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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Acai Noni weight loss supplement report.

By Collin James

If you have been researching weight loss supplements online I am sure you have also been researching weight loss ingredients that are used in the supplements. So my question to you is, what would you get if you combined three super weight loss ingredients into one supplement, if your answer is Acai Noni then you guessed right.

1- The first ingredient that is used in Acai Noni is the number one supper food called the Acai Berry. The Acai Berry boosts energy and contains the highest levels of antioxidants found in any fruit around the world. The Acai Berry also contains fatty acids, is high in fiber, contains anti aging properties, reduces free radicals in the body, and also flushes toxins and waste from the body.

2 - In second ingredient used in Acai Noni is none other then the little fruit that is called "Hawaiian Noni", a few of the major features packed into the Noni fruit are its anti aging properties as well as it helps to fight depression. Improving your over all mood is vital if you want to succeed in losing weight.

3 - Green Tea Extract (in the purest form) which means it was steamed properly. Green Tea, has been used for thousands of years in China and as many, many benefits. The funny thing about Green Tea is, used all on its own, it is a very powerful weight loss tool. Combined with the two fruits above - I am thinking - Look Out!

To insure you are happy with Acai Noni you are able to get a free trial to test it out. Acai Noni focuses there company goals around making you happy. So, if you are not happy with the results you have seen - you don't pay a sent. Another huge bonus to me is the fact that if you want to cancel your order - you don't have to hunt high and low for it. It is listed at the bottom of the front page - in plan site! - 17268

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The Amazing Acai Amazon Berry

By Jordan Jervishus

The Acai berry comes from Central and South America from the Acai Palm tree. The fruit that is grown on these palm trees is small, blackish purple, round, and is about 1 inch diameter in size. It looks similar to a grape but is a lot smaller and more dark and it doesn't have as much pulp. There is 1 large see in the middle of each berry, taking up about eighty percent of the fruit.

The Acai berry seed is very large and it takes a large number of berries to get a sizable portion of pulp. The Acai berry grows in large clusters usually of around seven hundred to nine hundred berries making it easier to get the amount of pulp needed from the fruit. The seeds are not discarded though. They are ground up to plant more Acai palms, for organic plant soil, and for livestock food.

South American countries have used Acai berries for many years as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. The Acai berry is litterly a superfood that is very high in antioxidants as well. It is also a good source of protein, fiber, and is a good source of iron. It is one of the best sources of nutrients in the world.

By eating the Acai fruit is you could also be preventing yourself from cancer because of the high quantity of antioxidants it contains. In pure Acai berries there is also many very beneficial minerals. They contain high levels of anthocyanins and glucosamine. Anthocyanins protect the nervous system, help repair collagen, improve eyesight, and protect blood vessels.

The high levels of protein in Acai berries could help you reduce your cholesterol. The amount of fiber in the berries is also great in aiding the digestive process. The essential fatty acids in Acai berries are omega 6 and 9. These acids help to absorb vitamins K, E, D, and A. They help prevent cancer and hypertension.

We are just now finding out about this remarkable berry, but the Brazilians have been in on the secret for decades. Because it is only grown in the Amazon, it can be hard to get the purest form of the Acai here in the states. Research is just beginning on all the benefits of the Acai berry, but enough has already been done for us to know that this is a very powerful health food. - 17268

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Losing Weight With Baby Steps

By Jose Grinden

In the process of losing weight, many people get involved with the latest fad diet, or new this or that hoping to be shedding a few pounds hastily so that they can look toned for a certain occasion that's happening in their social calendar.

That's all well and good if they only want to lose that weight in the short term. They certainly should not be too amazed when it all comes back to haunt them shortly following that all important date! That's due to the fact that short term diets and other weight loss methods just are not successful.

They don't work as the person doing them generally fails to possess the required motivation to keep doing the good work they commenced doing. This can happen for a variety of reasons. However the most frequent of these is that they just did not derive pleasure from losing weight. There is no truth in that they didn't get pleasure from the final goal, naturally! It was the system that got them to that point that they didn't enjoy!

As such when it comes to victoriously losing weight, the key is to make sure the process of losing weight is such fun, that the person doing it will stick with it. Of course when anyone stays with a weight loss program in the long run, they may not only lose the quantity of weight that they yearn to lose, but they are inclined to keep it off.

