Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Easily Lose 100 lbs, it's Not as Hard as You Think

By Ryan M Hall

If you need to lose 100 lbs or more and just aren?t sure where to start, you?ve come to the right place. While 100 lbs may seem like a huge mountain to climb, it actually isn?t once you are committed and have a solid plan. Just know that your choices every day will make compound to give you huge results in the long run. You CAN lose 100 lbs naturally and safely if you work at it. It?s not necessarily going to happen overnight, but you can do it. Here are some tips to help you lose 100 lbs.

In order to lose a lot of weight, you need to set a very specific goal, and while "lose 100 lbs" isn't as specific as it sounds, there is a better way. The best way to set a goal is to state it in the positive. Focus on how much you will weigh after you lose your weight. So, if you weight 300 lbs now and you want to lose 100, you will weigh 200 lbs when you finish. Instead of focusing on an abstract action, losing weight, focus on how much you will weigh when you finish.

Think about this for a minute, can you picture what 100 lbs of fat looks like? Can you picture losing 100 lbs? Probably not, but I bet you could picture what you might look like if you weighed 100 lbs less. Try and picture yourself in a thinner, healthier, lighter feeling body. I?m sure this is much easier to imagine. That?s because you have actually given your mind something to focus on, if you make achieving this your goal, rather than losing 100 lbs, you are much more likely to achieve it.

When you take on the goal of losing any amount of weight, it is best to have a good proven system. Ideally you will get a system that is both guaranteed and will help you lose weight loss consistently without huge plateaus or stopping.

Be sure that the system you choose includes both a diet plan and an exercise plan so that you will be doing everything in your power to slim down quickly. I'm sure you want to reach your goals sooner rather than later, right? Stay committed to your plan and you will. Too many people don't stay committed to their plans, they start then quit and fail. Don't end up like them. Be sure when you start your plan that you will be able to follow it through to the end.

Note: Diets that advise you to exclude important nutrient groups may get you instant results, but they are guaranteed to lead to weight gain later on.

It is true that cutting carbs will help you lose weight at first, but what is the cost? When you drop carbohydrates, your body goes into dietary ketosis, which is a condition where you lose water weight, then your body begins to convert fat and muscle into nutrients it can use in order to keep functioning properly. So, why is that bad? The reason is that even though you are cutting fat, you are also losing muscle tissue. You will be much better off if you get a diet system that is well balanced. There are a lot of diets to choose from, and when it comes down to it, it's best that you find one that works for you, after all, making sure that you achieve your goal is the most important thing to consider here.

If you want to reach your goal of losing 100 lbs or more, you need to stay focused. It may be easy to overeat with friends or at business lunches, but if you want to reach your goal, you need to say no. While this sounds easy, it is often harder than we think, especially when it comes to saying "no" to food.

We all love junk food, and we all eat junk food for one reason, it tastes good. That's why McDonald's does so well. Everybody knows that it's not good for them, but we all go through the drive through every once in a while. The problem starts when we go to fast food too often. If you do, it will guarantee you failure.

Another thing you need to consider is getting rid of any vice food in your house. Whether it is ice cream, chocolate or potato chips, you need to get it out of your home so it can?t tempt you when you?re feeling weak. This is one of the biggest saboteurs in any dieters plan. Send it down the road, and you?ll thank yourself later.

Tell your friends and family. Tell them you are going to lose the weight no matter what, and that you are serious. Ask them to help you stay on track. If they are the kinds of friends who are also struggling with weight, make sure they know that you are sticking to it no matter what. Often friends who struggle with weight will not have the same conviction as you and will want you to come enjoy a big meal with them or a sweet snack. These people could be the closest in the world to you, but they will end your diet efforts if you let them. Your best bet is to ask all friends and family to help you stay on track.

When you do this, some of your friends may surprise you and jump on board with you. Others may just sit back and not interfere. These friends and family will be the ones that make or break your success.

