Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, August 17, 2009

Maintaining Your Health - Get A Good Night's Sleep

By Jose Bautista

Many individuals do not get enough sleep, but what they do not know is that they are risking their health. In order to keep your body healthy you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Most people do not get enough sleep and when they are tired during the day they turn to caffeine.

Many people will eat sugary and highly caffeinated foods to stay alert during the day if they are tired and have not had enough sleep. However new information has come to light that these types of food will only damage your health further in the long run.

Sugary foods only produce a very short burst of energy because the sugar is metabolized very quickly. Once the sugar is gone you will feel even more tired than before and your reaction time will decrease. You want to eat foods that will provide you with some energy as well as foods that will last. A snack that meets both of these factors is apple slices with peanut butter. The apple slices has carbohydrates and the peanut butter provides some protein.

The caffeine in coffee can help keep you alert but it can also prevent you from sleeping. The caffeine in the coffee you drink during the morning will actually stay in your system for 12 hours, much longer then feeling the effects of caffeine. If you drink coffee all day long then you may be preventing yourself from sleeping. It is better to have food and drinks that only contain a small amount of caffeine, try soda or chocolate instead.

Even decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine. A cup of decaffeinated coffee has the same amount of coffee as a 12 oz bottle of soda. Decaffeinated coffee may be a good option if you are trying to cut back on your caffeine. Many people may become dependent on coffee and can have difficulties breaking the habit.

So to be healthy you need to try to cut the caffeine and get a full night's sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep then exercise can help make you tired. Additionally try cutting down your coffee consumption and get a good night's rest. - 17268

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I Want To Gain Muscle, What's The Fastest Way?

By Ricardo d Argence

Some people have a hard time with muscle gain. They may develop a good fitness workout routine, but still do not have the strength that they desire.

Countless frustrated people have looked far and wide to find the ideal fitness regimen to build muscle mass, strength and physical fitness. Having a good sensible diet and a good fitness workout is the fastest way for muscle gain and strength. A good diet will help the body move to build even more muscle tissue.

Training techniques. The importance of training the largest muscle groups in order to create a highly anabolic environment within the body, it is important that the largest muscles of the body are trained and stimulated to grow. Why? Since these muscles comprise such a large amount of the total muscle mass on the human body, any training stress of sufficient intensity to cause these muscles to grow will also place great stress on the body overall.

The amount of stress on the body is relative to the time and intensity on the biggest muscles in the human physique. This creates a highly anabolic environment in the entire body, due to the need created in the body for extensive growth and repair of muscle tissue, which will translate into greater gains from the training of your smaller muscle groups, since the body works as a whole, and not in separate, isolated parts.

H20 & Protein. You will need to eat enough protein and carbohydrates to help your body adapt to the stress of training. The majority of individuals discover that a diet which is high in protein but comparatively low in carbohydrates in preferable.

An essential ingredient in your diet is water and when vigorously exercising and eating a lot of protein, you really can't overdo it's consumption. Imbibing copious amounts of water is essential in ridding waste from our bodies, but it is also the biggest contributor of muscle, without stressing the kidney.

Good gains and optimum health can be assisted by nutrients being flushed through the tissue daily with the help of water. You can't get this in low-water intake surroundings.

Vitamin and mineral pills must not be underestimated, as they are essential for growth. Dairy provides important amino acids, as well.

By getting the proper exercise and nutrition you can easily increase your size. You have to give your body the right fuel in order to gain the correct muscle mass. - 17268

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Body Building Tips for Life

By Robert Johnson

Body building is a phrase that conjures a thousand pictures in people minds, but what exactly is it? This is done for the purposes of competition or merely to look their best. The result of these intensive training and dietary programs is visible in the form of strong and toned muscles, which creates a very attractive and sexy appeal for those professional and amateur body builders. Bodybuilding is certainly a wonderful sport, but is there a way to ensure that all criteria will be fulfilled using only the best methodology to get into shape? There are basically two steps to an effective body building program, the first is weight training and second through the use of proper nutrition.

