Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bodybuilding for Teenagers and It's Benefits

By Ricardo d Argence

More and more teens are getting interested in body-building. Getting in shape and building muscle is not a bad idea if it is done correctly. Although a teenager may seem to be fully grown, there are important areas where they are still developing. Every successful body-building routine for teenagers includes three key components: using weights, proper diet, and adequate sleep.

Teenagers have stores of energy that the rest of us marvel at, and these energy stores actually cause trouble in a body building routine. Teens can go for hours and never seem to tire, because of this many will work out for hours on end focusing on one set of muscles.

Contrary to popular viewpoints, less is more when it comes to weight training. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. Once a muscle hits the point of exercising no longer effecting it, overexerting them may cause injury or undo the work you have already done.

Prefer reps instead of weight; do not start with the most heavy weights! Start your training program using light or moderate weights, then add weight as your strength increases.

Too often, nutrition is ignored and exessive supplement use takes its place. While supplements can be helpful in moderation eating the right quantities of protein and fiber are more important. For when you train, you are actually tearing muscles; they need good nutrition to heal and build.

Water is an often forgotten aspect of nutrition. Our body gets major nutritions only from water because major organs depands on water and it comprises about 60% of our body. This includes your muscles. When training, your water consumption should significantly increase to well above the standard eight 8-ounce glasses a day recommendation. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

Next to water, this is the most overlooked aspect of training, especially in teens who feel indestructible. When you sleep the growth hormone, IGF-1 and testosterone are released, these are both necessary to the repair and growth of your muscles. That is what sleep was designed for, reparation of the body.

Goin to the gym daily to increase muscles isn't enough, you need to establish a balanched plan for growth. People who are into instant gratification will find this hard to do, but it is the best way to prevent injury and achieve success.

You can start weight training now and if you are into major physical sports like football it is imperative that you have a strong healthy body. Simply follow the tips above and you can have a safe productive work out. - 17268

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Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Chest - Bench or Crossovers?

By Westy

Many people wonder which is the best exercise to use to build muscle in the chest area. If you look in your local gym there are a number of people using all sorts of exercises to get the results that they are looking for in their chest region. The bench press is the most popular choice for those who are looking to improve the muscles in the chest. This is known to be one of the best exercises that you can use to work the upper body and most especially the chest. There are others that you can use as well.

The other exercises that you can do for your chest are:

Flyes With A Flat Bench

Flyes With An Inclined Bench

The Incline Bench Press

Cable Crossovers


I tend to think that most times the chest workout should start with focus on either the bench, or dips. The reason being that they are great comprehensive exercises, and if you're looking to gain mainly size and strength, there's no need to do focus exercises for any particular body part. And plus, why workout harder or longer than you need to!

Bench Press: So how does it work?

1. Lie back on the bench and keep the bar above your line of sight.

2. If you're lifting heavy, get a spotter to help you grab the bar at arms length, and settle it above your chest (in line with your nipples is best)

3. Breath in as you are lowering the weight toward you.

4. Breath out as you push that weight as hard as you can toward the sky!

5. Keep going until your muscles fail.

This exercise is great for working out the total chest and shoulder area. You'll feel it in your triceps (especially if you use a narrow grip) and in your lats too. Take care to do a good workout using lower weights to warm up the area before lifting. You'll be able to tell the difference in your workout if you "prime" the muscles using a warmup that builds to the desired weight like this.

Say your max weight is about 220lbs (totally random figure used for example only!) You'd start with a warmup of about 90lbs and do 15 reps, then 140lbs for 8 reps, then 170lbs for 4 reps, then 200lbs for 1 rep. This ensures you're not only warm, but ready to handle the weight without wearing out the area. You're "primed" for doing the real work where you work the muscle to total failure. This is where you'll achieve maximum muscle growth potential. Go 100%! - 17268

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Natural Medicine For Thyroid Health

By Michael Novack

The thyroid gland is essential for proper human development and function, so when thyroid problems occur they can have serious consequences. A natural medicine for thyroid treatment is commonly sought after in lieu of a costly prescription.

Prescription medications for thyroid health (also called synthetics) are man-made in a laboratory with chemicals that can cause undesired side effects. Organic ingredients such as seafood and sea plants used in supplements are a natural medicine for thyroid treatment that has no side effects.

What does the thyroid gland do? The thyroid gland is responsible for producing thyroid hormone. A hormone is a chemical that is secreted by glands throughout the body and tells specific body parts what to do. Thyroid hormone is largely responsible for the metabolism of the body and keeping the body functioning normally.

Two essential thyroid hormones are:

*Triiodothyronine -- also referred to as T3

*Thyroxine -- also referred to as T4

The 3 and 4 relate directly to the amount of iodine molecules which are used to create these hormones. This is explained below.

How does the thyroid gland create hormones?

