Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fluoride In Water Is It Safe?

By Terry Johnston

Fluoride and the Pineal Gland

Many years ago science determined natural fluoride in water helped prevent tooth decay. And this was seen as a possible way to protect the general public's teeth.

With this knowledge excited governments moved forward with programs of adding fluoride to drinking water to protect the teeth of children. Fluoride has 4 isotopes--2 naturally occurring and 2 manufactured). Cheapest of these isotopes (is made from industrial waste).

Ever noticed the warning on toothpaste containers about never swallowing the toothpaste? --That is because FLUORIDE IS TOXIC.

Fluoride effects the pineal gland--a small structure in the brain. The pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone that controls: circadian rhythm--wake, sleep cycles, the beginning of puberty, and the immune system.

Over half of U.S. citizens suffer from some form of sleep disorder.

Why? What is know is sleep deprivation is a world wide pandemic.

Lack of sleep negatively impacts on your immune system and is correlated to depression, stroke, and heart disease. Insufficient melatonin production allows the earlier-than-usual onset of puberty.

A 1955 study produced some extremely puzzling results scientists have yet to explain. Young girls drinking fluoridated water were reaching menstruation five months earlier on average than the girls who drank un-fluoridated water. Premature menstruation has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer and obesity.

A study in the American Journal of Public Health, contends that early maturation almost certainly doubled up the odds of someone facing obesity.

Scientists, knew that Fluoride could affect the pineal gland wanted to learn more about that process.

Dr. Jennifer Luke, Ph.D., discovered the pineal gland attracts fluoride and that interferes with melatonin and its functions. She also learned, (during autopsy studies) extremely high concentrations of fluoride, averaging 9,000 ppm (parts per million) and ranging all the way up to 21,000 ppm were found in the pineal gland of the autopsied victims.

Mongolian gerbils (the best research animal for studying effects on the pineal gland) when given fluoride had reduced levels of melatonin and early puberty.

Is fluoride the cause of early onset puberty we are seeing more and more? There is strong evidence that a great deal of insomnia is caused by fluoride found in the pineal gland. Which is contributing to the pandemic of sleep deprivation.

This means you need to find a way to reduce your fluoride intake. A simple kitchen faucet filter is not enough. You will also need a shower head filter (as not to breathe in the vaporized fluoride)--and make sure no one takes a bath.

A whole home water filtration system will remove much of the synthetic fluorides (40%-60%). The remaining fluorides are naturally occurring. Lobby government to stop putting fluoride in the water--regardless of how much money the fluoride company contribute to the election campaign.

An aluminum salt system supposedly removes all fluorides, but is apparently so dangerous that no reputable expert is willing to recommend it.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is currently testing fluoride for its potential to interfere with the human hormone system.

We should know more very soon.

For more information about systems to purify your water, please visit my Web Site - 17268

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Weight Loss Supplements Tips

By Donna Wright

By adopting sensible eating habits and practicing portion control weight loss is not an impossible feat. Having discipline and the right positive attitude together with exercise can do wonders if weight reduction is your main goal.Replacing some unwise food choices with healthy ones, would be effective if you want to cut back on calories.

There are different kinds of weight loss products ranging from meal replacement shakes to weight-loss pill. Meal replacement weight loss program usually offers delicious high protein and fat free shakes, drinks, soups, puddings and bars. What it offers is that you can replace any or all of your regular meals. This type of program does not cater to all individuals who seek to lose weight since not everyone is comfortable in giving up the joys of eating normal food.

The other one is the weight-loss pill which is more widely used since it is more convenient and easier to use. But of course I do not endorse nor prohibit the use of these products. All I can say is that we do not know for sure the effect of these drugs if taken on a long term basis.

One of the most important reason for maintaining healthy body weight is both for physical and emotional well-being and preventing disease. Using drugs to speed up weight loss, burn extra fat or control obesity has always been irresistable.