So what are the chief weight loss tips to attain that long term ambition?

Well, it is more simple to stick with a diet that is stimulating and diverse, rather than one that is boring and rigid. It's also much easier to stick to an exercise routine that is interesting and varied rather than one which is a major toil and more closely resembles an army fitness regime.

So the key to the most easy of weight loss tips is to make it agreeable, enjoyable, joyous and pliable and then the no longer wanted weight will not only decrease, but it will remain off as well! - 17268

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Advanced Wellness Research Products

By Linda Kemp

When it comes to the acai berry, everyone seems to be a fan. Celebrities of all shapes and sizes are proclaiming the health benefits and the weight loss capabilities of this food and even celebrity nutritionists are giving this berry the green light for superfood status. In the short time that this berry has been available to people of the United States, it has gone from being an unknown supplement to being one of the hottest and most popular foods ever. And, pretty much all of the claims of its super powers are true. From disease prevention to better sex drive, you can expect to get a lot out of this little fruit.

What you need to know about acai berry products, however, is that they are not all equal. In order to make sure you get all of the benefits that celebrities and millions of other people are talking about, you need to make sure you get the right product. Since there are so many products out there, you can be sure that not all of them are of equal quality and that some of them will leave you without the benefits that you are seeking.

The first thing you need to look out for is companies that say they are selling acai berry products, but that really don't offer the actual berry. The product may taste the same, but you are not getting the nutritional benefits that are only available through this fruit. In order to make sure you don't get ripped off, you need to make sure that your product is actually a pure form of acai berry and that it is concentrated for maximum potency.

You also need to make sure that the product you choose is not watered down with other ingredients that dilute the effectiveness of the acai berry. With some products, you pay premium dollars in order to get a very dilute product. Avoid this by buying only pure forms of the berry, so that you get maximum effectiveness and experience full benefits.

In order to make sure that the acai berry product you are choosing is right for you, you will want to look for a product that comes with a free trial offer. Getting the free trial is the perfect way to see what you think of the product and to see what effects it has on you. Companies that offer free trials obviously must offer high quality product in order to get you to buy more, which makes it an easy way to narrow down the choices of products on the market. Plus, you can make sure that you are actually happy with the way the acai berry works for you before making the commitment to buy more. Since everyone is different, trying out the product before getting a large supply is a great way to make sure it works well for you.

My personal recommendation is Pure Acai Berry because it is a very pure form of this berry and has maximum potency because it is ultra-concentrated and uses a manufacturing process that captures all of the nutrition of the fresh berries. This product also comes with a free trial offer, making it easy to see exactly what you think of it and its effects. Pure Acai Berry is highly recommended by current users of the product and is the leading acai berry product on the market today. But don't take my word on it- get your free trial and see for yourself! - 17268

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Why is the Acai Berry Nutritious?

By Opey Anderson

The acai berry has certainly gained and retained its popularity. People are still crazy about it because they believe that the acai berry contains almost all supplements, vitamins, and minerals that their bodies will ever need. Some people spend a lot of money buying vitamins and food supplements but they are not natural and therefore they are not as good as eating the acai berry.

The first thing that people often learn about the acai berry is the fact that it has lots of antioxidants. There are debates about whether the acai berry contains more antioxidants than any other fruits. Some say that it does but others believe that there are other fruits, others of the often called superfruits, that have even more antioxidants than the acai berry.

There are many types of antioxidants in the acai berry such as anthocyanins. The main anthocyanins in the acai berry are called cyanidin-3-glucoside or C-3-G and cyanidin-3-rutioside. There are many more antioxidants in the acai berry such as polyphenols which are found largely in the pulp of the acai berry. These antioxidants are effective in fighting free radicals.

Many people take supplements that contain essential fatty acids. The acai berry is good source of essential fatty acids. The acai berry is a small berry but about 50 percent or more of its dry weight is fat. If you were to extract oil from the acai berry, then you will find that the acai berry's fat is about 60 percent monounsaturated and 13 percent polyunsaturated. This makes the fatty acids profile of the acai berry similar to that of olive oil.

