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Friday, June 19, 2009

Vegetable Juicing Is Important

By Scott Emily

There are two differences between vegetables and fruits. Since power juicing makes each ingredient that much more potent, the differences in vegetable juice and fruit juice are magnified. To get the most benefit, always try to expand your variety of ingredients in both categories.

The great thing about juicing is that it people who normally don't like the taste or texture of certain fruits find it much more appealing when it comes in liquid form.

The primary reason vegetables juicing is recommended over fruit juicing is because of the high levels of sugar in fruits. For some people who must watch their sugar levels fruit juicing adds too much sugar into their daily intake. Fruits also lack chlorophyll which is a reason for anyone to consume lots of green.

Chlorophyll is what makes the plants green and what else it does for the plant is really not the topic of this writing. What it does for you, however, is. Chlorophyll does many things to keep the body running at peak performance. It helps cleanse the body and serves as an antiseptic as well as a stimulator for the cells. In an interesting way, it also helps the creation of red blood cells.

The true benefit of chlorophyll is that it helps the blood. All the cleaning and antiseptic stuff is what the blood is suppose to do. Chlorophyll, by being so similar to hemoglobin, the part of the blood that carries oxygen and is what you are really benefiting, increases the amount of hemoglobin making your blood healthier and more effective. The body can convert chlorophyll to make hemoglobin and that makes the blood better at doing what it does.

The number of benefits from consuming massive amounts of chlorophyll has been increasing with new discoveries. The most obvious ones include increase in blood count, stabilization of sugar levels in the blood, and relief of gastric ulcers. There are also detoxifying and cleansing effects as a result of consuming chlorophyll.

Knowing that chlorophyll is what makes vegetables green, any vegetable contains chlorophyll and more in more green vegetables. But the ultimate richest sources of chlorophyll are from alfalfa, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina and wheatgrass. Depending on where you're from some of these produces may not be readily available. Do your best to vary the ingredients in your juice regularly.

Of the mentioned, chlorella is important for another reason. Chlorella contains high levels of vitamin B12 that is often found in animal products, and rarely in other vegetables. Some vegetarians get in trouble from a lack of B12 when it is easy to obtain chlorella tablets manufactured specifically for that purpose. Crush a tablet and mix it into your juice. Yummy. - 17268

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Osteochondral Allograft, Microfracture, OATS, and ACI Surgery of the Knee: Cartilage Restoration

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Biologic treatments are best for knee disease or injury. Biologic treatment restores the knee to a near-normal state. Meniscal repair, reconstruction of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), and anatomic knee fracture repair are 3 of the types of biological surgical repairs that work well for knee injuries.

Orthopedists as well as patients often find managing a full-thickness, symptomatic chondral lesion of the knee to be problematic.

Injury leading to articular cartilage cell death can best be treated by restoring the surface cells of the joint. The surface cells are the articular cartilage. This is the shiny white surface of which all joints in the body are made.

This kind of tissue damage can be treated in four ways: Osteochondral Allograft, Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI), Osteoarticular transfer system (OATS), and Microfracture.

Click here for more on Arthroscopy of the Knee.

If the patient is young, a small lesion can be repaired with Microfracture surgery. When using this method, a pick-like tool will be used to enter the marrow of the knee multiple times under the chondral defect. These entries will stimulate the bone marrow. This causes repair tissue to be created. The repair tissue fills the chondral defect with fibrous cartilage tissue.

The patient will use crutches for about 6 to 8 weeks. He or she must forgo sports for half a year to a year. It may take as much as 18 months for complete relief of pain to be achieved.

The knee surface may be restored to a near-normal condition using a procedure called autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). If the knee defect is large, this procedure is used.

Articular cartilage cells harvested from the healthy part of the injured knee are used in ACI. This surgery may be used under very specific conditions.

These conditions are: 1. A full-thickness, weight-bearing, symptomatic chondral injury of the femoral articular surface. 2. A physiologically young patient. 3. The patient must understand and agree to participating in an 18 month rehabilitation process.

