Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Protein Drink Recipes

By Samantha Carter

Whey protein shakes along with whey protein itself have grown massively in popularity recently. The ability to get large amounts of protein quickly into the system has led to a huge demand for whey protein and whey protein based products. One of the most popular uses of this supplement is to make very simple but very tasty protein shakes.

Protein shakes are usually made with one or two scoops of whey protein powder with each scoop containing approximately 24 grams of protein each. One of the standard ingredients is milk, usually low fat skim milk. This is where the variety comes in, now based on what you wan you can have banana or any other fruit along with something like peanut butter.

The reason a lot of people dont try out whey protein is because they think that supplements are not good for you and will contain additives like steroids. Whey protein is not like that, its just pure protein that gets absorbed into the body much faster than other kind. While it can be a little expensive, the prices are slowly starting to drop.

An example protein shake:

Protein-Carb Almond Blaster Ingredients: Mix 2 Scoops of Vanilla MyoMax Meal or other protein with 10-12 oz of skim milk 1.2 cup of dry oatmeal 1.2 cup of raisins 12 shredded almonds 1 tbsp of peanut butter. Its like pudding!

And another recipe:

Chocolate Coffee Shake Ingredients: Mix 2 scoops of Alpine Milk Chocolate Protein Delite or other protein with: 1 cup of skim milk 5 ice cubes 1 cup of water 1 spoonful of instant coffee! Tastes like a gourmet concoction!

I have one before and after my workouts. Absolutely awesome. - 17268

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Discover Good Health And Dietary Supplements

By Rose Howard

You can find shelves full of nutritional supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs at every grocery store, national shopping chain and even thousands of online stores. People take supplements because they think that they are not getting the sufficient nutrition from their day after day diet and nutritional supplements can fill in the gaps.

A lot of debate exists about which nutritional supplements are beneficial to humans owing to concerns about daily value percentages and the power of the body to take up necessary vitamins and minerals in a supplemental pill or capsule. The Council for Responsible Nutrition a short time ago released findings that customary use of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements can help increase good wellbeing and prevent sickness and disease.

It has been shown that the constant use of dietary supplements like folic acid contributes to the substantial reduction of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies. Other supplements such as calcium have shown positive effects such as improved immunity and the decrease of breakable bones in elderly adults.

In a review of over 10 years of different studies on the health benefits of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements including Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, Calcium, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 Calcium, antioxidants, and folic acid the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements which established that the extensive use of an assortment of dietary supplements and multivitamins provides a durable health advantage for.

The studies cited in this report also found that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even just a folic acid supplement it may be likely to lessen the frequency of neural tube birth defects by as much as 70%. They also found that the aged patients who took supplements reduced the threat of hip fractures and enhanced their immune systems. The studies also indicated that the superior health from taking dietary supplements could produce considerable health savings by postponing or completely preventing illnesses and disease.

But not all of the studies and news updates on the subject of supplements is good. Lots of orange foods contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body. Studies found that beta-carotene from food sources reduced the threat of cancer and heart disease, boosted immunity and supported good sight. Because of the notable results on this antioxidant, numerous nutritional advisors began recommending it in supplement form.

But shortly after that, two exceptional studies showed that beta-carotene supplements essentially did more harm than good above all in smokers. The studies took folks who were at a elevated danger for lung cancer-smokers, former smokers and people exposed to asbestos and gave them either the beta-carotene supplements or a placebo. The study was discontinued when it found that the people who were given the beta-carotene supplements actually had a advanced ratio of lung cancer and a higher mortality rate than the placebo group.

Beta-carotene has been demonstrated harmless and beneficial when received from foods and this specific antioxidant is lavish in fruits and vegetables. However, supplementation of many nutrients may possibly be a good resolution because the majority of today's diets do not grant sufficient nourishment to preserve good health. - 17268

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Colon Cleansing and NatraTox

By John Steely

As our colons age, they can be the source of many illnesses and diseases.

The colon is a vital part of our body that keeps us healthy and eliminates the harmful wastes that we consume each day.

It also absorbs nutrients that allow us to live healthy lives and is thus a very important part of us.

Unfortunately, when it is filled with toxins, bacteria or more, there can be many long term poor effects on us.

Some of the other short term effects that can occur are a lack of energy, bloating and a loss of motivation as well as constipation.

To keep yourself healthy and clean, a colon cleansing supplement can aid you in your goals.

Colon cleansing supplements are a natural way to help your body cleanse your colon and eliminate waste so that you look better and stop looking bloated.

They also provie a gentle cleansing through their formulation and there are no side effects.

It works in a natural way using clinically proven ingredients to truly help you.

