Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Discover Nutritional Supplementation For Deluxe Health Today

By Donna I Thompson

Dietary supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins; minerals and even herbs can be found in just about every grocery store, national shopping chains and even in thousands of online stores all set to be shipped to private homes within days. Dietary supplements are often used because folks see that they are not getting the kind of nutrition their bodies need from their every day diet and they rely on dietary supplementation to fill that dietary hole.

There is great deliberation about which nutritional supplements if any are constructive for human wellbeing because of worry over the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients from a pill or capsule form. However, there have been some important findings that ordinary and repeated use of multivitamins and other supplements can increase good health and prevent poor health and disease.

The sustained use of nutritional supplements like the single supplements folic acid and calcium have shown a constructive effect in the body such as amplified immunity and with the supplementation of folic acid the substantial decline of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies.

After reviewing over 10 years of studies that took into deliberation the health benefits of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements including Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, antioxidants, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 and folic acid, the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements. This report indicated that the comprehensive use of nutritional supplements and multivitamins provides a compelling health benefit for humans.

Exciting answer's in the Council for Responsible Nutrition's report illustrate that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even a folic acid dietary supplement, it might be possible to decrease the occurrence of neural tube birth defects by up to 70%. Mature patients taking nutritional supplements could improve their immune systems and slash the hazard of hip fractures. Health care savings owing to superior healthiness by taking nutritional supplements could be substantial to folks as multivitamins and other supplements could stop or put off illness and disease by a matter of years.

In spite of this, not all of the reports on supplements is good. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that is found in many orange foods. It is in fact a precursor to vitamin A as it converts to vitamin A in the body. It has been found that beta-carotene from the diet reduces the risks of cancer and heart disease along with boosting immunity and supporting good vision. Because of these extraordinary findings, some experts started recommending beta-carotene supplementation.

Then came two exceptional studies that showed that these supplements could cause critical harm, specially in smokers. The studies tested beta-carotene and vitamin A supplements in folks at high risk for lung cancer-smokers, past smokers and asbestos industry employees. The study was halted when it became clear that those taking the beta-carotene supplements in reality had a higher rate of lung cancer and a advanced death rate than those taking the placebo.

Beta-carotene is abundant in fruits and vegetables and it is safe and beneficial when received from foods. Ideally, the greatest way to get nutrition is from eating habits, however most of today's diets do not offer enough nourishment to uphold health so nutritional supplementation in moderation may well be the best answer. - 17268

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Gluten Free Foods Are Important For People Who Can't Digest Gluten

By Kathryn Barry

Gluten free foods are making their way to mainstream. Soon you will be seeing more and more gluten free breads, desserts, etc. which will be made from gluten free grains.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a natural protein that is found in wheat, barley, and rye.

Gluten is one of the most complex proteins consumed by man and has a very large molecule that is hard for your digestive system to break down.

Problems will occur in your small intestine once gluten arrives.

Leaky gut syndrome and more serious allergic reactions can occur because gluten has the ability to rip holes in your intestinal lining.

Absorbing important nutrients from your food will be halted when you suffer from intestinal damage and this could lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition could then lead to contracting a disease.

The following grains can all be used when avoiding gluten. The more common grains are rice, corn, and pure oats. The more uncommon are tapioca, buckwheat, millet, teff, amaranth, sorghum, and quinoa.

Grains that contain gluten are wheat, barley, rye, and cross contaminated oats.

The following are all very popular wheat gluten grains and contain gluten. Wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat berry, wheat grass, durham, bulgar, couscous, udon, graham, spelt, semolina, farina, einkorn, farro, seitan and matza.

What are Common Gluten Intolerance Symptoms You can Spot?

If you are gluten intolerant you will likely experience skin rashes, itchy skin, headaches, irritability, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, cramps, tingling and numbness. The longer term problems will likely be weight issues, depression, nutritional deficiencies, casein intolerance, irregular menstrual cycles, and slower child development.

