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Monday, August 24, 2009

The Key to Youth is Found in Cellular Integrity

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The best way to fully comprehend what free radicals are is to look at them from a cellular level in that the human body is made up of all kinds of cells.

Cells are comprised of various types of molecules and these molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements held together by a chemical bond.

Atoms are comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons whereby the total amount of protons that are in the nucleus determine how many electrons will surround them.

The primary role of electrons is for chemical reactions that occur inside the atom and the substance that holds the atoms together to form molecules. Electrons revolve around the atom in one or more shells

A atom is considered full when two electrons occupy the innermost layer. When the second layer is filled with electrons, the process starts all over again

The number of electrons in an atom's outer shell id the most important structural characteristic.

A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter in chemical reactions. Ultimately, atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill its outer shell by:

Adding or dropping electrons that will either fill or empty the atom's shell

Bonding together with other atoms and sharing electrons to complete the outer most shell

The typical way an atom achieves maximum stability is sharing electrons with other atoms. This allows the conditions to for the atoms sustain the molecules in the most efficient way.

Most of the time, these bonds do not tear apart in a way that leaves an atom with an odd, unpaired electron. When this does occur however, free radicals are formed; they are very unstable and react swiftly with other compounds in attempt to gain the needed electrons for stability.

Free radicals like to attack by locating the closest cell that has maximum stability and begins to steal electrons. Eventually these attacked molecules become free radicals themselves. The process will continue until eventually cellular damage occurs.

Common times when free radicals occur are during metabolism as well as when the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses. Pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides are other times when free radicals can occur.

The body is usually able to fight off free radicals unless it's empty of antioxidants or free radicals production accumulates too much, damage can occur. The older you get the more free radical damage occurs. - 17268

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Shiitake Extract Used in Asia as Cancer Medication

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Tell Americans that a dish contains "mushrooms" and their minds automatically jump to button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), which have been grown commercially in the West since the 1600's. In contrast, individuals from Far East Asia are far more likely to jump to Shiitake as the most logical ingredient. Shiitake, which has only recently become a common household name in the West, has a long history of commercial cultivation in Asia.

Originating in China, wild Shiitake is also commonly known as Black Mushroom and Chinese Mushroom. The name Shiitake comes from the Chinese Shii Tree, which is the most common host tree. But it can also grow on beeches and oaks. The cultivation of Shiitake in China and Japan goes back at least 1000 years.

What is less known in the West is that in the form of Shiitake extract, this is also the most studied medicinal mushroom of the Orient. The primary focus of research has been on the anti-viral [93] and anti-tumoral [94] properties.

The preferred part of Shiitake to use medicinally is the mycelium (the "roots") because they contain compounds that either don't exist in the fruit body ("mushroom"), or are much more concentrated in the mycelium.

The most common extract is known as LEM, a protein extract from Lentinula Edodes Mycelia. (Lentinula edodes is Latin for Shiitake.) LEM has been shown to have powerful immune boosting properties, [95, 96, 97] particularly anti-bacterial. [98, 99] LEM has also been found to exhibit anti-cancer properties. [100] One study found it to kill melanoma cells while causing no harm to healthy cells. [101]

Another active compound of Shiitake extract that has been much studied is Lentinan; a protein-free polysaccharide, so named after Lentinula, the Latin genus name for Shiitake. Lentinan does not directly kill tumors but has been shown to stimulate the tumor fighting mechanisms in the body of test subjects, [102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110] and is in fact in use in Asia as an injected cancer medication.

Arabinoxylanes, compounds resulting from Shiitake-on-rice fermentation, have also demonstrated significant anti-viral activity. [111, 112, 113]

Two viruses in particular that have been studied with promising results are herpes simplex type 1 [114] and HIV [115, 116, 117]. It should be mentioned, however, that the previously mentioned Lentinan as an isolated compound does not appear to affect HIV replication. [25]

Additional studies have reported positive results with Shiitake extract in conditions of chronic fatigue syndrome [119] and Candida [118], as well as for septic shock prevention. [120]

And last but not least, in his book Mycelium Running, foremost U.S. medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following areas where Shiitake has been reported as having a therapeutic effect: Blood sugar; blood pressure; kidney support; cholesterol; liver health; stress; sexual dysfunction; breast cancer; prostate cancer; liver cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credits: Thank you, Paul Stamets, for research references. - 17268

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Pancakes for Breakfast

By Mikey Buttars

No longer will you have to go to the grocery store and buy pancake mixes. With things you have at home you can create your own original pancake mix. It just takes some ingredients you can find in your pantry at home.