The first step to an effective body building program is weight lifting. It is important to possess physical strength and endurance to perform weight lifting exercises, which often involve the use of machines and equipments that are specially designed to stimulate the necessary body parts. Today, not everyone that performs rigorous weight lifting exercises are doing it for competition or sports, some are only interested to develop a great physique. There are tremendous benefits of weight lifting for the entire body, plus it is also useful in assisting the body to recover from a serious injury. If strict observations can be exercised, weight lifting may be useful to assist those who are recovering from illnesses or introduced as part of a rehabilitation program.

A good diet and nutrition is essential to ensure that you get the best out of your body building program. Ideally the suggested best ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be 2:2:1. Complex carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Select food that is rich in carbohydrates for that fast energy such as brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal. It is important to consume a lot of fiber in your diet to assist digestion and metabolism during your body building program.

Your body needs ample supply of water to avoid any damage to the existing muscles. One good habit to follow is to start each session at the gym by drinking plenty of fresh water and end each session with some fresh liquids as well. It is also helpful to drink between exercises.

The training instructor can show you how to perform weight lifting and what you need to do to stimulate the proper body parts when performing vigorous routine in the gym. - 17268

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Arthroscopy of the Knee

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Arthro is joint in Latin. Scopy is view. Arthroscopy is literally to view a joint. The use of arthroscopy allows an orthopedic surgeon to look inside a joint and see what needs to be done. Arthroscopy is very useful in the diagnosis and treatment of problems with the knees.

Modern arthroscopes and high resolution cameras make arthroscopy a very effective procedure for accurate diagnosis and correct treatment of knee disorders.

The Parts of the Knee

The femur, tibia, and patella are the three bones that comprise the knee. The point at which these bones meet is cushioned with articular cartilage. This lets them move with comfort and ease.

Synovial membrane is a thin, smooth membrane that coats the interior surfaces of the knee. In a healthy knee, the synovial membrane produces a lubricant that allows the knee to function comfortably and smoothly.

The three bones that make up the largest joint in the body are the shin bone (tibia), thigh bone (femur) and knee cap (patella). The entire structure is held together by ligaments that run between the tibia and femur. The patella moves along a groove in the end of the femur. The strong muscle of the thigh provides support and stability.

Click here for more on arthroscopic surgery .

Knee Difficulties

When everything is functioning properly, the parts of the knee work together smoothly. However, the knee gets a lot of use, and everyday wear and tear can cause problems. Sports, work, injury, weakened tissues, arthritis, and aging all take a toll on the knee. Over the course of time, these things can cause a lot of pain and reduce the ability of the knee to do its job.

With arthroscopy, a number of conditions can be diagnosed and treated:

Chondromalacia: Softened articular cartilage and/or damaged joint surfaces.

Crystalline arthropathy, is characterized by gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and/or inflamed synovial membranes.

The patella or kneecap can become unstable or misaligned.

Arthroscopy can locate these problems.

Meniscal cartilage can become torn.

Bone and cartilage can become fragmented and loose.

Posterior and anterior damaged cruciate ligaments can be diagnosed.

With arthroscopy, all of these problems can be clearly seen and diagnosed. Arthroscopy is an extremely helpful tool to the orthopedic surgeon. It makes diagnosis much easier and more definite, thereby making treatment more efficient and effective. - 17268

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The Side Effects of Homeopathic HCG

By Amelia Handley

There are so many warnings and problems being discussed out there right now regarding weight loss supplements that it's hard to imagine that there might be one that isn't more trouble than its worth. So when interested parties begin to ask questions about the side effects of homeopathic HCG no one is really surprised.

But the answers are always the same. Homeopathic HCG is safe. Homeopathic HCG has no side effects. YOUR situation isn't going to make you an exception to those statements. You might be tall or you might be short. You might be male or female. You might be young or you might be old. It just doesn't matter.

Homeopathic HCG is just safe; regardless of the specifics you attach to your situation. There are no side effects. That is there are no negative side effects...there are the positive side effects to discuss.

Lisa S. completed the diet and lost a total of 22 pounds. She now claims, "I've kept it off. Not only did I lose the weight, but during the course of the program I somehow learned to exercise control over my appetite and my food choices. It's changed my life for the better."

