Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, December 19, 2008

Mangosteen Juice Products Help You Sustain a Better Lifestyle

By Julieanne van Zyl

In this article, we demonstrate how a supplement like Mangosteen Juice can give you a Better lifestyle. In the race against time, trim down our weight and in a bid to make more money, we often forget to nourish our bodies with the nutrients it needs. More frequently than not, all we do is grab a hot cup of coffee with bagels in the morning and off we leave to work.

For lunch, we just hurry to the nearest McDonald's to get some sandwiches and for dinner, it could be anything from pizza with wine to just munching on popcorn. Either way, this kind of existence at best only gets you by. With the quantity of junk you keep piling up, it is just probable that one day -and it often happens- your body just gives up and says "no more".

But this can be avoided if some simple steps were taken swiftly . These basic steps include eating healthily at least once a day and having some mangosteen juice nutrition supplements handy. Nutrition supplements are often the best bet and should be one of your best friends because if your body stops working , you fail and that which can keep your body in good health is great friend right? So, obtain yourself some Mangosteen Juice supplements.

These can be readily found in stores on the internet. You would never regret that decision and you will be in top shape for the rest of your life.

Benefits of Obtaining Mangosteen Juice nutrition Supplements

One of the very best things you can do for yourself today is to get that bottle of mangosteen juice supplement that you frequently forget to buy or keep postponing. Why do you need this kind of superfood? Well, if I am right, it is because the state of your health right now is not exactly at its best. Taking mangosteen juice nutrition supplements has its benefits and they are

* You increase the nutrients that your body gets and thus keep your immune system in top shape.

* It has been demonstrated that one of the reasons people regularly fall ill these days is a result of their food intake. We have become a people who have huge contempt for our bodies. We constantly fill our bodies with garbage and junk food, which in turn reduce the working ability of our body's cells. Thus, taking supplements will not only get your body to operate at its max, it will keep you in better health for a longer period of time.

*For older people, a supplement like calcium will more than often not diminish the tendency for you to get a cracked bone. As we age, it becomes obvious the bones become a little weaker in strength and thus we are more vulnerable to fractured and broken bones. Thus boosting the calcium quantity in the body can radically reduce the frequency of fractures.

* Taking nutrition supplements like the B vitamins will increase your mental coordination and enhance your alertness.

Make sure and buy a quality Mangosteen juice supplement that has all the vitamins and minerals included, so you get the maximum nutrition for your body. - 17268

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Can Mangosteen Juice Supplements Help You Uphold a Better Life?

By Julieanne van Zyl

We show how nutrition like the mangosteen juice supplement can help you maintain a better lifestyle. In the race against time, reduce our weight and in a bid to make more money, we often forget to feed our bodies with the nutrients it needs. More often than not, all we do is grab a hot cup of coffee with bagels in the morning and off we go to work.

For lunch, we just rush to the nearest McDonald's to get some sandwiches and for dinner, it could be anything from pizza with wine to just munching on popcorn. Either way, this kind of lifestyle at best only gets you by. With the amount of junk you keep piling up, it is just possible that one day -and it often happens- your body just gives up and says "no more".

But this can be prevented if some simple steps were taken swiftly. These simple steps include eating healthily at least once a day and having a some nutrition supplements handy. Nutrition supplements are often the best bet and should be one of your best friends because if your body fails, you fail and that which can keep your body in good health is great friend right? So, get yourself some mangosteen juice supplements.

These can be easily found at shops on the internet. You would never regret that decision and you will be in the best shape for the rest of your life.

Benefits of Getting Mangosteen Juice nutrition Supplements

One of the very best things you can do for yourself today is to get that bottle of mangosteen juice supplement that you frequently forget to buy or keep postponing. Why do you need this kind of superfood? Well, if I am right, it is because the state of your health right now is not exactly at its best. Taking mangosteen juice nutrition supplements has its benefits and they are

* You increase the nutrients that your body gets and thus keep your immune system in top shape.

* It has been proven that one of the reasons people frequently fall ill these days is as a result of their food intake. We have become a people who have great disregard for our bodies. We consistently fill our bodies with garbage and junk food, which in turn reduce the functioning ability of our body's cells. Thus, taking supplements will not only get your body to function maximally, it will keep you healthier for a longer period of time.

