Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Resveratrol Helps You Lose Weight Faster

By Louis Smith

Perhaps you are interested in losing a few pounds or maybe you want to lose a lot of weight. Whatever your case may be, using a supplement in conjunction with your plans can be a great way to achieve your goals.

There are a variety of supplements out there but one supplement that has been getting a fair amount of attention is Vinotol.

Vinotol is so great that one capsule contains the equivalent of 200 glasses of wine in resveratrol content. Let's see why this might be important to you.

For many years, it has been shown that fruits like cranberries, blueberries and grapes along with wine contain resveratrol. Resveratrol is an antioxidant and provides all the benefits that an antioxidant does.

But that's not all. Recent studies suggest that resveratrol can have a positive effect on helping maintian normal-range cholesterol levels, supporting insulin health and optimizing metabolic and immune pathways to protect cells and improve mitochondrial function.

This supplement, Vinotol, helps you keep healthy levels of glucose and burn fat while improving your cardiovascular function.

Additionally, Vinotol comes with a host of other ingredients including green tea extract. Green tea has been shown for many years to provide numerous health benefits including reducing carbohydrate utilization, increasing exercise endurance, burning fat and increasing metabolism.

So, if you want to lose weight and keep it off then Reservatrol Select can do a great job in helping you reach your goals. Also, at the time of this writig, Resveratrol is offering a free samle of its product so that you can try it out for yourself before spending any money at all. Give it a try today! - 17268

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ResvaLife and Resveratrol

By Jen Croff

If you have not heard by now, then you should know that Resveratrol is a very exciting substance recently found in medical research.

Even television shows are picking up on this great discovery and it has been prominently featured on shows like Oprah because of the great benefits.

60 Minutes, the popular television program, first investigated red wine 17 years ago. They were particularly interested in why the French were so thin despite a diet high in such foods like cheese. Red wine, as we know now, is a drink that is full of resveratrol. We now know that resveratrol was very important to staying healthy.

Scientific studies also have proved this. For example, in one study, two mice were raised with the same high carb diet except one was given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not receive such supplement.

After a while, the weights of the two mice were taken and it was found that the mouse that had gotten the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse despite having the same lifestyle and diet!

Our bodies can only absorb about 40-50% of the nutrients we eat. So, the rest of the food ends up being stored in fat cells for many years at a time. Often, this excess turns into toxins.

Resveratrol is a very strong anti-oxidant and is able to go in and destroy these toxins so that they do not damage our bodies. Even if you only use resveratrol for a little bit, you can receive many benefits.

For this reason, if you want to try out resveratrol for yourself and get these great health benefits, then try a resveratrol supplement like Resvalife. At the time of this writing, Resvalife is even being offered for free so you can try it out before spending any money on it. - 17268

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Cellulite Reduction

By Jane Austen

What exactly is cellulite, you might ask. Cellulite is basically the series of ripples from fat cells underneath the skin.

We find cellulite most commonly in places like the thighs and butt. Women in particular tend to have cellulite in these places. Additionally, we find a certain "orange peel" characteristic to it.

It is interesting to note that it is unclear why women tend to get cellulite more often than men. It is possbile that the two genders have differences in skin or cell composition which results in this change.

Why we even get cellulite is also a mystery. Its causes and why it comes to be is still widely unknown. Of course, there are theories to its appearance including thinking it to be fat cell problems or some kind of hormone inbalance.

It is important to know however that simply being fat is not a cause for the appearance of cellulite. There are many overweight people who do not have cellulite while there are many slim people who do have cellulite. As a result, having large amounts of fat is not a predictor of whether or not you will get cellulite or the severeness of it.

Although, it is known that excess fat does cause cellulite. This could be because enlarged fat cells put more pressure on the tissue around it and the connective tissue which ultimately affects the skin in negative ways.

There are a few solutions such as dieting so that the fat cells themselves become reduced.

One other solution is to boost the skin's production of collagen as a whole. This will mean that your skin's appearance will improve and cellulite will become reduced. If you are interested, check out HD BodySolution which provides just this. At this time, HD BodySolution is even offered on a free trial so that you can see the results first before paying any money. Start reducing your cellulite today! - 17268

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Cure Insomnia

By Laura Croff

If you have ever experienced a sleepless night, you already know the havoc that it can cause on your next day. You are unable to function at your optimal pace, your physical appearance worsens and your ability to handle what comes is decreased. Furthermore, your general sense of well-being is reduced and it is difficult to experience the positive emotions you experience throughout the day.

