Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, April 13, 2009

Rapid Fat Loss - Success Principles

By Jose Loni

Shoot for the sky, when it comes to rapid fat loss. Simple easy to follow principles to shoot for and you will get rapid fat loss. Lower your stress, eat healthy and do interval training, then see the results.

Stress has been associated with belly fat. In a stressful situation, the body will produce Cortisol, which is a hormone that accumulates in the system and causes storage of fat in the belly area. Not only is the belly fat ugly, but it increases your risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.

Stress management techniques such as mediation, yoga, tai chi and deep breathing have been effective at decreasing stress and giving us a better way to handle stressful situations.

Healthy eating habits are a great way of watching what we eat and make sure we don't overeat. Removing processed foods, fast fatty foods, and sodas, which are all high calorie foods. If we don't end up burning the calories from these foods, the excess calories end up being stored as body fat.

Eating 5-6 times a day helps provide you with energy throughout the day and give you a way to watch your caloric intake. By watching your calories, you will be better able to burn the calories and burn fat.

Interval training kick starts our metabolism by forcing the muscle to train at a higher intensity. The greater intensity forces the muscles to use more energy, which results in more fat being burned.

The intense interval training is so demanding on the muscles, the muscles end up burning more fat to repair, replenish and remove waste products from the muscles. This increased activity continues for several hours after the exercise session.

When we shoot for the sky to achieve rapid fat loss, we must lower our stress levels, eat healthy, and do interval training. These simple principles will jumpstart our body to increase its fat burning potential and achieve rapid fat loss. - 17268

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Candida Cleanse is an Anti-Yeast Colonic

By Eleanor Candy

A colonic using a solution that targets the Candida albicans genus of endosymbiont yeast is sometimes referred to as a Candida Cleanse. Like other endosymbiont life forms that our bodies host, Candida is generally benign.

This genus of yeast lives inside the bodies of host animals from insects to humans. Like all yeast, Candida is living organisms. In certain cases of yeast infection, some people do a Candida Cleanse, the name for a colonic that targets the Candida where it is most plentiful - in the intestine.

A Candida Cleanse is a colonic using any of several commercially available preparations that target Candida albicans, the most destructive genus of Candida yeast.

Anecdotal evidence, organized support groups and a thriving business in Candida Cleanse solutions are evidence that some endorse anti-Candida colonics despite the lack of authoritative acceptance.

It has been widely held by the medical establishment that, while a very limited number of yeast species have the potential to cause disease, the complications do not include the spread of yeast outbreaks to internal organs or other systems deeper in the body cavity. This is not to say that yeast eruptions on the body surface can not be a significant health threat.

But an increase in patients with compromised immune systems has skyrocketed over the past two decades. Yeast infections are dangerous in such cases and this is behind a closer look at Candida Cleanse and the legitimacy of the treatment.

The increase in COPD patients being treated with cortisone-based inhalers only adds to the cause for vigilance. Yeast infections are a common result of a compromised immunity system, so the demand for, anti-yeast treatments like a Candida Cleanse has increased.

The theory behind Candida Cleanse therapy is pretty common sense, if you ask me. A colonic with an appropriate anti-fungal solution is in arguably the fastest, most effective way to significantly reduce the demands placed on the immune system to fight yeast growth.

Three, a colonic with a mild anti-Candida solution quickly and significantly reduces the demand on the immune system. Not easy to disagree with, I say. - 17268

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Toned Abs Come From Whole Body Movement

By Dan Solaris

As people in developing countries become more affluent and westernized, they get more access to the same products and services long-enjoyed by folks in North America and Western Europe. Fast food is the most obvious cultural import from the West and its proliferation is causing obesity in more countries across the globe.

The most common mistake the figure-conscious make is relying on exercises that isolate the muscles of the midsection to lose excess fat. Though sit-ups, crunches and leg raises may be effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles, they don't do much in melting belly fat and toning the abs.

Ab isolation exercises only serve to develop muscle tissue around the stomach area. They're not really effective for burning body fat and only by focusing on body fat burn can one achieve muscle definition and getting lean, toned abs.

Total-body aerobic workouts are the most effective way to burn enough calories from body fat in the shortest time. Only by doing whole-body movement during our workouts can we hope to burn a significant amount of body fat and flatten an oversized abdomen and love-handles.

The benefits of doing cardiovascular exercises are several. Aside from burning fat fast, the heart and lungs are also strengthened- improving endurance and lowering high blood pressure. Intense aerobic exercise also puts the body's metabolic rate in high gear- meaning you still burn calories hours after you've finished exercising.

