products. Having a daily supplement of antioxidants is the best way known to protect yourself from these harmful free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

Acai berry is categorized as a super food because it contains all the nutrition your body needs in fighting dangerous by-products in the body like free radicals. Be sure to research this amazing fruit further if you are looking for a diet that will provide your body with the strength needed to fight and remove these harmful toxins.

So, if you are looking for a diet that will provide energetic health, a reduction in aging, and a free radical fighter then look no further than the acai fruit berry. - 17268

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Which is Better: Insanity vs. P90X?

By Yasir Y Khan

The classic question. Tony Horton and his vaunted P90X system, or Shaun T and his truly daunting INSANITY workout? Both are touted as super intense, only for conditioned athletes. Both are guaranteed to give you startling results if you follow their guidelines closely. But how to choose? Do you go for Tony Hortons 90 day total body transformation, or Shaun Ts 60 day cardio madness? Is one of them simply better than the other? The answer, as you might have had a sneaking suspicion, is that it totally depends on your own fitness goals. In this article well take a look at what each program provides, and see which style of exercise suits your own personalized needs. Because while each is truly a challenging workout, theyre tough for their own particular reasons, and its important to know why before making a choice.

Lets start the argument from the beginning. Before looking at both the products, you need to think a little about yourself. What do you really want to accomplish from those products? What do you think are your fitness goals? Is your primary goal related to losing weight, or bulking up with some muscle? Do you enjoy extreme cardio, or simply hate it? What about free weights and doing pull ups? Of course in an ideal world you would be able to accomplish every fitness goal you could put on paper, but here you have to be realistic. What is your number one goal?

That determined, lets look at the programs. Shaun Ts INSANITY is so called because he strives to keep you in your anaerobic zone for extended periods of time while giving you short short breaks inbetween. INSANITY is all gut wrenching cardio, where you use your own weight as the primary form of resistance. But lets be clear: the key word up there was anaerobic. Shaun T doesnt want you to cruise through his workout at 65% effort, but rather 85% +. When exercising this hard you wont be getting enough oxygen to comfortably break down fat for energy as you would over the course of a 45 minute leisurely jog"youre forced to break down your own body tissue to keep going once youve exhausted your supply of blood sugar. Then, over the course of the rest of the day and that night your body will repair itself, resulting in more lean muscle tissue, greater health and less weight. But its hard. For this to work, you need to operate at 85% + effort level, which few people can do for more than six minutes. Shaun T will ask you to do so for thirty minutes to an hour. Can you handle that kind of cardio?

Conversely, Tony Hortons P90X will challenge you in terms of strength training. While Tonys workout includes cardio and plyometrics (jump based routines), there is a strong focus on weight resistance training, from pull ups to free weights. Youll be breaking down the muscle tissue in the classic manner, which will not only help burn fat but result in muscle growth. You will not only fitter but stronger, and your appearance at the end of it will reflect that.

Finally you have to think about the time consideration. INSANITY takes around 60 days to have full-effect. P90X, on the other hand, takes around 90 days. How much are you willing to commit to one of these programs? Are you willing to go at it for the long haul, or do you want a shorter exercise period?

Extreme cardio versus strength training. Theres plenty of overlap, with both generating extreme body transformations if done correctly, but in the end its a matter of style and taste. Do you want to bulk up some while shedding weight and developing athletic potential? Then P90X is for you. Do you want to burn fat so fast it melts right off you, leaving you leaner and ripped as a result of tons of sweat drenching exercises? Then Shaun Ts INSANITY is just right for you. But remember: the most important part of this decision is not only knowing your own fitness goals, but undertaking either of these at-home workouts with utter dedication and awareness of your own bodys limits. If you do that, than both of them will give you the incredible results you desire. - 17268

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Brunswick Labs Report On Magic Juices

By Steven Jackson

We are putting the exotic juices on the market to the test. We hired Brunswick Laps, who is a well known independent laboratory to do the tests on all of these exotic juices on the market.

A new company every month it seems like is trying to break through the market place, onto the scene to take their piece of the multi-billion dollar industry. Most of these juices claim to have the most powerful antioxidants on the planet and of course they all say they have the highest ORAC score.

Just for fun, we decided to include purple grape juice in the test. The tests were quite revealing! In fact some of the juice companies might feel they are too revealing! Before we get to the results, here are a few of the published statements about the antioxidant and free radical properties of some juices:

MonaVie claims that the acai berry used in their juice is one of the worlds top super foods and is rich in antioxidants. The levels of antioxidants in the acai berry from Brazil versus what is in Mona Vies juice are quite different.