If, however, your friends or family meet you with resistance, get yourself a coach, mentor, or even healthier friends to help you lose your weight. If worse comes to worst, you can charge forward alone. After all, you're the only one that can do this and you are the only one that is going to be losing the weight.

Even though you have to stay on track, it's important to indulge occasionally. Get a plan that keeps you burning fat constantly so you can't get discouraged, then you are able to occasionally fulfill some of your cravings. If you don't, you will fall off the wagon eventually, and when you do, it will be harder to get back to it. That's just not worth it, this is your health we're talking about, but it's also your life, and life is for living. Get a diet plan that allows you to eat some of your favorite foods. Despite what most diet plans think, you aren't a robot.

It's perfectly fine to have some cake or go to fast food occasionally, but doing it at the wrong times will put your weight loss at a stand still. You need a plan that has flexibility, like pizza or ice cream, built into it. There are a few plans, not many, that let you cheat and still lose weight.

The simple steps outlined above will help you lose 100 lbs safely and easily. Just follow the steps, stay committed and get a good plan. It's up to you to take action and when you do, you will be amazed by the results. Think about how nice it will be when you're lighter, healthier and feeling great. If you can imagine it, you can do it. - 17268

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Important Tips About Exercises For Back Pain What You Should Know About Lower Back Pain Exercises

By Celestine Nell

Are you searching the internet for lower back pain exercises? The internet is one of the first places that people turn to when they are searching for exercises for back pain. In fact millions of people are trying to learn how to get rid of their constant back pain.

If you have been suffering from back pain; then you have come to the right place. We are going to reveal why exercises for back pain can help you get the relief that you are looking for. Not many people realize how important it is to implement lower back pain exercises to help them get the relief that they are looking for.

One of the best things is that when you begin implementing exercises for back pain; it does not take very long and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Many people in today's society have found themselves suffering from this problem because of the type of lifestyle that they live.

We all have developed bad habits that are not good for us. Before you even begin with your lower back pain exercises there are some things that you should be aware of to prevent further injury.

1. Patience: I know that the first thing on anyone's mind who has ever had back problems is how to get rid of it quickly. However as long as you continue with a back exercise program on a routine basis; you will begin to notice results in as little as 4 to 6 weeks.

2. Refrain From Pain: Whenever anyone does any type of lower back pain stretches we all know that they are going to feel a slight discomfort while doing the exercises; however avoid causing it to be painful. This means that if you begin to feel pain you may be stretching too far; stop pulling otherwise you could cause more damage than good.

3. Begin Walking: In general most of us find ourselves sitting behind a computer everyday; it is vital that you begin stretching your muscles everyday. Walking is a great way to begin stretching your muscles so they will not become tight with tension.

Yes you can learn more about exercises for back pain; all you have to do is visit the site below and discover which lower back pain exercises are going to help you feel better. - 17268

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How to Build Muscle - Body Building Tips

By Tony Pacelli

Want to build a great body? There are some important body building tips you ought to follow if you want to discover how to build muscle. They'll also help you avoid getting hurt.

Here are the top ten body building tips for your next workout.

1. Use Heavier Weights - Heavy weights are the best choice if you want to increase mass quickly. Lifting lighter weights will decrease your workout's effectiveness, and is better for people who'd like to tone instead of build.

2. Use The Right Technique - Weight lifting is pointless if you're using poor technique. Doing your weight lifting routine incorrectly could also result in some serious injuries if you're using large weights. Make sure you have the right technique and take your time to get the best results.

3. Slow and Steady Wins The Race - It also builds muscle quickly. While doing lots of repetitions can be boring, don't make the mistake of rushing through them. Taking your time with every set and doing each lift steadily and slowly is a much better idea. This kind of slow, forced control will help you quickly build mass.

4. Do The Right Number! - While reps can get pretty boring, you should never be tempted to cut them short or skip a few sets - it'll damage your progress. On the other hand, don't do too much, either. You can't put your body building program on fast forward by doing more reps or more sets - you'll just hurt yourself.

