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Sunday, September 6, 2009

HCG and Exercise

By Amelia Handley

Everyone's heard it...if you exercise and east less you'll lose weight. It seems so logical and it seems so easy. But what about those who have a hard time accomplishing this simple directive. What about those who turn to popular diet plans that discourage exercise? For instance, the HCG diet strongly discourages dieters from exercising while on the plan.

Eliza G., a successful HCG Diet Direct dieter, explained, "I was bothered when I realized that I'd have to stop my exercise program, but as soon as the pounds started to fall off I couldn't care less. I lost 6 pounds the first week and when it was all said and done I'd lost 23. It was amazing."

The way the HCG works is that it stimulates the Hypothalamus to make the body feel full. This makes it possible for the body to function at normal levels while on the very limited 500 calorie diet. It does not make it possible for the body to function at very high activity levels on the very limited, 500 calorie diet.

Dieters who insist on sticking to their exercise program while navigating the HCG diet meet with lowered levels of success. The intense workout inhibits their weight loss. As a compromise, we suggest incorporating a 20 minute walk into your daily routine in exchange of the intense workout. This way you can still enjoy the drastic weight loss offered by the program. Intense exercise will increase your hunger; a basic no, no when on a low calorie diet.

And intense exercise will often cause the dieter to go into starvation mode. The body will start holding on to the fat instead of letting it to. It also lowers your endurance, your stamina and your ability to stay committed to the program.

HCG dieters who were upset by the lack of exercise incorporated in the program eventually realized that the weight loss and fat loss were worth the lack of exercise. When they got back to the gym they had better work outs than ever before. The weight loss leaves you with more energy and you'll feel the effects of a more healthy weight as you pick up your exercise regime where you left off. - 17268

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4 Cons Of High Carbohydrate Dieting And Losing Arm Flab

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Figuring the right nutritional approach for losing arm flab can be like finding a needle in a haystack. How so? Because with all the marketing campaigns out there the truth has been hidden amongst all the falsehoods.

I'm pretty sure you're having a challenge finding the perfect diet

If so, you're not alone. I suspect that most women are utterly lost when it comes to solid nutrition for arm flab loss. I know I was.

Thus, here is why you shouldn't go high carb to lose arm fat:

1. Sugar overdose. Being around lots of carbs means being around lots of sugar in one form or another. And if you have a sugar addiction you should definitely stay away from high carb eating. After all, once you start having sugar it will be very hard to stop.

2. Can increase insulin resistance. The research has shown time and again that those with insulin resistance do far better with lower carb diets. So if you're insulin resistant, high carb dieting is not for you.

3. Massive hunger spikes. If you do not eat a LARGE amount of vegetables when going high carb expect some major hunger swings. Why? Because carbs will drive your blood sugar levels up and then down.

4. Very slow arm flab loss. If you want toned arms now and not later, then this diet is not for you. With high carb intakes, weight loss comes at a slow crawl.

Do you want to lose that arm flab ASAP? If so, high carb is not for you. In my experience, moderate to low carb intakes are best. Going low carb, however, isn't necessary unless you are insulin resistant. How can you tell? If you have a relatively large abdomen, then you could be insulin resistant. Ignore all the marketing hype and stick to what has been proven by research. Only then will you achieve sexy arm success! - 17268

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Guide To Pregnancy Diets

By Janine Rose Morley

Pregnancy and eating always seem to go together. After all, I am fairly certain that the phrase Eating for two is written in hieroglyphics somewhere in the Ancient Persia. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital to you and your baby. At the same time, you may not want to gain more weight than you need to. Although there are worse things to worry about, you do not want to focus on dieting with a newborn to take care of. How to maintain proper pregnancy weight? Follow these diet guidelines.

After all, I am fairly certain that the phrase Eating for two is written in hieroglyphics somewhere in the Ancient Persia. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital to you and your baby. At the same time, you may not want to gain more weight than you need to. Although there are worse things to worry about, you do not want to focus on dieting with a newborn to take care of. How to maintain proper pregnancy weight? Follow these diet guidelines.

Pregnant or not, you should be limiting fat to 30% of your calorie intake. This is especially true when you are pregnant. Check labels and avoid fatty meals. Low fat milk will cover your dairy needs just as good as whole milk. Sweets are not part of the pregnancy diet either, sorry.

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? You should expect to gain about 25 pounds. Whatever you do, do not try to lose weight during pregnancy. This can put your child at risk. If you are already worried about your weight before pregnancy, you can limit your weight gain. As always, consult your doctor and research a reputable guide to pregnancy diets. The pregnancy diet is clearly not for men. (Although in this day and age that could change sometime)... Who knows what the men in their white coats are up to ?

