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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is the Vince Delmonte Workout Worth Its Popularity?

By Caitlin Ryan

Have you seen Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense programs for fat loss, six-pack abs or muscle gain? They are quite popular, but why? What sets his program above the rest? There are hundreds of muscle-building programs available today, so why is Vince's program so hot?

Vince understands his target audience very well because he used to be one of them. He used to subscribe to the traditional bodybuilding programs that left his ectomorph body in sorry shape. There are three different types of bodies. There are endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. Each body type needs a different method for building muscle or losing fat.

Vince has the skinny ectomorph body (though you would not know that now!). Years ago, he worked like a dog in the gym following traditional muscle-building programs, yet he could not gain an ounce. He kept his ectomorph flat chest and small shoulders. It did not matter how hard he worked, he could not gain anything like the other guys in the gym who worked out less than he did.

He finally developed his own program based on body type. By doing so, he also discovered how to help endomorphs and mesomorphs.

Mesomorphs tend to have nice builds, naturally. Traditional body building programs work well because these people develop muscle easily and lose weight easily. Women in this category tend to have hourglass shapes and men tend to have square shapes.

The soft bodied, chubby endomorphs can lose the fat and bulk up muscle mass to rid themselves of their round bodies. They will not feel frustrated with skimpy diets and lack of muscle gain that goes along with other fat loss programs.

Vince went from a skinny guy to a ripped, muscle toting dude. How? He learned how to challenge his muscles efficiently and combined healthful foods in such a way to maximize his efforts in the gym.

He learned long ago that high calorie shakes or diets only cause the ectomorph to gain fat. The right type of lean proteins combined with the right type of carbs helps the ectomorph build muscle mass rather than a bunch of fat around the middle.

If you are an endomorph, you might have tried to drop your weight by eating very low calorie diets. All this did was helped you lose muscle mass and cause your body to store more fat due to decreased metabolism. Your body was not given the necessary tools to grow muscle. You will also learn how to combine foods to burn the fat but build muscle at the same time with great workouts.

Vince's no nonsense muscle building programs are great for ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs because he helps you figure out what body type you are and explains how you need to eat and work-out to best suit your individual needs.

He helps ectomorphs gain muscle mass, not body fat. He helps mesomorphs to continue building on what they were given naturally without risking body fat gain or muscle loss. He helps endomorphs lose the body fat and develop lean body mass. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Tips To Give Your Metabolism A Boost and Build Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Before deciding to follow any set muscle or bodybuilding programs, it is essential to understand the impact of what foods you choose to put into your body.

Your metabolism is an important factor in how your body loses fat and develops muscle. Your metabolism helps to determine how fast your body converts food into energy. When converted the energy is stored as fat and glucose. When you increase energy use it will help to increase muscle in the body. If you want to gain muscle then your body has to adjust to the strain on your body and muscles.

The following are tips that should help you reach your goals. If you follow these tips then you can give your metabolism a boost and also build muscle.

1. Do a ten minute body warm up. You can do a brisk walk in order to get blood pumping. This kind of warm up exercise can increase the amount of circulating blood inside your body. Muscles should always be nourished by free-flowing blood in order to maintain a good bodybuilding state. Muscles become more receptive to many kinds of resistance over time.

2. Your goal should be to really target large muscle groups. This will really boost your metabolism and provide tat resistance that you need for your muscle to respond and grow. You should do this with consistency if you want quick results.

3. You want to start with exercises for the thighs, buttocks and hips. Lunges work great. Start off using some sort of support, but as you build the muscles you can stop using the support. You can even add dumbbells that will add more resistance and increase your metabolism.

4. Start by standing straight with a dumbbell that is not too heavy to comfortably raise over your head. Hold the weight at shoulder level, palm facing forward and push the weight above your head until your arm is fully extended. Now return to the starting position.

You will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each arm. Always make sure you are not straining. The weight might be too heavy if you have to strain and this could cause injury.

5. Try different exercises. The last exercise you can switch up by lifting the dumbbells and then going into a push up. This is the type of training used in the military and is quite effective. Push ups really are a powerhouse move as they provide great resistance and really build up muscle while also boosting your metabolism. You can start on your knees if full push ups are too challenging at first.

6. Upper body movements should include targeting of the biceps, deltoids and shoulders. Make sure to use dumbbells as they seem o work better at increasing the metabolism than other types of equipment.

7. Make sure that your bodybuilding program is not a waste. It should also include good diet choices. You want low fat, low calorie meals. You want to be eating protein and nutrients to really feed your muscles.

Make sure to eat good for you foods like vegetables and whole grains. What you eat should help you to build muscle. - 17268

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Learn The Way To Lose Weight Easily?