Xango claims that its mangosteen from Southeast Asia is extremely potent in antioxidants. Kyani who uses a berry from Alaska claims they are unmatched in antioxidants. All while FreeLife wants you to drink their GoChi juice and claims it will knock out free radicals.

The FRAP examination showed that grape juice had more antioxidants per serving than all but two of the magic juices.

Here are the results from the ORAC and FRAP tests: The first score is the ORAC score followed by the FRAP. Welchs Grape Juice scored 2734 and 245, while Mona Vie came in at 2220 and 1572. Pharmanexs G3 product reported 1658 and 2648 and Xango scored one of the lowest at 947 and 761. FreeLifes Gochi 888 and 641 with Kyani Sunrise scored a 769 in ORAC and a 1271. Exfuze, says they use extracts from noni, goji, mangosteen, acai and many others, had one of the lowest scores at 400 and 174.

What is so special about these numbers? The money people are spending on these exotic juices is not worth the value they give you. Getting your daily Mona Vie is costing you $4.60, while 8 ounces of Welchs Grape Juice costs about $.50. Both the ORAC and FRAP scores show that the grape juice provides more antioxidants then Mona Vie.

A business opportunity can only be as good as the product that they sell. If you do not have a product that is truly proven then you are selling nothing but a pyramid. It is this reason why there is so much attrition in the MLM industry. Without a proven product it will not last and they must open up new countries to constantly keep the flow going

If the exotic juices are not a good source for antioxidants but their raw fruits are what should you do? Eat them right from the source would be great if you could. One company Yoli has found out a way to freeze dry the nutrients and put them into a blast cap. Thus, you never have to worry about the nutrients dying in water. Not to mention there is no pasteurization used. You place the blast cap on top of a bottle and simply press and presto.

You now have the most efficacious and affordable nutrient rich drink on the planet. All you have to do is add the water. All at a cost of about one tenth of these exotic juices. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Nutrition - Choosing the Best Protein Powder

By Randall R. McDaniel

Protein powders are a good source of nutrients for athletes. The nutrients that protein powders contain are great for athletes looking to maximize muscle gains. Combined with a healthy nutritional plan, the right type of protein powder can greatly improve the performance of an athlete.

There are several different types of protein powders available on the market, and the final choice depends on whether the athlete is on a vegan diet, an ultra low-carb diet, or if they are allergic to milk or soy products. The most common types of protein powders and shakes available are: soy protein powders; whey protein powders; calcium caseinate protein powders; and rice protein powders. Individuals who want to add these powders to their nutrition program can ask the following questions to determine which types will be the best fit with their specific dietary needs:

1.Is the drink easy to prepare and consume? Most protein formulations can be made into a shake by dissolving it in water. Some formulas are even available on a ready-to-drink variety. This is ideal for those who do not have the time and the means to prepare a shake recipe.

2. What amino acids does the formula contain? Different formulas contain different ingredients. The most important ingredient in a protein powder is amino acids. Amino acids are vital for muscle cells repair. However, each protein powder formulation contain different and varying amounts of amino acids. Author John Hansen, of the book "Natural Bodybuilding" states that the amino acids in whey protein are best for our body to consume after a workout.

3. What flavors suit your taste? Protein powders are available in a variety of flavors. The most popular ones are chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Flavored protein powders provide a more enjoyable drink for athletes. Test some brands and flavor before buying a product in bulk.

4. Is the formula a snack drink or meal replacement? Protein powders are either meant to be as a snack drink or as a meal in itself. Snack drinks are great for those looking to supplement their low-calorie diet. A meal replacement formula requires you to make significant change in your diet as it contains more carbohydrates and calories compared to the snack form.

5. How can you consume the powder? Protein powders dissolve usually dissolve in water but some brands do not easily dissolve in shakes and soups. Test different brands to make sure that you have something that you can enjoy over the long-term. - 17268

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Berry Creates Foundation For Success

By Rachel Peddriski PHD

The acai fruit berry is one of the worlds most powerfully nutritious foods. Harvested from a special palm tree in the Brazilian rain forest, this purple fruit holds the magic of the Amazon.

A Dr. and best selling author wrote a book called, "the Perricone Way" where in it he states that the acai fruit is the #1 super food in the world. The berry is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids that fight harmful free radicals in the body.