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? You should expect to gain about 25 pounds. Whatever you do, do not try to lose weight during pregnancy. This can put your child at risk. If you are already worried about your weight before pregnancy, you can limit your weight gain. As always, consult your doctor.

There are other foods to stay away from during pregnancy. Seafood that is known to be high in mercury, such as swordfish, must be avoided. Imitation sweeteners should also be avoided. Any foods that are a source of possible bacteria, such as raw meat, eggs, or certain cheeses should not be in your diet. What must also be taken in to account that a pregnancy diet that is aimed at your babies wellbeing is not a weight loss plan, but more accurately a way of eating properly for the benefit of yourself and your unborn baby while pregnant.

A well researched guide to pregnancy diets will ask how many extra calories should you add to your diet during pregnancy?. Your calorie count should rise by roughly 300 during the second trimester and 500 during the last trimester. Staying inside these guidelines should keep your weight gain under control. The above information should keep you allow you to stay healthy, fit, and as comfortable as feasible during your pregnancy. Make certain you keep these in mind when creating your proper pregnancy diet. - 17268

DDR: Dancing Game That Helps You Lose Weight

By Mitch Hawkins

There are quite a number of people struggling with their weight loss program. Most of the time, these people get bored and sick with doing the same routines over and over. Not only that, majority of these exercise routines and weight loss routines are very demanding with your food and fluid intake. In addition, most of these programs require the exertion of lot of effort, whether mental, physical or emotional.

Boredom is one of the major reasons why people give up and quit their weight loss routines. The lack of motivation is also one factor. Simply put, people who really enjoy what they are doing are the ones who succeed, even if they are on a diet or losing they weight.

For some people, losing weight and having fun while doing it can be found in a video game. Dance Dance revolution, a phenomenal video game, has become a household name for people who want to shed their pounds off their bodies. People literally dance to the game and burn fat in the process.

But what is Dance Dance Revolution and how does this game work? Is it really effective as most people say? What are the benefits aside from the probable loss of pounds? These are some of the queries that will be answered as you read on.

Dance Dance Revolution, or commonly referred to as DDR, is one of the most-played PlayStation video games all over the world. Unlike traditional video games however, players are to dance on a special mat called the Dance Pad in order to play the game. The Dance Pad is a PS equipment shaped like a square containing nine squares. Each square represents a button of the PS controller / joystick. The dance pad is then connected to the controller slot of the PS console.

Playing the game is relatively easy. All you have to do is just step on the square that matches the button on your screen. Correct timing and square wins you points. As the game progresses, the steps become complicated and the routines are complex. But that what makes it so appealing and addicting.

DDR is not just another video game off the block. People have actually lost pounds because they really enjoy playing this game and do not see it as a weight loss program. As an effective weight loss program, every people yearning to lose their pounds should try DDR. - 17268

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Food Intolerances

By Charlie Monaghan Carter

If you are among the ever-growing percentage of the worlds population that suffer from food intolerances, then you will be face with the task of restricting your diet.

If you have a fairly common allergy or intolerance such as dairy or gluten, then finding foods that are dairy or gluten free isnt too difficult, its when the intolerances get more intricate and uncommon that they become a problem. Also, another big problem for people with food intolerances is eating out at a restaurant for example. A lot of the time, chefs will not understand the implications of a given food on a person with intolerances.

A well-intentioned chef may sometimes put a little flour into a sauce to thicken it up, believing that such a small amount will not trigger the intolerance. If the person does not seize up and start choking there and then, they believe all is well and the trace of flour went unnoticed. However it is not until the food is digested that the intolerance takes effect around an hour after its consumed, and then the effects can last for several days.

This makes eating out very difficult for people with food intolerances and its not always easy or possible to give a chef a list of foods to avoid putting into your meal, and you will notice that eating out starts to become something of a gamble and the more foods you are intolerant to, the higher risk the gamble becomes as its more likely that you will eat something that will upset you. Sooner or later, people may realise that its hard to find good food that doesnt contain any of the common foodstuffs people are intolerant to, so dont be surprised if the amount of dinner invitations drop as people tire of trying to accommodate you.

It is very important that you avoid all foods that you have developed an intolerance to. This is to allow your body a chance to recover from the trauma of dealing with the food stuffs. It is tiring for your organs to process these foods so the fewer you present to it the better for you. Sometimes as you change your diet away from the foods that upset you to newer foods, you will find that due to you eating more of the new foods that you then develop an intolerance to those foods too.

