Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, October 12, 2009

Factors to Consider When Buying a Power Juicer

By Tyler Howarth

There are so many juicing machines available it is difficult to choose a suitable one. I initially became aware of the juicing when I purchased a Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. A lot of people frequently buy a juicer that is unsuitable for their requirements. Prior to going out and looking for a juicing machine it is first important to decide what types of food you wish to juice. To make the right decision it is important to understand the salient points between the different juicers such as those for fruit and wheat grass. I would advise making a list of the main points you want prior to going out and shopping

There are a lot of different power juicers around in the shops. It can often be confusing trying to decide between a centrifugal juicer, a masticating juicer, and a twin gear appliance. By far the most common and most readily affordable are the centrifugal appliances. They operate at very high speeds and are effective at processing fruit and vegetables.

For fibrous foods like spinach, wheat grass and lettuce they are not particularly suitable. They also let some of the fruit juice go to waste and to prevent this, single blade or twin blade juicers must be used. For these particular types of food there are dedicated juicers available. One of the suitable types is the Miracle-mj 500 auger Juicer. They contain no aluminium parts, are easy to assemble, disassemble and operate and are cheap. The lower speed units, such as masticating juicers, produce less oxidation of the vegetable juice and, therefore, produce a much higher quality juice.

It is of importance to check the guarantee on offer before purchasing your juicer. A guarantee of 5 to 10 years is often available on most quality juicers. As the cutting blade wears out roughly after two to four months of usage, proper checks should be performed before any purchasing. It is important to consider the percentage yield that the juicer produces because this factor determines the output. There should be a lot less waste and more of the juice in the final product. Fruit juice can often be damaged by the oxidation from the heat from a high power motor. I would advise looking for a machine with a power output of about 420 watts.

A branded machine like the Jack Lalanne Power Fruit Juicer is often a better investment than a non-branded appliance. This is because, spares and replacement parts and accessories are often more easy to find.

An added benefit of the modern appliances is they can be used for other functions than just juicing. Pasta, ice-cream, nut butters are some of the foods that can be made with the help of these juicers. These more modern appliances are really quite versatile. - 17268

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You Will Never Build Muscles Without Quality Protein

By Ricardo d Argence

Protein is essentially the building block that your body uses to build muscle and you can bet that your body needs it!

You are going to find that the different types of proteins have essential amino acids in them that are vital for the growth and the health of the cells, tissues and muscles in your body.

If you are someone who is an athlete or a bodybuilder or even if you just lead a fairly active lifestyle, you are going to find that there are plenty of reasons for you to be looking into proteins and what they can do for you.

Protein is one of the most important things that you can think about when you are looking at bodybuilding. Although it is exhausting right now, it's necessary for your good health for the long haul.

When you are working out and doing everything you can to make sure that your muscles grow at the fastest possible rate, you'll find that small amounts of damage are all too common. Protein is what your body uses to repair the muscles that are damaged in the average workout, and you'll find that they also make you stronger than you were before.

Luckily for you, there are a number of different places where you can get good protein. There are plenty of bodybuilders out there who use whey, due to the fact that it is a protein that is loaded with amino acids and potassium.

Egg whites are another good place to get protein and getting some is as easy as a stop to the supermarket. If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you may find that soya beans are going to work best for you. If you don't have any health issues, red meat is usually an excellent source of protein.

You may not have the time or the inclination to prepare food in this fashion and this is where supplements come in. You can usually take a supplement in a pill or a powder form that you mix up into a shakes. This is a great way to make sure that you regain those vitamins and minerals that you can lose, this is a good idea when you are on the run and don't have time to do shopping, and if you are looking at working out on a regular basis.

Remember that part of good bodybuilding is making sure that you are taking good care of your impaired or overworked muscles. Protein supplements are good way to make sure that you are on the right track and that you are going to get stronger, faster! - 17268

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How to Build Muscles with a Bodybuilding Diet

By Harley Radowski

Ensuring that you give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle is an important part of bodybuilding. Eating to build muscle is just as important as your weight lifting program or other bodybuilding routines.

Lifting weights in the gym forced your muscles to work, but guess what? Working your muscles uses considerable energy, and energy is supplied by your food. Correct nutrition also helps heal muscle injury that often occurs while you are working out. You may not even know you have caused injury to your muscles, but your body knows, and your body needs fuel from food that helps build muscle in order to repair that muscle.