5. Make Your Training Intense - No matter how many sets you do or how many reps are in each set, you need to make sure all your sessions are intense. There's no need to stop at seven reps if you know you can do ten. Work hard on each set, and do as many reps as you can while still using good technique.

6. Don't Overdo The Cardio - While cardio workouts are important for health, they can be the enemy of muscle mass. That's because your body needs the calories you've used in your cardio workout to build muscle. Remember to adjust your workout and food intake appropriately for muscle building.

7. Keep Hydration Levels High - Water is extremely important if you're body building, as well. Make sure to drink a lot of water daily to keep yourself hydrated and flush toxins out of your body. It'll also help you increase the body's circulation.

8. Build By Section - Never try to do your whole body in one workout. Instead, work on different areas on different days. That means you can do the shoulders and arms one day, then pick out a different day to do legs. It gives each muscle area time to recover and improves your workout.

9. What To Eat - Keep track of what you're eating to be sure you're taking in foods that promote the growth of muscle. Look for healthy foods that are high in carbohydrates, like rice, potatoes, oats, bananas and apples. They supply the energy you need to keep a high intensity workout going.

Lean proteins, including fish and chicken, are also excellent for building muscle. One popular choice is tuna, since it's low in fat and carbohydrates, costs very little, and has a lot of protein. It's great for any body building plan.

10. Get Enough Sleep - Building muscle requires you to let your body recover after a workout. That means resting and getting plenty of sleep so you'll get your strength back before your next workout. - 17268

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The 5 Things You Must Do To Get Skinny Quick

By Ryan M Hall

If you want to get skinny quick, you need to have a good solid plan. Too many people go out to the gym or start a diet without a real plan, they just hope that doing a few things will make them lose weight. This isn't the case, so here are 5 things you absolutely must do to get skinny quick.

#1 Make a Goal

If you don't set a goal, how do you know where you're going? Set a specific goal like I want to weigh 165 lbs. Don't say, I want to lose weight, or I want to lose 10 lbs. This isn't a goal, it's an action. You have to focus on is how much you want to weigh and how you want to look.

#2 Diet

In order to lose weight, you have to follow a healthy diet plan. Reducing calories is a great start, but you should also follow some proven steps. First, steer clear of fast carbohydrates like those found in bread and potatoes. These may have been the meals of our parents and grandparents, but they aren't doing your weight any good. Get rid of soda and sugary drinks. Drinking your calories is about as smart as drinking a cup full of fat that is going straight to your waistline, not very smart at all. Finally, you should eat more green vegetables. I know I may sound like your grandma, but they are great for you because they are high in fiber and low in calories, so they will keep you full for hours.

#3 Exercise

Raise your hand if you want to run a treadmill for hours! Did you raise your hand? Neither did I, good thing it's not required to lose weight. Instead, go to the gym and do some resistance exercises that will build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. This isn't to say that you have to become the next Arnold, but building lean, toned muscle will have you looking fit and sexy and burning fat 24/7.

#4 Drink Water

You need to keep your body hydrated, and make sure that your liver and kidneys are working properly. Keeping your body hydrated will allow it to release water stored in fat and will help your liver burn fat even faster. Plus, you will feel more full as you drink water before meal times.

#5 Get Help

The most surefire way to succeed at losing weight is to enlist the help of a mentor or coach. Whether that person is face to face, on the phone with you or just emailing you over the internet, they can help you stay on track when you are feeling like giving up. They can also help you make adjustments in your diet and exercise plan to suit your needs. A coach or mentor is key to helping you lose weight and will determine how much you lose and how quickly.

These 5 things you must do to get skinny quick will help you lose your weight, no matter how much you want to lose. Whether it's a little or a lot, these steps will help. When you are ready to make a huge impact on your waistline, get a good plan and a good mentor, and you will be get skinny in no time. - 17268

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Bodybuilding: Muscle Gain and Body Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

If you're anything at all like most bodybuilders, your ultimate desire is a simple one: To have an impressive, muscular physique with razor-sharp definition and the envy of everyone around you. You want to be huge, and you want to be shredded.

