Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Learn More About Fiber and Cellulite

By El Bilson

Youve heard that the amount of fiber you eat is an important part of your daily routine. But is their a relationship between our daily amount of fiber and cellulite that shows up on your skin?

Research has shown that fiber and cellulite do have a connection to one another. Fiber is an important part of our daily diets. Without enough fiber, the body often does not feel full and satisfied after meals. This causes over eating which can lead to excess weight gain.

Fiber exists in two major forms " soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber moves through the digestive track and slowly starts to clean out the system. It cleans out waste products left over from the meal you just consumed. The more waste that is cleared out of the body, the less waste the body is forced to store in the cells. Cellulite often occurs because of extra toxins and waste products left in the body that weren't moved out with the normal digestion process.

Soluble fiber dissolve into a gel type substance and it is responsible for lowering cholesterol or fat and plaque in the blood vessels. This is important for not only heart health but the appearance of your skin as well. Good circulation improves not only the performance of your heart (which can help prevent a heart attack) but it can also help to get rid of toxins within the body as well.

Both soluble and insoluble fiber are an important part of your diet. Doctors note that we should consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily. However with the typical American diet, most of us only get 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day. The results of not getting enough fiber are seen all the time: obesity, heart problems, diabetes to name a few. Additionally, areas such as the skin may also be affected by a lack of fiber in the diet.

Is there a way to benefit from the relationship between cellulite and fiber? The following is a list high fiber foods. Consume some of these foods daily and you will start to notice an improvement in not only your skin, but your overall health and energy!

Artichokes, cooked " 10.3 g fiber

Split peas, cooked " 16.3 g fiber

Lentils, cooked " 15.6 g fiber

6.3 g fiber - Spaghetti, whole wheat cooked

8.0 g fiber - raspberries

Pear, with skin " 5.1 g fiber - 17268

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Looking for a Diet Pill for Fast Weight Loss?

By Jackie Lakewood

Some of you can relate to my life long search for the perfect weight loss pill. One that actually assists you in losing weight without all the unwanted side effects such as nervousness and edginess. And preferably one without chemicals. Does such a pill actually exist?

I won't name names here but you can buy them at the drug store. I don't buy my health care products from the drug store. They all seem to be full of "drugs" or chemicals that I don't want in my body.

Today, it's simple to find information online regarding most any product. You need to find out what's in those weight loss pills before popping them in your mouth. Even some of the natural ingredients can interact with certain medications or can have unwanted side effects. Read before you buy.

If we want to be honest with ourselves, weight loss isn't some magical overnight event. The only way to lose weight is to cut calories. So if you need help in cutting down on the amount you consume or just needing a little help in feeling full so you don't eat more, there's hope for you.

Cutting calories by making your body think it's full is one way to achieve your weight loss. Some of these type pills contain ingredients that may cause side effects so be sure to choose one that's all natural. Following are several natural diet pills that you may want to consider.

Hoodia Gordonii - From the cacti family and used to trick the body into thinking that you've just eaten and are full. Hoodia has been used for thousands of years by the San Bushmen of South Africa. They used Hoodia to stave off hunger while out on long hunting trips. This plant is expensive only grows in the South African Kalahari Desert so beware of products that are not 100% authentic.

Resveratrol - This is one of the most talked about anti-aging products of the past year. It is an ingredient found in grape skins, red wine, cranberries and a few other plants. Though it is commonly sold as an anti-aging product, it has been found to be extremely effective in weight loss when combined with other ingredients such as green tea or chromium. In order to get the most anti-aging benefits, mass quantities must be consumed, however, they have recently packaged it in capsule form which contains approximately the equivalent of 200 glasses of red wine - without the calories or the DUI!

Acai Berry - Known for its detoxifying and rejuvenating properties, this rain forest fruit contains naturally occurring Omega-3,6 and 9 oils and is loaded with nutrients. It has been a huge hit for the weight loss market, and produces maximum benefits when combined with Green Tea, chromium and L-theanine.

In my opinion, these are the leading natural types of diet pills that work and that I personally trust to make a positive difference in my health.

The following things must be taken into consideration when choosing the ideal diet pill.

