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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who Else Wants a Healthy 4pm Pick Me Up - Secret Fruit Revealed

By Marcus C. Evans

It's 4pm and you are about to leave the job, but you feel so tired and deflated that you're not sure you'll have the energy to do anything when you get home. You've already been through half a pot of coffee, and you know that any more of that and you'll be in big trouble.

What you need is a natural pick me up; one that has a pleasant taste. Is there anything like that out there? Yes, there is and it is called the acai berry. There are numerous products made using the acai berry which is a natural product with a plethora of associated health benefits.

Many products are available on the market which claim to give a quick energy boost. They also claim to have all natural ingredients in these products as well. Are you really sure you are getting what you are looking for? Most product simply don't measure up and some may even be harmful to you (not what you are looking for, right). The acai is all natural and taking the world by storm one continent at a time; US, Europe and now Australia.

A delicious fruit (one you will want to try) acai products form the basis of healthy drinks and other delicious products. The acai berry is a product of the acai palm. A tree native to South America and harvested for hundreds of years. The berry itself resembles our purple grape in size and colour and tastes like a piece of chocolate covered fruit. You do like chocolate, don't you?

In South American, the acai berry provides more than 40% of the nutrients in people's diets. The people of South American use the berry in many ways. Eaten fresh, as a drink, a topping on ice cream and more.

The acai berry and acai berry products have been considered a source of quick energy by the people of South America. The berry is a bit high in fat content, so it tends to ripen very quickly. That is why it is sold as a processed powder or in a freeze-dried condition outside of the South American region. You will be able to find acai berry products in many Australian health food markets.

Acai berries have many known benefits, one of which is the amount of energy they provide. They also contain an abundance of antioxidants (more than red wine) and are natural source of sugar. In addition to all that they also have the enormous benefits of amino acids, protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Fibber, another dietary necessity, is also found in large quantities in the acai berry fruit. The berry has proven to be beneficial to skin, heart, internal functions and more. A great source of energy for any Australian seeking a natural energy boost.

The best thing you can do for yourself when faced with that late day power outage, is toss aside any thoughts of more coffee, or stopping by the fuelling station for one of those ridiculous "quick energy" drinks. Instead, have some acai berry drinks stocked in the lunch box or fridge at work, and have a good drink whenever you feel your energy wane.

Using the acai berry products will ensure high daily energy levels for you. - 17268

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Review for the Panasonic EP-3222 Massage Chair

By James Knolan

Our goal is to present a potential massage chair purchaser with an unbiased, thorough and comprehensive review of the Panasonice Real Pro Elite. We have developed a 5 category system to evaluate a massage chair. We give equal weight to each category and give 0 to 20 points rating and then add them up to present an overall score. Our categories include Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. This systematic approach forces us to a disciplined method of evaluating a massage chair to help guide anyone looking at massage chairs. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite EP-3222 shiatsu massage chair price is in the Luxury range of $4,000 to $5,000.

Warranty & Customer Service: First is how the manufacturer rates in both warranty coverage and customer service. The manufacturer needs to stand behind its product. Panasonic gives a 1 year labor, 1 year parts and 1 year in-home service as well as 1 year shipping. Panasonic puts a machine life cap of 1,000 hours of use. Panasonic gives a short warranty combined with the 1,000 hour cap (for heavy users), the warranty rates as ok. The electronics company's such as Panasonic (or Sanyo) like to sell extended warranties. Panasonic offers in-home technician service and will pay for shipping for the first year. Customer service is through your retailer. Service times vary on the service center location. Overall Rating for Panasonic warranty and customer service is 15.

Comfort & Ergonomics: Massage chair recliners should fit the body and be comfortable to site on. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite has soft padded armrests. The EP-3222 has a soft upholstered detachable head pillow to support the head. Overall, the chair is comfortable to sit in. One point of restriction is the footrest. The footrest stays at a fixed length and cannot be adjusted for taller individuals. If you are taller, then you can raise the footrest horizontal and put your legs straight through. You then miss the foot compression massage. Overall Rating for Panasonic comfort and ergonomics and customer service is 17.

Ease of Use: Massage Chair manufacturers are adding more technology and features into their chairs every year. Users need to be able to quickly, easily and intuitively understand how to use the product. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite has many advanced features as well as manual options. The main remote control has the auto programs in an easy to use location. The manual controls are located inside the side panel of the remote control. Overall, this remote is fairly intuitive. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite comes with Voice Guidance which can be helpful, but usually only in the beginning or for new users. Another good feature is Focus, which enables the user to repeat the massage that just occurred. It is a repeat function, which is great if you have an area that you want to concentrate on. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite is a 17 in Ease of Use.