By maintaining a high metabolism, overweight people can facilitate fat-loss better because more calories are expended throughout the day. This means less calories left over to be stored as body fat. If a person burns more calories than he takes in each day, this will of course lead to loss of belly fat.

Muscle building resistance exercises can also help fight body fat by enabling us to burn more calories. Muscles burn calories even while were not using them. The more muscular a person is therefore, the less time he has to spend in the gym working out.

Choosing cardio exercises that you won't get bored with can spell success or failure in your quest for lean, nicely toned abs. The more repetitive and boring your workouts, the easier it will be for you to get bored with them. Boredom is the main reason why people don't exercise consistently- prolonging the agony of having a flabby belly. - 17268

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Tips For Building Up Your Muscle

By James Thompson

Learning how to eat properly is a must when one decides to gain weight and muscle. Our goal is to attain two things through our eating program: More gaining of muscle weight and lesser fat intake. For this to happen, you mainly need to set your eye on to two things:

Protein should be the base of every meal. Everything else comes next to it, while protein is your main focus. To have an idea on how much protein to eat per meal is envisioning an amount which would fit and fill your hand if you cupped it. You could also try multiplying 1.5 to that of your bodyweight.

You now know daily gram amount of protein intake which you can divide up for each meal everyday. Both these methods are easy to do, yet with this you can now begin figuring out your protein intake. All in all, for someone looking to gain muscle, for each meal a minimum of 20 grams is usually recommended

You should also determine the overall calories for your body to gain weight. As protein is your base, it won't supply all your daily calories need. The rest should come as combination of carbohydrates and fats.

Th ratio of each is would different for every person, but in general you could start with an ample size serving of carbs, such as brown rice, and then include a smaller serving of fats, such as a small handful of peanuts. Some individuals can manage a higher carb meal, while others should work in lowering their carb amount, while slightly raising fat amount. To give you a rough guide as to how many calories you should eat daily in order to gain weight and muscle is multiplying your bodyweight by 15.

All this guidelines are very general which allows you to add in more weight and muscle gain while adjusting to a stable progress. Combined with the right muscle gaining weight workout, one can look forward to increase in body frame in a matter of 6-8 weeks. - 17268

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Where to Buy Acai Berry

By Frank Vandy

Is there anyone with an email account that has not received some type of spam concerning the Acai Berry? There is no doubt that there is a lot of hype about the Acai Berry, but is the hype supported by the reality? This article will focus on answering your questions about adding the Acai Berry to your diet and the best ways to determine if the product you are buying is genuine.

Is it Available in the US?

The Acai Berry is grown in the Amazon Jungle. Once picked from the tree, it has a self life of about 24 hours. This short self life makes it impossible to harvest, ship, and sell in the United States. Therefore, if you come across anyone trying to sell you the actual berry, beware! They are either lying to you or they are selling you a rancid fruit.

Be a Cautious Buyer

The Acai Berry is very safe and has no real known side effects. Unfortunately, many of the companies out there today arent really selling a quality Acai Berry extract. Many of these products are filled with cheap fillers. Make sure the product you buy is 100% Freeze Dried Acai Berry. This is the only way to really know if you are buying a quality product. Also, make sure the company you are dealing with offers an Unconditional Money Back Guarantee if you are not COMPLETELY satisfied.

Are the Free Trials Really Free?

The truth is that all of these free trials are really subscriptions. Here is how it works. First, you spend $6.95 to have your free trial sent to you. This covers the shipping and handling. Then, if you dont cancel the subscription, 30 days later you get billed $80 or more for the next shipment. This will continue until you try to cancel your subscription. When you try to cancel you will be turned over to a high pressure salesperson who is highly compensated not to let you quit. The worst part of all of this is that the Acai Berry product they are selling you is usually garbage. It is definitely not 100% Pure.

Listen, the bottom line is that the Acai Berry is a wonderful product. It offers a ton of great health benefits, including weight loss. Just be cautious and make sure that you are buying only 100% Pure Acai Berry that has been Freeze Dried for freshness. Stay away from the free trial offers and make sure that the merchant you buy from offers a 100% Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. - 17268

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Lower Ab Workouts - Burning Abs Don't Mean Ripped Abs

By Jose Loni

When you do lower ab workouts and feel your abs burning, don't kid yourself and start thinking that you're on your way to ripped abs because you're not. There is no such thing as spot reduction although a lot of claims and advertisements will have you believing that their product can do so. Those empty promises will not get you ripped abs but burning excess body fat by speeding up your metabolism through weight training will, satisfaction guaranteed.