1. Does the company use ingredients that are safe?

2. Is the product priced fairly? Is there a free trial before you commit?

3. Is there a money back guarantee if you don't like the product?

To get the answers to these questions, check out online reviews of the products. Look at the ingredients, how the products work, and the cost. Do your due diligence before you purchase to ensure you get a safe and effective product. - 17268

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Steps to a Speedy Recovery After Knee Arthroscopy

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Knee arthroscopy is quicker and easier to recover from than conventional open knee surgery. Still, it does take a bit of time, and it is important to follow your orthopedic surgeons instructions carefully during your recovery period.

Prevent Pain & Swelling

Your orthopedic surgeon is sure to instruct you to keep your leg elevated during the first few days after surgery. Additionally, you can use ice to keep pain and swelling under control.

What to Do About Your Dressing

When you come home from the hospital, you will have a bandage on your knee. Be sure to keep that on for the first 24 hours. After that you can take it off. Its alright to take showers after 24 hours has passed, but protect your knee from direct sprays of water. Dont soak in the tub until your knee has healed thoroughly.

In a few days, you will have an appointment to see your orthopedic surgeon for a followup appointment. At this appointment, the orthopedic surgeon will tell you about your surgical findings and review your treatment plan with you.

What About Weight Bearing?

Click here for more on recovering from knee injuries .

Usually, you can walk without assistance right after surgery. In some instances, your orthopedic surgeon may tell you to use an assistive device. If you are sent home with a cane, walker, or crutches, be sure to use them until your orthopedic surgeon tells you to stop. Follow your orthopedic surgeons instructions, and do your exercises, and you will gain strength bit by bit. Check with your orthopedic surgeon before you drive. This is usually alright after about a week.

Following Your Exercise Plan Closely Will Help

You will probably come home from the hospital with a list of exercises prescribed by your orthopedic surgeon. You may also have a referral to a physical therapist. Be sure to do your exercises and follow all instructions from your orthopedic surgeon and your physical therapist.

Managing Your Prescriptions

Prevention of infection and pain management are important components of your recovery. You will probably have a prescription for antibiotics and a prescription for pain medications. Be sure to follow the directions your orthopedic surgeon gives you to avoid infection and recover with the least amount of pain.

Will There Be Complications?

Arthroscopic knee surgery rarely generates complications. If any occur, they are usually mild and easily managed. They include, an accumulation of blood around the knee, possible blood clots, and possible infection.

Here Some Signs To Look Out For

Be sure to let your orthopedic surgeon know if you experience:

1) Fever

2) Chills

3) Redness or a hot feeling around the knee

4) Pain that persists and/or increases rather than decreasing

5) Swelling in the knee that seems exaggerated

6) Increasing pain in your calf muscle - 17268

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Healthy Breakfast Ideas

By Pablo Escobar

Breakfast is a very important meal, and one that you shouldn't skip. You don't want to just fill up on fatty or sugary foods though, or you will just get hungry in a couple hours and end up eating more than you should. You need to eat healthy breakfast foods that will fill you up and hold you over until lunch time.

The most common breakfast food has to be cold cereal. When choosing a cereal, be sure not to get one that has a lot of sugar and is high in fat.

In order to make cereal an even healthier breakfast you should add low fat milk and fruit. A great option is oatmeal with blueberries and milk. Adding some protein in the form of a hard boiled egg or peanut butter on toast would also make the breakfast a bit more filling.

Eggs cooked without a lot of fat can also be healthy breakfast foods. You should combine them with something that has fiber, like whole grain toast, and you should add some fruit or vegetables and some dairy.

Adding some veggies to you eggs is also a healthy choice and can spice up the eggs. Because of the protein in the eggs are very filling. Boil up some eggs and keep them in the fridge for days where you don't have a lot of time.

If you are like me and can't eat a lot right when you get up, try eating something small and then eat something for brunch.

A smart thing to do is get some instant oatmeal that you can pack to work and then just add water and heat it up when you get to the office. Bring along some fruit and maybe some nut and your set for a delicious, office made breakfast.

There are many quick breakfast options out there for those of us who are always in a hurry. Just be sure to get something that is healthy. - 17268

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Garden of Life Womens Vitamins - An Effective Formula Specifically Build For Women's Nutrition

By Ben Pate

Notoriously complex and hard to formulate, the female body fluctuates in its nutritional needs and requires extreme care to keep in optimal functioning condition. When a woman goes through menstruation, lactation or pregnancy the physiological chemistry of her body will shift dramatically and her hormone levels will fluctuate wildly. For this reason it is important that women take an encompassing and comprehensive Vitamin Code RAW Womens Vitamins to meet their nutritional needs.

