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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Advanced Bodybuilding Training Techniques

By Landon Martinez

If you tried muscl building, gave it a year and like it. You're starting to see results. You've lost the flab, are hard, but your muscles aren't big. Perhaps you'd like to turn your body into a work of art and get some really sculpted muscle and maybe even compete. And you want more challenge in your workouts. Advanced bodybuilding training techniques are also used by professional athletes, wrestlers, security personnel, bouncers, models and quite possible the military.

If you've been gradually building up your body's strength, eat plenty of the right protein-laden meals and have the patience, you are most likely ready for advanced bodybuilding training techniques.

Things To Keep In Mind

As you've discovered, there are a lot of bodybuilding training styles, programs and exercises for the beginning bodybuilder, the intermediate bodybuilder and yes, for the advanced as well. Keep in mind that this may cost more and take up more of your free time. And you can't miss meals. Get a check up from your doctor to see if all the parts of your body can handle the intense workouts. You might discover your arms and legs can handle some exercises, but your back can't. There are still advanced bodybuilding training techniques you can do, but avoid leg exercises like crunches and girls and instead try a leg-lift machine.

If you're still up for the challenge, then you are definitely ready for some of the advanced bodybuilding training techniques:

Forced Reps: You keep lifting a weight over and over again, faster and faster, but sometimes you have a helper to "force" the repetition of lifting the barbell going. Say, for every ten lifts, you get help on the eleventh. Over time, the barbell gets heavier and heavier.

Partials: Now this is fun. Instead of moving a weight all the way, you just move it part of the way and hold it. Be sure to stretch after each set to minimize the pain.

Pre-Exhaust Training: Say you want to concentrate on one area of muscle, like your triceps. You do some weightlifting, say lifting dumbbells straight overhead, but instead of resting in between differing weights and lifts, you skip the rest and just go right into a new exercise. This is sometimes called "supersetting". Giant Sets: This is just like pre-exhaust training, except there is no rest between an entire series of exercises for a specific muscle group.

Strip Sets: You need two spotters for this, as time is of the essence. You start bench-pressing a barbell with the most weight on it, then the two spotters keep lowering weight. There is no rest in between weight changes like you are already used to. The speed is what builds the muscles here in these kinds of advanced bodybuilding training techniques. - 17268

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How To Prepare for Muscle Building Competition

By Tom Shane

Bodybuilding is not just about having a muscular physique; it is also sport that involves tough competitions. Bodybuilding can be done simply for personal enjoyment, but many choose to enter the world of bodybuilding competitions. It takes a lot of preparation, time, and commitment. There are several different categories that can be entered during a bodybuilding competition.

It is important for the participant to be aware of each category and be prepared. These may need special outfits and some definitely require specific poses to show of certain muscle groups. Preparation for these individual events is key.

Bodybuilding and Routine

Anyone who is serious about bodybuilding should be working with a personal trainer and possibly a nutritionist as well. These people work to make sure that every precaution is taken and every necessary requirements are fulfilled. It is a good idea to hire a personal trainer when gearing up for a competition.

Working out is the biggest necessity in bodybuilding. It is not all lifting weights however. Lifting weights will help gain muscle mass, but will do little to burn fat. That makes it imperative that the bodybuilder also adds cardio to their routine workout. Without this, a bodybuilder will look soft even if every muscle is perfectly formed.

Nutrition is the second part of ever bodybuilding routine. When in preparation for competition, there are foods and supplements that will aid the body in reaching peak performance. The most important is protein and can be found in meal replacement products. The protein helps build and repair muscle, making it an essential part of training.

Other supplements include glutamine and other amino acids that can be depleted during intense workouts. These supplements are most often in powder form and can be added to shakes. Prohormones are a supplement that will naturally increase testosterone levels. It does need a prescription to obtain, but is easily done through the sporting industry. Finally, there are thermogenics. Thermogenics are the weight loss and fat burning products that are constantly being commercialized. They are very popular in the bodybuilding world.

Bodybuilding is an extreme sport and should not be entered into lightly. These competitions are brutal but can amount in a lot of prize money and notoriety. It is all about dedication, but it is also about how far someone can push his or her body. That is what makes it an extreme sport. - 17268

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Importance of Diet for Great Abs

By Jeulus Humfeier

Everybody quests to have a solid pack of abs because it is a symbol of power, nutritious way of living and a model for others. A large number of people demands to have the same but it needs a lot of hard work and self-control. To achieve certain goals, you are required to serve nutritious foods and perform exercises for many hours at the bodybuilding clubs.