Celiac disease is a very serious type of gluten intolerance and this causes your immune system to be triggered by gliadin which is a gluten protein.

The inflammation created by this protein will interfere with your small intestine's ability to function and absorb nutrients. The lining of your small intestine will be flattened from your immune system's response to this protein.

If you have Celiac disease, the odds are that someone in your family has it as well. This is a fairly common issue and without knowing about it you could become Diabetic.

If you want to eliminate this disease, you will have to eliminate all gluten containing foods and stay on a gluten free diet.

An Up and Coming Gluten Free Grain is the Quinoa Grain

Quinoa is high in protein and has a high content of the valuable amino acid lysine.

Usually grains do not have this important amino acid.

Lysine aids in the building of muscle tissue and the absorption of calcium.

Your body uses lysine to produce its hormones and enzymes.

Quinoa is considered a complete protein because it contains all eight essential amino acids.

Gluten Free Food Advice

Gluten free desserts can be created thanks to gluten free flours. You can make all the pies, cakes, and cookies you want, but I'd get educated about the gluten free flours first. You usually have to mix a few of them together to create the right texture.

Gluten free foods are some of the most healthy foods like whole dairy products, seafood, nuts, beans, fruits, vegetables, meats and poultry.

As you can see, gluten is primarily a problem when you consume grains and unfortunately the additives added to most processed foods contain some form of gluten. - 17268

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A Healthy Beverage for the Nutrition Buffs

By Mark Braun

I've been a soda lover all of my life. I love the sweet, crisp flavor, and I really love the feel of the bubbles and the carbonation.

As much as I love these sodas, I've come to terms with the fact that I need to put an end to the habit, or at least cut back on my intake. I'm getting more mature and I need to start treating my body well, and eliminating soda as a regular part of my diet is probably the first step.

You might be wondering why I don't just start drinking diet sodas, but I've never been a fan of things with chemicals in them. Even the foods I eat are mostly organic, as I really prefer the health benefits of eating natural ingredients. The same goes for my drinks.

While I could probably opt for club soda, I've tried it in the past and I can't come to grips with its plain taste. It's almost frustrating drinking it and it only makes me wish I had a soda. This doesn't solve my problem.

The best replacement I've found for soda is something that I really enjoy the taste of. Not only that, but it's completely healthy. It's as healthy as eating a fruit itself, as hard as that may sound to believe.

While there may be a number of options in this drink genre, the best two that I've had are made by Fizzy Lizzy, and Izze, both of them with a nice variety of interesting fruit flavors. It's hard to say which is better because they're both great.

From a health standpoint, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. They're pure fruit juice mixed with sparkling water. No sugars or artificial ingredients are added to these, and that's a great thing.

If you're looking for these drinks, I'd simply check your local convenience store. I know that some of them are sold in Starbucks too, but the bottom line is they're all over the place. Try them out, you won't be disappointed. - 17268

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The Benefits of Lifting Weights for Women

By Jesse Regan

You may think that the only place women can ever go to in a gym is that where the cardio equipment and the aerobics floor are. Just like many, you may also have the idea that she can actually join the men in lifting weights. If so, you belong to those whom time has left behind because, at present, women who spend time also with weight equipment are multiplying in number. The truth remains though that even some of the women themselves only strengthened wrong and sexist thoughts with the belief that weight training is purely for men.

Women who think that they should not lift weights usually presume that this routine can give them huge muscles as a result. They have the notion that building muscles is a masculine preoccupation and trying it is, apparently not at all womanly. One can blame this also on the thought that every time someone lifts weights; he or she is preparing to participate in a bodybuilding competition. However, women who have long been into lifting weights have attested they have felt much stronger and healthier while joining any competition such as weightlifting is farthest from their minds.

Lifting weights is a great way to lose fats. A great cardio workout program can do the same thing but complementing with a little weight lifting afterwards deny any chance of regaining weight. Dealing with the barbells and dumb bells can certainly hasten metabolism too. In addition, it enables a woman to replace the flab with muscles and appear toned instead of being skinny.

