Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Using Holds To Build Big Bicep Muscles

By Rob Maraby

Yes there are many ways to build your bicep muscles. There are super sets, using heavy weights and using high reps.. However, they all need one principle intact before they can build big biceps muscles. And that principle is intensity! Intensity has to be high before you can build your bicep muscle.

Intensity can be defined as generating the maximum amount of effort in the shortest period of time. This means taking a set to the point where completing another repetition is impossible. Intensity is what is responsible for the growth if your bicep muscle. If you want your bicep muscle to grow you need to ensure that the intensity generated is very high.

Here is a simple bicep muscle workout you can follow:

The bicep exercise you will use for this exercise is the dumbbell curl. Pick a weight that will allow you to perform 8 repetitions to positive failure. Positive failure means the point in a repetition where completing another repetition is impossible.

When you are done performing those repetitions to failure, drop the weights and pick a weight that is half the weight of the one you were using. Now hold that weight in the mid way bicep curl position for a count of 10 seconds. This holding action does not allow your bicep muscle to rest and it therefore generates the needed intensity to stimulate new bicep muscle growth.

When you are done holding the weights for a count of 10 seconds, pick up the heavy dumbbells again and perform another set to positive failure. You will probably get 6 repetitions. When you are done, drop the lighter weights and pick up the heavy one again and perform another set to positive failure!

This is one set of dumbbell curls with holds. It is all you need to grow your bicep muscle. And because of the intensity generated in this set you need only one set to make this work.

This kind of intense bicep exercise is what you need to stimulate new growth in your bicep muscle. - 17268

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Discover How To Lower Your Cholesterol With These Three Simple Foods

By Joe Dungait

When looking into ways how to lower your cholesterol what we have to bear in mind is that we only want to lower the bad cholesterol which is the LDL and at the same time we want to raise good cholesterol which is the HDL. The LDL-cholesterol is created by your liver and ultimately this determines how much is in your blood, however the food that you eat can play a small part and by eating certain foods you can help lower your LDL cholesterol to a certain degree. So with every little helping, let's have a look at three simple foods to lower your cholesterol.

How To Lower Your Cholesterol

1.Oats- There is a substance known as soluble fiber which is found in oatmeal and oat bran that is hugely beneficial in helping to lower bad cholesterol, while at the same time not reducing the good cholesterol levels. In fact, soluble fiber is so effective at maintaining a healthy heart that in 1997 the FDA approved its claims for being able to do just that. For it to have any kind of impact on your bad cholesterol you need to have around 5 to 10gms per day; short term this will lead to about a 5% reduction in bad cholesterol, however over the long term the reduction could be as much as 23%.

2.Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Researchers have discovered that the oil from fish such as salmon, hoki and tuna contain a type of omega3 fat that has a huge impact on cholesterol levels. This omega 3 has been discovered to reduce the bad cholesterol, raise the good cholesterol and also reduce triglyceride levels. By doing these three things it greatly reduces the risk of heart disease, so much so that the American Heart Association recommends eating at least two portions of oily fish per week.

3.Nuts - Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as well as plant sterols are all hugely beneficial in helping to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Nuts contain all of these properties and are one of natures super foods, so if you are looking to reduce your bad cholesterol levels, make sure you have a handful of nuts such as walnuts on a daily basis. - 17268

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Watch The Caffeine And Sugar - For Good Health You Need Sleep

By Ali Bautista

Sleep is very important to a person's health though many individuals do not realize how important. If you do not get enough sleep then you are risking your health in the long run. You won't feel the effects now but you will later on in life. To stay healthy you need about 8 hours of sleep a night.

In order to compensate for the lack of sleep the vast majority of individuals will turn to coffee or sugary foods to keep them alert and give them a boost of energy. While these foods may help for a very short time they cannot compete with a good night's sleep and can actually make it more difficult for you to sleep the next night. They also have adverse health effects.