A diet that is low in fat goes without saying with any serious bodybuilder. Even if you do not carry extra flab or fat, it is important to keep it that way. And if you do have some fat you want to get rid of, eating foods that build muscle in the form of low fat food is important. But what about protein? Is it important or not? You bet it is. Protein provides the building blocks to build that muscle. What types of protein are best? Chicken, eggs, steak (with the fat cut off), fish, cheese (especially cottage cheese), and nuts are all great sources of protein.

There is an optimum amount of protein that your body needs for building muscle effectively. Do you know your lean body mass weight? Yes? Great! Take that figure (in kilograms) and multiply it by 2.75. You have now got your daily protein requirement. If you do not know your lean body mass weight, you will need to apply one of the formulas that calculate this.

Foods that build muscle include carbohydrates. Many uninformed people believe that all carbohydrates should be eliminated in order to obtain a fit, lean body. Nothing could be further from the truth. So long as the carbohydrates you ingest include plenty of fibre, carbs will contribute to building muscle mass - not body fat. Great carbohydrate based foods include rice, oatmeal, bananas and other types of fruit such as apples and pears.

Reducing fat in your diet is of course necessary to build bigger muscle on a body that appears lean and has a low body fat ratio. If you are focusing on what foods build muscle mass, you also need to bear in mind that it pays to reduce fat as well. Although proteins are essential (as we talked about earlier), it is really important to select proteins that are low in fat, or that you can cut the fat off. So eat your chicken without the skin, and go for lean steaks rather than more fatty cuts of meat. Opting for cottage cheese or other reduced fat cheeses, and low fat milk also helps reduce your fat intake.

When eating to build muscle, make sure you drink water. Liquid is important for hydration, and a dehydrated body is sluggish, and can even make you sick. This is not a recipe for obtaining the healthy, fit physique you are striving for.

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (even 12 glasses) is absolutely essential to allow your body to properly digest all the good food you are eating. For those who just cannot stomach the taste (or lack of taste) of so much water, other types of liquid although not quite as good are still acceptable as water substitutes ? fruit juice and even soft drinks can suffice as long as you (preferably) drink some of your liquid intake in water form.

Foods that build muscle are great, and an essential component of your bodybuilding program. But do not be lulled into a false sense of security and think you can slow down on your workouts. Both bodybuilding exercises and bodybuilding diets are required to get a body to die for as quickly as you possibly can. Even if you are working on improving your physique slowly, you should combine a bodybuilding diet with bodybuilding workouts for best results. - 17268

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Washington, DC Personal Trainer Lets You In On The Facts About Core Training

By Josef Brandenburg

Everyday millions of people pack themselves into Pilates classes or simply lie down on the living room floor to exercise their core. The core muscles include the abdominals and surrounding muscles that are often trained by doing basic sit-ups or crunches. These exercises are some of the most popular in the world today. In fact, there are many people who don't do anything other than train their core. Why? The answer is simple: they want to obtain that elusive six-pack. They want rock hard abs like the Spartan warriors in the movie 300.

Ever wonder why sit-ups and crunches never seem to get you anywhere in regards to that six-pack you have always wanted? According to a Washington D.C. fitness trainer, doing crunches and sit-ups alone really yields no results in the sculpting department. Of course that's not something all trainers will tell you. They in fact, will continue to push the sit-up and crunch angle to their clients in order to have them keep dreaming of that flat, sexy tummy, all the while knowing the results will be minimal to none. This helps to ensure that the personal trainer continues to get paid by the clients.

Why doing crunches seem to be getting you nowhere in the shrinking tummy department

Let's forget about the six-pack for a moment because, as we mentioned, most people will never have one. It takes years of training, a perfect diet as well as (and this is the thing they never tell you) great genes. Why don't we simply concentrate on getting that fat stomach flat?

The biggest waste of time when working out at the gym or at home, thinking you will lose the pounds and inches, is only core training. The midsection or abdominal region seems to collect fat quicker than any other part of the body, especially in men. This seems to be evident in the amount of men sporting the beer belly look and their determination in getting rid of that "spare tire". They are so desperate to get rid of their ever growing abdomen that they work out only on those muscles without realizing that it is really doing nothing but making them work extra hard and seeing no results.