You want to be huge, and you want to be shredded as well. Because of the strong desire for this "ideal body", most people eagerly dive into their programs headfirst. Everyone is motivated to bulk up, but at the same time are afraid of putting on excess body fat.

To significantly gain muscle - and to add as much of it to your frame in as swift a period of time as possible - there is always the fact that you'll inevitably gain some extra body fat to go with it.

Unfortunately, that is just the way the body works, and if you want to get bigger, you're going to have to accept the fact that body fat will come along with the muscle gain.

In order to gain muscle size, you must consume a surplus of calories in order to support protein synthesis. However, there is no way to divert 100% of this caloric surplus towards muscle growth. A certain amount of it will always end up as stored body fat.

You first goal is for the most dramatic gain in the shortest time. To that end it's always better to focus first on muscle gain over a set period of time, followed by another period of time concentrating on losing the unwanted body fat.

Based on what we've covered so far, the goal of a bulking phase is simple: build as much muscle size as possible while minimizing body fat gains. Your goal during a bulking phase is never to LOSE body fat; it's only to gain as little as possible.

This can be accomplished in 3 main ways:

1) Make sure that your caloric surplus is limited to a precise amount. Because this surplus is what fuels muscle growth, it's tempting to eat too much in the mistaken belief that this will help you gain muscle tissue, but actually the only thing you'll gain with haphazard eating is body fat.

The general rule of thumb for muscle gain is to take 15-20% more calories than you need to keep your weight. If you are already within this range, there's no need for you to add more.

2) Make good food choices. Most of your food intake should be in the form of high quality lean proteins, healthy/unsaturated fats and natural, high fiber carbohydrates.

Don't just eat anything and everything; make sure you're concentrating on proteins, especially lean proteins, and keep an eye on your blood sugar. Also, avoid all those saturated fats.

3) Implement cardio sessions. While you don't have to push yourself too hard, having a few cardio sessions during the week is a good way to minimize fat gains during a bulking cycle.

Keep these sessions no more than 10-20 minutes long, sticking to high intensity/low duration forms, as these kinds of session have the advantage of not causing the same amount of muscle loss as longer duration forms.

Once you've achieved the amount of muscle size that you want, a goal which is completely up to you as an individual, it's time to move into a fat loss cycle. In this way, you can focus on stripping off the excess body fat gained during the bulking cycle, while still maintaining muscle size.

Simply remember that while bulking up, gaining at least some body fat is unavoidable. With this in mind, the key to keeping body fat down is to minimize the gain rather than trying to avoid it altogether, which is impossible. Focusing first on bulking up and only then on fat loss is the way to gain muscle quickly and effectively. - 17268

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Creative Ways to Prepare Eggs for Children

By Amy Nutt

Eggs have always been a popular and healthy food for the entire family. When eaten in moderation eggs are a healthy source of protein. Eggs are especially popular with children. If you are looking for creative ways to prepare eggs for your children, below are a few recipes that you can try:

1. Make some toast and add butter. Cut a hole in the middle of the toast. Fry or poach an egg and place it in the hole. With a glass of milk and fruit, you will be giving your children a healthy and delicious breakfast.

2. Scrambled eggs have always been a very popular meal. You can add some flavor to it by mixing in a bit of soup broth when you are mixing it. You can also add a little bit of spices and sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese in the eggs while you are cooking.

3. Cut an English muffin or bagel in half and toast it. Poach an egg. Once the egg is poached, place it on half of the toasted bagel or English muffin. Pour a little pizza sauce on the egg. Add a slice of pepperoni or salami and top it off with mozzarella cheese. Put the other half on top and you will have a delicious sandwich.

4. Omelets are very popular. You can spice it up by adding salsa and grated cheddar cheese when you are cooking it. Fold it over so that the ingredients are in the middle of the omelet.

5. Egg salad sandwiches can make for a great lunch. You can add flavor when you are mashing the egg by adding some lemon, onion and celery pieces. You can also replace the mayonnaise with a salad dressing such as ranch or dill. Other ingredients can include: pieces of bacon or ham, and red and green pepper. Make sure your eggs are completely boiled so you don?t have any runny yolks.