* For older people, a supplement like calcium will more often than not reduce the tendency for you to get a broken bone. As we age, it becomes clear the bones become a little weaker in strength and thus we are more susceptible to fractures and broken bones. Thus, increasing the calcium quantity in the body can drastically reduce the frequency of fractures.

* Obtaining nutrition supplements like the B vitamins will increase your mental coordination and enhance your alertness.

Make sure and buy a quality Mangosteen juice supplement that has all the vitamins and minerals included, so you get the maximum nutrition for your body. - 17268

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Weekly Muscle Building Workouts, About Arms and Triceps

By Ricardo d Argence

Like any other body parts arms are made of muscles. Triceps are closely related with the movement of arms. As the name implies, triceps are comprised with three main muscles. It gives an individual the ability to lift heavy loads of the strong and big triceps. Characteristic of great and powerful arms also having well-developed triceps is a known. That is why so many people are seen doing military presses, bench presses and any other triceps exercises to develop lean and strong triceps.

Aside from strength and aesthetics, strengthening your triceps is essential in generally making the arms stronger. This is because the muscle takes 2/3 of the entire length of your arm. You also need to work out your biceps to end up having well rounded and proportionally developed arms.

Simple triceps work out include push ups, dumbbell exercises and rope pull downs. Before doing any of these, remember to have a proper warm up. Warming up is crucial to ensuring great exercise results, it basically prepares the body to the physical demands of doing certain exercises, which minimizes the chance of injuries.

Toning up of muscles of triceps is achieved by push ups. Using dumbbells for load or increased body resistance helps in intensifying any form of triceps exercise. Another option you can use to tone your muscle is to replace the pull down machine with a dumbbell, grasp it with both hands and point it to the rear of the head. You will feel the triceps flex by maintain a position and gently pull the dumbbell up and down.

At the gym, the exercises for toning triceps start at the rope pull down machines. The effect of machine exercise and dumb bell is almost same in triceps building. Again, proper posture and pace is a must while exercising for body building. Exercises are all for quality of movements and not the number of reps.

Improved exercises are done for strengthening of uppr and lower triceps. For mass, heavy weights such as the close-grip barbell bench and weighted dips may be used. Dips and cable pressdown exercises can be useful for someone who wants to strengthen his upper triceps. For building lower triceps, weighted dips and dips was found to be effective, intensify the exercise by only going 3/4 of the way up force to fully concentrate on the lower triceps.

For getting good result for triceps building you should start while you are fresh. By supersetting triceps exercises, one can have an Olympia-quality arm. Usually, it is harder to build bigger triceps. It is the key to achieving well-proportioned body building results, as according to the priorty principle of body building, targeting first the-hard-to-workout muscles.

The combination of diet , nutrition and resting is vital in triceps exercise. In order to have the stamina required of strenous excercise, you must eat properly. Exercise and nutrition is like science and fitness working together in achieving ideal results. Keep in mind a proper weight training routine is one which utilizes a combination of exercise, a proper diet, and adequate rest, in order to achieve long-term goals. - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice: Is it a Powerful Antioxidant?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Is Mangosteen Juice really an effective antioxidant? With the increased quest for good health and wellness, it has become important to get the best information available on the most helpful and health filled nutrition supplements available for consumption. The benefits of taking fruits both processed and raw have been emphasized in recent times, as have their antioxidant qualities.

Free radicals are what we produce during our daily activities. Free radicals are tremendously dangerous when left in the body for long periods of time, to much stress, smoking and exercise are a major contributor. One of the most effective antioxidants is Mangosteen Juice.

The benefits were not well known until recently when scientists in the west discovered its virile properties and its nutritional value. Rich in xanthones, Mangosteen juice is singularly reputed to be the only fruit containing approximately 40 xanthones out of the well known two hundred. If you are wanting to neutralize free radicals in your body and reduce inflammation, one of the most popular ways to do this is with Mangosteen Juice.

Mangosteen juice will ensure that the free radicals in your body's cells are reduced, if you are looking to neutralize free radicals and combat inflammation. Quite often, the cost scares people away from mangosteen juice, when they could spend a fraction of it on apple juice. Well, with other benefits of Mangosteen Juice such as it being an antidepressant, improving energy levels, and helping to increase the skin tone, it is difficult to ignore it, regardless of the price.