The basics that you need to complete your own original pancake mix are as follows: flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, salt, baking powder and baking soda, milk and vegetable oil. How much of each ingredient you should take into consideration depending again on the type of pancake you prefer.

Adding more flour to your recipe will make you pancakes thicker. Adding milk to your pancakes will make your pancakes a little more flat. To get the desired texture you are able to play around with your ingredients until you reach the right consistency.

There is always time to play with texture after you have a tester pancake when you are ready to cook. Place the desired amount of batter on a preheated hot plate, skillet or frying pan. About 1/4 cup of batter should make a reasonable size pancake that a novice can easily turn. About 1/2 cup of batter is desired for a more seasoned pancake flipper.

Once you have placed the batter on the skillet, the top will soon begin to bubble. Once this happens it is time to flip it over.

You can also add more ingredients, like chocolate chunks or berries to add some more flavor to your pancakes.

When it is time to lay it out on the hot plate or skillet pour the desired amount out and then add the ingredients to one side. See notes on when to flip the pancake and when flipped the ingredients should blend evenly into the pancake.

The pancake mix is not a hard one to create and make your own. No longer do you have to be without pancakes on a weekend morning because you forgot to pick up a prepackaged mix at the grocery store. - 17268

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Shiatsu Massage Chairs Administer a Total Body Massage at Home

By Jacob Northrup

You come home after a long day at work. You are tired, maybe a little stressed. Relaxing would be nice option or even better yet, how about a massage? Unfortunately, my house did not come with masseuse service. However, there is another option: A shiatsu massage chair. There is no appointment necessary, all you have to do is sit down, get comfortable, lean back, put the footrest up and push the start button. Ah, that feels great!

With the advance of electronics and mechanical systems and our increased knowledge of massage therapy has culminated into the massage chair of today. Certainly, shiatsu massage chairs have come a long way. There are robotic chairs that are capable of massaging almost all parts of your body. These shiatsu loungers can massage your back, shoulders, neck, buttocks, thighs, calves, feet, arms and hands. You can massage techniques ranging from a Shiatsu massage, Swedish massage or even a Deep Tissue massage. The premier massage chairs have advanced technology to replicate the most beneficial massage techniques performed by masseuses. Many massage therapy techniques have specific applications to improve your health and wellness.

The Montage Elite massage chair by Omega Massage, Inc. combines advanced technology with sophisticated luxury while delivering the healing benefits of full body massage. The Montage Elite has full body heat with individual heat controls for the chair back, the seat and the footrest. It has an MP3 player and headphones. This shiatsu chair allows you to synchronize the massage movements to the rhythm of the music you select. The Montage Elite has a reflexology foot massage built into the footrest. Omega even included a lower body traction function that will stretch out your lower body. It is truly a technological marvel.

The massage chair field is highly competitive and has major players such as Panasonic and Sanyo. Sanyo for instance has incorporated a technology to find your stress points throughout your back with the HEC-DR7700K. Sanyo has equipped the DR7700K with its GK roller system, which can reach out and touch you. These rollers are contained in the chair back and can extend forward to reach out and massage your neck and shoulders. The Sanyo shiatsu massage chair certainly a delightful and invigorating massage.

Panasonic has the EP-3222 with their Swede-Atsu massage which combines aspects of Swedish and Shiatsu therapies. The rollers of the EP-3222 give a very realistic massage by replicating the motions of a master masseuse. This chair also has a full lower body air compression massage system. This Panasonic shiatsu lounger can memorize settings for 3 different users. Nice to have a chair that can learn what you like!

It is amazing how these shiatsu massage chairs are becoming more realistic with each advance in technology to replicating a human masseuse. Today, the best massage chairs integrate many different capabilities to satisfy your massage requirements. These shiatsu chairs come have remote controls with manual controls over almost every aspects of the massage functions. Concentrate ithe massage in a particular area for relief or use an automatic program to give you a wonderful full body massage.

