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Monday, February 23, 2009

The Atkins Diet

By Charlie Reese

There seems to be a lot of debate about the late Dr. Atkins. His new diet revolution, as he called it, is something that many have used successfully, but there is a raging debate about the long term effects this style of eating might have on the body.

If you ask any of the people who have been on his program for any length of time, they will tell you that they will not eat any other way, and that they are healthier than they have ever been. They also have the blood work to back up that claim. However, that is not enough for some.

The main complaint that many who criticize Dr. Atkins is that the diet is too high in fat to be healthy. On this eating plan, the first two weeks are supposed to be high in fat and very low in carb. That alone would be a problem, but that phase of the diet is something that is only supposed to last for two weeks, or a few more for some people. After that, fats are slowly weaned down and more carbs in the form of vegetables, berries, whole grains, and diary are added. The resulting eating plan for maintaining weight loss is actually not much more fatty than the average low fat dieter might try to eat.

That does not stop those who want to say that Dr. Atkins was crazy however, and the debate may never end. Many on the diet report that their health has improved and their doctors are amazed at the amounts of good cholesterol versus bad cholesterol they have in their systems, and how healthy they get over a period of time. Dr. Atkins has repeatedly defended his position, and there are thousands out there that stand up for him whenever they can.

The best way to decide if you think the diet that Dr. Atkins published is good for you or not is to read though his book. Better yet, read though it a few times. Only then can you really understand what the way of eating is all about. There are many out there who dont get the book and they do their own version of Atkins and wonder why they are failing. It is not a high protein diet as some suggest. It is a balance of protein and fat, along with a select number of healthy carbs. Dr. Atkins encourages, or rather demands, vegetables be an important part of the plan, along with exercise, and a lot of water. Find out what is going on before making a judgment. You cant decide until you know all the facts. - 17268

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6 Important Facts About Nutrition In Growing Taller

By Rodney Williams

Nutrition and its importance in maintaining our health and well being are no secret. We are constantly bombarded with new diets and methods we can use to eat and be healthier. Yet even knowing its importance, many of us find it difficult to give up the foods we love, for low fat or low sugar alternatives. Unfortunately, if you plan to gain height, here comes another lesson in proper eating, and hopefully one more reason for you to improve your diet and see the healthy results.

1) Vitamins - From the time we're young and given our first Flintstones chewable vitamin, we have some notion of the importance of vitamins, and while one should always strive to get their vitamin intake through food, this can be extremely difficult without eating large quantities of food, so those vitamin capsules could prove to be very useful again in later life. Nearly every vitamin can help promote growth, in addition to many other useful benefits.

2) Water - Water is another one of those items that we're well aware of the importance of, but few of us can manage to take in the suggested daily amount. The most useful benefit of water is its ability to flush toxins from the body, making it easier to receive the health benefits of many of the other items on this list.

3) Minerals - Minerals share many similarities with vitamins, though are only present in food not typically eaten in high quantities, making it difficult to achieve the recommended daily intake of them. Also like vitamins, supplements are available that can help offset this.

4) Protein - Much easier to obtain than minerals, protein contains many necessary acids to help in the development and growth of tissue.

5) Fats - With poor dieting often comes an excess of fat consumption, and this can have negative effects on height gain. Too much fat in the tissues can limit the release and effectiveness of growth hormones, and increased weight will also have the effect of making you look shorter than you are.

6) Carbohydrates - We look at carbs the same way as fat. Keeping your carbs, and thus your Glycemic Index under control will let your growth hormone function to its fullest. A favourite food of many, which has one of the lowest GI ratings, is pasta.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced 'grow taller' diet is never easy, and many of us struggle with doing so for various reasons. Knowing as you now do that proper nutrition will help you gain and maintain height will hopefully be the extra incentive you need to work harder at giving your body the fuel it needs to reach its full potential. - 17268

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Did The Pittsburgh Steelers Have A Secret Weapon

By Dr. Bill

I'm off for another trip to Long Island, where I'll be settling for a while. Hopefully the sunshine will be settling there too since these bones don't much like the cold anymore.

I found a very interesting article today, published in the inaugural issue of Sports Health: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. It's a medical publication, and wouldn't have much appeal for the average sports fan.

I mean the title alone proves my point: "Evaluation of Lipid Profiles and the Use of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid in Professional Football Players." Most people would run for the hills, but I eat this stuff up. And you get to benefit from my nerdy pursuits.

