Vegetable Juicing Is Important
The great thing about juicing is that it people who normally don't like the taste or texture of certain fruits find it much more appealing when it comes in liquid form.
The primary reason vegetables juicing is recommended over fruit juicing is because of the high levels of sugar in fruits. For some people who must watch their sugar levels fruit juicing adds too much sugar into their daily intake. Fruits also lack chlorophyll which is a reason for anyone to consume lots of green.
Chlorophyll is what makes the plants green and what else it does for the plant is really not the topic of this writing. What it does for you, however, is. Chlorophyll does many things to keep the body running at peak performance. It helps cleanse the body and serves as an antiseptic as well as a stimulator for the cells. In an interesting way, it also helps the creation of red blood cells.
The true benefit of chlorophyll is that it helps the blood. All the cleaning and antiseptic stuff is what the blood is suppose to do. Chlorophyll, by being so similar to hemoglobin, the part of the blood that carries oxygen and is what you are really benefiting, increases the amount of hemoglobin making your blood healthier and more effective. The body can convert chlorophyll to make hemoglobin and that makes the blood better at doing what it does.
The number of benefits from consuming massive amounts of chlorophyll has been increasing with new discoveries. The most obvious ones include increase in blood count, stabilization of sugar levels in the blood, and relief of gastric ulcers. There are also detoxifying and cleansing effects as a result of consuming chlorophyll.
Knowing that chlorophyll is what makes vegetables green, any vegetable contains chlorophyll and more in more green vegetables. But the ultimate richest sources of chlorophyll are from alfalfa, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina and wheatgrass. Depending on where you're from some of these produces may not be readily available. Do your best to vary the ingredients in your juice regularly.
Of the mentioned, chlorella is important for another reason. Chlorella contains high levels of vitamin B12 that is often found in animal products, and rarely in other vegetables. Some vegetarians get in trouble from a lack of B12 when it is easy to obtain chlorella tablets manufactured specifically for that purpose. Crush a tablet and mix it into your juice. Yummy. - 17268
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