Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Choosing The Right Abdominal Machines

By Frank Powell

It can be extremely difficult to choose the right abdominal machine with so many out on the market today. But how can you decipher between the ones that just makes promises and the ones that truly show results? Several different factors must be considered when deciding which abdominal machine is right for you. Your personal preferences, fitness level, body type, and ultimate goal should all be things that you keep in mind when considering different types of abdominal equipment. Use this article as a tool to help you easily find an ab machine that will fit you best.

Your personal comfort and enjoyment while using an abdominal machine is a factor you definitely should not overlook, though many people do. Since you will hopefully be spending a great deal of time using the machine, it is us uncomfortable, boring, or unbearable you will not want to use it and not get the results you desired. To make sure that you will like the piece of equipment you buy it is recommended that you test it out first. You can go to your local gym and test out the machines they have there or visit your local fitness retail store and try out the products there. If the item you want to buy is only available online, research the machine before you buy it and read consumer reviews to see it will be worth buying.

While most abdominal machines are made to be easy for beginners to use, some may require a higher fitness level. Some of the movements may seem foreign or difficult but dont be discourage by a machine just because it is hard. As long as you feel your muscles working and it doesnt strain you, it should be good. It is important to make sure you choose and machine that will keep you motivated to use it instead of one that makes you want to limit your use of it.

Another factor that is probably high on your list is the price of the machine. Since abdominal machines have a wide range of complexities, they also have a wide range of prices. But just because a machine is more expensive or more complex does not necessarily mean it will do a better job. The good thing is, even if you have a low budget for purchasing your machine, you can easily find a product that will work and that you will afford.

It's also very important to consider your ultimate goal when purchasing an ab machine. What exactly do you want to get out of the machine? Do you want six-pack abs or a slender waist or just to get rid of excess flab? Are their specific areas like the sides or lower pooch that you wish to target? These are all things you must keep in mind and you need to make sure that the abdominal equipment you choose to use can perform the exercises that you get the results you want.

Finally, make sure the machine is comfortable and of good quality. It should support your back and shouldnt cause strain or pain in any area other than your abs. It should be constructed well and should not be flimsily or breakable. Make sure your machine corresponds with your age, fitness level, strength, etc. Get a machine that is tough on the flab but not tough on your body! - 17268

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Chicken Recipes: 300 Of Them For You

By Chef Paolo Sorelli

Chicken Recipes can be some of the easiest recipes there are and yet, they offer flavorful and filling meals that are healthy. Sometimes, recipes for chicken have gotten a bad rap for excessive calories because fried chicken is a country favorite. There are many of these recipes that are low in calories and are very satisfying.

Chicken is a lean meat full of nutrition; those concerned about calories can remove the skin while preparing various dishes and still create wonderful appetizing meals. Baking or grilling chicken eliminates excess fat, while providing great low calorie meals. The lowest calorie dish on many fast food restaurant menus is that of a grilled chicken sandwich.

Chicken recipes that include rice and vegetables are very popular. One dish chicken recipe meals may include chicken potpie or chicken and dumplings. Chicken recipes can be as easy or complicated as you prefer to make them.

Use chicken seasonings to change the taste of chicken recipes. Using your imagination and some other ingredients, you can make delicious chicken recipes. You may wish to make grilled Cajun jerk chicken, or dipping chicken into wine sauces or Dijon mustard and honey.

Chicken is versatile in its taste and texture and can please anyone whether they prefer light meat or dark meat. You can prepare chicken drumsticks in various ways with flavoring. You can make various chicken recipes while using sauces. Chicken recipes are delicious while preparing it with various flavors such as barnaise sauce, hollandaise sauce, a creamy wine sauce or even barbeque sauce.

Chicken casseroles are some of the easiest chicken recipes you can make. You may wish to add cream of mushroom soup, rice, broccoli and cheese to create a meal that will taste like you have been cooking all day. You can easily make chicken and dumplings by adding chicken pieces, cream of celery or chicken soups along with a couple of cans of refrigerated biscuits. Cubes cut the chicken, then add your other ingredients in a casserole dish, and then bake it for an hour or so.