6. You can make your children?s plate more creative by using eggs. Fry two eggs. Make toast and fry some bacon. Place the food in the form of a happy face. Use the eggs as eyes. Cut the toast in angles and position the pieces as eyebrows and a nose. Use the bacon strips for the mouth.

7. Bake a potato and cut it in half. Remove a small amount of the centre of each half. Mash up a boiled egg and mix in celery, chives, and some spices. Scoop it into the centre of each potato half. Cover each potato half with cheddar cheese. Have a cheese burger with the meal.

8. Open up a pita so that it is a pita pocket. Mix egg and cook as scrambled eggs. Put the scrambled egg in a bowl and add onion, tomatoes, green pepper, and cooked chicken pieces. Mix them all together with feta cheese and a bit of olive oil. Put the mixture in the pita and you have a pita pocket sandwich.

It is very easy to be creative with eggs. Because children love eggs, they will be surprised and pleased with the imaginative meals you prepare for them using this delicious and wholesome food. - 17268

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 6 - Getting the Proper Nutrients!

By Carolyn Cooper

Even though we may begin bruising easily more as we get older, we do not have to accept that condition. When you are researching means to prevent bruising, you will learn that there are a variety of supplements available that can us with some benefits. The question then becomes determining which ones will work for the best for us individually. For many people, adding bioflavonoids and bilberry supplements to our daily regimen is an excellent way to help control our easy bruising.

Easy bruising is something that happens so much more easily as we age, due to a combination of factors. For some people, it has to do with the way that their skin is more fragile and now contains less collagen, while for other people, it has more to do with the fact that the walls of their blood vessels are more frail than they were before and more prone to breakage. When you have a rough idea of why you might be bruising so frequently, look for a supplement that provides you with results.

Even before you can pronounce the name, you need to determine what bioflavonoids actually are. Bioflavonoids are basically just plant pigments that can be dissolved in water, with about 4,000 of them that have been named to date. They are present in a variety of plant products including, grape seeds, teas, apples, grains, nuts and more. When you add bioflavonoids into your diet, you will be taking positive steps toward becoming a healthier person.

Bioflavonoids contain significant anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antiviral properties. This means that bioflavonoids can help enhance your general health, and the anti-inflammatory properties can provide significant benefits to keeping your circulatory system operating optimally, and this benefit will enhance your healing capabilities. Reduced bruising and reduced muscle sprains are other benefits gained by adding bioflavonoids to your daily routine.

One great source of bioflavonoids is the bilberry, which is a group of fruit bearing, shrub-like plants. Not only are bilberries delicious, they are often used as a treatment for everything from inflammation to illness. It will prevent your arteries from hardening, and you will discover that it can also help you control your blood pressure.

Consider natural supplements of bilberry to help reduce bruising easily, because you can easily obtain it in a number of different forms. Keep in mind that supplements are probably the best form to use because consistently locating fresh fruit can be problematic. Health food and supplement stores generally always have bilberry supplements, so just visit your local health food store and determine how they can provide you with what you need.

People do not have to simply accept easy bruising as they age as an incurable condition. By using the proper information that is available to them, they can overcome their bruising easily condition and change it to a fading memory.

Prepare a plan on how you are going to use bilberry and bioflavonoids properly to help overcome your easy bruising. Instead of trying to formulate the proper quantities of these two nutrients consider adding a unique daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which contains the proper amounts of bilberry and bioflavonoids along with other essential vitamins and minerals so that you can finally really reduce bruising altogether. - 17268

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An Excellent Strategy To Build Chest Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

Every generation grows up with the same idea of what super heroes look like; and unless it's saving the world one book at a time, I'm betting you haven't found a pale and skinny hero yet. We've stopped watching cartoons a long time ago, but the physical standards of what heroes look like don't really ever leave us. If you want to look like one, you have to learn the best ways on how to build chest muscle fast.

