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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Get Results With These Building Muscle Secrets

By Westy

Jeff Anderson nicknamed "muscle nerd" has authored Optimum Anabolics. He got the nickname from his habit of dutifully writing down every minute detail of all that he did at the gym. So can he help you? If yes then how?

This "Muscle Nerd" can definitely help you to realize your goal of body building because he knows every fact and detail of mass building. He has dedicated an enormous amount of effort and time to study everything on mass building. He shares this secret information with you in Optimum Anabolics. While you're reading it, you too like Jeff will come to know everything relating to the topic of gaining muscle. Jeff not only shares all that he knows with you but will also teach you to understand it all.

The book is very unique and follows the life of the character Joe Hardgainer. You will recognize yourself in Joe as he struggles to gain the mass and muscles that he wants. He asks the biggest guy in the gym, tried all of the latest supplements, read all of the bodybuilding magazines and still cannot gain the muscle that he wants. As Joe struggles to find the solution to his problem, you will see some of the things that you may have tried to gain mass.

The author of the book shows you that he understands what you have been through and understands how to display the information to you in a manner that you will relate to. Make no mistake that you will have to be very motivated to get the results that are promised with this book. You must follow the guidelines exactly if you wish to gain the muscle mass that is possible with Optimum Anabolics. There is a diet plan and workout plan that must be followed to the letter if you want to get results, and it will require your commitment and discipline.

The Program is based on "8 anabolic factors." These are the 8 keys to gain max muscle. They form the crux of the whole program and understanding them fully is pivotal. To help you at it, Jeff has gone ahead and included MP3 downloads for these factors. So that you can listen to them anytime! Its factors like tempo, frequency of your training and diets. However, the base of the program is Hyper-Adaptive Cycling. This is the real guts of the whole program. This is the basis of Anderson's claim his system is not like anything that you have seen before.

The program is very detailed and workable for anyone who is looking to gain muscle. The program will help you to break through plateaus and even prevent them from happening in the first place.

At the center of the program there is a great deal of information on how the body grows muscle. You will learn how the natural occurances in the body cause it to grow muscles in response to these occurences. When you understand the natural process of muscle growth, you will see how effective Hyper Adaptive Cycling will be on your program. When you are just beginning in bodybuilding, you will realize how difficult it can be to get through a plateau and start the body growing muscles again. When your body recognizes your workout, it will stop growing muscles after a period of time. The simple explanation of how this occurs is that your body is no longer responding to the workouts because it no longer needs additional muscle growth to complete the workout.

The most important part of your program should be to have your muscles react to your workout and add more muscle. This is the reason that a bodybuilder must add new things to their workout to constantly keep the muscles adding new growth. You must have to keep your body from becoming comfortable with the workout.

Hyper-Adaptive Cycling = Massive change

Jeff shows you how the body is naturally designed to work against building the new muscles you desire. He shows you how to re-program your body to use the naturally occuring defence mechanisms that can stop you from gaining and, using special strategies, actually cause those mechanisms to gain extraordinary amounts of muscle. Hyper-Adaptive Cycling is a "never-ending anabolic guessing game where it's only option is to grow. - 17268

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Fitness Training for 2009

By Paul Simons

Before any type of fitness training, it is important to doing warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or to enhance output during the training. This is not the only thing that it is important to remember if you intend to undertake fitness programs. It is a proven fact that injuries that happen during exercise can be prevented if the person not only stretches before a workout but as a cooling down routine as well. None of what I have said so far is a secret but you would be amazed how many people do not do it but were you aware that you should also continue this stretching at the end of a workout as the muscles are warm and more flexible.

Although a twenty second stretch is sufficient before a routine, if this increased to a minute per movement there is a considerable increase in the flexibility of the muscles and limbs. Do not go into a stretching position then immediately return to the relaxed position; and, do it repeatedly which is more appropriately termed bouncing while in a position. The way to do this is to maintain the position of a few seconds and then return because it is possible to either strain or pull muscles or joints if you return to the starting position too quickly. If you work the exercises in stages it will be easier and build up to the hardest stretches as you warm-up, this will also ensure all your muscles receive equal attention.