Crockpot meals can also be very easily made using chicken left overs. Mexican fajita chicken is easy with chicken pieces, taco seasoning, tomatoes, peppers and onions. Serve with chips and flour tortillas. You can turn it into Chicken Cacciatore by adding mushrooms and Italian seasonings and serving over spaghetti noodles. These recipes allow you to change seasonings and wind up with entirely different chicken recipes.

The great thing about chicken is that you can use leftovers for other recipes like chicken salad, chicken Caesar salads or make a soup or pot pies with it. The possibilities are endless when it comes to making meals from chicken. If you have a hard time thinking of things to add to chicken, there are some great chicken recipes online and cookbooks that are affordable and offer unique suggestions.

When you want a unique meal recipe, you cannot go wrong while using chicken recipes. Different types of seasonings, sauces and vegetable can offer you a vast assortment of combinations. If you want chicken recipes for stir-fry, grilled, baked, casseroles and crockpot meals, you will find that chicken recipes are versatile and offer you combinations for meals that no other meat recipe can provide. - 17268

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Tips For Successful Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Once you have faced and conquered the challenge of reaching your weight loss goal, what is the best way to keep it off? Here are some good suggestions:

If you want to continue to lose weight you have to maintain a diet lifestyle. Obviously in order to gain considerable success in your weight loss program, you have made certain changes in your food intake and eating habits.

Now is the time to permanently inculcate those habits into your lifestyle. If you get back to your old eating habits, you will definitely pack on the extra pounds again, and this time, due to the metabolic and chemical changes that occurred in your body during the initial dieting, is will be harder to lose them the second time around.

You will not have as good odds at weight loss if you think that you won't be able to keep the weight off after you finish the program. Those thoughts will assist you in develop healthy eating habits that will help you maintain a trim and healthy body. Ways to get you into the right frame of mine in order to achieve your goal are self affirmation, vizualizations and meditation.

Once you've cultivated the proper mindset, you will be able to avoid the countless temptations of the dessert table at the next family get-together!

Exercise is a crucial step in any weight loss program. Without proper exercise, you can never achieve long term success in your efforts to lose weight. Select the right exercise that you can enjoy, have loads of fun doing it and gives you a great workout at the same time.

Talk to your physician before you start any rigorous physical activity involving exercising.

There are different support groups out there. In some cases, you just need a little bit more motivation to continue on your weight loss regimen. A public proclamation isn't always necessary, but putting your integrity and your pride at stake by sharing your weight loss goals with a few of your close friends or family members can go a long way to keep you focused on those weight loss program.

Remember to choose wisely, and do not share them with those who have a negative attitude and who will most likely dampen your enthusiasm to lose weight.

Once you find a way to lose weight that is right for you, the process can actually be fun. Remember to do what is necessary and include our four suggestions into your lifestyle. Things that bring you pleasure will always attract you, and to take the weight off and keep it off, you need to make the weight-loss process enjoyable. - 17268

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Important Information About Magnesium Supplements

By William Regsen

If you are not getting the recommended amount of magnesium from your diet that your body needs to function, you may benefit from taking a magnesium supplement. Magnesium is vitally important and is present in cells throughout the entire body.

The majority of the bodys magnesium comes from eating green vegetables, nuts, various seeds, and even from varieties of whole grains. The problem is that many people don't get enough of magnesium because they do not eat proper diets that contain all four-food groups. Without a balanced diet a person may be unable to get the magnesium that they may need.

Magnesium is found in foods such as tofu, legumes, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, bananas and even chocolate.

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get the levels of magnesium if diet is not sufficient is by taking a magnesium supplement. These supplements can be purchased over the counter in most food and drug store chains and also in specialty vitamin stores. These supplements are readily available in tablet form, and can aid in providing the body with the recommended daily dose of magnesium.

Due to the importance of magnesium in the body it is important that people maintain a proper diet, to help get the magnesium that their body requires. Failing to get adequate intake of magnesium may result in improper functioning of several body systems. - 17268

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Add Insane Amounts Of Muscle With This One Step

By Danny Gutierrez

Despite all the hype and marketing surrounding a lot of the nutritional supplements being touted today as "necessary" and "must have" there is really only one supplement that is truly necessary for building muscle and that is protein.