This amazing fruit berry has everything the body needs such as:

A very high concentration of antioxidants that help fight premature aging (10 times more than red grapes and 10-30 times the anthocyanins of red wine)

A nearly perfect vital amino acid complex combined with important trace minerals, both critical to proper muscle contraction and regeneration

The perfect blend of healthy fats, fiber for your diet, and nutrients that help lower cholesterol help promote that digestive system

Antioxidants have long been known to be an essential part of any diet. Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals

Free radicals are harmful substances that the body produces when breaking down some foods. They are also created from environmental pollutants such as tobacco smoke or radiation. They can damage cells, and have been linked to cancer, heart disease, and other diseases.

The antioxidants found in the acai fruit help restore health and can prevent future disease. Acai fruit is rich in vitamins A and B and has the protein content of an egg.

The fatty acid content in the acai fruit is similar to that of olive oil. It is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid aids omega-3 fish oils in penetrating the cell membrane. The blend helps keep the cell membranes supple. This allows all hormones, neurotransmitters, and insulin receptors to function more efficiently.

The acai fruit berry is a powerful source of nutrients that can give your body everything it needs to function properly. Research, and you will find a variety of acai products that will meet your need. - 17268

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10 Fabulous Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight

By Duncan Cheng

1)Never eat your meals on the run. Always sit down and chew your food well before swallowing. Allow yourself enough time to eat and enjoy your food.

2)Always drink low fat milk, especially the one that contains just 1% fat. If you drink one glass of milk per day by making this switch you will be able to lose 5 pounds in 1 year.

3)Juice and sodas contain a lot of calories. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they aren't food. You should drink at most 1 glass of juice per day. If you can avoid drinking juice at all the better.

4)You should get most of your calories form foods that require you to chew them. Instead of drinking juice eat a fresh fruit. It's much more nutritious and healthy.

5)Stop drinking alcoholic beverages if you ever what to lose weight. If you cannot renounce drinking alcohol because of peer pressure limit your alcohol consumption to weekends. Alcohol contains lots of calories. Just read the label and you will be convinced.

6)The Chinese have a saying about eating: "Eat until you are eight-tenths full" You should do your best to fulfill this ancient and wise health advice. It will help you lose weight and stay healthy for longer periods of time.

7)Never clean out your plate, especially when you are eating out. A typical restaurant meal contains around 1500 calories, more than you should eat at one meal. Eat just a part of the meal and the rest take it home for later.

8)When you are dining out with your significant other share the dessert. It's much more romantic and friendlier with your figure.

9)A super healthy salad that will help you lose a lot of weight is made out of 3 cans of different types of beans and Italian dressing. All you have to do is mix the ingredients together and the salad is ready. It is super tasty and good for your figure. You can eat this salad 3 times a week if you want.

10)You should eat more sweet potatoes instead of potatoes. They are much more good for your figure. - 17268

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Good Computer Ergonomics For Your Children

By Dr. Jason Fowler

At least 70% of America's 30 million elementary school students use computers, according to a recent New York Times article. As a result of this increased usage, doctors of chiropractic are treating more young patients suffering from the effects of working at computer stations that are either designed for adults or poorly designed for children. Many children are already suffering from repetitive motion injuries (RMI) such as carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain in the hands, back, neck and shoulders.

A recently published study conducted by a team of researchers from Cornell University found that 40% of the elementary school children they studied used computer workstations that put them at postural risk. And the remaining 60% scored in a range indicating "some concern."

"Emphasis needs to be placed on teaching children how to properly use computer workstations," stated Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of the American Chiropractic Association's Council on Occupational Health. "Poor work habits and computer workstations that don't fit a child's body during the developing years can have harmful physical effects that can last a lifetime. Parents need to be just as concerned about their children's interaction with their computer workstations as they are with any activities that may affect their children's long-term health," added Dr. Bautch.