Sugary foods only produce a very short burst of energy because the sugar is metabolized very quickly. Once the sugar is gone you will feel even more tired than before and your reaction time will decrease. You want to eat foods that will provide you with some energy as well as foods that will last. A snack that meets both of these factors is apple slices with peanut butter. The apple slices has carbohydrates and the peanut butter provides some protein.

The caffeine in coffee can help keep you alert but it can also prevent you from sleeping. The caffeine in the coffee you drink during the morning will actually stay in your system for 12 hours, much longer then feeling the effects of caffeine. If you drink coffee all day long then you may be preventing yourself from sleeping. It is better to have food and drinks that only contain a small amount of caffeine, try soda or chocolate instead.

Even decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine. A cup of decaffeinated coffee has the same amount of coffee as a 12 oz bottle of soda. Decaffeinated coffee may be a good option if you are trying to cut back on your caffeine. Many people may become dependent on coffee and can have difficulties breaking the habit.

To style fit and healthy you need to limit your caffeine consumption as it will only keep you up at night. Try to cut back to one or two cups a coffee a day and never any caffeine after 4pm. - 17268

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Get First Class Massage Chair Treatments On Demand

By Anne Nagel

Nobody wants to wait to receive a product or service anymore. Consumers now expect to receive their product or service at the moment that they purchase it. Wouldn't this be great to also see this happen with personal services? Technology has now enabled you to receive some personal services exactly when you want them. One such personal service is receiving massage therapy. Massage chairs now make it possible to receive a massage treatment whenever you desire.

The age of the computer has now made it possible to purchase and receive things instantly. We are used to going online and downloading music to our MP3 player. It's possible to purchase a movie video and watch it now. This has now created a demand to receive things instantly.

Massage chairs represent the automation of personal services such as massage treatment. They now make it possible for you to receive a full body massage treatment on demand. It's possible to receive this treatment anytime you like for as long or as short as you desire.

Massage chairs offer a full body massage capability. They contain various types of technologies to deliver a number of treatments for the whole body. You can receive a full body massage or you can target a particular area for relief.

The convenience of receiving massage treatments on demand cannot be understated. If you feel a little achy in the morning then take a quick five minute warm-up massage. If you feel a little stress at the end of the day, take a seat and get a full body 30 minute massage treatment. Whatever your need there is a massage treatment for you.

Why not put a massage chair in your office at work? This way you can relieve your stress while getting other things done. Wouldn't it be great to receive a shiatsu massage in your next conference call? This is what I call multitasking.

What happens when your schedule gets hectic? Do you start to forgo exercise and start eating fast food? This is typically what happens to most people. They just get too busy and start taking care of themselves.

Next time when you start to feel under stress, why not get a relieving and or 15 minute massage treatment for some a massage chair makes it possible to get instant gratification at a moments notice. This is a great way to counteract the negative effects of stress.

Massage chairs make it easy to relax based on your schedule. They are available and waiting for you to take a break. This is an excellent way to rejuvenate yourself on your own schedule.

Neutralize the effects of stress before they grow too much. A perfect way to combat your stress as it builds is with a massage chair treatment. As you start to feel yourself with more stress, then simply take a quick break and receive both relaxation and bodily relief.

Massage chairs provide a number of different types of massage treatments. You can find treatments such as shiatsu, acupressure, deep tissue, sports and Swedish type massages. All of these are available to you at the touch of a button.

Many diseases have been linked to stress. Stress lowers the body's immune system and makes it more horrible to these types of problems. Massage chairs are a great way to neutralize the build up of stress through relaxation and relief of tension in your body.

Why not get instant gratification with a massage treatment whenever you need it. Massage chairs are a great way to neutralize the negative effects of stress on the body. They are available instantly to provide you with a soothing and relieving massage treatment. Massage chairs provide you with the massage treatment of your choice on demand. - 17268

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6 Best Ab Exercises For Ripped Abs

By Royce Meyer

Here's the six best ab exercises for ripped abs :

1. Crunches.

While crunches have their critics, this basic exercise when done correctly can be highly effective for developing your higher abs. The higher abs are reasonably straightforward to get ripped, and the convenience and simplicity of crunches makes this one of the six best ab exercises.