By Squadoo Fatarie

You can learn how to shed pounds without needing to think about what you do. Would it be sweet to really not need to fret about how many calories you are eating or how you'll deal with that craving for a cut of bread? You can do this. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. There are many different trend diets out there today that just simply do not work. Probabilities are good that you've tried some. rather than all of that, consider these easily followed tips for weight loss.

Tip 1 : Eat More veg

Without saying anything about the health benefits of eating veg, you want to eat more of them because they don't have just about the quantity of calories that other foods do. You can learn to make them in a range of ways. Discover how. Shed weight because you have filled up on the good stuff without depriving yourself of anything more.

Tip 2: Just Move More

Don't say the exercise word. You don't need to hurt yourself. What you do need, though, is to make certain that you get extra movement into your life. As you make dinner, walk in place . How shed weight doing this? It's easy. By moving your body more, in any way, you can burn energy quicker, so helping you to drop a few pounds as you go thru the week and month.

Tip 3: Reward Yourself With Foods you love

Most people fail on diets because they cannot have the things they adore. Chocolate, bread, a bowl of mashed potatoes might be prohibited on many diets, but by giving yourself a reward when you've been good will help you to remain on that diet. You are probably going to continue doing good so you don't have to have feelings of guilt about eating those foods. You can find out how lose pounds by just taking care of yourself. - 17268

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The 10th Day on My Homeopathic HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

Day 10 on the HCG Diet is a pretty big mile marker. Don't you think? I'm feeling like I'm getting in the groove. I've lost 9 pounds and I'm happy with the results so far.

I got up and got on the scale today and I was at 162.2. Not horrible (I didn't go up), but not great because I didn't go down either. I told myself that less than one pound of weight lost in a day was meaningless and I wouldn't mention it, but apparently I'm going to anyway. (I did go down by .6 of a pound). I checked and I didn't eat anything too horrible yesterday. I stuck to the diet.

It must be that I'm eating portions that are more than a single serving (per the HCG obesity protocol, that is). I'm going to be more careful and start measuring stuff as I eat. I think it might be all the soups I've been having. I bet I'm serving too much up for myself each time. I'll watch it from now on. And just in case it's not the serving size I'm also going to increase my water. Why not, right?

I told you a few articles ago that I was going to increase my water intake by carting around these HUGE cups that I bought for that purpose alone. Well, that didn't work out well for me. I carted them around all over the place and just kept spilling them in unlikely places (like the living room couch, the roll top of my desk, my daughter's bookshelf, etc.) So I'm going to switch to water bottles.

The water bottle is definitely mobile and it won't spill. I took my HCG 3 times today as required by the HCG obesity protocol. I took my B-Total at lunch time instead of breakfast because I was purposefully laying about this morning. Every now and then it's just relaxing to lay around without any energy for a few hours. For lunch I had the leftover soup that was in the fridge (I measured to make sure the serving size was appropriate before I dug in).

My little girl is having a sleep over tonight with a friend. I made grilled chicken and asparagus for dinner. The sleep over friend would have none of it so she got a cheese crisp and some milk. But the kids ate it alright. Then there was a big calamity. The girls decided making cookies was the perfect sleep over activity. I set them all up, helped them make cookies and then helped them eat a couple. I KNOW! I was very bad. I wasn't quite sure what to do about it after the fact so I just skipped my fruit for the evening. I feel that falls far short of actually making up for the cookie breakdown, but there wasn't anything to do about it after the fact.

So I didn't have the greatest day on the HCG diet. But I'm going to definitely do better tomorrow. (It won't be hard to improve will it?) All I've got to do is stay away from decadent desserts. Sheesh! - 17268

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Using Bodybuilding Supplements

By Emma Weaver

When most people think about body building drugs they automatically think about steroids. The western world has demonized steroids to the point that even talking about them will get other peoples attention. Everything that people ingest into their bodies has an effect from sugar to high fats and fatty oils.

These can also kill people but people still use them. Bodybuilding drugs are always going to be around and used. This is not to compare directly with fatty foods but it shows that some substances that are dangerous are still wanted by people. While it is very hard to legally get steroids for bodybuilding, anyone can go out and buy their favorite food that will also kill them. Why is one thing unlimited to the point that a person can buy as much as they want but steroid use will put people in prison for years?

The system might not seem equitable but it's still the system and it probably won't be changed anytime soon. Why do people take bodybuilding drugs when they are illegal? Many people who are into bodybuilding treat it as part of their life and not a hobby or something else.

