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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Can I Stop Tinnitus?

By Matt Hellstrom

Many people experience a common disorder in which they hear a ringing in or other annoying sounds in their ear called Tinnitus. With tinnitus some people will experience a loss of sleep and may feel some feeling of anxiety. These problems may cause a person to look for alternatives to help them stop tinnitus and get rid of the ringing, buzzing or humming noises.

Sometimes people with Tinnitus will use other sounds such as the radio or the television to help them to drown out the noises that come with Tinnitus. They will also stay away from any loud noises due to it being one of the many causes of the Tinnitus disorder.

With the Tinnitus disorder, may people will got through many different problems, and it is recommended that they take the time to change their lifestyles. By getting a new diet that is free of diary, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fat and salt you will be able to lessen the affects of Tinnitus. In addition eliminating stress will also help you to get rid of the problems.

Try adding natural vitamins and supplements to your diet such as Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin B, and Vitamin A to stop tinnitus. These not only help your nerve and neurotransmitter problems, they also help with your blood circulation which will help you relieve the problems associated with Tinnitus. You can get these products by eating foods that are rich in them or by buying supplements at your local pharmacy.

You can purchase a special ear plug or a device called the Tinnitus Masker, these tools will help to get rid of the disorder. When you get an ear plug it may serve to block out the noises that can damage your hearing. The Tinnitus masker will also block out those noises but it will do so by drowning them out with more acceptable sounds such as the fan or the wind, with this device you get to take control of what you have to listen to.

Importantly, to stop tinnitus from taking over your life, you will want to try the remedies that are have discussed in this article. Pay special attention to your diet, get supplements and vitamins. Don't discount the benefits of cutting down on stress. Doing simple things like these will go a long way to help prevent tinnitus.

Most importantly, stay away from loud noises (such as loud music, construction sounds and any others) and you will be able to keep the ringing out of your ears. Keep in mind that even if you eventually become used to these types of loud noises, they do have a detrimental effect on your hearing with long-term exposure. - 17268

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Organic bread

By Karol Wariala

Co-submitted by: Organic Bread Mix. All types of food are presently classified as organic or non-organic from fruits and vegetables to bread, meat and dairy products. Although organic bread, for instance, is not that widely available, lots of people consider it the only choice to include in their diets. To the honest, the stress on organic bread brings us back to a time when bakeries supported the life of communities, long before huge bread manufacturers took over the processes and automatized them. Whole grain bread from crops that have not been exposed to any sorts of chemicals represent the only ingredients of handmade organic brain.

Other than the organic bread made from normal whole grain flour, there are kinds of organic bread made exclusively from whole grains. Such a bread variety works great for people with intolerance to wheat or other food sensitivities, but most of the times the consumer finds a product and sticks to it. Depending on the geographical location, some regions favor organic bread more than others.

Fortunately, in quite a number of farms, chemicals are very little used for grain crops, which makes the resulting products a lot better for one's health.

Yet, heavily industrialized countries in the West heavily rely on chemicals to increase grain crop productivity and reduce the risk of plant disease.

Organic bread will be a privilege in such parts of the world under the circumstances. Consumers can even order organic bread online from family bakeries in their home area. Of course the costs of such breads be a little higher but if you have a reasonable monthly budget you can definitely afford such food products. Organic bread is not a luxury, but it rather represents a return to the traditional, authentic and natural way of eating.

Most of the time organic bread producers rely on small family farms for their merchandise. Sometimes combinations of organic and regular grains are possible too. However, one cannot call such breads organic because they are not completely free of chemical residues. Organic bread remains a tradition in many parts of the countryside where the farming activities have kept some of the initial purity of the occupation. Even so, farmers and manufacturers are constantly monitored by authorities that can pass the label of organic food through certification or not. - 17268

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Eating organic

By Karol Wariala

Credits also go to: Mustard Dressing. If you prefer organic food for all of your meals, you should be prepared to stay organic even when you are away from home. People who are traveling on holiday or for business purposes, often have to plan their meals very carefully in order to stick to their eating habits and beliefs. Thus, a list of organic restaurants will always be handy for one who searches for such a feature. The healthier alternative is one of the services many facilities now include, although the prices of the menus can't be described as cheap either. Both regional and seasonal cuisine gain something in this respect!

There are a few steps to take in order to select the best and most convenient organic restaurants for your purposes. In case you you just want to dine out, you can have a look on the Internet and see what restaurants in your area serve organic meals. Databases have been expanding significantly in this respect particularly since lots of people concerned with organic food have started giving online recommendations for one restaurant or another.

Hence, you can be a reviewer or a reader depending on where you stand in the information inquiry circuit.

