Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6 Week Body Makeover Meal Plan

By James Kim

Losing weight doesn't have to be boring. You should be the master of your food choices and shouldn't let your diet cripple your lifestyle. The 6 Week Body Makeover diet has an infinite amount of recipes that you can use to eat delicious foods while losing weight. This article will go over a few meals that you can eat for lunch while on the body makeover diet.

The Fresh Fruit Medley is a great way to satisfy your "sweet tooth" without all the guilt of fat and high calories. You will need cantaloupes, a honeydew, cup blueberries, a juice of 1 lime and 1 package of artificial sweetener or use Splenda.

Heat a large, non-stick skillet over high-heat. Make sure that the skillet is non-stick as you won't be using oil to cook the vegetables. The sauce (lemon juice, wine and a little bit of water should be enough moisture to make the veggies not stick to the pan). Mix all the ingredients that contain liquid in a bowl and set aside.. Add the chicken and stir frequently. The chicken should be brown on both sides. Add cup of water and bring the whole thing to a boil. Stir in the broccoli and cook 1 minute on each side. Mix in the snow peas, mushrooms and water chestnuts and allow to cook for about 2 minutes. Stir in the wine mixture and continue to cook for 2 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and crisp. Lastly, make sure you serve with a small single serving of rice.

Another great side dish is the Guiltless French Fries. The reason that they are low-fat is because the potatoes are oven-baked. Carbohydrates are not your enemy as long as you know how to use them as energy. You will need to cut potatoes into thin French fry style strips. In a bowl, whip some egg white until it's foamy and add some black pepper into the mixture. All the mixtures to the potatoes and coat evenly. Spread the potatoes on a non stick cookie sheet in a single layer so that it's not overlapping. Cook until all the potatoes are crispy and brown (about 30-35 minutes at 450 degrees).

A great side dish to any lunch meal is the Grilled Veggie Packs. What you will need is 4 russet potatoes that are cut into slices. Cut 4 onions (peeled and sliced) and cut 4 carrots. Additional ingredients are cold water and a dash of black pepper for taste. This is a simple way to grill veggies without the fuss and can be used for backyard barbeques. Plus, everyone can get their own pack of veggies so they can add their own variations on this delicious side dish.

Tear 4 large squares of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Put 1 potato, onion and carrot in the center of each foil square and sprinkle with 1 tsp of water. Make sure to season each squares with salt and pepper. Fold shut each foil square and seal well. Place the packs over hot coals for 45 minutes and turn once to prevent overcooking one side. Remember that the potatoes are carbohydrates, so measure your portions according to your body type. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover Sample Recipes

By James Kim

When you lose weight you shouldn't have to feel bored with your diet. Be in control of your food choices. The 6 Week Body Makeover diet has a way for you to lose weight while not being bored by the food you are allowed to eat. Here is an example of the foods that you can eat on this diet.

Oriental Stir Fry is a great way to eat your veggies without skimping on flavor and taste. Here are the ingredients you will need to make this delicious lunch. pound of skinless chicken breast that is cut in 1 inch cubes. 1/3 cup of water, 1 cup broccoli florets, 1 cup snow peas, 1 cup mushrooms, cup water chestnuts, cup bamboo shoots, 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 4 Tbsp white wine, 2 tsp thyme, 1 tsp of nutmeg and black pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients together and cook until all veggies are tender. This recipe works well for all body types. However, the recipe is geared towards body types b & c. If you are an "A", you should add shrimp to your stir fry and body type "D" people can add some beef.

Heat a large, non-stick skillet over high-heat. Make sure that the skillet is non-stick as you won't be using oil to cook the vegetables. The sauce (lemon juice, wine and a little bit of water should be enough moisture to make the veggies not stick to the pan). Mix all the ingredients that contain liquid in a bowl and set aside.. Add the chicken and stir frequently. The chicken should be brown on both sides. Add cup of water and bring the whole thing to a boil. Stir in the broccoli and cook 1 minute on each side. Mix in the snow peas, mushrooms and water chestnuts and allow to cook for about 2 minutes. Stir in the wine mixture and continue to cook for 2 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and crisp. Lastly, make sure you serve with a small single serving of rice.