2. Leg Raises.

The most recalcitrant part of the gut to outline are the lower abs. This is where leg raises come in. They in particular work those lower abs. By doing leg raises you isolate and work the lower portion while not permitting the higher abs to help in doing any of the work.

3. Side Crunches.

There are different variations to side crunches, but after you get comfortable with the variation that works for you, your obliques ( side abdominal muscles ) will be on their way to getting ripped.

4. Hanging Knee Raises.

These are excellent for working your lower and side oblique muscles and are a great variation to standard on the floor abdominal exercises.

5. Elbow to Knee Crunches.

These are great because you are working your lower and upper abs at the same time. Plus it's extraordinarily easy to do, simply crunching up with your hands behind your head and elbows extended straight, while at the same time bringing your knees toward you body to touch the elbows.

6. Twisted Elbow to Knee Crunches.

Out of the 6 best ab exercises, this one's my favorite and one of the handiest ever. Because you are doing a standard crunch, and bringing your knees toward you to touch with your elbows you are working both your lower and upper abs. Now, throw a twist into the mix ( twist to touch your elbow to the opposite knee ) you are also employing your oblique muscles, making this an all around ab exercise, good for those with little time, desiring to get a good exercise in to work the abs. - 17268

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Myths Revolving Muscle Building

By Rowena Antonio

1 - If you eat a low fat diet, you cannot get fat.

If you surpass your energy needs, you will still get fat. However, consuming a diet high in fat will add the weight faster. Fat has nine calories per gram compared to carbohydrates or proteins, which have 4 calories per gram. It also takes fewer calories to absorb the energy in fat than it does to absorb a similar quantity of carbohydrates by weight. Therefore, fat calories get stored more readily than calories from carbohydrates. However, carbohydrates and proteins have calories too. Hence, taking in too much of these will also get you fat.

2 - In order to get a large physique, you need to consume a lot of calories.

High calorie diets will definitely lead to you getting positively large. Unless you are someone who has a high metabolism, you will only be saving any extra calories that you do not burn and turn it into fat. Scientists have shown that all but 35% of the newest tissue generated due to calorie-dense regimens is actually adipose tissue. Only 20% of the added weight from high calorie consumption is lean muscle mass.

Therefore, if your desire is to get large, lean-muscles, then very-high-calorie meals are not for you.

Making sure that protein does not break down seems to be the most applicable element in determining muscle growth. Research has found that build-up of fatty tissue through over-eating may actually stimulate muscle breakdown. Moreover, additional fat has a drastic affect on your hormonal balance. For instance, insulin, which regulates the separation of the protein components into amino acids in the human body, is unable to function properly when overeating is continuously practiced.

3 - You do not need steroids to get as huge as the models and professionals in bodybuilding magazines.

Bodybuilding supplement companies support numerous magazines. So it is necessary for them to claim that you do not need steroids to build muscles. Professional body-builders, without exception, take steroids in some form or the other. The transparent skin and increased level of muscularity are very likely the result of hormone manipulation.

Regardless, you should not use that as a reason to abandon your bodybuilding objective. You can almost certainly build significant muscle mass if you train properly, follow a nourishing dietary regimen, and make sure to get sufficient rest.

One thing to remember about bodybuilding at the competitive level is that steroids are almost always a necessity. However, it is entirely possible to get the type of physique that will bring respect and admiration from both sexes.

4 - You will build muscle faster if you workout more.

Ninety-five percent of professional bodybuilders will tell you that the largest blunder they made was over training. When you give a particular muscle group a good workout, you are tearing the muscle down in order to build it back up so you need to give those muscles a chance to heal. If you over train, you may end up losing muscle or attain no muscle growth. When your workouts are sufficiently intense, it can be harmful to train daily. It can take 5-10 days to recover when you exercise a body part to complete muscle break down.

