Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Juicing Can Save Your Life

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

Digesting food takes the first priority in the body mind. Looking for nutrition or cleaning up bad food is the body's first job. I'm searching for ways to emphasize that because it's very important because there in an intense cycle that repeats itself. To understand the cycle allows for healing or disease. When denatured or mineral-depleted foods are the mainstay of the body, the body uses it's supply of pancreatic enzymes to move a bolus of food through the body at any given time. As the body supply runs low food putrefies, disease sets in, the body has little or no energy to heal or restore homeostasis and a person finds themselves in a crisis.

Illness used as an opportunity to heal the entire Being, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically is the life altering miracle that some people write about. The idea is to eat as much organic raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. And you dont have to be sick to juice.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Try these simple formulas: 1. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale. 3. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites.

Always use organics. To juice non-organic is to ingest an inordinate amount of pesticides in one or two gulps. Pesticides are oil based and most plants are sprayed (grapes) up to thirty times in a growing season. The oil base ensures water will not rinse it off. So juice organic and allow the fresh healthy juice to revitalize and mineralize your body.

As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. The middles of all stores contain that which is lifeless. In all times and especially in times of illness, eat from the outside live isles of your organic food store. Create an extra ten years of quality life by making a commitment to eat 75% whole live and organic foods.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

Here's to a Healthy You, Ellen Valentine - 17268

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What is a Healing Crisis?

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Often misunderstood, because of the way most people interpret feeling bad, is the way the body seeks to heal and add quality years to the particular person involved. Termed the Healing Crisis, it is the bodys attempt to throw off toxicity and get the rest imperative for healing.

A healing crisis can be as simple as a cold or influenza. As bad as they sometimes feel, crises definitely slow a person down and force at least some needed rest. It can be safely said that many supposed flu-like symptoms are really food poisoning, especially if the person eats at fast food places regularly.

During anytime of healing, even in the case of serious illnesses, cleansing the body with organic juicing or supervised water fasting (not recommended without support) colon hydro-therapy or other safe, time tested and success proven methods are suggested to work along with the natural process of the body.

Healing crises occur naturally throughout a person's life. Some person's experience colds and flu more simply because they can use the clean out. Sometimes a cleanse may be prompted by a new healthier eating regime; and even this type of cleanse should be regarded as sacred time out, with rest and nurturing.

The alternative to surrendering to a healing crisis, and many ill-advised people take this road, is to medicate the symptoms and get back to their current project or work. It is good to remember when tempted to take this course that the healing crisis may not feel great; however, it can add years to life when supported. Also good to remember is that medication and non-rest is called suppression. It is suppression of the bodys higher infinite intelligence, which after time will stop giving messages to that particular body.

Why must it feel so bad? Many people dont have the tolerance for feeling badly. It can feel better to suppress messages and healing processes rather than accept opportunities to throw off toxicity. The majority of society feels that way; and, it becomes their mindset because of the messages sent via television, pharmaceutical companies and certain parental advisement.

To be really truthful these healing crises seem to happen at the most inopportune times, like in the middle of meeting a crucial deadline. This is because the person is under some serious stress which taxes the immune system.

The healing crisis can feel like the flu with headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing with expectoration, skin eruptions and lethargy. The body does this occasionally in an attempt to clean out. The alternative to resting and working with the body is to stop the process, which will only suppress the toxic material in the body.

What to do if you are in a crisis and you make the smart decision to go with the flow and support your body? Take as much rest as possible. Buy or use your juicer. Drink at least a quart of fresh juice a day. Get a book that gives you juice recommendations. Eat only food that has a natural earth color; in other words, no fast food, nothing white, no dairy and no meat, no breads. If you have to work, use as much emotional detachment as possible. You can still go home and go right to bed. Eat sparingly and get lots of fresh juices and pure water.

