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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Information on Cellulite

By El Bilson

Are you seeking more information on cellulite? Whenever you look in the mirror, do you see fat deposits that look very similar to an orange peel? Try squeezing a part of your thigh or your abdomen - if you notice little bumps, then you have cellulite.

Cellulite isn't just a woman's thing " it can also be found in men, however women are more likely to have it. It also isn't true that only overweight people can get cellulite. Contrary to popular belief, being thin is no guarantee that you won't see cellulite on your body. Genes and hormones both play a big part in cellulite development.

Still need more information on cellulite? This skin disorder usually appears on the upper part of your thighs and just below the buttocks. This can be pretty embarrassing " after all, who doesn't want to show off smooth skin at the beach? Here are a few more basic things you need to understand about cellulite:

There are theories regarding what causes cellulite formation and why even lean women get it. However, scientists are still in the dark when it comes to this condition. Some say that because cellulite usually appears after a woman goes through puberty, it could be caused by estrogen. Unfortunately, this isn't a very conclusive theory, because a lot of things happen after puberty. Hormones aren't the only thing that can have an effect on cellulite.

Some say that because these fat cells are swollen, the connective fibers underneath the skin can't take the pressure " hence the orange peel look. These fat cells also hinder the free flowing of blood in the lymphatic system. This can clog up the passage of fluids through common areas like the thighs, buttocks and arms.

Others theorize that the appearance of cellulite on the body is all about a person's metabolism. It's a known fact that as the years go by, a person's metabolic rate decreases. This makes it harder to lose weight and shed unwanted pounds. This can lead to more cellulite.

The good news is that there are many body creams out there that can help you get rid of cellulite. Creams such as Revitol or Avotone can help you get the smooth skin you desire. Just lather these products on affected areas just like you would with body lotion to help treat your cellulite problem.

As with any other health issue, preventing the onset of cellulite is always better than curing it after it appears. It can never be stressed enough that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent cellulite from forming. A healthy lifestyle includes eating a healthy diet with lots of fiber as well as getting regular exercise. By doing these two things, you will notice a reduction in the amount of cellulite on your body.

Try to avoid yo-yo dieting. When your weight fluctuates up and down it makes your skin lose its elasticity. If you are smoking, then stopping early can also prevent cellulite formation. - 17268

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Bucks County Professionals on Lower Ab Workouts - Why This May Be Setting You Up For Failure

By Jose Loni

Are doing lower ab workouts the answer? Should we really be targeting something so specific when we train with the objective of getting ripped abs? The answer is, "no". Ripped abs are not brought about by isolation exercises as a lot of people wrongly believe. Ripped abs are revealed when the body becomes lean and loses its excess fat.

So many times, we see ab machines and ab exercises that focus directly on the abs. These products claim that by using their products you will lose inches from your waist and flatten your belly. In reality, they don't work. Spot reducing does not work.

Training just the abs, will not give you rock hard abs. Isolation exercises like ab crunches or lower abdominal strengthening will strengthen your abs, but it will not give you the definition that you want. In fact, you may not notice a physical difference from training the abs only.

If you really want to train your abs, work on your whole body. This can be done by doing multi joint exercise that help kick start your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you help your body use more calories and burn more fat.

Some exercises you can do include jogging, squats, lunges, brisk walking, push-ups and even dancing. Doing these specifically trains the large muscles, which uses up more energy. The more trained these large muscles become, the more efficient they are at burning fat.

Doing short, quick bursts of intense training like a circuit program of jumping jacks-brisk walking-sprinting-walking makes our muscles work extremely hard. They start building up waste carbon dioxide and lactic acid, which the body must now get rid of.

The overall result is that the muscles work so hard during the exercise activity that the muscle must then be repaired and replenished when muscles are recovering. This replenishment of the muscles increases the body's metabolism by forcing the body to burn fat to help the muscles repair and replenish.

So keeping your lower ab workouts to specific areas is why this may be setting you up for failure to meet your fitness goals. Target area workouts will not burn fat, which is what you need to do in order to reveal great-looking abs. Train to raise your metabolism instead and welcome those six pack abs - 17268

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Gain A Few Inches With Grow Taller Exercises

By Shaun Davids

Have you ever thought of trying out grow taller exercises to increase your height? Maybe it is about time you did and started lengthening your spine as much as possible.