Core training alone will not help you get the flat stomach or elusive six-pack you desire. Our stomachs come with built in muscles, but with the layer of fat on top of them, no one will ever see them. Though core training does have some benefits, like making the muscles slightly stronger, the exercises really have no benefit in achieving your goals. These milestones can only be reached with getting rid of that stubborn layer of fat.

We are talking of course about targeted weight loss here, which is one of the biggest myths in the exercise industry. There is no such thing as targeted weight loss. There is no such thing as working out one specific area of the body and losing weight just from that area. The body doesn't work like that. When you lose weight, you lose weight from everywhere.

Cardiovascular workouts have been proven to be the most effective in burning fat and helping you lose weight. More calories are burned doing things like running, biking, swimming, walking, jumping rope or anything that gets your heart beat up. Burning calories is what gets rid of fat so the goal is to get rid of as many calories as one can!

The truth about core training is that it can also damage the neck and spine if the exercises are not perfectly performed, and we all know when we start to get tired our form is the first thing to suffer. If you have preexisting back or neck problems, you should not attempt to do core work, it will often aggravate your condition.

The best away to achieve a flat, healthy stomach is to do all around exercising and not concentrate solely on the core section. Cardio is an excellent way to burn calories and help get rid of the extra fat you may be carrying around in that area. So stop wasting your time chasing after the unattainable and work on being a healthier person. - 17268

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Three Most Effective Diet Types

By Jesse Regan

Diet can be one good method of getting rid of those ugly fats but there are still many wrong ideas about it. One common misimpression is that it means skipping meals or denying the body any form of nutrition for hours. Unfortunately, this has made many non-believers among those who need to trim down on their weights. The truth is that such notions are exactly the things that a proper diet is not. Effective diets still allow people to eat and yet enable them to achieve weight loss without much pain.

Convinced with dieting, one must take time to sort out what could be diet type he must follow. There are several and being informed what each of these offer can be advantageous. The strongest bets are certainly those that do not ask much from the dieter but are still effective. For choosing to be easy, narrowing down the search to the top three most popular diet types can be the best thing to do. The South Beach diet, the vegetarian diet, and the Mediterranean diet are all part of that class.

The South Beach diet is perhaps the most popular among the type. This is because not only it is effective but also, compared to the others, it is the most lenient. Named after a beach in Miami where it first became famous, the diet gives utmost importance to getting rid of bad carbohydrates in every meal. It has three phases but it is only the first two, when the carbohydrates loaded food is totally avoided, that can be difficult.

The Mediterranean diet is the easy pick for people who want to diet while enjoying the succulent dishes of another culture. This is actually, what the long-living peoples surrounding the Mediterranean eat daily. Nuts, veggies, fruits and seeds, which contain many nutrients and minerals, are its mainstays. Fish replaces meats. Fish supplies the body with fatty acids that are good for the body. Most of the foods involved contribute many kinds of good oils. You would certainly love the kinds of food allowed in the Mediterranean diet.

If one can help avoiding meat, a vegetarian diet is good for him. Of the three, this is probably the hardest. However, it is quite effective because not eating anything with unsaturated fats can greatly help in reducing weight. The best way of eating the veggies, however, is raw. Cooking tends to destroy the nutrients and vitamins. If it has to be cooked, grilling may be allowed but frying is absolutely a no-no.

All diet types, of course, may still produce desired results. However, the three mentioned here have made quite a stir among fitness and health buffs. If you want to achieve a leaner body without too many sacrifices, any of these can be your pick. Choosing among the three should be a cinch for you.

You can read more information about weight lifting diet online. - 17268

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A Colon Cleanse Diet Equals A Long and Healthy Life

By Jared Rite

Next to cancer of the lungs, colon cancer is responsible for majority of the cancer deaths in the United States and it is easy to understand why. Over the years, food technology made rapid advancements that undoubtedly boosted how the food man eats tastes, but not all these are exactly good for man's health. In fact, more often then not, man's diet today consists of harmful substances that attacks the body and affects the system negatively. These negative effects could give rise to many different diseases.

Some of the examples of foods that are unhealthy for the body include those with antibiotics, preservatives, and hormones, refined sugar, white rice, white flour, hydrogenated oil, pasta, corn syrup that is high on fructose, and a lot more that are destroying your system slowly while you do not even have the slightest idea about it. Thus, it is essential that these harmful substances be removed from your body immediately. This is the purpose of bowel movements-to expel wastes from your system.

