Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Learning How To Stand Up Paddle

By Adam Champagne

I'll never forget my first time on a Stand Up Paddle Board. My step father is Clay Feeter publisher of "Standup Journal". He is a huge advocate of the sport as well as having the best magazine in the business! He is a super positive guy, fun to be around and will not let you have a bad time under any circumstance.

I remember going to visit my mom and him a few years ago and upon my arrival Clay was already primed up and ready to get me out on the lake for a stroll with the Stand Up Paddle Board. I always have to say yes to Clay because his positivity simply makes it impossible to give another answer.

We put the boards down in the water and Clay hopped on and started paddling with such ease and precision that I decided I could do the same thing. He made it look so easy, I guess it's because he has been surfing the majority of his life.

I proceeded to get on my board and quickly learned that I needed some serious help in the balance department. I think I ended up off my board quicker than I got on it. I was craving a swim in the lake so it was O.K.

After a couple of quick tips from Clay I able to gain my balance on the board and quickly gained confidence. Clay gave a "Woo Hoot! You got it man!" In his usual fashion which always makes you feel like a kid who just got his first trophy. The feeling I got from Stand Up Paddling was absolutely amazing and one I will never forget. It is like you are walking on water. You paddle as fast or as slow as you want, the water is yours!

The great thing about it is you can Stand Up Paddle in any water. You can go down rivers, surf in the ocean, take a cruise on the lake or wherever else you want. It's truly a fun and diverse sport which is gaining extreme popularity worldwide.

The people you meet while out on your stand up paddle board are amazing. Most of the time people are both curious about what you are doing and eager to try it for themselves. It's a great sport to get hooked on because it is both adrenaline pumping, relaxing, and healthy all at the same time. I hope to see you out the soon! - 17268

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Sure! Easy Dieting Is Attainable

By Mima Mavington

Firstly we need to get out of your mind the thought that losing weight easily is anything to do with dieting or leaping into a leotard and becoming a member of the neighbourhood gym.

All that's needed is to start with a few small lifestyle changes and then when your ready just add a couple more and later on perhaps 1 or 2 more and within no time at all you will have made an entire host of changes to how you eat, drink and view food that the fat will quite naturally start to fall away from you.

To begin with you should take an honest look at what you eat each day. Is fast food your choice for one or more of your meals a day and if so how many does that add up to over a week? Do you often snack on sugary foods like candy bars in between meals? Just how many sugary soda drinks do you consume in a week? Once you realise how many of these kinds of things you're putting in your body each week then you have a fantastic view of where you are now.

The simple way to achieve easy weight loss is to start by choosing to replace one unhealthy food or drink by another healthier option, as an example you might choose to drink one less bottle of sugary soda and replace it with a bottle of still water, do this for a couple of days until you get used to it and then perhaps you might replace a candy bar with a piece of fruit, a few vegetable sticks, or some sort of muesli bar.

As the amount of these changes you make increases so will your grow that you'll be able to do this and then when your ready you can move onto replacing all or part of one of your daily meals with something healthier, if you're not sure what to replace a particular meal with then just type something like ?healthy breakfasts, lunches, or recipes? into one of the search engines to get some ideas of what you may like or perhaps you could ask a naturally thin friend what they choose at meal times.

If you follow this process of gradually changing your daily eating habits from the junk you previously ate to your new healthier choices then you should discover that your mind and body will welcome because you're giving it time to get used to a changes instead of using a sudden shock tactic, and as you continue to find more new healthier things that you like, then you will notice your weight starting to reduce naturally and effortlessly.

While you?re making these changes it is an excellent plan to forget about jumping on the scales for a while, just put them away in a cupboard somewhere or if you really have a hard time resisting the urge to weigh yourself daily or weekly then give a scales to a friend or relative to look after then you will be giving your body a chance to do what it was designed to if you let it.

When you start to slim down and lose inches and once the goodness from a healthier foods you now eat has had an opportunity to build up within you it is more than likely that you are going to be feeling much more lively, so why not use some of this extra energy to begin by seeking out fun ways to exercise and start accelerating your weight loss and making it even easier?

