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Friday, February 27, 2009

Nutrient Supplements and Food for Prostate Health

By Sam G. Simth

Sexual dysfunctions in men are often results of physical disability, especially spinal code injuries or multiple sclerosis. If you encounter these health issues, the last thing one need is to have sexual problems further aggravated by prostate disorders.

Fifty percent of men between the age of 40-59 years old and most elderly men will develop prostate disorders. Out of this, one fourth of 50-years old will have some cancerous cells.

Most common prostate disorders are 1) non cancerous enlargement of prostate 2) the most frequent male malignancy - cancer 3) inflammatory infection called prostatitis. Prostate disorders often affect urination because the gland surrounds the urethra that drains the bladder.

Testosterone declines after age 40 and a testosterone variant called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and the female-associated hormone estrogen increases. DHT stimulate cell growth and this will lead to prostate enlargement.

Food and Nutrient Supplement:

Prostate dysfunction has been called a nutritional disease. It is much more common in developed Western countries that emphasize animal-derived foods, such as red meat, dairy products, and eggs, all foods that tend to accumulate environmental toxins. In contrast, fruit- and vegetable-rich diets exert a protective effect.

Growing evidence suggest that milk may be bad for the prostate. The culprit appears to be calcium in the milk. Excessive calcium intake, regardless of the source, apparently suppresses the synthesis of a form of vitamin D that inhibits prostate cancer.

Some studies have shown that men who consume tomatoes or tomato based foods, watermelon, guavas and pink grapefruit are less likely to get prostate cancer. This because these foods contain a powerful antioxidant agent called lycopene that gives them their characteristic red color.

Another prostate-protecting food is fructose, this is found in found in fruits. Unlike calcium, fructose stimulates the production of a vitamin D form that inhibits tumors.

Lack of zinc also affects the prostate because this gland uses it much more than any other body part. By taking zinc supplements can reduce prostate enlargement. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc.

Increasing selenium intake, whether through supplements or selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts, has been shown to reduce prostate-cancer risk.

Vitamin D; vitamin E - an antioxidant that slows down cancer growth; foods products which contain cancer-inhibiting agent genistein and garlic may slow down prostate cancer. - 17268

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Simple and easy chicken breast recipes

By Foong

The healthiest part of the chicken is probably the chicken breast because of its lack of fats. However, it is also very easy to cook and quite a versatile meat. You could prepare a lot of different dishes using chicken breast by baking it, grilling it, roasting it, stir frying it, deep frying it and even add all sorts of sauces and condiments to it to make it delicious as ever.

Baked chicken breast meat, without its skin, is by far the healthiest option for protein other than eating baked fish. However, it need not taste horrible or bland at all. There are so many different sauces and ways to prepare the chicken breast meat that baked chicken breast meat will never be plain, old boring food ever again.

There are chicken recipes aplenty for you to try out but which recipes are really suitable for chicken breast meat? The breast meat is probably one of the most versatile meat you can have so you can actually prepare it in many different ways. One of the easiest ways is to grill the chicken breast meat using either a griller or an oven. You only need to season the chicken with some special chosen sauces and grill it. Simple as that.

Another way to cook chicken dinners healthily is to stir fry it. You only need to chop the chicken breast meat into small strips, season it with the appropriate sauces and then stir fry it using about a tablespoon of cooking oil only. Of course, it involves some basic stir frying techniques but it is pretty easy.

So, if stir frying it not your cup o tea, you can try roasting. Roasting is not only confined to whole chicken but also to chicken breast meat. You can slather on some sauces and condiments onto the meat before you roast it for some great tasting treat. Otherwise, go for the most tasty favorite way to prepare chicken, deep frying. You will need to marinade your chicken with some buttermilk first. Then dip it into egg whites and cover it with breadcrumbs for extra crunchiness. Then you deep fry it to a golden crispiness.

Other that these methods, you can also mince the chicken breast meat and referring to some really great chicken breast recipes, use it for homemade burgers, in pasta sauce, anything. There are so many different chicken recipes out there that you are really spoilt for choice. Whatever method you like, cooking chicken breast meat is easy enough but always remember not to overcook it or else you may just end up with some really tough chicken meat that you will find hard to chew. - 17268

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Advance Wellness Research Trial Offer Information

By Linda Kemp

Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. is dedicated to bringing you, our customer, a wide array of innovative and pioneering wellness products that will both enrich and extend your healthy years of living.

We do this by searching the globe for hidden jewels in personal wellness to find revolutionary products. We then conduct extensive research to determine the products effectiveness and safety.

Only after this lengthy process, will Advanced Wellness Research bring the item to you for consumption. It's your body and your life... we won't ever carry a product that we wouldn't give to our own families.