Not all fruits have protein content but the acai berry is a great source of protein. Research has shown that the protein profile of some acai berries is similar to that of an egg. This makes the acai berry high in protein. However, not all acai berries are high in protein. Different palm trees are found in conditions that result in acai berries with higher protein content than others.

Vitamins are also largely present in the acai berry. An acai juice is usually a good source of vitamin E. Most of the vitamins are found in the pulp of the acai berry. Vitamin E work with other antioxidants to combat free radicals and keep the body healthy. There are other vitamins in the acai berry beside vitamin E such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C.

Most fruits only have some of these nutrients, vitamins and minerals but the acai berry has it all and more. There are fiber in the acai berry as well as lots of minerals. The acai berry is also low in sugar which makes it good for anyone watching their sugar intake. People who eat the acai berry regularly find themselves full of energy, stronger, healthier and they feel and look younger too. - 17268

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Advanced Wellness Research Trial

By Linda Kemp

If you suffer from chronic health problems then you might be wondering if there's a natural supplement that you can take in order to make yourself more comfortable, better able to take advantage of the opportunities that your life provides, and possibly even put those health issues behind you. The good news is that there is a new super food that can improve your chronic health condition no matter what it is! This food comes from the acai palm of Brazil and it's a fruit that looks a lot like a normal blueberry. The fact of the matter though is that the acai berry packs in a lot more minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial substances than any berry that you're likely to find growing in the United States! The acai berry is special because it has the ideal combination of the essential things that the human body needs, not only to survive, but also to perform at its bests! This miracle food essentially lets the body work like it's supposed to so that you can enjoy the life that you're supposed to live!

Of course the acai berry isn't really a new discovery. In fact, the natives of the Amazon river basin of Brazil have been enjoying the benefits of this fruit for thousands of years! What is new about the acai berry though is that it's now available in this country in the form of a nutritional supplement that concentrates all of its positive benefits into a single easy and convenient dose called Pure Acai Berry! With Pure Acai Berry, you can get all of the advantages of the fruit of the acai palm without having to worry about the details of shipping, storage, spoilage, and all of the other issues that come from dealing with fresh fruit. Especially fresh fruit that's shipped all the way from South America!

So what kinds of health problems can the acai berry help with? The answer is that no matter what health problem you have, there's a good chance that adding Pure Acai Berry to your diet will provide you with an improved quality of life! For example, the powerful antioxidants and nutrients of this supplement will help your skin look better, your heart to function better, your blood pressure to go down, and your brain to function better. You'll even find that you have improved memory and concentration thanks to this product! Plus you'll have improved quality of sleep. You'll have fewer aches and pains which is a real relief for anyone who suffers from arthritis. You'll also find that you have more energy and will be able to regulate your weight more effectively! Even your liver and kidneys will do a better job of flushing all of the toxins out of your body!

The great thing about using the acai berry is that it allows you to do so much more with your life! For example, if you have more energy, get better sleep, and have a clearer mind then you can jump into life with more passion, attention, and dedication! More energy will also mean that getting the lean, athletic look that you've always wanted will be easier and more gratifying. Fewer aches and pains- as well as quicker recovery from injuries- will translate into a greater passion for getting out into the world as well. Even your libido will improve with the help of the acai berry!

With all of these health benefits, you'll definitely find relief from your health problems with the help of the acai berry! - 17268

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Advanced Wellness Research Product Info

By Linda Kemp

In theory, nutritional supplements are a great idea. They can help you to overcome deficiencies in other parts of your diet with the ease of taking a pill along with a meal. Of course the reality that you run into with many nutritional supplements is that they don't work that well. Either the substances that they contain don't do what they're supposed to do or there are so many knockoffs of the good nutritional supplements that it can be difficult to figure out which one is the effective one. For example, it's not too uncommon for a nutritional supplement to deliver the essential part of a beneficial plant, but for the knockoffs of that supplement to deliver a part of the same plant but to do so in a way that makes that substance worthless to the human body! In many ways, that's worse than not taking a supplement at all!

Having said all of that, there is one nutritional supplement that you can rely on to give you the benefits that you expect. This supplement is called Pure Acai Berry and it's highly effective at delivering all of the benefits of the acai berry of the rain forests of Brazil in South America! The acai berry is a palm fruit that's packed with minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and omega three fatty acids. In fact, these things are provided by this berry in a combination that's ideal for the human body's continued healthy functioning. Pure Acai Berry takes all of the essential parts fo the acai berry and concentrates them all into a pill that can be easily taken with a normal meal.