Working another part of your body the next day can still lead to over training. You will actually inhibit your muscle growth progress if, for example, you work your quadriceps to failure one day and then try to do some heavy bench presses the very next day. After a hard workout of the leg, the human body starts the process of recovery from the blow it has received by the workout.

Unless you take some drug to help you deal with the catabolic operations working in your body, you cannot rely on your system to recuperate from a difficult workout by the next day. Rest after each training session and make recuperation a part of your workout routine.

5 - You will get better results by working out longer.

Research has proven that you can work a single muscle group with just one set, as long as your workout incorporates several muscles and takes them to ischemic rigor. The muscle fibers harden instead of relaxing after they contract. This causes microscopic tearing of the muscles. Hypertrophy is an example of an adaptive process in reaction to stress like this.

You can achieve muscle hypertrophy by performing drop or breakdown sets. Rep out, lower the weight, then do more reps until you are unable to do more. You can also try to get the maximum amount of reps, followed by 10 more reps. You give yourself a little bit of a break when you lock out the weight-bearing joint, but do not actually put the weight down. In other words, you will need to greatly increase both your discomfort and energy levels.

If you can definitely work your muscles like stated above, there is not much benefit in doing an additional set. One of the exceptions would be to work on regions of the body with distinct geographical areas, like the back, legs or chest. - 17268

Best Ab Exercises? Get Hot Abs With These Popular Abdominal Exercises

By Tommie Dixon

Looking for 6 pack abs to enhance your appearance but don't know where to start? These six pack stomach exercises aren't incredibly difficult, but they are very important ( and specific ) because your goal is so defined.

The following 3 exercises are just some of the best ab exercises for those wishing to get six pack abs, so take good notes!

Crunches are where you lay flat on the floor with the exception of your knees that must be bent. Alternate moving each arm over your chest while feeling your abdominal muscles tightening up and doubtless burning to get the full effect. These are widely said to be the best six pack stomach exercises, but there are others that can achieve your goal. However , six pack stomach exercises should be revolved on a regular basis.

Lying Bicycles are when you're lying supine on the floor with your legs raised at the hips and hands beside your head.

Bending your right leg at the knee while pulling your right thigh up at the hip together with curling your spine will achieve the goal. Just as you will have been able to glean by reading the title, this exercise should make you appear to be riding a cycle while lying in the floor.

Seated Jackknife exercises are when you're sitting flat on a bench with your legs extended in front of you with your upper body at a 45 degree angle to the bench.

Fold your body by bringing your legs in and curling your backbone forward and bend your knees as you raise your legs inward. Hold the position for an instant and then return to the original position.

Don't believe that doing 6 pack waistline exercises one day will make a six pack the subsequent day, it is certainly a process! Just remember that this is a major goal for you and you wanted it so bad in the beginning.

These integral 6 pack stomach exercises are a great first step, but there are way more to come, stay motivated! - 17268

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A Powerful Juicer: The Healthy Addition to Your Kitchen

By Aaron Benjamin

Powerful juicers are a fantastic convenience in a home- you and your family can enjoy the most nutritious and freshest vitamins and minerals from unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables could be one means of making sure that your household will be enjoying healthy beverages. aside from water, fruit & vegetable juice is deemed to be vital to improving and safeguarding your family's health. Juice is known to enable you to feel refreshed when you wake up to it at daybreak,and most fruit extracts have the essential anti oxidants and many different health benefits which will help you to build up your immunity from sickness.

If you prefer a juice machine that is quick and powerful for the best quality juices you are able to create at home, one appliance worth checking is the Hamilton Beach 67650H Big Mouth Pro Juice Extractor. This manufacturer makes different juicer models, but this one comes with a sungular 1.1 horsepower motor. In case you don't understand why that kind of power is required, it is because to enable you to receive the largest amount of juice from fresh fruits & vegetables, you are required to really squeeze the fruit down to the rind. If it happens that you have attempted manual juicing, you can realize the strength one must expend to prepare just one serving of freshly squeezed juice.