Alright, maybe the mission is a little less pressing than world peace but everybody has to start somewhere right? Concentrate on building your knowledge on how to build muscle the right way, other super qualities you can learn as you go on.

To build chest muscle fast, you should exercise each of the four main parts that make up the chest muscle independently. For the upper area of your chest, use the incline barbell bench press. Take care not to let the bar touch your torso because this takes away from the efficacy of the exercise while putting strain on your shoulders. Lift with slow movements so as not to injure yourself unnecessarily in your training.

Make use of the decline dumbbell fly and decline barbell bench press to work your lower chest muscles. Keep in mind though that the angle you are positioning yourself in is a little tricky and will require assistance from a professional instructor or a spotter.

And last but not the least; get that wide and strong chest by exercising your inner and outer chest muscles with flat bench dumbbell fly. Maintain the correct form throughout the whole drill. Keep careful watch that your shoulders don't move forward as you extend the weights back to its original position. If you do, this will strain your shoulders and might cause you problems in the future. In training, the proper way of executing the exercises is more important than hurrying through it just to complete the required reps and sets.

Beginners usually feel extreme soreness the days following their workout regimen. Don't let this turn you off, it gets better over time. After several weeks of gaining sufficient strength, execute these exercises to your body's maximum tolerance level. Pushing your body to your physical limit speeds up the growth of the muscles' strength and endurance. When you train to fail, be sure that there is a spotter nearby to assist you at any time.

Put in more drills into your weight training program. Vary it up after four to six weeks with different weight loads, sets and exercises. Doing so will ensure that your body does not hit a plateau and stagnate. Keep challenging it and it will rise up to meet your expectations. Work the serratus anterior with pullovers. Bring in more dumbbell flyes-this isolates and builds up your pecs more.

Build chest muscles fast by adhering to these tips as outlined above. So what if you don't have Superman's S clad costume-rip that shirt off anyway; with your new rock-hard chest, everybody will be asking for it. - 17268

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Pure Acai Berry Review: A Common Name For A Very Uncommon Brand

By Travis Van Slooten

This Pure Acai Berry Review is an honest-to-goodness assessment of this company and the product it sells. While it's true that this is one of my recommended acai brands, and I hope you'll see why this is so when you're done reading this review, my first and foremost intention here is to provide factual information about the company and the products they market so you can make an informed decision.

First of all, let me establish that Pure Acai Berry is a company that's totally different from all other companies which may bear the same name. The name has actually been used a number of times already but you shouldn't let other companies of dubious reputation cloud your judgment on this one. This Pure Acai Berry is not connected in any way with other acai marketers which propagated acai scams. While it's not the first time "Pure Acai Berry" has been used as a brand name, this one we are currently reviewing is different and is a new company, launched only on the fall of 2009.

Pure Acai Berry is different from the many other companies with the same name. One proof to this is the fact that you will hardly see free trial offers for their products. The sad truth is that most of these companies offering free offers for their products are most likely scams in disguise. The real, top quality Acai Berry will never be offered for free. Second proof: Pure Acai Berry offers a very secure guarantee. Every time you buy a product, you are given a 180-day money back guarantee. No questions asked, they return your money if you are not satisfied in any way. Simply return all unused products, pay a minimal processing fee, and you get the option of getting most of your money back.

Pure Acai Berry is a UK-based company but ships orders worldwide for free. The company has a variety of facilities from all across the world so you can order from them any time and get your product from a local shipper. This simply means that even if you're living in the U.S., you can still avail of the free shipping while saving yourself the long wait because they have their own shipping facilities serving the country. More than just that, Pure Acai Berry offers you a visible address unlike other companies which ship your orders from an anonymous P.O. Box address.

As far as the acai supplements are concerned, there is even less to worry about as the products are of high quality. The company lives up to its name, hence it only sells products that are from pure and organic acai berry, sourced from the Amazon jungles in Brazil. In every recommended serving of 3 capsules, you get all the needed nutrients packed in 1500 mg of pure acai to keep you in top shape. If you've done your reading on the benefits of acai, you would know of the high antioxidant level and all other nutritional advantages that it can offer. Among the touted benefits of acai is weight loss but to be realistic about it, there really is no evidence as yet to support this belief. And that's where Pure Acai Berry comes in with a hitch.