There has been a myth that a lot of tough exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, sprint running are a must for developing great abs in a quick time. But this is just partially correct as far as burning fats and tightening the abs muscle is concerned. Actually, diet is the backbone to get great abs and should be given utmost priority.

To make you abs more prominent, a nutrition-enriched diet is highly desirable. Start with getting rid of as much fats as possible. Fats are a major obstacle in carving out attractive abs. The food items with high calorie should be stopped immediately or bring its intake to a bare minimum. Also, always avoid eating just before going to bed.

Adding certain food item into your diet will help your cause big time. Beans are excellent to increase the protein count in your body. Replace fried food items with Lima or other protein-enriched items. Protein is the most important ingredient to tone and build your muscles.

You must consider some high-protein foods such as Tuna fish, peanuts, eggs and chicken as they're low-fatty and contain high-proteins. They're the best resources for protein intake. After burning fat and increasing protein level, you should bring your attention to slash carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate is another source of energy to the body and is normally consumed more than we need it. You can find loads of carbohydrates in bread, pasta and cereals. Its main purpose is to use the gained energy for proper functioning of body rather than preserving it in body. Beside this, look to go for a brisk walk everyday to show considerable results around your waist.

One way to enhance your abs is to lower your bread and pasta intake to as less as half. If this looks tough, then go for pasta's alternatives. Vegetable consumption should be given preference. Vegetables like spinach works great in filling up your stomach early. Make sure to use fat-free items for salad dressing.

As mentioned earlier, a lot of sacrifices are expected from the person looking to develop an attractive body. Diet plays a very important role in developing your abs and producing muscle-cutting all over. Healthy food intake will also be a plus in your gym exercise sessions and will force you to exert more. Great abs is all about having a balanced combination between your diet and workout. - 17268

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Your Weight Loss Can Stay Lost

By Dr. Jason Fowler

America's weight problems are now so well-known they are even fair game for jokes at the Oscars. "Americans really know how to fill up a seat," jibes Ellen DeGeneres, host of the 2007 Academy Awards.

The statistics are alarming. Sixty-five percent of Americans - 130 million in 2001 - are overweight. Fifteen percent of American children are overweight (up from four percent only 20 years ago). Health care costs related to overweight Americans has ballooned to $117 billion (that's billion) in 2003. And the numbers keep going up. The scales do not lie.

And yet, diet and weight-loss books fill our nation's bookstores. Low-carb diets. High-protein diets. The cabbage soup diet. The grapefruit diet. The raw foods diet. Most people we know have tried one or more of these. The new diet works for a while, then we can't take the deprivation any longer and break the diet. Then, horrifyingly, all the weight we lost comes right back, and we're right back where we started. Or possibly even a few pounds heavier. The very good news is that a real, long-lasting solution exists. The basics of this healthy approach to long-term weight loss have been known for decades. This solution is not a diet. It doesn't have a catchy name. There are, though, a few "magic" secrets to this food plan that works.

"Secret" Number 1 - eat six small meals throughout each day, separated by 2.5 to 3 hours "Secret" Number 2 - combine protein and carbohydrates in each meal "Secret" Number 3 - drink plenty of water (eight to ten glasses) throughout the day "Secret" Number 4 - eat two portions of vegetables each day "Secret" Number 5 - take one day off each week (a "free" day) and eat whatever you want, whenever you want Why combine protein and carbohydrate at each meal? This critical combination feeds our muscles by providing the amino acids (from protein) necessary to build and maintain muscle tissue, and the carbohydrate needed to shuttle the amino acids into the cells. If the carbs aren't there the protein does not get used. There's also a human performance benefit - eating balanced meals enables better cognitive/mental function. So we're not only getting healthier on this food plan, we're getting smarter!1

Why eat six times a day? Studies have shown this approach results in a faster metabolic rate, a lower percentage of body fat, and reduced "bad" cholesterol levels, all while maintaining lean muscle mass.2,3 Each meal contains approximately 300 calories (proteins and carbohydrates in each meal are in "portion" sizes). That's it! This sensible, easy approach to food allows you to eat everything - there are no restrictions. And, on your free day you can indulge, or not, letting your natural instincts guide you.