Another great side dish is the Guiltless French Fries. The reason that they are low-fat is because the potatoes are oven-baked. Carbohydrates are not your enemy as long as you know how to use them as energy. You will need to cut potatoes into thin French fry style strips. In a bowl, whip some egg white until it's foamy and add some black pepper into the mixture. All the mixtures to the potatoes and coat evenly. Spread the potatoes on a non stick cookie sheet in a single layer so that it's not overlapping. Cook until all the potatoes are crispy and brown (about 30-35 minutes at 450 degrees).

A variation to this dish is to add 1 tbsp chili powder and tsp cayenne pepper to the egg white mixture. If you want "gourmet" style fries, try to add 1 sweet potato to your regular taters. For the garlic lovers, add 1 tsp garlic powder and 1 tsp paprika to the egg white mix.

Tear 4 large squares of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Put 1 potato, onion and carrot in the center of each foil square and sprinkle with 1 tsp of water. Make sure to season each squares with salt and pepper. Fold shut each foil square and seal well. Place the packs over hot coals for 45 minutes and turn once to prevent overcooking one side. Remember that the potatoes are carbohydrates, so measure your portions according to your body type. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover Food Recipes

By James Kim

When you lose weight you shouldn't have to feel bored with your diet. Be in control of your food choices. The 6 Week Body Makeover diet has a way for you to lose weight while not being bored by the food you are allowed to eat. Here is an example of the foods that you can eat on this diet.

Oriental Stir Fry is a great way to eat your veggies without skimping on flavor and taste. Here are the ingredients you will need to make this delicious lunch. pound of skinless chicken breast that is cut in 1 inch cubes. 1/3 cup of water, 1 cup broccoli florets, 1 cup snow peas, 1 cup mushrooms, cup water chestnuts, cup bamboo shoots, 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 4 Tbsp white wine, 2 tsp thyme, 1 tsp of nutmeg and black pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients together and cook until all veggies are tender. This recipe works well for all body types. However, the recipe is geared towards body types b & c. If you are an "A", you should add shrimp to your stir fry and body type "D" people can add some beef.

Heat a large, non-stick skillet over high-heat. Mix together lemon juice, wine and spices in a bowl and set aside. Add the chicken and stir frequently so it doesn't burn. Make sure to brown the chicken on all sides. Add cup of water and bring the whole thing to a boil. Stir in the broccoli and cook 1 minute on each side. Stir in the snow peas, mushrooms and water chestnuts and make sure that you cook everything for 2 minutes. Stir in the wine mixture and continue to cook for 2 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and crisp. Lastly, make sure you serve with a small single serving of rice.

Additional veggies variations that you can use for your stir fry are the Thai Stir Fry which contain shredded cabbage, onion, celery and carrots. Also, if you are a body type A, you can try the seafood variation which has shrimp or scallops, which replaces the chicken in the original version. Use bok choy, red peppers, green onion and mushrooms as veggies.

A great light lunch or side dish is the spicy veggies. What you will need is 2 cups of fresh green beans, cup celery, cup onion, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, tsp dill seed, tsp cayenne pepper and a dash of black pepper for taste. This is a simple dish that is delicious, nutritious and can be an accompaniment to your beat dishes.

Tear 4 large squares of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Put 1 potato, onion and carrot in the center of each foil square and sprinkle with 1 tsp of water. Make sure to season each squares with salt and pepper. Fold shut each foil square and seal well. Place the packs over hot coals for 45 minutes and turn once to prevent overcooking one side. Remember that the potatoes are carbohydrates, so measure your portions according to your body type. - 17268

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How to Live With Gluten Allergy

By Maja Maartens

Gluten Allergy, Celiac disease, or gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is an auto-immune illness of the intestines, which is initiated by gluten, a protein found in numerous cereal grains. Therefore, anyone with celiac disease must follow a gluten-free diet. Be sure to study the gluten allergy symptoms and if you suspect gluten allergy contact your doctor.

Where is Gluten Found? The principle sources of gluten in the diet include wheat, rye, and barley. Oats may be accepted in quite small amounts by some patients with celiac disease, although those with severe disease in general don't.

Dairy foods may not be tolerated when persons with celiac disease has active symptoms, since lactose intolerance frequently develops. However, this is because of the lactose sugar in the dairy foods, rather than the proteins, which can cause milk allergy.

What Common Foods are Gluten-Free?

Foods such as soybean flour, tapioca flour, rice, corn, buckwheat and potatoes are usually safe for people with celiac disease. See below for more information regarding a gluten-free diet.

