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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Diabetic Diet - What Are The Benefits? - 1

By Lee Reid

When it comes to the best known types of food controlling methods around the world the diabetic diet has to be given a special place. A lot of people in U.S.A nowadays have higher tendency to suffer from high sugar level in their blood, thus will need to control their level of sugar intake per day. The diabetic diet becomes useful in this context.

People who have been diagnosed with diabetes should be extra cautious when it comes to their nutrition intake. A proper method of food intake will be provided by the doctor and will educate individuals in their limitations and attention.

Eating more starches will certainly aid in reducing the level of sugar in you. Taking nonfat milk and consuming more black beans or corn beans will also help. More vegetables and fruits everyday will also give you a balanced nutrition intake for the day. It's advisable to keep the daily intake of sugar low or moderate. If you have got into the habit of taking a lot of sweets, a gradual reduction of sugar intake will have to be adapted. Reducing consumption of sweets and chocolates in particular would also be advisable.

A proper diabetic diet would also include a way of reducing your weight if you are over weighed. This kind of a diabetic diet can be developed by your nearest medical center or the family doctor. Specialized firms are there almost in every city nowadays which will give more consideration to diabetes itself, therefore will provide you with a better service in preparing a diabetic diet to suit you. An online search would be enable you to find service centers that situated in close proximity to your house.

The use of wine will also have to be carefully selected. In order to find out the suitable amount of alcohol per day you could get the advice of your personal physician or any other medical professional with the relevant know how.

Make your life simpler and healthier with the aid of a diabetic diet. It's crucial that you keep in mind that diabetes could result in other health problems like heart diseases. Thus an immediate prevention of a higher sugar level within you is a safer option. Make sure that you get a proper diabetic diet and that you stick to that plan consistently. A brighter future is ahead of you if you do this. Hurry and make your own diabetic diet today. - 17268

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Cabbage Soup Diet For Quick Weight Loss -1

By Lee Reid

The cabbage soup diet is a diet designed to promote quick weight loss in seven days. In order to accelerate weight loss for a week, the cabbage soup diet is an ideal option. However it should not be followed for more than a week. Hence if you need to lose weight fast, or are looking for a way to motivate yourself to lose those pounds then the cabbage soup diet is the diet for you.

The cabbage soup diet is not recommended for long term weight loss, however.Therefore, if you decide to follow the cabbage soup diet for one week, you should take a break for sometime before following it again for another week.

How the cabbage soup diet works is by allowing you to eat certain foods and limits other types of food.It is better to take some vitamins along with this diet as the cabbage soup diet is a high fibre low fat diet.

The fast results is the biggest advantage of the cabbage soup diet. You are motivated to continue the diet, when you start to notice the differences after the third day.Also, the fact that the diet is only for seven days makes it easier to stick to it.Furthermore, the cabbage soup diet actually encourages you to eat as much soup as possible and therefore, you would be full and be unlikely to give up the diet pretty easily.

The bland taste and the feeling of weakness or the inability to concentrate felt by some people are the disadvantages of cabbage soup.Nonetheless the cabbage soup diet is still worth it, even with these disadvantages as the significant weight loss you would experience is worth the effort.

To make sure you get the maximum out of the cabbage soup diet you have follow the guidelines carefully.You should only eat what is allowed in the cabbage soup diet and should drink ample amounts of water to remove the toxins in your body.

You could use different herbs and spices to spice up the soup, if you find the taste of it to be bland.If you properly follow the cabbage soup diet for a week, you will notice that you have lost a significant amount of weight which would gratify the week of dieting. - 17268

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Pilates Mat Exercises Must Be Usually Effective And Challenging

By Thaya Kareeson

Pilates mat exercises have little variation from typical Pilates exercises, which have been around for a very long time. Recently people have taken a liking to using different tools to enjoy their Pilates. The mats used in the specific Pilates mat exercises below is one helpful tool to use while exercising.

Pilates was first created as a physical fitness method in the early twentieth century in Germany. Even though it has a long history, in 2005 over eleven million people were reportedly doing it on a regular basis. As of that time, there were fourteen thousand instructors for Pilates in just the United States. Most instructors will provide Pilates mat exercises and the mats that they require, right in class.