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle and lose weight in the process, take a look at NatraTox now. It is available now for a free trial so you can get a look at its effectiveness without even having to put down any money first! - 17268

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Great Protein Drinks

By Samantha Carter

There has been a massive in increase in the popularity of whey protein recently. This is in large part due to the fact that as far a person who works out is concerned, the body absorbs the protein from whey much faster than any other method. With this growth in popularity, the most popular use of the powder is to make whey protein shakes which are quite tasty.

Protein shakes are usually made with one or two scoops of whey protein powder with each scoop containing approximately 24 grams of protein each. One of the standard ingredients is milk, usually low fat skim milk. This is where the variety comes in, now based on what you wan you can have banana or any other fruit along with something like peanut butter.

One of the reasons whey protein was shunned initially was because of its association to supplements with additives such as steroid and other agents harmful to the body. Fortunately whey protein is pure protein and its only real failing is that while affordable it is still a little expensive to have it in large quantities.

Here is an example recipe:

Banana Protein Shake Ingredients: 30g Protein Powder (plain or vanilla) 1 medium to large banana 8 oz. light Soy Milk 1 TBSP Linseed, Soy and Almond Mixture 1 tsp Golden Syrup Few drops vanilla essence/extract 3-4 cubes ice 1 TBSP low fat natural yoghurt (optional depending on diet) Throw into blender for several minutes. Solid filling shake with zero fat and PLENTY of energy. Great as a meal replacement or after workout snack.!

Whey protein shake recipe 2:

Protein-Carb Almond Blaster Ingredients: Mix 2 Scoops of Vanilla MyoMax Meal or other protein with 10-12 oz of skim milk 1.2 cup of dry oatmeal 1.2 cup of raisins 12 shredded almonds 1 tbsp of peanut butter. Its like pudding!

I have one before and after my workouts. Absolutely awesome. - 17268

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Calories In Sushi

By Daniel Jackson

I became a big fan of sushi because of a recent shift to working out and trying to lose weight, so whenever i go out with my friends i try to avoid the junk and richer sort of food and look for the healthiest options. It was after hearing about the health benefits and calories in sushi that i became a fan of it.

Sushi, and seafood as a whole are generally very healthy and offer some of the best nutritional value around. They are packed with nutrients and protein and are very low in fat, which of course depends on how you make it. Unlike most forms of meat sushi contains very little saturated and like chicken is a great source of lean protein.

What kind of fat can be found in sushi?

The majority of the fat found in sushi is from the well known Omega-3 fatty acids. This fatty acid is essential for human nutrition and japanese food thanks to the high amount of seafood is a very rich source of it.

What kind calorie counts do you get in sushi?

Lets have a look at just sushi rolls. This is the most popular type of sushi and with the lowest calorie count coming in at 140 for an avocado roll it makes for a very good meal to be eaten out. If protein is what you are after then eat tuna roll, it gives you 20 grams of protein.

Tell you friends about the calories in sushi and the health benefits and you wont need to convince them to switch to japanese. - 17268

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Does Tonalin CLA Help Reduce Belly Fat

By Jane Moore

Can Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) help you lose weight and specifically help you reduce belly fat? The answer might be surprising. Thousands and thousands of people struggle with being overweight. Being overweight or obese causes dangerous health problems and can negatively impact your quality of life by lowering self esteem. New studies are giving increased hope to the idea that a simple natural supplement may help people lose weight.

Recent research done out of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, found that overweight adults who took a daily supplement of CLA managed to lose weight prior to Christmas holidays. More importantly, the subjects taking the CLA supplement were able to maintain their weights while simultaneously reducing the amount of their daily exercise and indulging in typical holiday fare.

A few years later researchers from the University of Wisconsin attempted to repeat these findings. This study lasted a total of six months and different periods within this six months were analyzed. Nutritionists gave 20 overweight study subjects a daily supplement of Tonalin CLA pills and the other 20 took a placebo pill.

The nutritionists from Wisconsin found that the experimental group that took the CLA supplement lost weight before the holiday season and did not gain any weight over the holiday season. They also found that the experimental group who took the placebo had Christmas holiday weight gain that much more than what was gained in the pre-holiday period. Throughout the entire study, there were no differences between the control group and the CLA supplement group with respect to exercise or amount of calories consumed.