Perhaps your sleeping troubles come from one of a few types. In the evening, you may find it difficult to fall asleep after getting into bed. Or, you may fall asleep quite quickly only to wake up some hours later and find that you cannot fall asleep again no matter how hard you try.

Luckily, there is a natural sleep aid available that can greatly help you when you are unable to get proper sleep. Somniem PM Natural Sleep Aid contains natural ingredients that will not make you feel groggy or "hung over" the next day like most prescription sleep pills do. Among Somniem PM's natural ingredients is melatonin, the very same aid that your body uses to get a restful night of sleep.

It is believed by many scientists that one of the main culprits for getting a poor night of sleep is the body's lack of production of melatonin before bedtime. There are a wide range of factors that can influence melatonin production. For example, alcohol, caffeine and stress all influence your body's natural production of melatonin and can cause it to not produce enough. Somniem PM Sleep Aid encourages your body to produce more melatonin and in this natural way, you are able to get better sleep each night.

Due to Somniem PM encouraging the natural sleep system in your body, it can help correct a sleep cycle that has been distraught from the effects of alcohol or caffeine among other factors.

Unlike prescription sleep pills, Somniem PM has no side effects and is non-addictive. Somniem PM will leave you feeling refreshed the next morning instead of "hung over" like most prescription sleep pills do.

Given its natural ingredients, Somniem PM is a viable option for those who are looking to get a good night's sleep based on its proven effectiveness. - 17268

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Wrinkles Around Your Eyes?

By Laura Sora

As we grow older, our skins age with us and this usually results in many imperfections appearing in our skin like wrinkles and fine lines.

While treatments for wrinkles and fine lines exist, most of them involve an undesireable catch like painful injections or costly treatments.

However, now there is an alternative. Even better, it does not involve injections and can be used safely in your own home.

Eyepothesis can provide you the wrinkle reducing serum that you desire to make your skin look great.

As an alternative to Botox and Restylane, this unique oil-free serum gives amazing results.

Eyepothesis is considered to be the top wrinkle serum with the most potent ingredients.

Eyepothesis has been proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by up to 50% through the use of many ingredients including leuphasyl, argirilene, octapeptide, matrixly 3000, tripeptide and more.

On the anti-wrinkle market today, there is no other product that compares in number of ingredients to treat your skin. For this reason, Eyepothesis is the best in treating your skin.

Ultimately, if reducing your wrinkles and fine lines is what you want, then SP Beauty Lift is the product for you. Recently, Eyepothesis has even been started on a free trial so you can test out the product for yourself absolutely free of risk. Give it a try today and see for yourself! - 17268

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If You Are An Apple Or A Pear - Fat Loss Tips

By Marie Turner

These days obesity and being overweight has reached wide-ranging proportions. It is no question that so many folks want to lose weight. There are many reasons to lose weight from the aesthetic reasons, like looking good to catch the attention of a companion or to fit in those cool pants to what is in all probability the most crucial reason and that is for excellent health.

Different bodies hoard fat in a different way. A person who stores all of the spare fat in their thighs and butt has different problems than a person who stores all of their extra fat in the middle or the abdominal region. When you carry your fat in your thighs and butt you are shaped like a pear and when you carry your excess fat in your abdominal region you are shaped like an apple. The way that you carry your fat has a great impact on your health.

The pear-shaped women, who carry all of their excess weight in their butt and thighs, are at a health advantage over the apple shaped women. While they may have more problem finding "jeans that fit" and they may fight with body image just as much as the apple-shaped woman, they do not have the same wellbeing issues to contend with. The flab they hold on their butts and thighs is not necessarily detrimental to their health.

The fat that accumulates around the belly region puts the person at jeopardy for things like heart disease and cardiovascular problems, diabetes and other health risks. The problem is that the fat in the belly section collects around the internal organs. This prevents the organs from performing optimally. If you are pear-shaped you escape this dilemma because there are no internal organs in your butt and thighs.

In order to find out is you are an apple or a pear shape you need to calculate your waist-hip ratio. Divide your waist measurement in inches by your hip measurement in inches. If the result is 0.8 or less you are shaped like a pear and if it is more than 0.8 then you are an apple shape. For instance, you can take a 28-inch waist and divide it by a 38-inch hip and the result is 0.73 or a pear shape while that same hip of 38 inch with a 32-inch waist computes out to a 0.84 or an apple shape.