Take for instance how much do people spend in buying weight loss pills? Usually they would spend thousands of dollars just to satisfy their longing to be fit, lean and desirable. So you see weight loss is all about making money. Come to think of it you would only hear statements such as "lose weight fast" when something is being sold to you.

So you see, it really is a million dollar industry that's why many resort to this kind of gimmicks just so they could earn easy money at the same time. As unfortunate as this may sound, there's just no easy way to lose huge amounts of weight in such short periods of time.

It also helps to talk to your doctor about controlling your weight before you decide on a weight loss program. It is important that you discuss this with your physician since we all have different needs and not all people can go on a particular diet or do an exercise program.

So you see, as I've explained here there are no shortcuts, no easy way but if your really serious about losing weight a few lifestyle changes such as sensible eating and exercise could do the trick. You don't need to be a gym buff just be active and avoid being a couch potato. I think taking weight loss supplements could further speed up or enhance your weight loss as long as its under your doctor's supervision. - 17268

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10 Wonderful Foolproof Tips on How to Lose Weight

By George Alarcon

If you are like many Americans, then at one time or another you have considered going on a diet. Part of losing weight for many people includes exercising as this can increase your metabolism and help you lose weight while also increasing your general health and well being.

Tip-1. Check your daily caloric consumption. Learning how to estimate the number of calories, you need to expend to lose weight. The equivalent of a pound of fat amounts to 3500 calories. You need to cut 3500 additional calories from your daily intake or increase your daily activity to burn 500 calories per day. This may appear effortless, but it may present certain challenges.

1. Drink a lot of water. This may seem obvious, but drinking more water will help you avoid over eating. Try drinking a large glass of water before every meal. You would eat less at the table because you will be tricking your stomach into think it is full.

2. Drink cold liquids when possible. When you drink something that has ice in it your body has to heat that liquid up to a boiling 98.6 degrees inside your body. And that means burning extra calories.

Tip-4. Do not pass over Meals. You will not feel hungry throughout the day and boosts your metabolism as well.

Tip-5. Stay clear of prepackaged foods.

Tip-6. Do not strip yourself of your loved foods. Denying yourself commonly result in early regression.

Tip-7. Educate yourself about nutrition labels on your foods prior to buying them. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) comprises a great place to begin.

7. Use calorie free sugar substitute instead of sugar in your coffee. Every little bit of sugar you cut out of your diet will help.

8. Avoid fatty breakfast foods. Eating nuts, yogurt and fruit at McDonald's instead of the egg and bacon alternatives will help you lose weight.

Tip-10. Detox using a herbal colonic body cleanse at initially to lose weight naturally and rid your body of concentrated unsafe substances.

Remember, you must eat, breathe, and move to increase your energy level and use these 10 wonderful foolproof tips on how to lose weight naturally. Consult your physician prior to radical dieting, intensified exercise, or detoxification including colonic cleansing in relation to your weight loss goals. - 17268

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Effective Exercises to Quickly Build the Chest Muscles

By Josh Hartlett

Many people can be found down the gym, lifting weights to exercise the chest muscles. These muscles are particularly important if you are trying to get rid of your man boobs. The chest consists of two main muscles. Lying against the chest wall is the small pectoralis minor muscle and on top of this is the much bigger and stronger pectoralis major muscle. It is this bigger muscle which gives the chest its size and shape.

Many people consider a big muscular chest a sign of masculinity and is one of the main muscle groups in the body. These muscles provide a lot of strength and are important in providing upper body strength for most sporting disciplines.

Many chest workouts not only focus on the chest wall but also work the triceps muscles at the back of the arms as well as the shoulder muscles. Therefore, doing a chest workout will develop the overall shape and size of the upper body.

Before performing these workouts it is vital to warm up by stretching and doing some light aerobic work. A particularly effective aerobic exercise is rowing on an indoor machine. This will not only stretch those upper body muscles but will also promote the blood flow to the muscles getting them ready for the workouts thereby lowering the risk of injury.