Naturally, supporting complete human health might be a pretty tall claim to make, but the acai berry follows through very effectively! There is no system in the human body that will not benefit from using the acai berry. This means that no matter what health issues you deal with, you'll see improvement if you add Pure Acai Berry to your daily diet! Even if you're already healthy, the acai berry will help you to maintain that level of health so that you can enjoy it for longer. You'll probably see benefits even if you are healthy. Things like more energy, greater mental acuity (in the form of improved cognition and memory), and quicker recovery from injury and exercise will benefit anyone!

The acai berry basically supports this high level of health by providing your body with everything that it needs in order to function optimally. The minerals will nourish your tissues while the antioxidants will protect your tissues and your DNA from free radicals and other kinds of pollutants. When the tissues of your body are properly nourished and free from damage, you'll enjoy a greater level of energy and greater comfort from a lack of otherwise natural aches and pains!

At the same time, the fiber and omega three fatty acids will help to regulate your body's energy level so that you'll have more consistent energy over the course of the day. The omega three fatty acids provide a slow burning energy source and the fiber will regulate the release of the calories into your blood stream that comes from that other food that you consume. This will allow you to be at your best more of the time both in the way you feel and interact with other people!

Pure Acai Berry is definitely the nutritional supplement that you've been looking for! - 17268

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Why Eat Fish? Fish Meal For Healthy Eating-Healthy Living Part 5

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Eating too much fat, especially saturated fat,can have bad effecton yourcholesterol, which can increase your risk of coronary heart disease.

Fish, especially salt water fish, is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are heart-friendly, and excellent source of protein and, it contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and iodine. It has been suggested for an integral part of every consumer's balanced diet.

Attempting to drain off fish fats in cooking is unnecessary, unlike meats, there are very little fats will be cooked out of the fish.

Some fish such as perch, haddock, flounder, sturgeon, smelts, scallops are especially low in fat. Others like brook trout, porgy, cod, and croakers are somewhat higher in fat content, but are still quite low in fat content when compared with meats.

Shell-fish are outstandingly low in fat and cholesterol content. Lobster, shrimps, and crabs are ideal examples. Clams are next in line; oysters are a bit higher in fat content, but are still low in comparison with beef, lamb, or veal.

Tuna is considered a heart-healthy food since it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is one of nature's best sources of high-quality protein called "Chicken-of-the-Sea Brand" and is particularly low in fat. Wild Salmon is also much higher in heart and brain healthy Omega 3s over farmed salmon.

The Food Standards Agency recommends that we should all consume at least two portions of fish a week for health, as they are proven to offer multiple nutritional benefits - they are high in protein, low in saturated fat and they contain many other nutrients that are important for proper growth and development.

Fish can be an important part of many children's diets and it's recommended they eat 2-3 serves a week of fish with low mercury levels. Eating fish once a week can increase combined, verbal and visuospatial intelligence scores by six percent, while eating fish more than once a week increased them by 11 percent, the researchers said.

Cooking fish is really quick and easy. Fresh sardines are especially tasty when barbecued because their skin goes all crispy. You can also cook fish in the oven which allows the fish to be infused with the flavours of other ingredients.

Fish is hugely versatile and responds well to a number of cooking methods. Whichever cooking method you use to cook fish, it turns from translucent to opaque (white) and flakes easily with a fork when it's ready to eat.

Learning how to "eat smart" is a long-term lifestyle choice. Eat fish at least once a week can help you control your weight and reduces your risk of coronary heart disease. - 17268

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Need More Energy? Forget Coffee, Make Fresh Green Juice Instead!

By Joanna Verdan

When it comes to nutrition and boosting energy, nothing beats a glass of freshly pressed vegetable and/or fruit juice. Forget coffee. Forget sugar. No other food is more enzyme-rich and nutrient-rich and easier to absorb by our body, than fresh juice. Many people may be skeptical, because when they think of vegetable juice they typically picture a bottle of V-8 or tomato juice. However, even the biggest skeptics can be converted, when they try this delicious Green Cocktail recipe and experience first-hand the benefits of juicing.