Regular and normal weight lifting has been helpful for women in avoiding osteoporosis and developing stronger bones. It has, in fact, been employed by them to complement their healthy habit of drinking milk and food supplements that are rich in calcium, which is necessary for enhancing the bones. Doctors have confirmed thru studies that regularly lifting weights for a couple of months is enough to increase the mineral density of the spinal bone significantly.

Aside from the bones, a woman can also develop her muscles and avoid suffering back pains, rheumatism, and arthritis with lifting weights often. She can, therefore, keep herself free from ailments that come with age for a longer period. She can also perform the routine in order to fight stress incurred from different factors, ranging from work to emotional problems. Women have claimed many times how invigorated they feel after a session of the routine.

To sum up, women who lift weights in a regular fashion build self-confidence and stable emotions. This occurs when chemicals within the body are discharged at the same time that the body applies force. According to psychological studies, these chemicals give a woman the sensations of wellness and joy, making them possible to get over any sign of depression, which others who do not lift weights cannot normally do.

You have there the best information about workout video that you can find online. - 17268

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Massage Can Greater Your Way To Greater Health

By Cristina Becker

There are extraordinary benefits to receiving massage treatments. It should be a part of everyday health and well-being. It certainly should not be viewed as always for a pampered lifestyle. It is really just a basic as brushing your teeth. Massage is a natural way to improve your health, well-being and mental outlook.

In fact, it seems that massage was developed as a natural response to healing and recovery. Think how instinctive it is to rub a muscle when you bang up against something. Our natural reaction is to move it, flex it and help it reduce the immediate pain. Many techniques were developed simply for everyday use.

I really can't think of a better way to relieve stress then get a soothing massage. The calmness, that tranquility and the relief is just wonderful. If stress starts to build, it can be released by getting a relaxing massage. It's better to do this early rather than wait until you are overloaded.

Massage therapy starts with specific ways to relieve muscles and soft tissue areas. Specific movements are used in different areas to stretch, pull, of, penetrate and even elongate these muscles, joints and tendons. Regular applications of these movements which constitute massage are very beneficial in improving the elasticity of the muscle fibers.

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues and muscles of the body. A variety of techniques are used to apply pressure, to hold and to squeeze different areas of the body. This helps to relieve the tension, reduce stiffness and to improve your flexibility.

Most people agree that getting a massage treatment is a great experience. They feel better and they feel relief. It is a time to relax and let your body recover. This is something that needs to be done on a frequent basis. Stress on us is constant and the relief of it must also be on a regular basis.

It is important to get the regular massage treatments to obtain these important health benefits. This is particularly important in our modern, stressful times. Finding a way to get regular massage treatment is an important part of your overall health and well-being. It is difficult to see a massage therapist three times a week. There are other alternatives, and the best among them is to have your own massage chair.

Massage chairs are a convenient way to receive regular massage treatment. They perform full body massages in a fraction of the time of regular massage treatments. Massage chairs use various systems to apply massage simultaneously to many different parts of the body.

Massage chairs are able to save you time and still give you a full body massage. They are able to work in parallel where as a massage therapist can only work sequentially. A massage therapist therefore needs much more time in order to deliver the same massage treatment.

The number of massage programs now number in the hundreds for massage chairs. There are hundreds and hundreds of variations in which to choose from. This gives you a variety of treatment options at your disposal. This is important to be able to address your long term health requirements.

The use of massage has been throughout all of time. We have a natural affinity for these movements and techniques to reduce pain, and improve flexibility. Relaxation is another byproduct of these treatments for your well-being. Get the most convenient and comfortable way to receive frequent massage therapy with a massage chair. - 17268

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Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 3 - What's In Your Diet?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are trying to determine why you are subject to bruising easily, you first need to consider what foods are you are putting into your body. Your body reacts directly to the food that you put into it, and if you have a bad diet, problems will manifest themselves in your body's reactions. If your level of easy bruising has increased in frequency lately, you need to educate yourself about how your diet may be causing your bruising easily.