Key Features: The important features of the Panasonic EP-3222 are the Swede-Atsu which is designed to replicate the techniques of a massage therapist, 33 airbags in the lower body air massage system and the back rollers cover 185 square inches. The Swede-Atsu uses rubber massage heads to replicate the stoking of the palms of the hand, pressing by the heal of the hand, and kneading with the thumbs. The expanded back coverage to 185 square inches is impressive to cover your back thoroughly. Panasonic packs a whooping 33 airbags into the Real Pro Elite. There are 3 lower body massages including Grasp, Auto and Squeeze. There are a number of impressive features included in the EP-3222. Overall Rating for the Panasonic Real Pro Elite for features is 19.

Massage Therapy: The Panasonic Real Pro Elite EP-3222 has both automatic and manual massage settings. Panasonic incorporates 4 full body automatic courses, four 14-minute Pre-Programs, and 5 massage speed settings for a total combination of 14 manual massage courses. This massage chair is endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association recognizing the many health benefits that this massage chair can provide. Endorsements aside, the massage therapy in this chair is fairly comprehensive and will not disappoint. The Panasonic Real Pro Elite is a 19 in Massage Therapy.

How does Panasonic Real Pro Elite EP-3222 rate? Overall, our rating of the Panasonic Ep-3222 is an 87/100. The remote control is easy to use, intuitive and comes with the Voice Guidance. The back and lower body massages are pretty comprehensive and effective. The warranty is a bit of a concern, since the direct factory warranty is rather short. It is possible to purchase an extended warranty, but this impacts the delivered price. If you are tall, then the footrest is an issue, since it cannot be adjusted. However, the technology used seems reliable and delivers a thorough massage. If you are looking for a shiatsu massage recliner in this category, this is definately one to seriously consider. - 17268

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Safe dog food

By Jeff Dunham

Make your dog your own version of gourmet dog good by preparing them homemade dog food. Reduce the risk of your dog eating dangerous bacteria or other substances that are sometimes found in dog food purchased in stores. Protect your pet from dangerous foods on the market, just as you protect your family from foods that have been recalled or are considered unsafe.

Dogs need to have meat, starch and vegetables for a healthy diet. You can easily create your own blend of these foods from home. Homemade dog food can be as simple as mixing beef, rice and carrots. Dogs also love to eat ground turkey. The important thing is to ensure that your homemade dog food has all three key ingredients for your dog.

Eggs and other dairy foods should also be added to your dogs food. Rice, potatoes and even pasta can be used to provide your dog with the necessary starches for their diet. Beef and ground turkey are most commonly used in recipes for homemade dog food. Liver and kidney meats provide many nutrients for your pet, not to mention a taste they will enjoy.

Lean meat is best for your dog especially if they are overweight. You do not want to use fatty meats. Dietary needs might be a little different if your dog is still a puppy. In that case, you will want to talk to their veterinarian so that you know exactly which type of meats you should use in their dog food along with any other dietary needs specific to young dogs.

Homemade dog food can be made by purchasing a book with recipes for homemade pet foods. You can also use the internet in order to locate an assortment of recipes so that you can prepare safe and healthy meals for your pet from home.

Say no to processed dog food. You can make safe and healthy food for your pet from home. It is best to talk with their veterinarian to determine your dogs dietary needs. They can help you to find the best homemade dog food recipes for your pet to ensure that they receive the safest blend of foods. - 17268

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How To Build A Personal Gym

By James

So you've made the decision to set up a personal gym in your home. Good for you! There are a lot home gyms out in the market that also doubles as a functional trainer. But what exactly makes them better than just the average home gym most people have? Well, let's find out.

Most functional home trainers are much easier to use than traditional home gyms. It's intuitive designs make them easier to figure out, as opposed to your regular home gym machines that take a lot of time to get used to.

Functional trainers significantly lower the learning curve required to adapt to a regular home gym, and also offers an assortment of charts showing several easy exercises to start you off. You can also increase the difficulty in these exercises as you progress.

Another advantage is that most functional trainers are a lot more compact than your average home gym. It makes it easier to store in closets or small spaces, which is ideal if you don't have a lot of free space, as in a condo.

