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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Do You Want to Get More from Bruises Be Banned to Prevent Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you have the problem of easy bruising, it's a really good bet that you will want to make certain that you get a solution right now. At Bruises Be Banned, we are trying to make sure that that it is never difficult for you to find that solution. Weve just added a new opt in box on the I Bruise Easily website and, weve altered the look of our blog. Does all this mean anything to you?

Essentially, this is going to allow the people at Bruises Be Banned to stay in better contact with you, our readers. When you select to click the opt-in button, you are going to be able to provide us your email address, which is where we will be going to start bringing you our planned, no cost Bruises Be Banned Newsletter. This subscription will have the best information on how to keep bruises from forming and how to make them fade away quickly when they do appear, but that's not everything you'll get.

When you sign up, you will also receive a free Special Report that includes some of the important highlights that you may have missed collected from various published articles. There is a lot of information to cover, and no matter when you started reading, or what you already know, there are going to be some surprises in store for you. You never know when a piece of information is going to be the key that you need to ban bruises forever, so don't miss out.

Remember that at Bruises Be Banned that we are a community, and like any community, you are going to get your say. When you sign up for the Bruises Be Banned Newsletter, you are also going to get access to future surveys that will tell us some of what you are thinking. Youll be able to tell us the areas that you need help with, or what other possible solutions would you like to hear more about? If you want to make your voice heard, and if you want to steer this community, this is the way to do it.

You wont want to miss out on the special offers that opting-in is going to give you that wont be available to anyone else. When you opt-in, we know that you are serious about finding a solution for this very common, persistent, and embarrassing problem; and when we know that, we can reach out to you as well. These special offers only made to subscribers will be on top of the specific, targeted information that wont be available any where else.

Of course, this doesn't mean that we are going to change everything. While the blog has enjoyed a bit of a face lift, don't worry about not finding any of the content that was already there; correct information is correct information, and it is there to stay.

Use some of your time to consider what we have said when you are thinking about getting into your maintenance mode. "Maintenance mode" is the target that all of us are working towards, and it is the exciting stage when all of our dedication becomes real progress. You'll notice that existing bruises start to fade away, and more importantly, you'll also see that fewer new bruises are appearing. This is when you'll find that Bruises Be Banned really is a solution that can actually help you. - 17268

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How to Get Abs Faster Than Anyone Else

By Jose Loni

How to get abs faster than anyone else? That is the question that we all ask. In our society, we want quick results. There is no time to waste and achieving great abs before anyone else will give us that edge over other people. However, there are so many fad diets, exercises machines and programs that promise you quick results, but those don't work. To achieve ripped abs faster than anyone else, you need to increase your metabolism, through exercise and watching your diet.

We all see ads on TV claiming fantastic results with their diets, ab machines or ab exercises, all of which do not work. The ab machines and ab exercises directly train muscles other than the abs, while others offer a diet that will magically reduce your belly and give you ripped abs.

What we must understand is that in order to get abs that look great, we must increase our metabolism through regular exercise. Regular exercise produces lean muscle mass, which promotes increased metabolic activity of the muscles. The increased metabolic activity is able to utilize and burn the calories that we eat as well as the excess belly fat.

Sculpting our body through resistance training, will help our body increase its fat burning capacity to become more efficient at burning fat to expend during physical exercise.

Anaerobic interval training is also effective at burning fat and increasing our body's metabolic processes. The increased demands of the interval activity forces the body to require more energy, which causes the body to burn more calories and break down excess body fat to be used as fuel for the muscles. It has been shown, that the body continues to burn fat for several hours after the physical activity has ceased.

Watching our diet is another factor we need to consider. We need to avoid sugary snacks, fast food, fatty processed foods and sodas. By increasing our intake of lean protein and complex carbohydrates, we can monitor the calories we take in and help our body to expend more calories than we take in.

Increasing the frequency of our meals to 5-6 per day and decreasing the portion size allows us to maintain our blood sugar levels and our energy levels throughout the day. In doing so, we can burn fat, fuel our physical activity and get maximum results from our training sessions.

We all want to get the fastest results before anyone else. In order to get abs faster than anyone else, we need to focus on increasing our metabolism, through resistance and interval training and watching our diet. - 17268

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Two Steps To A Much Leaner Body

By Danny Gutierrez

Losing weight and melting the existing fat off of your body can be accomplished a lot easier then most people think.