If you own the Hamilton Beach Juice Extractor, you will always extract your juice quickly and easily. The feeding mouth atop this machine is expansive enough to accept entire tomatoes, carrots, and oranges. Constructing the machine is quickly done, as long as you read and adhere to the instructions in the handbook. You can be able to identify all the pieces and lock every one into place prior to trying your first batch of juice. You will discover a plastic tube which will be used to push food into the juicer. There are two containers, one for the drinkable juice and another one for the pulp.

(On a side note: if you are uncomfortable with disposing of pulp extracts, you may research recipes which use a bit of fruit or vegetable pulp.)

As the motor is on, rely on the cylinder to feed the veggies or fruits inside the feeding tube, next you are able to observe juice pouring instantly down in the first canister. You may want to peel or pit a few specific fruits and vegetables since their seeds and peelings are a bit bitter. Additionally, some oversized fruits must be sliced so they can fit.

A couple of aspects you will probably not like about this Hamilton Beach 67650H is the whirring sound the appliance makes, the inadequate size of the extractor cup (around 20 ounces), and the cleaning. The amazing noise is the natural consequence of a powerful motor, though, and the cleanup is honestly no worse than any food processor. The cup volume could be upgraded, yet the machine would become bigger and problematic to fit in your cabinets, so perhaps that is a sensible problem.

Despite the fact that a Hamilton Beach 67650H Big Mouth Pro Juice Extractor is large, each of the components can be removed and the pieces are additionally dishwasher safe. Just remember to inspect that all the crevices are washed fully. Overall, Hamilton Beach's Juice Extractor is perfect for serious juicers who will not fret about a bit of noise and a bit more rinsing. Although if you have a less spacious kitchen, you ought to decide to find something that can be somewhat less intimidating. - 17268

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Day 16! Still on the HCG Diet!

By Amelia Handley

I've got less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the HCG diet. That makes Day 16 one of my favorites so far. Here's a quick reminder of the program layout. It started off with 2 days of loading. Loading is eating a whole lot of food with a whole lot of fat content and therefore calories. While loading you start taking your HCG three times daily. It's supposed to increase the ability of the body to absorb the HCG product. After loading you start a 500 calorie per day portion of the diet. I chose to do the program that had me dieting for 23 days, but there are different lengths you can choose from.

After the low calorie portion of the diet the maintenance diet kicks in. On the maintenance you apparently can eat as much as you want of anything you want up to 1500 calories per day and excluding a pretty short list of items. You can't have sweeteners: sugar, dextrose, honey, molasses, artificial sweeteners, corn syrups, etc. You also can't have any nitrites, fast food or Trans fat. And you can't have any starch whatsoever. Man I'm going to miss homemade bread by the time this is all over. Or maybe I won't even like it anymore...who knows?

Whew! That's quite the list I thought. So while the food intake is going to jump considerably I have to point out that I'm still going to be feeling strapped when it comes to what I can and can't eat. But that's just me. And I'm getting accustomed to the feeling. It's not too bad; especially when my weight is going down so drastically.

Alright so now that we've had that nice little recap from loading to low calorie to HCG maintenance diet we can move on. Today I weighed in at 156. I know! I did so good yesterday and no weight loss. I decided to add some green tea in (which I did...YUCK!) and try to drink a lot more water. I think I messed up with my water intake yesterday. I didn't fill a pitcher first thing in the morning so I don't really know how much I drank.

I'm fine taking the HCG drops three times per day. And I think the B-Total drops are really helpful. I'm thinking of getting online and ordering some more for when these run out.

