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Monday, March 30, 2009

Finally, a Healthy Alternative to Energy Drinks

By Marcus C. Evans

It's 4pm and you are about to leave the job, but you feel so tired and deflated that you're not sure you'll have the energy to do anything when you get home. You've already been through half a pot of coffee, and you know that any more of that and you'll be in big trouble.

Is there anything out there that is natural, tastes great and will help you get that 4pm pick me up? You can bet on the acai berry and acai berry products to get you out of that evening slump.

Sure there are a lot of products being sold now that promise a quick pick me up. They claim their product or drinks are all natural, but do you really know what you are getting? Most of these products simply don't work or can even be harmful to you! That's certainly not what you are looking for. What has taken over US and European markets is now making its mark on Australia.

The acai berry is a delicious fruit you will want to try. Acai drinks are made from acai berries. These berries come from the acai palm, a palm that has been harvested in South America for several hundred years. The acai berry is plain and resembles a grape. However, this berry tastes like chocolate fruit, if you can imagine that!

In South American, the acai berry provides more than 40% of the nutrients in people's diets. The people of South American use the berry in many ways. Eaten fresh, as a drink, a topping on ice cream and more.

The acai berry and acai berry products have been considered a source of quick energy by the people of South America. The berry is a bit high in fat content, so it tends to ripen very quickly. That is why it is sold as a processed powder or in a freeze-dried condition outside of the South American region. You will be able to find acai berry products in many Australian health food markets.

The acai berries are known for their health benefits. Energy is just one of these benefits. The acai berry is abundant in antioxidants containing more than red wine. It is also jam packed with amino acids, protein and omega 3 fatty acids. The berries are a great source of fibre which we all know is needed for proper bodily functions. The berry also contains natural sugars we need and is pretty much the perfect fruit to be an energy producer for all Australians craving a healthy energy boost.

When faced with a daily shortage of energy or power or thoughts of more coffee (not a good idea) or using one of the questionable energy drinks on the market, a supply of acai products in the office refrigerator will keep you on your toes. You can have a healthy energy drink anytime there is a dip in your energy level.

If you want to feel good all the time, then acai is for you! - 17268

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Planning a vegetable garden- what you must know

By Petra Spink

Planting a vegetable garden can be a very rewarding hobby as well as provide you with a healthy food source. Planning a vegetable garden gives you the chance to grow only the ones that you and your family love and it gives you the satisfaction of knowing that they are healthy and contain no pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Sometimes people are turned off by vegetable gardens, arguing that they will be too difficult or time-consuming. In fact, it really can be simple and fun! If you follow some simple steps, you can create a great source for enjoyment and have healthy, delicious vegetables your family will enjoy eating.

You will want to pick a spot in an area that receives a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for your vegetable garden. If you have a more shaded area, leafy plants like spinach and lettuce are better choices as they are more tolerant of shade.

If you do not have the best soil you can improve it with compost, leaf mold, rotted manure, peat moss, or other organic matter. It is hard to grow things in clay soil, but it is not impossible. You can add some vermiculite or humus to help improve the drainage. To test your soil, take a handful and squeeze tightly. When you release your hand, the soil should crumble slightly but retain the basic shape.

Vegetables need to be mulched in the early summer. The thicker the mulch, the better to keep away weeds. It will also aid in providing keeping the soil moist. Some great things that can be used for mulch include compost, straw, hay, and shredded tree bark.

As you start planning a vegetable garden, a drip irrigation system may be a smart choice to install for your garden. This will deliver water directly to the roots of the vegetables where it is needed most. A timer can even be installed, automating the times you irrigate your plants and freely you for other activities.

Choosing the vegetables that you will be growing is very important. You want to choose the ones that will grow the best in your soil and ones that both you and your family will enjoy. Many people will experiment and grow things that they find they don't even like, so when planning a vegetable garden, focus on the varieties you truly enjoy eating.