1Fischer K, et al: "Carbohydrate to protein ratio in food and cognitive performance in the morning." Physiol Behav 75(3):411-423, 2002 2Jenkins JD, et al: "Nibbling vs. gorging: metabolic advantages of increased meal frequency." NEJM 321(14):929-934, 1989 3Verboeket WP, et al: "Influence of feeding frequency on nutrient utilization in man: consequences for energy metabolism." Eur J Clin Nutr 43(3):161-169, 1991 - 17268

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Bison Buffalo Meat can Help You Get Your Vitamin B12 Supply

By Kathryn Barry

Bison Buffalo Meat doesn't only come with lots of vitamin B12, but it is one of the leanest animal proteins. This red meat will even give turkey and chicken stiff competition.

Eating Bison or Buffalo Meat for Your Health

High amounts of essential proteins

Great source of blood building iron and B12

Loaded with all sorts of B vitamins

Source of minerals such as magnesium, copper, and zinc

Very high in the mineral selenium

No known human allergies

E-coli should not be a problem with pasture raised bison

Has a beneficial Omega 3 to Omega 6 balance

Rich source of CLA fatty acids

Is considered low in cholesterol compared to chicken, beef, and pork

Lowest in fat compared to most fish, grain-fed beef, pork and chicken

Lowest in calories compared to chicken, grain-fed beef, and pork

Bison Buffalo Meat is one of the Best Vitamin B12 Food Sources

Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin and is a very necessary and important B vitamin. Vitamin B12 is needed for proper neurological function and red blood formation.

Vitamin B12 is also essential for the formation of your DNA and when you are deficient in this vitamin you will face anemia.

Permanent brain and central nervous system damage is what can happen to those that become deficient in this vitamin. Animal foods are the only foods that contain usable vitamin B12 and you will be at great risk of deficiency by eliminating all animal foods from your diet.

Meat is usually the best option when looking for a vitamin b12 food and bison buffalo meat has a higher amount of B12 than all other types of meat.

How to Properly Cook Bison

Bison or Buffalo meat is more similar to grass-fed beef than to grain-fed, but is darker in color and more sweet tasting.

Bison and grass-fed beef are less fatty than grain-fed beef.

Because these types of meats lack the marbling which is found in fattier cuts of beef, these lean meats need to be cooked at lower temperatures and for shorter cooking times.

Strive for rare to medium rare or you will end up with a piece of meat that is too dry and lacks juiciness.

Although, cooking bison with water or liquid in a crock pot will help it to retain moisture. This meat will cook faster, so watch it carefully!

Bison spend most of their lives on grass and live a pretty unconfined life. This means that they are not usually given the drugs, chemicals, or hormones fed to other animals.

After almost becoming extinct at one point in history, bison are now raised on private ranches and number in the 300,000s. - 17268

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Discover The Fitness Benefits Of Using Natural Creatine

By Christian James

Creatine is a supplement that many fitness trainers take to increase the productivity of their workout and training sessions. This is actually a natural supplement that is found in most meats and exists in our bodies. Any meat that you consume will have this substance in it. In our bodies it exists as an amino acid, which is produced by the liver and kidneys. After it is produced, it is stored in muscle tissue and fat until it is needed. The body generally only uses significant portions of this amino acid to give bursts of energy for activities such as high endurance training, extreme workouts, or long distance running. Here we are going to discuss the fitness benefits of using creatine.

Safety is always a concern when considering supplements, but creatine seems to be one of the most safe supplements available on the market. Of all the studies that have been done, none of them provided any negative feedback of side effects to worry about.

If you are training to increase your strength and muscle mass, creatine will definitely benefit you. It will give you boosts of energy and allow you to train for longer periods of time than you normally would be able to do, helping you to get more out of each workout session,

This supplement also will help your muscles to grow bigger faster. What guy is not looking for a natural supplement to help with this? Your body needs glycogen to help muscles to recover from intense workouts. Taking this supplement helps the body store glycogen, thus helping increasing this process.

Most fitness gurus eat extremely healthy and work hard at getting the right nutrition into their bodies. Many are vegetarians, and they find other ways to get protein in their diet, but still need a creatine supplement.

As with all supplements or medicines, you should take care whenever you are putting something into your body. Read the label and instructions carefully and ensure that you are taking no more than the recommended dosage levels. Use common sense and you will be happy to benefit from this natural supplement. - 17268

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Save the Planet

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Did you ever think your health and well-being are important factors in the health and well-being of the planet? It's true. The choices each of us makes each and every day are important for our family's welfare as well as the welfare of our neighborhood, our community, our city, our country, and our global society.