Testing - our products are thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety. Unlike other "snake-oil" products on the market today, our products have actually shown measurable results.

Free Trials - most of Advanced Wellness Research products come with a Free Trial. Don't just take our word for it, try our products for free before you commit to bring them into your daily lives.

Convenient Auto Delivery - once you have tried one or more of our products and determined it's for you, we will enroll you in our monthly reorder program designed to ensure that you always have our products available for consumption.

Before we bring you any product and make certain promises about products, we make sure that these products are thoroughly researched and proven effective for most user. While we do not claim to have created each and every product we sell, we can assure you that a lot of thought and analyzing went into selecting the product among many others.

At the present time, Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. is researching some products in weight loss, detoxification, skin care and general wellness. Provided that these items pass the stringent tests we require, we will begin introducing these products in 2009.

You owe it to your health to try Advanced Wellness Research. With the risk-free policy and cancel-at-any-time shipping, you have only superior health to gain. - 17268

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Acai Berry Articles

By Jenny North

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Acai Berry Articles.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Acai Berry Articles to find out more. - 17268

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Why expert are recommending Green Tea Purity

By Collin James

Green Tea Purity Review - Regular consumers of Green Tea will all tell you the same thing, they love it. This review of Green Tea Purity will show you why it has helped thousands of people to lose weight and keep it off while also improving many aspects of their general health.

Regular consumers of Green Tea Purity have first learned about this product from some of the most popular talk shows. The reason why green tea has become so popular over the past year is because users have been experiencing weight loss - with out even working out.

With Green Tea Purity increasing your metabolism you will find that you start burning fat a lot faster. Many reports indicate that you will start to lose weight even with out going to the gym, but for maximum results, adding exercise and a better diet are strongly recommended.

If you are not a tea lover, don't worry! Green Tea Purity can be consumed dozens of different ways. I am sure a lot of people are reluctant to getting green tea just because they sit there and think to themselves - I don't like it. Thankfully - there is a bunch of different ways you can drink green tea or incorporate it into your diet.

Here is a simple receipt you can follow if you want to spice up your green tea. For ginger flavor add 4 pieces of diced ginger to the boiling tea. Add sugar/honey to taste. - 17268

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How to lose weight with TriSlim and keep it off.

By Collin James

If your goal for the new year is to lose weight and start living a healthier life, like many other people - you are going to need some help. TriSlim - which is a well established product in the weight loss community guarantees that you will see results that you want to see.

There are three main ingredients used in TriSlim which make it a very strong and effective dietary supplement to use. A few of them I am sure you have heard of before, like Green Tea and Hoodia Gordnoii. There is a third ingredient used that is the key to keeping the weight off once you have lost it and it's called Chitosan.

Here is what you will get when you use TriSlim

1. Reduce your appetite from the start with out starvation

2. Speed up your bodies metabolism

3. Stop unnecessary fat foods

For many of us - the above process is exactly what we need to over come our weight problems and get back into our favorite pair of jeans we use to wear. With the 3 ingredients used in TriSlim a lot of people have been able to lose up to 15 pounds in 15 days - which to me - is amazing!! - 17268

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Body Building Tips for Life

By Robert Johnson

Body building is a phrase that conjures a thousand pictures in people minds, but what exactly is it? Body building is a very popular sport that enables people who are committed to develop strong, muscular bodes through the right food and exercise program. The result of these intensive training and dietary programs is visible in the form of strong and toned muscles, which creates a very attractive and sexy appeal for those professional and amateur body builders. How do you achieve the standards needed and what would be the criteria that you can use to get the best possible result? Obviously, in order to achieve all of the above criteria, exercise and eating the proper food is the way to go.

The first step to an effective body building program is weight lifting. It is important to possess physical strength and endurance to perform weight lifting exercises, which often involve the use of machines and equipments that are specially designed to stimulate the necessary body parts. Today, not everyone that performs rigorous weight lifting exercises are doing it for competition or sports, some are only interested to develop a great physique. There are tremendous benefits of weight lifting for the entire body, plus it is also useful in assisting the body to recover from a serious injury. If strict observations can be exercised, weight lifting may be useful to assist those who are recovering from illnesses or introduced as part of a rehabilitation program.

It is imperative to observe a good dietary program to make your body building program a success. Those who do train for body building competitions will need a lot of protein introduced into their daily diet. Complex carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Remember to include foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal. For a healthy bowel system, include a nice portion of fiber rich food such as vegetables and broccoli.

Your body needs ample supply of water to avoid any damage to the existing muscles. One good habit to follow is to start each session at the gym by drinking plenty of fresh water and end each session with some fresh liquids as well. It is also helpful to drink between exercises.