During the pre-holiday period, which for the purposes of this study included November and December, the group taking the CLA supplements lost weight while the control group gained a total of 1.5 pounds of fat mass. As is to be expected, both experimental groups did less physical activity over the holidays. However, the CLA supplement group still managed to reduce their total body fat mass. Over the course of the 6 month study period, the CLA group lost a total of 2.2 pounds of fat. The subjects who took the CLA supplement found that there was also a tendency to lose belly fat. Losing belly fat is great for your health as that is the type of body fat that increase the risk of heart disease. Just over two pounds of fat might not sound like much but this loss was strictly ?fat? and not muscle loss or water loss. The researchers were able to measure the exact ?fat? loss by using highly accurate and sophisticated tools including under-water weighing.

There are a few different types of CLA supplements. Research showed that a mixture of two common forms held the most promise for fat loss. Happily, this mixed form is easy to find. Tonalin CLA is the only easily available and clinically proven form of CLA. It was used in the above described studies.

The studies and research seem to indicate that that there are very few risks in taking the mixed-form Conjugated Linoleic Acid or Tonalin CLA supplements. If considering whether CLA supplements would be an appropriate inclusion in your weight loss program you should talk to your doctor. - 17268

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How Important Are Quality Vitamin Supplements?

By Macris Sparks

Vitamins are very important to our bodies. There are thirteen different vitamins that our bodies need. Some of these are fat-soluble, while others are water-soluble. They are used for everything from regulating organ function to producing hormones.

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins. The variety and content of vitamins differ from each other. There are those which has more fat soluble vitamins and there are those who have less. Super foods such as the acai berry, goji, pomegranate, blueberries and mangosteen have also higher contents of vitamins as well as antioxidants to minimize the effects of aging..

Most people find they can get enough vitamins in their foods like fruits and vegetables, but if you do not, you can take vitamin supplements as well. However, if you want to take supplements, you should be concern with the standard of those supplements.

The first step you should remember if you want to take vitamin supplements is to talk to your doctor or a health care professional. Vitamin supplements are not regulated by the government like drugs are. They are instead classified as food products. A medical professional can tell you many things about the different vitamins you can take. Simply put, vitamin supplements are meant to help your body, not to hurt you, and your doctor can see to it that this is not a problem.

The quality of the vitamin is very important. Every manufacturer can make their vitamins differently. They are not regulated therefore the producers can put variety in their products. Be sure you are getting the strength of a specific vitamin you may need that you are not getting from your diet. There are high quality vitamins and there are those whose quality is poor. Do your research or ask your doctor for a recommendation which brand and product is good.

When you?re in the health food store facing a wall, which one should you select? For a start, look at the specific brands your doctor recommends, because these will be the brands that are proven to work and safe to use. However, your doctor may know of more than one safe brand of vitamin supplement. If so, it is up to you to use the one that is right for your budget.

Be wary of the labels because they are important. It tells you how much of which vitamin is contained in each capsule and the recommended dosage. Be careful to follow instructions of those vitamins which give special instructions. Your health and safety is of utmost importance. You?ll be safe if you follow directions carefully. If you cannot find any labels which are printed clearly, better seek for another brand. The expensive ones usually are of higher quality. The choice is up to you, cheaper ones may also give you the same benefit.

If for some reason you are unable to eat fruits and vegetables daily, the wise thing to do is to take vitamin supplements so as to give your body the sustenance it needs. Our wellness can get us through the challenges of our day to day lives. Let?s give our bodies the nutrition it needs. - 17268

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The Warning Letter from Your Evil Body Fat

By greckery graboo

A letter from one of your pals, body fat. This summer was a great one, wasnt it? Great food, great times, and hanging around eating way too much.

I was thinking about hanging around another great year or longer if you dont mind. Also I was thinking of expanding my place so youre going to need to get some larger pants though again.

I was wondering if you could do me a favor and not do that interval training again. Last time I thought I was going to start looking for a new place to live. I was screaming "help me Im melting!" you probably heard me; I was like the wicked witch of the west.

Instead of all of that you should go with slow cardio stuff. I will get a little sweaty, But the brain up top thinks it is getting a real fat melting workout, but it does not get me off you.

Remember to keep listening to those experts who say strength training does not get rid of body fat. When research says that they are incorrect, and if you did use strength training to your exercise you would have to say goodbye to me.

Last time you did one of those super set workouts it was like there was a forest fire under by butt. I was burning up down here!

Man was I thrilled you gave that up and went back to lifting utensils and not dumbbells. If you had not we wouldnt be celebrating another summer together.

Sometimes I wonder what exactly you did without me in college, your blobby belly fat. You would have been a person who could not wait to go and show your hot body, but not these days.

So keep those no show clothes on and stay in the shade, thats how we do it now. Why not? The shade is closer to the BBQ and the cold beer when we could be down at the beach where all the fun is.

Well it was great catching up with you! As long as you stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine Im sure we will be in touch a lot more of the time.