To make the information more digestible, 36 Steelers were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and then given a VAP(R)Cholesterol Test. They were searching for emerging cardiovascular risk factors, and researching whether omega 3 EFAs (essential fatty acids), the kind found in pharmaceutical grade fish oil, can reduce these factors.

During the period of the study each participant in the treatment group was given 2560 mg per day of mixed EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acid supplements.

According to Dr. James Erlich, the Chief Medical Officer of Atherotech, a partner in the study, professional football players are statistically at higher than normal risk for future cardiovascular disease and sudden heart attack.

This doesn't surprise me, judging by the bodies when they line up to play. These guys are massive, and linemen are considered "light" at 280 pounds these days. A 300 pound lineman is now common. When their careers end, the sheer body mass catches up with them.

In the study, the VAP Tests verified that pharmaceutical grade fish oil improved the Steeler players' good cholesterol, and lowered damaging particles and triglycerides. Higher levels of triglycerides are associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease, by the way.

The pharmaceutical grade fish oil the Steelers took may not have helped them when they played the Cardinals, but it will help them all in the much longer game of life, assuming they keep taking it. These guys are strong, big, tough, and slightly crazy. To play professional sports, you have to be.

And they die, often from heart attacks and strokes, much too young. Taking pharmaceutical grade fish oil is a step in the right direction for them, and I hope they keep it up.

Pharmaceutical grade fish oil isn't just for professional athletes, big guys that weigh 300 pounds, or more. It helps virtually everyone who takes it some way, from stopping migraines to helping quell joint pain to assisting in the flushing of your arteries.

If you want a more pleasant stay at this grand hotel, get some and get some today. - 17268

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How To Detox Your Body The Easy Way

By Kym L Butterworth

There are different kinds of detox, with varied duration and effectiveness. A properly executed detox can eliminate the dangerous residues, toxins, and poisons from your body. Ann Louise Gittleman describes one example of a detox plan in her book, "The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet". This plan is actually eleven days. First, detox dieters eat certain foods for one week. Then they fast for just one day, and after that they eat particular detox-friendly foods for 4 days.

When fasting, detoxers should note that drinking a tasty, spiced miracle juice can help prevent hunger pangs, boost metabolism, steady blood sugar levels and flush harmful toxins out of the bodys system. This spiced drink includes cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, cranberry, lemon juice and orange juice.

A century ago, our bodies were not exposed to present day toxins and chemicals. Before the industrial revolution, humans were not inflicted daily by man made chemicals. Products we use daily such as soap, cosmetics, and even the water we use to drink or shower, expose us to poisons. The effectiveness of a detox that counteracts this daily exposure is immeasurable.

When poisons build up in your system they can make weight reduction almost impossible, increase aging, cause asthma and allergies, as well as make you sleepy. Dandelion root and milk thistle are two powerful ingredients, in most detoxification drinks, that clean and energize the liver.

To detox your body and give it a boost, most practitioners recommend a raw fruit and plant diet for 5 to 7 days, mixing in health supplements and special detox drinks, like green tea.

You can help your body to rid itself of poisons by changing your diet. For example, eating basic foods that are simple to digest allows your organs to work on removing toxins instead of digesting food. It can take more than four hours to digest a hamburger, compared to about 20 minutes to digest an apple. The raw food detox diet is a plan based on these principles. It runs for 5 to 7 days and is focused on "liver-loving" and "colon-caring" foods.

There are lots of things you can do to help with your diet plan, things like books, kits, tablets as well as giving great instructions how to diet. you should always consult your doctor when ready.

Doing a regular detox is best because doing so you can stay ahead of the game and keep these poisons out of your system before the build up gets too heavy. However when doing a detox you must be aware of the side effects that usually occur such as headaches, fatigue or skin rashes usually in mild form. This happens because the body is pushing these stored toxins out of the body via the bloodstream, and the body may react. The end result once the toxins are flushed out of your system is renewed energy and better health. - 17268

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Whole Wheat for a Healthy Body

By Scott Davis

Why is it so important to eat whole grains?

People have slowly started realizing how important whole wheat is to a healthy diet. Whole wheat is a key source of vitamins and nutrients. Whole wheat is also a strong source of antioxidants, something not found in processed foods.

Whole grains are key for a healthy diet. Whole grains help maintain a stable blood sugar level, which is critically important to diabetics. Additionally, unprocessed wheat contains all the parts of the wheat. During processing important nutritious parts of the wheat kernel are removed, rendering the processed wheat virtually nutritionally inert. An unprocessed whole grain still contains its entire set of vitamins and minerals.