If you feel you aren't getting enough nutrients, if you are feeling insatiably hungry, if you are craving junk food, if you have any physical or emotional complaints, a glass of juice can help. Grab your juicer (if you dont have one, you should seriously consider getting one!), make yourself some vegetable juice, and drink it twice daily for amazing results, daily for great results, three times a week for noticeable results, or even just once a week for improvement!

Fresh juice has all nutrients that your body needs in a form that can be easily absorbed giving you instant energy boost! Its also great for your health. If you search the Internet, you can read thousands of stories about people who cured themselves of various ailments, lost weight and improved their well-being by drinking freshly made juices.

Recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail

There are many recipes that you can find on the Internet and in books on the subject. Here is one versatile recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail, that is often recommended as you browse through various resources:

Simple version:

1 head romaine lettuce or 3 stalks of celery

5-6 leaves of kale

1-2 apples or pears

1 lemon (not peeled)

Optional ingredients " choose what you like or have in your kitchen:

1 cucumber

1/4 to 1/2 ripe papaya (1/2 makes the juice sweeter)

1/2 cup of of parsley (or cilantro)

1 cup of fennel

If you like, throw in some beets or carrots too, but then of course it will no longer be green cocktail... You may also like to add a small piece of garlic or ginger.

Drink it every morning or afternoon to jumpstart your energy!

Remember: It is best to drink your juice on an empty stomach.

The Benefits of Juicing: Vegetable and Fruit Juice Advantage

So why should you juice fruits and vegetables instead of just eating them?

Well, first of all, a juicer separates the juice from the fiber of the fruits and vegetables making them easier to absorb, leaving you with organic water with all the important nutrients: vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the plants. And second, just consider having to chop and then chew all the above ingredients - it sure does take a while!

Of course, eating fiber is important too; but when it is removed from the juice, your body will not have to spend precious energy on digestion. The nutrients will be absorbed instantly, going straight to the cells to do their work. So, whenever you are experiencing low energy or any health issues - make yourself some fresh juice. It can't hurt you, and will most likely help! - 17268

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Why Kettlebells?

By Steve Perch

Whether you are three hundred pounds of nothing but muscle or a small framed one hundred and twenty pound woman, there are many reasons why you should get involved with using kettlebells. Even though the free weights you are using can be very beneficial, there is a little something that you may very well be missing and it is important for your overall workout to add that missing element into your routine.

One advantage of kettlebells is that they are pleasurable to use in themselves. There is considerable satisfaction to be gained from achieving the correct form.

Kettlebells require your full concentration as opposed to dumb bells which tend to create a

When you give an activity your full concentration, it pays you back far more than a brainless, unthinking action.

Kettlebells are the best tool around for improving both your strength and endurance. Beyond what you would achieve with free weights or gym machines.

When using kettlebells, a person's centre of gravity may be some distance from where the bell is actually being held. Requiring some concentration to maintain balance.

Another reason why kettlebells are such a better choice is because they are small and very portable. Unlike the big machinery that people tend to think is best for getting in shape; the kettlebells do not require their own rooms in the house, which means these tools, are true space savers.

Their size has also made them popular with people who need to travel regularly and do not want to miss out on workouts.

There are a great many kettlebell training instruction DVDs out there that will get you off on the right track.

Start using kettlebells and their advantages will quickly become a convert. You'll even start to find yourself trying to get other people to use them.

The more people involved the more fun it will be so make sure that you walk your friends and family through all of the reasons why kettlebells are a great way to go. - 17268

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Advanced Wellness Research Acai Berry Offers Information

By Linda Kemp

Are you interested in having an edge in your next athletic competition? If so, you likely have tried many different supplements, with differing effects. Many so-called supplements are actually banned substances that can do irreparable harm to your body and can cut your athletic career short. And other supplements are basically just vitamins and minerals that are sure to help a bit, but not do anything remarkable. However, if you have seen the ads for the acai berry, you are probably curious about whether this wonder food can help you. In short, this berry is actually a very smart supplement for anyone involved in athletics or who just likes to exercise and has the power to help you get more out of your body.