The training instructor can show you how to perform weight lifting and what you need to do to stimulate the proper body parts when performing vigorous routine in the gym. - 17268

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Adaptogens, Nitric Oxide, and Stress Treatment

By Franklin Zonner

NO or Nitric Oxide can be considered one of the most important molecules in the body. Communication between cells in the body depend on Nitric Oxide for direction. Some of the busiest cells in the human body include immune system cells, blood cells, and brain cells.

Nitric oxide (NO) helps keep our body functioning properly. It helps maintain a normal blood pressure, helps in clear thinking, and is even responsible for helping our body fight infections. NO also helps prevent atherosclerosis and blood clots. Diseases associated with aging can, in many instances, be associated with a deficiency of Nitric oxide.

A recent study tested a special adaptogen formula for nitric oxide activity. It was discovered that it contained natural NO metabolites that help to restore normal nitric oxide biochemistry within our body. It was mentioned that good adaptogen formulations should also include a high antioxidant capacity with adaptive stress molecules.

Parts of Siberia and Asia that have some of the coldest and harshest environments in the world are the home of some of the most amazing plants called adaptogens. In 1947 a Russian Phytopharmacist named Dr. Nicolai Lazarev discovered and named this class of plants. An adaptogen has the ability to create homeostasis with the body.

Adaptogens are said to help the body fight stress, like that from anxiety, trauma, and fatigue. Dr. Lazarev said that they help increase the body's natural resistance. Specifically, Adaptogens recharge the adrenal glands, which are the body's important mechanism for responding to stress

Stress, poor nutrition, and pollution can all steal our Nitric Oxide. As we grow older, it becomes harder for our body to produce Nitric Oxide. Eating right, sufficient sleep, and being active, all help our body by increasing our Nitric Oxide reserves.

There is a long list of ailments related to insufficient Nitric Oxide within the body. Elevated blood pressure, Alzheimers, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, are just a few.

In every case it seems that the higher we can raise the nitric oxide levels, the better the patient responds. Restoring nitric oxide production has become one of the main strategies of treating and protecting against many diseases.

Stress can kill both your reserves and ability to make new Nitric Oxide. Adaptogens are one of the best forms of Stress Treatment . It's been shown that foods considered to be good antioxidants, like adaptogens, also help the body produce Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide levels in some adaptogen compounds are high enough to restore a persons NO balance. These compounds can help defend against heart disease, stroke, and inflammation.

Individual adaptogens and adaptogen blends can usually be found at health food stores. Some of the blends that have been determined to be the most effective in the treatment of stress, actually have clinical studies to back them up. - 17268

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Cons of Quick Weight Loss for Your Wedding

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are getting married soon, you may already be having thoughts about dieting and how you are going to look. Sure, you wouldn't mind being a little more in shape for your wedding, but the thing that so many brides don't recognize is that they should not overdo it!

Far too many brides starve themselves and do other extreme things to lose weight, and if this is a plan that you are contemplating, there are definitely some things that you should keep in mind. The truth is that losing weight fast before your wedding is an incredibly poor idea, and no one will suffer for it more than you will.

It is important to remember what quick weight loss will do for you,when you are looking at losing weight fast before your wedding. Basically, you are attempting to boost your metabolic rate at the same time that you have put the body into a starvation mode, and you end up attempting to go on by putting fewer calories into the body than what it is used to getting.

Either way, you end up with a disadvantage, that is, you remain fat and unattractive or risk your health by going on a crash diet which throws your body mechanism off balance. Permanent damage can be caused to your body in an incredibly short duration, if you take that risk.

You may also be tempted towards weight loss pills. Remember that there is no magical solution for weight loss and that these pills will have effects that range from ineffectual to truly unfortunate. Some pills will merely take off water weight, which you can do yourself by simply drinking enough water, while others put caffeine and other stimulants in your system to give you a false energy boost.

None of these are a permanent solution. Be careful of what you eat and take the health supplements regularly and drink lots of water for keeping the skin clear.

You are dealing with a major change in a very short time frame is the issue with losing weight before you get married. Trying to get your body to change rapidly often backfires when your body returns to its original condition, and that causes additional stress and potentially damages your system.

Weddings can be very stressful, so be careful to take steps to manage that stress. When you eat less than required,you will tend to get tired and irritable,and that is not the perfect way to prepare for the wedding.

Everyone wants to look good for their wedding, but be sure that you are eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise in the weeks leading up to your wedding. At your wedding you are going to be surrounded by family and friends you already know that you are beautiful and of course your future spouse knows that as well. - 17268

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Advance Wellness Research Acai Berry Deals

By Linda Kemp

There are a number of different health issues that can befall you over the course of your life. Some of these can be accidents while others can be disease conditions that occur because of the passage of time. Of course there's also the issue of wear and tear on your body. Having said all of that, there is one simple way that you can minimize the effect that all of these conditions will have on you over the course of your life: taking Pure Acai Berry every day!