The complexities of the female body are always one of the greatest challenges in developing a formula that is specifically able to address the constantly changing needs of women's nutrition. Providing select nutrients designed to support breast health, Vitamin Code RAW, Women delivers powerful vitamins D and E along with folic acid and calcium for the reproductive system and magnesium and zinc for bone strength. This unique blend ensures that the most neglected and critical aspects of women's health are taken care of.

One of the greatest hurdles in building this kind of powerful and specially tailored formula was mastering the variables involved in women's health. To this end, Vitamin Code RAW, Women's Formula includes powerful and effective, vitamins D and E. Folic Acid and Calcium are also included in the blend to help round out the reproductive systems and are accompanied by magnesium and zinc to maximize bone strength.

The goal of any nutrition formula is always to enhance the health and wellness of the person taking in. In the case of Vitamin Code RAW, Women's Formula the goal is to provide an encompassing and comprehensive approach to women's health. By approaching the matter of women's health on all fronts Vitamin Code RAW is able to provide unsurpassed levels of care to women everywhere.

Through the use of herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers the nutrition of our food supply has been diminished twenty-five to 50 percent in just the last few decades. These horrifying results are the comparison of today's nutritional values to those of the 60's and 1970's and should be nothing short of terrifying. With food output being constantly pushed to the edge it's no wonder that our health and the nutrition of our food has been reduced.

Compounding the problem is the method in which we pack our foods. For convenience and safety we subject our foods to elaborate chemical treatments including irradiation, chemical preservation, and heating. While these processes may help the overall safety of our food they greatly and further diminish the nutritional quality and healthy benefits of the produce. By the time the produce actually gets to the consumer it has undergone so many alterations that the nutritional value of the food is a fraction of what it was once!

Many people don't know that even simple things like heating and cooking the foods you eat can kill their nutritional value. The Garden of Life RAW Womens Vitamins system is able to provide your body with the most nutrition from food by keeping the food in its natural form, free from alteration or chemical interference. In this way the body gets the most natural and healthy form of food intake as nature wanted. - 17268

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A Massage Chair With Shiatsu Massage

By Isaac Nagel

Shiatsu massage therapy has been around for many centuries. It is a form of massage therapy that uses pressure to heal the body and promote overall general health. It is actually a derivative of its sister technique acupuncture. However, instead of using needles to stimulate trigger points, it makes use of pressure to achieve the same. The shiatsu massage technique is now available in many different massage chairs.

Did you know that shiatsu is a form of acupuncture? Yes, this is true. Acupuncture and its sister technique acupressure are two forms of stimulating trigger points in the body. Shiatsu uses a form of acupressure to trigger different point in the body.

Although shiatsu is similar in many respects to acupressure, there are some differences. Perhaps the most notable difference is and the placement of where the massage is performed. In a typical acupressure massage, it is performed over the acupoint only. Shiatsu is not limited to just the acupoint, but is performed over a larger area.

Shiatsu also performs other techniques in addition to using forms of acupressure. It is common to find other movements such as tapping, grasping and vibration. Shiatsu continues to evolve to find the most effective techniques to relieve tension and restore energy in the body.

One of the main characteristics of massage is using increasing pressure over the trigger points. This is accomplished by using circular and rhythmic motions with sustained pressure. Shiatsu also massages the areas around the trigger points to relieve and stretch the soft tissue areas surrounding the trigger points.

Technologies have made available the number of different methods to duplicate the shiatsu massage. These technologies are controlled by software programs that coordinate the movements in a massage chair. This enables massage chairs to deliver consistent and effective shiatsu massage treatments.

In order to reproduce some of the more sophisticated movements used in shiatsu massage, massage chair manufacturers have developed roller systems with capabilities to move in three different dimensions. This enables them to offer increasing pressure in stimulating the trigger points.

Penetrating through the muscle tissue to relieve tension is a characteristic of shiatsu massage. In order to accomplish this, vibration motors are utilized which effectively penetrate deeply into the muscle tissue. In fact, they can penetrate all the way through to the bone. This provides excellent deep tissue relief.

Many massage chairs also incorporate air massage systems. These systems are driven by an air compressor which pumps compressed air to air bags. The air bags are specially designed to perform compression massage two different parts of the body.

Massage chairs contained computers which are programmed with sophisticated software programs. These programs initiate and run the various systems and a massage chair. The coordination of these different technologies provides for an effective and invigorating shiatsu massage.