At the very top levels of the sport are some very big guys that can stay ripped and seem to have more muscle than anyone should be able to find. Bodybuilding drugs are the answer for some. Most will deny any use of steroids and there isn't a way to know for sure unless a blood or urine sample is given.

Other Arguments For Bodybuilding Drugs

When people get hurt like in the lower back and the muscle doesn't heal quickly enough, the doctor will give out steroids that are taken for a certain cycle. If anyone knows someone who has MS they will also know that the doctor will prescribe steroids to help a person recover faster.

The person who bodybuilds for a living can't get steroids from a physician even if they have been injured during a work out. The difference is in the public perception of the different situations. There are many things in this country that are just plain weird but nobody can make a change now because it would be all over the media that steroids are now legal again.

Bodybuilding drugs can be dangerous especially when taken at doses way to high for an extended time. But there should be a place for them in the bodybuilding world. The reason they are banned isn't because they can harm, the reason is because people will always abuse the drugs. - 17268

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Products For Hunger Suppression

By Jack Briggs

Many of dieters are annoyed and frustrated with dieting and weight loss in general because it includes side effects. With side effects I mean hunger, refusing foods you like, low energy levels and sense of unhappiness. Some of these can be reduced simply by eating and taking right foods and products which are great natural hunger suppressants. They will make you full and won't add calories so you can afford to have a snack in the end of the day (small one unfortunately).

List of products which are good for dieters a quite long that's why I'll give only few examples to start with. These will help you to start feeling better and more comfortable in your weight loss journey ...

Water and soups are great appetite suppressants. Water has no calories and you can take it as much as you like. After you start feeling hunger, take large glass of water and wait for a while. Sense of hunger should be suppressed in about 10-15 minutes but if it doesn't happen then eat (or drink) chicken or vegetable soup which will give you few extra calories and suppress your hunger even better.

Another great and totally natural appetite suppressant is apple. Apples like almost any other fruit can be consumed in unlimited amounts. They are beneficial to your health in general reducing risks of colon and bowel illnesses and also being bulky, rich in fibre and low in calories they are the right hunger suppressant for a dieter.

Another great choice and top choice for many diets are green leaf vegetables like cabbage and lettuce. They are low density, almost calorie free and can be eaten in unlimited amounts - until you feel full. Great thing about these hunger suppressants is that you can mix them with spices like onions and garlic to make leaves more interesting and tasty or just add low-fat salad cream or dressing or soy sauce.

Choices are numerous and hunger can be suppressed completely naturally by everyone using natures produce. It's only down to right choices. Choose fibre and vitamin rich products which are low in calories and see how hunger is disappearing. - 17268

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Organic Bodybuilding Supplements

By John Vopel

It is common knowledge that athletes throughout history have taken supplements in order to increase their performance. Bodybuilding is no different. Bodybuilders are trying to achieve low body fat as well as high muscle mass. This can be done easily through such substances as steroids. This is illegal in competition and so bodybuilders are turning to natural bodybuilding supplements. These bodybuilding supplements are considered natural because they are already necessary for body function and are in the body naturally. These supplements increase the amounts in the body in order to reach peak performance. While these bodybuilding supplements are widely used, it is always necessary to be supervised by a physician while adhering to any strict exercise and diet program.

Which Bodybuilding Supplements to Choose

Protein is essential to bodybuilders. It is fact that protein is necessary to build muscle as well as to repair muscle, which is essential in the bodybuilding industry. This bodybuilding supplement can be taken in several ways. The most commonly used protein supplement is whey protein. This is often added to shakes and other food and drink. The body absorbs it quickly. Other protein supplements include egg whites, soy protein, and casein protein. While most people are used to getting their protein through meat, meat is too high in fat to be the best choice for bodybuilders. Protein is the most important bodybuilding supplement.

Prohormones as well as other plants and vitamins are used to naturally increase testosterone. These bodybuilding supplements are considered to be natural, but prohormones are not available in the United States without a prescription since the long-term effects are unknown. It is easy to obtain a prescription if involved in sports such as bodybuilding.

Thermogenics are often used as bodybuilding supplements to increase metabolism and burn fat. These products are highly publicized as fat burners and are used by the public as well as athletes and bodybuilders. The Food and Drug Administration have banned some thermogenics, such as ephedra due to harmful side effects and even death. It should be mentioned that these potential side effects occurred mostly when the supplement was overused.

Bodybuilding supplements are going to help bodybuilders attain their goals of increased muscle mass and decreased fat. It is important that they choose to do this through natural and legal options such as the bodybuilding supplements listed above. When a bodybuilder follows a complete plan that includes bodybuilding supplements, diet, and exercise, they will succeed. - 17268

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