Surgery to the tibia and patella may not be successful. For this reason, insurance companies often refuse payment for surgery of this type. ACI is not a workable procedure for treating osteoarthritis. This is a condition in which two reciprocal joint surfaces are damaged. X-rays show narrowing of the joint space, as well as bone spurs. The use of a 3T MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can assess for ACI. This procedure can help determine the proper treatment.

Click here for more on Dr. Stefan Tarlow, a leading Arizona knee surgeon. - 17268

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Are Vacuum Food Savers A Scam?

By Hakeem Awadi

Rival has brought us all manner of exceptional kitchen appliances. One of its more popular offerings is its Rival seal a meal vacuum sealer. This is a top of the line sealer that is simple to work with yet at the same time pleasantly affordable. This vacuum sealer can even be hung on the wall for added convenience. Here's a look at how this Rival vacuum sealer is an excellent appliance to use in the home.

The Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer works with ease in that the Seal-A-Meal uses a single roll of plastic film. 8x10 inch and 11x10 inch rolls are available. The rolls may be easily installed onto the Rival seal a meal vacuum sealer with a quick and easy loading mechanism. This enables the rolls to be loaded correctly so that they can operate consistently. Quart sized bags can be used with also.

Once the roll is fitted into the Seal-A-Meal, no further steps are needed. The machine can start working after the roll is fitted. The only thing the user needs to do is choose the temperature settings, lay the food atop a layer of sealing material and then start the device so that the food can be safely sealed in an air tight fashion.

The Seal-A-Meal can also be cleaned quickly. The food channel is able to be removed from the front so that it will be cleansed, which allows the other parts to do its job properly.

The bags can be cut directly by the sealer. The appliance will cut a clean line which will allow the food to be safely held and guaranteeing that the bag will be tight.

The Rival vacuum sealer can even be fitted to a wall or cabinet for ease of storage. This is convenient in that the sealer will occupy a measurably smaller space in your home.

The Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer is affordable, too. Many comparable products can be priced at more than $150. The Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer, on the other hand, is extraordinary. This vacuum sealer is priced at about $100 American/$120 Canadian. Many stores can sometimes sell it for less than a hundred dollars during a sale. Additionally, extra plastic rolls can cost about ten dollars.

Some added accessories are made for the sealer too. An air hose for removing the air from the bags is offered as an accessory. Additional accessories include vessels to contain other parts in, and also to use for storing additional amounts of sealer bags.

The Rival vacuum sealers is a method of food storage that should definitely be looked in to. This sealer is unmatched in keeping foods fresh and is simple to use and maintain. It is also not as pricey as other sealers. It is a great choice for a vacuum sealer. - 17268

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Best Muscle Building Supplements - Are They Really Needed?

By Ricardo d Argence

In order to lose fat and build up muscle, many weight trainers end up taking muscle building supplements. Another reason they take them is to help them perform better and to also make it easier to recover from the exercising they do.

Some supplements are necessary to insure that you body receives the right amount of nutrition when you are increasing your activity due a training program. Lack of these can cause you to not have the energy necessary to do the strenuous exercises involved in bodybuilding.

Creatine as well as whey protein are top protein supplements and used to help build more muscle. Vitamins and minerals are also needed, and good supplements can provide you with those you need, helping to make sure you don't deal with a vitamin deficiency when you train.

Minerals and vitamins are what take the food eaten and turn it into the energy needed. Basic fat burning and muscle burning is also aided by certain vitamins. Amino acids, creatine, whey protein, and testosterone boosters are important protein supplements that can help you build more muscle as you work through your training program. They help keep muscles from being as sore and aid with building muscle too.

In order to burn off extra fat, fat burners, appetite suppressants, and even some carb blockers are used. Green tea is a natural antioxidant that can help give you a boost in energy that is al natural. Various energy boosters and other supplements are available to help you have all the stamina you need to keep up with the training program you are involved in.