The thyroid cells are the only cells in the body that are capable of absorbing iodine. Iodine is a mineral found in foods such as fish, some seafoods, salt, and dairy products. Iodine is essential in the creation of thyroid hormone. When a specific number of iodine molecules combine with tyrosine (an amino acid used by cells to build protein) it can form triiodothyronine or thyroxine. That's how T3 and T4 (as stated above) are derived. Three molecules of iodine will create triiodothyronine; four molecules of iodine will create thyroxine. - 17268

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Jeff Anderson's Homemade Supplement Secrets- A Review

By Westy

When you take a look at the costs of supplements on the market, you will be grateful for the approach that Jeff Anderson has decided to take with his program. You will learn how to stretch your budget and still get high quality supplements for your training program. This book has made it possible for you to put aside the supplements that come from the big manufacturers and begin to take your health and training supplements into your own hands. The program will show you how to make your own supplements with a few tools and your own kitchen.

You can be assured that the quality of the supplements that you make for yourself will be as high as you want it to be. The best part is that you will receive a higher quality supplement at a much lower price. The supplements that you will learn how to make can be made into capsules or powder forms, whichever you prefer.

Homemade Supplement Secrets Revealed!

Well, I know it does. Some trainers have already been using this method.

The program will go into detail about how the manufacturers make their supplements. It will also show you how the commercial supplements do not often contain the right amounts of these ingredients that will give you the most benefit. When you learn all of this information you will not be able to be fooled by these manufacturers again.

It is a known fact that being over-weight is the greatest weakness of a person and everyone who falls into this category will pay with everything they have to loose those oodles of pounds stored in their body; and that's what these companies bank on. Now its time to answer them back, tell them that we don't need you guys, we are well equipped now. I am not trying to tell you that supplements don't work, it does, but that has to be made in an intelligent way. People who make these supplements spread a message of helping the world grow thin and we unfortunately believe them. Bu their sole intention is to fill their pockets and loosen yours.

Weight loss and bodybuilding supplements should be use intelligently to get maximum benefits. Jeff is very honest when it comes to the value of money. Now let us learn about how much we can save with "knock-offs", the difference is quite a lot you see. If you are set to buy a Cytosport's Muscle milk it would cost you $79.90, that's the retail price. But with Jeff's kick-off cost you can have it at $16.85. So now you know the difference.

Jeff goes into detail about how the supplement companies get away with this huge markup and how they are taking advantage of the consumer. It is, indeed, a wake up call for those who have been buying these supplements to help with their bodybuilding efforts. The price of these supplements and the hype that surrounds them is something that Jeff Anderson seeks to dispel.

Having this information available to you might make you a little angry when you consider how the manufacturers are taking advantage of you. The products can have a direct impact on your health and you should know all that you can about the quality of the products that you are buying. You will be an informed consumer and able to make some smart decisions about the use of these products in your bodybuilding or weight loss programs. - 17268

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Burpless Fish Oil Fish ? Is There Such a Thing?

By Michael Byrd

Eww! Who would prefer burpless fish oil pills?

Majority of people would prefer eating great tasting tuna sandwiches or fancy trout over taking pills that contains high amounts of fish oil, because of the strong fishy belch that it gives.

It's a pity that people would refuse to take such pills because they hate the after taste they experience with such pills.

Still, there are ways to solve this problem.

The fact is, it is you and not the capsules. And the only solution would be fixing you, so you need not worry.

Searching for burpless fish oil pills may only lead you to products that are sold with less value of the fatty acids that you need, or those that mask the taste of fish with citrus flavors.

Take note that substandard omega 3 products use this as a gimmick.

Something may be wrong in your digestive system if after taking in fish oil capsules you will have the feeling of consistently belching the taste of fish.

Should this happen, try to eat a whole food diet (this can provide you with more enzymes), eat your meals regularly, and try to cut down on coffee. Also try to drink sodas for a better digestion.

Those who do not consume enough fish are the ones who may experience a burping taste of fish.

The human body is indeed extra ordinary. It will cease to produce enzymes necessary for fish digestion once you also stop eating fish regularly.

As you begin to eat fish again regularly, the body automatically starts to produce those needed enzymes, thus making you burp free from the taste of fish in no time.

It usually takes around 3 to 4 days for you to notice any changes. This can be called the "get over it and take it anyway" period.

Sadly for some, they may have this condition that may not allow them to create the enzymes needed. It will surely be an inconvenience, but it isn't life threatening though.

But the future is still bright for them with the "freezer" method. This method is very simple and has worked for everyone who tried it.

Place the capsule in a freezer and take it just before you get to bed. So you will not fail to remember taking the pill, place the empty bottle in a place that you can see before you sleep.

You have the option to continuously look for burpless fish oil fish, but be warned that you will not be assured to get great fish oil benefits, and as you keep searching, your health suffers.

Excellent health benefits and burpless can never be possible. So you would rather begin taking fish oil capsules and use mints to temporarily mask the taste. So you should not worry.

In just a couple of days, you will be burpless and feeling great! - 17268

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5 Ways to Stop Constipation Fast

By Xylene Belita

Constipationis when a person only has infrequent bowel movements (3 or fewer per week). The feces is often dry and hard making it sometimes extremely painful to expel. This happens when the colon absorbs too much water from the food or if the food moves through the gastro-intestinal tract too slowly. The causes of constipation vary. It may be due to hormones, medications, illnesses, but most often it is dietary.