This can and does happen so its important to keep track of what you eat and try to eat as many different foods as possible. Most of the time that thought doesnt appeal to people with intolerances because the wider range of foods they eat, the more likely they are to eat something that upsets them, however if you choose a few foods that you are ok with, and stick to them, you could end up intolerant to them as well, so maintaining a wide diet is important. - 17268

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Electric Ice Cream Makers 8 Simple Reasons We Should All Be Making Our Own Ice Cream

By Mia Kane

I have spent many years making my own ice cream. For my friends when I was at college, and now for my friends, family and kids. I am always asked why? and lots of other questions about making ice cream at home. So now I have put all my reasons together. This is why I make my own ice cream and why I tell everyone that they should also.

1. As a family, we eat ice cream regularly. Not just in the warm summer months, but throughout the year. It's not cheap to buy, as you will know. But when you add it up over a month or a year, well I was surprised at how much I was paying out, too much. When I make my own, I keep cost in mind, I can make it cheaper, with no loss of quality or taste.

2. It was when I had my family that I first started to think about the planet and being green, for them and their kids. So whilst I am no paragon of virtue on that front, I try little things. With my home made ice cream, I am not paying for ice cream to have needlessly travelled around the country to my table, and I am not paying for those fancy useless packaging tubs and cartons. So I guess it does help me feel a little better.

3. By making my own, I get to know and decide what goes into it. No preservatives or additives. The kids get less high and I'm not worried that I am filling them up on crap.

4. These days I seem to know a few people with allergies etc, I can easily make ice cream to accommodate them, I just leave out what they are allergic to.

5. I'm never stuck for something to bring to a friends for dinner. I usually make up a batch specially to bring along for dessert.

6. I get the kids involved too. They love it and sometimes bring their friends over especially to make ice cream. It's great on a rainy day when they are hanging around the house looking for trouble.

7. For me it can be a great way of getting in some sneaky nutrients into their diet. They love fruit on their ice cream in funny shapes, I sprinkle nuts over it, and I even sprinkle oats on it sometimes.

8. I try most of the time to make it lower fat than you buy. I use half and half or light cream instead. Great for the kids, but helps me and my diet out too.

There it is. My ice cream tastes great. Looks wonderful and costs less. I hope you start making yours too. It really is so much more rewarding than buying it. - 17268

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How the South Beach Diet Work?

By Jesse Regan

A brief explanation on the South Beach diet will make the impression that it is not effective. The kinds of food and the schedule of eating allowed will give the impression that it is not a diet plan at all. In fact, anyone who wishes to lose weight would want it more than any other scheme. The South Beach diet is one that produces great results but does not put a heavy toll on the dieter. It does not abruptly deprive someone of his cravings but it could still give him the weight-loss desired in a gradual and painless manner.

With a South Beach diet, you do not ever go hungry but you do have to keep away from food loaded with starch and sugar. You can still eat anything else without them though. It is because carbohydrates from starch make the blood sugar to shoot up. Then it falls just as quick to make you terribly weak and starving. You can just eat more than you should and gain more weight in the process.

With 3 phases to undergo, a person on a South Beach diet will not have to miss a single meal at all. He actually trains his appetite to cease craving for those with high carbohydrate and fat content. In the process, he learns the habit of eating only those that are fit for a healthy and lean body. With fewer cravings and with a low carbohydrate diet, the body burns fat faster. This is how the South Beach diet works almost effortlessly for the dieter.

You will fall in love with a South Beach diet at first sight. The initial phase allows you to continue eating three main meals a day for fourteen days. You can even take your regular snacks if you want to. You just have to make sure that not anything with starch like pastries and rice are part of the menu. Unconsciously, you are training yourself to carbohydrate-less meals. However, you are also not permitted to drink anything with alcohol.

The second phase is even kinder to your whims. At this stage, you are allowed to try a little of bread, cakes, and even chocolate and wine. You would, however, only find out that you no longer have the usual taste for these kinds of food after the two weeks of the first phase. While experiencing a significant weight loss, you will be amazed at the eating habits will have, one that is no longer craving for carbohydrates and sweets.

The third phase is actually the beginning of a healthy and fitness-conscious life. Unlike the first two phases, this one has no timeframe. By this time, he has already the desired weight as a result. The dieter would actually no longer effort of limiting food since it has become his lifestyle. With eating habits totally transformed, he is assured of a healthy body for the rest of his life. You just heard one great example of valuable information about healthy diet respites . - 17268

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Easy Ways To Maintain Your Colon Health

By Vincent Roumou

The colon is a part of the body that has been getting an increased amount of attention lately. People are concerned with the numbers of people that are being hit with colon cancer and want to know how they can keep the colon health that they have at its best.