A pear may have body image issues and she may fight with her body type but she is not really facing important health risks, which is not the case for an apple-shaped individual. If you are apple-shaped it is much more crucial that you drop the weight. Try increasing your cardio exercises and focus on consuming a fiber-rich diet with more fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes and lean protein sources such as fish and skinless chicken.

When it comes to weight loss an apple shaped individual does have an advantage because weight that accumulates in the abdominal section comes off more rapidly than the fat that accumulates in the butt and thighs. Butt and thigh fat is quite stubborn and it will take much more exertion to get it to finally come off.

The type of body that you have is not something that you can control but you can do whatever is essential to lose the excess fat or even better, of course, is to not gain it in the first place. - 17268

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Effective Plan To Help Build Muscles

By Jose R. Farino

Just like in any other event in life, its important to plan ahead before starting a muscle building regimen. You should sit down and figure out exactly whey you want to gain from the routine to ensure the best results.

Its important to test out a variety of workouts before picking one to stick with. Any flexibility in your plan will help you make the best decisions and have the best results from your exercises.

Once you figure out what type of routine to use, you have to be sure that you understand the right way to do each of the exercises. Anytime you work with the human body, you have to know the ins and outs of what you're doing. One false move can lead to serious injury, so be sure to get as much training as you can.

Be sure that you know what your body can actually do. You have to set personal limitations because you don't want to push your muscles past their breaking points. There's nothing wrong with needing to take it easy.

Pushing yourself a little bit is fine, and really that's the only way you'll ever get stronger. But don't push too far! All of your efforts will be wasted if you have to spend your toned days in the hospital.

You have to remember that your muscles need time to regroup themselves, so you cant do muscle building routines everyday. You can alternate them with Cardiovascular workouts or just do them every other day instead. This will let your muscles cure and strengthen as they should.

Keep yourself on a diet full of calories so that your body has something to burn in your routines. Not eating the right foods could leave you lethargic and sluggish, so you wont be able to workout to your full potential.

Just remember the goals that you've set for yourself, and take slow steps to achieve them. Don't do anything your body isn't comfortable with, and give yourself enough time to recover from each workout. Just follow the steps above, and you'll soon see a leaner, fitter version of yourself looking back in the mirror. - 17268

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Bucks County Experts Teach On Six Pack Abs Made Easy

By Kareem F Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Exercising on unstable surfaces is the fastest way to improve your results in your six pack ab quest. In an effort to improve results amongst all of my clients, unstable surface training has become a major influence, also leading to smaller bellies, stronger low backs, and faster results in all aspects of fitness.

Training for functional abdominal strength while training for aesthetic purposes just makes sense. Functionally, your abs work to stabilize your lower spine, flex your trunk, rotate your trunk, and digest food. It is always important to consider the actions of the muscles you are training for two reasons:

Improving your opportunity to stimulate all of a muscle, as opposed to a single region that would normally be recruited from an exercise. Additionally, you will have a sense of becoming stronger with daily activities, which ultimately leads to increased compliance in the gym.

Stomach fat reduction to the extent of achieving six pack abs requires diet modification as well as training. However, the statement should be made that lifestyle modification is much better than dieting, in that it is not temporary. Foods that require increased energy for digestion are considered less efficient, and, therefore, require more caloric expenditure for digestion. These foods are more likely to help you overcome the obstacle of belly fat reduction.

Remember, in order to guarantee your successful attainment of six pack abs, you will need to be disciplined and dedicated to your fitness program. Also, be sure to begin slowly and progress over time. If it truly is your goal to have six pack abs, it would be wise to make this a long-term goal that will be sustainable for years, rather than days. - 17268

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Massage Chair Review for Panasonic EP-3222 Massage Recliner

By Steve Esquire

We will focus on the EP-3222 massage chair lounger by Panasonic. The EP3222 is part of the Real Pro Elite series of massage chairs. This massage lounger is one of the luxury models produced by Panasonic. It includes some advanced technology features such as a body scan to customize the massage for each individual user. We will take a look at some of these advanced features and functions. We will also touch on the warranty and provide you our insights into the EP-3222 massage chair recliner.

Warranty coverage is an important aspect of purchasing any manufactured product these days. Although quality levels continue to improve and the incidence of breakdown is minimal, you still want to make sure you have protection. Warranty coverage is like obtaining an insurance policy. One you hope to never use, but just in case it is there if you need it.