Inner thigh lifts are one of the Pilates mat exercises that requires the mat to be laid out straight. The spine will line up with the mat's back edge as you lay on your side. The lower arm can support the head or stretch along the floor, while the lower leg is extended with hip to the mat. The upper leg will bend and the foot put on the mat in front of the hips. The upper arm will pull at the bottom of the bent leg as the knee pushes away. The inner thigh muscles of the lower leg will lift it off the ground a small amount. And the exercise is about lowering and lifting that lower leg with control, not letting it rest on the floor.

Another one of the many Pilates mat exercises is the Teaser One maneuver which is started on the back. Arms are above the head, and the legs are lifted up, straight and together, to a forty-five degree angle. Slowly the abdominal muscles are tightened and the spine curls up. The hands float over the legs, then lift up. At one point, when the movement is complete, the body is in a V shape with just the bottom and lower spine on the mat. Slowly and with control, the upper body is lowered back to the mat and the legs are raised to a ninety degree angle above the hips. This exercise helps to articulate the spine and roll through flexion into extension.

Some Pilates mat exercises will start from a standing position. The 'walk out and push up' that is part of the push-up series of Pilates exercises starts standing at the foot of the mat, with the arms extended up above the head. The arms move down towards the floor, and the chin drops to the chest. The pelvis is pushed forward as the spine curls. Once the hands are on the floor, the heels must be together as the hands walk out. First the right hand reaches out, keeping the hips stable, then the left. Then the right hand comes straight across from the left, and the body tightens in what is often called 'head to heels as if like steel'. The head lifts slightly so that the crown is in line with the spine and the legs are in the center line. The elbows bend but only an inch, lowering the body only slightly before they straighten again. This is the completion of this exercise.

Another type of push up that is included in the Pilates mat exercises many people do is that of the Leg Pull Front Support. This is started face down on the mat and would be uncomfortable on a straight floor. The palms are at the sides of the body, near the shoulders. The legs are extended and the knees are lifted, with the toes pushing on the mat. While keeping the body in alignment, the hands push up until the shoulders and chest are over the thumbs. The shoulders press down the back and release, so that the area above the heart in the back is soft while the same 'head to heels like steel' position is used. With the abdominal muscles tight and the ribs pulled back into the spine, this position is held for several seconds before slowly being released, with control, and the body comes to the mat again.

Pilates mat exercises should be done with a genuine Pilates mat, not a yoga mat. Yoga mats are thinner because they intend for yoga practitioners to feel the floor. For Pilates, exercisers need to be padded from the floor, so the mats should be half an inch thick and made of good quality foam. Pilates mats can be rolled up or folded. They should also be about four feet by eight feet in size.

Having a series of Pilates mat exercises and a mat to use them with is a good way to increase personal agility and flexibility. Pilates exercises also help with strength and weight loss for people of all abilities and sizes. They are safe, and made more comfortable with the use of a mat. The exercises are challenging and thankfully, easy to understand once you understand the nature of Pilates itself. - 17268

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About The Scary Truth Of Using Microwave Dinners

By Aimee Jones

If you are the type of person that would pay more for a bullet train than an ordinary train, or prepare an exact change before leaving the house than to be in long queue on toll exits then you must be in a hurry and wanted to do things fast as much as you can help it.

Fast-paced life is something that we are used to have and almost all people can adapt to it however not all gives advantages. Take the microwave ovens for an example. Almost everyone has microwaves at home even at the office where you work including the restaurants use them as well.

Microwaves are electromagnetic energy that travels at the speed of light. The magnetron in the microwave oven produces wave energy. This wave energy converts polarity of molecules from positive to negative. This polarity changes millions of times every second in the microwave oven.

These microwaves bombard the food molecules and make the polarized molecules to radiate at the same frequency millions of times every second. This friction heats up the food and also causes 'structural isomerism', that is, structural damage of the food molecules.

A lot of people would want to save money so instead of buying food at work they just bring food from home, the only problem is they have to reheat them so that they can eat it right and the only thing that can do that is a microwave, which, sad to say post a great danger to your health.