For some people, even if they have strong bodies, they tend to neglect the neck when working out because stretching the neck muscles can be as simple as placing the palm of one's hand against the front of the head and pushing it; then, do the same to the sides and the back of the head. Stretching should also take place during any fitness training workout as well to keep the muscles and joints flexible especially prior to an exercise that may be strenuous on particular areas of the body. Do not overstretch your self performing exercises you are not yet ready for just because there are others who can as this will cause further problems; work to your own pace. There are days when your body may be too tired that you may have to consider reducing your range of motion so learn to rest in between sets and stations to make sure that the body has enough time to recover its energy.

Fitness training everyday can be punishing for the muscles and does not allow them to heal and grow so try to leave a day between workouts. Aerobic exercises are very good for the health of your heart and improve lung capacity and lower the heart rate; look to carry out rowing, running, skipping for example before you start attacking the weight machines. Many people find music good for exercise, especially something with a regular beat that can be worked to; of course mp3 players are ideal for this. Although you will need your headphones as not everyone will necessarily appreciate you taste in music. Stretching your body is a form of exercise in itself and a pleasant way to relax at the end of a hard day so it is worth doing regularly even if you do not want to workout. - 17268

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Hoodia Patches or Hoodia Diet Pills for Better Results?

By Reagan Miers

If you've ever been in a store or visited a website that sells hoodia patches then you will probably have seen that the company's biggest claim is that their patch works a lot more effectively than the traditional hoodia diet pills. They argue that by wearing a patch you will receive a slow release of hoodia into your bloodstream throughout the day.

They also state that because the hoodia does not have to travel through your stomach, a hoodia patch will suppress your hunger a lot faster than any other capsule or liquid based supplement.

On the surface, this makes total sense but unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to back this theory. There isn't one scientific or clinical study to date on the effectiveness of hoodia patches. In fact, there are very little studies on the effectiveness of hoodia gordonii itself!

What about the nicotine patch or the birth control patch, you may ask? They work after all, so the hoodia patch must be effective. Sellers of hoodia patches will try to make this comparison but don't fall for it. There is a big difference between these products.

Birth control patches require a prescription. Nicotine patches initially required a prescription and only recently have been over the counter. The hoodia patch has never required a prescription. Why is this distinction so important?

Any product that requires a prescription or once did has had to undergo rigorous testing and be subjected to governmental regulations before it can be marketed to the public as being effective. None of the hoodia patches sold today require a prescription. Doesn't that tell you something?

I know some of you will be skeptical about believing medical studies, so here's something else to consider. Hoodia gordonii is grown in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa, and is a cactus like plant which has been used for generations by the local tribes to suppress hunger on hunting trips.

The original way of taking hoodia that the tribe use is to cut a small section a few inches in length from the plant. They would then peel the skin, and eat it. This would deliver all the hoodia needed to suppress their appetite for several hours. Eating the plant is obviously an effective method of delivery so which method do you think would be most effective: taking a pill which contains ground up hoodia powder, or wearing a patch on the outside of your skin?

So I believe that all the hoodia patches out there are a waste of time, which may make you think that hoodia supplement capsules are the best way forward. This is not true! In fact most studies show that the majority of hoodia products available today are fakes which contain little to no hoodia gordonii. There are only a few hoodia diet pills which do contain genuine hoodia gordonii.

Until there is a hoodia patch that actually works, your money will be better spent on a high quality hoodia diet pill that contains authentic hoodia gordonii and has been proven to be effective. - 17268

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Best Weight Loss Supplement For Those Who Eat Lots of Junk Food

By Deen Dragonovich

The majority of weight loss supplements on the market today work basically one of two ways. They either control your appetite or work through a process called thermogenesis (fat burning).