In any evaluation of what you have been eating, be sure that you closely examine what level of highly processed foods are part of your current diet. If you are eating a lot of junk food, your body will function at a level substantially below its optimum level. Almost everyone is aware that you should reduce most fats from your diet, so considering your fat intake in your existing diet is essential.

A lot of people have the belief that eating a lot of carbohydrates can cause a wide variety of problems, but carbohydrates are extremely important for maintaining your body's proper functioning. Carbohydrates help your body do everything from transporting and storing energy to enhancing your cellular health. They also allow your immune system to operate properly and function well.

If you are going to add the proper amount of carbohydrates to your diet, keep in mind that the source of your carbohydrates can also be very important. Beans, whole grains, and fruits are ideal choices, and these choices will make it easier to provide your body with the proper type and amounts of carbohydrates. These foods provide you with a healthy amount of carbohydrates, and they have the added benefit of giving you important vitamins that are beneficial as well.

On the other hand, also remember that eating too many highly processed carbohydrates can have a negative effect on your body, especially in enhancing the conditions that are favorable for contracting diabetes. Diabetes has a great deal to do with disrupted levels of high blood sugar, and it is closely linked to the consumption of highly processed foods like fast food and sugared sodas.

High blood pressure is one factor that greatly contributes to easy bruising, and it is a real problem when combined with thinner capillary walls. Sodium exacerbates high blood pressure, and because of this, it is important that you consciously reduce the level of salt that is included in your diet. Taking steps to decrease your sodium intake is an exercise well worth the effort.

Finally, keep in mind that diet does not just include solid foods. Knowing how much water you drink when combined with the fact that getting enough water is essential to the healthy cell growth and maintenance is an essential part of evaluating your diet. Healthy cells resist breakage and injury, and being aware of this, you should be certain that your water consumption level is proper.

Being aware the pros and cons of your diet, you will be able take the proper steps to improve it. Your bruising easily can be greatly influenced by the type of diet that you follow, so educate yourself and consider on what options are best for you to move ahead with an improved diet.

Even after you have optimized your diet, you should also give some consideration to the benefits of adding an all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your every day regimen, which can improve your ability to reduce easy bruising or prevent bruising easily altogether. - 17268

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Quit Smoking Program - Your Health

By James Morley

One very important aspect of quitting smoking is the support of family and friends who need to encourage the smoker constantly and also show
appreciation in his attempt to quit smoking.

Counseling is a part of any cessation program. This includes understanding the smoking status of the patient, advising him/her to quit, citing the side effects of smoking, assessing the willingness of the patient to quit, assisting the patient in quitting, if he/she shows willingness and finally arranging for regular checkups and monitoring to check whether the patient has really quit smoking or not. Counseling refers to any form of interaction of a smoker with a health care professional or a doctor who can provide medical advice related to the
health of the smoker.

Counseling is a part of any cessation program. This includes understanding the smoking status of the patient, advising him/her to quit, citing the side effects of smoking, assessing the willingness of the patient to quit, assisting the patient in quitting, if he/she shows willingness and finally arranging for regular checkups and monitoring to check whether the patient has really quit smoking or not. Counseling refers to any form of interaction of a smoker with a health care rofessional or a doctor who can provide medical advice related to the
health of the smoker.

Smokers who want to quit must understand why they smoke.
what are the complications of smoking? Why should they quit and the
like. The programs must educate the smokers about the behavioral
changes that are associated with the withdrawal process and that this
is a temporary phase.

What to look for in a quit smoking program Nearly all smoking cessation
programs are similar in nature and offer similar options, but the approach of each program may vary. The most important aspect of any smoke cessation program is to offer understanding, support and
education services.