The EP3222 comes with a standard warranty from Panasonic. The standard warranty covers parts for three years. There is one year of labor covered. A nation wide n in home technician service is also available and the first 90 days is covered with the standard warranty.

One of the advanced features of this massage recliner is the body scan technology. When you sit in the chair and start the program, the chair will perform a scan of your back. The chair actually maps your back and locates your individual acupressure points. It memorizes them and then prioritizes the most important. The data is then fed into the software program and the massage is customized for your body.

Another innovative feature of the EP3222 is the floating massage mechanism. The floating massage mechanism is patterned after the hand movements of a master masseuse. The floating mechanism consists of 2 to 4 firm rubber massage heads. These massage heads can very accurately simulate certain massage movements like pressing with the heal of the hand, stroking with the palm of the hand, thumb-like kneading and thumb-like pressure.

Panasonic has built into the EP 3222 an arsenal of massage treatments and options to help relieve any aches and pains you might have. There are 6 pre-programmed massages which can be activated at the touch of a button. You also have a solid variety of manual massages including Swedish, Kneading, Compression, Tapping, Shiatsu and Rolling.

Another area that Panasonic can target with the EP3222 is the entire lower body. They accomplish this with an air massage system. The air massage system uses a compressor which delivers to 33 strategically place air bags. These air bags provide and effective and relieving compression massage throughout the lower body.

The EP 3222 comes with a voice guidance system which can guide you through targeting specific relief. This is helpful for first time users or when you want to try something new. The remote also has a memory function. The memory function remembers the exact settings for the last five minutes of a massage you just received. If you like what just happened, you can store it in memory for the next time.

How about a great stretch? The EP-3222 Real Pro Elite comes with a stretch function for your legs. This function will elongate the muscles from the hips, thighs, knees, calves and ankles. This type of stretch is excellent to help improve your joint mobility and to increase your flexibility.

The Panasonic Real Pro Elite series has some other massage functions that we did not review like the Swede-Atsu that provides realistic feeling massage therapy. This is also incorporated in the EP3222 model. The massage therapies are good and the variety will enable you to get practically every type of ache, pain or tension relieved on demand. Our only concern with Panasonic is the short warranty on the labor. Other than that the EP 3222 is a solid massage chair and worthy of your further consideration. - 17268

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Get Relief from Edema With A Massage Chair

By Steve Esquire

There quite a number of people who suffer from a swelling of the feet and legs. This can happen when fluid is retained between the body cells. Charlie, fluid is retained in the body cells and not between them. This condition is known as edema. Sufferers of edema typically have progressively more solid feet and lower legs. Many of these pieces are turning to massage chairs to provide a compression massage for relief.

Edema can result by a serious condition of the kidneys, the heart, the liver or even blood vessels. Some of the following have been late to contribute it to edema: pregnancy, PMS, neuromuscular disorders, and abusing drugs. These have been known to cause fluid to be retained between the body cells.

Edema can typically affect the feet, ankles and the lower legs. These areas will tend to accumulate more fluid due to their relative positions when sitting and standing. Edema has also been known to impact other areas of the body. When this occurs a can have systemic symptoms.

How do you know if you are being affected by edema? The initial symptoms that may occur are the feet and legs swelling. This usually occurs as the day progresses. The swelling may start to begin in the morning and become more progressive during the day. This can start to weigh on you as the day goes by.

Sufferers of edema note that there legs will swell during the day. When starting their day, the swelling may not be too noticeable. However with increased activity during the day, they may experience greater swelling and the feet and areas.

Pitting is also another common problem with long-term edema. Patients with this condition note that after depressing a certain area, it will remain depressed. The flexibility of the soft tissue to bounce back is delayed in this circumstance.

Another common set of symptoms are puffy eyes, swollen hands and swollen wrists. Also reported are higher incidences of higher blood pressure, increased urination, palpitations and higher blood pressure. Many times this condition can also lead to weight gain.

Seeking relief from edema is important. The stiffness associated with the swelling can cause discomfort. When dealing with swelling, elevating the legs periodically is helpful. This helps to circulate blood to those areas and helps with retaining less fluid.