On day 16 I focused on leftovers. At lunch I had leftover green onion burger with Melba toasts and grapefruit. For dinner I had leftover chicken (the last of it) with strawberries and more Melba Toasts. I drank a ton of water. And I'm hoping I'll drop down in weight again tomorrow; fingers crossed! - 17268

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What You Should Know To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

By Kenney Choslayer

Having good and attractive body can definitely put up charming appearance. A person who is obese must have disadvantages in almost every aspect of life as compared to the person having healthy and muscular body. Heavy food with lots of fats affects your body in a manner that it sucks all the fats and remains there. This is certainly not good for obese people if they want to build muscles also. First thing you need to do is to stay away from excessive fats. For that you need motivation and willpower because where there is will there is a way.

Most people are normally of the view that reducing fats is next to impossible once it gets beyond limits. Laziness is what that makes them belief this but this is certainly not the case. It is just a matter of rendering themselves for a relevant fats reducing method in order to carve out a muscular body. This takes time depending on the intensity of your application to a process and the stature of your body.

It is very important to understand that losing fats and building muscles are both opposite things. For muscle building, over-feeding is a requirement and for losing fats under-feeding is a must. For the former case, one need to intake a lot more calories than we burns per day and it is totally reverse for burning fats. So it is important not to go simultaneously. Rather one thing should be focused one time and should be rotated periodically.

The above scenario is especially for over-weight people as for them gaining muscles and losing fats concurrently is difficult. But, for normal-weight people, things are not that complex. After a thorough self-analysis, proper exercises and healthy diet plan should be developed and applied. One should clearly mark the deficient items in his body and should look to go for that by following any approved technique.

Many drugs and anabolic steroids are available to lose weight quickly. Else there are many other pills and supplements which give you much better results in many forms. Collagen is one such medical solution for losing weight and building muscles. However it only works when a person is asleep. It gives you good sleep and when you wake up you feel much better.

There have been a lot more tendencies among most people to go for fats reducing products and drugs. But to tell you the truth, there are a lot of troubles that people face who go for medical treatment. It is mainly because of the harmful side effects that these products carries with them and compromises something in order to reduce your fats and building muscles. This approach is only suitable for old or weak people who are genuinely not able to go for other ways.

In the end, it is entirely upon us that what we choose as the most suitable approach from which we can have maximum benefit. - 17268

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A Short Article On The Benefits Of Using Acai Berry Juice

By Kelani Lee

Acai berry Juice has become one of the most popular beverages among adults in the last few decades. It is not just for the people of Brazil anymore. The health benefits of this substance are profound.

It is greatly known to have a wonderful effect on skin. Many claim that it almost reverses the signs of aging and makes the skin resistant to most skin medical conditions. The power of acai can be seen in the skin as it heals the damage done by the sun and pollution. It can help halt the oxidation process which causes the appearance of wrinkles and discolorations. Daily exercises can often deplete the body of oxygen, causing oxidation. It can be replenished by drinking acai juice or taking acai berry supplements.

Studies have shown that the acai berry contains more anti oxidant than any other berry. They are rumored to be one of the healthiest foods that can be consumed by humans. It often helps with stomach and heart ailments, along with improving a number of other medical conditions.

Proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber can also be found in acai berry juice. These components found in acai berries will help to strengthen the body and mind. When consuming acai juice, the chemicals are known to also suppress allergies.

An example of a different type of juice that is known to have the anti oxidants the body needs is red grape juice. Red wine and red grape juice has the same chemical in them that helps in many different ways. The chemical is found in the skin of the red grape. The darker the grape, the more anti oxidants is found in the skin of the fruit.

The acai berry can greatly improve conditions by simply being ingested in the body. One of the most common uses of acai juice is for weight loss and to speed up the metabolic rate. It has many other benefits such as helping the body detoxify and helping improve conditions of sexual dysfunction. Many pregnant women claim that it helps keep them from getting morning sickness. It has also been used as part of a treatment for hepatitis B.

Many send their past times looking for a way to stay strong and healthy. The benefits of acai berry juice have been reported as life changing. It can help in many medical ailments as well as helping slow down the aging process. To find out more on the benefits of regular use, do a little research on line or visit your local health supplement store. - 17268

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