We do not often consider that a healthy personal lifestyle - relating to fitness and nutrition - has an impact on the environment and the global biosphere. But our personal choices and actions do matter. Our life-affirming choices to get fit, be fit, and eat right affect everyone and everything around us. How you get to work is a perfect example.

Of course, most of us drive to work, as it's a lifetime habit, and we don't even think about it. But, driving always produces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - every gallon of gas burned pumps 17 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Biking to work and walking to work are fitness-promoting activities that have a double benefit.1,2 You're exercising on your workdays and you're actively helping to reduce GHG emissions and stabilize the Earth's climate.

If it's too far to walk or bike to your place of employment, arrange to car pool with co-workers and walk or bike to their house on the days when you are not the designated driver. Planting a garden or participating in the activities of a community garden is a health-promoting action step that has a triple benefit.

First, you're producing or helping to produce foods that are grown locally. Foods consumed in the United States travel an average of 1500 miles to reach your local supermarket. Foods grown locally eliminate almost all of the fossil fuel resources required to transport non-local items.

Second, you're adding really fresh vegetables to your family's diet, providing vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals required for abundant good health.

Third, gardening is exercise - the kind of exercise people used to get when they did not sit in chairs at desks all day long.

The benefits of health-promoting activities keep on coming.3 For the most part, healthy people do not wind up in the local hospital emergency room. Resource saved include fossil fuels burned by high-speed ambulances, fossil fuels burned to produce electricity used to power life-saving medical devices, and energy utilized to produce the vast amounts of medical supplies consumed in an emergency procedure, including syringes, IV set-ups, and towels, wipes, and disinfectants.

Being a healthy individual as a member of a healthy family has a huge multiplying effect. Your chiropractor knows that all body systems are deeply interconnected and must work together to produce good health. So too are the many different living systems that make up Planet Earth. Your chiropractor can provide you with detailed information about good nutrition and good exercise that can help make a real difference in your health and the health of your community.

1Villegas R, et al: The cumulative effect of core lifestyle behaviours on the prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia. BMC Public Health 13(8):210, 2008 2Christie BR, et al: Exercising our brains: how physical activity impacts synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus. Neuromolecular Med 10(2):47-58, 2008 3Booher MA, Smith BW: Physiological effects of exercise on the cardiopulmonary system. Clin Sports Med 22(1):1-21, 2003 - 17268

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What Side Effects Of Creatine Exist

By Christian James

Very little is known about creatine and its effect on the body. Most of the people who take it in the form of supplements are unaware of the possible side effects of creatine supplements and continue to abuse them. The truth is that people who act better if they knew better.

Creatine is taken in the form of supplements but in actual fact the body makes creatine of its own in the kidneys and liver. The main use of creatine is to give the muscles the energy to carry out normal daily activities. When creatine is produced by the body a large portion of it is stored in the muscles and the rest is used for other purposes by the body. But sportsmen make use of inorganic creatine supplements to supplement the creatine the body manufactures.

When creatine reaches unmanageable levels in the body what happens is that you can experience muscle cramps. Muscle cramps are mainly triggered by dehydration. Believe it or not but creatine absorbs water. So when there is too much creatine in the body there are certain areas of the body that become dehydrated and that is when muscle cramps are experienced.

On the same footing the absorption of water by creatine eventually leads to the gaining of weight in areas of the body with excessive creatine. The body mass of a person taking creatine supplements can thus switch from muscular to obese if caution isn't taken.

Diabetes can emerge or worsen if glycemic sugars are taken in order to enhance the uptake of creatine by the body. Glycemic sugars eventually accumulate in the system to the point where insulin meant to breakdown sugars fails to execute this function effectively. So when the glycemic sugars are not broken down by insulin the sugar levels in the body become intolerable to the point where diabetes sets in or worsens.

Apart from these there are other side effects of creatine. You can easily develop kidney stones or heat exhaustion owing to the absorption of water by creatine. It is also possible to cause damage to the blood vessels; kidneys and liver if your diabetes worsens. - 17268

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You Will Feel More Energetic And Fit By Taking A Bite Of The Acai

By Ira Russell

The Acai Berry is small in size and round in shape and is bluish-black in color and looks just like a blueberry or grape though it is smaller in size and a lot darker in its color than the grape or even blueberry. Inside, there is a largish seed that is surrounded by pulp and this berry grows mostly in the Amazonian rainforests and is found growing on large sized palm trees. These berries also grow in a bunch - very much like bananas and furthermore, a single tree can grow three to eight bunches of this berry.