There really is nothing quite like growing your own produce safe in the knowledge you are feeding your family nothing but pure goodness. Your hard work and effort will pay off so long as you stick to some of the basic rules and tips that people with experience are all too ready to hand out. Don't try and reinvent the wheel just follow the guides that have brought success to others. - 17268

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The Top Six Tips on the Best Way to Lose Weight

By Titania Cole

Some people believe that there is no one single best way to lose weight. However, there are some strategies that come closer to ensuring weight loss compared to others. One of the best ways to effectively shed pounds is to eat. You read that right. There are ways and means to not get fat and still eat what you want.

Meal Planning

Food is not all there is to blame. The real problem is how and when you eat your food. Indiscriminate eating can do you in. The solution therefore is to not be liberal with your food choices and schedules. You need to plan your meals everyday to ensure that you dont eat too much of something. You can keep a special food calendar intended only to keep track of what and when you eat.

Calorie Counting

This is as old as the concept of dieting itself. Some people though take calorie counting for granted. If you feel that it is too much of a chore to count calories, you can use any of the free online counters to help you out. Typical counters help you figure out how much you are burning in various activities and how many calories you should be ingesting based on your personal details.

Portion Control

Portion control plays a big role. Eating wont be the best way to lose weight without portion control. This simply means that you can even eat foods with carbohydrates and fat as long as you make sure that you eat within your limits. Aside from dividing food types into appropriate portions, you should also make sure that you eat your portions at the right time. You should never skip breakfast. It is also a good idea to divide your daily meals into five instead of three. This will help ensure that you dont go too hungry in between meals.

Water Rationing

Drinking water has a lot of advantages. This time, dieting experts recommend that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help you lose weight. Water can help ensure proper digestion and plays a role in fat metabolism. Moreover, water can contribute to efficient waste disposal.

Regular Exercise

Proper diet should always be coupled with regular exercise. You may already be able to lose weight through meal planning and portion control. You will however improve your chances of achieving sustainable weight loss if you make exercise a habit too. Add muscle enhancing exercises to your aerobic routine and you will also promote better muscle tone.

Food Diary

Keeping a food diary is another helpful technique to help you lose weight. This is especially if you are still starting out with your program. A diary will not just help you take note of what you put into your body. It can also help motivate you to do better and to stick to your diet plan.

It seems preposterous that eating can be the best way to lose weight? However, the sooner you realize that food is not your enemy, the closer you are to healthy and effective long term weight loss. - 17268

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The Relationship of Nitric Oxide to Bodybuilding

By Stan Peiles

Nitric Oxide (NO) acts as a significant agent to any mammalian physiological processes. The main goal of NO is to control blood circulation and proper regulation of other vital organs such as brain, lungs, kidneys etc.

The nitric oxide is also responsible for the manufacture of killer T-cells inside the immune system. These cells kill parasites and other viral infections.

Why Nitric Oxide in Bodybuilding Nitric oxide has an important purpose in bodybuilding.

Due to its nutritious contents (nitric oxide boosters consist of B-sitosterol, ursolic, ghycosides, plant sterols, anthrquinoidenes, potassium, zinc, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron), those nitric oxide boosters aim to enhance the circulation of your blood. When there is proper circulation of blood, you feel more excited to train hard inside the gym.

Taking NO boosters is a must. Using it improves your overall fitness conditioning. It can even triple the amount the sets and reps you normally do inside the gym.

Bigger muscles and better pumps mean your self-confidence is improved and you feel stronger, fitter and healthier in the days to come. Your dream to hunt girls in beach on a hot summer while them looking at your ripped figure will surely be realized.

Say Goodbye to Yesterday, Say Hello to NO

Just beware that NO can develop your overall physique but it can also be disadvantageous to your health. Various NO boosters contain amino acid arginine-alpha-keto-glutarate and this amino acids can exacerbate things instead of achieving good results you are expecting. You need to be aware that too much of NO can lead to diarrhea, nausea and unexplainable fatigue.

For this, it's important to be attentive at all times. Don't experiment with the dosage when you're unsure about it. Having the great benefits with less side effects is already a pleasing sign that you're on the right board, don't expect for more.

To avoid complications and other side effects brought by NO boosters, it's still important to see your doctor. Your doctor can clarify to you the step-by-step details you need to understand about NO boosters.

I'm confident you prefer to be safe and sound than to be sorry, right? - 17268

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