Why Follow a Gluten Free Diet?

* Though if there are no obvious symptoms, celiac disease can cause severe vitamin and nutritional deficits, since the intestines may not be able to absorb important nutrients if gluten is being eaten.

* Rates of certain cancers of the gastrointestinal tract are much higher in people with celiac disease, and there is evidence that this risk is decreased with a gluten-free diet.

* People with active celiac disease are at increased risk for other auto-immune conditions, (such as diabetes mellitus type 1, Graves disease and Hashimotos thyroiditis) especially those with continued gluten exposure.

* Mothers with untreated celiac disease are at increased risk for having a low birth weight baby.

How to Follow a Gluten-Free Diet? First, reading all labels on prepared foods is key. Do not eat any foods that contain the following:

* Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

* Flour or cereal products

* Vegetable protein

* Malt and malt flavorings

* Starches (unless specified as corn starch, which does not contain gluten)

* Various flavorings, which can be derived from cereals containing gluten

* Vegetable gum

* Emulsifiers, stabilizers derived from cereals containing gluten

Next, especially when eating at a restaurant, avoid the following:

* Breaded foods

* Creamed foods

* Meatloaf and gravies

The following are good choices for a gluten-free diet:

* Broiled or roasted meats (beef, poultry, fish)

* Plain vegetables

* Plain salads

* Potatoes (white, sweet, yams)

* Corn

* Rice

* Beans

* Fruits

* Breads and baked goods made from alternative flours (rice, soy, tapioca, arrowroot, potato)

* Breakfast cereals containing only rice, corn, grits or hominy (Such as puffed rice). Some people with celiac disease may tolerate oats as well.

Are There Other Recommendations Concerning Nutrition?

It is a good idea to see a dietician or nutritionist on a regular basis to ensure that your gluten-free diet is well balanced and meeting nutritional needs. Your doctor may also prescribe various vitamin supplements to make up for any nutritional deficiencies. Since bone loss is a common problem in people with celiac disease (due in part to vitamin D deficiency), frequent monitoring with bone density scans is recommended.

Consider buying a cookbook with gluten-free recipe ideas, and visit various sites specializes in the support of people with celiac disease.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for personal care by a licensed physician. Please see your physician for diagnosis and treatment of any concerning symptoms or medical condition. - 17268

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The Delicious Manner To Add More Antioxidants To Your Diet

By Debra F Nelson

Antioxidants are important elements to excellent health. Happily, you can find many foods that are high in antioxidants at your supermarket in the produce aisle and at your local health food store and farmers markets.

When our bodies make use of oxygen in the process of life, oxygen free radicals are formed. A free radical is fundamentally a molecule that is missing one or more electrons. This makes it enormously volatile and injurious to our bodies. Free radicals create inflammation, which is a cause of many ailments from heart disease to wrinkles. An antioxidant reduces inflammation by donating the omitted electron thus stabilizing the molecule. Antioxidants are important for reducing inflammation.

The ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity scale is the way that antioxidant aptitude in food is calculated. The antioxidants from the food are tested to see how well it is able to counterbalance free radicals in a test tube. It is then assigned a number and the higher the number the higher the antioxidant facility of the food.

Certain spices place the very uppermost on the ORAC scale but the two top foods are the acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil and dried, unsweetened cocoa. Dark chocolate with 60 to 70% pure cocoa is one of the uppermost antioxidant foods that you can eat.

Acai berries are also tasty. These little berries have been described as tasting like a ripe blueberry dipped in dark chocolate. Acai berry products are presented as a variety of juices, smoothie mixes and even tablets and capsules. It is not viable to have the fresh fruit outside of Brazil because the berry is so perishable but advanced processing methods have made it possible to now have the berry in other parts of the world.

Another luscious and satisfying way to acquire a good for you dose of antioxidants is through red wine. Red wine is high in the pigment that causes healthy foods to have the deep dark blue and red colors. This pigment is called anthocyanins and it is an exceedingly helpful antioxidant. Red wine is good for you in moderation however, as with any type of alcohol, there is risk of problems connected with over consumption. One glass a day though can offer you a wonderful way to get a healthful amount of antioxidants.

Even though red wine is high in anthocyanins, the acai berry actually has 10 to 30 times the amount of this necessary antioxidant. Anthocyanins have been proven to be useful for the deterrence of cardiovascular disease and even for possible weight loss in certain studies.