The above are easy and inexpensive alternatives to staying sick or suppression through medication. If youre a bit more ambitious you can get colonics, delve into traditional uses of herbal combinations, see a naturopath, get body work and join an on-line or local community support group.

A healing crisis will only last a certain amount of time. The body in its infinitely programmed wisdom will build up strength then for the next detox. If you are recovering from cancer or other life threatening illness, plan on healing and cleansing naturally several times a year, stay on your food regime and find a nutritional and naturopathic accountability coach. You will need to do this for support.

If you are under a doctors care for any life threatening illness you should ask for assistance in determining the difference between normal body healing and an acute but life threatening attack. Interesting and notable it is not entirely possible to heal from a chronic condition without nutrition and lifestyle changes. Healing is really a spiritual journey.

The High Intelligence within each body is such a miracle and should not be dulled or minimized, cannot be quantified in absolute terms and can be trusted. It is your gift to be well and get well naturally. Rely on your own judgment in this regard and take back control of your body. Making your own decisions and trusting your body is the first part of healing from within.

Take Care of Yourself You Deserve It, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 17268

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The Mental Side Of Losing Arm Flab

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

For the most part, diet and exercise are not what holds women back from reaching their "lose arm flab" goal. The truth is that diet and exercise are actually the least important aspects of reaching sexy arm stardom!

In reality, there is so much information on diet and exercise floating around, that any woman could gain an insane amount of knowledge on the topics.

But most women do NOT know how to stick to said programs for the long haul. Why? Because their thought processes haven't been optimized.

You see, a poor mental strategy will lead to massive undulations in motivation. And keeping a high level of motivation all the time is the key to sexy arm stardom. I grappled with this issue for a very long time. But I found a cure.

What was my saving grace? The one and only David Burns M.D. He wrote an excellent book which provided easy to use methods for optimizing thought processes. Central to his method, was the identification of major thought distortions.

So without further delay, here are some major things you need to look out for if you want lasting motivation when learning how to lose arm flab:

1. Pressurizing statements. These types of statements are like using a whip to motivate yourself. They may work initially, but over time they will become too painful and your motivation will fade. How do you avoid them? Avoid telling yourself that you "should" exercise or diet. Instead, tell yourself that you WANT to exercise or diet. The slight shift in wording will have a tremendous impact on you.

2. Labeling phrases. Never give yourself a label when messing up. Labels indicate that there is something internally wrong with you which is NOT the case. So don't call yourself a "loser" or a "slob." Instead, describe the situational circumstances that led to the hiccup so that you can prevent it from happening again.

3. Minimization phrases. These types of phrases can turn men into mice. Why? Because when you minimize you view yourself as being much less capable than you actually are. Never doubt your ability to reach a goal until you have actually tried.

Learning how to lose arm flab isn't just about finding the right diet or exercise program. It's also about finding the right mental program. And with the above thought distortions in mind, your mental game will be as solid as a rock. Good luck! - 17268

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Why It Makes Sense to Walk Instead of Drive

By Margo Lemon

I was pretty bummed about the idea of having to give up my car when I moved to a city. Then again, there was a hidden benefit that I never realized existed. People here are slimmer.

The logic of it didn't really add up, because there are plenty of restaurants serving greasy food, and plenty of patrons inside these places. People can't play sports as often here either. Why was this happening then?

What I came to realize is that this is all most likely a result of the fact that people tend to walk here as a means of getting from place to place. Compare this to the rest of the driving world, and one group of people is burning more calories every day.

We don't think of it as much, but it all adds up over the course of a full day. People will happily walk 15 blocks to work, or 3 blocks away to the nearest convenience store. In a regular situation, one would likely drive this distance.

While it's more convenient to drive, the walker has burned calories in the process, not to mention the fact that such physical activity is always a good means of staying in shape.

A 15 minute walk at a regular pace could likely burn somewhere around 50 calories. Someone who walks both ways could easily burn 100 calories in the process.