With the rising cases of colon cancer and other diseases that affect the colon, this comes as no surprise. There are things that people can do to avoid being afflicted by any of the many colon diseases that are around. They are very simple things, and many are what we do on a daily basis.

First though, you need to know what the colon does with regards to the human body. The colon's function is to remove all of the bad things from our bodies. This is a very important job that they have,

If the colon does not get rid of these things and they remain trapped in the body it can have some very serious implications for a person. Some of these just make us feel uncomfortable, like constipation and bloating, while others can be far more devastating, even deadly.

There are several ways that people can make sure that their colon is cleansed out so that they have the best colon health that they can. Eating a well balanced diet is one of the easiest ones that a person can do. Making sure that you limit the amount of fatty foods that you ingest is very important. Also by eating a fiber rich diet it can help to ensure that toxins that are in the colon get expelled.

Drinking a lot of water is another easy way for people to keep their colon working optimally. Water is known for flushing the body out, and it is by doing this that it can help benefit the colon. Both of these things are easy for a person to do and do not cost a lot of money.

Lastly, make sure that you keep in touch with your doctor. They can advise you on other things that you may be able to do to keep your colon health at its best. They also will know when special tests may be necessary. - 17268

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The Facts About ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) Reconstruction

By Dr. Richard Edelson

A tear in the anterior cruciate ligament can be very painful to your knee. If this happens, you will probably be considered as a candidate for ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstructive surgery. In this operation, your torn or damaged tissue will be replaced with new tissue.

You may wonder where this tissue will come from. There are a couple of ways to get tissue for an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction. One way is to take the tissue from the patients body. This is called an autograft. The tissue is usually taken from the hamstring or the patellar tendon. This is the tendon at the front of the knee.

You may also receive tissue that has been taken from a cadaver (dead person). This is called an allograft.

There are good and bad points about each choice. Your surgeon will talk with you about the options and help you decide which would work best in your situation.

Arthroscopy is usually used when performing ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction. In this type of surgery, a small incision called a poke-hole is created to allow the surgeon to insert a very small camera into the knee. This lets the surgeon see the condition of the interior of your knee.

The surgeon will not only look at the damage that is scheduled for surgery. He or she will also troubleshoot and deal with any other damage that may be present at the time of your surgery.

Several types of anesthesia are used for arthroscopic knee surgery, but you will probably receive general anesthetic. This will allow you to sleep during the surgery. While you are sleeping, your surgeon will replace your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).

Click here for more on ACL Reconstructive Surgery.

Small incisions will be made around your knee so that your surgeon can get your new ligaments into just the right places. A bone shaver or other instrument will be used to remove your damaged ligament. If you will be using your own tissues to replace the damaged tissues, your surgeon will make a larger incision in order to access it.

Your surgeon will create bone tunnels to be used in placing the new ligament in the exact location of the old ligament. Once the bone tunnel is in place, your new ligament will be positioned and attached to the bone with screws or some other form of fastener. This will hold the ligament in its proper place. At the end of surgery, your surgeon will close your incisions and apply a bandage.

One advantage of arthroscopy is that your surgeon can create a complete and accurate video record of the procedure and review it with you afterwards. You will be able to watch the surgery on a video monitor and talk with the surgeon about any questions or concerns you may have.

If you have unstable knees, pain in your knees, or your knee gives out on you unexpectedly, you may be referred for ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction. Additionally, if you are simply unable to play sports and/or participate in ADL (activities of daily living), ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction may be the answer for you.

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks involved. Excessive bleeding, nerve damage and infection occasionally occur. Patients also report weak knees and pain and stiffness in the knees. Sometimes, the surgery does not resolve the symptoms. Occasionally, the ligament does not heal. - 17268

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The Best Personal Trainer in Washington, DC Customizes Your Program

By Josef Brandenburg

Can you still recall what transpired on Day One of your weight loss program with your supposed best personal trainer in Washington, DC? I sure can! I was asked to hop on a treadmill and jog for as long as I can until I wracked my nerves out. I'm not sure if this is popular practice, but I'm pretty sure that this is the wrong way to steal peoples money.

How come?

Only a few smart individuals are aware that these kinds of workouts can never be successful.

Now lets look at the various reasons why these training programs should be designed based on individual needs. Individuals should be smart and educated enough to escape from the jaws of attractive marketing strategies.