There is a wide variety of massage chairs with many different features. You should take your time and educate yourself. It is important to know what types of massage therapy would be good for you. If you can, get out and try some massage chairs. Be sure the chair is comfortable to sit in. Try chairs from different massage chair brands. Invest a little time upfront to really find what is suitable for your needs. A shiatsu massage chair is an investment in your health and relaxation. Find the right chair for your needs. Then you can enjoy a full body massage in the privacy and comfort of your home. - 17268

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Understanding The Reasons Why You May Not Be Growing Taller

By Rodney Williams

People of shorter stature know that our society has a preference towards taller people. It is an unfair disadvantage which often leads to children being teased by their peers. This can hinder their success when they become adults. There are very fundamental reasons why some people do not gain height. To overcome these limitations, it is important that you understand them completely.

While your family's genes are vital to your ultimate height, there are some people who have other conditions that limit growth. Most of these conditions strike your body during its highest period of growth, childhood. Talk to your doctor about your specific reasons for a short stature because everyone is different. Your doctor should take the time to explain the basic reasons a body is prevented from gaining height. These reasons are either familial, constitutional growth delay, growth failure, and idiopathic.

Growth is most commonly limited for Familial reasons. Familial height is totally dependent on your genetic makeup. Normally, you will not be much taller than your parents.

The modern advances in nutrition and medicine have made it possible for many people to overcome their familial height disadvantages. Eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep can give your body the stimulation it needs to grow. Administering Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, is not recommended in this situation. It is best to naturally make your body grow taller.

Another type of limitation is Constitutional Growth Delay. This is when your body does not grow at the normal time, but then quickly grows later than normal. A child suffering from this condition will normally be much shorter than his or her peers. Once puberty hits, he or she will have a major growth spurt and reach the genetic predetermined height. This condition normally runs in the family.

Growth Failure is a very serious cause for short stature. It is a sign that the body is not functioning properly. Essentially, there are three categories to this kind of failure. Systemic problems happen when there is a medical issue with your body's highly organized systems, such as nervous or cardiovascular. Endocrine issues mean that your organs are either not making or using the hormones and enzymes the body needs to increase your height. If a fetus is damaged in the womb, this can cause Congenital disorders. Some of these conditions may not be treatable and you should ask your doctor before pursuing a course of action.

Idiopathic Short Stature may be the most frustrating reason. You may have no symptoms and no health issues. In fact, your body might be in good health. However, you do not gain height. Fortunately, this is not a very common condition. Also, artificial HGH has not been proven to have an impact on this type of limitation.

Please remember that only your doctor can tell you what is limiting your growth and how to increase your height. Stimulating growth naturally by working out, eating right and sleeping is preferred over the administration of HGH. Stay away from second-hand smoke because it really limits growth. When you understand why you have a shorter stature, you can work to increase your height. - 17268

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Common Parts of a Quality Juice Extractor

By Aaron Benjamin

A regular juice extractor will have to be able to operate correctly in order to obtain the juices from fruits and vegetables and so they will be gathered properly. With this in mind, it will be important to use each of the special juice extractor parts. These parts are the blade, motor, baskets for foods, and a cover. Usually, a plunger will be part of the assembly as one of these juice extractor parts. A great model to consider is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus.

The motor is likely to be the most important part of the extractor in most instances. The motor is among the main juicing tools in that it is used to help with getting the blade and other parts of the juicer to be able to work properly. A standard motor will be able to run at nearly six thousand revolutions per minute. It will also provide about a third of a horsepower in terms of its power and will have to be compatible with electricity. In most cases, these motors can be pleasant to hear when they are insulated nicely.

The blade that is put in the extractor will be important, also. The blade will need to be one that is easy to work with and can move in full revolutions at a quick period of time. One of the biggest factors here concerns the keenness of the blade. If the blade is sharpened correctly, it will swiftly slice through the fruits and veggies sent through the juicer with ease.

Baskets are quite frequently placed in juice extractors. The big basket for juices is considered one of the most important juicing tools in that it will work to contain the juices that begin flowing. A pulp basket is required so that it may contain most of the pulp and other chunks that might come out of the extractor.

A strainer is needed for catching any parts that are not totally juiced. This is so that you won't have to deal with solid materials getting into the juice basket.

The plunger is the last of the juicing tools. A plunger will be needed for helping to make the fruits and vegetables fit nicely into the juicer. The juicer will need to be turned off you can use it properly and safely so that all parts of the foods for juicing may be nicely ground up and juiced. A nice model that you can purchase is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus.