What can you do? To reduce the possibility of your child suffering painful and possibly disabling injuries, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and its Council on Occupational Health offer the following tips:

If children and adults in your home share the same computer workstation, make certain that the workstation can be modified for each child's use. Position the computer monitor so the top of the screen is at or below the child's eye level. This can be accomplished by taking the computer off its base or stand, or having the child sit on firm pillows or phone books to reach the desired height. Make sure the chair at the workstation fits the child correctly. An ergonomic back cushion, pillow or a rolled-up towel can be placed in the small of the child's back for added back support. There should be two inches between the front edge of the seat and the back of the knees. The chair should have arm supports so that elbows are resting within a 70- to 135-degree angle to the computer keyboard. Wrists should be held in a neutral position while typing - not angled up or down. The mousing surface should be close to the keyboard so your child doesn't have to reach or hold the arm away from the body. The child's knees should be positioned at an approximate 90- to 120-degree angle. To accomplish this angle, feet can be placed on a foot rest, box, stool or similar object. Reduce eyestrain by making sure there is adequate lighting and that there is no glare on the monitor screen. Use an antiglare screen if necessary. Limit your child's time at the computer and make sure he or she takes periodic stretch breaks during computing time. Stretches can include: clenching hands into fists and moving them in 10 circles inward and 10 circles outward; placing hands in a praying position and squeezing them together for 10 seconds and then pointing them downward and squeezing them together for 10 seconds; spreading fingers apart and then closing them one by one; standing and wrapping arms around the body and turning all the way to the left and then all the way to the right. Your child's muscles need adequate hydration to work properly and avoid injury. Encourage your child to drink four 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Carbonated beverages, juices and other sweet drinks are not a substitute. Urge your child's school or PTA officials to provide education on correct computer ergonomics and to install ergonomically correct workstations. "If your child continues to complain of pain and strain from sitting at a computer, see a doctor of chiropractic," urges Dr. Bautch. "A chiropractor can help alleviate your child's pain and help prevent further injury. - 17268

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Home Workout: Flatten Your Stomach with a 10-minute Routine

By Travis Hunt

At first glance, a full-proof 10-minute home workout to flatten abs might seem a bit unbelievable to you, especially if you have been so used to at least 45 minutes of intense exercising. But what if I told you it IS possible?

The first time I heard about it, I could not believe it myself. If I try it out, what is the worst that could happen, I thought. I get to shorten my workout time and STILL get six pack abs. I don?t know about you, but that, right there, is a definite win-win.

After doing it for a while, I am pleased to announce that it did work for me. And I am pretty sure you would want to hear about how I managed to perform the home workout to flatten stomach in just 10 minutes.

For you to get six pack abs, you must be willing to do anything to achieve your goal. I am not suggesting, however, that you buy any exercise equipments or get an exclusive membership in a prestigious gym because there?s really no need for all that; that is not what I am trying to point out at all.

So what is the catch? No doubt, you can perform your exercise routine in a much shorter time, but it in return you need to exert more effort. Well, it is a known fact that you need to work hard for what you want the most.

First, you should start doing your home training before eating. Why is that? Just think of a time when you were so tired from doing something strenuous, you had this strong desire to replenish your strength.

In like manner, your muscles crave for nourishment right after an intense workout. As you pacify your muscles' hunger with food, you are actually conditioning them to build more mass. That?s why it would be best if you incorporated a decent amount of protein into your post-workout meals.

For the training routine, lay down on a flat surface and do 50 simple crunches. Do these at a quicker pace yet keep your rhythm.

Your home workout to flatten abs does not end there. Immediately after doing your crunches, perform about 25 leg raises before completing another set of 50 crunches. Midway through, I am sure you will start to feel your muscles burning, and trust me, that is a GOOD THING.

That leaves you some time for 50 reps of bicycle routine. Make that 25 per side crunch and knee-bend. To finish up, have one more round of 50 crunches. And it is as simple as that.

The first time might prove to be a little difficult for you. But once you get used to it, this home workout will be a piece of cake. Only 10-minutes everyday and you can get a really flat stomach as a result. Work hard on that little time and you will definitely win your prize for it. - 17268

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Pregnancy and Food Safety

By Jayde Johanssen

Pregnancy is an extremely special time of a woman's life. It's filled with changes and new experiences. Your body is charged with hormones and there's new life developing inside you. Given all the transformations that are taking place, the subject of what to eat, and also what not to eat get's a whole new meaning.

The topic of food seems to become first and foremost in the lives of pregnant women. Unfortunately, it can end up being a very sticky subject. The various hype surrounding what is a proper diet may actually be quite confusing. The information out there is steeped in myth and false facts. Fortunately, though, according to experts, one's diet need not change drastically; it's simply a matter of choosing wisely.

When it comes down to it, according to doctors and nutritionists, it's best to take a healthy approach. Choose wisely. While this may seem like very common knowledge, getting down into the precise points of what you can and can't eat, it does get very perplexing. Often the matter is made too complicated.