Pure Acai Berry concentrates all of the goodness of the fruit of the acai palm of the Amazonian river basin into an affordable, easy to take, and highly effective nutritional supplement! With this one product you can guarantee that your body will have all of the nutrition that it needs in order to maintain itself and stave off illness.

One great example of the efficacy of the acai berry is the effect that it has on the human circulatory system. The fact of the matter is that over the course of our lives our circulatory systems become weaker and more apt to give us trouble. This is evidenced by the increase in blood pressure that often occurs as we approach and move beyond middle age. The fact that we're more likely to suffer strokes and heart attacks are also evidence of this tendency. There are a number of different factors that contribute to this happening. For one thing, the walls of the blood vessels become less elastic as we age. That, and the weakening of the heart muscle is caused by free radicals damaging those tissues. Another factor is the build up of cholesterol and plaque on the insides of the blood vessels. All of these things make the circulatory system function less effectively than it should. The short term symptoms of these problems include higher blood pressure and a decrease in energy and the longer term symptoms include a greater risk of stroke and heart attack!

The acai berry actually improves the condition of the human cardiovascular system by clearing the deposits out of the blood vessels and rejuvenating the tissues of the heart and blood vessels! Powerful antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that damage cardiac and blood vessel tissues while the minerals present in the acai berry help those tissues to recover to their youthful vigor. At the same time, the soluble fiber of the acai berry will cleanse that cholesterol and plaque out of the blood vessels! The result of all of this is lower blood pressure, a stronger heart, and more energy!

The acai berry, in the form of Pure Acai Berry, will also help your body to flush various kinds of contaminants. The main way in which it does this is by improving the functioning of the kidneys as well as the liver. That allows them to scrub the blood clean of toxins and contaminants. It's especially good for scouring out the things that the soluble fiber frees from the walls of the blood vessels!

When you combine these positive benefits of the acai berry with all of the other things that it does you can see why it's so valuable! After all, with improved memory, increased virility, greater resistance to illness, and quickened recovery from injury; you can see the value of using Pure Acai Berry! - 17268

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Acai Berry Company

By Jenny North

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Acai Berry Company.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Acai Berry Company to find out more. - 17268

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Raw Food Benefits

By George B. Siba

What is the Raw Food Diet? The raw food diet is more than salads, carrots and celery sticks. Raw cuisine can be delicious and interesting, or it can be dreary. Some of the world's best resorts now offer raw food menus and there has been a great effort by chiefs around the world to come up with recipes that are worth eating.

At least 75 percent of the food that is eaten in the raw food diet is not cooked. Heating food above 116 degrees F destroys the enzymes in the food that helps with digestion. Foods that are included in the raw food diet are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, legumes, seaweeds, dried fruit, freshly made juices, raw carob powder, cold pressed olive oil and certain spices, seasonings and mineral water. Dried food is allowable because drying doesnt kill off the enzymes.

Raw foods are high in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, dietary fibers, antioxidants and lots of live goodness. Most raw foods are easily digested; this saves your bodys energy for other things. Raw fruit and vegetables are high in water content, this helps with the constipation that can sometimes happen on a high fiber diet.

Most foods in nature contain the enzymes needed for your body to break them down. When we cook food, we destroy these enzymes. This means we have to break them down ourselves using our own digestive juices.

The enzymes our body makes arent as efficient as the natural ones, and our body has to work hard to make them. This takes resources away from out bodys systems that keep us from being susceptible to illness, disease and premature ageing. If we eat raw food that helps with the digestion process; we dont have to draw on these resources that could be put to better use.

One of the benefits of the raw food diet is active enzymes. Most of the foods in natural state contain the enzymes needed to break them down. When food is cooked, these enzymes are destroyed. This means we have to break them down ourselves using digestive enzymes our body has to make. This takes energy and our enzymes arent as efficient as the natural ones, and our body has to work hard to make them. If we eat raw food that has the enzymes that helps digest it; we dont use our bodys energy to do this and we can live longer, healthier lives.

Fruit and vegetables have high water content, this helps with the constipation that can sometimes be a problem with a high fiber diet. Many people report having clearer skin and stronger nails and fuller hair. I dont know of anyone who has not lost at least some weight when they switched.

Part of the raw food diet includes suggestions like which food should be eaten together, eating only organic food, and only eating sprouted grains. This can be hard to stick to for some of us, I found the best way to go at it is to start off with something raw every meal and then add a raw food every week. Add nuts, seeds or a salad or fruit to your meals. By doing this you are adding active enzymes that will help you digest the food faster and you are easing into eating raw.

Whole, ripe, raw, organic foods in their natural state are what your body needs to be vibrant and free of disease. - 17268

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