Online maps are really helpful for the identification of organic restaurants at a certain place of voyage destination. Take recommendations, suggestions and directions for at least several such locations so that you make sure that at least one of them matches your selection criteria. The good part about going to organic restaurants is that all the ingredients from spices to desert items are free of chemicals without additives or colorants for instance. Everything you'd be eating should be organic.

Furthermore, organic restaurants represent a very healthy choice for chronic disease patients who follow a certain diet. More vitamins and minerals, less cholesterol and virtually a total product safety, these are the main advantages of food free of chemicals, additives and hormones.

To give just an example, the food served by organic restaurants is much more suitable for people who suffer from the irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, make information on organic restaurants an important part of any travel guide. - 17268

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Benefits of using resveratrol.

By Collin De Ruyck

Identified as an essential nutrient, Resveratrol is found in abundance in plants of grapes, blueberries and peanuts. Research studies carried out by scientists indicate that Resveratrol has significant medicinal properties. It is known to reduce risks associated with the onset of heart diseases and cancerous outbreaks. Demographic data collected over the last three decades indicates that Resveratrol also promotes longevity, has anti-aging properties and aids weight loss. Reports on the magical properties of Resveratrol have been published in leading newspapers and health magazines.

What's surprising about Resveratrol is that its overall content is proportionately more in processed items such as red wine in comparison to natural sources such as the grape plant, its fruits, stalks and vines. Laboratory tests indicate that the process of fermentation is the main reason for increased Resveratrol content in red wine. On that note, if you wish to include Resveratrol in your diet and derive associated benefits, you may have to give preference to red wine instead of grape juice. However, you can also go for Resveratrol food supplements that pack in other vitamins and minerals as well.

According to a few press reports accompanying the aforementioned scientific article has generated or should we say has invited a decent amount of controversy. This controversy primarily stems is well related to the dosage that was used in the experiments that were conducted over mice. The controversial issue also has its roots in the estimated human-suited dose that might just be required to have the same type of biological effects. The Life Extension Foundation happens to be the only organization that has duly taken up a product made out of grape-seed/Resveratrol already in use by a particular health-conscious person and has manifested all the favorable biological effects carried by this element.

Very recently Life Extension have come up with the reports that all these experimental animal studies were conducted by a certain company called BioMarker Pharmaceuticals and these experiments did undergo the procedures that used exactly the same amount of grape extract that was duly fortified with Resveratrol currently used by the members of this particular foundation. Most of these studies were mainly made so as to evaluate the primary gene-expression response in the mice fed with Resveratrol.

This particular gene-expression information that was thus collected was simply compared to the info that was got from a group of animals which was subjected to a particular caloric restriction. A favorable pattern of this gene expression was seen to exist between the mice fed with grape extract and between the mice that were restricted by calorie. - 17268

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Cellulite Detox Diet to Eliminate Cellulite

By El Bilson

How effective is cellulite detox in eliminating that stubborn body fat? Many women today are concerned about their cellulite problems. This has led them to seek various ways to get rid of cellulite including detox diets, exercise plans and vitamin supplements.

Often times however, these solutions do not work and leave women feeling even more frustrated. Fortunately, various medical and natural procedures are now available to prevent the occurrence of this stubborn skin condition.

Most women will encounter cellulite at some point in their life. Cellulite is the lumpy deposit of body fat just below the skin. This lumpy buildup of fat under the skin gives it an unpleasant look - many have called it similar to orange peels or cottage cheese. Added to this is the danger it poses to health due to the insufficient supply of blood in the areas affected. Failure to treat this soon could bring permanent skin damage. Advanced medical studies confirm that among other methods of eliminating cellulite, cellulite detox is one of the most effective treatments.

To get rid of cellulite, many doctors recommend their patients do a regular exercise routine. Engaging in an active lifestyle plus eating a healthy diet can help a lot in getting rid of cellulite. Detoxifying through a healthy diet has been found to be extremely effective.

A cellulite detox diet consists of healthful and non-fattening foods. This diet is intended to do away with toxic substances in the body brought about by a past unhealthy habits and environmental factors. This diet helps by improving blood circulation, especially on the affected areas, and by heightening the bodys metabolism. Having good blood circulation and increased metabolism eliminates the lumpy deposit of fats under your skin. Getting soft and younger-looking skin is just one of the benefits of a detox diet.

Giving your body a break from a lifestyle that contributes to cellulite build up is vital to achieving your desired result. A good detox program starts with getting rid of junk foods and go for the low-fat and low-calorie alternatives. Take in more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy ones. Foods high in fiber and protein are also good to consume.

Nutritionists also suggest that you eat plenty of apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots, beans, in addition to other fruits and veggies. White meat like fish and chicken (with the skin removed) can also be eaten without guilt since they are sources of lean proteins. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water and green tea, since drinking enough fluids can help flush toxins out of the body regularly.