While lower ab training is excellent for strengthening and toning your abs, working a specific area will not melt away the fats there. Excess body fat is lost through full body workouts so the more joints you get moving, the more fat you start losing.

Infomercials selling all sorts of magic machines usually show their always-smiling, perfectly shaped models in various contorted positions, trying to make their contortions as enticing to the viewer as possible, with the magic promise of getting your own body in model-perfect shape as well.

Unfortunately, those ads and machines don't work. They are marketing their products to target the abs directly and that will not work. Spot reducing does not work. The abs will get stronger but they will not burn the necessary fat that is covering the abdominal muscles.

What will melt those fats away is weight training. Working out the large muscles in the body will get the muscles more active, which leads them to use up more energy. To drive this increased energy use, the body now has to supply more fat to be converted to energy, effectively using up fat stores and revealing ripped abs.

Making the body work at higher intensities will create oxygen debt for the muscles. To keep the muscles working, the body must now supply them with oxygen and blood, at the same time, clearing away any waste products in the muscles.

The process of replenishing, repairing and removing carbon dioxide and lactic acid can occur for several hours, throughout the day. As a result, the body's metabolism is increased and the body becomes a fat burning machine.

Therefore, burning lower abs while doing lower ab workouts don't mean you're sculpting ripped abs. Target area reduction and infomercials serve to sell you a dream. Speeding up your metabolism through weight training will make you realize that dream! - 17268

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How To Lose Belly Fat Without Radical Dieting

By Jose Loni

How to lose belly fat the right way is the question we all want to know. With the many ab machines, diets, and ab exercises, it can sometimes get overwhelming as to the right way to lose belly fat. An overall system of exercising with interval training, healthy eating habits, and reducing stress is the right way to getting a flat belly.

Interval set training is a fast way to achieving results and increasing the metabolism. The fast sets, with intense exertion results in a situation where the muscles have little or no oxygen and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These waste products would need to be removed to allow the muscles to function better.

This process causes an increase in metabolic activity, which burns more calories; as a result the body will require more energy to expend and will convert excess body fat on our belly to provide the necessary energy to our muscles. The muscles carry on this metabolic activity for several hours even after the exercise session is over.

Eating healthy is another way we can get rid or our stomach fat. Eating a diet balanced in carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins will help us consume and burn calories better. Avoiding fast fatty foods, sugary snacks and carbonated beverages will help us better manage our caloric intake and keep from consuming excess calories, which ends up being stored as fat.

Increasing our meals to 5-6 meals throughout the day is another way we can provide our body with constant energy and keep our blood sugar levels from dramatically going up or down.

Decreasing stress in our lives is another way we can keep fat from being stored in our belly. In a stressful situation, our body produces Cortisol, a hormone that stores fat in the belly and keeps it there in case of an emergency.

Activities such as relaxation, deep breathing, tai chi, yoga and mediation have all shown to be effective in helping our body get rid of stress and better manage how we handle it.

Knowing how to exercise and incorporating interval training, a healthy diet and decreasing the stress in our lives are the best ways to getting a flat stomach. This is your guide to being able to lose belly fat. - 17268

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Toned Abs, Nicer Clothes

By Dan Solaris

An overwhelming number of people in the Western countries are becoming overweight and findings from the latest CDCP data show that as much as 66% of Americans are way above their ideal body weight. This can be credited to the eating habits we've adopted as well as our daily activities that entail sitting on our butts the whole day- from the office to our cars and on the sofa at home.

Indeed, as the pace of life becomes increasingly faster, our waistlines are growing and wearing tight, sexy clothes have ceased to be an option for most folks. Working the daily grind has made it quite difficult to stay in shape these days but not at all impossible if we really put our mind to it.

Keeping our weight down through constant exercise is the fastest way to trim the inches around our bellies and fit in those favorite pair of denims exiled deep in our closet. True that maintaining a regular workout regimen seems impossible with our hectic schedules, but with the myriad of benefits we get through regular exercise it's ridiculous not to.

Regular exercise not only gives us the obvious benefits of toned abs and a lighter, better-looking physique. Making it a point to work-out everyday lowers blood pressure and significantly lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension while boosting our immune system.

Regular exercise is also a perfect stress reliever- quite useful in these financially hard times. Hypertension brought about by too much stress is one of the major causes of death right now in the world's top urban centers. Aside from lengthening our lives, working-out and getting lean will give us a more positive outlook because of endorphins released by the brain after intense activity. Remember- positivity begets productivity and happiness.