Microwaves significantly decrease the nutritional value of the foods up to 60 to 90% of the normal level. There is reduction in vitamin B 12 that is necessary for red blood cell formation and building up nervous system. The flavonoid content of the food decreases by 97% when cooked in microwave oven. Flavonoids contain anti cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. There is significant decrease in vitamin C, vitamin E, essential mineral and lipotropic factors in food. Glucosides, nitrilosides, alkaloids present in the vegetables are damaged significantly.

Whatever nutrients that your food may have are being decreased by the use of microwave ovens. I for one use them frequently because it saves me time to cook in the range and I still have to prepare lots of kitchen utensils to do so but the moment I started reading about its disadvantages I was so guilty for using them for almost all of our foods.

We should always bear in mind that healthy foods are best served fresh. Frying is one of the most dangerous form of cooking and you might want to consider not doing it as well if you wanted to live longer and enjoy your life. - 17268

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The Newest Trend in Fitness Equipment

By Toby Navo

I've been a professional trainer for over 15 years and I'm always on top of the latest trends in equipment. With the quality of adjustable weights on the market today, I now spend a lot of time training clients in their own home, without a full in-house gym. In this guide I'll share some of the great things about adjustable weights and a few options available to purchase.

Most people don't have a full set of dumbbells for a few reasons. One reason is they take up way too much space. If you combine the dumbbells with a few machines, now this requires an entire room in your home. The good news is, with a quality set of adjustable weights you can hit every muscle you need!

Most adjustable dumbbell sets come with a rack or a storage unit. You can store these weights pretty much anywhere: under the bed, in a closet, in the garage or even in the car. I always have my dumbbells in the car since I'm traveling around to see different clients.

I wasn't sold on adjustable weights when I first came across them. I had a few issues with them, but they all seem to be solved now. The process to adjust the weights wasn't easy, but now it's so simple. Most have a pin you pull out and adjust. The other issue was the weight of the adjustable dumbbells. They simply did not weigh enough, but now they make adjustable weights up to 150 lbs for each dumbbell.

There are many different companies that are making quality adjustable weights these days. I personally chose to go with Ironmaster, who in my opinion make the best available. Each dumbbell weights up to 75 lbs and they have an option of purchasing another 45 lbs for each dumbbell. It's very rare I use the 120 lbs for myself or for my clients.

The Quick Lock adjustable weights are Ironmaster's top end system. The total cost of the entire set (with a storage rack) will cost $688.00, unless you leave out the additional 45 lb add-ons. The rack and 75 lbs can be purchased for $489.00.

A high end set of dumbbells can be extremely expensive. I've seen dumbbells up to 75 lbs for $5,000. With an adjustable set of weights, you're getting the same amount of weight, but for a lot less. The only other cost associated with purchasing a set of adjustable weights is a bench. I always recommend a bench since many exercises require a bench.

Hopefully this guide has helped you understand the benefits of adjustable weights. Most importantly, you'll save a ton of space and a lot of money. Make sure to shop around online before purchasing, since there are many different options available. - 17268

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What Are Thermogenic Fat Burning Foods?

By Jose Bautista

What does thermogenic fat burning mean? This refers to foods that can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism. When your metabolic rate is increased, your body burns up calories faster.

Lean protein foods have good thermogenic fat burning qualities. These include turkey or chicken breasts, game meats like buffalo, bison, elk and venison, lean red meats like sirloin, all kinds of fish including seafood and shellfish, and egg whites. You can eat egg yolks in moderation.

Cayenne pepper and cinnamon will get your heart rate up and keep your blood sugar levels in check. If you want to lose weight it is very important to keep your blood sugar level correct. If you don't, you will start to crave foods high in sugar. Sugary foods will not satisfy you ' in fact they will make you hungrier.

It has been scientifically proven that cinnamon lowers blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. Put some on your oatmeal at breakfast or sprinkle a bit in your coffee. It will help burn fat and add a really nice flavor.

Green tea will also help increase metabolism. Green tea contains compounds known as polyphenols which can break down fat. Drink a couple of cups every day and you will not only feel healthier, but this will help you to lose weight.

Other fat-burning foods include ginger and spinach. Ginger can boost your metabolism because it makes blood vessels expand. This results in the body's internal heat being raised. Spinach is known to reduce cholesterol, burn body fat and increase metabolism. Spinach also supplies your body with Vitamins E and C, iron, and beta carotene.