Other homeopathic HCG users are excited about the recent announcement that studies in their early stages indicate that homeopathic HCG could be an effective preventive for breast cancer. With breast cancer numbers constantly's a relief to see anything crop up that may help fight the disease.

Those who experience the wonder of homeopathic HCG don't question its effectiveness. They don't question its ability to make the changes they've been looking for and they don't doubt that the side effects are all positive. They've seen it in action. - 17268

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The Miraculous Fat Loss Claims And The Nourishing Acai Berry

By Susan S Wilson

Acai berries are found only in the rainforests of Brazil, yet they are quickly becoming well-known as one of the most healthful foods in the world. It has only been in modern times that this berry has become accessible for global expenditure because it is so unusually fragile and it is only obtainable now because of superior processing methods.

Acai berries are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants yet two of these antioxidants flavonoids have warranted broad study and is being established to be exceptionally advantageous for our health, including the avoidance of disease and other problems typically coupled with aging.

Here is something you probably don't know. Quercetin is a plant derived flavonoid that is rich in the acai berry. Quercetin is believed to be partly accountable for the decline in cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. While at this time there is no consistent clinical support on this nutrient and supplements of it specifically, it has been found that diets high in fruits and vegetables that are abundant in quercetin can play a part significantly to the decrease of sickness.

A number of studies have also demonstrated that quercetin inhibits the manufacture and discharge of histamine and other allergic mediators and that indicates important anti-inflammatory activity. Potent antioxidant activity has also been measured in the acai berry by the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity or ORAC scale.

Acai berries are exceptionally high in quercetin. Other sources of this imperative nutrient include red onions, tea, apples and red wine. The acai berry is also plentiful in anthocyanins, which is the dark purple pigment in such foods as blueberries, eggplant and purple cabbage. This antioxidant has been confirmed in laboratory studies to be possibly advantageous for the avoidance of cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infection.

They have also found in another current study a purified form of anthocyanins was given to laboratory mice. This study concluded that the mice in the control group who received the purified anthocyanins were able to trim down their body fat and retain it whereas the group of mice that were given the placebo and another group of mice that were given the actual fruit did not.

Acai berries are rich in these two critical flavonoids and other crucial antioxidants and nutrients also. This little berry contains more than 30 times the amount of anthocyanins that is present in red wine. This little berry from the rainforest of Brazil is quickly becoming known as one of most healthy foods ever found in the world. - 17268

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The human body is comprised of various kinds of cells and by looking at the body from this perspective is the best way to comprehend what free radicals are.

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The human body is comprised of various kinds of cells and by looking at the body from this perspective is the best way to comprehend what free radicals are.

Cells are comprised of various types of molecules and these molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements held together by a chemical bond.

Electrons are responsible for the chemical reactions that take place inside the atom as well as the substance that holds the atom together to form molecules. Electrons orbit the atom in one or more shells.

A atom is considered full when two electrons occupy the innermost layer. When the second layer is filled with electrons, the process starts all over again

A atom is considered full when two electrons occupy the innermost layer. When the second layer is filled with electrons, the process starts all over again

The most important thing in determining the structural characteristic of an atom is the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

Picking up or dropping electrons that will either occupy or leave the outer shell

Adding or dropping electrons that will either fill or empty the atom's shell

Attaching to other atoms in a attempt to share electrons to have a complete outer shell

The most common way atoms achieve stability is with sharing electrons with other atoms. In this way the atom is able to achieve maximum stability.

Most of the time, these bonds do not tear apart in a way that leaves an atom with an odd, unpaired electron. When this does occur however, free radicals are formed; they are very unstable and react swiftly with other compounds in attempt to gain the needed electrons for stability.

Free radicals like to attack by locating the closest cell that has maximum stability and begins to steal electrons. Eventually these attacked molecules become free radicals themselves. The process will continue until eventually cellular damage occurs.

Common times when free radicals occur are during metabolism as well as when the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses. Pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides are other times when free radicals can occur.