A person who regularly makes bowel movements is actually healthy. It is good to make at least one bowel movement a day. If you are not achieving this, then you are well on your way to a disease. At the present, one of the most common problems associated with bowel movement experienced by many is constipation. This takes place when the fecal matter's stay in the bowel system is prolonged, resulting in their fermentation. When this happens, they are reabsorbed by the system and they decay. This gives refuge to a would-be breeding ground for dangerous, even deadly diseases such as colon cancer.

To prevent this from happening to you, it is best to detoxify through a colon cleanse diet. Detoxification is a process wherein toxins are either taken out from your body, neutralized or transformed and thereafter clear the excess congestion and mucus. A colon cleanse diet as well as a healthy lifestyle can make this possible.

Colon cleanse diet is basically the avoidance of chemicals in your food, the avoidance of refined food, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and such drugs that contain toxin. Stopping the use of tobacco will also greatly help. It would be ideal to include probiotics in your colon cleanse diet to enable to replenish the intestinal flora. Basically, what your colon cleanse diet should consist of are vegetables and fruits. Lessen your intake of processed and cooked food to help keep off toxin and mucoid plaque from forming in your digestive system.

If however you are already having problems with your colon and plaques and toxins have already formed in it, all it not lost. You can still make use of the cleansing diet for your colon to make possible the slow elimination of the toxin build up. It may take some time to fully remove the plaque that has already formed but it eventually will if you will commit to eating only the healthy diet and live a healthy lifestyle starting now. - 17268

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Baseball Weight Training, How To Do It Right

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight training for baseball is completely different from the training programs of other sports. Baseball season is a lot longer than other sports so it becomes more important. Throughout the whole session to remain injury free each individual must maintain his/her mental and physical health. In order to develop a strong base that is important when playing baseball faithfully and intensely, vigor training is essential.

Due to the challenges presented with the sport of baseball, weight training is difficult to pertain with baseball. The special lifting necessary make baseball an innovative sport! Most people comment that many sports team leaders execute egregious faults in baseball weight training which can lead to body injuries, stress, or other trauma.

When you are weight training, especially through baseball, it is very important to look at the player's limitations. The reality about why this weight training program doesn't work is that the coaches do not fully grasp this type of program.

Many coaches want to simply increase their hitters' strength and stamina, ignoring the other aspects of their play. If one prepares for an upcoming competition in a manner that is too severe, and without sufficient rest, the injury occurs. The least that they should understand is that their players are already overstressed and over trained.

It is important to train, but make sure that you don't over train because you will strain your muscles. You should know that too much training is bad as it not only causes injuries and severe muscle injury on the body but also, it overcomes the very intention of a work out. There are a lot of basic principles in weight training, one being rest, and they should all be practiced in baseball weight training.

Rest is as important as exercise and progression. In fact, you cannot progress if your body can no longer tolerate the load that you are putting on it. Challenge is a lot different from damage and that is what you want to avoid.

The training program should have different modifications. Your workout routines need to vary in both what you do and how intensely you do it. A better alternative would be to use other exercises that can also strengthen your muscles.

In baseball, the weight training program is the forced produced and that is the most important aspect that you should know. This program not only increases the strength of leg muscles and hand and leg coordination, it also develops the strong force one would use to do such things as swing a baseball bat. The only cause why a good number of coaches include weight training in baseball is for the reason that force requires mass times acceleration.

Never forget, always warm up and cool down before and after a training session. - 17268

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Acai Berries And All Things In Moderation

By Judy N Gray

The acai berry has been touted as the world's greatest "superfood" and it has been attributed with many amazing claims from weight loss to cancer prevention and even anti-aging.

A lot of of these claims may be somewhat overstated as there is not one "miracle" food that supercedes all others but the fact is that there are actually many, many "miraculous" foods and the acai berry is just one of them.

However, the acai berry does have one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any food found on the planet. It even has double as many antioxidants as blueberries and as much as 10 times as much as red grapes. It also boasts a good supply of essential fatty acids in the form of Omega 3, 6 and 9 and monounsaturated fats in the form of oleic acid, which is similar to olive oil. And along with all of that it also has a large quantity of phytosterols and healthy dietary fiber.