That's over nearly the equivalent of running a mile at a pretty aggressive pace. You'd have to think that someone who ran a mile per day would be in pretty good physical condition, wouldn't you?

Some people have short attention spans and may have difficulty walking instead of driving. Replace your car radio with an MP3 player and some headphones, or make a phone call to keep you occupied as you walk.

This is a small suggestion, but one that can make a world of difference if you begin walking on a daily basis. Try it out for a few months and there's a very good chance that you'll have some great results to show for it. - 17268

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Why Stubborn Fat Loss is All a Matter of Making Intelligent Nutritional Choices

By Josh Wintrop

When you walk into a restaurant, you are assaulted with the heavenly scents of fantastic foods cooking, but those foods are not healthy choices and they are often huge servings. Yet you choose to make your own meals at home, while you know how to stock the healthy food into your cupboards and refrigerator, you may not know how to turn those ingredients into amazing and tempting meals. You must also keep your diet in mind. You may be following a calorie counting program, in which you need to know how to add up the calorie content of what you are preparing.

Therefore, you must find a fat loss program that will actually teach you how to make intelligent dining choices for fat loss and health. You may be wondering where to find such information.

The first step is to choose a weight loss program that will focus on fat, rather than water weight. You may be wondering exactly what this means. Basically, you want a diet plan that will effectively burn fat, no suddenly show a drop on the scale.

Many times, when a diet program shows a quick drop in pounds, it's just water weight that is being shed and not fat. Fat takes longer to lose, but the results will stick around much longer. When using a weight loss program that yields very fast results, you may also find that you are actually losing lean muscle.

Let's look at a program that promises rapid weight loss and compare it to a plan that involves more gradual weight loss with a focus on losing fat. There is a distinct advantage to choosing the latter method to lose the extra weight you have accumulated, as you will restructure the way you eat and obtain long-term weight loss results.

Any effective, healthy weight loss program will teach you about food and how to make healthy decisions. There are many fad diets being promoted that may help you lose weight fast, but the results are short-term and the weight will return. These programs do not address actual eating habits, and so the results will only stay as long as you maintain the grueling diet.

However, a god weight loss program will teach you that instead of three square meals a day, you should have four smaller meals a day to prevent overeating. The more frequent meals will also boost your metabolism throughout the day, helping your body burn fat.

While many programs say to count calories, it is far more effective to watch the carbohydrates you are consuming and the protein. And it is always important to be sure you are drinking as much water as you can throughout the day, while also cutting back on sweets, and to eat only until you are satisfied, rather than until you feel completely full.

It becomes clear that it is much easier to stick with a weight loss plan when the guidelines are very simple. Getting regular exercise and making wise food choices when it come to eating will ensure that your fitness goals are met in a timely manner. - 17268

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Muscle Improvement Benefits - Not Only For Men

By Amelinda Nunez

Women who are interested in fit slim and anorexic bodies won?t even think about looking at the sides of wholesome exercise. Yet again, muscle gain is not only meant for people who sought to have muscles but also for those who sought to preserve a wholesome lifestyle. Living is not only eating right and achieving the well sleep hours. You have to make your body work in order to get stronger and amplify your body?s circulating condition.

In this day and age, there are loads of women who go interested in body building to achieve a body that is recognizable in the company of the masses. Furthermore, bodybuilding can give to a more optimistic energy. It gets rid of negative aspects of work and stress and changes it with a rejuvenating feeling. Really, there are no bad effects if you tighten up those muscles every once in a while. By and large, individuals wanted to exert muscle growth in order to expansion, lose and increase. What are the separate reasons why women wanted to get interested in bodybuilding?

Reason # 1 - Burn up excessive fats: For women who weigh more than they should, bodybuilding is a way to reduce the fats in their body. This will reduce their chances of getting diseases and disorders like liver problems and heart problems which is the end product of being obese or eating unhealthy. A number of women who are doing well in burning fats are likely to produce muscles that are also dominant in men. And since men have an increased level of testosterone, it is estimated that they would have the increased mass of muscles as opposed to women. Women, conversely, are toned easier.