I dont think a frying pan could fry as much belly fat as the Turbulence Training workout program. I start to tear up every time I start thinking about it.

So again, if you want me to stick around for another year or so remember to not use the Turbulence Training. - 17268

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2 Reasons Why Low Calorie Diets Don't Work, and Never Will!

By Thong M. Dao

Are you planning to follow a low calorie diet plan in order to lose weight fast? Before you do, read this article to find out why low calorie diet plans don't work.

We have received a huge amount of reports from individuals who have tried many popular low calorie diet plans, for weeks and even months. Unfortunately the success they had was small, only a couple of pounds. Many individuals have gotten so aggravated with low calorie diets, that they stop trying to lose weight all together.

The number one reason why low-calorie diet plans don't work is: when you eat low-calorie foods, your body basically remains malnourished. You feel sick and tired at all times. Forget about exercises, you don't have enough energy to complete even your regular activities.

Our unsuccessful low calorie diet is due to our metabolic rate becoming low. Here's two tips that will help you lose weight successfully.

1. Calories are not your enemies. Calories are not what you should avoid, they're required to supply your body with the necessary nutrition and energy. When your body gets enough food, it'll increase your metabolic rate, which will automatically result in weight loss!

Most individuals have a sweet tooth. I am sorry to inform you those junk foods are bad calories. Consuming junk food will surely add more fat to our body.

You need to let go of empty calories foods (i.e. junk food) and hold on to negative calories, like fruits and vegetables.

"Negative calories" doesn't mean they do not have calories; it only means our body will burn more calories to absorb these foods than what they actually provide. And burning more calories means weight loss.

2. Muscle building is a must. Do you know that in order to maintain themselves, muscles burn a lot of your calories? This means the more lean muscles you have, the faster you will be able to lose weight.

Eating protein-rich foods is a good way to build lean muscles, working out regularly in the gym is another. There's another yet advantage of eating protein-rich foods: you won't feel hungry too often and the possibility of overeating is slim to none.

When you eat low-calorie foods, you're not able to build muscles; instead you LOSE them. When your body doesn't have enough lean muscles, it can't burn fat since your metabolic rate remains at an abnormally low level. So that's one more reason why low calorie diets don't work.

If you want to lose muscle and water, then low-calorie diets are for you. However, for those who want to lose fat, apply these two steps and your weight loss success will be guaranteed. - 17268

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Do we Really Need to Buy Organic Chicken?

By Andrea Kristi

Chicken is a great source of protein. It is considered to be one of the healthiest meats and poultry; however, if you really care about your health, make sure you choose organic chickens.

Eating non-organic chicken on a regular basis is not the safest choice, because many farmers commonly use arsenic, best known as a deadly poison, in conventional chicken feed. Multiple studies show that prolonged exposure to arsenic may cause type 2 diabetes, heart and liver diseases and even certain forms of cancer.

Some studies show that children of women who were exposed to arsenic while pregnant, may be at an increased risk of cancer later in life.

Other studies and research showed that young chickens have the highest levels of arsenic among other meats and poultry. According to the research it may be up to four times higher than in other meats.

Exposure to large quantities of arsenic causes immediate death, so arsenic is called a deadly poison for a reason.

No arsenic is used in organic chicken feed. Organic chickens are fed all natural grains, which were grown on chemical and pesticide free farms. Organic chicken is also not given antibiotics, vaccines or growth hormones. They get daily access to sunshine and fresh air and they have lots of room to move. If you think that sunshine and fresh air only benefits the chickens, you are wrong.

Chicken that can run freely and are living healthier lives, have used muscles, instead of wasted muscles. Organic chicken and their eggs have a richer taste; they have high beneficial fats and higher amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Not everyone can afford buying organic food and organic meat regularly. People on a budget should check local farms and look for organic farmers in their area. They often offer organic food and poultry for lower prices.

Even if you dont care about your health and dont mind getting exposed to arsenic, give organic chickens a try anyway. If you experience their rich taste, you may never want to buy any other chicken again. - 17268

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Body Detox Dieting Is It Safe

By Ron C Cripps

If you would like to do a body detox, you dont need to pay out hundreds of dollars on experts to tell you what you already realize. In its place, take a crack at following these uncomplicated steps.

Commence with, halt completely smoking and drinking. In order to start your body detox, you must start by stopping all the substances that are poisoning it, and alcohol and smoking are the major causes your body is chock-a-block of toxins to start with.