Committing to a cellulite detox diet can do wonders for your body. Aside from engaging in physical activities and a healthy diet, one can also boost the effect by using clinically proven products like anti-cellulite creams and vitamin supplements. Some expensive procedures like surgeries are also available for those who can afford it. However nothing works as efficiently and yields more lasting results than good food, exercise, and products that contain only natural ingredients. - 17268

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Organic food store

By Karol Wariala

Sent by: Honey Dressing. The alternative for the shopping tour you take in a supermarket is a visit to an organic food store, even if the range of products available is not that comprehensive. The truth is that such stores provide supplies and services locally, targeting customers in a limited geographical area. The benefits of purchasing products from an organic food store is that there is usually a family farm or a local food supplier that backs the store and provides fresh merchandise all the time. Plus, customers have the option of ordering products when they are no available, with the mention that there may be packaging and transportation fees.

In case word hasn't reached you about any organic food store in your neighborhood, you can search the Internet and find the closest supplier. Then it's up to you to make the choice! Should you like to spread the word about a good organic food store, you can submit info on the facility in online directories for other people to access.

The organic food store has a very productive counterpart in the farmers market, where they sell the same kind of food: healthy, chemical-free products that are certified as organic.

Fruits and vegetables are the main choices one makes when shopping at an organic food store. The idea here is to buy stuff that is produced or grown locally. Regional prosperity and local economic development will thus be boosted by the preference for the products supplied by small farms run in the family.

Thus, not only will you enjoy good tasty and healthy food, but you'll also support the efforts of striving farms to keep up with the market demands. There are many ways to advertise for such products. There are the Community Supported Agriculture, farm stands, U-Pick Up farms where you can go to the farm and choose anything during the harvest season and so on.

Eggs, meat and dairy products are more difficult to find in a traditional organic food store, but they are often part of the commercial service. Lots of farmers offer their fresh products to the community through the intermediary of such shops. And this makes a really great substitute for the food supplied by the industrial farms where all antibiotics and hormones are used to produce eggs and grow livestock. Fortunately, the fact that people learn about non-organic food risks, has led consumers to choose an organic food store over a supermarket. - 17268

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The Amazing Acai Amazon Berry

By Jordan Jervishus

The Acai berry comes from Central and South America from the Acai Palm tree. The fruit that is grown on these palm trees is small, blackish purple, round, and is about 1 inch diameter in size. It looks similar to a grape but is a lot smaller and more dark and it doesn't have as much pulp. There is 1 large see in the middle of each berry, taking up about eighty percent of the fruit.

The Acai berry seed is very large and it takes a large number of berries to get a sizable portion of pulp. The Acai berry grows in large clusters usually of around seven hundred to nine hundred berries making it easier to get the amount of pulp needed from the fruit. The seeds are not discarded though. They are ground up to plant more Acai palms, for organic plant soil, and for livestock food.

In the South American countries Acai fruit is used for amino acids, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. It is a great high energy food for your body. The Acai berries are also great sources of fiber, protein, and iron. It might be the #1 most nutritious food in the entire world!

By eating the Acai fruit is you could also be preventing yourself from cancer because of the high quantity of antioxidants it contains. In pure Acai berries there is also many very beneficial minerals. They contain high levels of anthocyanins and glucosamine. Anthocyanins protect the nervous system, help repair collagen, improve eyesight, and protect blood vessels.

A very beneficial way to lower your cholesterol would be to eat Acai berries because of their high protein levels. The fiber in the berries is also great for the digestive system. Omega 9 and omega 6 essential fatty acids are also present. The acids help absorb vitamins D, A, E, and K. This can also help prevent hypertension and cancer.

The people of Brazil have known about this secret berry for decades. We are just now finding out how beneficial this berry can be. The purest form of the Acai berry is hard to obtain in America because it is grown in the Amazons so make sure you get Acai berry from a legitimate source. Research has just begun on this very healthy fruit but already they are seeing how great of a superfood it is. - 17268

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Jared Fogle And The Subway Diet Fad

By Ron C George

Everyone is familiar with the Subway Diet featuring Jared, the guy who lost 245 pounds in in just one year by walking and replacing two meals a day with Subway sandwiches. Now, as Paul Harvey would say, it's time for the rest of the story. Read further for a brief history of the subway diet.

Like man college students Jared Fogle worked a part time job, his at an adult book store, to pay for college. He sat long hours in a class room, sat long hours behind the counter at the video store while eating snacks, and as a result ended up weighing 425 pounds. Jared realized his weight was critical and so started looking for a way to drop some pounds.