As mentioned, the claim on acai as an aid to weight loss has yet to be proven and many customers who opt to take acai as a standalone key to shed off the excess weight end up disappointed. And because of the marketing approach that the company has decided to take, this group of disappointed supplement takers could include those who try Pure Acai Berry. Just like most other companies in the industry, Pure Acai Berry seems to be claiming that their products can help you lose weight because it speeds up metabolism. While there may be some truth to this, there is sill no conclusive study to back up this claim. Personally, I never encourage consumers to trust natural supplements as a sole primary aid to weigh loss because the reality is that supplements will never succeed as a standalone. Rather, they should be considered as a support system for a low-fat diet and a regular exercise.

Now to address my doubts as to this weight loss hype that they have promoted, I talked to a company official and they did say that while they have 100% confidence in their product, anyone looking to shed off some pounds still needs to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, and load up on water. It's good to have that cleared up but I'm still wondering why they don't just include that advice on their site so as not to mislead consumers. If it's there at all, it should be prominently displayed. If you visit the site and scan the info given, you would really think that once you take the supplement, you are sure to lose weight, even if you make no changes to your eating and exercise habits. Now we now know that this isn't true, so just ignore the hype. What's important is that you still get a top-quality and pure acai product.

The company is solid and the product they sell is of very high quality, but you will have to have a reasonable set of expectations from the product. Think of the supplement as a great way to boost your already healthy lifestyle and if you should happen to get additional bonuses from taking it, that's just icing on the cake. - 17268

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Regular is Best Way to Lose Weight

By John Knight

Recent medical researches have found that the best way to lose weight is to go on a full-protein diet. Diets with high protein create less hunger, greater satisfaction and weight loss success. Having greater satisfaction helps you shed off those unnecessary fats from your body. It is normal for people to eat when hungry but with a diet such as, this you will crave less for food because of the fullness that you feel.

Ironically, the foods that you avoid to eat are good sources of high-quality protein. Your body is in need of sufficient protein which is very vital for a healthy immune system and energy level at its best. Most people avoid eating foods containing fats and cholesterol such as meat and cheese which are sources of this important element.

With high protein diet you do not feel hungry. The result is you do not have an increasing craving and no need to watch for those calories. Protein can provide the vital nutrient your body needs. You must know that reducing intake of this vital food element can adversely affect your weight and overall health because you always feel insatiable.

It has been found that lactose intolerant patients do well with this protein-rich diet. Some people resort to a lactose diet like drinking milk when they feel hungry instead of eating their regular meals. Lactose is not what your body wants but protein-rich foods. Medical doctors, nurses and nutritionists often recommend this type of diet to their patients especially those who are lactose intolerant.

With such type of diet which is in truth and in fact very effective for losing weight, having a regular exercise must never be discounted. A regular physical fitness program can give you the figure that you desire and offers you good stamina. Having foods rich in proteins in your daily diet coupled with religious exercise program are certainly the best way to a beautiful body and the best way to lose weight. - 17268

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The Visualization Process and Your Body

By Ellen Valentine

In 1988 I heard Dr. Dennis Waitley say, If you go there in the mind, youll go there in the body every time. He followed that with a story about Olympic champions that visualized themselves pole vaulting or walking the balance bar perfectly before they ever walked out on the floor to compete. When their pulse and respiration were monitored these increased the same as they would if they were actually performing physically. Their body went along with their mind. How can that help us create the body we want?

Think of it, powerful visualizations create real results in the body. So, if we see ourselves as less than, as overweight, having scrawny legs, no breasts, no waist line, unhealthy, etc; then, that is what we continue to create day after day. To create the new you, see yourself as what you want to feel and look like in the body, make it real, create a sentient rich picture that could make you cry for joy and appreciation. Be in the great new body NOW.