Functional trainers also offer a lot more diversity compared to older, more traditional home gyms. It offers a wider array of exercises, unlike older home gyms that only lets you do regular exercises like chest presses, leg curls, etc. A functional trainer, with it's added handle and cable settings, will allow you to customize your own set and type of exercises. The different handles also allow you to work your muscles in a multitude of ways.

And best of all, functional trainers also give you a better deal for your money, compared to older, more traditional home gym models. A functional trainer may retail at just about the same price as a standard home gum, but just the fact that it is more compact and lets you do more types of exercises is ideal. You get more for your money for the same price.

So there it is, why having a more modern functional trainer is a better investment than traditional home gyms. I hope these tips will help you make better purchasing decisions next time you want to buy something at the fitness store. - 17268

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Junk food won't build muscle

By Jon Cardozo

You're probably tired of hearing this, but it never hurts to repeat an important concept. If you're serious about building large amounts of muscle, you need to increase your calories in order to give the body the necessary raw materials.

This simple formula is that you have to take in more calories than your body is currently using. If not, your body simply doesn't have the resources to add to your muscle mass.

Having said that, not just any calories will do. Don't think you can eat whatever you want and still gain large amounts of muscle. Unfortunately, you'll have to be more selective in your nutritional choices and may even have to give up some of your favorite foods.

Seriously though, did you really expect to be able to hang out at your local Baskin Robbins all day and still build muscle like crazy? Well, you need to make much healthier choices in order to get the proper food in your diet. In addition to protein, you need healthy sources of carbohydrates and fats.

Also, when you make your food choices you should think about your overall health and not just your desire to build muscle. Spending all day at a fast food restaurant will load your body up with Trans fatty acids (or hydrogenated oils). If you end up clogging your arteries, not building muscle will be the least of your problems.

You also need to be careful about the amount of sugar that you take in. So many foods today contain high fructose corn syrup, which is really just a bunch of junk that you don't need to put into your body. Immediate exercise can burn the sugar, and your body can store a small amount. However, your body has a third option, which is increasing your fat percentage.

When you eat large amounts of sugar, the third outcome is inevitable. This is because your body cannot store very much glucose at one time, and you're unlikely to burn it all off if you are using high amounts of sugar.

Try to keep in mind the big picture and stick to the best foods possible. You're trying to maximize results, and not just get by with mediocre results. - 17268

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Health Tips - Tonsils and Tonsillitis in Children

By Melinda Mahrer

Tonsils are two tissue balls located at the back of the throat. They play a vital role and are an important part of the body's infection fighting mechanism by helping to fight germs and diseases. Tonsils deal with the germs before they reach mouth, throat, or sinuses. When these infection fighters are infected by viruses or bacteria, the condition is known as tonsillitis.

The symptoms of tonsillitis are: as the time passes, eating, drinking and swallowing things become difficult. The pain can be accompanied with fever, earache and headache. The tonsils can be seen too. Just open the mouth wide open and the two masses of tissues at the either side of the throat are tonsils. They are usually dark pink in color, but when they get infected they turn red. A white or yellow coating can also be formed on the tonsils. There is an obvious change in voice as it becomes hoarser. The infected child can also develop bad breath. The infected kid can also get abdominal pain and can throw up what he eats. Tonsillitis is caused by both bacterial infection and viral infection.

When the child gets tonsillitis, the parent should give lots of fluids to drink. Smooth food should be consumed to ease the pain caused by swallowing coarse, crunchy, and hard food. Food like soups, ice creams, applesauce, and gelatin are a good option. Spicy food should also be avoided. A humidifier or cool mist vaporizer can be placed in the child's room as that will make breathing more easily. The kid must be given maximum rest and complete bed rest for at least two days is recommended. The bacteria and viruses cause tonsillitis to spread by sneezing, coughing or touching. The infected child must cover his/her mouth while coughing and sneezing. A disposable tissue can be used instead of a towel or handkerchief.

The doctor inspects the tonsils using a wooden stick known as tongue depressor, which will lower the tongue, so that the doctor can have a good look at the tonsils. After that the doctor checks the ears and nose. Heartbeat will be checked. If the doctor suspects strep, he/she will take a sample of saliva from the back of the throat using a long cotton swab, which can gag up the child a bit. After a day or two the results are received. Some doctors conduct a similar test known as rapid strep test, which give results within few minutes. Antibiotics are given when the test results come positive for strep.