One of the most simple yet effective exercises for the chest is the push up. To start with, lis face down on the floor and place your hands about shoulder width apart. Then, keeping your toes on the ground and body straight, slowly lift yourself up. When you reach the top you can then, again slowly, lower yourself down and then repeat the whole process over again.

If you find this exercise a little difficult at first, an effective trick is to keep your knees in contact with the floor instead of the toes. When you improve you can then progress to the toes. You may find yourself improving rather quickly and in which case to make things a bit harder you can try placing the hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Also when lowering yourself, do it slowly to keep working those chest muscles.

The bench press is a common exercise performed in the gym and is excellent. I would advise to have a partner train with you during this exercise as a safety measure. On the bench you lie flat on your back with a barbel held with both hands at arms length. Then slowly lower the barbel down to the chest and then again slowly, push it back up until the arms are outstretched.

It is vital to not perform any jerky movements or bounce the weights off the chest wall. Doing around three sets of about eight repetitions once to twice a week will soon develop your chest muscles and you will quickly notice a difference.

If you are aiming to start bodybuilding or just trying to be rid of those fleshy man boobs then these are two effective exercises to be starting with. - 17268

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3 Healthy Diet Tips That Help You Lose Weight Faster

By Frank Gerrard

If losing weight is your goal, your diet is the first thing you need to address. Exercise is certainly important also, but when it comes down to losing weight, diet is crucial. I hope this article will provide some useful tips and information on how you can make some healthy changes in your everyday diet.

1. Be sure to include healthy fats in your meals whenever possible. This is an important factor in maintaining your bodys required hormone levels both for fat burning and also for muscle building. Having adequate healthy fats in your diet also ensures that your appetite is kept under control.

The best sources of these healthy fats are raw nuts, seeds, organic egg yolks, avocados, extra virgin olive oil (this has the highest level of antioxidants), coconut oil (contain medium chain triglycerides, which are a great source of healthy saturated fats), and meat which comes from grass-fed animals (this contains conjugated linoleic acid,, which helps burn fat and build muscle).

Here's a good tip - try a handful of raw nuts, such as almonds or pecans, about 30 minutes before your main meals. This will help to quell the appetite, and give you protein, fiber and "healthy fat". Just a handful will do the trick - nuts are very nutrient-intensive.

2. With each of your meals, try to include a high-protein item. I like to use a grass-fed dairy product, a grass-fed meat product, or high-protein beans or nuts. This helps to control your intake of calories and takes the edge off your appetite.

Getting proteins like these means that, if you are working out regularly, the body puts on more lean muscle rather than fat. And your metabolism will be able to run faster, thus better able to burn off fat.

3. Eating a lot of protein with your meals means that you are actually helping your body to control both blood sugar and insulin levels. This is as a result of the protein helping to slow down breakdown of the ingested carbohydrates. While I don't favour low-carb diets, I will say that the reason so many people struggle with losing weight is because of high intakes of both processed carbohydrates and refined sugar.

It's true that you have sugar in fruits also, but that is OK because they have fiber also, and fiber will slow down the response of the blood sugar. Avoid fruit juice though - it does not have this fiber, as the processing of the juice strips it out.

After people start reducing their grain intake (by reducing their consumption of bread, pasta, cereals, bagels etc) it usually follows that they start losing fat. So if you want to see results, switch from grain to fruit and vegetables as much as possible. Losing weight could become a whole lot easier for you.

So if you go ahead and follow these 3 steps to a healthier diet, you should see changes before long - a leaner body, and higher levels of energy. - 17268

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Will Clogging Help Me Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

As part of growing older, we are often reminded that we should work at staying active at all costs, and if follow that advice about following a good exercise routine, we have almost always realized beneficial results. Another function of growing older that is not as easy to overcome is the condition of bruising easily, but what most people aren't aware of is that our easy bruising condition can be somewhat offset by following a good exercise program in much the same way that a variety of other physical disorders can be positively impacted as well.