The Success Principles, written by my mentor and friend Jack Canfield is a great book to help anyone begin creating the life you long for. Jack suggests that the very beginning of each day and the end of the day are perfect times to review, create or even recreate your day. It is the time when all of your goals can be thought over, given life so to speak, integrated as if theyve already been accomplished. Think of it this way, when you think of yourself as less than, in any way, just turn that around to visualize what you do want.

Without gratitude things will not only stay the same, they will seem to get worse. Begin now to appreciate every tiny thing you can imagine about Being You. If the list seems small, make it up until it feels so sentient rich you are actually feeling better about yourself. This entire process of re-creation depends on the recognition of the power of the unconscious mind. If you were told repeatedly that you were too skinny or fat or any other message when you were small, your subconscious mind, that rudder of your ship, took it as a command. It accepts messages as real when we are small. If you believed those messages then, you can take your power back right now and reprogram for the life and the body you desire now.

If it seems difficult to SEE a new you, focus on how it will FEEL to achieve a body symmetrical and healthy. Healthy eating styles can be implemented too and will most likely be easier after youve spent a couple of weeks imprinting your hearts desire into your consciousness. Then, let go and trust that everything will really be perfect. Detach from the outcome. Let go of guilt, blame and shame. Put gratitude for what you do have together with detachment and sentient rich visualization, and enjoy the life and the physical shape of your dreams right now.

Create the body of your dreams and make it happen. Brain Science supports your right to create on every level; and Master Teachers all over the planet are proving it is so. - 17268

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Observe The Miracle Of The Acai Now!

By Teresa E Rogers

If you have been reading about the acai berry and acai berry products, you have probably heard some outlandish claims that say that this little berry can do everything from help you to lose weight to preventing serious disease. What is this amazing fruit?

Well, the acai berry is really quite a miraculous nutritional discovery. It is brimming with vitamins and minerals, Omega fatty acids and an array of crucial antioxidants. However, it is not really that much more amazing than many other more common superfoods. There are many exceptionally healthy super foods such as blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, walnuts, salmon, green tea and the list goes on and on. The acai berry is just a more recent find.

A health-promoting diet consists of an array of healthy foods. We all need a healthy combination of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. Antioxidants help protect our bodies from free radical damage which can cause excessive aging, damage to our arteries and yes, even disease. When we improve our diets we improve our health and our longevity. But one food, not even the amazing acai berry can do it all. We must include a wholesome variety of healthy foods in our diet.

If you want to lose weight you will likely benefit if you add acai berry products into your diet. However, this is not a magic bullet. You will also need to reduce your calorie consumption and begin a consistent exercise program. Acai berry products can give you superior nutritional support that can assist you in your weight loss goals but if you do not do the other required things to lose weight you will fail. The acai berry is not a magical solution.

Our bodies respond powerfully to superior nutrition. We were designed to eat abundantly from nature's own bounty. That means a healthy variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This does not really mean that you must become a vegan because omnivores, or those who consume meat and animal products, may also have an extremely healthy diet. However there are some animal products that are healthier than others and you may benefit from knowing where your food is coming from but of course, that relates to fruits, vegetables and grains also.

It is the manmade and unnatural foods that we should not eat. Nature gives us a clue because healthy foods will deteriorate within a short period of time. If the food you are consuming won't deteriorate on its own you probably shouldn't be eating it. If bacteria won't eat it humans shouldn't eat it either. The acai berry is so extremely perishable that it must be frozen or freeze-dried within 24 hours of being removed from the tree.

The acai berry can be a great addition to your nutritious diet. The superior nutrition can help you to combat the effects of free radicals and that can protect you from diseases. You may also lose weight once your body gets the superior nutrition that it craves.

But the best way to get and keep great health through diet is to make sure that you are adding in a variety of many healthy foods including blueberries, spinach, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, tomatoes, green tea and of course, the list goes on. If you improve your diet all around you will also get the highest benefit from acai berry products due to the synergy of nutrients. Your health will improve in many ways. - 17268

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