You can attain acai berries in delicious juices, smoothie mixes and even capsules and pills. Add in an ounce of dark chocolate every day, and relax with one glass of red wine, on a daily basis and you have received a decent dosage of nourishing antioxidants in a enjoyable and pleasant manner. - 17268

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3 Flabby Arms Delusions to Avoid

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Internet marketers love making money with your desperation for getting rid of flabby arms. One bogus site even goes as far to claim that microbes living in your large intestine are to blame for excess arm fat.

Do an internet search for "flabby arms", and you'll be inundated with misinformation from sources out to make a fast buck. So many women are stuck in a black hole of conflicting information that they eventually give up. Some sources go as far to claim that organisms living in your stomach are to blame for arm fat.

If you fall for this, your bank account will shrink while your arms enlarge.

On a positive note, getting rid of flabby arms isn't that complicated. Luckily for you, I've spent a large amount of my life de-complicating the process. And here are 3 myths you MUST know so that the clever marketers don't get you:

1. Long duration cardio. Endless bouts of cardio will send endless amounts of cortisol through your body. This hormone will consume your muscle until your body burns so few calories that losing arm fat will be virtually impossible. So doing lots of cardio won't make your arms look better, they will look worse!

2. Low-fat intake. Low-fat intakes can reduce your arm-fat-melting hormones by up to 30%--the last thing you need. Even worse, low-fat intakes speed up digestion which in turn increases fat deposits on your arms. Thus, increasing fat in your diet, decreases fat on your arms.

3. Low-fat. Going low-fat is the last thing you should do if you want sexy arms. Doing so will reduce your arm-fat-incinerating hormones by 30%. And your digestion rate will speed up which in turn will increase the amount of fatty tissue stored within your arms. So decreasing dietary fat, increases arm fat.

Did you believe any of these?

Ok, now you know 3 flabby arms myths to avoid at all costs. By avoiding the above you will be well on your way to sexy arm stardom. Getting those toned arms the right way doesn't have to be like finding a needle in a hay stack, it really doesn't! - 17268

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What Are the Reasons We Tend to Bruise More Easily as We Age?

By Carolyn Cooper

Do you remember when you could study all day and hang out with your friends until the next morning? How about pulling all-nighters, and still being ready to head out for some fun on the weekends? When we are young, our bodies recover much more quickly from the damage that we do it, and one thing that you might have been noticing is that you are now seeing a lot more bruising. The truth is that we are subject to bruising more as we get older, and when those bruises do appear, they are no longer going away quite as fast.

The first reason why we may be bruising more as we age is that we have lost a portion of our fat layer that lies just below our skin. This causes the skin to have a rather papery appearance to it, and it is no longer as protective if we fall or bump into something. In the same vein, we find that the tissues supporting our blood vessels is getting a lot weaker, which makes them considerably more prone to incidental damage. As we grow older, the blood vessels themselves have become more frail, and we should be aware of that situation. When the blood vessels beneath our skin break because of blunt trauma, blood will pool below the skin, which causes the bruise formation.

When you are examining the process of why you might bruise more as you age, remember that there can often be other factors involved as well. Having spent a great deal of time in the sun might be a contributing factor, as will use of things like blood thinners, whether in the form of over the counter aspirin or corticosteroid drugs. Some people will also find that dietary supplements like vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, garlic, and ginseng can make them more prone to easy bruising.

Also keep in mind that bruising can be an indicator of a variety of more serious problems that happen as we grow older. If you honestly believe that you are bruising without cause, you should present your concerns to your doctor. You might need to be tested for illnesses that cover the spectrum from diabetes to certain related blood diseases. If you discover a higher level of bruising after you begin a new medication or a supplement, you will also want to discuss these occurrences with your doctor as soon as possible. Continue to focus on the fact that regardless of why bruising is taking place, bruising is your body telling you about some form of damage, and this is a situation that you shouldn't be taken lightly.

Try to keep up with your bruises. Stay in touch with where they occur, as well as when they occur. Are the bruises sore to the touch, and how long are they taking to vanish? Evaluate the medications that you have been taking to help with your bruising, and determine what else you can do to help heal them? Your bruising may very well be a problematic situation, but this problem can absolutely be solved with the proper research. - 17268

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Muscle Building Tips to Achieve the Desired Results After Your Workouts

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight training and muscle building aren't just great for bodybuilders. They should be important parts of any person's healthy exercise routine. Whether you're working out to get healthy or to improve the definition of your muscles, the tips below will help you reach your goal.