It?s really simple, all you've got to do is the same thing you did with your eating habits except that now you just find easy ways that you can become more active each day perhaps these suggestions will help: 1. Take stairs instead of elevators 2. Walk or cycle rather than using the car or public transport 3. If you like swimming visit the local pool more often 4. Walk the family dog if you have one or join a friend walking their dog

By just making these few, simple changes on a day to day basis can help you achieve easy fat loss. Sure it?s a small amount of weight at the start but as each day passes and you gradually add in more and more adjustments to what you eat and drink as well as becoming increasingly physically active these small amounts of fat loss can all add up to you becoming a naturally slim person you desire to be, and all with little effort and no struggle. - 17268

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Benefit Your Body As Massage Chairs Cater To You

By Margaret Cooke

There are many positive health benefits to receiving massage treatments. Those who have received a massage know that it provides a thorough relaxation and relief of pain and discomfort. The great thing about massage therapy is that it is a natural treatment which has been used to relieve ailments for centuries. But with so many people leading lifestyles, many people simply do not find the time to relax and get a massage. Technology is now providing an alternative way to get frequent massage treatments with a massage chair.

Massage chairs have grown in sophistication over the years. They now contained many different types of technologies which effectively provide full body massage treatments. These massage treatments are available at the touch of a button.

There are many different reasons to seek massage therapy. They are excellent for relieving tension and pain. They help to improve circulation. They are an excellent way to relax and also to enhance or change your mood.

Many medical professionals understand the benefits of massage treatments. The same professionals are now utilizing massage chairs for their patients. Many patients are utilizing massage chairs in conjunction with physical therapy, hydrotherapy and also medication to manage injury related pain.

There seems to be a general rise in the level of stress with the current economic conditions. Stress can have many adverse affects on the body. It can cause tension which leads to stiffness and eventually pain and discomfort. Massage chair therapy is effective in relieving the symptoms of stress and helping one to relax.

When the muscles are exerted in physical activity, they can become stiff which leads to pain and discomfort. The stiffness of the muscles needs to be relieved. Massage therapy is used frequently to lessen the stiffness of muscles due to physical activity.

Stress can be very damaging to the body. Many times the source of the stress cannot be resolved quickly. The stress is then sustained which has a damaging effect on the body. Many people may feel stiffness in a particular area. This stiffness can lead to pain and discomfort.

One of the best ways to relieve stress is through relaxation. Relaxation helps to clear the mind of its problems which helps to release the tension is holding over the body. Massage chairs are a perfect environment for relaxation. Many come with MP3 players which can provide a way to calm and quiet the mind.

Many people now work at desks. When you sit for long periods of time, your body can become fatigued. Massage therapy is a great way to stimulate and invigorating your body when it is fatigued from sitting for long hours.

Why not change your mood with some massage chair therapy? Massage has a positive effect on your outlook and mood. If you are tired, fatigued and sluggish, then massage therapy is a great way to invigorate and rejuvenate your body and mind.

Massage chair therapy is a great way to reconnect the body and brain. Many times the brain goes off the deep end. This can cause many ill effects to the body. Massage therapy helps you to relax and to reconnect with your body. During the course of the massage you will better understand the effects of stress on your body.

Massage chairs are a great way to relax and these stressful times. They provide you with a vast array of massage treatments for relieving tension in the body. They are a great way to relax and receive frequent massage therapy. Massage chairs provide tremendous convenience and access to receiving massage treatments on a daily basis. See how a massage chair can benefit your body and mind. - 17268

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All about Colon Cleansing

By Sunny Matthews

It is not uncommon to have a buildup of excess waste and toxins in your colon. Unfortunately many people do not eat a diet that promotes regularity and good colon health. Your body can find it difficult to process and digest many of the foods that you eat. This can cause a wide range of health ailments.

When you experience a buildup of waste in your colon, you will start to have toxins in your system. These toxins can make you feel lousy. Some experts believe that poor colon health can lead to just about any illness including: heart disease, chronic pain, depression, colds, cancers and allergies. You might also notice that you have been putting on some extra weight in your midsection. Colon cleansing can help if you are concerned.