How will Mangosteen Juice benefit my Health?

Along with food and nutrition, Mangosteen juice is becoming a very popular discussion these days. From Karachi to Istanbul to New York, newspaper headlines are screaming about the nutritional benefits of eating fruits. There is hardly any newspaper in which you would not find sections for nutrition and healthy living. This is, of course, as a result of increased global awareness on the benefits of fruits. Thanks to technology, we can now have these fruits in juice forms.

Thanks to the technology we have these days all these fruits we need now come in juice forms. Most fruits have significant health benefits for us but one fruit in particular is now greatly known and it is known as Mangosteen Juice. Mangosteen has a great twenty percent out of two hundred well known xanthones and this fact alone gives the mangosteen supplement the reputation as one of the best supplements available today.

As there is still a lot of controversy going around about Mangosteen Juice, the benefits of this product should be more than enough to convince anybody to give it a go. The health benefits of drinking Mangosteen Juice are as follows:

1. It assists in reducing depression by stimulating the brain to release endorphins into the bloodstream.

2. Shows that there has been a huge increase in the immune function of those who have been drinking it.

3. People with asthma are advised to drink mangosteen juice because it reduces the inflammation in the lungs.

4. The Mangosteen can assist in reducing digestion problems.

5. It helps relieve hypertension and heart related problems.

6. Mangosteen has been shown to boost energy levels. People who have taken it first thing in the morning or after a glass of water have reported an increased energy level after taking it.

In this article, we have shown why Mangosteen juice is effective as an antioxidant, and given some of the benefits. - 17268

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The Benefits of Acai

By M Taylor

1. Acai has a protein content which is higher, ounce for ounce than that of eggs. Protein is an essential part of our bodies, comprising a large part of our organs and tissues, as well as skin, hair and nails. Acai proves to be a great source of protein for the body.

2. Acai is a natural detoxifier, helping to remove toxins from the body -something for which acai has been used for centuries.

3. Acai enhances muscle function and recovery following workouts thanks to its mineral and amino acid content. Which makes it a great supplement for those that exercise.

4. Acai gives your body the energy it needs to play competitive sports or to get through your busy day, thanks to the high lipid content of the acai berry.

5. Acai helps to keep your stress level under control.

6. Acai is good for sexual health. The antioxidants in the acai berry and its anti-inflammatory properties can improve fertility by reducing stress and countering the actions of pollutants and free radicals on your body.

7. The high nutritional content of acai includes the vitamins and minerals your immune system needs to fight off disease.

8.Acai's antioxidant content can reduce the effects of aging by protecting your cells from free radicals.

9.The antioxidants in acai can also help to prevent prostate enlargement.

10. Acai supports bone health, helps prevent fractures and reduces the risk of osteoporosis because of its high calcium content.

11. The calcium content of acai also makes it beneficial to women; as it reduces menstrual pain and bloating..

12. Acai is very good for your heart. The anthocynanins (such as 3-glucoside) help your body to produce the nitric oxide that it needs to ensure good circulation and the polyphenols found in this nutritious little berry are powerful heart-healthy antioxidants.

13. Acai contains essential fatty acids that keep LDL (bad cholesterol) low, while boosting levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

14. The sterols and anthocyanins in acai help to maintain circulatory health, strengthening arteries and veins and regulating blood pressure.

15. Acai can help to prevent retinopathy in diabetics, which can lead to blindness. Acai strengthens capillaries to prevent eye damage and also helps maintain proper glucose and lipid levels. Acai is a low glycemic index food which is very good for diabetics.

16.Acai is also a great addition to the diet of people trying to lose weight, since it helps to regulate appetite.

17. According to a study reported in the Journal of Sports Medicine, acai's beta-sitoserol content counters immune suppression and regulates lymphocyte activity, effectively boosting immune function.

18. Acai's antioxidant properties also help support your immune system by preventing damage done to cells by free radicals.

19.The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties of acai help to prevent disease.

20. Acai has anti-mutagenic properties; it can prevent DNA damage from mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds.