He tried various diets, but they didn't work because he still had all those hours behind a counter during which to cheat. But then he found a Subway shop near his dorm. The seed of the Subway diet was planted. Jared decided to skip breakfast every day, walk the mile and a half there and back to Subway for both lunch and dinner during which he consumed only a sandwich, a bag of baked chips and a diet soft drink. Now instead of a 10,000 calorie per day with no exercise lifestyle, he was eating only about 900 calories while walking 6 miles every day. For Jared the yet named Subway diet made 245 pounds disappear in the span of a single year.

How did Jared become a nationally recognized figure? A friend of Jared's, who worked for the University newspaper, ran into him. This buddy barely recognized Jared, so he decided to write an article about his amazing weight loss. Men's Health magazine picked up the story as part of an article about weird diets that work.

A subway franchisee in Chicago brought the story to the attention of his advertising people who talked to Jared to make certain it was legit. When the Chicago guys tried to get funding from the national advertising agency for a campaign, they were told it would bomb, so they funded it themselves for a local run in Chicago.

Needless to say the Subway diet became a huge hit. Soon Jared and the Subway diet were in all the national media, including a guest stint on Oprah. The national ad agency came back, egg firmly on their face, to ask if the ads could be run nationally.

The Subway diet has worked for a lot of people. But keep in mind that Jared's extreme program of calorie cutting and extreme weight loss are, in general, potentially dangerous. His plan of cutting calories and adding exercise are well known facts that lead to weight loss and a healthy life style. - 17268

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Build Your Muscle

By Lance

Do you want to how to bulk up and build muscle? Are you thinking how to put into action to get a build muscle? Being faithful and determined it is possible to reach at your goal and obviously it is not really a difficult job for you. But if you want to gain it just within one or two weeks, then you will be never achieve it.

The first thing is that you have to take proper diet in order to bulk up and build muscle. You need to know proper food intake as it is the main thing to be success. You should know which foods are very good to develop you. You should know the proper way to burn it right way. If you can select the proper food to eat, you will must able to reach at your goal.

There is a great possibility of loosing your muscle tissue in absence of taking right food when you will have been trying to increase your weight. You should select the right foods everyday to build your muscle and you have to take proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be consumed. You might have some essential supplements for gaining weight. Powders, bars, and protein shakes might be helpful for you to boost your calories. At least 500 calories should be taken in order to increase your weight.

Proper diet and exercise are the two main features to gain your weight successfully. Moreover, do weight training and eat right foods for gaining weight. You have to take enough rest to grow fresh muscle tissue.

To bulk up and build muscle of you is not an enormous difficulty for you. You have got many informative advices which will help you a lot solve the problem. You have to learn and try to apply to solve the problems. You have already identified the fundamental idea about the methods and methodology to attain the goal. So, implementing the mentioned advices and guidelines you could bulk up and build your muscle. - 17268

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Water nourishes and detoxifies the body

By Angela Giles

Did you know that 66% of our body is nothing but water? Most organs and even bones contain water. That makes water a lifeline. Drinking adequate amounts of water plays a critical role in maintaining optimal health and keeps all the systems running smoothly. Even a minor deficiency of water causes an alarm to be raised and we start to feel thirsty. The main benefits of water are:

Nourishment of the body - Blood is 83% water and muscles are 75% water. Water supplies the essential vitamins and minerals produced in the digestion process to all the organs of the body in the form of blood. We can flex our muscles because they contain water. If they do not get water, they cry out with a spasm or a cramp. Our brains also need water to function well. Physicians advise pregnant women to drink a large quantity of water since the embryo needs it for growth.

Body's detoxification - Water is very essential to the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys. These organs function to clean up the system from waste products and toxic substances. Water, as urine, mucus and sweat then effectively transports these substances out of the body. If water is not sufficient, then these substances form kidney stones and other complications. Water also helps to maintain the alkalinity of the digestive system.

Youthful skin - The main source of nourishment for the skin is water. With water, skin is able to retain moisture, suppleness and strength thus delaying age-related symptoms like lines & wrinkles. Water is the secret of many women who continue to look naturally beautiful even in old age. More importantly, water can also help you to reduce weight.

It is sad to see that many young people resort to coffee and tea when they are thirsty. Even though they are aware that caffeine products cause dehydration, they continue to drink them. This leads to more dehydration. The best solution is to drink water. If you do not like the plain taste of water, you can drink some flavored waters available in the market. At least, you will not be dehydrated.

8 glasses per day of water supply is the minimum required for a healthy body. If you are a sportsperson or if you are pregnant then you will need a much higher amount. Children need lots of water because they are always playing and expending energy. Drinking water does not make you ill, unless you are drinking contaminated water. So the next time, you feel the urge to have a soda or a coffee, ask yourself whether you would like water instead. - 17268

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