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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Take Your Man Boobs In Your Own Hands!

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia is very common. It is seen most often in boys going through puberty or men going from middle age to old age. It is not known for certain what causes it or why some men are affected when others aren't, but is is a hormonal problem that can be easily fixable depending on the severity of the condition. So what is this condition and how do you know if you have it?

You may think you have man boobs, but it could really be your breast tissue having a strong response to hormones if your body is undergoing a change. Your tissue and glands will swell and make it look like you have breasts. Though it is not an easy condition for men to live with, it is understandable why it happens when one's body is going under so much hormonal change and stress.

All people have 'male' and 'female' hormones, testosterone and estrogen. Men have more of one, women have more of the other. But sometimes large bodily changes can make the one of the lesser amount come to the foreground and make its presence known. Teenage girls can undergo masculine problems like unwanted hair just like men can go through this.

Not all enlarged pectorals are a result of this condition, though. Some men are over-weight and this is reflected in their whole body, including their breasts. But men can suffer from both of these conditions. So how can you tell which one you have?

If you actually have the medical problem, your pectoral area can be sensitive, since the tissue is growing rapidly and unnaturally. This happens to young girls when they get breasts and when pregnant women's breasts begin to expand. Your nipples can be exceedingly puffy, which is another indicator. And if you are self-conscious about your weight and have been working out but nothing is changing in that area, then it is probably not an issue solved by exercise.

While 'man boobs' are merely fat deposits in over-weight men, gynecomastia is a glandular issue. So if your breast tissue is out of proportion with the rest of your physique or if you lose weight yet the man boobs remain, you probably have gynecomastia.

There are many different kinds, too. Some can be extremely severe, some can affect only one pectoral, and some can affect only the nipples. It can be a common problem for body builders and steroid users, since it stimulates muscle growth. Men who have been body builders but have since let their muscle start to go away probably do not have gynecomastia. Though disproportionately large or saggy breast tissue in a man is usually an indicator of this problem, your pectorals may look that way naturally if you let your muscle go slack. Hitting the gym and doing exercises to tighten up that slack muscle and make you leaner is the only way to get rid of it.

Treatments, just like the condition, can be light or severe. There are many different options to fit the conditions. The most average one is light hormone therapy and different medications subscribed by your doctor. Some even use radiation. Liposuction is for the chronic, hard-core patients who are unaffected by hormone therapy. This can be very expensive and usually it does not just stop with liposuction; body re-shaping and scar management often follow. - 17268

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How To Simply And Readily Achieve Your Bodybuilding Goals

By Charles Ishihashi

If you take a look around today, you'll notice that more and more people seem to be involved in the sport of bodybuilding. There seem to be more gyms, more health food stores, and more magazines dedicated to the sport than ever before. Even though the actual sport has been around for thousands of years, it seems to be enjoying a surge in popularity.

There are as many different reasons for getting involved as there are bodybuilders. Some would like compete on the professional level. Some would to simply lose a few pounds and bulk up. Others would like to attract members of the opposite sex, or simply enjoy the massive boost in self esteem that inevitably follows bodybuilding habit.

No matter what your own personal reasons. are, I'd like to give you a couple good ideas on how to get started. Once you've got a decent plan laid, your success will become much more automatic, and you'll get all the benefits that you want much more quickly.

First of all, you need a specific, measurable goal. Strength, size, body fat percentage. Something that you can write down on a piece of paper. something you can measure and record. Choose a time three or six months out in the future, and choose what you'd like to achieve by that time. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to get there. Studies have shown time and time again that those with a concrete goal are much more likely to achieve success than those that don't.

Now you've got your target, you'll need to set up the path you'll take to get there. Choose how much time it will take on a daily basis. Decide on what kind of foods you'll need to eat, and not eat. And perhaps most important, make sure you budget enough time for rest and recovery, for that is when the muscles are actually building. Of course, bodybuilding is a serious commitment, so be prepared to do away with things that don't support your goal.