Humans have been eating wheat for thousands of years. It was cultivated anciently in Asia, Mesopotamia and even revered in China as a sacred food. Wheat arrived in the Americas when it was brought over by the early explorers.

Bulgur wheat is a type of cereal made from several wheat plants that can be found in natural food stores. It is a common ingredient found in Turkey, the Middle East, and around the Mediterranean. It is used in bakery, pilaf, soups, or even in salads. Bulgur has a low glycemic index of 46, which means that people suffering from diabetes can use it in moderation. The glycemic index or GI is a measure of the effect of carbohydrates on sugar levels in the blood. White bread for example has a GI of 100 which would produce a glucose level of 140, way above the recommended limit (95).

Is it just bread or can you find other whole wheat products? When my doctor told me that I had a beginning of type II diabetes a few years ago, I immediately started searching for food products that would not cause a sudden elevation of my blood sugar. Its amazing how much we can learn when our life is at stake; I have always eaten a lot of bread, and a lot of spaghetti. I knew about whole wheat bread; it has always existed. My concern was that I could no longer eat pasta made from refined flour, so my wife immediately scoured the supermarket for alternatives. Luckily for me, there are several products on the shelves made from whole wheat flour, spaghetti among them. We also found bagels, hot dog bread, vermicelli, muffins and, of course, whole grain flour that my wife uses to make my pancakes and waffles, as well as cookies and whole wheat Mexican tortillas (although you can find them ready-made in your local store). As you can see, there are a lot of choices for everybody and every taste.

Obviously diabetics aren't the only ones that benefit from an improved diet. Eating more whole grains will help a healthy persons body remain strong. Getting the numerous vitamins and minerals from whole grains will help protect against sickness and cancer. I don't want to tout whole grains like they are some wonder drug, but diets rich in whole grains puts a lot more fiber into your system. Which helps you feel fuller, cleans the bowels and reduces the risk of obesity.

A diet rich with whole grains will help maintain a healthy body, so start eating more whole grains today. - 17268

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Weight Control and You

By Oscar Delfini

Loving life entails maintaining your wellbeing and in order to do this, you might want to watch what you consume as eating properly is a respectable method to keep yourself healthy.

With the proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet, people live longer and feel more energetic so eating healthily can help you savor and love life even more. When it comes to eating healthily, you must consider feeding yourself with the necessary nutrients that it requires to work correctly. A good method to effectively do this is by getting the nutritional substances from a mixture of sources. If you frequently eat a wide mixture of assorted foods, chances are that you are getting your daily necessary nutritional requirements. It wouldn't do you any good in attempting to eat or pick the identical foods again and again as doing this implies you are letting your body take in the identical types of nutritional substances to excess. That means you can indulge in the occasional Italian restaurant as long as you balance it out with other health alternatives.

If you are trying to keep an ideal weight or even trying to get rid of some of it, you could be better off consuming healthy options as opposed to the everyday fast food variety. Because many people these days are becoming used to a quick lifestyle, everything is needed right away. Fast food seems suited for individuals who care to live on the fast lane but this choice can be very unhealthy. Selecting to consume the healthy assortment of foods can serve to help you turn better in the long run. Unlike fast food, the fit and healthy organic variety such as vegetables, fruits and other fresh food products usually supply you with a range of nutritional substances your body needs. In the long term, these types of foodstuffs can give you the energy that you call for to go on day in day out, unlike unhealthy fast food. In time, individuals used to junk food only find themselves getting fat and getting tired often. Even business people who find themselves at a lot of corporate functions need to watch their diet.

Aside form eating healthy, it is also essential to have the body completely hydrated. This entails drinking lots of water during the day as keeping the body hydrated helps keep it functioning properly but not only that, water also helps get rid of toxins in the body that can make it unwell. One other point that could be useful to individuals who intend to eat healthily is by properly scheduling their eating time. It is important to know that the body works better if it gets the nutrients in a regular amount during the day. This implies that rather than eating three large meals day in and day out, it might be preferable to consume 5 to 6 tiny meals day to day. Not only that, but taking six small meals at the proper intervals helps avoid the body feeling hungry because hunger slows down the body's metabolism and can make one feel exhausted and sluggish.