When you are finally ready to stop seeing bruises that seem to appear from out the ether, and when you are prepared to start something new to help overcome this condition, why not consider taking up clogging? Clogging is a favorite dance activity in many parts of the world, and has its origins in Africa, Europe and America; and you will find that it is not only fun and physically energetic but also that it can help you overcome the distasteful bruising.

To understand clogging, you need to be aware what the activity actually requires. You will first have to determine whether there is a local clogging group that you can join, or you may have the opportunity to select from several local troupes. Your decision on which local group to join, or perhaps to join a group some distance away should be based on your intuition as to which group you will fit in most easily and find enjoyable. Basically, clogging revolves around the rhythmic striking of the heel, the toe, or both to music which creates a syncopated, percussive, rhythmic beat.

This dance activity known as clogging claims much of its popularity due to the high level of aerobic activity that is involved, and this activity is what will prove beneficial in your attempts to reduce your bruising easily.

You should recall that bruises take place as we grow older, and our capillary walls of our blood vessels will often get thinner and more fragile, as does our skin. With the heightened cardiovascular exercise that we can get from clogging, we will discover that we are strengthening these blood vessels in such a way that they become less fragile, and they become less likely to bruise from a minor knock or bump.

Clogging also helps your body become stronger and more graceful; not only will you be less likely to bump into things in the first place, you will also be less inclined to bruise easily when you do.

Take a look around to locate some of the clogging groups in your area. There are so many different variations and styles that in many cases, it is like learning a brand new dance all over again every time you join a new group. This is a fun and exciting social dance activity that can benefit you in a variety of ways.

Take some time and consider the healthful benefits that clogging can have for you, especially when you combine it with a great daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which is specially designed and uniquely formulated to overcome your easy bruising and to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Bad Stretch Marks - What's The Best Form For Prevention?

By Meghan D. Ernest

There are a lot of things that cause stretch marks, like weight gain, pregnancy, and lack of moisture in the air. Stretch marks aren't harmful, but they are unsightly, and if you are a woman, you will probably get them at some point in your life.

Stretch marks happen when the top layer of skin gets a series of microscopic tears in it, and as it heals it is left with a wrinkled and misshapen appearance. While they often subside over time, some do not go away at all. They can be prevented by not gaining weight suddenly, and adopting a good skin care routine, but some people are forced to get surgery to correct them.

Other possible causes for stretch marks are poor nutrition, dry skin, and up-and-down weight gain/loss. All of these factors can contribute to the breakdown of your skin's natural collagen and elastin, making your skin lose its resiliency and giving you those dreaded stretch marks. Follow these tips to minimize your chances of getting stretch marks, or to treat ones you already have.

Exercise on a regular basis. It increases circulation to all parts of the body (including the skin, keeping it supple and toned). A workout that makes you break a sweat keeps your pores clear of toxins, which will stimulate the skin's natural renewal process.

Fresh skin is more evenly textured and resilient, which will prevent stretch marks from forming. A good workout will reduce stress and possibly keep hormones balanced, which will help your skin stay healthy.

Make sure you use a good moisturizer, preferably one that contains vitamin E. It can not only prevent stretch marks from forming, but it can also treat ones that are already there. Choose a moisturizer that is rich in cocoa or shea butter, and apply it twice a day, every day. It's good to apply it right after a bath or shower, because that seals the moisture into your skin.

Enjoy a balanced and healthy diet. Eating a lot of lean protein, fruits, and vegetables (and cutting down or eliminating tobacco and alcohol) will improve the condition of your skin. Select foods that have a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These ingredients will stimulate the skin cells' natural renewal process, making the skin look stronger and reducing stretch marks.

There are many skin care and cosmetic products that work well on stretch marks. Those that have a higher concentration of vitamin A and vitamin E are great at preventing stretch marks from forming, and treating those that you may already have.

Cosmetics that are fortified with vitamins, moisturizers and minerals can work well as a skin treatment. Products that contain Vitamin A and Vitamin E are great at preventing stretch marks from forming, or to minimize the appearance of those that are already there.