You can find them under many different names, but the most common are Green Tea and Hoodia. Green tea has become very popular over the last few years not only for its weight loss features, but also because it is quite healthy for you. There are many scientific studies to back its claims and most agree that it is a fine weight loss supplement.

Hoodia on the other hand carries the torch for appetite suppressants. It originates in Southwestern Africa, but has only been marketed as a weight loss supplement for a few years. Unfortunately the jury is still out on its effectiveness. This is probably caused by the varying quality of this product from company to company.

Although Green tea and Hoodia enjoy much success, companies marketing them may be barking up the wrong tree. There is growing evidence that fructose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the real cause of obesity. Targeting fructose just may be the secret to the obesity epidemic. Heres what the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has to say about High Fructose Corn Syrup:

evidence that a marked increase in the use of HFCS, and therefore in total fructose consumption, preceded the obesity epidemic and may be an important contributor to this epidemic in the United States.

With the fast pace of todays society, more and more Americans eat there meals at fast food restaurants, coffee and doughnut shops. Most of the foods found there contain heaps of sugar and HFCS.

Even if you have the time to cook at home, supermarket shelves are filled with products that now contain HFCS instead of plain sugar. HFCS is even found in so-called healthy foods like yogurt. It shouldnt be surprising that more and more Americans are overweight.

There is however a new compound that actually prevents fructose from metabolizing into fat. This all natural compound is derived from the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis, commonly referred to as Chinese skullcap and Heartwood of Acacia catechu, known as Black catechu in India.

This natural compound has the ability to decrease two key obesity markers in the blood stream that are found in high levels in the chronically obese

This new compound significantly decreases these obesity markers by inhibiting fat conversion via fructose pathways. It essentially prevents fructose from getting a one-way ticket to your waistline.

Current studies show a lot of promise for weight loss supplements and this new compound may very well hold the key to the obesity epidemic. At the very least, the industry seems to be on the right track and headed in the right direction.

If your live style requires you to eat out a lot, or if you just eat a lot of sweets, you may want to give this new weight loss supplement a try. - 17268

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Ginseng Root Extract.

By Zul Rahman

Till this day many people believed that ginseng has the mystical and curing power.The ancient Chinese believed that a plant that look alike to human body parts would have a healing effect on that body part. For example if the plant resemble a hand, then it has the power to heal hands. Since Ginseng looks like the whole body then it is believed that it can bring balance and well being to the whole body.

Ginseng are acknowledged for creating vitality. Thats why most of the energy drinks contain ginseng. The Chinese are the one that discovered this.

Americans utilized ginseng to treat mental clarity and stress. Ginseng has always been associated with its power to tone up physical as well as mental therefore maintaining good body balance.

The Asians have discovered that Ginseng facilitates mental betterments, eradicates anemia and helps prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, asthma, and T.B. They also believed that it is good to the well being of liver and can significantly reduce the effects of hangover.

There are a lot of research done on Ginseng compared to other herbal supplements. One of the concern that people have nowadays is that they don't get the genuine Ginseng anymore because of the chemically factory processed..

The only way to be sure that you get the authentic Ginseng is to buy the Ginseng root. Despite of all the research and studies carried on Ginseng, it is still yet to be endorsed by the FDA.

Be warned that if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, clotting and bleeding disorder, do not use Ginseng unless with the approval of your health care professional or doctors.

Ginseng act both as medicinal herbs as well as delicacies in cooking. This is quite common in Asian cooking particularly in Korean and Chinese dishes. Ginseng are also put in tea for curing and pleasure purposes.

It is usually sliced, mashed and added into boiling soups. Sometimes it is also added to stir fry dishes and during the cooking of steam rice. Commonly Ginseng is used together with the preparation of chicken and mushroom dishes.