Fortunately there are a lot of natural home remedies that can help you find relief from constipation:

1.Drink water regularly. At least 6 glasses of water a day would be very great and therapeutic. Large amounts of water aids quick digestion and enables easier bowel movement.

2.Adding roasted black gram powder to chapatti made of wheat including the husks too can enhance constipation relief.

3.Molasses is also very good for constipation relief. Beware though as it has a strong taste and high calorie content. You'll want to add fruit juice or milk to it when taking it. All you really need is two tablespoonfuls of blackstrap molasses just before sleeping at night.

4.Taking half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day. This is very effective in curing constipation.

5.If you got access to mango, take one in the morning right after brushing before breakfast, and one at night after dinner. Mangoes are very effective bowel movers. There is a sure guarantee that you'll have to "go" at least twice before nightfall.

If you have painful constipation, you can treat it and get maximum results in a very short time with Bowtrol. It has all you need for completely eliminating painful constipation. Just one bottle of Bowtrol will work wonders as it completely cleanses and empties your colon leaving you feeling better and well. - 17268

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Reach Your Fitness Goals by Eating Right

By Marcus Martinez

Working out is a time-consuming, strenuous (if you're doing it right) process that takes hours each week to maintain. You have to plan for it if you hope to reach your fitness goals. Even so, many people sabotage themselves by leaving out one of the most important aspects of fitness: eating right.

Even if you spend tons of time in the gym, the fact of the matter is that eating right will determine whether or not you reach your fitness goals, and how you look. Just because you just spent an hour in the gym, it doesn't mean you can eat a hamburger and fries as a reward.

I've seen plenty of men and women in the gym who work out all the time and have looked exactly the same for years, never truly reaching their fitness goals. It's not like these people are bodybuilders who are already at 4% body fat and look phenomenal. Far from it. They are overweight and apparently don't know how to change their fitness level.

It's very easy to fall in the trap of thinking that you can eat whatever you want because you exercise. Unfortunately, that's not the way it works if you are striving for proper fitness. In order to change your body for the better you have to work hard in the gym, but even harder in the kitchen.

What does this mean to you? It means you have to plan your meals, pre-cook some food, and get everything organized. As the saying goes, fail to plan then plan to fail. Here are a few tips that have really helped me get my body fat down but didn't keep me in the kitchen all day long:

1. For each day of the week, plan to eat 5 to 6 meals, and specify each one. Keep a notebook or spreadsheet on your desktop.

2. Make a good list of food for the grocery store and only get those items! Don't be tempted by fattening snacks.

3. Prepare your vegetables as soon as you get them so you have snacks ready for the whole week. Cook a bunch of chicken in a night and use it for salads throughout the week.

4. Keep a cooler with you at all times that contains all your meals and snacks for a day.

These tips will help you start eating right and get you much closer to reaching your fitness goals. Not having a plan means that you may never be able to fully achieve the results you want. So eat right! - 17268

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Muscle Building Supplements, Good Reasons to Use Them

By Ricardo d Argence

Muscle building is not only relevant for men, it has become increasingly more popular for women to be concerned about building muscle. It is often believed that developed muscles are only for strong men like Tarzan.

There are two sides to the concept of building muscles. First, it benefits the muscles through toning, keeping them healthy and strong. Second, it prevents fat from accumulating around your muscles. Your extremities are powerful still at the same time, they are preserved non-fleshy and robust.

You'll ask the inevitable question if in case the chances are you a hectic life: When I need to use my time to make money instead, how on earth will I ever find time devoted to muscle building? If you start the process of bolstering your diet with health supplements you will find an answer to your question.

You can discover for yourself that there are a lot of these available in the marketplace. They promise good toning and quick burning of fat so if they work well, they'll definitely assist your body's muscle building process and are therefore good for you.

I must offer you a word of caution at this point. In order to reduce stress and fatigue it is necessary to introduce these health food supplements into your diet, as the chemical products add in the process in reducing your stress levels. For instance, Glutamine is one of them. Oxides of nitrate or even nitric acid are two others. Proteins and enzymes will be there too.

These items are generally harmless, and the small amounts administered can be absorbed through the body with no trouble. You're likely to feel fit and muscle-toned, soon enough. Sure, you'll also be thrilled!

As because there are numerous campeting brands justing for customers' attention on store shelves, therefore choosing your health food supplement is something you can do by yourself. Don't pick one of them at random.

Depending on your body's constitution, the supplemental additives cited above may possibly have side effects on your health. You must know that nitric acid can impinge upon your sexual health.

Before starting a health food supplement regimen, it is advised to consult a physician who knows your health history. He'll tell you what's best for you. Fruits and vegetables naturally contain some additives and can do the same job simply by adjusting your diet properly. Prior medical advice is recommended and so while taking health food supplements are probably good for you.

Taking everything into consideration you will be shown a body with well-toned muscles when you look at yourself in the mirror. - 17268

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