In learning how to become taller in your spine, it is the cartilage in between your vertebrae that are responsible for any increase in length. These discs are very elastic and can be stretched to lengthen your spine.

If you want to grow taller as much as possible, you need to understand which parts of your body to exercise. One such part is your spine, where various movements will help stretch those cartilage discs in your spine, and help you gain height naturally.

I suppose you have done grow taller exercises and stretches before, you might as well have heard of the better chances of growing taller through proper stretching. You'll be able to find a lot of stretching positions that you can look into to perform your daily stretching activities in growing taller. Like for instance, cobra stretch, cat stretch, basic leg stretch, the bridge, the table, bow down, super stretch and twists.

Now, if you can get into a gym, you can also look into performing hanging exercises. This is as simple as hanging on a bar, stretching the arms as well as the spine and the back, which you may opt to do for about ten seconds repetitively. You may add a little more pressure by adding wrist wraps for weight lifting if you want to. And then, you should consider doing this for not less than thirty minutes a week, and you'll definitely see answers to your question "How can I grow taller?"

The last grow taller exercise you should try out, is swimming - not only is it a fun sport, but it is also one of the best ways to lengthen your spine naturally. If you already know how to do the various swimming styles, then this exercise will be easy and enjoyable.

One swimming stroke you should master is the breast stroke. This is one of the best exercises to lengthen your spine and become taller. It is the stretching of your arms and legs in this stroke that is good for your back.

And the combination of being in water while performing the breast stroke is what makes it a fantastic exercise for growing taller. It is the density of the water that helps offset the effects that gravity plays in compressing your spine.

And those are a few grow taller exercises you can try right now in your quest to gain those few important inches in height. Just stick to the program and you will see results. - 17268

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I Want A Colon Cleanse Supplement But Which One

By Kym Y Butterworth

There are more people than ever taking advantage of the health benefits that can come from colon cleansing. As a result, there are also more products than ever being sold to help everyone achieve their goals. Before you go out and purchase the first product you see, take a moment to consider all of your options and select the one that fits into your lifestyle best.

Most people are well aware of the many pill and capsule supplement products that are widely available, but there are other options. For many people pills will be the easiest way to go, but for others it may be more of a hassle. Luckily, there are alternatives.

There is one important decision that you have to make first. You can purchase something to use at home or you can go through your doctor and request a colonoscopy, which is a medical procedure that will do the job for you.

If you go to your doctor you have the professional expertise of their medical education at your disposal. Yet, you will also pay a lot more for the procedure and it is more invasive than just doing it at home yourself.

Since that is a rather easy decision, the question then becomes whether you want to take a supplemental pill or go another route.

Most pills for cleansing the colon or even for the entire body are sold as a system with more than one pill to be used together. Some of the pills can be quite large. If remembering to take them at the proper times of day is not an issue and you have no issues swallowing, then this is likely to be an affordable option with a lot of products to select from.

There are many different colon cleansing alternatives for those who cannot remember to take a pill at key times or cannot handle swallowing them down.

Teas are probably the second popular form. They are preferable to anyone who will have an issue with swallowing pills which can sometimes be quite large, though you will still have to remember to drink the tea more than once a day for most products to work.

If tea is already a natural part of your daily routine anyway this could fit right into your world without problems. If you don't drink it regularly already, then use it as a treat or a time of relaxation. Obviously, one other perk is that it tastes much better than swallowing a pill.

If you have to have immediate rewards, then an enema product could be your ideal route. This is more invasive and most people will cringe at the though of using them, but if used cautiously and not abused they can deliver more immediate results.

Once you have done your cleanse, you should include more fiber in your daily diet and try to clean up your eating habits. This will keep your body cleaned out without needing another cleanse in the short term. You may also opt to take a fiber supplement or a psyllium husk supplement before bed.

Ultimately, colon cleansing is more effective if it is taken in a form that fits into your daily life. You have to do it according to the directions in order to get all of the health and weight loss benefits. - 17268

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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast - Langhorne Personal Trainer Teaches About Oxygen Debt

By Jose Loni

Energy system work is how to lose belly fat fast. The main factor in losing fat fast is through the energy system. By training in an anaerobic manner and having a regular schedule of exercise, increasing exercise intensity and training with intervals, we can quickly lose belly fat.