Other than from regular cooking, Ginseng is also used in the preparation of dessert, salads and even jellies. Usually people who love cooking with Ginseng are the vegetarians. Today as more and more people learn about the benefits of Ginseng. it is becoming more of a household kitchen ingredients. - 17268

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Homemade Supplements - How To Save $ And Get Massive Muscles

By Westy

Homemade Supplement Secrets

When you buy the e-book Homemade Supplement Secrets, you will learn everything that you need to know about supplements and how to make them in your own home. The claims that are made by the manufacturers of some of the best selling supplements on the market are analyzed and all of the ingredients gone through with a fine tooth comb. When you have all of this information you will be armed with the knowledge that you need to use the best supplements and not fall victim to these false claims.

The guide will also help you to find all of the necessary ingredients in your own kitchen that can help you get the nutrition that you need. You will also learn where you can buy some of the best ingredients as well. There are recipes for every supplement that is on the market. The categories of supplements that you will be able to create are: Energy Aids, Mass Gaining Supplements, Supplements for Muscle Building, Burning Fat Supplements, Sports Performance Supplements, Workout Recovery Supplements and Hormone Boosting Supplements.

You cannot say that Jeff is giving you an exact replica; he gives you the best of supplements and deducts the fluffs. An "ingredient sprinkle" is actually the fluff and is a tactic to deceive the consumers. They project it in such a way that it seems to have huge quantities of the most essential component, which is not true. These ingredients are found in smaller quantities and have hardly any effect on the body. Sometimes you'll see that a product contains "whey proteins", may be it does, but in such a tin proportion that it won't even have an impact on your body.

The book goes through all of the ingredients that are included in the supplements that are currently on the market and shows you the percentage of these ingredients that are contained in the supplement. The book goes on to show you how much your body really needs for the ingredient to be effective. The facts in the book have been painstakingly researched and the recipes that you will find to make your own are designed to give you the best supplement that you can use.

The e-book will also detail all of the ingredients that you will need for making your own supplements and where you can find them. The program comes with updates that will keep the information current for many years.

The first thing that you will note is Jeff covers only the best selling supplements in the market. That seemed annoying, because most of these best-sellers need not be the best performers as well. These supplements are widely advertised and that increases its sale. That's all you can complain about, or probably you cannot. As you try to analyze, you will fee that there is no room for complain.

If you deduct the fluffs, the high price and the advertisements, you will see its just the same as Jeff's recipes. And moreover, an unadvertised bonus leaves you with no options to complain about anything. Jeff also provides you with his own recipes, these are good.

Jeff's e-book is undoubtedly the best source of learning the basics of supplementation. The e-book is well organized and very friendly with all the necessary details that you need to remember. - 17268

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The Secret About Chest Muscle Building - Bench Press

By Dave Vower

Weight lifting is all about what you bench. If you don't have an impressive bench, avoid showing off. This Muscle Building Program is one such program that will prevent you from a complex of not having a massive bench, and in just 10 weeks. Impressive, isn't it?

You might be wondering if it is even possible to gain an increase like this in such a short period of time, but you can. You will have to pay attention to the guidelines that are presented in the program. When you use a program that will offer you the kind of results like this, you will have to do it in the correct manner and focus on the results that you are trying to achieve. The program emphasizes the recovery period that your body will need after such an intensive workout.

It might seem like a fifty pound increase is an impossible goal, but if you pay attention to the program and follow the guidelines you will reach this goal. Some can bench four hundred and fifty pounds and can show you all of the tips and techniques for increasing the amount of your bench. There is some vital information that is necessary to reach this goal and you will receive it all when you use the Critical Bench program. There are a number of muscles involved in a good bench and you will learn what is needed to get the kind of results that you want. It is important that you condition these muscles to get the results that you want.

The program will help you with these tips to get the kind of results that the program guarantees. The position that you use is one of these tips that you will get some great information on. Stretching, breathing and the grip that you use will also be discussed to make sure that you are making the most of your bench pressing activity. One of the most important factors that should be discussed is your mind. You must be in the proper mindset to achieve your results.