Staying away from alcoholic drinks is also a healthy method of keeping fit and healthy but for some, consuming alcohol in moderation might be the acceptable option. The reason is that alcohol might increase the chance of acquiring particular wellbeing issues that could greatly affect how one lives life. Not only that, alcohol can in addition serve to debilitate the body's provision of vitamin B, an essential nutrient for normal body operation. - 17268

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Why You Should Eat Organic Foods

By George B. Siba

Organic foods have strict guidelines that prohibit the use of any fertilizers for the soil, herbicides to manage weeds, synthetic pesticides for the bugs or antibiotics and hormones for their livestock. This can mean higher costs; you can pay much more for organic foods compared to conventional foods.

The guidelines are higher for organic growers, the prices reflect the higher standards and most of the time so does the quality. These foods are going to taste a whole lot better than those that have been grown with all sorts of man made chemicals.

You pay a higher cost for higher quality foods that are much healthier and taste better. Then why would you even think about eating anything less than organic foods?

I think it is worth it, and if you are a vegetarian you do not pay as much for food to begin with. You can feast on healthy organic food and still not pay as much for food as meat eaters. No chemicals touch organic foods, they for the most part have a higher vitamin and mineral content. The best part is they taste better. That alone makes organic food a better choice despite the extra cost.

Many of our foods such as corn, tomatoes and green peppers are made with genetically modified organisms (GMO). Plants are bred by changing their genetic makeup, often with the incorporation of just one gene. Pest-resistant GMO corn is laced with bacteria and insect DNA; tomatoes are laced with the DNA of a trout to make them more resistant to cooler weather and able to withstand heavy doses of pesticides. There are no long term tests for the effects of GMO foods on humans in general and especially growing children and fetuses.

Look around your grocery store and health foods store, you will find a wide assortment of organic foods. There are many more places to buy them that there once was. Most supermarkets are carrying more organic brands. One of the best places to find a good selection of organic fruits and vegetables are farmer's markets, community agriculture programs and co-ops.

If you care about the environment then you will be glad to know that eating organic helps the earth. The less chemicals and pesticides, are used the better off we all are.

Organic foods are the way to go when you want to live a healthier life. The benefits are worth the extra effort and price. When you are eating organic, then you are eliminating all the additives in your food. It is not easy to do this one hundred percent but the more you can do it the better it is for you and your family. - 17268

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You Deserve to Build Muscle Lose Fat

By Allen Brian

There is no doubt that if you gain muscle to your body too fast, you will also get some fat. You have to accept this truth if you want to gain weight and muscle mass. This is a natural phenomenon of muscle building. If you want to get larger muscles, you will have to eat more calories to allow your body to build larger muscles. But it is impossible for all of your additional calories to go for growing your muscle. Fat will be generated because of the rest calories.

It is a good idea to make your total effort to grow muscle in one specific time frame and also do your best to slash your extra fat in another specific time frame, if you want to have a good look shape quickly.

Because the rate of metabolic is controlled by your muscle level, the fat can be easily removed after you have build a significant muscle mass. For this reason, having a high level of muscle is important and is the best plan.

In terms of the information, your next step should be: build as much muscle size as possible while minimizing body fat gains. During this first phase, your goal is not to get rid of fat- only to avoid gaining too much of it.

This can be done in three different ways.

Count the exact additional calories you need.

Optimal nutrition is what we heard all the time, but what about "super nutrition". Extra calories are key elements that can grow your muscle bigger, but if you eat too much unnecessary foods that over the needs for making your muscle bigger will lead you to get more fat than you should.

15 to 20 percent of extra calories of your daily needs are a good point for your muscle growth. You don't need to change calories intake if your extra calories are in this range.

Watch your nutritional choices.

Remember, food matters. You should choose foods like high fiber carbohydrates unsaturated fats and red lean meats as your food. Don't just eat everything you like. You should eat something good for you. Such like eating lean meat and high fiber carbohydrates for stabilizing your blood sugar level and stay away from high amount of saturated fats.

Start your cardio sessions

It's not necessary to go overboard with the sessions, but two or three cardio workouts each week will cause you to gain less fat while you are getting larger. Cardio workouts don't need to be long. Keep it short but high intensity. Keep the workout within 10 to 20 minutes long that can help maintain your muscle mass.

Once you've built an amount of muscle size that you're satisfied with (and this is totally up to the individual), you can then move into a fat loss cycle and concentrate on dropping off body fat while retaining muscle size. Fat and muscles go along together. You can't avoid that. The best course of action is just to keep the fat gain at a minimum instead of attempting to avoid it altogether. - 17268

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Hypnosis and weight loss

By jackson young

Are you getting limited success with your dieting and exercise? Your ability to lose weight is affected by stress from work and your every day life. Hypnosis can help you eliminate the limited success you are getting by acessing your subconscious mind to create an easy approach to a healthy new diet and exercise program.