Reason #1: What are baseline evaluations for?

Those claiming to be the best personal trainer in Washington, DC who tells you to do a random workout on the first day without establishing complete baseline information of you, is nothing but a rip-off. You need ample information before you can prescribe the most effective exercise for clients.

The first step in a successful weight loss program is to collect information related to body mass, ailments if any, pre medical history and health conditions of the individual. This information accompanied with the food and eating habits if the individual helps in designing a suitable weight loss program. What the individual wants, his time limitations and his difficulties also need to be considered. Later, several medical and physical tests need to be done to determine the stamina and adaptability of individual.

This important information is the backbone of a good program. Baseline evaluation exists because effective weight loss exercises need to be customized.

Reason #2: Progress plateaus are real

With random workouts, you often go through periods when progress stops for a while.

This is a very common phenomenon and most experienced trainers are aware of this. They feel that the best solution for this problem is to take up a weight loss program that is customized.

Reason #3: Customized programs fit individual requirements and body type

Have you ever wondered why most weight watchers end up cheating or not committing to their program? The answer is, either they find their program too boring or too strenuous for them.

A tailored program will fit a clients character, availability for exercise, present physical flexibility and coordination, all based on the baseline assessment. This will make it easier for a client to stay committed of the program and effectively lose weight at the same time!

Only the top personal trainers in Washington, DC realize the importance of customized programs as a key for achieving a sleek and slender body which their clients long for. - 17268

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5 Awful Types Of Protein To Stay Away From When Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Protein is essential for any effective arm toning program. It plays so many important roles in the female body that close attention has to be given to its management. After all, a lack of protein quality and quantity will set back your sexy arm mission by leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately, not all sources of protein are beneficial.

In fact, there are certain kinds of protein that can seriously damage your health over the long run. So here are 5 terrible sources of protein for flabby arms that you should stay away from like the plague:

1. Farmed salmon. The research is clear here: farmed salmon has significant amounts of toxins and carcinogens. Although more expensive, you should stick to wild salmon for long-term health.

2. Protein that has been deep fried. Not only is the fat on the protein bad for you, but so are the fumes. In fact, inhaling fumes while frying meat increases rates of lung cancer.

3. Blackened protein. Cooking something till the point that it's blackened may taste good, but it's very very bad for you. Consistent research has shown that blackening meats increases cancer rates. So lightly cook or steam your food, but don't overdo it.

4. Red meat with high fat content. Red meat has a bad reputation. But it's not the red meat that's bad for you, it's the saturated fat within the red meat that causes the damage. If possible, stick to grass fed sources of meat. They will be higher in omega-3 fats and lower in saturated fat.

5. Thin-sliced deli cuts. The convenience of deli cut meats is cancelled out by nitrates. What do nitrates do? Increase rates of colon cancer. Not good. So stick with natural sources of protein and avoid highly processed protein like deli cuts.

Toning flabby arms should not include risks to your health. So make sure you stick to clean and natural sources of protein. And by avoiding the above types of protein you'll be much more healthier during your sexy arm journey. - 17268

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The Right Fruit Will Provide Your Body With Top Results

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Harvested deep within the South American rain forest lies a powerfully nutritious super food. It comes from a special palm tree who's tiny purple fruit holds the sustainability of life's pure energy.

Acai fruit is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. It was classified as the #1 super food by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a dermatologist who has written several books on weight loss and maintaining a youthful appearance.

Acai fruit contains:

Enough antioxidant concentration to help fight premature aging and more than 10 times more than red grapes and 30 times more than red wine.

A nearly perfect vital amino acid complex combined with important trace minerals, both critical to proper muscle contraction and regeneration

The perfect blend of healthy fats, fiber for your diet, and nutrients that help lower cholesterol help promote that digestive system

Antioxidants have long been known to be an essential part of any diet. Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals

Harmful substances such as radicals are produced when the body breaks down food. the toxins can also be found in tobacco smoke as well as the water we drink. As these harmful free radicals enter our body, they can create problems such as cancer, heart disease, and other types of serious health ailments.

The acai fruit's antioxidants help restore health and fight off future diseases. The vitamins in the acai fruit contain as much protein as an egg.

The fatty acid content in the acai fruit is similar to that of olive oil. It is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid aids omega-3 fish oils in penetrating the cell membrane. The blend helps keep the cell membranes supple. This allows all hormones, neurotransmitters, and insulin receptors to function more efficiently.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a strong source of food that contains all the essential nutrients the body requires then look no further than the acai fruit. Look for organic quality acai products as they have the most power. - 17268

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