Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good Educational Things To Know Regarding Vegetarian Diet

By Alexis Martin

Many people are turning to a vegetarian weight loss diet as they become aware of the potential health benefits from a diet devoid of, or low in, animal products. Among the benefits of being vegetarian are reduced risk from some kinds of cancer, lower risk of becoming obese or developing type II diabetes, and less chance of heart disease and high blood pressure. Nowadays there are more vegetarian options available in restaurants and people have a better understanding of what being vegetarian means.

Not all vegetarian diets are the same. Some people are vegans and do not consume or wear any kind of animal product. Others are known as lactovegetarians because they still eat dairy products. Ovovegetarians will eat eggs, but not meat, and semi-vegetarians do not eat red meat, but do sometimes eat fish or chicken.

When you are vegetarian you have to be careful that your diet is high enough in some nutrients that typically come from animal products. Developing a nutritional plan will increase your nutrient intake and prevent missing out on certain vitamins and minerals. Be careful to include foods that have protein, iron, B12, vitamin D, zinc and calcium.

Alternative sources of protein for vegetarians include legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas and beans or nuts and vegetable seeds. Whole grain foods can also be a source of protein for vegetarians. To ensure you are getting enough iron in your system you should consume plenty of spinach, dried fruits and you can add Brewer's Yeast to foods. You may also be able to find iron-enriched cereals that will boost your iron levels.

Getting enough zinc in your diet is essential for maintaining a strong immune system. Men also need zinc for healthy sperm production. You can get zinc by eating wheat germ and nuts. Vitamin B12 is mostly found in animal products, so it may be a good idea to take a vitamin B supplement to ensure that you are getting enough.

People need good amounts of calcium to have strong bones and teeth. If you do not have enough calcium and vitamin D, your bones may become brittle and you could develop osteoporosis. Calcium rich foods such as soy and tofu and spinach, broccoli and kale can ensure that you will have strong bones and healthy teeth.

Vitamin D can be obtained from cereals that are enriched with the vitamin and also sunlight. Most sources of vitamin D from food are found in fish products or milk. Alternatively you can easily find calcium plus vitamin D supplements at the pharmacy. - 17268

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Healthy Whole Wheat Pancakes Made Yummy

By Jamis Hartley

We've gotten into the habit of eating a more healthy breakfast when we cook a full meal breakfast on the weekends. We do include sometimes some lean meats, but primarily we're pancake people.

They are yummy when they are fresh off the pan and they can be enjoyed in so many ways. Pancakes are delicious for sure, but the problem for many of us is not the pancake itself but all the stuff we pile or pour all over them.

Eating healthy of course requires that our pancakes be whole wheat. But even whole wheat pancakes covered in sugary corn syrup are not healthy any more. With out the tasty additives you have a fairly dry non-yummy meal. Probably better still than plain toast, but still not that treat we look for in a pancake.

To avoid smothering your possibly healthy whole wheat pancake find a different way to add flavor. One idea is to add some of the syrup you love into the batter for that same great taste but without the quantity typically used when pouring it all over the top. Another great idea to get more flavor by using less is by using real butter. Real butter has more flavor and requires you to use less while still getting that flavor we love. Butter hasn't been promoted so much over the years, but studies actually show that because of it's flavor we typically use less of it than the artificial stuff that comes with the trans fats. I simply prefer natural substances over artificial in all cases.

There are many great ways of getting the flavor out of the healthy whole wheat pancakes. Of course starting out with a pancake mix that has great flavor to begin with really helps. Find a recipe that you really enjoy and then you can add to it. Try adding flavor to the batter that will decrease your desire to add sugary stuff to top once it is cooked and steaming on your plate. You're going to get a much more enjoyable pancake with a lot less calories.

Having a tasty whole wheat pancake is good, but for many of us having pancakes with a topping is just part of having pancakes. However, now that you have a delicious cake to start all you need is a little jam or a touch of fruit. Homemade jams have a lot less sugar and are soft and easily spreadable. Fruits lower in sugar like peaches or pears are delicious too. Applesauce or yogurt are also a very tasty ways to top your whole wheat pancakes.

For a real treat, cook them a bit thinner, roll them up with fresh fruit inside them and top with a single dollop of whipped topping. Fresh fruit adds a festive look and taste to breakfast and no one is going to say no to healthy whole wheat pancakes and strawberries for breakfast.

Getting the kids to stop long enough for a meal isn't always easy. A family meal on the weekends with fresh fruit, whipped topping and healthy whole wheat pancakes makes it that much easier to get everyone sitting down and talking. Who knows, you might even start a tradition. - 17268

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