When hunting for a juice extractor, it will be extremely helpful to take a look at these juice extractor parts. These parts are the motor, a plunger, and the blade. Other parts are different baskets for juices and solid ingredients and a strainer, which will be required to help with keeping the juices pure. If you have each of these juicing tools, it will be simpler to get the most delicious juices from a juice extractor. - 17268

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Juicer

By Aaron Benjamin

A standard juice extractor will need to offer the ability to run correctly in order to gather the juices from fruits and vegetables and so they will be contained nicely. Obviously, it will be vital to utilize all of the correct juice extractor parts. These parts include the blade, motor, baskets for foods, and a cover. Often, a plunger can be used as one of these juice extractor parts. A great model to consider is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus.

The motor is likely to be the most crucial part of the extractor in the typical situation. The motor is one of the main juicing tools since it is used to properly run the blade and other interior parts of the juicer. A standard motor will be able to work at about six thousand revolutions per minute. It will also provide about a third of a horsepower in terms of its power and will need to be compatible with electricity. In a number of instances, these motors can be on the quiet side as long as they are insulated properly.

The blade that is put in the extractor will be important, also. The blade will need to be one that is easy to work with and can move in full revolutions at a quick period of time. One of the biggest factors here concerns the keenness of the blade. If the blade is sharpened correctly, it will swiftly slice through the fruits and veggies sent through the juicer with ease.

Baskets are commonly used in juice extractors. The major basket for juices is among the most important juicing tools because it will work to help with collecting the juices that are created. A pulp basket will be needed so that it will collect the majority of the pulp and other solid ingredients that might get through the extractor.

A strainer is needed for catching any parts that are not totally juiced. This is so that you won't have to deal with solid materials getting into the juice basket.

The plunger is our final juicing tools. A plunger will be necessary so you can make the fruits and vegetables fit correctly into the juicer. The juicer must be switched off you can use it correctly and safely so that every bit of the materials for juicing can be juiced and ground up perfectly. A nice model that you can purchase is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus.

When in the market for a juice extractor, it will be vital to check into these juice extractor parts. These parts are the motor, a plunger, and the blade. Other parts are different baskets for juices and pulp and a strainer, which will be necessary to help with keeping the juices pure. With each of these juicing tools, it will be easier to gather the most delicious juices out of a juice extractor. - 17268

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Whey Protein Powder is a Clean Alternative to Protein

By Nathaniel Millsby PHD

Protein powder can be an extremely effective tool in helping you build muscle mass, but it's not a miracle worker. A scoop of most protein powders, for example, is about 20 grams of protein, that's the same as a 3-ounce chicken breast. So it's no miracle worker.

Dairy products as well as eggs, cottage cheese, soy and vegetable protein also contain good amounts of protein. Nevertheless, none of these sources compares in quality or ease of use like whey protein. Whey protein has the highest value in providing branched-chain amino acids, which result in building and retaining muscle tissue.

Research has shown that ingesting protein powder every day can boost immune system health, facilitate the healing of wounds after surgery or injury, and promote healthy skin - in addition to fostering muscle strength and development.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Putting that protein right before bedtime, even after your dinner but before bedtime, you can actually minimize how much muscle breakdown you have during the night. You can use protein powder as a way to increase the protein at your breakfast.

A lot of people struggle with getting enough protein at their breakfast. Stir that protein powder into your milk, pour that over your cereal, perfect. Stir it into your oatmeal.

Protein powders can also be a combination of one or more ingredients.

These concentrated sources of protein are processed into the powdered form, to be reconstituted into liquid form as a protein shake, or mixed with fruit juice or milk. Additionally, protein powders can be sprinkled on cereal, stirred into soups or stews, and cooked into baked goods.

Such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high quality whey protein not only can, but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bring up the levels of protein. - 17268

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Best Abs Workout Routines: Your Road Map To Six Pack Abs Fast

By Lynn Howard

I would like to start by dispelling a huge myth about building six pack abs. You cant simply burn fat off your midsection to expose your abs. You can do sit ups, crunches, V-ups all day and develop a strong midsection but you wont be able to see them. With all the misleading advertisements for ab building machines its no surprise that people still think you can simply burn away the fat around your midsection by doing ab exercises. The following are the components you'll need to develop the best abdominal workout.