If you use a colon cleansing diet, you will take steps to eat foods that will be easily digested by your body. You will also want foods high in fiber that will help to improve colon health so that your body can rid itself of harmful toxins and waste. For several days it will be important not to eat meat or much if any milk or other dairy products. You will only want to eat whole foods and not to eat processed or fatty meals. During this time, you should be eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.

After you have used a colon cleansing diet for a few days, you can start to eat a little more of a variety. You still will not want to eat highly processed foods, fatty foods or white pasta or bread. A large portion of your diet should still consist of fruits and vegetables. You can eat poultry products and seafood as well as some lean meats. A good diet can help to prevent a buildup of too much waste in your colon again.

Sometimes you might feel as if you need more help to cleanse your colon. This is when colon cleansing products and systems can be beneficial. They can be used to help you achieve better health. Products will contain herbs and ingredients to help clean your colon and restore good colon health. Just remember to talk to a healthcare provider before trying any products.

Colon cleansing can help you to feel better. As you remove excess buildup in your colon, you can also drop some excess pounds. You can use colon cleansing products and/or modify your diet in order to cleanse your colon and to keep it that way. - 17268

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Male Breast Reduction Surgery And a Sexy Body

By Dustin Fennell

There have been a lot of men who have reported that they have benefitted a lot from the male breast reduction surgery. Man boobs can be quite an embarrassing thing and there are many who are looking for permanent ways to solve this problem. The appearance of prominent breasts akin to the way women have, in males, is medically known as 'gyencomastia'.

The male breast reduction surgery is mainly in the form of liposuction. In this form of surgery, a small bit of incision is performed around the sides of the nipples in which a hollow tube, called cannula is inserted. There is a vacuum pump to which this hollow tube is attached; the pump removes excess fat off the breasts. The surgeon makes use of the cannula that is moved back and forth to soften the adipose, which is the fatty tissue, responsible for gynecomastia. The fatty tissue, thus loosened, can be removed by suction.

Male breast reduction surgery is mostly a painless process. There is a chance that you may experience a slight sensation or vibration sound during the procedure, but that is not much to worry about. To be on the safer side, surgeons administer general anesthesia so that the patient does not feel any pain. Overall the procedure is completed within 3 hours. If you are advised to do reconstructive surgery, you may have to stay overnight as well.

There is a likelihood of the person experiencing mild vibration or sensation during the procedure. There is no pain involved because the male breast reduction surgery is done with the help of general anesthesia. The operation lasts for about 3 hours or less. In certain cases, reconstructive surgery may be performed, wherein the patient may have to stay overnight.

You may have to stay overnight if reconstructive surgery is needed. While choosing a surgeon, look for the one who is experienced in gynecomastia cases and find out the procedure that will be used on you. Your health insurance may not cover the operation because the treatment is more of a cosmetic nature. Doctors will however provide financing options that can make it easy for you to pay them. What you get in return is confidence to flaunt a chiseled flat masculine chest.

Gynecomastia is due to glandular tissue or fatty tissue, caused by metabolic imbalance, medicinal side-effect or obesity. Doctor recommend you to have a good diet and exercise well to see if you are able to reduce the enlarged breasts in a natural manner. The male breast reduction surgery should be taken as a last resort when you are not able to reduce it though exercises or diet.

Though there are gimmicks like pills and creams, they do not really create lasting, effects in getting the perfect male chest that you wanted. There are medical proofs and acknowledgements which endorse the fact that surgery creates the best results among many options that men use to get a flat chest.

Your doctor will advise you to return to work within a few weeks of surgery (after the stitches are removed). It has been seen in many instances, which people return to work in the first week itself. The permanent benefits that are inherent in male breast reduction surgery have made the procedure very famous and most acceptable to many patients. Men have experienced a surge in their self-esteem and confidence male breast reduction surgery. - 17268

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Day 16! Still on the HCG Diet!