The outlook that you have is a critical factor in your program. You will learn the importance of training your mind and using it to effectively train your body. You will also learn how to set a goal and stick to the plan to reach it. There isn't anything that you cannot do with proper goal setting. The program also helps you with meal plans and information on supplements.

The tips and techniques that are presented will give you an overnight improvement in your workout. Inexperienced people might overdo the training and risk injury. Over training will not help you reach your goals. Go about the routine in a methodical and consistent manner and you will reach them.

Try to look for intelligent ways of using the Critical Bench program; it will help you train your body by emphasizing on the bench. Mike has a 5 days training with 2 days for you to rest. Bench is done only on the first day of workout, the other 4 days are to understand your weak points and help those points develop. Also, do not over train yourself. - 17268

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Mangosteen Juice Supplements Can Enhance Weight Loss Experience

By Julieanne van Zyl

Here is how a supplement like Mangosteen Juice can assist with your weight loss experience. For most people, Dec 31st and Jan 1st could amount to two things: A life transforming year or another frustrating and disappointing year ahead. This is because at the end of every year and at the beginning of a new one, most people commit themselves to making new resolutions that will take them through the year.

The goals can be different; for some, it can be a resolution to become financially free, for others, it could be a decision to stop drinking and smoking and for yet another group of people, it could be a decision to settle down and find that special "someone" to spend the rest of their lives with. But for a lot of people, there is usually one inclusive goal and that is to lose weight and shed all the excess fat they have on their bodies. This particular resolution is more common among women who often would love to have a slimmer body.

This pretty impressive resolution is what gets many women to lose the extra fat they have had for quite a while. But while losing weight and following some good exercise regimens, many women -and men- forget that they need a lot of additional nutrients as they lose nutrients during their workout sessions.

Apart from drinking lots of water, which often keeps us all in great shape, there are certain nutrients that any person willing to lose weight must have. This is important as individuals often tend to think that they can effortlessly use the weight loss pills in conjunction with their normal regimens and they will be fine with their nutrition.

One of the worst nightmares of any physical fitness trainer is to find that their student or client is suffering nutritionally. This often results in their being nutritionally deficient and open to attacks by bacteria on their immune system. So, the best bet is to take nutrition supplements in line with the normal weight loss regime or procedure.

Regularly, taking vitamin supplements are enough to reload the body with the nutrient it needs. Getting just the weight loss formula, pills or whatever it is you are subscribing to is not okay without taking any form of nutrition supplement.

Once in a while too, people who undergo gastric bypass have been known to suffer from an unusual condition known as Wernicke encephalopathy. This is usually caused by a lack in vitamin B1 also known as thiamine. This often causes the patient to constantly throw up, and lose coordination. To stem this and reduce the occurrence of this, patients are usually given nutrition supplements in the form of vitamins to complement the amount of vitamins already in the body.

This is usually caused by a lack in vitaminB1 also known as thiamine. This often causes the patient to continually throw up, and lose coordination. To stem this and diminish the occurrence of this, patients are usually given nutrition supplements in the form of vitamins to complement the amount of vitamins already in the body. So, if you know you will be embarking on any weight loss program, make sure that you get sufficient nutrition supplements to get the best benefit possible. - 17268

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Verve Energy Drink and Body Fitness

By Julieanne van Zyl

If you are a fitness buff, the Verve Energy Drink supplement may be known to you. But to the guy who wants to get fit today, they often have to learn that they need supplements to help themselves heal faster and their bodies rebuild quickly. Depending on the kind of exercise engaged in, the body could take between just one day and several weeks to heal and rebuild itself for better performance later on.

Often , many people do not realize that it is necessary to take these supplements until their fitness instructor tells them. And even then, it seems like there is a plan going on about just getting protein supplements and nothing else. Indeed protein supplements are necessary as they help the body build and heal up quicker during the period of recovery. But protein supplements are not the only nutrition supplements required .