NUTRITION PHASE: Your diet may be the most important part of your fitness plan to develop six pack abs. Forgetting to focus on proper nutrition is like trying to drive your car with 3 tires you wont ever reach your destination. Some nutritional components you must consider.

Hot Metabolism: Increasing your metabolism will help you to continue burning calories and fat long after you've finished your workout. Unlike your hybrid car you want your body to be very energy INEFFICIENT. You want your body to burn calories like an high powered muscle car. By eating 5-6 meals per day you will get your metabolism burning hot and fat will begin to melt off.

High Protein: Eating lean protein is essential to your diet for many reasons. Unlike most carbohydrates, lean protein digests slowly keeping your blood sugar and cravings to a minimum. Turkey, chicken, fish or tofu are excellent sources of lean protein.

Lots of Water: We need water to survive and flush out all the toxins in the body. Keeping well hydrated is also essential to being consistent with your workouts. Drink 8 cups a day for optimal health.

Fiber: Think of fiber as lubricant to your digestive tract. Keeping high amounts of fiber in your stomach keeps food moving quickly through your digestive and intestinal tract which will keep you in overall good health.

WORKOUT PHASE: CARDIOVASCULAR: It is important to do cardiovascular exercise to burn fat. It is more important to keep your workouts short and intense. This is counter intuitive to what most people think. By keeping your workouts very intense and short you will basically kick start your metabolism into high gear. Find things you like to do as that will keep you motivated to continue your program.

Weights: Most people think that doing high reps of low weight is the best to burn fat. That's not true. You may burn a few calories but if you want to burn fat you must add muscle to your body. Muscle is extremely energy costly and burns much more calories than fat even at rest. - 17268

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Colostrogenesis: The Formation of Bovine Colostrum

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

Colostrum is formed in a pregnant cow about 3-4 weeks before calf delivery. Fluid containing growth factors and other substances are released into the mammary tissue that is currently being developed. Hormones, such as progesterone, regulate this process. The hormones attach to cell receptors which line the mammary gland and prevent the glands from secreting any fluid throughout the pregnancy. About 2 weeks before calf delivery, these hormones assist in the appearance of specific cell receptors which line the mammary gland. These receptors help transfer substances from the pregnant cow's blood into the mammary gland. Some of these substances are necessary antibodies, growth promoters and growth hormones which help in the development of the baby calf.

The hormone balance in the mother cow begins to change about 2 days prior to the birth of the calf. This hormone change initiates secretions and combines substances together. After the baby calf is born and the placenta is delivered, progesterone levels in the mother drop. The blocking of secretions by progesterone is eliminated; a protein-based substance is created in the mammary gland cells and transfers of substances from the mother's blood into the mammary gland are stopped. The fluid in the mother cow found in the mammary gland at birth is called colostrum. It contains high amounts of hormones, metabolically active substances and growth promoters. Colostrum also has a high concentration of protein, is rich in milk fat and low in its lactose content.

After birth, one of the most influential factors on the composition of subsequent secretions is physical removal of the fluid from the mammary gland. The removal of even small quantities of fluid triggers the production of copious amounts of secretion from the cells in the mammary gland. Since the transfer of biologically-active substances from the mother's blood is blocked, replacement fluid will contain primarily substances synthesized by cells in the mammary gland and, thus, will be of a different composition than the fluid originally contained in the mammary gland at birth. The fluid expressed at this time is known as transitional milk. This is further complicated by the fact that the basic composition of the colostrum changes after birth due to maternal reabsorption and does so rapidly beginning at six hours, as can be seen from the table below.10 Thus, the highest quality bovine colostrum, containing the maximum concentration of biologically active substances, is collected in a single milking during the first six hours after parturition.

While the colostrum in the mother cow are changing quickly after the birth of the calf, the baby calf is undergoing a number of changes in its body. Within the first six hours of life, the calf's stomach lining does not produce any acid and there are a limited number of enzymes which break down proteins that are ingested.