When the body is training in a decreased oxygen level, the oxygen debt that results causes the muscles to increase its metabolic activity. The increased levels of carbon dioxide and lactic acid cause the muscles to require oxygen, so the body will increase its metabolic activity and bring oxygen to nourish and repair muscle tissue as well as clear away carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

The first thing to consider when wanting fast results is having a regular routine of exercise. By keeping to a regular consistent exercise routine, we will allow our body to always be trained and challenged to use its fat burning processes. The increased activity allows the body to increase its muscle activity and keep burning fat to fuel its physical activity.

The increased metabolic activity of the muscles demand more oxygen to go to the muscles to provide oxygen and repair any damage. This activity has a residual effect and will cause the body to keep burning fat and repairing the body, for several hours after exercise.

Increasing exercise intensity has really been very effective in creating this oxygen debt in the muscles. By monitoring your heart rate and training within your target heart rate zone, you will be better able to effectively increase your metabolism.

Interval training has been effective in really increasing the metabolism of the muscles. The short burst sets and the subsequent rest period force the muscles to increase its activity of bringing oxygen to the muscles and clearing the waste products and nourishing and repairing the muscles.

By increasing our physical activity, the body is forced to adapt by increasing its metabolic activity. The increased fat burning that occurs allows the body to become more efficient at breaking down belly fat and providing fuel for physical activity.

Through energy system work, we are better able to lose belly fat fast. The anaerobic training which is composed of a regular exercise schedule of activities that are higher intensity and incorporate interval training, have the fastest results in losing belly fat. - 17268

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Getting Rid of Stretch Marks

By Laura Salser

Skin problems are particularly problematic and can cause some problems that we would rather not show others.

Stretch marks come from overly-worked, stretched skin. This type of problem usually occurs because of diet, pregnancy, trauma or hormonal problems.

There are a multitude of solutions to the problem of stretch marks so you do not have to simply endure them.

One easy solution is called "Celtrixa" which works extremely well to reduce your stretch marks and give you clean, nice-looking skin once again.

It has been proven in clinical studies that Celtrixa increases collagen production in our skins by up to 62% improving texture and tone in participants.

By naturally increasing the production of collagen in your own body, your skin will become stronger and its natural elasticity will increase, as well.

If you use Celtrixa and maintain a healthy diet, drink pleny of water and get exercise afterwards then you do not need to worry about stretch marks returning or any future stretch marks.

So, reduce your stretch marks today! Get a free sample of Celtrixa now for a limited time and see for yourself the results that Celtrixa can provide for you. - 17268

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Bucks County Exercise Videos - Benefits vs. Consequences

By Jose Loni

The benefits versus consequences of exercise videos is an interesting topic. Exercise videos have been around for a while. For some, exercise videos are convenient, a lower cost alternative to getting fit, and a way for the shy ones to start a lifestyle change. But others feel that doing it alone at home with no one to keep the momentum going is easier said than done.

Well known personalities have helped popularize exercise videos over the years. There's Jane Fonda, Suzanne Somers and the gregarious Richard Simmons.

Today, videos on yoga, pilates, kickboxing and belly dancing abound. The great variety is key to their longevity.

First on the pro list is convenience. Exercise videos don't require much trouble and effort on our part. We don't even need to leave our homes and get hassled driving or dealing with the weather, traffic, parking, and gym sales staff. Just clear a space, press play and workout anytime.

What about the cost of the workouts? At an average of U$20 per video, doing the video 3x a week for 2 months gets you back its retail cost. But gym memberships entail a bigger lump sum output with hidden costs like gas, parking and drive time.

For those who prefer privacy, exercise videos are a definite pro. Starting a program can be awkward and if we're not used to certain movements or holding set counts, we easily get self-conscious and lose motivation. Add camouflage clothing versus sleek gym wear and we crawl to our home videos in great relief!

Exercise videos have the benefit of being very visual with simple instructions. Therefore, it is easy to imitate the movements demonstrated. There is little to no confusion of how they should be done. This is not the case with e-books. Words can easily confuse especially when typos occur.

And so, the pros and cons of exercise videos have been laid out. We love their no-trouble, low maintenance quality, low cost and privacy options, but we do have to consider the lack of social interaction aspect of it. We need to evaluate our preferences in order to make the perfect choice for our lifestyle. - 17268

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Understanding The Basics Of A Cleanse Diet

By Ron C

Are you feeling unwell due to the fact that your body has been taking in to much bad food, little sleep, drinking alcohol and smoking, maybe you should think about adopting a cleanse diet to clean up your body of toxins that can give you long term health risks.