Herbal remedies are a safe and natural way to improve the skin's elasticity and smoothness. Preparations with olive oil, natural Vitamin E, aloe vera and Vitamin A work best when they are applied directly to the affected area. All of these ingredients work to moisturize the skin, making it more supple and strong.

There are home remedies that are effective too- combining ingredients like egg whites and oatmeal will help to make stretch marks less noticeable, as well as encouraging the growth of new skin tissue. While they aren't as fast-acting as a surgery, these natural and homemade remedies will work over time.

Stretch marks are something that most of us will have to deal with at some point. While there's no way to ensure that you won't get them, most people can minimize their chances by eating a balanced diet, working out regularly, and taking good care of their skin. It is possible to treat stretch marks, so don't worry and don't give up! - 17268

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Body Building Workouts, Exercising Your Legs

By Ricardo d Argence

It does not matter a jot whether you are somebody trying to get fit or a professional athlete or bodybuilder. You need to make sure that your legs are definitely not neglected while you are working out. Many people tend to concentrate more on exercising their arms and chest muscles. However, it is necessary that you make sure your legs are exercised as much as other parts of your body.

Now having read about exercises and the burning of fat through muscles, you may have understood the reason behind adding muscle Mass in your legs. A couple of more pounds in muscles in your legs are going to benefit your whole body.

Plenty of muscle mass in the leg area lets anabolic hormones to be released. These growth hormones in the leg muscles definitely benefit the rest of your body, when compared to the lesser muscle mass in let us say, your arms. The release of these hormones naturally stimulates the growth of the muscles.

Just imagine being extremely muscular or shapely at the top with spindly legs at the bottom. For aesthetic reasons, it is necessary that you balance out your overall shape with regular leg workouts.

Leg workout routines are best done by pushing the leg muscles to optimal fatigue levels. Every set needs 8-12 reps, and every exercise needs between 2 to 4 sets. Every single major leg muscle needs anywhere between 2 to five exercises for the development. But it is all going to depend upon your experience in working out, and the level of your tolerance.

It is imperative to rest between sets. Rest 45-60 seconds between each set so that your muscles can recover. This allows you to life the heavy weight again, but not to get so relaxed the anabolic hormones stop getting released.

There are plenty of leg strengthening exercises out there. Once you are certain about the look you want, muscled or lean, you can select the exercise routine, you deem best, to strengthen the leg muscles.

When working your legs it is important to warm up by running or some other form of cardio for at least five minutes. This prevents injuries by warming up your joints.

You can also do exercises like squats, power cleans, calf rises hamstring curls , and Romanian deadlifts. These can be done in standing and seated positions. Every set, and rep needs to be tailor-made to your exercising level.

You need to consult with a trained trainer, before you begin your leg exercise workouts. Caution is needed with this exercise routine, like with all other routines. A little bit of work and time will make your legs look really great when displayed in shorts!

Apart from this, you are going to look great, feel great and find that your performance is going to be greatly enhanced in sports, general activities and workouts! - 17268

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Best Eight Ways to Build Muscle

By Chris Tan

Carbo loading - The greatest of all the muscle building tips is to gain as much healthy weight as you possibly can. New muscles can only be built when your body has a surplus of calories even after you have burnt calories during a good work-out. The extra calories will be used to repair damaged tissue and build new muscle. Your calorie intake target should be 20 times your body weight.

Intake of Fat - Muscle growth and stimulation is highly dependent on hormones. The production of hormones in the body has been directly linked to the amount of fat introduced into your system. Research indicates that testosterone production in the body and fat are proven to be directly related. However, implementing the right fat is crucial. Saturated fats are bad for the body and should be avoided as they are linked to heart disease and stroke. The correct fats are EFA's or Essential Fatty Acids. These particular fats are not produced by the human body and must be supplied by food or supplement drinks. The most common EFA's are omega 3 and 6.