Once you've got a solid goal, and a plan to get there, your success is virtually guaranteed. To help with motivation, continue to visualize all the benefits you'll get once you reach your goal. All you need to do now is to get started. - 17268

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What Are 3 Techniques A Boy With Boy Chest Uses To Erase Their Boy Chest

By Dustin Fennell

In this article we're going to talk about the 3 techniques A man with man boobs can use to conceal their man boobs. There are various ways to get rid of unwanted man boobs. Adjust by changing your diet, working out, or undergoing surgery. The condition of having unwanted man boobs is known as Gynecomastia. This is never fun and can be quite humiliating.

When men reach a certain age, they may be more likely to store fat in certain areas, such as the breast area. You might want to adjust your diet. Start eating foods that are low in fat. Sometimes changing your diet may not be enough. Start exercising. Cardio is the best way to keep trim and the man boobs tight and inconspicuous.

A large percentage of men that suffer from man boobs tend to be overweight. If you tend to be overweight and have not made a serious effort to manage your weight first with diet and exercise, the procedure is not recommended. If those methods have failed, talk to your physical to see if it is right for you. Talk to them about any medical history, medications you may be taking, and about any concerns or questions you may have.

If you are opting for surgery, speak to your doctor to see if it is right for you. But this is only if the other methods have failed. If you are just lazy and wanting to seek the quick way out, the surgical procedure is not for you.

Having man boobs can be quite embarrassing. People make fun of and ridicule those with man boobs. They may tell you to get a bra or have fun at others expense by squeezing them. Yeah, some people are sick that way. It can be detrimental to one's self image and self esteem. Don't let man boobs ruin your life. The best and simple way is through diet and exercise. If that is not enough, talk to your doctor for other options (such as surgery).

Early stages of man boobs may begin to appear in teen years, as if it already is not a complicated time in a man's life! But at that age, the body goes through many changes. It may not be something to worry too much about. But if you are noticing the problem getting worse with age (20s and 30s), it may be time to start doing something about it.

Man boobs does not have to be a problem. It does not have to ruin your life. If you take proper care of your body and get the appropriate exercise, man boobs do not have to be a problem. You have too much other things in your life to worry about minor things such as man boobs. Do not let it be a problem. Take care of it once and for all and never let it run your life.

Some men will wrap their man boobs to give the illusion of having a flat chest. This can be awkward and uncomfortable. Imagine if you start making out with a woman for the first time. You take off your shirt and she sees what you have been hiding. It can freak out some women and turn them off. You do not need to let that happen to you. Take action and do not let man boobs ruin your life. - 17268

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Find The Right Diet For Your Health

By Ali Bautista

Going on a diet is something that few people enjoy.

Eating correctly does not have to be something that drives you crazy. Eating correctly means eating well balanced meals and healthy snacks.

In order to know how much food you can eat, you will need to know your BMI. BMI calculators are found easily on the internet. All they require is that you enter in your data and allow the calculator to complete its task. The number that it spits out is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain your current weight. Multiply this number by 0. 9 in order to find a realistic calorie intake for your body.

It is important that you not reduce your calories so severely that you body begins to think that there is a famine. This will cause your body to reduce the number of calories that it uses and begin to store every available ounce of fat possible. When you begin to eat normally again, your will gain back more weight than you lost during your diet. This is the reason that so many of the fad eating plans do not work.

The USDA has some tool that will help you to plan a balanced eating plan. One such tool is the food pyramid. It helps you to know those foods you should try to eat more often and those you should avoid most of the time. Remember that in moderation, you can have almost any food.

Some people enjoy the six meal eating plan. In this plan snacks are replaced by small meals and normal meals are smaller so that overall, the calorie count remains the same. The advantage of this plan is that blood sugars are regulated and the crash of a famished dieter does not have to be filled with binge eating.

When you begin to lose weight, your BMI will also drop. You will want to recalculate the BMI periodically in order to know your correct calorie intake.

If you follow this diet plan you will lose weight. - 17268

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Straightforward Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat

By Rex Walters

Who says you can't eat good-tasting foods and burn fat at the same time? Turn your attention on the foods you can mix or eat singly on a consistent basis to get shot of belly fat.

The Fat Resistance Diet is known to reduce inflammation thru eating antioxidant rich fruits & juices and using fresh healing spices and herbs to liven up flavours of world cuisine. The Fat Loss four retards Diet, in the meantime, creates an 11-day menu that must include fruits, vegetables and beef and underlines the importance of lots of water and bread.