It sounds hard right?, however if you are genuine regarding your well being, then you will have to stop. You will be able to still drink alcohol once and a while (no more than once in seven days and in very small quantities), and you ought to have no difficulty reducing your intake. On the other hand, if youre not capable to break off drinking alcohol or limiting your intake, it follows that you should get certified aid. If you have a drinking issue, you can detox your body later on and you should focus on that predicament instead.

Even though you can still drink alcohol in limited quantities, you cant go on with smoking. Smoking not only pollutes your body with nicotine, but with a combination other bad toxins as well. You just cant detox your body and smoke. No ifs, no buts, not just a little, not only at parties.

One more way to detox your body is doing exercise. This also requires a lot of willpower and dedication, but it has various rewards. To start with, sweating is your bodys best way of removing toxins. Your bodies circulation will operate better and so will your respiratory functions. It will in addition let you vent off all the stress that results from your work, traffic, and other annoying situations, so youll in reality feel healthier and contented after exercise. If youre regular, you will see that you either lose weight or little by little transform that flab into muscle.

You should drink more water when doing a body detox. This will help your body stay hydrated and clear of toxins. This will clear harmful toxins faster. Professionals say you should drink 2 liters or half a gallon of water per day. Oh, and by the way coffee doesn't count in this. In truth, you ought to think about limiting your coffee intake if you propose to do a body detox, at least for the duration of the master cleanse diet.

In conclusion, you should contemplate adjusting your eating lifestyle. For a complete body detox, you should stop snacking all the foods you understand arent advantageous for you. Cake, chips, candy, chocolate an so on. You know which ones, I dont have to tell you which ones.

So, there you are. Some basic tips to detox your body. No pills, no prescriptions, no doctor bills. It sounds difficult, but its a good idea to do it now that youre healthy, than waiting for a sickness to bestow you the drive your require. - 17268

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Ten Power Foods To Give You Better Health

By Spencer Gabato

Is there a secret to a healthy and long life? It starts in the food we eat. As you well know, some foods are healthier than others. Choosing what food you eat can determine your life expectancy and so too is the quality of your life.

Here are ten of the top power packed foods created to give you energy, vitality and all around good health!

1. Oatmeal - This food can lower your blood cholesterol as well as keep your blood sugar constant. It is growing in popularity as such. It does not matter how you prepare it, it can provide you with fiber that your body needs and keep hunger at bay.

2. Beans - Beans can give you gas so for precautions, you can soak it first before cooking. Lentils, chickpeas, kidney and navy beans are all high in protein. This kind of protein are very low on carbohydrates, fat and calories. The fiber it contains can promote a healthy digestive system.

3. Allium foods - Garlic, leeks shallots and onions all have allium which is health promoting. Garlic can lower your cholesterol. Vegetables with allium help prevent the risk of cancer. They can prevent blood clots and lower your blood pressure. More health benefits can be acquired if you eat these foods raw.

4. Fruits - Talk about antioxidants which neutralize free radicals and prevent cancer, fruits are filled with them. Berries such as acai, goji, blueberries have high contents of antioxidants. Eating a variety of fruits is recommended since each fruit has its own strengths. Antioxidants in fruit can boost the immune system and has anti aging properties.

5. Flax seed - These seeds contain omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. High cholesterol prevention, fighting diabetes and heart disease prevention are just some benefits that you can derive from these seeds. Ground flax and cottage cheese are the main ingredient of the popular budwig diet which can help cancer patients.

6. Salmon - One of the strong qualities of omega-3 fatty acids is that it can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and reduce heart disease risk. These fish have good fats which are proven to boost the health of adults and children as well. Proteins in salmon can help build muscle tissue.

7. Nuts and seeds - Nuts are high in fat but those fats are the friendly kind. Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios are all providers of good fats and protein. Crush them into a fine powder and use as a covering instead of higher carb bread crumbs. Nuts help to lower cholesterol levels. Eat them right out of the shell with no additives for best results.

8. Peppers - Peppers come in different colors. They contain fat soluble antioxidants (beta-carotene) as well as water soluble antioxidants like vitamin C. Its taste can range from mild sweet to very hot. Capsaicin is a substance that can be found in all pepper varieties. Notable properties of capsaicin are: anti-inflammatory, lower the risk of cancer, lower the risk of heart disease, and a pain reliever.

9. Yogurt - The fat free variety can give more health benefits to you. It is high in protein, vitamin B, and calcium. You can take yogurt as a calcium source if you do not drink milk. Your digestive system can also benefit from this food because it contains live friendly bacteria.

10. Acai - This berry has been in the news lately. It is rich in antioxidants and increases energy. You can get more done and look better while doing it. You can get Acai berry juice and supplements in your health food store.

Start eating the right foods and you are on your way to a healthier and better you. - 17268

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