Raise your Protein: Protein is an important part of this balanced breakfast, especially for building your muscles. Lacking the right amount of protein, you won't build up any muscle regardless of how much effort you put into the whole thing.

However, the question has always been how much is enough? The problem is that many of the best protein sources, such as milk and red meat, are also high in fat which you don't want.

The one cardinal rule for any bodybuilder that is really dedicated is to eat one gram of protein for every pound of body weight. This entails that if your total weight is 170 lbs, then you must eat 170 grams of protein each day to generate adequate muscle mass. If the fat content is an issue you could opt for other low fat protein sources like fish and even chicken instead of consuming red meat.

Allow Recovery Time. Some exercise and weight lifting buffs almost become addicted to working out. You can see them in the gym almost daily doing their routines. While that dedication may seem impressive, they could be doing their bodies more harm than good.

The reason is that medical research is showing that building muscle isn't all about the exercise. You also have to give your muscles a chance to recover after straining them in this way. That recovery includes taking days off between training sessions, replacing fluids after workouts, and eating well-balanced meals with sufficient nutrients.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Though sleeping might seem like a waste of time, your ability to gain muscle mass depends on it. Most of the bodily functions that need to occur will occur while you're sleeping!

The reason is simple: your body can redirect energy resources to these other tasks because it's not being used for anything else. One of those processes is protein synthesis which is necessary for muscle development.

If you're only sleeping a few hours every night, you're not giving your body enough time to do the work it needs to complete. Make sure to sleep for at least eight hours every night.

Use Compound Movements. Compound movements, such as lifting weights, are going to build muscle faster than other types of exercises which target isolated muscle groups, such as squats.

However, you need to know how to lift properly in order to receive the expedited muscle building benefits. Basically, what you need to do is choose weights to lift that feel heavy for you.

By no means does this mean that you should grab the heaviest weights on the rack. This only means that you should feel your muscles functioning every single time that you lift your weight. You need to benefit from your efforts, and in order to do that you need to pick the weight that is right for you. If you're just starting out, you might have to use a 20 pound weight whereas others may go a lot heavier. It all depends on the weight lifer. - 17268

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Massage Therapy, Diet and Fitenss for Wellness

By Dana Saiah

Natural Health.

Did you know that massage and bodywork supports better health and wellness? Did you know that bodywork goes hand-in-hand with diet, nutrition and fitness?

About the Author.

As a massage therapist and Bodyworker of 17 plus years, I am also certified in nutrition and fitness training. A licensed healthcare professional, I have worked on sports medical teams to improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.

What I Learned.

I have learned about nutrition and fitness from in overcoming my health issues. Massage and bodywork also played a key role in my health and wellness. We can go with the natural healing powers of the body to improve health. Most of the time, we go against it. The body can heal itself often with proper nutrition. The essential balance can be restored. Exercise and massage both strengthen the immune system and stimulate healing.

This Blog.

This blog is a great opportunity to chat about natural healing. I want to help other understand the importance ofhealthy eating and exercise. I also want people to khow how massage and bodywork can help you to be healthier and happier.


This blog is a wealth of information on health and wellness. Learn about the body, body balance and how it to keep it in balance with massage, bodywork, diet, nutrition and fitness. There are always clues to imbalances that lead to ill health. Spot them before they become a problem.

Natural Wellness.

I will discuss natural ways to enhance your wellbeing. This has been such a large part of my life for so very, very many years. I have shared much advice with my massage clients over the years and now I will share it with you here. I also include other health information as it all relates to wellness.

Holistic Health.

Holistic therapies, such as massage and bodywork teach us that the body is well designed with all sorts of checks and balances. It will work well for you and support you in spite of many strains going against it. Your body works very hard for you.

The Natural Way to Health.

There is an innate intelligence in the body and it works on a cellular level. Your body constantly is offsetting the harm done to it daily, replenishing and rebuilding itself. We use massage, bodywork, nutrition and fitness to support and stimulate this innate intelligence.

Better and Better.