Things only get worse once family and friends chime in; eager to offer their own experience and their own anecdotes, they tend to offer less insight and more gossip than any good factual information. Even the stranger in the bus sitting next to you, or the clerk at the grocery store will chime in and offer their own bits of wisdom which can be all the more disconcerting. Facts get mixed up with stories and anecdotal evidence.

It worsen matters that each and every day scientific and not so scientific journals are spouting out new opinion pieces and studies that certain foods are actually bad for pregnant women, a claim which is then duly refuted by the next day's news. The onslaught of new information ends up confusing women rather than helping them out.

At the end of the day, all this extra information is too hard to digest. It complicates matters rather than providing enlightenment.

However, despite all the hullaballoo, when it comes down to what you should and shouldn't eat when you're with child, there are some simple basics you should keep in mind. Think smart, eat smart. Don't go overboard. Stick to a healthy diet.

There are some general guidelines you should keep in mind when pregnant. Most of these actually apply to every day situations, whether you are or aren't pregnant.

Always wash fruits and vegetables before you eat them. This includes produce with thicker rinds, such as watermelon; bacteria can be transferred from the rind to the flesh when you cut into it.

Always cook food carefully. This rule applies especially to poultry, meats and eggs. Play it safe and go for well done.

When handling meat and poultry products, don't forget to wash your hands.

Try not to eat junk food all the time. It's better to eat high fat food in moderation, despite the odd cravings.

Be wary of seafood. Certain fatty fish like shark and tile-fish contain dangerous amounts of mercury.

Canned and shell fish are safer options.

The consumption of alcohol should be avoided. - 17268

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Ways To Grow Taller: How You Can Do Stretches To Help

By Fiona Wyresdle

Height is a major physiological bugbear that provides anxious moments to many teenagers who feel they are not tall enough. This apprehension is sufficient cause for them to start searching for meaningful methods to increase their height and ensure that they do not lose out in the race for attention from girls. Any number of exercises are available, which, if followed correctly, will satisfy your quest for increased height. Much research and practical experiences have gone into the formulation of these exercises and many have reaped its benefits.

The characters that control growth and height are also part of this. Stretching exercises are known to invigorate positive reactions from the human body. Many athletes and sports persons use regular stretching exercises to condition their body in their quest to reach the top of the line in their respective fields.

There are many companies who are engaged in the manufacture and sale of tablets and pills promising miraculous results for those who want to grow taller instantaneously. None of their claims has been backed by scientific data or have proven effects. Nevertheless, by harnessing all the powers of advertising directly and through the internet, they have been able to hot sell their products and become rich overnight.

Lots of scams have surfaced in the form of tablets and pills that promise height gain. The companies that have embarked on production of these products, have raked in the money on the strength of intensive direct and internet advertising, though none is able to substantiate the claims of success. Cycling, swimming and a host of other anaerobic exercises on a daily basis are recognized to yield good results. These exercises will make hormone secretions known to affect body growth and stretching, which will translate into your growing taller.

Exercises for growth are intended to sensitize growth hormones to effect physiological changes in the human body, which could be proved scientifically. The chief elements in this action are the construction of nitric oxide and lactates, which are enhanced during these exercises and make the stretching action complete.

These hormones cause physiological changes to the human body. Exercises are supposed to enhance the production of nitric oxides and lactates which are part of the normal body process and these have been credited to aid and improve the stretching action of the body. The more you exercise, the more the secretion and these help to strengthen the bones and cartilages giving scope for more agility in the stretching exercises.

The stretching exercises additionally help in the increased secretion of lactates to reach the muscles, giving them added energy and power. Recurring stretching exercises kick start the hormone secretion until the body takes on the continuity of the process for a period that is credited with enhancing your height. By then you have already earned a good height due to the process of stretching exercises. - 17268

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Why Children Are Suffering From Back Pain Early On: Four Reasons For The Pain

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

Back pain in adults is common. After all, they work in jobs that have them sitting down for long periods of time or working with their back muscles day in and day out. However, back pain is no longer just an adult problem; parents are noting that their young children are complaining of back pain as well. This rise can be attributed to a number of reasons. For instance, present-day children lead more sedentary lives (playing games and watching television); their parents, on the other hand, didn't have all the gadgetry to buy and play when they were young and didn't have to worry with this issue as young kids.