Now generally speaking to lose weight you have to diet because in order to lose weight you have to reduce the amount of calories you consume. In a nutshell, you have to burn more calories then you consume in order to lose weight. This article will show you how you can reduce the amount of calories you consume pretty dramatically and how you can do it without dieting.

The key to this program and to reducing the amount of calories you consume is drinking water. But more specifically, if you really want dramatic results you should replace all of the sodas, juices and sugary drinks currently in your diet with water.

A twelve ounce can of soda contains 155 calories and by replacing all of the sugary drinks you currently consume with water, which contains zero calories, you'll essentially be dieting. But more importantly you'll be reducing the amount of calories you consume without altering your food diet one bit.

The other key with water is to drink it throughout the day. Most people don't know this but between meals when you're feeling hungry and you feel like snacking nine times out of ten you're not actually hungry... you're actually dehydrated and your body is just thirsty!

The best way to eliminate unnecessary snacking between meals is to first try and drink a bottle of water prior to assuming that you are hungry and having a snack. It's also key here to be prepared and to have some healthy snacks available at the office to have with your water instead of the junk food you'll find in the vending machine.

Ok so you've reduced the number of calories you're consuming, you're "dieting", and now let's look at a way of burning the existing fat off your body form all your problem areas.

If you really want to kick the fat burning into overdrive you'll do some kind of medium impact cardio workout first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat.

Doing a medium impact workout on an empty stomach activates the fat burning mechanism in your body because your body has nothing in its stomach because you haven't eaten all night. Thi9s forces your body to tap into its fat stores to get its energy!

Going all out or doing a high impact aerobics workout isn't what you're going for here. You want something medium impact that's not too demanding becasue that's the type o workout that is conducive to your body burning fat. So don't go all out and don't just stand there either... you want something in between to burn fat.

Follow those steps above and you'll be well on your way to achieving a leaner and tighter body in no time at all. - 17268

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What Are Free Radicals?

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The human body is comprised of various kinds of cells and by looking at the body from this perspective is the best way to comprehend what free radicals are.

Various types of molecules comprise cells and the molecules consist of at least one or more atoms being held together by a chemical bond.

An atom is made up of a nucleus, proton, electrons, and neutrons and where the amount of protons (particles that are positively charged) in the nucleus is what determines how many electrons (particles with a negative charge) will surround the atom.

The primary role of electrons is for chemical reactions that occur inside the atom and the substance that holds the atoms together to form molecules. Electrons revolve around the atom in one or more shells

When two electrons fill the innermost layer it is considered full. Once the second shell is full, the process stats all over again.

The most important structural characteristic of an atom for determining its chemical behavior is the number of electrons in its outer shell.

A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter in chemical reactions. Ultimately, atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill its outer shell by:

Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell

Attaching to other atoms in a attempt to share electrons to have a complete outer shell

Atoms very frequently finish this outer shell by sharing electrons with other atoms. This allows the conditions to be satisfied for what is needed to the atom to sustain maximum stability of the molecule.

Most of the time, these bonds do not tear apart in a way that leaves an atom with an odd, unpaired electron. When this does occur however, free radicals are formed; they are very unstable and react swiftly with other compounds in attempt to gain the needed electrons for stability.

Free radicals like to attack by locating the closest cell that has maximum stability and begins to steal electrons. Eventually these attacked molecules become free radicals themselves. The process will continue until eventually cellular damage occurs.

Common times when free radicals occur are during metabolism as well as when the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses. Pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides are other times when free radicals can occur.

Most of the time the body is able to fight off free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable or if there are too many free radicals, cellular damage can occur. As you get older free radical damage gets more progressive. - 17268

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The Key To Building Muscle

By Danny Gutierrez

It is absolutely phenomenal how many gym goers bust their behinds every single day in the gym only to fail to make any significant progress with their physique. It's not because they're not working hard obviously it's because they simply don't know what it actually takes to build muscle. Don't make the same mistake and read the rest of this article to discover what it actually takes to build muscle.

The biggest mistake a lot of gym goers make when working out is thinking or believing that the process of building muscle is over when you leave the gym. Folks in the know already know that in order to build muscle you have to feed your body the right nutrients and you have to allow your body to rest if you really want to build some muscle.