Smoking cessation programs or quit smoking programs are services
provided by individuals or groups who want to help others in getting out of the habit of smoking. These programs employ a blend of counseling, coaching, motivational interviewing and behavioral therapies to ease the process of quitting. But with the abundance of so many quit smoking programs it becomes difficult to ascertain which program is the best. For this the smokers must understand a few basic principles and must look for them when choosing a program.

A person who smokes starts depending physically and mentally on
nicotine and this craving makes it difficult for him to quit. Therefore
quitting smoking needs serious determination and resolve. There are
many ways that can be helpful in kicking the habit of smoking, the
"quit smoking programs" being one of them.

Another very important aspect of quitting smoking is the support of family and friends who need to encourage the smoker constantly and also show appreciation in his attempt to quit smoking. - 17268

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Are Noni Juice Benefits Worthy Of Mention?

By Verity Ferris

Many different people have been claiming for the past twenty years that there are literally hundreds of Noni Juice benefits. Sorting fact from reality in these cases can be a bit difficult, as can be deciding if a benefit might actually help you. Moreover, it can be hard to see which benefits are being claimed by the various types of Noni Juices, from Hawaiian to Polynesian to the Tahiti variety and which are simply being claimed by Noni Juice in its most basic form.

For years, Southern Pacific islanders have used Noni Juice to maintain high quality, healthy skin, even in the face of the tough sun that shines day in and day out on their tiny islands. Now the research suggests that this might just be the case. In fact, many sufferers of serious on-going skin problems like acne are finding Noni Juice helps their skin conditions.

First of all, Noni (also called the Great Morinad) is a tree that grows on a lot of South Pacific and Polynesian islands. It's originally native to Southeast Asia, and can handle a wide range of soils. It flowers and fruits all year long, and the fruit is very pungent smelling as it ripens - it's sometimes called the 'cheese fruit' because of this. The fruit pulp is strained to remove the seeds and used for a lot of Indonesian and Polynesian cooking, and Noni juice benefits are well known in traditional Asian medicine.

Recent research suggests that noni root compounds contain natural sedative properties and may lower blood pressure. Biochemist, Dr Ralph Heinicke, asserts that proxeronine, an alkaloid precursor to a vital compound called xeronine, helps in the normalization of abnormally functioning cells. Heinicke claims that noni juice provides a safe and effective way to increase xeronine levels, which can be decreased by anger, stress, trauma, disease and injury.

Now, these compounds all have benefits, they all exist in other food products. The specific Noni juice benefits come from the fact that you get them in one dose with fewer calories.

As to the actual health benefits? Well, there's a laundry list to work from:

First of all, like all foods high in Vitamin C, Noni has a noticeable impact in improving liver function and protecting the liver from damage. Similarly, it helps the body create more T-Cells and is a good immune system booster. There is anecdotal evidence from Linus Pauling that large doses of Vitamin C can also act to help ward off viruses.

Emotional and mental well being- When taking noni it is suppose to rise your serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin has been shown to boost your mood and sense of well being. When these serotonin levels are higher, they also help you to think clearer and be mentally sharper.

Because Noni juice has both anti-oxidants and a decent amount of fructose, it's got the same "wake you up and clear fatigue" benefits that a lot of the 'energy drinks' on the market do. (Fructose is the most easily absorbed sugar; getting fructose and anti-oxidants at the same time helps the absorption process go more quickly). Related to this, it appears that Noni juice (like a lot of other fruit juices) triggers serotonin release in the brain, making it a mood elevator.

In the end, Noni juice's benefits are substantial, and it's a good supplement. It's worth adding to your diet, but it's not an excuse to avoid your doctor, nor is it something you should over consume. It's not the secret of eternal youth; it's just a good dietary supplement, and given its benefits, that's enough. - 17268

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Weight Loss is Easier with Portion Control

By Kristin Johnston

There are many dieters who seem to never be able to lose weight or cut pounds. They seemingly try endless diets and different fads but do not make any progress.

Many of these people are committing a crucial mistake that makes it almost impossible for them to be successful. Their mistake is not focusing on portion control. Portion control is the amount of food they are eating.