21. Acai contains plenty of dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestive function.

22. Acai can help to treat GERD (acid reflux disease). This is due to the antioxidant properties of the acai berry, which assists in repairing and protecting the lower esophagus from the damage caused by GERD and its ability to reduce stomach acidity.

23. Acai can help fight the ulcer causing bacteria H. pylori, helping to treat ulcers.

24. The anti-inflammatory properties of acai can control the symptoms of Chron's disease.

25. Acai helps keep your skin looking smoother and more youthful - acai's anthocyanins and phytosterols protect skin and connective tissues like collagen from wrinkles and damage.

26. Acai cocntains lots of antioxidants, which reduce your risk of certain cancers, such as skin, breast, stomach and lung cancers.

27. Acai can even help reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

28. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can also help to alleviate the symptoms of asthma.

29. A 2004 Archives of Neurology study found that a diet containing ample vitamin E and vitamin C lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Acai contains a significant amount of both vitamins.

30. Acai helps to support proper eye function; the vitamin C and beta carotene found in acai even help prevent some of the damage from macular degeneration in diabetics.

31. Acai is also great for your teeth and gums. The high calcium content of acai helps keep your teeth stronger and whiter, while fighting gingivitis and other gun diseases.

32. The omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness.

33. Acai contains the B vitamins you need to get more restful sleep, lower your stress level and produce essential neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

34. Acai Promotes overall good health and wellness.

35. While acai does not cure diseases per se, acai helps the body to heal itself by supplying it woith the nutrition it needs to support good health. - 17268

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How To Get Ripped Abs Quickly

By Jose Loni

Doing different exercises for ripped abs has always been the goal of those "ripped ab" enthusiasts. When we envision ripped abs, we get a symbol of health, fitness, strength and attraction. There are many exercises for getting ripped abs, but we should also take into consideration dietary factors, resistance and interval training, as well as reducing our stress levels.

In order to achieve ripped abs, we need to decrease our overall body fat levels, which will make our abdominals more visible. Our abs are there but it's just covered by a layer of fat.

We can monitor our diet, by consuming a balance of quality foods such as: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals. We should cut out fast foods, sodas and other processed foods, as well as avoid refined simple carbohydrates like white sugar, and white flour. We should choose healthy alternatives for our diet and don't fall for fad diets. Eating 5-6 times a day will help stabilize our body's energy, which is needed to burn fat and help optimize our workouts.

Two very effective training methods for getting ripped abs are resistance training and interval training. Both have been shown to effectively increase the body's metabolism and increase the body's fat burning efficiency throughout the day. It has also been shown to produce fast results in achieving ripped abs.

Examples of interval training are: speed rope jumping, hill sprints, wind sprints and swimming sprints. Interval training can also be done on treadmills, stair climbers and rowing machines.

Resistance training on the other hand, sculpts our bodies, which not only defines the parts that we train, but also complements our ripped abs. Focus on multi-joint exercises to help burn fat throughout our bodies and aim for low repetition resistance sets of 8 repetitions per exercise, this has been shown to boost metabolism after the exercise session.

Lunges, squats, chin-ups, step-ups, dead lifts and rows are all examples of multi-joint exercises.

Getting the body's systems to utilize resistance and interval training has been shown to result in increases in the body's fat burning capabilities. Moreover, the body continues to burn fat and calories up to several hours after the workout.

Stress management is also a major factor in the formula for ripped abs. By managing our stress levels, we can decrease the presence of the Cortisol hormone, which promotes storage of fat in our abdomen. We can utilize, deep breathing techniques and activities that will help us cope and manage our stress levels.

Some examples of stress management activities are: deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, tai chi and various other stress reduction techniques.

Watching our diet, training with resistance and intervals, and managing our stress levels are ways in how we can get ripped abs quicker. These factors can definitely determine how fast we can burn our belly fat as well as make us feel healthy and happy. - 17268

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2 Safe Techniques For Getting Rid Of Thigh Fat

By Luke Rutledge

Do you want to lose that ugly, annoying flab on your thigh? It is possible, but if you think that you can lose thigh fat fast or any fat at all, through the use of weight loss pills or random diet supplements, I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen! And if you've been told that there is some special workout to do in order to lose thigh fat, whoever told you that was severely misinformed.