You may also try leg wedges to elevate the feet while sleeping. Make sure that your feet fit well in your shoes and there are even supports socks. When you are trying to choose some shoes, just make sure you try them in the late afternoon. If you try them in the morning and your feet swell then they will not fit well in the afternoon.

Many times a compression massage is used to help reduce swelling and restore flexibility. A compression massage uses a gentle squeeze and hold. This helps to loosen the muscle or joint.

Many massage chairs have lower body air compression massages. A leg rest contains a number of airbags to provide a gentle hold and squeeze massage. These airbags are designed for the feet and calves. This can be great relief for someone with stiff joints and muscles.

Always consult with your health professional on different treatment options for you. It is important to get diagnose properly to ensure that the treatments are effective. Certain cases may not be appropriate for the massage provided by a massage chair. Find out what is right for you but get frequent, reliable treatments. - 17268

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How To Use Dietary Supplements Effectively

By Julie Poundsign

For those of us who are carrying unwanted weight, or those of us who arent carrying enough, obtaining a desirable physique can be very difficult. Simply working out regularly and eating right doesnt necessarily work for everyone.

Some people may be overly skinny and have trouble filling out, and sessions at the gym seem to do nothing except tire you out and frustrate you because youre not getting anywhere.

Overweight people have an even more of an ordeal to go through at the gym as it is far more difficult to lose weight than it is to gain weight, but surely there is a way to speed the process along?

Things like dieting supplements and protein shakes are things that we have all heard of, but probably dont know much about. A lot of people question whether they work or not, whether they will have side effects etc. and rightly so. The answer is; if theyre used properly, then they can work wonders for your body, but otherwise, the chances are they will not do much.

For the people who feel they are too skinny and want to gain some weight, Whey protein supplements will make your muscles bigger if you carry on working out regularly. One or two 20-30 minute workouts a day should do.

Drinking a whey protein shake as instructed by the particular brand, ALONG with regular exercise and workouts will help your body building process because as the muscles get damaged from working out, the body has to repair them, which makes them stronger over a period of time (this is the process of muscle building) whey protein (which I find is much better than creatine) is ideal to aid this process because the body can easily turn it into muscle tissue.

For overweight people, a little more effort is involved as you cannot actually turn fat into muscle, the fat cells have to be burned away and then muscle has to be built in its place. An ideal supplement to aid you in this would be one that contains Sida Cordifolia as this increases the bodies metabolic rate, meaning you generally use more energy to do things, meaning you burn off fat cells quicker.

Using a dietary supplement such as this can help shed the unwanted weight in a minimal time frame. After this, start with a muscle building supplement as previously mentioned, and realistically, you will probably start to see your body take shape in 7-10 months, if you keep regularly working out and exercising. - 17268

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Do you ever think that you may have gout?

By Paul Mahon

There is nothing new about gout, it has been around for hundreds and probably thousands of year and has seen millions of people suffer with it. Gout is prevalent in some familys, if your father or other male member of your family has gout then there is a chance that you to will develop it.

Uric acid is a process involving the breakdown of purines that are present in the foods that we eat. The kidneys failure to process uric acid can lead to gout attacks. These attacks are characterized by painful arthritis like symptoms. In severe cases, uric acid build up can lead to occurrence of kidney stones, and kidney failure in worst cases.

Having elevated levels of uric acid in your blood does not mean that you will automatically suffer with gout attacks. Hyperucemia (thats the medical name for increased levels of uric acid in your blood) is something that if found may cause you to initially panic, but if you find out about it before you have any gout attacks then you are lucky. You can take steps to change your lifestyle and reduce the levels of uric acid.

The use of the term "gout" has been commonly applied to the episode of painful arthritis like attacks. A more specific term to these attacks is "gouty arthritis". It is characterized by sudden severe painful episode appearing as inflammation of the affected joint.

The inflammation of the joint is hastened by the occurrence of crystallized uric acid deposits in the person's joints. These crystallized uric acids may be found in joint or synovial fluid and joint or synovial lining. Intense inflammation develops when white blood cells envelops the uric acid crystals as a defense mechanism. This action causes the release chemicals that results in inflammation. The person will experience severe pain, redness and heat in the area afflicted.

Finding out if you have gout is not an exact science in any way. We have mentioned enhanced levels of uric acid already, yet there are people who have gout but don't display increased uric acid levels. If you have the pain that we have described then it is time to go and see a Dr, be totally honest and open with your Dr, tell him exactly what pain you are having and when you have experienced it. - 17268

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