You can now find shiatsu massage treatments practiced and almost all parts of the world. This famous technique has a variety of different interpretations. There is no exact method to perform shiatsu massage, but rather there is a general framework of tools which when used together constitutes shiatsu massage.

Shiatsu massage therapy is best thought of as a framework of different techniques. These techniques when used in the right combination are effectively known as shiatsu. These techniques also continue to evolve in order to deliver the most effective treatments.

Many massage chairs have very effective shiatsu massage techniques and provide for full body massage capability. The best way to find out what is right for you is to try a shiatsu massage chair and find out how it feels for you. - 17268

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Why Strength Training

By Ivan Girevoy

Strength training is an important element of fitness and exercise. If you are trying to lose weight then it is essential that you incorporate some strength training activities into your routine. Losing weight is about burning calories. It is about burning fat and one way to do that is to build your muscles. Basically the more muscle you develop the more energy you burn, resulting in greater weight loss.

Strength training does not have to be a daily grind. There are many classes or exercise programs you can follow that will help with building your muscles. Most gyms have classes like total body fitness or group power lifting. Typically these types of classes use many types of weight training equipment including barbells, hand weights,resistance bands and my favorite....Kettlebells. The typical class lasts for about an hour.

Over all it seems to be women seem to enjoy these types of strength training classes more than men. Men typically enjoy working out the muscle groups by adding bulk. Strength training classes help to shape and tone your muscles into lean mass without the bulk. In addition, since the instructor pushes you along during the class at a very rapid pace, there is a bit of cardiovascular benefit as well. If your goal is to have both strength training as well as muscle endurance, then you should consider a "cross fit" type class that can focus on both of those areas. Keep in mind that those types of classes not only build strength...but they melt away the love handles much faster.

So you do not care for classes. Thats ok, there are many exercises that you can do from home using just simple hand weights will do just fine, and there are many strength exercises that require no equipment like the simple pushup. Find a DVD to follow along to help you with your exercise. A good program to follow will help keep you on track, motivated and more likely to do the exercises correctly.

Many people go to the gym to lift weights. Typical regimens include alternating days of upper body work with lower body work. For example, on Monday and Thursday you might work your upper body, while on Tuesday and Friday you might work your lower body. This gives the muscles time to repair and grow between workouts. Most weight lifting programs involve lifting in sets. For instance you might do three sets of ten repetitions of the exercise of your choice that has a focus on the target are you wish to improve on. - 17268

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 1 - The Primary Bruising Cause!

By Carolyn Cooper

For anyone who is concerned about making sure that the bruises that have recently been showing up disappear and learning how to prevent bruising easily from taking place at all, you need to learn what causes bruises to occur in the first place. Lots of people who find themselves bruising more and more often, have reactions that range from near panic to simple annoyance. To keep our own state of mind from going off the deep end, we must learn about what causes the most common instances of bruising.

To begin with, we need to consider the fact that there are a variety of natural causes for bruising easily. When some people see a bruise, they often nervously wonder about serious issues, like blood problems or cancer, but in the majority of most situations, there is really nothing to worry about. Even if they are a bit unattractive, bruises have normal causes for their being present.

When you determine that you should educate yourself on what causes easy bruising, you first have to understand what bruises really are. A bruise is created when the tiny blood vessels just below your skin are damaged from pressure or shock and your skin does not break. The blood from the damaged blood vessels will collect just beneath the skin, so this then becomes the coloration of your bruise.

With this in mind, you are probably concerned that your bruising has become so much more common. The reasons behind this frequent bruising can be explained from two separate, but related prospectives. The first prospective is based on the fact that your skin's collagen is breaking down much quicker causing you skin to lose a significant amount of its elasticity which allows frequent bruising to occur, because your skin is not protecting your capillaries as well as it used to when you were younger.

Collagen is a substance that is found abundantly in young skin that gives it resilience when you touch it, and it makes your skin firmer to the touch, and it keeps your skin from wrinkling. As you age, the primary cause of wrinkles forming is the breakdown of collagen in your skin. A lot of people are aware that wrinkle formation is the result of the collagen in your body breaking down, but bruises are also facilitated by this breakdown of collagen.

The second prospective to be considered if you want to prevent bruising is that collagen is being manufactured in much smaller quantities and at a longer frequency than it once was. This is a normal function found in aging people, and even though it is generally not harmful, it can cause some impressive bruises to appear.