Reason # 2 - Contest purposes: For women who are into bodybuilding, one of the major reasons why they wanted to gain muscles is to join in bodybuilding competitions. By winning in competitions like these, women challenged and simultaneously are satisfied with themselves. For athletes, being thin is not an preference because it is only relevant to models that want to continue flesh and bones just to remain in the business.

In order to comprehend your goals, you have to set them up. If you choose to get into competitions, you have to lay out your plans that are suitable in achieving your object. Your objective is to size up which means that you have to go into painstaking sculpturing of your body. Your food intake must be at a limit and calories should be maximized in order to give your body extra energy for muscles to develop.

Bodybuilding has turned out to be popular for women because of the individual benefits that they expect to achieve. Weight lifting has also become popular. In order to be in shape in all aspects, one ought to initially practice exercising different parts of the body so that it won?t strain the body. Shortly, you will notice how your body can get used to to the exercises.

When you have reached the desired body, all you have to do is maintain it. It is also imperative that one introduces diverse exercises in order to let your body undergo other exercises and let your body tone even more. With these benefits, there are many more women getting passionate about muscle gain and many even sponsor the trend in order to maintain muscle strengthening and growth. - 17268

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Effects of Alcohol on Muscle Building

By Homaide Germaico

Alcohol is a major barrier in the way of accomplishing a charismatically brawny build. It has a great influence in the development of a muscular body. It certainly brings a considerable decline during the process of muscle building. So, the use of alcohol should be evaded or else it should be driven down to a significant level.

Research has shown that diet plays the most important role in the muscle building process. Strict diet plans should be followed with clearly marking the diet you should avoid and the diet you should take. Alcohol definitely should always be avoided for the disadvantages that it carries. Its avoidance is mandatory for people looking to enhance their muscles. Otherwise, it can be absolutely lethal for the muscle building process.

Unawareness about the disadvantages of alcohol has created many problems for the people. Most of them are not fully aware of the exact dangers of alcohol. It should be avoided before the situation gets beyond our control. Moreover, for achieving a truly in-shape body, alcohol avoidance is a must.

There is some information mentioned below that how alcohol can impact the muscle building process.

1.Damaging Impression upon Protein Manufacture: The course of amalgamation of amino acids that brings about the production of protein is termed as protein synthesis. The excessive use of alcohol badly drives it down and brings it to about 20%. As we're aware that the human muscles are a combination of proteins, so it is indeed a great drawback in this process.

2.Disturbance in hormones level: Use of alcohol also affects the hormones and this will create enormous trouble in a person. Hormonal imbalance will create problem in muscle building process. As our muscle building process is dependent on the level of testosterone and estrogen so disturbance in these hormones will not give us any good results.

3.Shortage of water in body: Water plays an important part in the muscle building process. Research proves that about 70% of water makes up a muscle. Hence, even minor lack of fluids can be terrible. Alcohol can cause dehydration within the body so this is another bad impact of alcohol in the way to build muscle.

4.Diminishes Vitamins and minerals: Utilization of alcohol washes out a lot desirable amount of Vitamins and minerals from the body. They both are considered as the strength of character in the development and preservation of muscles. In addition, they also assist various functions of human body. As we have shortage of vitamins and minerals we will not be able to build muscle as we desire.

5.Accumulate Fats in the Body: Alcohol intake is a huge obstacle in burning fats in the body by disturbing the Krebs's cycle. So, it should always be avoided under all circumstances especially by people looking to build muscles. - 17268

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Warning - Read This Now Before You Buy Pure Noni Juice!

By Nathan Marks

When you see the phrase pure noni juice, it means that this is noni juice which has not been blended with other juices and does not have any added sugar, flavorings or preservatives.