Hypnosis is extremely effective for accomplishing your goals. Under hypnosis you are in a temporary, altered state of consciousness. It's like being so absorbed in what you are doing that the outside world disappears and fades away. Meaningful long-term changes can be made with hypnosis or hypnotherapy as a form of psychotherapy.

You can break the unwanted eating habits caused by boredom, loneliness, sadness, anger or other emotions and unhealthy attitudes towards food. These emotions are the motivation to eat when you aren't hungry. With hypnosis you can change your basic assumptions about food including:

Certain foods that cause cravings Eating too fast and knowing when you are full Family or cultural eating Super-sized portions that are unnecessary

Effortless change becomes natural when you access the power of your subconscious mind by implanting suggestions of less snacking, better food choices and increasing exercise and your metabolism.

The subconscious mind controls eating patterns, cravings and your attitudes towards food and your weight. By altering the beliefs in the subconscious mind through hypnosis you can control your eating and exercise habits which will lead to successful, long-term loss of weight and better health.

An underlying problem resulting in overeating and weight gain is low self-esteem which causes a vicious cycle. You feel unhappy with yourself and eat for comfort which leads to worse feelings and weight gain. By using hypnosis you can gain control over your feelings and increase your self-esteem. This will build your confidence to lose weight.

Weight control is possible where other approaches you have tried failed. Hypnosis does not depend upon willpower (dominating the subconscious with the conscious mind). Your subconscious must be in agreement with your conscious desires. With Subconscious motivatation better choices are made which leads to the permanent loss of weight.

A weight loss hypnosis program will utilize the power of your subconscious mind so that you can become healthy and slim. You will shed pounds while becoming self-confident in your ability to control your eating habits and your appearance. The power to control your health and weight is within. Hypnosis will help you utilize it and put you on the path to a healthy, slim, confident and happy you. - 17268

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Use Wheatgrass Juicers to Create Healthy Wheatgrass Juice

By Randal Pike

Wheatgrass is a powerful source for many vitamins and nutrients. To capture the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, wheatgrass juicers make the task fast and easy. In just a few minutes, you'll have a glass of wheatgrass juice that meets the recommended daily serving.

Wheatgrass, or young grass from the common wheat plant, is a green leafy vegetable that is part of the cereal grass family that includes oat, barley and rye grasses. Fresh, organic wheatgrass can be purchased at your local nursery or farm and then pressed into juice with wheatgrass juicers. Wheatgrass can even be grown at home, with health food stores carrying seed or wheatgrass growing kits.

The health benefits of wheatgrass are many. Wheatgrass juicers are used to make wheatgrass juice, which is high in amino acids, natural enzymes, vitamins A, B, C and E, essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium, chlorophyll and fiber. Many health professionals agree that wheatgrass may help to prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Wheatgrass has been shown to aid in digestion and to eliminate toxins in your body that can lead to illnesses and diseases.

To enjoy the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, a two ounce serving of wheatgrass juice once or twice a day is recommended. Using only wheatgrass juicers to make wheatgrass juice is important because wheatgrass juicers crush the wheatgrass leaves while extracting the juice from them. This method preserves all the vitamins and nutrients.

Wheatgrass juicers are made specifically for processing wheatgrass. They use a squeezing action that presses the wheatgrass into liquid. Wheatgrass juicers are different from regular juicers. One major difference is the speed. Unlike juicers that have a 1000 RPM, wheatgrass juicers have an 80-120 RPM to ensure that wheatgrass enzymes are not destroyed. Wheatgrass juicers come in two options, manual or electric. The Blender Juicer Depot at can help you choose which wheatgrass juicer is best for you.

When considering manual wheatgrass juicers, look for those that are comfortable to hold and operate. You should also be able to feed the pulp back through the manual wheatgrass juicer so additional juice can be extracted. Be sure to look for manual wheatgrass juicers that crunches, not shreds, the wheatgrass to squeeze out the juice.

The best electric wheatgrass juicers are those that have all stainless steel juicing parts, are self-feeding and are multifunctional. A powerful motor, around 90 RPM or more, is something to look for in a good wheatgrass juicer. The lower priced electric wheatgrass juicers generally have plastic parts and are not as powerful. These more economical wheatgrass juicers are ideal for those who don't plan to use them on a daily basis or who don't need a large quantity of juice at one time.