Everyone understands that eating can lead to weight gain and over eating almost surely will yet most of us do not take the time of effort to ensure that we eat the correct amount. It is important to set daily eating limits and to records daily consumption to ensure those limits are maintained.

By dieting but not writing down what you eat it can be difficult to know how the diet is working. By knowing precisely what you consume each day it is easier to look back to understand how your body weight is effected by the foods you eat.

People who already set eating limits but not record their consumption think they have done enough. However, these people are often shocked to realize how much they had been eating all along when they begin keeping a food diary.

There are many diets, such as Weight Watchers, that understand the importance of portion control and make it an integral aspect of their programs. These diet systems often have specific calorie guidelines for the foods and meals they permit to help users plan their day.

Many of these plans also require a food journal or diary as a means to track what is being eaten. This step really helps many people lose weight by understanding what they are eating.

There are lots of dieters that failed until they began keeping detailed records. Many of these people how much they were eating in the past in addition to the food allowed by their diets.

Maintaining a daily account of meals and snacks is vital for anyone who is trying to lose weight because every individual is different. Every person alive functions slightly differently than everybody else. What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. - 17268

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General Rules of Submission Wrestling During Matches

By Wayne Truter

Submission wrestling is not that different from other martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo or Sambo. This is because you get to use the same techniques when you fight an opponent using non-lethal force to make them submit.

First, the only way for one fighter to win the match is when he or she is able to make the opponent quit by tapping the mat or saying it verbally. If this is not achieved, the winner will be determined based on who scored the most points or if for any reason, this was stopped by the referee.

Most people who get into submission wrestling do it for one of three things. This is to stay fit, know how to defend oneself or compete. In fact a lot of people decide to enter a tournament not only within the submission wrestling organization but also mixed martial arts competitions like the UFC.

Submission wrestling is an amateur sport that is governed by the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles or FILA. Although this is not yet considered an Olympic event, its other disciplines namely Greco-Roman and Freestyle are. In the US, the biggest organization is the North American Grappling Association or NAGA.

Submission wrestling can only get you so far when you compete in mixed martial arts because you are fighting others who are familiar with other martial arts styles. So you will know what to expect when you encounter them, it is best to learn the other styles as well or at least be familiar with them.

In time, you will be able to improve your skills as a submission wrestler. You win some and you lose some. If you win, take it humbly and if you lose, treat it as a learning experience because even the best fighters have to face setbacks in order for them to become better.

In mixed martial arts competitions, both fighters start by standing and facing one another. You then get close and use what you know as a wrestler. Don't expect that your opponent will just give in to whatever you throw. He will also execute some counter moves as well and even punch or kick you.

Wrestlers on the other hand may perform leg locks and straight ankle locks. Although slamming is prohibited, it can be done if the referee sees that this is a takedown.

You can compete in submission wrestling with or without Gi. If you join a match that does not require one, you must wear board shorts, fight shorts or singlets or Gi pants for the bottom and a T-shirt or tank top for your upper body. Other equipment you have the option to wear includes cups, head gear, mouth guard, knee pads and wrestling shoes.

But if you are just doing this to stay fit or learn how to defend yourself, that is also good. After all, most of the techniques you will learn as a submission fighter will only be used if you someone attacks and you have no other recourse but to fight back.

Do you think you can take submission wrestling and win in a mixed martial arts competition? The only one who can answer that is you.

Other people have done so and if you want your name to be among the champions, you have to work hard. - 17268

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The Truth About Noni Juice Benefits

By Nathan Marks

The supplement industry likes to constantly move from miracle food to miracle food. You've probably read things about mangosteen, acai berries, hoodia, goji berries, and thelmak root, each claiming to be the biggest and best thing for health since we learned to walk upright.

As you may know, Noni juice benefits are what everyone's talking about lately. It is in fact a healthy product, as are all of the other ones listed above. However, you're probably weary of all the hype which every new nutritional supplement receives; so what are the facts here?