If you your goal is to build muscle then you're going to have to consume protein and lot's of it! You need to be taking in about one to two grams of protein for every pound of your ideal muscular body weight. So let's say your target weight is two hundred pounds that would mean you should be consuming between two and four hundred grams of protein. That's what it really takes to build muscle.

The thing about protein is most people don't know where they can get it from so here is a short list of some good protein sources. As far as meat goes all meat has protein but you want to stick to the ones that have the least amount of bad fat like leans cuts of red meat, chicken breasts and of course most types of fish are great for you. If you're on a budget tuna has always been a great muscle builder. There is also milk and cottage cheese as well as nuts such as almonds and peanuts. And of course protein shakes are also a great source of protein.

Two of the most important times during the day to consume protein if you want to build muscle are first thing in the morning and immediately following your bodybuilding workout. If you are taking protein shakes these are both opportune times to drink one of your nutritional supplements.

If there is one time that supplementing with protein could exponentially increase the speed and magnitude of your results it is the thirty to sixty minutes immediately following your gym training sessions. Those thirty to sixty minutes are affectionately known in the bodybuilding world as the post workout window of opportunity. This is the one time during the day that your body is one hundred percent completely receptive to the nutrients you are feeding it.

Something else that is just as critical is rest and recuperation. It is absolutely critical that you give your body and muscles ample time to recover from the workouts you force it through. If you work out too often and you don't take long enough breaks between your workouts your muscles will not grow and if anything they might shrink! Rest is a requirement for muscle growth not an option.

The truth of the matter is that the first year you start working out in the gym will be the year that you should make the most amount of progress. You can ensure that by making sure you give your body plenty of protein to keep it in a state of growth and by resting enough between workouts and outside of the gym as well. As the popular cliche goes... "it ain't rocket science" and as you can see it really doesn't have to be. Work out. Eat the right stuff. Rest. Repeat. - 17268

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Exercise - Finding Time

By Kareem F. Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Finding time to exercise is about as difficult as cutting a penny with plastic scissors for most people. The truth is: it's easy after you get started. Exercise time management requires blocking off exercise as part of your daily routine. People that try to exercise when they can "fit it in" normally end up with the least results. Exercise time management involves scheduling, workout development, and program variety.

In order to be effective with your exercise program, you'll need to schedule appropriately. This means that you'll be more likely to succeed with your health and fitness goals if you schedule a specific time of the day to exercise for an entire month. The time of day does not have to be the same each day (although this is recommended), but it does have to be pre-scheduled, just as you would a doctor's appointment.

Establishing an exercise routine also involves developing workouts ahead of time. My most successful clients all plan their workout routines for a week at a time, instead of day by day. The advantage of this, of course, is that you will choose a larger variety of exercise, stimulate new areas for strengthening each week, and have a targeted plan to reach all areas of your body. When you consider it, exercise selection today should affect tomorrow's workout anyway, right?

Choosing which body parts to exercise on a given day can be a perplexing decision, although this is beyond the scope of this article. As a general recommendation, be sure to leave at least 48 hours between exercise sessions that involve a pure strengthening protocol. On the other hand, endurance workouts can have more frequent repetition, as well as decreased isolation of muscle groups.

Last, in an effort to establish a routine with exercise, it's important that you are not bored, and that you continue to get results. By mixing things up, or constantly choosing different exercises, you are preventing your body from adapting to the same exercise routine over time. With a constantly changing stimulus, you are setting yourself up for success with your goals, thereby increasing fat loss benefits and fitness results. An exercise routine that is constantly repeated becomes easy, as our bodies adapt to repeated stressors over time by increasing efficiency. For this reason, long-distance runners are able to sustain a great speed for prolonged times. This however, will not work to burn as many calories and keep your body guessing. Use caution when designing your exercise routine, as compliance directly relates to your exercise success. - 17268

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Enjoy a good amount of energy through the finest nutrition

By jessica

Our body necessitates many forms of highly significant vitamins and other nutrition to sustain a good healthiness. Our body cells receive a good support and life from the various nutrition. Vitamin is also being an significant part of the nutrition and provides great contribution in physical functioning. A proper nutrition amount helps us to improve our immune system and also is crucial to promote growth. They also assist us to appropriately sustain our physical strength along with the mental alertness. Thus, a accurately balanced nutritious diet not just maintains our wellbeing, but acts as a miracle to treat us from many diseases along with providing enough essential energy. Normally the daily intake of food should be such that provide all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrition. The routine functioning of the body is not possible without all these vital elements. Our body mainly is made from carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and water and thus it entails the same for enhancing its wellbeing.