A couple of things may occur to you when you are examining these bruising causes. One observation is that yes, you are actually noticing more bruising, and this is not just an instance of you're simply becoming more observant. Consider this, you haven't suddenly become more clumsy as you get older. Your body is simply reacting differently from the way that it used to because of your aging.

The second observation that should occur to you is that there must be a variety of ways to treat this easy bruising condition. You aren't the only person discovering that your body is resetting to new situations, and there are going to be many people of your same age experiencing the same conditions that you are now going through.

Now that you know about the one of the primary causes of bruising, make sure that you can find a means to overcome easy bruising as well. A daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned can be just the right answer to help you prevent bruising easily. - 17268

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Features Of A Good Detox Plan

By Ferdinand Emy

As you might have noticed, a good number of people age much good than others. There are individuals who are 80 years old who may still run and walk long distances. On the other hand, there are people who are 60 years old that can barely move and get sick frequent.

This is not mere chance, just people who take good care of their bodies than others. Some persons drive their bodies to excess when they're young; little sleep, drinking, smoking, stressing.

Others lead healthier lives, they do exercise, they do not smoke, they drink in moderate quantities or not at all, they get enough sleep, and they go under a detox plan once in a while.

You might not notice it in the short run, but bad habits take a toll in our bodies, and some times it's until we get seriously sick that we try to transmute your ways. For some, unfortunately, its overly late.

It makes no sense to wait up to we get an illness, peculiarly when you have a family that depends on you. Thats why changing a lifestyle might be challenging at first, but worth it in the long run.

A detox plan helps our body get cleansed of the toxins it accumulates. These toxins are accumulated both via our excesses also as by the polluted surrounds in which we live.

Following a detox plan might be difficult|challenging|hard|trying|not simple for some, remarkably if youre employd to indulge yourself when it comes to alcohol, smoking, and junk food. But if you have a bit of discipline, the detox plan will show you outcomes that you'll be able to notice in a short period of time.

Besides, a detox plan is not usually a permanent lifestyle, its just a temporary measure that's taken from time to time to cleanse your body.

One thing you may do to make departing through a detox plan in an simpler way, is involve your friends and family. They do not require to follow the complete detox plan, but it will be easier if they join you in at least one part of it, for example, doing exercise together or stopping eating meat.

Another good preference for completing your detox plan is to avoid temptation altogether. If you have a hard time not drinking, refrain bars for a while. If you tend to smoke every time you feel nervous, do not buy cigarettes and do not hang out with smokers. And dont purchase red meat or heavily spiced food, so you mayt even cook it at home.

At the end of the detox plan, you'll feel much better, and you will get sick with much less frequency. Moreover, you'll be in much less jeopardy of getting a severe disease. - 17268

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Your Tired Toxic Body

By Ezekial Bramschild

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

When the body's cells consume oxygen, it creates free radicals (or by-products) that can cause a lot of problems to our body. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing, repairing, and removing the damage done by these toxic by-products. Having a daily supplement of antioxidants is the best way known to protect yourself from these harmful free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Studies have revealed for years that when antioxidants are taken as part of a regular diet, the body has the ability to repair, and maintain resistance to free radicals as well future attacks.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

Acai berry is categorized as a super food because it contains all the nutrition your body needs in fighting dangerous by-products in the body like free radicals. Be sure to research this amazing fruit further if you are looking for a diet that will provide your body with the strength needed to fight and remove these harmful toxins.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a diet that will fight off free radicals, improve your health, and reduce aging, then looking further into the benefits of this miraculous super food could be just the next step for you. - 17268

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How To Discover The Best Diets

By Aaron McLain

Doesnt it seem like everything you try to do to lose weight seems to fail? The online storm of diets hitting the webs streets is starting to become a joke. It seems every single day the next magic pill from the depths of the Amazon jungles is born and all overweight people must now bow to its immense fat burning power. Well Im here to tell you to get up off your knees and learn what about what makes the best diets with real results work so you will have the power to laugh in the face of these would be diets that will only leave you broke and fatter than before.

This articles focus is to empower you with the knowledge you need to decipher between which diets are fake and which diets will get you to where you want to be. So let the endless see of diets sit for awhile while you learn the ins and outs of what makes for a great diet that really works.

When you place all diets together you will see that some are talk while others are just what you need. The key thing to look for when deciding on a diet is to look at how fast the diet makes you lose weight. The point being that a good diet will not cause you to lose weight too quickly. Losing body fat too quickly is unnatural, unhealthy, and can lead to weight gain in the near future.