If you're not familiar with it, Noni (also known as the Great Morinad) is the fruit of a tree which grows in southeast Asia and in the South Pacific. It's a hardy tree which grows well in many different types of soil; and a very prolific tree as well, flowering and fruiting year round. The fruit of the Noni tree is often called the "cheese fruit" for the pungent odor of the fruit as it ripens. The pulp is used in Indonesian cuisine, among other Asian cuisines and Noni juice benefits are part of traditional medical practices in the region.

Noni juice is a fruit juice. It's high in vitamin C and it has a number of compounds that are very high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, roughly comparable in dosage to an ounce of grape skins. Also, a glass of Noni juice has slightly less calories than a glass of orange juice. So, each glass of Noni juice benefits you with vitamin C as well as important antioxidants but with fewer calories than either orange juice or the equivalent amount of whole grapes.

Now, these compounds all have benefits, they all exist in other food products. The specific Noni juice benefits come from the fact that you get them in one dose with fewer calories.

As to the actual health benefits? Well, there's a laundry list to work from:

The vitamin C contained in Noni juice makes this a healthy choice which benefits many different parts of the body. Vitamin C helps to maintain liver health and can boost your immune function. Linus Pauling claims that large doses of vitamin C can prevent many common viral infections such as influenza and the common cold.

The antioxidants Noni juice contains have been shown in animal studies to improve cardiovascular health. These compounds are also thought to help the body to detoxify naturally and stop the cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Because Noni juice has both anti-oxidants and a decent amount of fructose, it's got the same "wake you up and clear fatigue" benefits that a lot of the 'energy drinks' on the market do. (Fructose is the most easily absorbed sugar; getting fructose and anti-oxidants at the same time helps the absorption process go more quickly). Related to this, it appears that Noni juice (like a lot of other fruit juices) triggers serotonin release in the brain, making it a mood elevator.

In the end, Noni juice's benefits are substantial, and it's a good supplement. It's worth adding to your diet, but it's not an excuse to avoid your doctor, nor is it something you should over consume. It's not the secret of eternal youth; it's just a good dietary supplement, and given its benefits, that's enough. - 17268

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Eat Better With Healthy Meal Plans

By Clyde Chu

Today, many of us lead busy lives that sometimes we find it a struggle to eat nutritious meals and yet, stay healthy. Here are a few healthy meal plans that will help you eat and feel better. As an added bonus they can help save the hassle.

One of the biggest ways to eat better and save money is by packing your own lunch. Not only are you getting good, home cooked food but you can cook at home for a whole lot less money than you usually spend on fast food. You can also pack a sandwich or two but this just doesn't give you the same nutrition as a meal would.

If you invest in a good lunch box or if your employment has a refrigerator then you can take just about anything you want. I usually cook enough to last for several days at once. This is really simple and then you only have to fix your plate and go. There are healthy alternatives such as ordering healthy meal plans which can be delivered to you - just the way you like it.

When you put the meat on your plate then add some vegetables as well. These give you a lot more nutrition and energy. They also help you fill fuller. They have vegetables that come frozen if you don't want the canned variety. Either way you can usually just put them on you plate and heat them up with the rest of your meal.

Another way to eat better is to bake or broil meat instead of frying it. If you don't like baked meat then try coating it in bread crumbs first. This adds flavor and seals in a lot more of the juices to keep it from being dry. You can buy cans of bread crumbs in several flavors, its easy and quick. Not only do you save a lot of time but you don't need the cooking oil.

Take out can be very tempting after a long hard day; however it isn't very healthy for you and cost a lot as well. They have family size and single size meals in the frozen food section that you can buy. They may not be as healthy as home cooked but they are still better than take out. And they can be ready in a matter of minutes; probably less time than you would spend getting the take out. They also have meals for slow cookers that you can just put in a slow cooker and leave. What ever you choose remember to add vegetables at home as well.

These tips can help you stay healthy even on the go. You can also save time when you choose the right meal plans for your dietary needs. - 17268

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