Nicely toned abs and a better disposition- what better way to offset the ravages of an unhealthy diet and job stress? Having a tight schedule is no excuse because with the right combination of exercises, it's possible to create a daily calorie deficit in just 30 minutes a day.

True that moderate cardio exercises are the best for isolating body fat, but these have to be done for lengthy periods (1-2 hours) in order to use-up enough calories to lose weight. High intensity interval training and modified weight-training done on an unstable surface may be the perfect exercise scheme for overweight folks with hectic schedules.

Kicking-off an aerobic routine by doing it at a high intensity (90% of the maximum heart rate) will immediately boost the metabolism and facilitate immediate body fat burn. Shortening the periods of rest in between sets in a weightlifting session will also increase cardiovascular intensity and let you burn more calories while training for strength and muscle. The glycogen stores depleted by doing high intensity exercises can be easily replenished by eating the right foods after your workouts, so you can reap the benefits of lengthy cardio sessions in half the time. - 17268

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Five Tips to Assure a Long Life for Your Cast Iron Cookware.

By Bob Moore

If you have cast iron in your kitchen, you know exactly how versatile it is. If you don't have any, now might be the time to consider taking the plunge. Cast iron is an extremely useful tool for any cook and, if you take care of it the proper way, it can outlast any higher-priced cookware.

Cast iron has a number of advantages over its stainless steel and copper counterparts. Seasoned correctly, cast iron can be equally as nonstick as the pans that cost much more. Also, it's incredibly versatile. It can be used on the stovetop, in the oven, and even on the grill. As long as you take care of it, your cast iron will be around for quite a long time. So here's what to do and what not to do:

First and foremost, never place your cast iron cookware into the dishwasher. It will rust easily, which will affect not only the seasoning on the pans, but also the taste of the food, no matter how hard you try to clean it. All cast iron should be washed by hand.

Next, avoid using soap when you wash your cookware. All you really need is a little warm water and a steel wool pad. If you've seasoned your pans well, they shouldn't stick anyway. Then just dry with lint-free paper towels. As excess moisture will encourage your pans to rust, make sure you always store them without their lids.

Proper seasoning fills in the tiny pores and provides a protective coating, helping to prevent food from sticking. To season your cookware, simply rub it lightly with vegetable oil, lard, or shortening and place it in a 300-degree oven for about an hour. The more you do this, the more you will build up the protective coating.

If you want your cast iron to be around for a long time, then cooking acidic foods would be a cardinal sin. Cooking things such as tomatoes and lemon juice will ruin the seasoning of the pans since cast iron is such a highly reactive metal.

Finally, just remember that your cast iron is used for cooking, not storage. It's all right if you want to keep food warm in it during the meal, but be sure to move leftovers to another container and clean the cast iron completely. Exposure to additional moisture will only promote rust.

Depending upon the type of cooking you do most often, whether it's deep frying, pan frying, roasting, stewing, or a combination of all four, a Dutch oven and a heavy skillet will serve you well. All you have to do is make sure you stick to the proper care and cleaning techniques. If you do, you can rest assured you will have high-quality cookware that will outlast even the most expensive pots and pans. - 17268

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6 Easy Tips to Weight Loss Success

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Consume lots of water. Your body demands a lot of water therefore give it water. Water isn't just a way to flush toxin out but when you have more water in the body you'll in general feel fitter and healthier. This itself will deter any inclination to overeat. The best thing about water is it contains no calories at all.

2. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It's a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.

3. Drink a glass of water before you sit down to eat. Water will naturally make you feel fuller so you don't have to eat as much food.

4. Have a glass of water whilst you eat too. Take a drink after every bite and you'll feel full more rapidly so you will be able to leave the table feeling satisfied without feeling swollen. Consuming water when you eat will also help your food to settle faster, which also helps you to feel full faster.

5. Do your best to stay away from soda. All sodas are sweetened with lots of sugar. The more you can cut out of your diet the better. Also, diet soda is still soda. It may not have as much sugar, but it has other chemicals and components that are not good for your body either. If you drink a soda, counteract it with a glass of water. Remember, caffeine dehydrates you as well. Decaffeinated sodas still have caffeine in small amounts as well and just as much sugar, so they are not much healthier either.