First and foremost, you must eat healthy balanced meals. You cannot get all of your nutritional needs from supplements alone. Since it is hard to get the nutrition we need from the foods we eat due to over processing, cooking, and other factors, we need to also take supplements.

You cannot build up muscle by just taking minerals and vitamins. You will have to be dedicated and work very hard in order to build up muscle and lose that stubborn fat. Along with your good diet and training, the supplements can help you build muscle, but they can't do it on their own.

When it comes to bodybuilding, steroids are a bad choice. They can help to build up muscles fast, but they can harm the body. When the muscles grow so fast, the ligaments and tendons often can't keep up. This causes those using steroids to deal with more injuries.

They also cause extreme aggressiveness, affect liver and other essential functions in the body. There is not a magic pill that can make you build muscle and lose weight without a lot of hard work and dedication. These products can also be dangerous. - 17268

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The Mighty Consequence Of Antioxidants On Your Fitness

By Tyler Franklin

Antioxidants are a group of nutrients found in foodstuff that are known to check or slow the effects of oxidative injury in our bodies. Processes in our bodies that utilize oxygen cause oxidative damage. While oxygen is compulsory for life when our bodies cells utilize oxygen free radicals are created. Free radicals are a molecule that is absent one or more electrons. Free radicals are vastly unsound and can cause many problems within our bodies.

Antioxidants actually come in and bestow the missing electron to the free radical thus stabilizing it and preventing more damage. Antioxidants are plentiful in many of the foods found in nature and including high antioxidant foods can help us to check many of the problems of aging and check diseases such as heart and cardiovascular disease and cancers by strengthening our own immune system.

Some of the supreme antioxidant foods are the berries. Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries and even grapes and cherries are all high in antioxidants. The ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is how antioxidant activity in food is measured. All berries have a high ORAC level but the food with the highest ORAC level is in point of fact the acai berry. There are a couple of items with a higher ORAC level including ground cinnamon and cloves but as far as authentic food the acai berry surpasses all.

Fruits that have a high level of antioxidants comprise the citrus category, orange, grapefruit and lemons and many of the more tropical fruits such as kiwi, mango and papaya. Apples, pears and plums are also superb.

Most vegetables are tremendously high in antioxidants. Spinach, Swiss chard, kale and other greens are tremendous, and the cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower.

The orange foods are high in beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A. Pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash provide plentiful amounts of this vital nutrient. Beta-carotene is best provided by food intake as supplements have been found to cause problems, specially in smokers.

By consuming a colorful food intake you will be sure to obtain an abundant supply of antioxidants. Most of the vibrant and colorful foods found in nature are full in antioxidants. Berries are deep purple and red. Pumpkins and carrots are brilliant orange. Spinach and broccoli are deep green. Tomatoes and watermelon are red. Color is a big sign to antioxidant facility.

Research being conducted on antioxidants is proving a assistance for many of the things that distress us. Improved immune function can help stave off disease such as cardiovascular disease and cancers and even many conditions usually associated with aging such as macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. - 17268

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How To Buy Cheap Yoga Mats Online

By Steve Estes

I assume you already know what yoga is if you are looking around to buy cheap yoga mats online. But if not, here is a short definition.

Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise science that uses stretching, body postures and deep breathing techniques to help you heal and rejuvenate your body mind and spirit. The postures can be done while sitting, lying down, and standing.

While you are looking to buy cheap yoga mats, they must absolutely suit your purpose. Even a cheap yoga mat has to be comfortable or otherwise you will never succeed in your practice. This way the postures and breathing can become much easier.

So what makes up a good quality yoga mat? Obviously it has to be sturdy, you don't want to have to keep buying them every year. Look at it this way, people who buy the best are never disappointed.

As well, look for one that offers durability and strength. As mentioned, it must be sturdy enough for constant practice. It helps if the mat grips the floor to keep you stable enough to finish your practice session without sliding around when doing your routine.

Look, we all know that great quality yoga mats can run upwards to $50, but there is no reason to have to spend more than $10-$40 for yours. That said if you can avoid skimping on the important piece of yoga equipment, please do so.