Carbohydrates can be considered as the most essential source of energy which are extremely significant for the smooth functioning of our muscles and liver. Carbohydrates could simply be found from natural sweetening like glucose, fructose, sucrose etc. Even corn, brown rice, etc. area few of the famous sources of carbohydrates. Fat also has its own contribution in the wellbeing of the body. It plays an significant role to appropriately sustain the metabolism system of our body and also to safeguard all our essential organs. But, on the other hand, excessive intake of fat also causes great damage to our body along with a lot of uneasiness. The seafood, dairy products and meat are the natural sources to obtain the vital fat in our body. Other forms of fats are known as triglycerides such as saturated and mono-saturated fats having harsh effects on your body weight and the function of heart.

It is not likely to maintain our body growth and its related in-built repair system, without the crucial proteins. Proteins are made from amino acids and our body makes all the non-essential amino acids while we need to attain the essential amino acids from the food we take in. Any life is not potential without water. Thus, water is an essential requirement for our body as well. It helps to eliminate the poisonous toxins from the body and maintains the blood circulation properly. Water also helps greatly in operating the metabolism system to digest the food. The body temperature and the moisture of the skin as well can be very aptly maintained through water. Thus it is said the it is likely to stay away from food but it is impossible and difficult to survive without water. Water provides a great source of oxygen and oxygen aids in keeping fresh the cells and tissues in the body. Thus, in all a apposite balanced nutrition facilitates us to offer an crucial support system to our life through the body cells and tissues.

Thus the lack of any of these above vitamins and minerals in our body would directly influence the good healthiness of our body and cause grave consequences. Thus, finally due to the lack of nutrition in the body, our growth, mental state and the normal body functions get influenced. - 17268

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Reset your body with Usana RESET Weight Loss Program

By Angela Giles

Having trouble losing weight? Disappointed with fad diets that promise a quick weight loss? Unable to stop hunger pangs? Usana RESET offers a long term viable solution for tackling weight issues. Starting with a 5-day nutrition program, it gets the body to start losing weight by reversing its tendency to put on weight.

Nutrition experts have discovered that if you eat food having a high glycemic index, there is a sudden spurt in the glucose level of the blood. This sudden rise in sugar levels followed by a fall makes you hungry sooner. This forces people to eat at odd times creating a momentum of weight gain.

One of the most commonly tried approaches for weight loss is starving. However, if you consistently eat less than what the body needs, then the body counters by reducing the metabolism rate and you stop losing weight. Starving also leads to other complications.

The Reset program offered by Usana Health Sciences promises to change the body's dependence on high-glycemic foods, in turn, reducing the regular cravings for food. It adopts a very simple approach of replacing regular meals with Usana foods which have a low glycemic index. These nutritional supplements provide adequate nourishment to the body without increasing the calorie intake.

A DVD provides a complete guide to the 5-day Usana RESET program. This consists of regular consumption of nutritional supplements called Usana Macro-optimizers which are nothing but energy drinks and nutrition bars. Along with this, some walking exercises are recommended. You are also advised to eat certain quantity of water, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Most overweight people lose interest in losing weight after trying programs that do not work. However, in just 5 days, Usana's RESET program will make you look lean and feel great. This positive effect will encourage you to continue with a lifetime of healthy habits.

It is advisable to continue the momentum achieved in the 5 days. This is done through the 'Transform' program which again replaces a part of your normal meal with healthy Usana food. This will deter you from slipping back in to your old food habits.

When your weight goals are achieved you can opt for the 'Maintain' program to continue the healthy food habits that you have developed starting with the Usana RESET program and strengthened with the Transform program. Healthy food develops a healthy body and allows you to lead a healthy lifestyle. - 17268

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You Can Lose 20 Pounds the Healthy Way

By Sara Greene

Do you wish you could lose 20 pounds in time for a special occasion coming up soon- like a wedding, a vacation or a family reunion? Do you find yourself panicking whenever you look at the calendar and realize that you need to start losing weight SOON, or it will be too late? Well, stop panicking and start doing something about it now. It's NOT too late.