6. Fruit juice Is not as healthy as many folks believe either. Juice really has lots of sugar in it too. Whenever you're craving a glass of juice, have fresh fruit juice rather than juice that contains man-made flavours and coloring. It's even better when you could make your own fruit juice. But make certain not to add too much sugar which adds up to the calories. Rather than drink fruit juice, consume more fruit. Fruit provides your body with a great deal of necessary fibre in addition to vitamins. - 17268

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Which Foods Are a Good Source For Resveratrol?

By Jeremy Lucas

In order to protect themselves from bacteria and other outside attacks many plants produce a substance called resveratrol. There are also some initial indications that this compound can be very beneficial to humans as well. Studies on this substance began when scientists looked into why red wine drinkers were less prone to develop heart disease. Even though resveratrol is very powerful, it really is not found in many plants.

What other plants have a high resveratrol content?

The food that has the most concentration of resveratrol is grapes, particularly the red and purple varieties. Resveratrol can also be found in mulberries, cranberries, and peanuts. Resveratrol is produced by plants as protection against diseases cause by changes in climate, and attacks by natural predators like bacteria and other microbes.

If a grape is grown in cool or rainy climates, or if it is organically grown, then it is likely that it has a higher resveratrol content than if it was grown in nice weather. This is because it is produced by plants to protect themselves from the outside world, and if it is grown in nice weather and has pesticides to protect it, then it will not need to do as much to protect itself. North Carolina is known as having grapes with the highest content of resveratrol.

Do not make the mistake of destroying the resveratrol content by heating up the fruit. Applying heat can drastically reduce the amount found in the raw food. Also, to get the most bang for your buck do not remove the skin of the food, as this is where most of the resveratrol is found. The best way to eat your grapes, berries, or peanuts is to eat them with their skins on and raw.

Since there are few quality sources of resveratrol, it may be a good idea to get additional amounts with a supplement. Many of the supplements on the market today are derived from Japanese Knotweed. However, you should still try to get as much as possible from an all natural source. This means you should also have one glass of red win per day.

Moreover, you should drink grape juice instead of wine. Although there are some researches that say alcohol may have benefits, excessive consumption will still be disadvantageous for our health. Fresh grape fruit should be your foremost choice. You should refrain from drinking store bought grape juice that contains too much sugar or even aspartame. Aspartame is actually listed as chemical poison, did you know?

Keep your fruit basket filled with strawberries, blueberries, and of course grapes. All of these are rich in antioxidants and contain a relatively good concentration of resveratrol. Also, these fruits only contain natural sugar that is healthy for our bodies. Fake sugar found in so many of consumer goods nowadays contain high fructose corn syrup that is infused with so many chemicals to make it sweet. This contributes greatly to the problem of obesity in young people and older people alike. - 17268

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Lower Ab Workouts - Should We Really Be Targeting Something So Specific?

By Jose Loni

Are doing lower ab workouts the answer? Should we really be targeting something so specific when we train with the objective of getting ripped abs? The answer is, "no". Ripped abs are not brought about by isolation exercises as a lot of people wrongly believe. Ripped abs are revealed when the body becomes lean and loses its excess fat.

A lot of ab machines and exercises are out there claiming they can solve your flab problem. However, because they work solely the ab area, you don't see any visible difference after using their machines and workouts. In fact, they just don't work because spot reduction really doesn't work.

Training just the abs, will not give you rock hard abs. Isolation exercises like ab crunches or lower abdominal strengthening will strengthen your abs, but it will not give you the definition that you want. In fact, you may not notice a physical difference from training the abs only.

If you really want to train your abs, work on your whole body. This can be done by doing multi joint exercise that help kick start your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you help your body use more calories and burn more fat.

Doing exercises like squats, lunges, spit squats, chin-ups, push-ups, and step-ups, we train using more muscle groups, which will help us burn more calories. The more muscle groups we train, the more efficient our muscles will be at expending more energy and forcing our body to burn more fat to help fuel our physical activity.

Doing short, quick bursts of intense training like a circuit program of jumping jacks-brisk walking-sprinting-walking makes our muscles work extremely hard. They start building up waste carbon dioxide and lactic acid, which the body must now get rid of.

All this clearing away, replenishing of oxygen and repair work uses up a lot of energy, which the body gets from excess fat stores. Addtionally, the training enlarges the muscles, which now require more energy to fuel their new size. This all translates into an increased metabolism.

When all is said and done, do we keep doing lower ab workouts and should we really be targeting something so specific? Current research says "no" and as far as sculpting six pack abs go, it definitely makes sense to lose the fat and the flab in order to allow the six packs to show through! - 17268

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