There are some people who think that to be pure noni juice, the product should also be unpasteurized, though for the sake of safety, the vast majority of noni juice products you find in the US are pasteurized. Most (but not all) products sold as pure noni juice are made from organically grown noni fruit which has been fermented and aged for somewhere between three and six months. This natural fermentation and aging process results in a pure, concentrated noni juice which provides all of the health benefits of the fruit.

Not all pure noni juice products are equal in quality. Depending on how ripe the noni fruit were when picked, the juice may vary in nutritional content, flavor and other factors. If noni has been harvested too early, then the fruit will not ferment as readily as noni picked at the peak of maturity and as such will contain significantly lower levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

It's important to know this since some pure noni juice manufacturers may harvest the fruit too early resulting in a sub-standard product. Remember the aging process for noni can be as long as 3 to 6 months and basically the longer it is allowed to ferment the more concentrated the final product will be.

One other thing that consumers need to be aware of is that not all products labeled as pure noni juice are in fact what they claim to be. These products may have only noni pulp or even just a noni extract which has been mixed with other types of juice; it may look like pure noni juice, but these products are anything but.

So in order to be certain that you are buying the purest product available be sure to read the label very carefully. Check to see whether it contains only noni juice and as such is not blended with other fruit juices.

Also, another indication of quality is to check and see where the juice you are purchasing originated. The best places are the Hawaiian islands of Maui, Molokai, Kauai and Oahu as well as the Marquesas Islands and also Tahiti. This is because the best quality noni grows in the silica rich volcanic soils which abound in these locations. For health and safety reasons too, you want to make sure that the pure noni juice you buy has been pasteurized.

Since FDA regulations over these products are not as strict as they are for many other foods and beverages, it's up to you to look at the label carefully to make sure that you're getting what you pay for. If you really want to be sure that you're getting pure noni juice which is of the highest quality, you can try making your own. All you need to do is to purchase fresh noni fruit and put it in a bowl to ferment. Juice will seep out of the fruit as it ages, which you then simply collect. If you want to make your own pure noni juice, try to find organic noni fruit if you can.

Ultimately, it's up to you to make sure that you're buying juice which is really pure noni juice and not something which contains just a minuscule amount of noni. Read labels and purchase only pure noni juice products - only these will give you the full array of health benefits which this juice provides. - 17268

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Tips For Choosing A Personal Trainer

By Analeah Moore

The great thing about personal fitness trainers is that their training prepares them to assist others in realizing their personal fitness goals. The first step is to fill out a medical questionnaire with a personal trainer so that he can complete a fitness evaluation before beginning an exercise routine. Besides the establishment of goals, evaluating previous injuries and sporting experiences, and assessing current levels of activity, this questionnaire also serves as a tool for risk assessment. If the client does not pass this initial assessment, it will be necessary to obtain a physician's release prior to beginning a fitness plan.

Next you will need to complete a fitness assessment requiring you to do a series of exercises that will assist you in the establishment of your present weaknesses and strengths. An exercise plan will be developed by your trainer utilizing your goals, time frame, and identified strengths and weaknesses. This is accomplished by taking measurements of the body including the folds of the skin, your weight, and how tall you are, and taking your age, flexibility, and posture into account so your progress can be tracked to determine if your exercise program is working.

Keeping a detailed food diary throughout the program is necessary so the trainer can analyse your diet. Because trainers have expertise in nutrition and diet, you will learn from them if your diet is not healthy, and they can provide information on healthy choices for you.

You should be certain that any fitness trainer you employ is both certified and covered by insurance. The ideal method for doing this is asking them to give you the number and expiration date for their fitness association membership, and if it is current they probably are insured and have the standard First Aid Level 2 certification. If you want to verify their credentials then you can contact the fitness association they are registered with.

With luck, this article has been of help to you, and meanwhile I hope you will be able to find the ideal personal trainer to assist you. - 17268

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