In reality, whether you want to lose thigh fat, belly fat, neck fat, or any other fat, there is no way for you to target certain areas of your body. You can target certain areas of your body when it comes to weight-lifting and muscle growth, but not for weight loss. Your body will decide which fat comes off first. All you have to do it start the fat burning process.

Therefore, it only makes sense to do things that would help you burn fat from all parts of your body: that is, follow a healthy diet and do resistance training workouts! This is the only surefire way to lose thigh fat!

1. Diet: The diet you choose for weight loss is very important. Low-calorie and low-fat diets won't help you burn fat because these diets don't increase your metabolism! And starvation diets are extremely unhealthy, but more importantly, they don't work. Most of the time, you will just gain back all of the weight you have lost.

Aside from not being very appetite appeasing, these diets actually slow down your metabolism! Here's how: with a low-calorie or low-fat diet, your body does not get enough nutrients. Consequently, it believes that it is going into starvation mode. It immediately stops the fat burning process by slowing down your metabolism, and stores fat deposits so that it can survive during starvation. What you need is a balanced diet with certain portions from each of the food groups.

With such diets, you will lose a few pounds initially for sure, but as soon as you quit them and return to your normal eating habits, you gain back all the weight you had lost!

So what types of diets should you choose? You should choose a diet that includes eating fruits and vegetables for sure. Natural fruits and vegetables are not only great for increasing your metabolism; they are also extremely effective at suppressing your hunger!

Choosing a healthy diet plan is just not enough; you should also choose a diet which allows you to cheat at least once per week. On this cheating day, you are free to indulge yourself in your favorite foods. And don't think that taking a little break from your diet would make you fatter; far from it; it will actually help you lose weight by boosting your metabolic rate to a very high level!

Another advantage of cheat days is that they will help to improve your dedication to your diet plan for the rest of the week by reducing, if not eliminating, cravings for unhealthy foods.

2. Exercises: Diet plans play a big role in weight loss, but they are not they only solution. Many people incorporate exercises into their routine, which can dramatically increase weight loss! Strength training and cardio exercises are the best ways speed up weight loss. Strength training has a double advantage, you will not only burn fat fast, but you will tone up your body by increasing lean muscle!

Lean muscles not only make your body stronger, they also help you burn fat even while you are resting. As a matter of fact, you can burn at least fifty calories per day with one pound of muscle, even at rest!

Follow these two tips and see how easily you get rid of thigh fat! - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice: ensure you determine one that is top quality.

By Julieanne van Zyl

The following are terms by which the Mangosteen juice is recognized and called - Miracle juice, Queen of all fruits, Antioxidant per excellence. This is because of its qualities and characteristics, which are meant to have the power to cure many ailments and disorders. Mangosteen juice contains most xanthones and antioxidants, which apparently help kick out all forms of ailments from the body.

Well, while these claims seem to be despicable and over hyped, it is more and more obvious that quite a few users are really enjoying the benefits and are claiming small "miracles" just as a result of taking the juice. Some have claimed greater spirit levels while others have affirmed that it helped them get rid of their dysentery, hypertension and other similar ailments like repeated headaches. Either way, as a fruit juice, it has all the benefits of the typical fruit and more.

Because of its increased popularity and the rate at which manufacturers are going into the market, it is difficult to know what brand to buy and what the determinants or features of a trusted brand are. In this article, you will not be learning what brand to buy -that is like giving you fish- instead you will learn all the basics of identifying what makes a particular brand of higher quality than others.

In this article, you will not be learning what brand to purchase- that is like giving you fish- as an alternative brand of higher quality than others. I am inclined you would prefer that, as it is more like teaching you "how to fish" as an alternative of "giving you fish".

There are diverse attributes to watch out for in high quality drinks generally. These also pertain to Mangosteen juice regardless of the packaging and the brand name. The very first thing to watch out for to find out the quality and value of what you will be getting in any bottle of juice you want to acquire is:

1. If separate tests were carried out on the brand. These separate tests must show such things as the precise amount or number of xanthones and phytonutrients available in a given bottle. This makes sense as the higher the number of xanthones or phytonutrients obtainable in any bottle, the higher the chance of its working as an ailment kicker and a promoter of wellbeing. This is the purpose we all take fruits in the first place - to be in top health.