Here where we start to get rid of belly fat:-

You may begin with this Mediterranean-style of reduce belly fat diet plan. It loads up on fruits, vegetables, bread, potatoes, nuts & seeds, beans, and olive oil as fat source.Try and avoid food made of refined grains like white bread and white rice. And while you are at it, avoid flour-based pasta as well .

Follow by belly fat busting food, oatmeal. Oatmeal is fiber-rich with lower cholesterol levels that will help to reduce fat effectively .

Third step- Eat more high- pectin fruits like apples, grapefruit, belly peppers and pears. These fruits not only to squash your belly fat but also enhancing health.Fresh fruits which contain vitamin and plant. Fiber in fruits help to enhance our digestion.

Fourth- include these veggies in your belly fat diet plan, they're carrots, beans, spinach,cauliflower,cabbage,broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Last, according to studies, it shows that it could be a contribution to a slimmer waistline by drinking a glass of wine at dinnertime. Statistic proved folk who do this often don't have as much fat around tummy as those that do not drink it.

Include these few easy diet into your reduce belly fat plan, tiny changes will bring you a huge effect in a month if you do it solidly. - 17268

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The Wieder Weight Loss X-Factor Gym Weight Loss System

By Aimee Jones

Around this time every single year people all decided to make a New Year's resolution to get in shape to lose weight or to make themselves otherwise healthy. It's a good goal to have and at the same time, the entire fitness and diet industries have created a whole host of products to make your life easier.

You may have seen advertisements on TV for these new kind of resistance band systems that attach to a door. Body By Jake has been selling these for the last few months, and they are starting to generate a lot of buzz.

One of the biggest reasons that people get so excited about these is that they don't cost a lot of money. Whenever you have a product that doesn't cost much people get excited, but when you compare these to something like a total gym or a Bow flex you start to realize that the price difference is significant.

Weider, a well-known fitness company has introduced their own product. They call it the X-Factor. The Weider X-Factor is a very interesting product, because it is very similar to other products, while keeping costs down and fitness performance high.

The setup process is incredibly simple. You just clip the door to the resistance bands via the corner clips, and now your home gym system is ready to go. Instead of spending hours setting up a traditional home gym system this only takes minutes. Also, the whole system can fit in your gym bag. Good luck trying to do that with a Bow flex.

The system is so easy to set up that you literally just clip the four corners to the door and attach the handles and you're ready to go. Entire process only takes minutes. A comparable system from Bow flex or another company would take you hours to set up and put together.

The price is fantastic at only around $100 if something almost anyone can afford. When you compare that to a gym membership or different piece of home fitness equipment is extremely price competitive. The only system I've seen that might even be a better deal as the P90X.

If you're interested in the home gym system the Weider X-Factor is something you should strongly consider because when you combine the price and the features and the capabilities. It is extremely competitive, and can save your whole lot of money. - 17268

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6 Week Body Makeover - Body Type C Meal Plan

By Rico Kidd

If you are reading this, you have undoubtedly taken the 6 Week Body Makeover Blue Print and have confirmed that you are a Body Type C. Good, if you do not have your kit yet, this article will describe a sample meal on this plan so that you can get started with your body makeover.

As a body type C, you will be able to eat more carbohydrates like wheat bread and brown whole grain rice. The reason you can eat more carbohydrates is because your body has an easier time burning calories. Remember carbohydrates are not your enemy, over consumption is your enemy. However, people with a "C" body type should not eat that much red meat as red meat will make your body bulk up.

All of the meals listed here can be found in the Infinite Menu Plan of the body makeover kit. Remember, these meals are only a sample of meals you can eat as a body type c on the Michael Thurmond diet. Here is a sample meal for one day worth of food for an endo-meso.

Breakfast - 4 egg whites with a hash brown patty and a cup of blue berries. Mid-morning snack is 4 oz. of slicked turkey breast and cup of kiwi. Lunch is grilled blackened chicken, a cup of baked French fries and 1 cup of steamed carrots.

Mid afternoon snack will consist of 3 oz. of ground turkey breast patties and cup of mashed rutabagas. Dinner will be 3 oz. of ground beef patties and 1 cup of stir fried rice noodle. The PM snack is strictly option and you don't have to eat it if you don't want to. You can have cup of papaya for your night snack. - 17268

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