Some diets require you to severely cut back on carbs or calories for long periods of time which is not the way to go. A good diet recognizes that these are essential in keeping up with a healthy body and instead preaches quality over starvation of vital nutrients.

Now that Ive thrown out there what the best diets dont preach, lets take a look at what they do say. First, all good diets will be built on a solid set of healthy rules. They preach things like eating more frequent smaller meals per day and increasing your water intake. This will keep your metabolism burning and keep you from getting dehydrated. A slow metabolism and a dehydrated body is a recipe for a difficult weight loss diet.

Secondly, the best diets will preach some level of control. If you were to take a minute and ask yourself how you got to the weight you are at right now, Im willing to bet the kitchen sink that it was due to some eating habit that you did not have under control. A good diet will show you how to get a hold of and take control of your bad eating habits.

Last, but not least, good diets scream balance. And Im not talking about walking a tight rope, although that is a good analogy. Im talking about a good balance of healthy nutrients that the body needs to do its job. Nutrients like water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Weight loss will be a natural byproduct of a well balanced diet, not the result. The result will be a vibrant, healthy you.

Bottom line, the best diets should focus on helping your body rather than making it work harder. A good diet helps your bodily functions without starving it of fats, carbs, or proteins. It hydrates the body with plenty of water and preaches good habits like regular exercise and small frequent meals. And as with anything that is health related, seek the advice of your doctor before diving in head first. - 17268

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Are You Protecting Your Children

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The growing awareness of safe driving and state safety laws have alerted the general public and parents to the importance of using car seats for their small children whenever and wherever they are driving. Most states require the use of car seats for children under the age of 4 and weighing less than 40 pounds. However, these safety rules aimed at protecting children may cause serious neck and spinal injuries and can even be deadly if the child car seats are installed incorrectly.

The American Chiropractic Association, its Council on Occupational Health and ACA member Dr. Michael Freeman, trauma epidemiologist and clinical assistant professor of public health and preventive medicine at the Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine, have developed the following general guidelines and safety tips to ensure proper car seat safety.

Make sure the child safety seat is appropriate for the age and size of the child. A newborn infant requires a different seat than a 3-year-old toddler. Car seats for infants should always be rear facing as the forces and impact of a crash will be spread more evenly along the back and shoulders, providing more protection for the neck. Car seats should always be placed in the back seat of the car-ideally in the center. This is especially important in cars equipped with air bags. If an air bag becomes deployed, the force could seriously injure or kill a child or infant placed in the front seat. Make sure the car seat is properly secured to the seat of the vehicle and is placed at a 45-degree angle to support the head of the infant or child. The lap harness should be fastened low, as close to the hips as possible; the harness should never be fastened around the waist. Make certain the shoulder harness is fastened securely and the straps lay flat against the body. Twisted straps can cause additional injury that might prevent the seat from working properly. Use a retention clip (if provided by the manufacturer) when securing a child safety seat with the shoulder harness. The retention or shoulder harness clip is an added safety feature and must be fastened close to the armpit of the infant or child. Borrowing or purchasing a used car seat can be dangerous; there is the possibility of unknown or undetected damage. Car seats that have been in a serious accident should never be used again. Be sure the seat meets federal motor vehicle safety seat standards. Consult the owner's manual or contact the manufacturer for that information. All car seats should have an owner's manual and instruction booklet. Be sure the clip between the legs of the child is fastened snugly. While car accidents can be dangerous for all passengers, small children are especially at risk, according to Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of ACA's Council on Occupational Health. "The weight of the head of a child makes the cervical spine much more vulnerable to injury," Dr. Bautch explained. "The infant has little control in the muscles of the neck, and the head can bounce from side to side and fall forward, which can cause serious spine and neck injuries. Children have more flexible upper bodies and shoulders. Make sure the harness comes up, way up, over the shoulders."

Underscoring the importance of proper car seat use, a recent article in Nation's Health reported the findings of a study conducted in Kentucky by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study found a 37 percent drop in infant fatalities since the 1982 enactment of the state law mandating the use of child car seats. "To continue this decline, prevention efforts now must focus on the proper use of the seats to maximize their life-saving potential," researchers said.

The key when traveling with small children is to be aware of and follow these rules and tips to ensure proper car seat safety. And remember everyone: Buckle up!

If you or one of your children have been involved in a serious automobile accident and have noticed neck and back discomfort, you should consider a visit to a chiropractor. - 17268

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