You know what they say about apples: 'one a day keeps the doctor away'. Well, it's true! Apples are packed with goodness, they are rich in fiber and they taste delicious. Whenever those hunger pangs appear, eat an apple. - 17268

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Lose Fat And Build Muscle With The Right Workout & Diet

By Benshoo Gronshe

A marvelous strategy for losing Fat & Building Muscles simultaneously: There can be a lot of different approaches to lose weight and to gain muscles simultaneously - some of them are conventional, some old-fashioned and some contemporary. This article will elaborate yet another approach.

A summary of abs and diet: The Abs and diet program was the outcome of the efforts of a journalist of a fitness publication, Men's Health.' His creation was globally adopted and gained reputation with wholehearted acceptance all over the world. It was later utilized by a number of people as a significant plan for losing weight and gaining muscles.

The abs and diet is intended through the plan of 42 days of healthy meals with the proper workout routines.

Hence, usage of this plan along with the safety measures is highly-effective for losing fats and building muscles.

There are twelve foods which plays a fundamental role in development of this strategy. Having said that, it's essential function is to give best form to your body through workouts or exercises and best suitable balanced diet.

Various people get advantages from this strategy through many years. It's a matter of luck at times, as many take advantages from it, but there are many people got fail in having any sort of assistance regarding their fitness regime.

Proper training, having six to seven meals per day and a protein-enriched diet can bring about significant muscles and also helps in reducing weight.

12 Special Food Items: The most important and easiest way to lose fat and build muscles is to use the following food items:

1.Pulses 2.Curd, low fat cheese, low fat milk 3.Walnuts, Almonds or other types of nuts 4.Oils made by nuts, specially olive oil 5.Berries 6.White meat 7.Low fat Peanut Butter 8.Eggs 9.Barley 10.Brawn Breads 11.Cereals 12.Fresh vegetables and fruits

Losing weight and building muscles together are good for one's abdominal body, it is proven by many researches. However they both are not the only methods to accomplish your goal. It is our basic requirement to have nutritious food with the intention of a wonderful body.

What we should do for losing fats and building muscles:

I.Avoid over eating as much as possible. II.Prefer spicy condiment over creamy sauce. III.Reduce solid-milky intake to at least half. IV.Avoid taking late meals especially before going to bed. V.Rip your curves, where needed. VI.Increase protein-enriched diet. VII.Avoid fried items like chicken and prefer Lima for boosting your protein level. VIII.Eggs, beans, fish, chicken and peanuts should be included in diet for their low fats and high protein levels.

The points which declared above are several of the top options regarding the protein rich diet. In addition, when you include proteins in your diet it will really help you to enhance muscles. For getting healthy and attractive body this method is best.

These tactics promises fast fat loss along with enhancing your muscle development the natural way with no side-effects whatsoever. - 17268

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Organic Fair Trade Coffee: What The Buzz Is About

By Ali Bautista

Have you ever been among a group of friends or coworkers where someone brings up the term "Organic Fair Trade Coffee" and you simply nod away, too embarrassed to admit you have no idea what that really is? Well, it doesn't take long to learn the basics of why, how and where to buy it. And soon you'll have enough know-how to toss in your own two cents next time the topic comes up.

The Reason

Think about what you probably paid for the last latte you had -- 3, 4 dollars? Well, if you compared that to the wage of farmers who labor seven days a week to provide not only that cup but millions more, you'd probably be upset. You see, in poorer nations, especially in South America, farmers barely make enough money to feed their families. The idea behind this cause is to pay these workers the price they deserve for cultivating the beans. No more, No Less.

How Can You Tell Which is which?

You probably already know the answer to this, but just in case you don't, all certified coffee comes with the official stamp of approval, which features a man holding two coffee baskets along with the word "CERTIFIED." It's as simple as that. Now, the next time you're quenching that thirst for a cup of the strong stuff, keep an eye out for that logo. Consider it just one extra step you make before your purchase.

