Factors to Consider When Buying a Power Juicer
There are a lot of different power juicers around in the shops. It can often be confusing trying to decide between a centrifugal juicer, a masticating juicer, and a twin gear appliance. By far the most common and most readily affordable are the centrifugal appliances. They operate at very high speeds and are effective at processing fruit and vegetables.
For fibrous foods like spinach, wheat grass and lettuce they are not particularly suitable. They also let some of the fruit juice go to waste and to prevent this, single blade or twin blade juicers must be used. For these particular types of food there are dedicated juicers available. One of the suitable types is the Miracle-mj 500 auger Juicer. They contain no aluminium parts, are easy to assemble, disassemble and operate and are cheap. The lower speed units, such as masticating juicers, produce less oxidation of the vegetable juice and, therefore, produce a much higher quality juice.
It is of importance to check the guarantee on offer before purchasing your juicer. A guarantee of 5 to 10 years is often available on most quality juicers. As the cutting blade wears out roughly after two to four months of usage, proper checks should be performed before any purchasing. It is important to consider the percentage yield that the juicer produces because this factor determines the output. There should be a lot less waste and more of the juice in the final product. Fruit juice can often be damaged by the oxidation from the heat from a high power motor. I would advise looking for a machine with a power output of about 420 watts.
A branded machine like the Jack Lalanne Power Fruit Juicer is often a better investment than a non-branded appliance. This is because, spares and replacement parts and accessories are often more easy to find.
An added benefit of the modern appliances is they can be used for other functions than just juicing. Pasta, ice-cream, nut butters are some of the foods that can be made with the help of these juicers. These more modern appliances are really quite versatile. - 17268
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