Before you take up a cleanse diet, you ought to consult a health specialist or nutritionist. This is expressly true if you have a medical condition or are taking medication. As rule, if youre on prescription drugs for a restricted period of time, you should perhaps wait to finish that treatment before considering adopting a cleanse diet. This is for the reason that your body may still not be tough enough or for the reason that some cleanse diets contain hormones or substances that can interfere with the effectiveness of medication, or vice versa.

In addition, ahead of choosing a cleanse diet, you really should study the particular advantages you will acquire. A cleanse diet that is too general in its promises, for example youll feel better is very hard to gauge. In saying that, if you dont observe results, theres no avenue so you can object or make the professional be held responsible.

One more good idea is to access the nutritional merit of the cleanse diet. This involves researching the quantities of proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats, fiber, and carbs that the cleanse diet includes. These values are valuable as they let you test the authenticity of a cleanse diet very simply against a nutritional chart. It in addition lets you make clear that youre getting all the nutrients your body desires.

Some cleanse diets will include a minimal number or a total purging of selected elements, such as fats and carbohydrates. If this is the rationale, you should ask your nutrition specialist why those elements are missing and how they are going to be replaced.

To finish, if youre going to follow through a body cleanse program with a nutrition professional, you may want to also get a calendar or schedule of visits and how much it will cost BEFORE HAND. Its very disappointing to have to stop a detox treatment because you ran low of money in the halfway point of it or because the Health Professional just realized that extra sessions are required.

Things like teas, pills, detox patches are usually all extras so you may want to ask the pricing, so as not to have some unpleasant surprises. Going a cleanse treatment with a consultant will always be the most pricey option, but on the other hand, the fact that youre putting your hard earned money at stake will make you think twice about reducing it halfway. - 17268

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How to Gain Muscle in 4 Easy Steps

By Hugo Andersen

Building muscle requires a fairly simple plan....eating right and exercising regularly. There is no magic formula in building a perfectly sculpted body. However, you can learn how to gain muscles by following the tips below. These tips can help you in developing a well formed body structure.

Eating sufficient calories is important in your quest to gain weight. A diet that provides the correct nutrients to support muscle building is just as important as the training program. It is important therefore to create a power diet that will promote quick muscle growth.

Pick up some bodybuilding magazines and read the articles on weight gaining diets. You can also consult a dietician or a fitness training coach and seek advice about the proper diet that can build body mass.

You cannot expect to gain muscles quickly if you do not have a fitness training coach. So it is important to enroll in a body building gym so you can get professional assistance from a training coach.

Set reasonable goals and create a routine that you can stick to. It is not good to skip fitness training. If your training is erratic, it would be impossible for you to develop a well toned and perfectly sculpted body.

Make sure to train both your upper and lower body. Your training and exercises should also develop your joints and strength so you can lift heavier weights.

When performing exercise reps for the first time, you should always start with the lightest free weights in order not to over-stress your body. When developing your abs muscles, you should use an exercise ball first before starting a hard workout with a machine.

Once you are past the first couple of weeks you can begin to train muscles to failure. You have to motivate yourself to perform extra repetitions. By making extra reps during your regular exercises, your body will be more prepared to take on more demanding fitness trainings.

Muscle building isn't complicated but it does require a lot of hard work. You also need to implement a good diet and exercise program to quickly achieve your goal. - 17268

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Increase Height Programs Work If...

By Shaun Davids

Have you been thinking of using a program to increase height? One that you can incorporate into your daily life? If you want to follow a program to gain a few inches in height, then make sure you take the following advice.

A growing taller program usually provides you with a couple of exercise to include into daily regimen. Some programs can even help you increase height within only 2 months.

The exercises to grow taller are usually not that difficult to do - you may even have done some of them before, but not in the right way. To succeed in the program you need to follow the exercise routine and accompanying diet properly.

Just imagine how great you will look and feel after following through with the program - not only will you be impressed with what you have done, but you will have a new-found confidence with your taller self.

Just remember to approach the program with the right attitude, otherwise you will find it hard to increase height.

- You should follow your plan and stick to your exercise routine.

- You need to be persistent and do the exercises no matter what. If you must do them twice a day, then do the exercises twice a day.