One of the most overlooked sources of back pain in children is sleeping habits. Many kids simply do not get enough rest. They usually require 8-10 hours per night. This amount of time is important for the body's systems to restore themselves. Sleeping position is very important. Lying on your stomach places stress on the low back and neck. The best positions to sleep in are on your side or on your back. As a charlotte chiropractor, I have seen the effects of sleep deprivation on both children and adults.

Backpacks - When kids start school, they'll be bombarded with all kinds of information and books. Books, notebooks, pencils, pens, etc. are all making their way into children's backpacks, which are then carried on their backs. If children have seven classes, all of which have their own books (some two), that's a lot of weight getting placed on the back. Remember these books and workbooks are not light. While many schools still have lockers children can stash their books in, the real problem lies in the school's security measure to get all students to their next class quickly and safely. This leaves little time for the student to stop off at their locker.

One great solution is to see if they have downloadable versions of books. Some schools are switching to this method. If your child is using a book bag, make sure that they use both straps. The bag should be up high and tight to the body to reduce back strain. The proper weigh of a child's book bag should be no more than 10 % of their body weight.

While shoulder and waist strap backpacks are the best things available, kids may not want to apply both of them correctly. Parents have the option to purchase roller bags to take the strain off the back. However, children need to be advised to switch arms often to keep the chest muscles from being overstretched.

Third, children who play video games and/or computers on a continuous and extended basis are at greater risk of developing back problems. Parents must be vigilant about their children's game playing habits and curb how much time they play inside, ushering them outside as much as possible.

Sports - Many children play sports but most parents overlook this as the source for their child's back pain. When a child gets injured in a sport, the pain is there for a short amount of time but the injury lingers. If parents are concerned about their child's well-being after an injury, they should speak with a physician. As the old saying goes, "better safe than sorry."

Physicians may suggest a postural exam be done to make sure there are no problems. However, if an anomaly is found, doctors can take measures to correct the issue. Above anything else, prevention is the best treatment available and for children, this is necessary to avoiding lifelong back pain down the road. - 17268

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Beverage Ingredients

By Anker Arkady

Most beverages that we see on the shelves are full of preservatives, additives and fillers and ingredients that your neighborhood bookworm cant even read. Do you know of anyone who likes drinking preservatives? Well maybe not. But what about you, are you consuming massive amounts? These drinks contain preservatives to extend their shelf life, processed by way of hot-fill and pasteurized to kill bacteria. But the nutrients get annihilated too. What are left to drink are preservatives.

There ought to be a better way to manufacture beverages. Conventional beverages are pasteurized to extend shelf life. Then preservatives are added to well preserve it. Do these preservatives aid us in the betterment of our health? I do hope that the beverage manufacturers took into consideration the health of its consumers. This discussion is getting more interesting, isnt it?

Though the main benefit of pasteurization is to make the drink safe to consume, it comes with a down side as well. The ingredients that are active and healthy are also damaged in the process. And whats left for the consumer to drink is a bottle full of preservatives. In this new millennium, there should be change in the way we manufacture beverages.

When I first saw Yoli Blast Caps, I felt that there was something more to it. Have you ever experience seeing a commodity and there seems to be a voice that tells you that its a good product? Their solution to the usual manufacturing methods was able to solve our issue with the side effects of pasteurization and the use of preservatives. Their solution was quite simple that I wondered why I hadnt thought of it.

How did they do away with the need of pasteurization and preservatives? The ingredients and the liquid are separate from each other. This means that Yoli Blast Caps keep their ingredients in its purest form as well as its liquid. The ingredients are stored in the cap and are kept dry up until you blast them and infuse the liquid, shake it a bit and its ready to drink.

What you get is a pure health drink. No unwanted preservatives whatsoever and all the nutrients that you need and pay for. Another thing about Yoli Blast Caps is that it is perfectly healthy for the kids to drink too. Blasting the ingredients into the liquid is actually cool. Well, I have to admit that I actually enjoy blasting it as I find it amusing.

The technology that Yoli Blast Caps have definitely sets them apart from other conventional beverages. It is truly the only one of its kind in the market right now. I truly appreciate it when we have a new way or new option to our beverages. Especially when it concerns reaping maximum nutrients.

The technology and innovation that Yoli Blast Caps has brought to the table definitely raises some stiff competition with other beverages. If other beverages cannot offer the same benefits that Yoli Blast Caps has, then it is not worth my money. We love our Health Drinks and Yoli has succeeded in offering us a brand new way to having our beverages. - 17268

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