2. Its Oxygen Radical Absorbance ability value. This is very significant as we all keep building up free radicals in our bodies during the day's affairs. When there are little or no antioxidants present in the body, it is more than possible that the body will be more susceptible to ailments.

3. Look out for the methods of processing the juice. Some manufacturers often heat the juice just before it is bottled up as a means of preserving it for longer periods. Unfortunately, research has shown that once fruits are heated, they lose their nutrients. And if the nutrients available are lost, why would you want to spend that amount of money on a bottle of juice? Instead, look for a product that is cold processed.

4. The great amounts of xanthones and phytonutrients obtainable in the Mangosteen are mostly contained in the pericarp and the seeds of the mangosteen. So, look for those Mangosteen Juice products with the whole fruit puree -this means the whole fruit is included with nothing left out. - 17268

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Why Building Strength Should Be Your Number One Goal

By Caleb Lee

If you are wondering why I deal with strength training seriously and think you should too therefore this article will tell you why.

Read this article now to discover some good reasons why I think building strength should be your number one goal (even if you just want to build a lot of muscle and burn a lot of fat)

1. Strength Training Is More Efficient:

Ever needed to lift a bit heavy? Move furnishings? Pick your girlfriend up and pin her against the wall for a scorching make out session? All those things required strength, not necessarily muscle size.

As a matter of fact, every so often having supplementary muscle is not advantageous - it weighs more therefore if you have to run or walk long distances takes added calories to keep up, in a few words you have to eat more...

2. Building Strength Takes Less Time:

Most professional bodybuilders spend up to 6 days in the gym and some even do twice a day workouts. If you're like me (or most people) then lifting weights isn't your full-time job.

You can turn out to be super strong training 3-4 days a week, and spend not exceeding 20-30 minutes in the gym each time - DoubleYourGains' 3-5 Program takes 30mins/3x week. That means you could be spending 2 hours in the gym vs. 12. It doesn't take long to build up strength.

3. Building Strength Is Inspiring:

Most people don't have any goals when they go to the gym, they think "I want to look better" but that's vague and undefined. Knowing you want to add 5lbs to your deadlift every time you go into the gym though is VERY motivating.

What's more, observing the weights build and seeing how far you've developed over the course of time is very motivating and makes you want to keep coming back to the gym.

4. Strength Makes It Natural To Develop Bulk:

Most bodybuilders nowadays don't realize that guys like Arnold and weightlifters from his day all did powerlifting routines at the beginning of their careers to build high starting levels of strength and power.

They had a matchless "dense" look to their physiques from all this heavy weight training. And were able to employ heavier weights when it came to doing out-of-date bodybuilding style set/rep schemes - so it was much easier for these strong lifters to build muscle.

5. Better For Health:

There's been loads of modern research that shows strength training helps to stop age related diseases and worsening diseases.

In a nutshell: Losing muscle mass is an inevitable result of aging, but strength training in particular will tell your body to "hold on" to muscle mass because it needs it to continue lifting heavy stuff.

And also, your bones will become stronger as well to support your framework of muscle mass.

6. Improves Self-Confidence

There's nothing better than KNOWING you can pick a heavy weight off the floor or press a heavy weight up over your head. Or knowing that you have the strength to pull yourself up and over a wall up and over the edge of a cliff and things like that.

Knowing you are as strong as you look is a main confidence booster.

7. Strength Training Is Excellent For Athletics

Strength is the core for all other physical qualities. Building up your strength boosts your power, explosiveness, speed, agility, endurance, and all that.

What's more, several sports - mainly martial arts - require athletes to have high relative strength. They need to be immensely strong for their size for they have to stay within a specific weight class.

There's nothing worse than acquiring 20 MORE pounds of muscle you have to carry down the field, or move around the ring to avoid getting knocked out - and that 20 pounds of muscle is not doing you any good.

8. Strength Training Is Great For Women

Nearly all women don't want to be like the hulk. They don't want to gain 20 pounds of muscle. They just want to get "toned". As I mentioned earlier, strength training is the greatest way to get the toned look.

So if you're a lass you can become strong very fast and uplift your health and quality of life without taking away from your feminineness in the least. - 17268

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