- You must have discipline, and this is very much important. Discipline is needed to obtain both that are mentioned above. And in addition to this, you may also be required by the program to take in food that would help you nourish the bones and your spine. If this is the case, you need to discipline yourself and refrain from eating foods that are not recommended by the plan, instead follow the diet that the height growth program suggests.

By taking it seriously, you will definitely help strengthen your bones. And not only will you increase height, but also become healthier overall. - 17268

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Malibu Pilates Chair-A Closer Look

By Steve Estes

The Malibu Pilates Chair is one of the newest models of Pilates machines. Like most other pieces of exercise equipment, the MPC is being marketed chiefly to the weight loss crowd. And with good reason. While most people think about technology as a way to do less and get more done, it has also brought us things like this excellent Pilates machine. And this is a good thing because losing weight isn't just about hard work, it is also about using a particular strategy to get what you need to do done.

Unlike the Pilates Reformer, the top dog of the work out machine world, the Malibu Pilates Chair is compact and relatively light weight. But, like the Reformer it will work out your entire body and for only a fraction of the cost. Clocking in at just under three hundred and fifty bucks it really is affordable. Contrast that with the nearly 3 grand that a Reformer can set you back and you can clearly see the savings.

The Chair is a great place to enter into the world of Pilates machines. If you are just starting out you may want to start slowly. But you will find yourself getting quickly up to speed. And don't worry about it taking up all your room.

The thing about using a device like the Malibu chair is that you are the one doing the work that the chair makes so easy for you. It's designed to offer you ease of use and before long you will see the pounds of fat literally melting off your body before your very eyes.

Back when I was heavy I had to do things the old fashioned way, through hours and hours of pain and struggle. If something like this had been available to me I'm fairly certain I could have easily lost at least 20 pounds in a month or so.

I don't want to sound all Pollyanna so let me list the things I didn't like. I prefer a longer workout (don't worry it comes with one) to the 20 minute one included on the free DVD. That's why I prefer the Body Sculpting Work Out that lasts a whole hour. It also comes with a free wall chart and custom plan for a diet. The one I tried at my local Pilates studio offered a better range of motion but the price of this one is lower. - 17268

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What Are The Links Between Junk Food and Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are suffering from easy bruising, to the level where you don't even recall how you got the bruise at all, or when just lightly bumping into a cabinet or shelf can cause you to bruise spectacularly, you're probably wondering what the reason is. You might be dealing with an unknown vitamin deficiency, and one of the reasons for being deficient might be because of your intake of junk food. Junk food is very appropriately named, and when you ponder about the hollow calories that you are ingesting into your body, particualarly without the slightest bit of help from added vitamins, it leads you understand the reasons why your bruises may be getting considerably worse than they were before.

In the first place, you should consider what actually causes bruises to occur. As we age, our skin starts to get thinner and more fragile, and a number of separate situations can then lead to our capillaries becoming much thinner and frail. Because of this thinning of skin and capillary walls, even a light brush against something can cause our capillaries to break when they otherwise shouldnt, and that can be the cause of some fairly significant bruising. The answer to overcoming easy bruising starts with giving our body the resources it needs to strengthen the capillary walls when they break, and to make them less apt to break in to begin with.

When you consume too much junk food you will create a problem evolving from the fact you are getting few of the nutritional resources that your body's system requires to build up its defenses. Can you name any junk food product that will provide you an appropriate dosage of vitamin A, or vitamin C, or even iron? When you partake of junk food, you are simply just storing up complex sugars. The intake of complex sugars results in an instant dump of energy into your system, which can sometimes help you get over a rough patch, but you will feel a drop (or crash) quite quickly thereafter. After the crash, you will likely be grumpy, and then you'll be tempted to look for another energy burst. However, simple, or non-complex, sugars break down much slower, so this can give you a much easier time dealing with the temporary burst of energy.

Eating junk food can distract you from eating the foods that are healthful for you when it comes healing your body, and depending on what your family history shows, it could also be a factor for your contracting diabetes. One of the primary warning signs and indications of diabetes is bruising easily, so this is just another reason of why you should be more conscientious about the kinds of food that you eat. Force yourself to take one day and commit yourself to recording everything that you eat. From this record ask yourself, Am I getting the necessary dosages of the vitamins and minerals that my body needs? Does your record seem to expose the likelihood of your having any deficiencies?

Take some time and really think about your diet. This is something that you really need to concentrate on if you want to move ahead and get rid of that pesky easy bruising. - 17268

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