Protein is the building block of muscle. Your muscles are made up of protein and water so you can see why protein would be necessary to building muscle. And yet there are still thousands of supplements available that claim they will help you to build muscle when protein is really the only substance on Earth that can actually help you rebuild your muscle.

Let's take a step back for a minute and actually look at what happens when you go the gym and work out your muscles. If you're working out with weights, also known as resistance training and weight training, then essentially what you're doing is breaking down your muscle tissue. You're actually making small tears in your muscles when you work out hard and those tears are actually what lead to muscle growth and that's also why it's sometimes painful to workout in the gym.

Building muscle is actually really simple when you break it down into it's fundamental steps. There are basically two necessary components to building muscle and they are breaking down your muscle tissue, you do this when you workout in the gym, and consuming enough protein to sustain growth.

In order to grow muscle you're going to have to consume about 1-2 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 200 pounds then you should consume 200 grams of protein. This is why I consider protein supplements to be necessary because it would be really hard and expensive to consume all of the protein you need from natural food sources.

It's not enough to just take protein though you also have to know when to take it. Protein is absolutely critical immediately following your workout and just about as important first thing in the morning and a few hours before you go to bed. Space your meals and protein shakes about three hours apart from each other so your muscles are getting a steady stream of protein throughout the day.

Consuming protein in this manner is important because this is how you retain your hard earned muscle. A lot of people don't know this but you can lose muscle while you sleep becasue if you go long enough without food your body starts to starve and will start to look for other sources of protein and it's two favorites are the fat stores in your body and your muscles.

If you're just getting started with working out in the gym it's important to not get too confused with all the hype behind all of the products and systems that are out there to help you build your physique. Stick to the basics in the beginning. Train hard and consume lots of protein. You'll get to a point where your growth plateaus and that's the right time to try new supplements. - 17268

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Why So Many Are Fascinated With The Amazon Acai Berry

By Valenzuela Roy

During the past decade, never has a fruit become as popular so fast as the acai berry. This naturally grown fruit has found a prominent place amongst the world's most health centered professionals and many continue to debate its health gaining benefits.

The berry is described as a grape-sized berry that is dark purplish in color. Moreover, acai mainly grows in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil where is it planted and harvested for worldwide distribution. Many have described the berry as being very nutritious containing high levels of antioxidants, omega fats, and concentrated levels of trace minerals.

So what is acai and how can we describe it? The fruit contains the highest levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and naturally grows in the moist area of the Amazon Rainforest where it has been harvested by natives for over 100 years. The berry looks much like a typical grape in that it is dark purple in color.

The acai fruit has become so popular that even celebrities have endorsed its merits by inviting experts on their programs to talk about the Amazon berry and the impact it is having amongst healthy shopping consumers.

Aside from being extremely interesting, this berry is one of the healthiest fruits in the world and is categorized as a super-food alongside many others. Studies show that this fruit is so rich in vitamins and minerals that it may even help people suffering with chronic health problems and diseases.

The acai fruit is not only delicious to the taste, but it seems to be ranked at the top as the healthiest superfood in the world. No other superfood has been able to compete against it in terms of nutritional value. It has even been touted as the wonder berry to help people recover from certain types of diseases and ailments. People have said they experienced the following:

* Increased energy and stamina

* A reduction in weight commonly associated with frequent users

* Better digestion

* Healthier looking skin cells, hair and stronger nails

* Healthier looks skin, hair and nails

* Relief from chronic allergies

* An improved digestive system

This list is not all-inclusive but rather reflects the actual experiences that many are reporting from using acai. Others are reporting similar health experiences while taking acai as an antioxidant supplement.

As with all healthy eating habits, a diet rich in antioxidants has it benefits and will help you lead a long healthy life. Most doctors and health practitioners will tell you it is an essential key ingredient to maintaining good health.

By getting the recommended allowances of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, you give your immune system the strength it needs to fight off diseases, quickly repair damaged cells and tissues and keep you in a state of well-being.

Eat foods that are plentiful in nutrients. When shopping for groceries, look for fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, beets, carrots, green tea, garlic, spinach, black berries and grapes. When you combine that with a supplement containing the recommended allowances of vitamins C and E, you are well on the way to living and staying healthy. - 17268

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Want To Find Out More About The Benefits Of Pure Omega3 Oil?