By Amelia Handley

Day 16 on the HCG Diet. That means I've only less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the diet. Just to recap in case some of you are just joining us or in case some of you are forgetful: the diet starts off with 2 days of loading. Loading is taking in as much fatty calories as possible. This increases the absorption of the HCG into the body. After loading the very low calorie diet begins (500 calories per day). This lasts for 23 more days.

After the 23rd day on the very low calorie diet comes the HCG maintenance diet. I'm kind of big on preparation (or some might call it unnecessary torture since I don't really have to worry about this extension of the diet for quite a bit). During the HCG maintenance diet you can eat as much food of any type of food you choose (up to 1500 calories per day). There are, of course, some heft exceptions to this eat anything rule. During the HCG maintenance diet you cannot eat: sugar, dextrose, sucrose, honey, molasses, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, starch of any kind, artificial sweeteners, fast food, trans fat, and nitrites.

That's a pretty extensive exception, I know. But after the 500 calorie diet it sounds like heaven. I'm so used to limiting myself that the 1500 calorie per day maintenance diet is going to be a breeze; at least that's what I'm hoping. And it helps that the restrictive diet is actually working; seeing your weight drop is fabulous incentive to keep going.

Alright so now that we've had that nice little recap from loading to low calorie to HCG maintenance diet we can move on. Today I weighed in at 156. I know! I did so good yesterday and no weight loss. I decided to add some green tea in (which I did...YUCK!) and try to drink a lot more water. I think I messed up with my water intake yesterday. I didn't fill a pitcher first thing in the morning so I don't really know how much I drank.

I'm fine taking the HCG drops three times per day. And I think the B-Total drops are really helpful. I'm thinking of getting online and ordering some more for when these run out.

Now for the eating recap. On day 16's lunch I had a leftover green onion burger and another half of a grapefruit (this one was better than yesterday's). It's weird how some of them are just really sweet and yummy and others just aren't. I had Melba Toasts with lunch, as well. I had the last of the grilled chicken at dinner (more leftovers) and I drank a ton of water. Here's hoping I see weight loss again tomorrow! - 17268

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Consider These Liquid Concoctions

By Mario Rashalas

I've constantly been a drink freak. For whatever reason, my refrigerator for beverages is usually filled with all types of treats, several of which I haven't ever tried in the past.

Anything can seemingly get my interest as soon as it makes its way onto store shelves, & I've forever been curious in this area. Whereas the majority of new drinks that I try end up being disappointments, there are regularly some that end up tasting very well.

Here are 4 beverages which will appeal to you if you've got the same kind of preference as me. They're all a little varied in composition, so hopefully one of these will end up winning the role of a fixture in your samplings when it involves these tasty delights.

The main drink that comes to mind could be a new favorite of mine. I've never been an advocate of energy drinks, but Red Bull has released a new cola that's not actually an energy drink. It does possess a touch of caffeine from natural coffee beans, but it is less than 50 percent of the caffeinated levels in one serving of Red Bull and the beverage happens to taste good.

A second one worth buying is one of the carbonated iced tea drinks by Steaz. The drinks are gently laced with sugar, but these drinks are combined with green tea, making them a lot healthier than an ordinary soft drink.

If you don't like your beverages bubbly, then you may be fascinated by some of the new O2 water, which is kind of like Vitamin Water, only it's sweetened without being colored. It's basically a conglomerate of water, natural sugar, and some natural flavors to round it out. Very flavorful in my humble opinion.

Finally, a new kind of water finding its way around shelves is coconut water, which is totally organic, sweet, & completely nutritious. Check it out if you do not mind some water with a a touch of a milky taste.

All of these do the job in my mind, & I'm positive that my beverage is guaranteed to be filled with a few more drinks like these as soon as I finish them. - 17268

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Body Fat And The Food You Eat

By Kwasaq Gosli

The following guidelines will elaborate on the methods and tips used to lose fats, become healthier and eventually live a better and happy life. These guidelines are simple yet comprehensive and will serve as a baseline for the people looking to lose fats with the help of a healthy diet plan on a logical calorie meter.