When it comes down to it the acai berry is one of the most healthy and full with antioxidants foods ever found in nature and our bodies require and even crave these nutrients to function at optimal levels. Although this little berry and the products created from it are not the miracle cure for everything that ails you such as anti-aging, fat fighting and disease prevention. The acai berry is just one component in the search for great health.

It has been proven by science that while it is possible to get antioxidants and other nutrients from supplements it is by far healthier to obtain your nutrients from the consumption of a healthy diet. Each and every one of the nutrients that we need including the outstanding nutrients that are found in the acai berry work at their optimal levels when combined with other nutrients. In nutrition the synergy of the whole beats a single nutrient every time.

The highest advantage that you can receive from acai berries and the products made from it are when it is included as part of a sensible, healthy diet plan that consists of several healthy and high antioxidant foods such as blueberries, pomegranates, spinach, kale, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and the list continues on as there is an abundance of highly nutritious and healthy foods out there. Dark chocolate and red wines both have significant antioxidants. But the top dietary advice is "all things in moderation".

Acai berries and the products made from them can be an exceptionally healthy contribution to a well-balanced and nutritious diet plan. The high nutrition and the excellent antioxidant qualities can help you reduce the effects of aging, lose excess weight and prevent serious disease, not on its own but only as a part of a nutritious overall diet plan.

When it comes to high nutrition the synergy of a whole spectrum of nutrients is by far superior to the nutritional value of just one food, regardless of how nutritious that food may be. And when it comes to diet, self-control is always the key. - 17268

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Best Tips To Natural Weight Loss

By Jim Evans

Losing weight naturally is the key to all healthy diets. Many people try using fat loss supplements that helps the body stabilize metabolism and suppress the appetite. Some supplements are good if taken the right amount of dosage and can be very beneficial. Food suppressants that help the body's desire to eat are also very good. Body builders should look more into non-stimulate fat burning supplements.

Water is very critical to the body if weight loss and be healthy is the goal. Consumption of one gallon throughout the whole day allows the kidneys to perform its task and even turn those fat cells into reliable energy. If water is not consumed enough then the liver will have to work more than usual to help the kidneys. That means your weight loss strategy is decreasing. Make sure to drink a lot of fresh water, our body is made up of more water than anything else.

When you start your body building diet, try your best to consume at least 5-6 small meals a day. By consuming these amounts you are speeding up your metabolism and burning more fat cells. Foods that are the most beneficial to your diet are ones that are high in protein and carbohydrates. Protein helps your body build and repair muscles and the carbohydrates give you the energy to do so. Foods that are rich in protein are fish, red meats, poultry, dairy products, beans and egg whites. Remember that as a body builder your food is more beneficial and healthier raw.

By eliminating the stress in your life you are also decreasing the bad habits that your body and mind can acquire while under stress. Over eating is very popular among stressed individuals, as a body builder and having a strict diet, stress it not in your best interest to keep around. Stress also can cause your digestive system to shut down, causing your body to store extra fat that cannot be easily burned.

If you haven't already started, then you need to since fast pace walking or jogging is one of the best natural ways to keep that blood flowing in your system. If you are in the elderly group, usually older people carry a light 1-2 pound dumbbell and head over to the local mall where they are safe and walk around. Younger people should focus on jogging which speeds up the process more and works better. By controlling the lungs to breathe better, you will be able to jog longer and attain better results in the long run. - 17268

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Being Fat Increases the Level of Inflammation

By Brain B. Verde

Being fat increases the level of inflammatory activity in the body, while being physically fit decreases it, according to a new U.S. study.

The study included 452 men who had levels of different groups of blood cells measured during exercise. A high total white blood cell count is a marker of inflammatory activity and is a strong and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease-related illness and death, according to background information in a news release from the researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.

None of the men smoked or had been diagnosed with a serious disease or chronic condition, all of which are known to be associated with a higher white blood cell count. The men were weighed and measured and had their blood pressure taken before their level of cardio respiratory fitness was assessed using a standard treadmill test.

Blood tests showed that levels of all groups of white blood cells were lowest in the most physically fit and higher in men who had a combination of higher body fat and lower levels of fitness.

The more body fat, the higher the white blood cell count. But the study did find that a high level of physical fitness negated the effect of extra body fat.