Wheatgrass is a natural way to obtain so many healthy vitamins and nutrients. In order to make delicious wheatgrass juice drinks, wheatgrass juicers are a necessity. When maintaining a healthy way of life, wheatgrass juicers are an essential appliance. - 17268

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What Supplements Do I Need For 6 Pack Abs

By Dr Adel Cosmet

More and more supplements for women are becoming available in the market especially for those who are looking forward to having six-pack abs. These women health supplements usually include vitamins, minerals and other acids that aim to provide the body with the nutrients it needs for the rigorous work out or to supply the amount of nutrients the body lacks.

As defined, health supplements refer to products that intend to supplement a person's need for nutrients that contain one or more ingredients like vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals. These are usually taken orally and come in the form of pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid. Health supplements can easily be recognized because they are usually indicated on the label of the container along with information on nutrient contents and other claims.

For women who are gearing towards having six-pack abs, the most common supplements include products that aim to boost health and energy levels. These supplements are usually composed of vitamins including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, and "X"; minerals that include calcium, magnesium, potassium, boron, zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium among others that are beneficial for women's health; and a set of amino acids that are said to be vital to women's physical and emotional being.

Finding the best supplements for six-pack abs

If you are training to get six-pack abs and you feel that you need health supplements, your must look for products that are complete multi-vitamin, mineral, and herbal formulas especially created and formulized for women's needs. Experts say that a good women health supplement to aid the development of six-pack abs should also have a quality formula that is composed of the most natural ingredients as well as food factors available and should not use synthetic chemicals and substitutes that can be harmful to the body.

To find the right health supplements needed to achieve six-pack abs, women should:

- consult a physician or a registered nurse first before trying on a specific supplement to know if there would be possible complications if you are dieting;

- educate one's self through simple research which can help you be familiarized with the essentials of women supplements and what they must contain and read about different minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E to make sure that you know what kind of nutrients that enter your body.

- only use the supplements appropriate for one's age to adapt to the different physical, intellectual, and emotional changes along the way;

- get feedback from people who have tried it to get first hand information about its effects and possible side effects;

- follow the instructions on the label carefully and religiously so you will not have greater risks of getting side effects and will more chances in getting the desired results.

The market is now full of supplements for women who are looking forward to having six-pack abs. But before trying any of which, it is very important for you to determine quality of the health supplements by buying only to companies that are pharmaceutical GMP compliant. Also, always check the label intently to see if the health supplement is made up of cheap additive fillers like cornstarch, rice, sugar, silica, artificial colors, and flavorings. It is also of high importance to buy a health supplement with a local consumer product help line so you can for inquire about the product anytime you need to. - 17268

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Should you believe those bodybuilding magazines?

By Jon Cardozo

Let's face it. Building a more muscular physique is a great goal to have, but it can certainly be much harder than it sounds. There's so much advice out there, and many of the so called experts don't agree with each other. How is a beginner supposed to sort this out?

Many times that source will be the magazine shelf at any number of bookstores. Bodybuilding magazines are quite popular and often inspire a beginner to try to reach new heights.

Though the pictures can be intimidating sometimes, many novice bodybuilders find the magazines exciting and take much of the information to heart. This can cause a major problem when it comes to choosing supplements to help build muscle. Did you know that many magazines actually own or are owned by supplement companies?

Sometimes the supplement company and the magazine are one of the same. However, even if the supplement company is a completely separate corporation, that doesn't mean you can believe everything in the magazine. Remember that magazines make money with advertisements, so they're unlikely to contradict any advertisements from supplement companies.

This wouldn't be such a problem if most readers realized this and had a healthy dose of skepticism when reading such ads. It also doesn't help that many of the claims made by the supplement industry are questionable at best. Unfortunately, too many people take these ads as the gospel truth without doing some much needed investigation.

This brings us back to a critical concept of bodybuilding which tells us that supplements should not be the basis for a muscle building program. A few supplements can be useful for the advanced trainer who is trying to maximize his gains and has already developed a solid weightlifting and diet program.

The truth is that supplements are not really a magic bullet for building muscle. If you are more advanced in your weightlifting efforts, then it is possible to give yourself a slight edge with a few useful supplements. Otherwise, don't even bother until you've mastered the basics of weight training and nutrition.

Before you move on to any kind of supplements which will simply take money away from your wallet, focus on learning these core principles. If you can't afford a trainer, consider learning from an expert who has proven that supplements are not necessary to build muscle. - 17268

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