Accessing Target: First of all, you must be aware of the art of ingesting healthy food. Because eating meager on any grounds may not help you accomplish your goals. Even a little prejudice while continuing the process can abandon overall progress. As a substitute, aspire yourself to gain expertise from the mistakes you commit and then apply your gained skills to bring progress in future.

Keep an Eye on What You Eat: It is one of the most significant tactics to reduce fats fast. Always keep a check on what and how much you eat. Eating without proper timing is also undesirable.

Take meals with proper timings: Your eating time is very important for your metabolism to work better. When you eat regularly and normally you will have good power and this will ultimately help you lose extra weight. Deliberate food intake, stay away from overdoses and also we can keep an eye on what you eat.

Include fresh fruits and veggies: Add up more and more fruits and vegetables in your diet because this holds up protein and fiber, will help you losing weight. Avoid red meat and junk food, for the reason that, this holds up more fats and will mess up your body metabolism.

Consume more Fiber: Ingestion of a handsome amount of fiber not only produces bodily energy but it also drives down metabolic process. It also helps to keep the stuff longer in the stomach. Similarly, eating fiber-containing meals in good amounts also preserves the level of our blood sugar.

Avoid Diabetic Meals: Evade or slash drinking lo fiber-containing drinks like soda, coffee, and other unflustered items as they contain a very little amount of energy. Likewise, they result in fats inside our body. Be very careful about the concealed sugary things such as creams, can foods, jams, ketchup, soups and other diet-drinks.

Furthermore, some fat-free items which contain sweeteners to improve the taste should also be consumed. If you diabetes is controlled, then it will help you a great deal in consuming fats in your body.

Prevent the use of alcohol: In order to lose weight you have to prevent using food like, alcoholic drinks, heroine, ecstasy, speedballs and so on. Since such stuff wipe out your body's organs and prevent them to work appropriately. Digestive system is also exaggerated badly and you cannot digest your food as it should be. Therefore it increases your fat level and ultimately you will put on more weight. - 17268

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More Nutritious Sugar Substitutes

By Amy Chadwick

I will be the first to say the fact that my sweet tooth is nearly as prominent as anyone's. I place myself on a weekly allowance in which once or twice during the course of the week, I let myself indulge.

Aside from this, I by and large stay pretty nutritious. This doesn't limit my liking for sugary foods from fading though, and accordingly, I frequently notice myself looking for other methods to sweeten my snack or beverage.

The following are a few basic alternatives which you may be interested in eating instead of sugar. Hopefully they'll act to satisfy your needs as you keep the calories lowyou limit your calories.

The first one which I will name is something that you'll typically\commonly find in items, & we will generally enjoy its sweetness. Honey is fully free of chemicals, & keeps everything nutritious should you choose to substitute this means as your alternative to sugar.

Whether you're putting it in snacks or to drinks (i.e. tea), the natural ingredients of honey will provide you with a more nutritious method of sweetening your foods.

An extra means you can go about is through the use of fruit pieces. For years, I have been having regular water while inserting a few fruits to the water as I drink them.

This has less calories than juice & it's fully satisfying, yet it's subtly sweet. Once you get used to it, I can genuinely tell you that you will most likely realize yourself not needing to go back to sugar at all.

It's tasty & it's sensible, & there's not much that bests the two when combined together with each other

Lastly, a new sugar substitute has made its way into the market, & appears to be to be making waves with many health and weight concerned folks.

Released just last year, truvia is making waves in the nutrition world, and it's taken from the natural stevia plant, meaning this is a natural substitute when compared to different artificial sugar substitutes. - 17268

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Why You Need To Get Ripped

By David Argo

Every single day thousands of men rush online trying to figure out how to get ripped but sadly most men get so frustrated that they simple give up. Truth be told most of the information out there regarding getting ripped is simply false. It just doesn't work. I've put together a few little tips to getting ripped. These won't get you ripped magically - you have to consistently do them.

Most of the media likes to make it seem nearly impossible to get ripped but in reality getting ripped isn't that hard at all. Getting ripped doesn't need to be even considered hard - it can be achieved through simply following a simple plan.