Using proper diet and exercise, we can support our bodies by working with this mechanism instead of against it. By taking care of ourselves we can live better, longer and healthier than otherwise. Life is not perfect, but there are degrees toward which we can strive and achieve. Amazing results can he had, just by assisting our bodies' amazing mechanism for preservation and rejuvenation with diet, fitness, nutrition, and bodywork.

Natural Effectiveness.

Nature also provides many means of supporting this mechanism. Some of the most effective things are the most natural. Bodywork and massage are entirely natural. Eating good, healthy foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients, drinking fresh water, and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise is the most effective thing you can do for your body.

The Extra Boost.

Herbs and nutritional supplements provide an extra boost. Massage, chiropractic and Bodyworx help to realign and balance the body, removing unnatural stresses so it can restore optimal functioning. Essential oils are a specialty of mine, and they can be used in a variety of ways toward many purposes.

At Your Service.

I encourage you to use this health and wellness blog as a resource. Visit our sites for more information, tips and nutritional products. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. - 17268

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How To Grow Taller Naturally With These 8 Tips

By Shaun Davids

Have you been short all your life and always wondered how to grow taller? Well, did you know there are natural measures you can take to increase height? All you need is to know which foods to eat, what exercises to do, and when to rest.

If you never knew which foods keep you healthy and which ones promote height growth, then read on.

Here are some tips for healthy nutrition together with your aim to grow taller:

1. Take note of your eating patterns. Your eating patterns may have to do with the regular hours when you take in food into your body. You have to follow that same pattern most of the time.

2. Make sure that you do not skip a meal. Doing so, would not be beneficial to your health.

3. Breakfast is very important. Your first meal of the day makes a big difference in how to grow taller - so never skip it. If you go to gym in the morning then either eat a light meal before you go, or straight afterward.

4. You need to avoid sugars, soda drinks, and most of that sweet stuff. Instead of growing taller, these things make you bigger in size.

5. Of course, as our parents would always advise us to eat -- eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals and whole wheat bread are also recommended.

6. Get enough protein. Protein contains the building blocks for our entire bodies, so it is vital that we get enough at every meal. It is an essential substance in helping you increase height.

7. Make sure that you get a lot of sleep for your body to regain strength, and enough to rebuild the energy you lost during the day.

8. Lastly, avoid engaging yourself with unhealthy habits, such as smoking and drinking, which may cause other complications aside from hindering you to grow taller.

So these are the 8 steps to preparing yourself for eating properly and improving your nutrition before you join a get taller program. Take them seriously and you will know to grow taller. - 17268

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The Role Nursing Will Play in Health Care in the Future

By Sophie Peters

What do the changing trends tell us about the future of nursing careers? In the next decade or two, it might look very different from what we see today. With new technologies, advancements in drugs and treatments, changes in healthcare policy, insurance policies and coverage, it it likely that the healthcare profession including nursing would have to reinvent itself. As an example, as technology continues to advance many healthcare functions can become automated. These include patient records, medical documentation, and use of smart beds used to monitor patients' vital signs, more use of bar coding, and automated medicine carts which could be used to cut down time and reduce errors that result from dispensing medical drugs. In addition, voice-activated technology can be used to reduce the amount of written documentation. Tasks such as serving meals can also be taken over by trained medical aids in order to free up nurses to provide the human touch to their patients.

Due to nursing shortages, hospitals and other healthcare institutions have to use their staff more judiciously. Nurses will be tasked with spending more time at the bedside to serve as educators and care coordinators. This will refocus their role with their patients. As the lengths of hospital stays getting shorter due to medical costs, nurses must make most use of the time they spend with patients. Nurses will also work in more administrative roles and supervising positions. Given that, they will need to know how to access and retrieve knowledge and information in order to share it with their patients and their families.

Advancements in technology will also likely attract more males and minorities into the nursing profession. Thus, more emphasis would have to be put on supporting teaching careers and recruiting instructors from a diversity of cultural and educational backgrounds to cater to this shift, and to relive the shortage of nursing school instructors. In addition, more loans and financial scholarships at the graduate level (masters and Phd) will have to be increase to encourage more trained medical professionals to serve as teaching staff. In addition nursing colleges would have to be willing to pay the instructors higher salaries to attract and retain teaching staff.