Where to Purchase

Well, if you live in any major metropolis you're bound to have at least a few organic coffee houses (If you live in Seattle then just close your eyes and throw a pebble. You'll probably hit one). Many of these places have chosen to only serve this type of coffee. Although must people don't know, even at Starbucks they give you the option to purchase it, you simply have to ask. If you choose to drink at home, a majority of supermarkets carry at least one certified brand.

There you go. Not only is the idea behind organic fair trade coffee completely sensible, it does not ask a lot from anyone. As opposed to seeing Sally Struthers implore you to sponsor a foreign child, the act of showing your support for this movement is no more than a point of a finger. As long as you are a coffee drinker, there's no real excuse not to chip in. - 17268

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Drink Your Way To Good Health

By Jermaic Honsher

Many people are starting to make healthy meal choices, including healthier drink options. A healthy beverage should revitalize and refresh your body without adding unwanted fat or calories.

Water. Your body needs to stay well-hydrated in order to function normally. Drinking water helps regulate your body temperature, so it is very important to drink water during exercise. Your body loses water through your breathing and by sweating while you exercise. Dehydration slows down your body's metabolism and impedes healing. Water promotes the circulation of blood and vital fluids within our bodies. Water also revitalizes, detoxifies, and oxygenates the skin. There is simply no substitute for water and everyone should drink at least 8 glasses every day.

Cranberry juice. These colorful red berries are loaded with vitamin C and studies show that an ingredient in cranberries prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder, preventing bladder and urinary tract infections. The powerful antioxidants in cranberry juice helps get rid of free radicals and reduces inflammation. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice each day will also help lower your cholesterol. Stick to 100% cranberry juice and avoid cranberry juice cocktails, which have added sugar.

Green tea. Well known for its wealth of antioxidants, green tea can also block the over-production of harmful enzymes in your body that act as precursors to cancer. Replace your morning cup of coffee with a steaming cup of antioxidant-rich green tea instead. Natural compounds in green tea have been found to help regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin activity, promoting glucose metabolism and blocking glucose absorption.

The following sugary, calorie packed drinks are very popular, but. They are also some of the unhealthiest drinks available.

Fancy coffee drinks. The traditional cup of coffee has had quite a make-over, and not in a healthy way. In addition to the huge dose of caffeine, fancy coffee drinks are laden with fat and calories from extras such as whipped cream, flavored syrups, chocolate sprinkles, even candy pieces.

Summer cocktails. Summer parties and picnics are not complete without a festive cocktail or two. But beware: these colorful, cheerful drinks pack quite a few calories. Pina coladas, margaritas, and daiquiris are drowning in calories, and that is even before the liquor is added.

Smoothies. The smoothie is often advertised as a healthy drink, even as a replacement for a meal, but many are anything but healthy. Loaded with fat and calories, unhealthy smoothies get a bad rap from added ice cream, full fat-dairy, sugar, and even crushed candy or cookies. - 17268

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How To Accelerate Arm Toning By Burning More Calories

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you think that your metabolism has something to do with arm toning, you're right! Figuring out how to hack your metabolism is a powerful way to get the lean arms of your dreams.

A fast metabolism is the most powerful tool you can use to get rid of those every annoying flabby arms.

I'll discuss some critical pointers in this article that will lay the foundation for your new and improved metabolism.

So here are four hacks that will keep your metabolism (and your arm toning) at the highest level possible:

1. Eat every three hours. If you're still eating 3 square meals a day, you're missing out big time. Eating every couple of hours (about 6 meals a day) will provide a higher thermic effect (more calories burned). As an added bonus, insulin (the #1 fat storing hormone) will be kept at an extremely low level.

2. Never do cardio for more than 30 minutes. Go overboard here, and your metabolism will sink faster than the Titanic. This type of cardio burns through muscle very quickly. And muscle is the number one thing that will keep your metabolism really really high.

3. Consider HIT cardiovascular work. HIT (high intensity cardio) is optional and only helpful if you are having a very difficult time shedding off those last layers of arm flab. The key is to go hard and short so that cortisol doesn't become an issue. Try to get your heart rate up and keep it there for no more than 20 minutes.

4. Make weightlifting your best friend. You will not develop manly arms because your body does not have enough testosterone to do so. Don't forget that weightlifting (increasing muscle mass) is the absolute best way to increase your metabolism.