And even then, it seems like there is a scheme going on about just taking protein supplements and nothing else. Indeed protein supplements are necessary as they help the body develop and heal up quicker during the period of recovery. But protein supplements are not the only nutrition supplements required. If you previously have a lot of protein in your standard diet, you are more than likely to not need too many protein supplements.

This way, you are certain that you will not only be getting fit, but your body will be getting all the necessary nutrients needed. So, go out nowadays and get yourself some great nutrition supplements or even a healthy energy drink which is really a nutrition supplement with an energy blend.

Vemma Nutrition Supplements and Exercise

To keep in top shape of both body and mind, it is very important that the body gets some form of exercise frequently. This could be just rudimentary or intensive depending on your needs at that point. However, in the process of keeping fit, many people often do not inquire as to the place of nutritional supplements.

As long as you exercise frequently, your body needs the highest amount of nutrition that it can get. The mere fact that you are sweating means that you are losing a lot of nutrients in the form of body salt

So, a Healthy Energy Drink is an imperative feature of the physical training and exercise. In spite of how many times you exercise a week, a Healthy Energy Drink is a must. The healthy energy drink nutrition required are not just proteins. Granted, they are an important aspect of your nutrition as they guarantee that your body gets the necessary amount of protein needed to restore itself.

But also, other nutritional supplements like the vitamins B, C, and E, micro and macro nutrients such as boron and calcium are also very necessary. Also, phytonutrients such as carotenoids and proanthocyanidins are also necessary

For instance, consistently exercising will definitely get you in top shape. But with a lack of calcium, you are not likely to have strong bones regardless of how much stress the bone passes through. This is because during the process of readaptation or cellular rebuilding, the body does not have enough calcium to make more bone cells; thus leaving you with more brittle bones that can easily break as a result of a little stress.

So, don't just take protein rich nutrients. Reach for those which have all the necessary nutrients vitamins and minerals- and you are likely to be in better health and take pleasure in the fruits of your exercising. Try a Healthy Energy Drink like the Verve Energy drink so you get an extra energy boost as well. - 17268

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Increase your health with the Acai Berry

By David King

The Acai Berry which comes from the rain forests in Brazil, packs one heck of a nutritional punch. The Acai Berry is stacked with vitamins, fibers and protein, but that's not all! The Acai Berry is also a prime source of Omega fatty acids, which is something most of us don't get enough of in our diets.

Acai Berry and Antioxidants

The first thing you must know and understand is how the Acai Berry is loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants are extremely important for our bodies long term health because they counteract the effects of free radicals. As a result of having free radicals our bodies are more prone to certain diseases and cancers.

Our bodies do not produce enough antioxidants on there own so we need to increase our levels. You can do this by consuming plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes and you can even go as far as to drink red wine. What makes the Acai Berry a particularly attractive addition to your diet is that the Acai Berry packs quite the antioxidant punch. This little pitted berry has twice as much antioxidant power as blueberries, one of the fruits that is well known as one of our best sources.

Acai Berry and Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty acids are what gets commonly referred to as the good fats. The two main essential fatty acids (EFA) are omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-9 exists as well, but our bodies do produce some omega-9 on their own, so this is not considered an essential source to consume but omega 3 and 6 are.

The Acai Berry comes packed with all three essential fatty acids which makes it that much more of a super fruit. Deficiencies in essential fatty acids like omega 3 can contribute to cancer, depression, increased risk of heart attacks and other serious health conditions. Using an Acai Berry supplement can further reduce your chances of getting a serious illness.

The Acai Berry is also a huge source of fiber, protein and vitamins, particularly the b vitamins. With the acai berry containing antioxidants and all three Omega's you can see clearly why researchers are calling this little pitted berry a super fruit.

The Acai Berry does not ship well at all, so with that it is processed right at the source. The best way to add the acai berry to your diet is either through pill form or through a juice. - 17268

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