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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chest Building Exercises

By Jason King

There are some common misconceptions when it comes to building muscle for a solid chest. As with any area of the body it takes disciplined work of the pectorals to achieve that much desired chiseled look. Many body builders are under the impression that the best way to do this is through bench presses. To get a fully refined look on your chest there are other exercises you need to use.

To build a well defined chest you should add the exercises below to your routine.

Low Cable crossovers are an inner pectoral exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension. High Cable crossovers will also work the difficult to reach inner Pectorals.

Close grip bench press, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, and they also give a good workout to the triceps. Bench press-Wide grip will work the outer chest muscles.

Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles, but you really have to squeeze them together. Just like the bench press you can adjust the angle in which you attack the muscles. Wide gripped dips work the chest, and the angle of your elbows will determine what area of the chest you're working out.

When you vary your routines with these exercises it will help to prevent you from reaching a plateau in your training. You must remember to add enough rest between your workouts, and eat enough to make your chest grow.

Nutrition is just as important as lifting heavy weights when you're trying to get bigger. The muscle tissue tears as your lift the weights. Your muscles are repaired with what nutrients you put into your body. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Water is also important for any workout routine. Water is needed to keep you hydrated, process waste materials and transport nutrients to your cells. Along with all of these, water acts as a cushion for the joints and offers protection for the important internal organs. It is important to increase your daily fluid intake, as intensive workouts can easily deplete vital fluid levels.

Your body regenerates and heals itself while you are sleeping, this means that plenty of quality sleep is needed to prevent your efforts in the gym going to waste. Along with the fact that you will experience fatigue and not be able to endure workouts for the future.

Combine all of these elements and you will quickly build your muscles and have the strong, toned chest you desire. Just remember you need a good workout routine, plenty of sleep and a diet filled with the right foods. - 17268

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Are Mangosteen Juice Products Recommended?

By Julieanne van Zyl

This article discusses whether or not Mangosteen Juice products are necessary. If you are a frequent exerciser and you tend to continually keep fit, then you should be aware of what your body needs. One of the major reasons many people often fall sick is as a result of their lacking nutrients and optimal nutrition. For most people, this might not make sense, but for nutritionists and enlightened fitness buffs, I am sure that you can relate to this. During the day, we all tend to lose a lot of nutrients as a result of our daily activities and if this is not replenished on a daily basis, the body is more than likely going to come down with some ailment or may crash as a result of the stress.

Not just that, as a result of the increased demand on our bodies these days, and because we hardly ever eat healthily in the race against time and to make more money, we forget to fill our bodies with the necessary nutrients. These nutrients in the form of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals are really necessary for us if we are to become healthier everyday. Many fitness buffs will categorically state that they cannot do without their smoothies and food supplements because they know what the benefits really are.

However, people who require a lot more nutrition supplements than most are those who work out a lot. Exercising takes up many nutrients. For instance, people who work out a lot and break a sweat frequently need more nutrition supplementation than those who do not work out. This is because when you sweat you lose most minerals. You'll notice that individuals who exercise without adding additional nutrients often tend to look like they are too thin or under a lot of stress.

When consuming supplements, be sure to not just take those that have a high protein mass. Also opt for those that have a high quantity of macro and micro nutrients. This information is obtainable on the packaging of the supplements.

Mangosteen Juice supplements can be purchased on the web. In purchasing your supplement or shopping for one, you should be very cautious of what you choose. This is why it is constantly better to do your homework and check the labels or list of ingredients. The desires of a weight lifter are different from those of an athlete. As a result, they would be looking for alternative things and different quantities of specific nutrients and minerals available.

One repeated complaint that is often articulated by many supplement users is that they do not see the benefit or any result of taking it. Sadly , supplementation is not meant for those who are not willing to keep to it religiously . Most of those who say they do not see any results are often times accountable of not taking them as they should. If you are taking %LINK1%, ensure that you follow the instructions and you will most definitely see significant results in a very short while. - 17268

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3 Tips to Help Build Muscle Quickly

By Caleb Lee

Ever wonder how to build muscle quickly?

The tips will provide the solid and strong muscles everyone looks for. Using these tips will prevent you from obtaining the weak and fake muscles that disappear if you don't maintain them. Here they are:

Tip 1) Fast, Quick Work Outs

Your workout should not last more than one hour. As you work out, if you go past an hour, lactic acid will be produced. This will not benefit you at this stage as it is only hurting your workout program and also gives you more pain. One way to do this is by using more weight and less reps and sets. Also, using exercises that work many muscles at one time will benefit you the most and cut back on your total workout time. The most common are deadlifts and squats which also help you develop coordination and all around stability.

Tip 2) Eat Healthy

You don't need to go on a full fledge diet. This could make you sick. You want to create an intake of food with high protein and carbohydrates, with some fat, which help recover and build muscle quickly. I recommend 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. The best foods for protein are fish, eggs, chicken, and beef. Fats include fish oil and olive oil. Carbohydrates are oatmeal and fruits. However, these are just a small portion of these types of foods you can get these nutrients from.

Tip 3) Give Your Body a Break

The main period in your workout that your muscle builds the most is when you are sleeping. Getting at least 8 hours a night of sleep is crucial, if not more. Naps after workouts and in your spare time will give you even more benefits and help your body recover faster.

If you follow these 3 easy tips in your schedules, you can expect to see muscle build quickly and more efficiently. - 17268

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