Ok, now you have 4 hacks for taking your arm toning (and metabolism) to the next level. Make sure you apply these hacks immediately and don't wait around for something to happen. Because that something usually never happens.

After all, women with the highest speeds of implementation are the ones that get the fastest results! - 17268

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Lalanne Juicer: Tips On Choosing The Best Model

By Stacey Wood

Every person who enjoys fresh fruit or vegetable juice should seriously consider purchasing a Lalanne Juicer, a fruit juicer which clearly is superior to others. Whenever you buy juice at a juice bar or store, you pay more for each glass than you should. All these overly expensive glasses of juice add up to a significant sum of money over the course of a year, not to mention the inconvenience and cost of needing to leave your house whenever you want some fresh juice.

The Lalanne Juicer is convenient and cost effective, and it has the additional benefit of making the fresh juices you crave at the times you most want them. This is why the Lalanne Juicer is an essential part of countless kitchens around the globe. Once people try one of these superior juicers, they do not want to ever do without them.

The first step when you are purchasing a Lalanne Juicer is to determine which specific model you will buy. Lalanne offers a full range of superior juicers, so you will want to choose the version that is best for your particular needs. In part the suitable model will be determined by how much room your kitchen has for a juicer, because some models are wider than others. If you only have a small area available you will need to choose one of the smaller versions. Not to worry, though, because the small models are just as capable as the larger versions. There are some differences in functionality between the models, however, so carefully evaluate what each model offers before you make your final selection.

One important thing to remember is that each model of the Lalanne Juicer comes with stainless steel blades and is remarkably quiet, allowing you to enjoy fresh juice early in the morning without waking up your family. Every model also has built in safety features so you will never need to worry about anyone being accidentally injured while using it. Lalanne Juicers are completely dishwasher safe, so cleanup is an extremely easy process. All you need to do is empty out the juice and put the machine into the dishwasher. Its durable stainless steel blade will hold up to all sorts of abuse.

More advanced models of the Lalanne Juicer can process stems, pits, seeds and cores, so you will be able to toss almost anything in and have it come out well. These more advanced versions are a bit more costly but they are extremely convenient, saving you a good bit of time. Your fruit juicer will become one of your favorite kitchen items and you will probably use it every day for years to come. People everywhere are extremely happy with their juicers, and if you buy a Lalanne Juicer you will join a long lineup of satisfied customers. - 17268

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Powerful Foods That Can Enhance Quality Of Life

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Who doesn't want to increase the length and productiveness of their life? Unfortunately, the urge to do so has led many people into buying bogus formulations.

In reality, increasing both length and quality of life does not happen overnight. Rather, what's needed here are changes to your daily routine that over time will compound and have tremendous effects.

The bottom line is that we don't age overnight, thus expecting to reverse aging from one day to the next is not reasonable.

Thus, without further ado, here are some powerful foods that can enhance your quality of life over the long run:

1. Walnuts: Not all nuts are created equal, although most of them do have healthy fat. The good thing about walnuts is that they have high amounts of omega-3 fats. Just make sure to keep them in a refrigerated environment since omega-3 fats can become rancid very quickly at room temperatures.

2. Cacao from the source: Be careful with companies claiming to be selling organic cocoa because often times they are selling "alkalized" cocoa-a form that has been processed. Instead, stick to cocoa that is NOT processed for maximum benefit. Cocoa, as proven by Harvard researchers, increases the elasticity of arteries-a great way to increase heart health.

3. Marine fat: You don't have to stick with fish to get healthy marine fat. However, for sake of simplicity your best bet is wild salmon. You can also have sardines and oysters as they are low in toxins but high in bio available omega-3's. As an added bonus, most marine sources of protein are high in vitamin D.

4. Spirits: Alcohol, specifically red wine, does a great job at making your arteries more pliable-a good thing. The main issue here, however, is that once you go over one glass you are going to get a negative return on your drinking. So keep the red wine under strict tabs.

The best way to increase health and lifespan is to be patient. Don't expect wonder drugs, instead, make changes every single day that over time will have a tremendous impact on your health.

And don't wait too long to take action on this information. If you do, you might forget what you have learned! - 17268

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