Keep hydrated. You always, always, always have to keep yourself hydrated. Now what liquids you drink doesn't really matter all that much. But you want to drink at least six tall glasses of water each and every day. Keeping hydrated circulation and blood control so your muscles can continue to grow at their maximum rate.

Resting is also a very crucial part in order to get ripped. Most guys think you need to exercise five times a week when in reality you just have to exercise once or twice. Contrary to popular belief your muscles grow when you are resting so getting all the rest you possibly can is really important.

Eating healthy is another big part in getting ripped. Sometimes not eating chips can seem like a really hard habit to break but let me tell you it most certainly isn't a hard habit to break at all! Force yourself to eat more healthy and then go back to eating chips - you'll find them disgusting.

As always make sure you are always on the look out for scams. These days the online world is full of these scams and sometimes they are very hard to spot. If I had to recommend one thing it'd be that you should never let your guard down. Always make sure to research a product fully and understand the full terms and conditions of the product so you aren't taken for a ride. - 17268

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Belly Fat Diet Foods

By Luis Hancock

Look, you want to get rid of your belly fat. Diet foods that you suspect are good, AREN'T. They're high in carbs and have a lot of empty calories. So simply because something says low fat on it doesn't automatically make it good. Take two minutes to read this article and I should tell you which foods really help you to get a flat stomach.

You can eat lots of food, but your calorie consumption must be either noticeably lower or higher than the previous day. It helps to have a general meal plan so you stay on track with your shifting. That's what becomes a quick way to lose belly fat.

Belly Fat Diet Foods

1. Black beans

These are nearly an ideal foods. Why? Because each can will give you 25 grams of fiber together with twenty-five grams of protein. There's absolutely no SUGAR in them also. Baked beans may be better flavored, but this is the one you would like if you are trying to shed pounds. To liven them up, you can add a big spoon of sour cream to them.

You come out way ahead. Oh yeah, you will not get sticker shock on these either. They are only 58 cents a can.

2. Lentils

Ok, if you presumed black beans were cheap and a nutritive powerhouse, lentils has them beat. An one pound bag of lentils costs circa 72 cents, but it provides 130 grams of protein and an enormous 143 grams of fiber. WOW! The sole problem with lentils is they take a bit longer to cook than black beans.

I suggest you cook up a giant heap of soup using lentils and vegetables. Eat a tiny bowl of this soup before 1-2 meals every day. This may give you masses of protein and fiber while cutting your total calories by twenty p.c. or more.

This is what you need. Foods that are high in both protein and fiber. These belly fat diet foods are the best of the finest. - 17268

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Learn Other Benefits Of Acai Berry Supplements Before Spending Your Hard Earned

By Amy Bram

If you have watched the health market, then you would realize that acai berry is one of the most discussed supplements in the world. As it is featured in many health magazines and television interviews, acai berry supplements have hogged the limelight. They raved about its potent benefits but you may be wondering how they are going to help you.

No matter in what state of health you are in now, acai berry has the ability to boost them. As a lot of people have reported some kind of improvements after using them, you can be sure of its benefits. Do not just focuses exclusively on its weight loss properties as there are also many other potential benefits you may miss out on. These may include faster metabolism rate, your body giving you high energies and you may rest better. There are a lot more benefits associated with acai berry supplements.

Before taking any acai berry, you must be sure that there will not be any negative side effects. So far, there is no reported case from taking in acai berry. The only person who should refrain from taking acai berry juice is those having an allergy to them. Therefore, be assured that you can take acai berry without the risks of the side effects.

To place even more confidence in them, you may need to study their properties in detail. As a rule of thumb, if you have more acai berry in the box, the more potent will be its properties. If you want to enjoy the full benefits of acai berry, read through the ingredients list and make sure that it contains a lot of acai berry.

Acai berry itself contains a lot of potent properties. However, these properties may be diluted as you add in other properties. As you can see, it is more important to add more berries in a package than to add in other ingredients. When used this way, you can get higher mileage out of every dollar you put in.

There are some fraudsters that want to cash in on the acai supplements craze so just be careful. If you avoid them then you will find that the supplements you choose will work wonders for your health and your ability to enjoy every single moment. - 17268

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