Unlike other supplements that are either dangerous or ineffective, Pure Acai Berry has a special combination of nutrients that are extremely effective in promoting better stamina and energy. In Brazil, where these berries grow native, people have been using these berries in order to perform better in competitions and in order to have more energy for thousands of years. You can think of this berry in a similar way to an energy drink- a great way to replenish lost energy stores, to get extra energy before an especially challenging event, and a way to stock up on nutrients that keep your body running at its ultimate level.

Acai berry's great energy boosting ability comes from many sources, but most noticeably from its omega fatty acids and its almost complete proteins. The omega fatty acids are the good kind of fats that both provide energy and are protective of the heart and cardiovascular system. And, with an almost complete set of essential amino acids, this supplement is able to help you build muscle and repair muscle fibers after a hard workout. This is essential to keeping in top form and to doing your best in any type of competition or workout.

Pure Acai Berry has other properties that make it more beneficial than just a protein shake or an omega fatty acid supplement. For instance, the large concentration of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium are very important to keeping the body in great working order and allowing it to function at its best. And the extremely high antioxidant concentration allows you to neutralize free radicals in your body to avoid dangerous cell changes. Considering that many athletes need to eat many more calories than the average person and eating is one of the primary reasons for the formation of free radicals, getting enough antioxidants is especially important!

Best of all, acai berry seems to have the effect of helping the people taking it to feel much more energetic throughout the day. This seems to be from a combination of all of the nutrients found within the berry and affects athletes and people who need extra energy for hard days at work equally. For people who are just looking for something to help give them enough energy to feel like working out after work, this is a good supplement and can help you get into a healthy routine that makes you feel great.

If using the acai berry to enhance your workout routine sounds like a great idea, just make sure you use Pure Acai Berry- the only completely pure and concentrated form of this supplement out there. You can even enjoy a free trial offer in order to see just how much of a difference it can make in your energy levels and stamina. - 17268

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Advanced Wellness Research Deal

By Linda Kemp

Are acai berries really as good at helping people lose weight as they are made out to be? Considering the number of people testifying how great these supplements are, the answer seems to be yes. There are so many people who are claiming that they were finally able to lose weight just by adding Pure Acai Berry to their diet that it definitely seemed like a worthwhile quest in order to try this idea out.

To determine for myself whether acai berry is worth taking as a weight loss supplement, I decided to add Pure Acai Berry to my diet for a month. I choose this particular supplement because it seemed to be the most pure and the most concentrated. Having a free trial offer of it also helped because I knew that I would not be wasting money if I didn't like the results! Not knowing what I would experience, I was definitely not very certain at first if this would be worthwhile. However, I was exceptionally pleased with the results of supplementing my diet with this berry.

Before starting my acai berry supplement routine, I was carrying a modest amount of extra weight- just like most people in this country. I knew that summer was coming up and I was really hoping to find a way to get rid of the extra weight so that I would look good in the summer clothing that I wanted to wear. However, all of the diets I had tried left me hungry and cranky and never helped me lose weight because I would go off of them too quickly once I got tired of them. And other diet supplements I tried were horrible too, because they left me jittery and feeling strange. But this berry was not at all like any of those other weight loss experiences. I felt no ill effects while taking it and I started noticing results right away.

Basically, after a month of taking Pure Acai Berry, I was feeling and looking noticeably slimmer and I also felt very energetic. This was sure a different feeling than I've had on other diets! I am actually looking forward to summer this year and to trying on bathing suits, especially after continuing the supplement routine for another couple of months! Plus, because I've had more energy ever since taking this supplement, I've also found the energy to exercise. This has really made a difference since I look more toned and fit and the weight is coming off even easier than ever before.

What has really surprised me about acai berry is that weight loss is not the only benefit I've felt. I've just felt overall healthier since starting to take it and my improved body image is really starting to show in my confidence in myself. I am also very impressed with the amount of nutrients that this berry contains and know that getting plenty of antioxidants, fiber, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients will really help me stay healthy over my lifetime.

After my trial period of taking Pure Acai Berry, I am definitely sold on the effects of this superfood. I will continue to take it in order to keep my weight under control and for all of the other great health effects and I sincerely urge everyone else to do the same. Do your own trial of this supplement and you are sure to find out, like I did, that it really is a miracle food. - 17268

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