Typically, the body is able to handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Most importantly is that free radical damage accumulates with age. - 17268

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Keep the Brain Strong By Excercising

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

A study published this past July found that patients who were diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's showed significant variations when it came to the size of the brain-patients that had a high workout regimen had larger brains than the patients who had lower ones.

The prerequisite for the study included 121 participants that were 60 years of age and up went through a fitness test that utilized a treadmill and a brain scan that determined the three matters of the brain matter (gray matter, white matter) as well as the overall volume of their brains. There were 57 participants that were diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's while all the rest did not have dementia.

"People with early Alzheimer's disease who were less physically fit had four times more brain shrinkage when compared to normal older adults than those who were more physically fit, suggesting less brain shrinkage related to the Alzheimer's disease process in those with higher fitness levels," said study author Jeffrey M. Burns, MD, of the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City and member of the American Academy of Neurology.

The results remained the consistent needless of age, gender, severity of dementia, or physical activity and frailty. There was no relationship between higher fitness levels and brain changes in the group of people without dementia.

"People with early Alzheimer's disease may be able to preserve their brain function for a longer period of time by exercising regularly and potentially reducing the amount of brain volume lost. Evidence shows decreasing brain volume is tied to poorer cognitive performance, so preserving more brain volume may translate into better cognitive performance," Dr. Burns stated.

This is one of the first studies to explore the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and Alzheimer's disease," mentions Dr. Burns.

With all this positive news, Dr. Burns wants to make clear that people should be cautious when interpreting the study results because scientists only observed the standard measure of fitness at one point in time.

Support for this research came from the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the University of Kansas Endowment Association, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Oppenheimer Foundation. - 17268

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Your Anti Gout Diet Tips

By Rashel Dan

If you want to prevent gout for life, start with your diet. This is not such an impossible task. Diet does play a large role in controlling and preventing gout, so depending on your daily intake, you can either increase or reduce your risk of gout.

A gout may be acquired since birth, from family history or caused by obesity and other health factors. It is also more prevalent among men and those who are 40 to 60 years of age. If you can relate to any of these then you may want to focus on preventive measures.

An anti gout diet primarily consists of low-purine foods.

Foods high in fats and proteins have high purine content. Vegetable oils, greasy burgers and fatty fish are all high in purines, so you should avoid fried foods and naturally fatty produce. Basically, high purine content is found in almost all kinds of food: pork, beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, oysters, scallops, creams, eggs, peas and beans. But there are ways to have a low-purine diet and are illustrated below:

Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Potassium regulates electrolytes in the body and has the ability to get rid of uric acid crystals from the blood. Potassium-rich fruits are bananas, avocados, apricots and cantaloupe. High-potassium vegetables include spinach, potatoes, asparagus, beets and pumpkin.

Begin your anti gout diet now.

Start with a low-fat protein food for breakfast. For example, drink low-fat milk and utilize only egg whites when cooking. Add onions and garlic for taste and use low-fat butter or margarine. High-protein foods that are low in fat have been found to be safe. Quench your thirst with vegetable juice or concentrated blackberry juice.

For lunch, prepare a cleansing lemon juice. Lemon juice is filled with vitamin C and antioxidants to help flush your body from unwanted uric acids. Couple the drink with a hearty salad and meal using tofu to replace red meat or chicken, finely chopped fresh garlic and extra virgin olive oil.

For dinner, go for baked or grilled lean meat in a foil to retain moisture. Pair with potatoes and steamed spinach. After dinners make sure to have a bowl of cherries, berries or grapes on the side.

Other tips for your anti gout diet:

Be careful about your weight. Gout has been linked with health problems such as diabetes and obesity. Slowly restrict calories by introducing more of the gout preventing foods mentioned earlier. Avoid crash diets as these can actually trigger gout flare-ups. A good anti gout diet is always a balanced diet.

Drink several glasses of water everyday. 8-10 glasses daily is ideal. Water dilutes uric acid (a cause of gout) and rids them from the body. Cloudy urine means you have high acid content in your body and this is not a healthy sign. Clear urine suggests that you are properly hydrated and well on your way to good health. - 17268

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