Therefore, these conditions work in favor of having the biologically active substances in complete colostrum pass through the calf's stomachs into the upper portion of the small intestine without being broken down. During the first 6-8 hours of life, an area in the upper duodenum has specialized sites where the biologically active substances can be absorbed and transported directly into the calf's bloodstream. After this period, the stomach begins to acidify, enzymes appear and the specialized absorption area in the small intestine changes dramatically so that most of the biologically active substances in colostrum are no longer absorbed. This process is aided by the fact that calves are born with a well-developed system of lymphoid tissue under their tongue and at the back of their throat that persists throughout their entire life. Many biologically active substances are absorbed through these tissues when the calf suckles its mother or a nursing bottle. - 17268

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Can Cross Country Skiing Actually Help Me Reduce Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you take a tumble down the hill, or if you whack yourself with your own skis as you try to put them away, you're probably going to end up with a bruise, but did you know that cross country skiing might otherwise be a great way for you to get rid of you easy bruising? Lots of people, particularly women, find that as they age, it feels like their skin gets less elastic, and when that happens, they are much more inclined to bruise at the least provocation. If you have ever lightly bumped yourself and then found yourself black and blue the next day, take a moment to figure out how cross country skiing may help you.

To begin with, you need to consider your aptitude for facing an endurance trial, because that is what cross country skiing is. Even though getting started with this sport should be a rather simple, uninvolved process, remember that cross country skiing requires dedication and concentration even from the very beginning. Cross country skiing will build stronger muscles and enhanced coordination, all the while it is strengthening your hips and joints as a bulwark from approaching old age. Mastering cross country skiing requires impressive grace and strength, but how is this going to help you control your easy bruising problem?

Remember the way that bruises form. First, your body is affected by some sort of trauma, and the result is often that the blood vessels near your skin break. When this happens, blood will leak into the traumatized area, but it is not shed because there is no break in the skin. Trauma that will not break the skin but that will break blood vessels is relatively common. One reason why we do end up getting more bruised as we get older is due to the fact that our skin loses a degree of its elasticity and is, therefore, going to be less protective. For this reason we are going to need to make sure that the walls of our blood vessels are properly strengthened, which we can do through paying close attention to our cardiovascular health.

Cross country skiing is a lovely way to keep up your cardiovascular health, and you'll discover that it can be a lot of fun as well. Not only do you have a great place to take a vacation, but you are going to have plenty to do when you get there. There are so many different advantages to cross country skiing that you'll wonder why it took you so long to get started.

Augmenting a cross country skiing program may not, by itself, be the complete solution to overcoming the tendency to bruise easily. You should consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your daily routine to help you overcome your easy bruising. This uniquely formulated, all natural supplement product can reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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Nerve Regeneration by Wild Mushroom Lion's Mane

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The unique flavor of the gourmet mushroom Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is often compared to either lobster or shrimp. And modern science is now discovering that not only is it a culinary delicacy but it may also possess some unique medicinal properties, with its ability to stimulate nerve and myelin regeneration. [150, 151] In the book Mycelium Running, foremost American medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets suggests this may make Hericium erinaceus useful in a large number of neurological conditions, from multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy to Alzheimer's and dementia. [134]

In the wild, Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) grows on hardwood trees, especially oak, sycamore, maple, walnut and beech. It can be found throughout the temperate areas of the world, from North America and Europe to Japan and China.

"Erinacines" is the name of the medicinal compounds from Hericium erinaceus that are being researched for their neurological health benefits. They are small enough to pass through the blood brain barrier, which or course is a requirement in order to effect any healing on the myelin sheaths or neurons. [152, 153, 154]

In Japan, there are two patents on extracts of Hericium erinaceus. The first was filed in the 1990's for a process of extraction that yields what has been named "Nerve Growth Stimulant Factor." [150, 151] The second from 2004 is for a water extract of Hericium erinaceus. It is likewise used to stimulate nerve regeneration. [155]

Although recent research on Hericium erinaceus extract has focused on its powerful effect on healing nerve tissue, in Traditional Chinese Medicine Lion's Mane Mushroom was used primarily for stomach conditions and cancers of the digestive organs.

Modern studies have affirmed the validity of this traditional application of Hericium erinaceus extract. One paper published in 1985 reported positive findings in the treatment of atrophic gastritis. Another from 1995 concluded that Hericium erinaceus had an ameliorating effect on hepatoma with an increased life expectancy for treated patients. [156]

In conclusion, additional medical research studies on Hericium erinaceus extract that are worth mentioning have shown it to have some therapeutic effect in the following areas: Immune stimulating [157]; antimicrobial against Aspergillus and Candida [158]; anti-tumoral [159]; inflammation [134]; stomach cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credit: Thank you to Paul Stamets for source material. - 17268

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