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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Increasing Craze toward Vitamins and Herbal Supplements

By Amber Duncan

We have noticed a huge health trend turning to natural remedies by taking herbal supplements and vitamins to maintain and improve health. Whether one is trying to lose weight, prevent signs of aging or just improve their general health, there is sure to be a product that claims to be most effective.

There have been countless studies performed on the therapeutic benefits and applications of various herbs and herbal extracts. As a result of this research, strong evidence has shown that adding herbal supplements to a healthy diet and lifestyle can be beneficial. There are many natural health supplements that also treat various conditions as well as promote general well-being.

There is an overwhelming amount of information available today, in magazines, on TV and the on the internet, about hundreds of different herbs and what they can do for you. Some do very little, while others are much stronger and can have the potential to interact adversely with medications you may be currently taking. Don't be fooled into thinking that all herbal supplements are safe, just because they're natural.

Just because herbs are natural doesn't mean they are safe. Many of our prescription drugs and over the counter medications are made from natural products. Tobacco is a plant, but cigarettes have been proven to be a health threat. The poppy is a pretty flower that is used to create dangerous and addictive illegal street drugs.

You might be surprised to learn that many herbal supplements are not regulated in the United States. The manufacturers do no have to prove their effectiveness or guarantee their safety. Many dietary supplements might not even contain the herbs they claim to.

Herbal supplements can be quite expensive, especially if you find yourself constantly adding more to your daily regimen. Some people just start out with two or three supplements, and then they read about others. Soon you many find yourself taking 15-20, or more, per day, while spending a small fortune. You could be doing yourself more harm than good as some of these herbal products can work against each other, cancelling out their benefits or causing new problems. On the other hand, some of them might be totally ineffective, which is just a waste of money.

The solution is to find a good multi-purpose supplement that covers the areas you want to concentrate on the most. A multi-purpose formula should be well balanced, with ingredients that work well together, to provide the results you're looking for. With a multi-purpose supplemental formula, you can get all the benefits of taking dozens of different pills with a single dose, and save a ton of money too.

You should do plenty of research before beginning a supplemental health program. Look at the different companies out there; how long have they been in business? Have there been any bad reports with the Better Business Bureau or other consumer groups? Talk to other people who are currently taking herbal supplements; see what they are taking and who they are purchasing them from. Talk to your doctor or health care specialist; it is possible they will be able to refer you to a good source for buying herbal supplements. You might be surprised to find that many medical doctors are more open to the use of herbal supplements today than in the past.

No matter what you are trying to achieve through herbal supplements and vitamins, it is important to realize that they are just supplements. You must live a healthy lifestyle to be healthy. A weight loss formula will be useless if you continue to eat fattening foods and snacks throughout the day. A muscle building drink will not be effective if you don't work out and train with weights. An antioxidant regimen to prevent cancer will not help if you are a chain-smoker.

Supplements can be very beneficial if you are living a healthy life style by getting plenty of exercise and eating right. As with any medications, consult your physician before beginning any new herbal or vitamin supplementation program. - 17268

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Heart Health Research and Fish Oil for the Heart Health

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil for heart health is a big issue. And for a valid reason.

Newspapers and magazines can't do without research news on the amazing health benefits of fish oil for heart health. It is highly recommended by doctors, nutritionists, trainers, exercise buffs and even my vet has recommended using fish oil capsules for the heart health of my pet chocolate Labrador, Phyto.

Indeed a lot of us have heard of the good health benefits for the cardiovascular system that omega 3 fish oil has, but not all are aware of the scientific research that verifies the results of the fish oil for heart health craze.

A report that was published in Circulation, an official journal of the American Heart Association, provided an extensive detail of how omega 3 fatty acids from fish enhances circulation and why fish oil is effective for the health of your heart and cardiovascular system in several ways.

The study presented how fish oil fatty acids helps in lowering the cholesterol levels, preventing irregular heartbeat and minimizing blood clots. It also helps in lowering both the blood pressure and triglycerides, balancing HDL and LDL, and relaxing the arterial walls, as well as preventing the formation of new plaque and inflammation, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and much more. [Vol. 106:2747]

Astonishing! Other scientists have mentioned how omega 3 fish oil can help a person that is depressed as well. It can be a big help for somebody who is broken hearted.

A certain group of doctors have published research in the Journal of American Medical Association regarding all the positive effects that increased fish oil consumption can do to lowering a man's risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Then again, statistics have shown that more women die from heart disease as compared to any other cause, so scientists were interested to know if fish oil can give the same health benefits to them as it can for men.

They followed 84,688 women in a span of 16 years and they were able to arrive at a conclusion that women who ate 5 or more servings of fish a week have lesser risks of CHD or dying due to a heart attack as compared to women who eat less fish. [Vol. 287, No. 14]

In my own point of view, this makes it clear that fish oil for heart health is essential. But it may be interesting to know how much is needed? Recommendations usually suggest 5 or more servings of oily, cold water fish a week. It can greatly help enhance your heart health, but sometimes it may fall short. Studies however recommend that 1 to 3 grams of fish oil daily is enough for a healthy cardiovascular system.

The only sure way that you get this is through supplements of pure omega 3 fish oil capsules that will give you a balance of all the eight naturally occurring omega 3 fatty acids.

So that is the reason why everyone recommends fish oil for heart health. Would you want to do something about your health now? It actually won't get you into too much trouble to improve your health and believe me it is worthwhile. You will definitely find it nice to have a pain free, happy, healthy life when you grow old.

Certainly you will! And you can start now, if you heed this advice. - 17268

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