Available in many styles and colors, traditional yoga mats can be made of a variety of materials. Things such as jute, linen, and cotton have been used for centuries. In fact you often see yogis sitting on materials like tiger skins or white deer skins. However if you are serious in your practice you want to forgo these endangered species for a more modern approach.

If you are online doing your own research look for modern materials that offer you a certain amount of traction. Also get something that is environmentally safe and easily recyclable so you can make it easier to get rid of if you ever need to.

I like to get a yoga mat that is simple to wash as I tend to sweat a great deal when I practice Bikram yoga. You will find a number of offline and online locations for buying your mats, just look around before purchasing. Clearly the amount of dough you are going to shell out is up to you, just be sure to get the right model for you to insure your comfort. - 17268

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Acai Berry Goods, The Most Important Items To Look For

By Theresa Q Watson

The acai berry has taken the nutritional world by storm. You can find a excess of diverse acai berry products online and at health food stores. Since the authentic acai berry has one of the maximum nutritional profiles of any food ever found in nature, many products are trying to benefit from on this little berry's great regard.

There are products out there that take full advantage of the innate nutritional value of this little berry, however, there are also some poorer products available. In order to receive the complete nutritional ability of the acai berry the products must be processed with a top-quality method.

The acai berry is tremendously perishable, thus it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree or it loses most of its nutritional value. There are two main methods of processing these berries, a superior method and an second-rate method.

Freeze-drying is the exceptional manner of processing. The berries are removed from the tree and without delay flash frozen and dehydrated. The result is a powder that closely maintains the original nutritional value of the genuine fresh fruit.

Acai berries are also processed using a spray-drying mode. Spray-drying uses heat, which compromises the nutrition and then it utilizes maltodextrin, a short-chained sugar starch, as a drying agent. Spray-dried acai berry is a blend of fruit and maltodextrin, rather than just the nourishing fruit.

Another thing to look for on the ingredients list is the amount of the authentic acai berry. If the ingredient list claims a "proprietary blend" that means that the company is not really telling you how much of the actual berry is contained in the product. A blend would be a mixture of acai and other probably inert ingredients. Look for a product that is exact in how much of the real berry is integrated.

Other things to be conscious of are other ingredients such as magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, rice or silica. These are filler and flowing agents and they lower the actual nutritional value of the product by dropping the quantity of actual acai berry.

In order to receive the supreme nutritional value make sure that the product you get is freeze-dried powder with the maximum concentration of the actual fruit. - 17268

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Liquid Vitamins and Minerals - Giving You Better Options

By Martin Castella

If you are looking for the quickest way to provide your body with all the right nutrients, you can look for liquid vitamins and minerals. When compared to taking supplements that are in their solid forms, liquid vitamins and minerals have prove their efficiency in delivering the right amount of potency needed by our bodies. Although the world is prone to a lot of deadly viruses, nutrients in liquid state can help in emphasizing the strength of the body's immune system.

Whether you are full-figured or petite, you still need your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Since these nutrients come in an assortment of names and types, a person must be responsible enough to know which ones are needed by their bodies and which ones should be taken on a regular basis. These help us carry out all the important tasks we have lined up for everyday.

As antioxidants, vitamins and minerals come in as health supplements or products in liquid form for better digestion of the body. These are then processed inside our system as organic ingredients made from natural elements that shall help the bodily organs carry out their functions.

The absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body is solely dependent on the state of the nutrients being processed. In liquid form, the supplements consumed by the body are processed at a more efficient and timely level, allowing the body to absorb all the strength and energy that it can.

It has also been found that a lot of people in their elder years find it hard to take in vitamins through capsules and tablets. In order to make digestion easier for their bodies, producers of health supplements have made liquid versions of their medicines.

In liquid form, these vitamins and minerals can easily recharge the bio-systems in the human body to ensure that the right support is given to DNA synthesis. Most supplements that contain our much-needed vitamins and minerals do not use those that are metallic in form, and instead focuses in enzymes and amino acids. It has been proven that heavy metals such as those containing mercury and lead can cause harm to the human body.