Cleansing the body - Detoxifying the body is important for everyone, but is essential in muscle building. Removing and repairing the damage from free radicals allows the body to remain strong and healthy. In order to achieve this cleansing, anti-oxidants must be introduced. The most common are vitamins A, C, E, Selenium, Glutathione and a good multi-vitamin. Now is the time to ask yourself if you are up for the challenge of muscle building. This sport or desire requires extreme commitment, dedication and will power. Below are a few more helpful tips to guide you on your journey of achieving muscle.

Water - Drink plenty of water, approximately 8 glasses of water per day to ensure your body stays hydrated during hard training sessions. Water is the most natural and mildest way of hydrating your muscles and detoxing your whole body. Increased protein intake will increase metabolic waste which means toxins will build up substantially in your bloodstream, kidneys and liver. A lack of water will have a seriously damaging effect on your kidneys.

Rest - Proper rest after exercise is the best-kept secret on your muscle building journey. Muscles are not built during exercise; they are built during the resting phase. Carbo load, train regularly and hard. Lastly allow your body to have sufficient rest.

Endurance - Muscles are not build over-night, it takes time. Your endurance and persistence will be well rewarded.

Proper Equipment - Using the proper equipment to engage and workout each muscle group is essential in the muscle building process. Each free weight must have variable resistance. In addition, heavy weights should also be used in your workout regimen so long as they incorporate the proper weight to conduct a series of only eight repetitions. Low reps and heavy weights have been proven to build muscle as they stimulate the muscle and nerve system. Another important issue is technique. It is just as important as using the proper equipment because you risk wasting your time using the right equipment and poor technique. Furthermore, improper technique combined with the wrong equipment can cause irreversible and permanent damage to the body.

Division - Divide your workout into sections, covering specific muscle groups of your body on specific days. This will not only assist in curbing the bore often associated with exercise; it will give the muscles time to recover and rest, ensuring that they are built quickly. - 17268

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Cake Is Great For After Dinner

By Chris Lee

Virtually everyone in the world enjoys a piece of cake now and then. When was the last time you allowed yourself to indulge in a slice of German Chocolate Cake? Cake is the most popular after dinner dessert in the world. Although there are those who prefer pies or fresh fruit. Cake comes in many forms and all of them are perfect for an after dinner dessert.

Believe it or not, there are many cakes that can be very good for you. You can find cakes and cake recipes that contain healthy ingredients. Cheesecake is an excellent dessert choice and can be very healthy when paired with fresh fruit. Carrot cake is a favorite for dessert. Of course, nothing beats an old-fashioned chocolate cake. Chocolate cake has been a favorite for years. Believe it or not, even chocolate cake has its benefits. You can find hundreds of recipes for chocolate cake that include many healthy ingredients. Chocolate is actually considered to be much healthier than some other cake ingredients. Now you really can have your cake and eat it too.

Cakes can be divided into four different classes. First is yeast cakes, which are the oldest types of cake. Certain pastries like stollen are considered to be yeast cakes. Although yeast cakes are generally not terribly sweet, they are still considered to be an excellent dessert choice.Of course, everyone knows what cheesecakes are. These cakes are created using some form of soft cheese, typically ricotta or cream cheese. Instead of flour, soft cheese and eggs make up the base of cheesecakes.

Next is the sponge cake. They are made from beaten eggs and flour and are sweet yet have a spongy texture. These cakes typically take egg whites and are considered to be healthier than traditional sweet cakes. Finally, you have butter cakes. These are the traditional cakes such as birthday cakes and that luscious chocolate cake from above. These cakes are sweeter than some others and are often topped off with icing.

Using eggs, oil and often butter, these cakes are among the most delicious and most popular of all cake types. Any of these cakes would make an excellent end to your dinner. Cakes after dinner are a very popular tradition in many homes. - 17268

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Michael Thurmond Diet - Being a D Body Type

By Durk Mcphee

If you are a classified as a Body Type "D", there are two primary reasons why you are fat or becoming fatter. The first reason is because you do not have enough adequate lean muscle tissue to burn fat from calories. The second reason is because your metabolism is very slow and does not have enough power to burn all the calories you consume within the day. Dieting can often make your weight loss goals worse because diets do not work for you, often times they make you become fatter.