As far as trends go, if the nursing stuff shortage continues, long-term hospital stays may have to be reserved mainly for the very ill. This then means that the number of outpatients will increase, and subsequently the need for more home health nurses. Nurses will also serve more important roles in insurance companies, healthcare technology and software companies, and consulting agencies. In the future, nurses will also be involved more in community health and population-based healthcare. Their jobs will include risk identification and establishing priorities for at-risk populations. These healthcare workers will also serve as community educators who also work with insurance companies and healthcare providers to develop programs aimed at promoting health and saving the patient money and reducing cost for the health care institutions.

Medical personnel who work in gerontology and geriatrics, for example nurse practitioners also face what would be considered a bright future in terms of their careers. With people in the baby boom generation reaching retirement medical professionals will be required to focus on patients in this generational group. Further, nurses who are also baby boomers might not be ready to retire and may find themselves in a role of consulting. They would serve as healthcare providers who they themselves understand the needs of their patients better.

As medical research and technology advances, nurses will focus considerably on prevention rather than treatment. Further, medical drugs that target diseases before they start, and identifying risks will also enhance preventative healthcare. This will require patient to take a more active role in learning about taking better care of themselves to prevent illness. This healthcare shortage and the cost of healthcare will also add pressure to the healthcare system to concentrate prevention and wellness models of care.

Despite what the future holds for the medical profession, nurses and other healthcare workers need to prepare for changing trends and for their evolving roles. In addition to remaining lifelong learners, they will be part of the transformative future of healthcare and medical care. But as you can already guess, this is far easier when one is passionate about their career. - 17268

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What is Milk Allergy?

By Maja Maartens

Cow's milk is one of the most widespread allergy-causing foods in children, and it's the foremost source of allergic result in especially young babies.

Milk allergy affects roughly 2 percent to 3 percent of babies globally, and its symptoms and signs may be critical enough to cause agony not merely for an allergic child, but also for the child's family. But the pleasant news is that the largest part of children grow out of a milk allergy by the age 2 or 3.

Allergic reactions typically show a couple of minutes to a few hours after you eat/drink milk " but sometimes it can be days before symptoms and sign occur. Signs and symptoms go from mild to harsh and can consist of wheezing, vomiting, hives and digestive problems. Rarely, milk allergy can cause anaphylaxis - a severe, life-threatening reaction.

Milk Allergy Symptoms

Three types of milk correlated allergy symptoms have been established:

1. Symptoms start swiftly following ingesting cow's milk. Reactions mostly affect the skin, triggering hives and/or eczema.

2. Symptoms begin several hours after eating/drinking cow's milk. Symptoms of this type are mainly diarrhea and vomiting.

3. Symptoms set in more than twenty hours after ingesting. The main symptom for this type is diarrhea.

Symptoms of milk allergy can affect the skin, causing rashes or hives; the digestive tract, causing bloating and diarrhea, and the respiratory system, causing runny nose and asthma.

Here is a more inclusive list of symptoms:

* vomiting

* hyperactive behavior

* diarrhea

* asthma

* hives

* runny nose

* rashes

* stuffy nose

* ear infections

* bloating

* watery eyes

* eczema

* allergic shiners (black around the eyes)

* recurrent bronchitis

* failure to thrive

The above mentioned symptoms are not limited to people suffering from milk allergy. Once you get to know food allergy symptoms, you will become aware of that quite a few foods share a variety of regular symptoms, such as: bloating, rash, and runny nose.

What is the Difference of Milk allergy and Milk Intolerance?

It is critical to tell between a true milk allergy from milk protein intolerance or lactose intolerance. Unlike a milk allergy, intolerance doesn't implicate the immune system. Milk intolerance triggers different symptoms and call for separate treatment than does a true milk allergy. General signs and symptoms of milk protein intolerance or lactose intolerance include digestive problems, such as bloating, gas or diarrhea, after consuming milk.

Milk Allergy Prevention and Cure

The single way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid milk and milk proteins altogether. This can be easier said than done, as milk is a common food ingredient. Despite your best efforts, you or your child may still come into contact with milk.

Medications, such as antihistamines, may reduce signs and symptoms of a milk allergy. These drugs can be taken after exposure to milk to control an allergic reaction and help relieve uneasiness. If you or your child has a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), you may need an emergency injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) and a trip to the emergency room.

If you're at risk of having a critical reaction, you or your child may need to carry injectable epinephrine (such as an EpiPen) at all times. - 17268

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