With the early 1990's being a year of distress for those people who've been diagnosed with mineral deficiency, people have been more cautious with the food that they eat. Without the right nutrients, the body is weaker and is more likely to contract diseases.

At this point in time, the economy is also not working very well to give the people right dose of food for everyday. This is also why individuals in the United States highly rely on supplements to give them the ideal measure of nutrients. Companies have already made ways on making prices for liquid vitamins and minerals cheaper for everyone to afford. - 17268

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Muscle Building Routine to Develop a Wide, Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

For most aspiring lifters, it's all about building a huge chest and arms. Week after week they slave away on endless sets of bench presses and barbell curls in search of the rippling muscle gains they want so badly. Not surprisingly, those gains never appear in any significant form.

And if you are not training your back in the right way because that's an area you cannot check in the mirror or because you think it's just doesn't worth the effort, then its clear that you doesn't know how important that area is.

If you really want to look huge, you better start working out your back with the best program. There's nothing like a well developed back to get that look and that's because 70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in the back area.

There are 4 major movements that you must perform to properly develop your back. And here they are:

1) Deadlifts. The deadlift will work you from finger to neck to toe and is irreplaceable in developing strong, thick back muscles. The deadlift will stimulate growth throughout the entire back complex and should be the cornerstone of your routine.

2) Vertical pulling movement. To get the most bang for your buck I recommend a basic overhand chin-up. This is the bread and butter of vertical pulling movements and will stimulate growth in the lats like no other exercise. Examples: v-bar pulldowns, chin-ups, lat pulldowns, etc.

3) Horizontal pulling movement. For maximum results, stick to a basic freeweight rowing movement. I usually recommend bent over barbell rows, but bent over dumbbell rows are an acceptable choice as well.

4) A shrugging movement. A basic barbell or dumbbell shrug will be enough for this part. Why is it necessary to perform this movement after your workout? To develop that mountainous, diamond-shaped look from behind.

Perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps of deadlifts, overhand chin-ups and bent over barbell rows and 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of barbell shrugs. That's all.

Perform this workout once per week with full effort and I guarantee that your upper body will appear thicker, wider and more muscular than ever before.

What about specific routines for the chest? What about the biceps, triceps and shoulders? How about the thighs, calves and abs? Don't worry, I will write about them in future articles. - 17268

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Weight Loss Research on Tonalin CLA

By Jane Moore

Tonalin CLA supplements are getting some positive reviews these days from a number of reputable sources. I struggle with an extra 10 or 15 pounds and I need some sort of outside help to get me on the right track. In the event that CLA doesn't work for me then I have lost nothing because there are no known side effects and the cost of a one or two month supply is fairly minimal. It's enough to get me interested in trying them for a month or two.

What I have read so far is impressive to say the least. The two most interesting reports have come from two research universities in North America. One university is Canadian and is located in Guelph, Ontario. The other university is American and is located in Wisconsin. Both of the research studies claimed that Tonalin CLA really works.

The Canadian study was conducted first and was based out of the University of Guelph in Ontario. The study was conducted in November and December and was particularly focused on monitoring the potential weight change over the Christmas holidays. It was an eight week study and studied 60 over weight adults. Thirty people took a CLA pill everyday while the other thirty people took a placebo pill. The results were simply remarkable. The CLA group lost weight in the time period leading up to the holidays and didn't gain any weight over the holidays even when they didn't exercise and ate loads of holiday treats. The placebo group gained some weight leading up to the holidays and then gained even more weight over the holidays.

The next year or the year after that, a group of nutritionists from Wisconsin attempted to redo the Canadian study. In this study they used 40 overweight adults and they studied them for six months. This study got the same results. Also in this study the CLA group claimed to have lost significant weight from the belly region. The medical community was very pleased with this as belly fat can lead to heart disease which is a major killer of Americans

Both the Canadian and American studies made sure that that all of the participating subjects consumed approximately the same amount of calories per day. Furthermore, all of the subjects had the same amount of daily exercise. By controlling for diet and exercise, the research teams could make certain that it was the CLA pill that was the catalyst for any changes.