By Terry Johnston

The benefits of Pure Omega 3 is becoming quite well known by health-conscious people all over the world. An natural product harvested from cold water fish has many important uses.

Eating omega 3 oil rich fish will have a positive impact on illness. The health benefit is so great it is almost to good to be true. The folks eating the omega 3 oil just seem healthier than those who don't

One could go on and on to infinity in praise of Pure Omega3, but here are some solid reasons why adding this to your diet is going to benefit you tremendously in the long run.

*The future risk of heart attack problems is greatly diminished

*Your skin displays a healthy sheen

*And keeps your eyes healthy

* Helps you immunity system maintain a powerful defense

* Clinical depression sufferers respond well to treatments of Omega3

We come to the crucial point, what is Pure omega3?

It is a fatty acid, derived from natural sources, which is needed by and assimilated easily by the body. It works on functions of your body to keep you healthy. Ensuring all your physiological functions are running at an optimal pace.

To increase your daily dose of pure omega3, you need to either being eating a large quantity of cold water fish or be taking a daily supplement.

Not recommended! Many fish have high levels of Mercury contamination. Eating more fish could be dangerous.

Only state of the art methods of removing all vestiges of chemicals or toxins from pure omega3 oil can guarantee it has been purified to 100%.

Hoping to cash-in on the fish oil supplement craze, some producers are using cheaper extraction methods. This creates a LESS THAN 100% pure supplement, which are becoming more and more available--sadly.

These companies could not care less, if their products have been 100% refined or not. They intend to fight the competition with PRICE. Of course, they are going to advertise it as genuine, 100%t Pure Omega 3. Fortunately they must list their info on the label for all to see. Reading that will allow you to know what you are getting.

There is wonderful example of the importance of pure omega3 in the diet. For centuries the Japanese were sustained by a diet rich in seafood and a powerful work ethic. They were not only healthy but fit and strong as well.

Shortly after the 2nd World War, they became enamored with all things Western including diet--fried chicken, hamburgers, steak and french fries became the new staples.

Within a few years Japanese population was suffering more and longer colds, fatigue, depression, constipation and more joint pain. Some people showed lowered physical endurance, reduced ability to concentrate. Obvious signs of reduced intake of pure omega3.

At least two to three times per week-everyone needs their dose of pure omega3. Whether it comes from nuts (walnuts, almonds, and pecans), cold water fish or supplements. Your body needs the required amount.

The easiest way to make sure you are getting enough omega 3 is by taking purified fish oil-the most complete form of omega 3-supplements in the form of pills and capsules.

Adding pure omega3 to your diet will over time provide you with a distinct improvement in your cardiovascular health, your skin, -- especially if you are suffering from psoriasis or eczema -- and making your joints more supple and less painful.

Here are some points to note before you buy the supplements:

high quality supplements do NOT taste or smell fishy.

will you experience a fish taste after taking the supplement? NO!

take daily or in the dosage suggested to you by your Health care professional. - 17268

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How to Gain Muscle in the Fastest and Safest Way

By Ricardo d Argence

Many young individuals lately have started striving for a muscular and well toned physique. If you are one of these individuals that is inspired by a physique like that of Arnold Schwarzenegger or even Sylvester Stallone and would like to have a body like theirs, then keep reading since you will learn a few little secrets that will have you on your way to building muscles in the fastest and safest way there is.

There are definitely ways to safely and quickly build muscles. Safest and fastest doesn't mean "easy" by any stretch of the imagination. There really are not shortcuts to success and that is especially true in bodybuilding. You will have to put in some hard work in order to see the results you desired. There is some good news though, there are some great ways to build muscles that are faster and safer and give great results.

In order to give the body a big boost in the body building process it is critical to follow the important points mentioned in this article.

Will power and strong determination are required when you begin your muscle building program. Building a will toned and muscular body requires both will power and determination. You absolutely have to accept the fact that building muscles is no easy task.

It is not unusual for an individual to be very motivated in the first few days of their muscle building program. It is also not unusual for this motivation to begin fading when they understand that it is going to take a lot of work to get the results they are after. This happens to nearly everyone, and it is those with will power and strong determination that go the distance.