There are several things you can do in order to lose weight quickly and safely. Even a fairly large amount of weight, like 20 pounds, is not impossible to lose in a relatively short amount of time. You just have to stay focused and be persistent.

Oatmeal for breakfast. It tastes good, and it's good for you. The fiber in oatmeal absorbs the fat and cholesterol from your bloodstream and helps your body get rid of it. It's a great way to start losing those 20 pounds.

Drink lots and lots of cold water instead of soda, or so-called "energy drinks" (which are full of sugar). Your body actually burns a few extra calories dealing with cold water versus, say, room temperature water. Who knew? Besides, drinking water makes you feel full, and it's better for you than soda or other sweetened drinks, even diet drinks.

Eat LOTS of fruit - especially citrus, apples and bananas. Apples have tons of fiber, which fills you up and helps flush out the fat. Bananas also have fiber and potassium, which is good for your heart. Citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruits and lemons, again have tons of fiber AND tons of Vitamin C, both of which help maintain a healthy body and weight.

Not only does fiber fill you up, it also aids in digestion, moving things right along, so your body doesn't have time to absorb every last calorie out of your last meal!

Want great taste AND quick weight loss? Eat spicy foods! The spice enhances your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories, more quickly. Spicy foods also help your immune system fight off infection. Don't eat too much, though. A little goes a long way.

Two of the best foods to eat when trying to lose weight are FISH and CALCIUM-RICH FOODS. Why? It's simple. Both are loaded with protein, which fills you up like nothing else. When you're satisfied, you don't eat as much. In addition, the omega-3 in fish is terrific for your heart, and it may have appetite-suppressant capabilities.

Exercise shouldn't be a chore. Find something you like doing (or THINK you might like doing) and try it for a week. Swimming, walking, jumping rope (Double-Dutch is optional!), bike-riding or even roller blading can be fun and will burn fat. Nobody is asking you to be a triathlete, just get moving. It will help you lose weight faster.

Following these simple, easy tips will help you shed those 20 extra pounds before you know it. - 17268

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Does Milk Cause Cellulite?

By El Bilson

Many people enjoy daily consumption of diary products, but I have often wondered " does milk cause cellulite? Is it possible to improve the look of your skin simply by making a dietary change?

Have you ever thought about the connection between the foods we eat and the health of our skin? More specifically have you ever wondered " does the milk I consume daily cause cellulite? Some people feel that milk does indeed lead to this skin disorder. While some of us would not enjoy giving up our daily dairy products, others might find this to be worth a shot if it means no more cellulite!

One of the biggest controversies surrounding milk is the amount of hormones contained in milk. These hormones are mainly from the hormones given to the cows to enable them to produce more milk. Many feel that these extra hormones can do damage to our bodies when we regularly ingest them.

Because cellulite responds to hormonal changes with in the body, it would make sense that increases in hormones in the body would trigger an increase in the amount of cellulite. Some studies have shown that a reduction of cellulite was found in women who stopped using diary products. It took about 6 to 12 months for these women to notice a difference in the appearance of their skin and get rid of cellulite.

For many women who are desperate to get rid of their cellulite and have tried many different products in the past with no success, a simple diet change may be the solution they are looking for. This can be hard to accomplish however. Diary products are found in many foods we eat " just try eating something that doesnt contain milk or cheese!

A simple solution to regular cows milk is to use goats milk. Goats milk doesnt usually have the hormones found in normal cows milk. Be careful with yogurt too as yogurt is made from cow's milk.

Other people may feel that there is no real answer to the question does milk cause cellulite. Many feel that this topic has not been studied extensively and therefore no scientific conclusion can be drawn. While this point is valid, it should not be used to dissuade those who are interested in eliminating diary from their diets in order to obtain better health.

Not only are women asking does milk cause cellulite, but many are wondering if milk products are the source of some of their other problems as well. These can include things such as digestive issues, weight gain and acne. Going off diary products may be helpful for many reasons, not just cellulite.

In conclusion, only you can decide if milk really does effect your cellulite. If you decide to stay away from diary products, make sure you give yourself enough time to see results. A week or so probably will not cut it as our bodies can be slow to change. You will most likely need to dedicate 6 months to a year towards this goal. While after this amount of time you may not find any results with your cellulite, you may notice that you do not crave or tolerate milk products any longer. - 17268

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Flatter Abs - High Intensity, More Muscle

By Dan Soalris

Going through the daily grind nowadays takes up more time compared to the previous generations- more traffic, more work to do, more stress. For most people, it seems like there are just not enough hours in a day to be able to do what they want and that includes going to the gym to get flatter abs.