For many generations the Acai Berry has been used to treat the native tribesmen of Brazil. Each such berry has a lot of antioxidant properties that are far more than you will find in a grape (ten times less) and it has more than twice the antioxidant properties of a typical blueberry. There are a few good reasons why this berry is considered such an optimal food including the fact that it is loaded with omega fats, amino acids, antioxidants as well as electrolytes and in addition it contains plenty of vitamins such as Vitamin A and B1 as too Vitamin E.

There is more to this berry than being a wonder food because it has the ability to help you live a healthier life which is why several generations of natives of the Amazon have used the berry to overcome different ailments. In fact, they used this berry to cure digestive problems, sexual dysfunction, and skin irritation as too to cure insomnia. Having very little sugar content this berry is also an excellent way of treating diabetes.

Only recently have scientists in the North America found out how useful this berry is in helping a person to feel more vital, healthy and energetic. That is why when you consume energy juices or eat an ice cream or munch on an energy bar it will certainly contain a bit of this berry.

Consuming the Acai Berry means enjoying many benefits including helping to prolong your lifespan and feeling stronger and having more energy. It also helps you to look and also feel a lot younger and it can keep your blood pressure normal as well.

Many celebrities are endorsing and using this berry and it does ensure that you will feel more energy in your body and your digestive system too will work better.

This berry also helps people burn away their fat in double quick time and it also helps to detoxify the body and that is why it pays to include the berry in one's diet. - 17268

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5 Things You Should Know Before Enrolling In A Weight Loss Boot Camp

By Brandon Carrier

To find the best boot camp to meet your specific needs. You may need more than what just about all boot camps include, like are warm ups, workouts and an endless number of exercises. Your body is unique and has a specific way of responding to exercise, so you should gently experiment with it to understand its capabilities, while working to enhance it, and make you as healthy and fit as you can be.

Typical exercise boot camps lasts about 30-60 minutes 3-6 times per week. They typically incorporate resistance training using weights and or your own body weight. Some exercises might include running, push-ups, lunges, squats, core exercises, and a few team or partner exercises. At the beginning and ending of regular fitness boot camps there are warming up and cooling down exercises. These essentially involve stretching exercises. You need to find workout boot camps which give you all this, and more. In order to meet your specific goal, choose a specialized boot camps such as sports specific boot camps or weight loss boot camps. Below are 5 tips you should carefully consider before zeroing in on any of the areas fitness boot camps.

TIP 1. You must find out how closely the boot camp suits you. Since workouts are done in groups find a bootcamp that puts a limit on the number of participants. No matter how good an instructor might be, stay away from boot camps that exceed a 15 to 1 ratio (participant to instructor). This ensures that you will be able to get enough of focused, individualized attention and the instructor can be sure everyone is on task and make necessary adjustments.

TIP 2. Decide if you want an encouraging or more strict and intimidating instructor. Both are sure to get you your desired results. Some exercise boot camps have instructors with military backgrounds while others have little or no military regimen but take more of an energetic and fun personal training approach. Choose the style according to your goals and your personal flexibility.

TIP 3. Any reputable bootcamp should be led by a qualified fitness instructor or personal trainer with recognized certificates and or a relevant college degree. A medical clearance and private fitness assessment should be mandatory. This time will give you and opportunity to ask the instructor any questions, and address any concerns you may have before beginning.

TIP 4. A good boot camp instructor will never ask you to ignore injuries or bodily pains and should answer all your questions. Do not simply follow your instructor with out doing your own research. Customarily, in military style boot camps your body is subjected to the worst of conditions and drug through harsh workouts. Today, most people are looking for something much more gently than that and for that reason never forcing you to pull your body beyond its limit.

TIP 5. Any sound fitness camp should provide some sort of trial period. Use this time to learn as much as you can from the instructor and existing members and discuss their results. Make sure you have plenty of time before or after your trial sessions to talk to others. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, pay close attention and listen carefully during the class to get a feel for things and quickly determine if the particular boot camp will be a good fit for you. - 17268

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Hit That Plateau In Your Quest To Lose Weight?

By Susanne Marra

Have you been doing great on your diet only to come to a screeching halt 10 pounds short of your goal? There is help, we are sure of it! Many people have the same problem in their quest to lose weight. There are some simple ways to reach your ideal weight.

Number one, don't fret! Worrying will damage your spiritual health and will not speed up your weight loss at all. One easy, free thing to speed up the metabolism is to get moving!It can be as simple as briskly walking around the block. Instead of the elevator, use the stairs. Don't always look for the simplest way to do something. The more energy you can use the the more weight you will lose.