I tend to look at the authors of research publications when deciding if the research is credible. In this case professionals at two respectable North American Universities conducted the studies. This means a lot to me. I am going to start taking Tonalin CLA and continue with my regular diet and exercise. - 17268

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Using Stevia to Navigate HCG

By Amelia Handley

HCG dieters have a very limited meal plan. One of the very few additives that is acceptable is Stevia. It's an herb from South America and has been used by native peoples as a sweetener centuries. Stevia offers dieters a zero calorie sweetener while reducing cravings for sweets and fatty food.

HCG dieters already have the advantage of the HCG working on their hypothalamus gland (which controls the emotional/eating and drinking portions of the brain). With the addition of Stevia to their diet regime, they have an additional tool helping them stick to their very low calorie diet. The Stevia is available in a wide variety of flavors from a wide range of outlets. Flavors include: Vanilla Creme, Peppermint, Apricot Nectar, Cinnamon, Root Beer, English Toffee, Valencia Orange, Grape, Milk Chocolate, Lemon, Dark Chocolate and Chocolate Raspberry.

Because there are so many flavors of Stevia available, every dieter is able to find one to suit their tastes. Most find it a necessary addition to the herbal tea that is a basic portion of the meal plan.

Stevia comes from the leaves of a small, green stevia rebaudiana plant. It offers a delicious and refreshing taste that is said to be up to 30 times sweeter than sugar. In addition to being good for weight loss, Stevia is a positive in fighting both diabetes and breast cancer.

Recent discoveries show Stevia even provide physiological remedies that afflict many dieters. It is said that many suffer from a defect; the hypothalamus fails to turn off hunger even when the individual's stomach is full. Studies are in their early stages, but early conclusions are that Stevia bridges the gap and allows the hypothalamus to perform its function.

The addition of Stevia to the HCG diet made it much more possible to navigate successfully. There are no side effects other than the obviously positive ones detailed above. So not only do dieters gain an extra tool to aid them in their quest to lose weight...they reap even greater benefits. - 17268

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How to Get The Best Out of The Popular Supplement, Resveratrol

By Jason Z. Thomas

Resveratrol is known to lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, and it's becoming more popular now that it has been featured on shows like 60 Minutes and Oprah.

Resveratrol is known as a potent antioxidant, and resveratrol may also help prevent heart disease, cancer, and a host of other ailments.

Recent research seems to prove that the resveratrol in the red wine favored by the French is what protects them from these diseases.

Studies show that the French habit of drinking a glass or two of red wine per day can protect a person from developing certain chronic diseases.

The answer may lie in resveratrol and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The resveratrol contained in red wine is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. Supplementing with resveratrol will help to keep your blood vessels open and free of clots.

The answer may lie in resveratrol and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The resveratrol contained in red wine is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. Resveratrol may help to prevent blood vessel blockages by keeping the vessels clear and soft.

Resveratrol is more potent than Vitamin E in protecting against the oxidation of LDL, which has been linked to the onset of heart disease. It may also inhibit the growth of tumors, by blocking the Cox-2 enzyme.

There is a lot of promising research that shows that resveratrol may be a potent cancer fighter/preventative, and new discoveries are being made almost daily.

Resveratrol is also found in the leaves and skins of red grapes. If you don't drink, there are non-alcoholic wine drinks that are high in resveratrol, too.

Resveratrol supplements are now widely sold, and they are usually in combination with grape seed extracts and other antioxidants.

There are a lot of resveratrol supplements on the market, and they are usually mixed with grape extracts. Check with your local health food store to see what's available.

With all the benefits of resveratrol, and the fact that using it carries no risk for you, there's really no reason not to try it- but you should discuss it with your doctor first. - 17268

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