Since I'm not a financial adviser, I'm going to address that last problem plaguing much of society these days. There are still ways for people to get around a tight schedule so they can still do the right exercises for getting flatter abs in a short time.

In their quest for the almighty dollar, a large portion of society these days find it hard to find time to exercise. The lack of adequate physical activity combined with the potpourri of instant, delicious junk food we have at our disposal have made it all too easy to pack on the pounds and get oversized bellies.

Losing weight and attaining flatter abs is all about managing daily intake and usage of calories. A healthy diet and workout regimen designed to keep the body's metabolic rate at optimum calorie-burning levels is all that is really needed to get and maintain six pack abs.

Aside from being able to strut around the beach like a Baywatch lifeguard, having a lean, muscular physique also has the lesser-known advantage of keeping a person's metabolism high. A higher metabolic rate means more calories are used-up by the body instead of storing it as fat.

Most people are unaware of the fact that muscles use-up calories even in while immobile. This means our metabolism is directly proportionate to the amount of muscles we have and the more of it we pack on, the less fat we gain and soon after- voila, flatter abs!

Putting together a workout program that combines the calorie-busting benefits of high intensity aerobic sessions with muscle-building resistance training is the best way for people with a hectic schedule to get flatter abs. The calories burned doing hour's worth of low to moderate intensity exercises can be done in 15-20 minutes of intense exercise.

There are lots of ways to do cardiovascular exercises without getting bored- kickboxing, swimming, basketball, the list goes on. You don't have to limit yourself to dull workouts on spin cycles and Stairmaster machines to get full calorie-burning benefits of an intense aerobic workout. - 17268

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Cabbage Soup Diet, Just Another Low To No Carb Diets

By Christine G. Shannon

One of the low to no carb diets you have undoubtedly heard of is the cabbage soup diet. This diet works well for most people, at least in the short term. There is some appreciable weight loss in the first few weeks, but most people who try the diet lose interest quickly and regain the weight. This is like what happens in all of these low to no carb diets. If you want a diet which will work for you over a longer time, it needs to have the variety which will let you enjoy, not dread your meals.

Because it is also called a fat-burning soup diet, it contains ingredients in the soup, which would be considered fat-burning. Besides the soup, there is not much else that can be eaten other than low carb or no carb fruits and vegetables.

By looking at what goes into this fat burning soup, you can see why the cabbage soup diet is considered a low to no carb diet. This soup is made of vegetables which help burn fat; peppers, tomatoes, onions and of course cabbage. You can also substitute cauliflower, broccoli, kale or other members of the cabbage family for the cabbage in this recipe and add seasonings to taste.

This is a diet which is very low in carbohydrates, which your body converts to sugar - the unused energy is then stored as fat. This is a low carb vegetable soup, made with ingredients which encourage your body to burn fat and lose weight. It works for most, but since most of these dieters quickly lose interest in the diet, it is only effective in the short term.

The diet works like this: Eat all the soup you want every day, whenever you are hungry. In addition to the soup, the only thing you can eat on Day 1 is Fruit, except bananas, Day 2 is vegetables, except for dry beans, peas and corn, also forbidden on low to no carb diets. However, on Day 2 for dinner, you can have a baked potato, which is carbs, but they use it to fool the metabolism into thinking you are eating carbs again.

Day three is soup, along with fruits and vegetables. On day four, you can eat soup, skim milk and bananas. Day five adds tomatoes and lean meats; on day six, you can also have lean meats and leafy vegetables. On the last day, you can have brown rice along with your soup. This is not a diet which many can stick with for long - it does not offer a lot of variety or meet your protein needs over the long term.

The cabbage soup diet is a lot like the other low to no carb diets; it limits your carb intake. It also does not limit how often or how much you can eat, but it does limit your choices.

While the cabbage soup diet doesn't restrict how many times a day you eat, and is like other low to no carb diets, the best diet is one that would include fat burning foods, as well as a variety of nutritional food, allow you to eat numerous times a day, that you could lose weight on and stick with long-term, like FatLoss4Idiots program that is highly recommended in the link below. - 17268

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