Your everyday routine is another thing that needs to be considered. If you are leading a haphazard lifestyle, it won't help you with your muscle building efforts. You need to adopt a rather routine lifestyle to see the best possible results from your workout routine.

You workout program is an obvious factor that will contribute to or hinder your success. You will not be able to build muscles unless you are following a good workout plan. Keep in mind that doing the wrong workouts isn't going to do much to help you. It is a very good idea to join a gym and follow a workout plan that has been provided by an instructor.

You have to have a good bodybuilding diet plan in place to see good results. If you think that you can just work out and skip eating to build muscles, you are very mistaken. A healthy and nutritious diet is equally as important to your success as a good workout program. It is best to speak with a dietician to prescribe the right plan to enhance your program.

Water is important for nearly everything we do. It is also important for your bodybuilding process. Drinking 8-9 glasses of water per day is very essential. When you are working out, you tend to sweat a lot, which makes your body dehydrated. Drinking water hydrates your body and helps in its proper functioning.

Sleep is one more factor that you just can't afford to neglect, no matter what. Your tissues undergo wear and tear while you are working out; therefore, when you are sleeping your body gets the amount of rest that is required for repairing your tissues.

So, to conclude, follow the abovementioned points religiously and you will be surprised to see your muscles grow faster than you had ever expected. - 17268

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Extreme Green Tea And Your Weight Loss

By Jen Lore

Tea is the favorite drink of many people around the globe. Popularity of tea has encouraged scientists to carry out research on the benefits of drinking tea. Among all the three popular varieties of tea namely green, black and oolong or wu-long tea; green tea has gained recognition for being the most healthy and beneficial tea. We have heard a lot about the health benefits of green tea. Chinese people are known to make the most green tea consumption. Right from the ancient times, people of china have been drinking green tea. The popularity of this oriental beverage reached the occidental or western boundaries. But west needs more scientific basis to recognize and verify the health benefits of green tea. Therefore, many studies have been done on the health benefits of green tea from the past few years. Let us take a look at why green tea is healthy and beneficial for getting an improved life.

What makes green tea good for health?

All tea varieties namely green, black and oolong or wu-long tea belong to the same species; Camellia-sinensis but numerous factors such as weather, height of plantation, climate, temperature and processing cause the differences in the appearance, color, taste, aroma and qualities of the tea. The least processed variety of tea retains maximum natural quality. Green tea is the least processed variety among black tea and oolong tea. Therefore, it releases vast number of antioxidant polyphenols, especially a catechin known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is considered to be the prime factor behind the health benefits of green tea. EGCG is renowned for it's anti-cancer quality. The absorption of EGCG is increased considerably when green tea is taken with black pepper.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

Examination and research done by hundreds of credible worldwide institutes have emphasized a few of the chief health benefits attained by daily consumption of green tea. People drinking green tea on a regular basis face decreased perils of bacterial infections, cardio- vascular (heart) diseases, viral infections, cancer, and obesity. A lot of people who wish to shed weight in a healthy way are recommended to drink green tea. Anti-cancer or anti-oxidant traits of green tea can noticeably decrease the peril of acquiring breast, lung and prostate cancer. Green tea is extremely helpful to those who are distressed because of diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, weight loss, neurodegenerative diseases, as well as halitosis. Too much LDL Cholesterol that augments the peril of cardio- vascular diseases is decreased by the intake of green tea done on a daily basis. Study performed by trustworthy Japanese, European and American institutes have attained a conclusion that a person who intakes green tea three times each day is at a lowered risk of suffering from any kind of mild or severe disease. On top of providing fortification from diseases, green tea gives feeling of renewal and vivacity.

What are other green tea health benefits?

Green tea is also efficient in offsetting brain tumors in children, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases along with flues. It lessens blood pressure and prevents hypertension, arteriosclerosis, ovary cancer, osteoporosis and even colorectal cancer. It also safeguards liver from alcohol and other chemicals, kidneys from renal diseases; and assists in building bones.

These were some insights about the health benefits of green tea. However, along with these benefits, green tea has a pleasant aroma, wonderful taste and is simply revitalizing. - 17268

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