Researchers noted that white cell counts tend to increase after a session of vigorous exercise, but regular exercise may condition the body to respond more efficiently when doing physically demanding activities. The fitness study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

In the last decade, scientists have proven that some antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to scavenging free radicals, there are antioxidants that actually block inflammation. The antioxidant effect (the blocking of certain oxidizing proteins) lowers the activation of inflammatory signals. Scientists have also found that combinations of certain antioxidants have greater effect than single antioxidants on certain types of inflammation

A 2004 study funded by the National Institute of Aging found that taking an antioxidant supplement was associated with CRP levels similar to those seen in those who exercised 180 minutes/week or more and did not take supplements. The study involved almost 3000 people. Blood samples were analyzed for serum levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, and plasma levels of TNF-alpha.

The best sources of antioxidants are vegetables, fruits, tea and wine. It is wise to get your antioxidants from a variety of sources. The more colorful your natural foods the better - yellow, orange, green, red, brown and blue-purple plant foods provide a variety of antioxidants, and the more brightly colored, the richer the food is in anti-oxidants.

Some of these brightly colored fruits rich in antioxidants include the Acai, Mangosteen, Camu Camu, Goji and Noni fruits. Since these fruits are difficult to obtain fresh in your local market you can get them in their as good as fresh condition from Dr. Tims Juices. - 17268

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Body Builders Know How To Track Their Training Program

By Tony Gates

Many body builders or should I say beginners doesn't really know how to track their own program. Reason is, you can work out 30 minutes to 1 hour a day for every day and not know exactly what's happening in your body. That's called efficiency. Now lets look at effectively, which means you know exactly what's going on with everything you are doing and the progress that you yearn for. The first thing to do in any real body building is to find a program that fits exactly to how you want to look like or feel. Then, you need to learn how to track that progress even before you start so you can see the results after completion of set goals.

These are some of the things you will definitely want to track if you are serious about effective work outs.

Weight - Weighing your self on a regular basis, let's say once or twice a week is good. Make sure you are on a flat ground level. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning when you first wake up since that is the time when you haven't ate anything yet but do it after you've urinated.

Measuring Body Fat - Body fat is the main reason we feel unhealthy or feel uncomfortable. After replacing the fat with muscle you should already have a good tool to record the progress. Under 10% body fat is good but serious body builders will aim for a low averaging 5% body fat.

Lean Body Mass - Calculating lean body mass will help you realize how many percent of your body is fat and what percent is actual muscle.

Measuring The Body - To measure the parts on the body is to seek for progress. If quadriceps are what you been working hard on, take out a flexible measurement and measure it. It can be anything that you want to measure but make sure you remember to record the progress.

Recording Photos - Photos might not seem like it's a big concern in body building. That's okay, the main goal we're after here is precise recording of progress. This is not to know how healthy you are, it's so you can smile when you see how fat you were to how good looking you are now! - 17268

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Kava Kava Benefits

By Anita Soporova

Let's drink to kava kava, my friends! Long known as the drink of choice in the South Pacific islands, kava kava is a drink that leaves a relaxed and refreshed feeling without impairing your concentration. Imagine drinking it after a hard day?s work and not having to worry about any hangover whatsoever! This drink is filled with what are called kavalectones. These have a positive effect on GABA, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are three important neurotransmitters found in the body. It's not really clear how the kavalectones work, but that these are able to give the drinker a feeling of contentment and relaxation.

Kava kava has a number of benefits. It helps you deal with insomnia by giving you better-quality sleep: this means that you are able to sleep more quickly and with less fuss, and that your sleep would be the satisfyingly deep ones.

Kava kava also improves your moods, concentration and mental performance. Also, kava kava is said to have the same calming effect in the mind as diazepam. You will also have less palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks.

When you also drink kava kava, it curbs your appetite and flushes out the liquids in your body, thus you are slimmer and your body has more definition. And since kava kava is a relaxant, it decreases the pain that results from muscle spasms. In fact, it is so effective as a pain reliever that it works better than aspirin. That goes for pain from fibromyalgia, a sore neck, backaches and cramps.

Kava kava can help you with your health problems. Yes, you can use this as an aphrodisiac, to treat bladder problems, urinary tract infections and symptoms caused by menopause.

Please be reminded, though, that kava kava is to be taken in moderation. It is also known to have side effects, especially with improper use. Side effects include blood clotting problems, hypertension and the inability to control your muscles. - 17268

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