Learning how to battle your weight is all about eating the right types of foods. As a body type D, you will want to make sure to eat complex carbohydrates (in moderation) as these types of carbs will break down slower in your body, which means you will feel fuller longer and will not have insulin "spikes".

During the Michael Thurmond diet, you will want to focus on eating complex carbohydrates. The reason why complex carbs are good for you is because they will break down in your body slower than simple carbs. Eating too many of the wrong carbs will make you gain weight.

The Michael Thurmond diet will make sure you focus on eating the right types of carbohydrates so that you will maintain your muscles. You will focus on eating more complex carbohydrates as these types are carbs are food for your body and will break down much slower than simple carbs.

Another important factor is to eat the right types of proteins. Eating lean protein like chicken, fish, and tofu will ensure that you build lean muscle mass. Remember, lean muscle tissue helps break down calories at a faster rate. Focus on these factors and you will learn how to lose weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover program. - 17268

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A Washington, DC Weight Loss Program for the Man Of Today

By Will Branden

Todays world preaches that it is perfectly fine for a person to keep his couch occupied watching TV all day. Everything can be managed sitting at home and some of the evils of new technology are online shopping, chatting through messenger, cyber libraries and online games. These have become part and parcel of the life of the contemporary man. The internet has taken its toll and preaches that it is OK to sit in front of the computer all day long because there are pills and exercise gizmos to take care of our weight issues. However your Washington, DC weight Loss expert thinks differently and will shake you up and show you the reality.

Media and internet are the major sources which lead the people into thinking that weight loss can be achieved conveniently. Its interesting to note that the weight reduction program advocated by Washington DC believes otherwise. Following are some facts about weight loss which is brought to you by the weight reduction trainer of Washington DC. These facts will help you identify the truth and discard incorrect beliefs about weight loss:

1. The road to fatness (and disease!) is living an unhealthy lifestyle: It doesn't matter whether there are tons of slimming gadgets, weight loss pills and diet programs; if you are unable to get out of a poor lifestyle, these new-age schemes of convenient, yet temporary, slimming programs are nothing but a good case of bad investment (of time and money). The secret to a more attractive physique starts with understanding that only a healthy lifestyle begets a healthy body.

2. A low carbohydrate diet is way better than a low fat diet: Most people believe that cutting down fat intake is a good idea. This approach might help you loose weight but Washington DC weight reduction program has a better approach towards balanced diet. You should not replace fats with high protein and high carbohydrate diet as this will not help in the weight loss process. Not many of us would know that refined carbohydrates are stored as sugar, and later on as fats if not used by the body and hence the high carbohydrate diet turns into fats quiet unknowingly. Why would you avoid fatty foods only to replace them with carbohydrates which will convert into fat anyway? You can get your daily requirement of carbohydrates from fruits, nuts, vegetables and whole wheat and you should stay away from foods having refined carbohydrates like cookies, pasta, junk food, bread etc.

3. Nothing makes us slimmer than working our fat asses off: The perennial exercise plus healthy diet will always be the right way to go when working on that great physique! Your Washington, DC Personal Trainer lets you in on the best exercise protocol that will suit your needs. While a customized program is less popular these days since every gym program seems to be boxed for its clients, it is a leap away from all others since it is more specific to your needs and goals, and it takes into account the amount of time you can spare, given that 60% of your time goes to career and social life.

In short you can have a healthy body by leading a healthy lifestyle. A healthy life style is a mix of balanced diet and leading an active life. A lot of people are taken further and further away from the truth by this techie world and the Washington, DC Weight Loss expert makes a lot of effort to emphasize the significance of these basic principles to make them a part of everyday life. - 17268

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