Feeling very motivated? Start some simple weight training. Start off with some light dumbbells. Start off with some easy shoulder presses and bicep curls. Remember that muscle will burn more than fat thereby making it easier to maintain your weight loss.

Most important is to drink enough water! To keep hydrated you should drink at least 50 ounces of water if you weigh 100 pounds, 1/2 your body's weight in ounces. None of the systems in the body can work properly without water. The body systems can not function properly without enough water. You should know that the body mistakes thirst for hunger quite often. Making sure to stay hydrated will prevent you from eating when you are just thirsty!

This next tip is not without cost but it is worth any cost! Cleansing on a cellular level. No one can deny the fact that our bodies are bombarded by toxins on a daily basis. These toxins and other chemicals we are exposed to can impair our bodies functions. Also eating processed foods and fatty meats can clog the body up with fats and additives that the body has no use for. Cellular cleansing can rid the body of these toxins. We can get rid of these toxins through cleansing.

The body has it's own way of protecting itself from toxins. What it does is coats the toxins in fat in an effort to protect the internal organs from these toxins. The body thinks it is helping but in reality it is just making us fatter. With cellular cleansing, this fat is removed from the body.

Any one of these tips will help you lose weight. Water is so important even if weight loss is not your goal. You should be exercising three times a week also. Start slow and speak to your doctor before you start exercising. If your doctor gives you the go ahead check the library for free exercise DVDs.

It has been our experience that cellular cleansing can speed up weight loss.If you have any health problems or are unsure have your doctor monitor you while you cleanse. It is good to have your blood checked before you start cleansing and then six months later. I am sure you will be shocked! Remember to be gentle with yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are. Honor your body and spirit on a daily basis!


These are our opinions. We are not doctors and do not claim to be able to treat or prevent any diseases. Always consult your physician before starting a diet or exercise regime. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Nutrition - Benefits of High Protein Shakes

By Francoise A. Hale

Whether you are into bodybuilding, sports or fitness, a vital part your training for a better body, endurance and improved performance can only be achieved if you have integrated a quality nutrition program. The inclusion of high protein shakes into standard nutrition programs was done to make sure that muscle repair and recovery will be facilitated because of the quick absorption quality of the product.

There is a wide product range of protein shakes, powders and supplements, but athletes prefer supplements that contain whey or soy proteins. Some high protein shakes and supplements instead of using whey or soy protein, use rice protein powders, creatine, and other muscle enhancing ingredients. Studies have been cited in the book "Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete" by Mauro G. Di Pasquale, extolling the special properties of whey and whey protein that does not exist in milk proteins.

High protein shakes can be made at home with protein powders, fruit, yogurt, oatmeal and sweeteners and consumed as a meal or as a snack between meals. They are also available in ready-to-drink formulas from a number of supplement companies, and these are convenient for individuals who are always on the go and do not have time to make their own shakes or prepare foods at home.

High protein shakes contain a number of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and many are ?complete meals' and can be substituted for food. Ready to drink shakes may be nutritionally balanced and the perfect addition to a low-carb diet. Since many bodybuilders and athletes adhere to these types of diets, consuming high protein shakes at regular intervals throughout the day can help them meet their daily nutrition requirements and ensure that the calories are coming from a healthy source.

Aside from being a steady source of energy, whey protein and the various protein supplements greatly improves metabolism.High protein shakes made with fresh fruit, juices and oatmeal are chock full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help support a healthy metabolism and provide a boost of energy. Immediately after rigorous training, this can be consumed to stop the blood sugar level from dropping and to help muscle repair.

However, one of the best reasons to take high protein shakes is quick absorption because your digestive system can rapidly break it down. There are only a few recommended healthy food options that athletes and bodybuilders can consume after intensive exercise as any intake will processed faster than normal. The body, after intensive workout, when digestion is at it maximum absorption, is the perfect time to consume high protein shake so that strained muscles can recover in a matter of hours. This will help abate your hunger and help lessen injury risk.

Timing the consumption of high protein shakes, protein powders and supplements is essential for individuals that want to maximize muscle gains and improve metabolic efficiency overall. Consuming supplements immediately after a workout or between meals as a snack can ward off hunger pangs and ensure maximum absorption. Protein powders and shakes can complement an athlete's or bodybuilders' nutrition program so that they are consuming high quality nutrients and making the most of every calorie. - 17268

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