If virus is the cause of infection, there is no medicine for it and instead the body is capable of fighting the virus on its own. When the tonsils infection becomes frequent and the child finds it difficult to breath because of tonsillitis, it is recommended to get the tonsils removed. But it is the last resort after all other treatments do not do the trick, because tonsils are very important to the body's immune system.

The tonsils are taken out by surgery known as tonsillectomy. After the surgery, the child won't suffer from sore throat and breathing problems anymore. The surgery won't even leave any scars. A day before the surgery, the child cannot eat or drink, to keep the child from throwing up during the operation. The operation is very short and last for only twenty minutes. Because of the anesthesia, the child won't feel a thing during the operation. And during the surgery, the tonsils are removed using an electric cautery, which is a burning tool, or a cutting tool. After the surgery, the child is given lots of fluids and after a day soft foods can also be given. - 17268

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Secrets to quick weight loss

By Casandra James

Quick Weight Loss Centers offers a comprehensive program of behavior modification and weight reduction, stabilization and maintenance that is professionally supervised for safest results and nutritionally designed to develop proper eating habits. Quick weight loss diets can be hard to find, but yet so many people are looking for that quick weight loss fix. Quick Weight Loss through exercises and then there are exercise programs, going to aerobic classes, hitting the gym, running and more.

Dieters can usually lose from five to ten pounds relatively quickly, but dieters should still be aware of their nutritional intake and not restrict themselves too much. Diet plans like the Zone and South Beach have been touted quite a lot.

Weight loss programs are available aplenty these days. Losing weight "fast" is not the way to keep it off. Acai Berry is the hottest new weight-loss product on the market today,and it's getting tremendous reviews by users and the scientific community. The Acai Berry contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that interact with each other to stimulate thermo genesis. Dietary supplements can affect the way medications work so be sure and talk to your doctor before you start using them.

Dieters who would appreciate assistance in suppressing their appetite or in resisting food cravings may enjoy a supplement that contains Hoodia Gordonii. Diets, despite their variations, all have common ground upon which each of their systems is based. Diet drink powdered formulas usually are mixed with a glass of milk and are substituted for one or more meals.

Weight loss occurs when your body mass is reduced. Weight loss medication has it's place, however there are some points you need to be aware of. Weight loss medication can be very helpful in your quest to lose weight. Weight Loss in today's times, who doesn't crave for a beautiful body that can be flaunted to others. - 17268

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Know The Role Of Herbal Remedies

By Keith Woolley

In the last century, herbal supplements are being used more as compared to other medications that are not organic. This has been so as a result of the expensive prices that are charged by pharmacies, hospitals and heath shop for the inorganic medicines. Some of these herbal products are approved by the health authorities. It is however advised to consult with a qualified physician before you can use them. A large number of these products can be used alongside other prescribed medicines. But some time should be taken with a doctor to get clear information before you can mix the herbal drugs with other medicines.

Usage of these herbal products may largely depend on ones body condition. The fact that a product has been labeled "Natural "doesn't mean that it is a herbal supplement. It has been found that some of them have blends of other components which may serious affect someone's body. One should therefore have some recommendations from a qualified medical practitioner or a physician before he or she can commit to any of these herbal supplements. The supplements, just like any drugs can have bad effects if they are not taken as prescribed by a medic. As an example, if you take these supplements in an overdose, they can have very negative effects on you just like the normal inorganic supplements.

In addition, before administering any medicine to children, make sure you have read the label properly to be certain on the amount to be given because failure to do so may lead to dire consequences that could have been avoided. Herbal supplements may have different additives that are not known by the potential user. However, even though these products may be certified by medical practitioner, one should be cautious when taking them. You should purchase herbs that show the direction of use. You can find this information on most packets of herbal products.

Different herbal supplements have diverse uses in our bodies. There are those supplements that are taken to boost the digestion of foods and aid in body building. However, most of the herbal supplements are taken to heal diseases such as high blood pressure, skin diseases, sexual transmitted diseases and so much more.

Different supplements can also have quite different patterns of medication. This however greatly depends on the type of products that one is taking and also his or her age. - 17268

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How To Build Shoulder Muscle, Want The Perfect V Fast?

By Jack R Brown

Many bodybuilders ask me how to get the perfect V, develop "Cannon Ball Shoulders". Create the perfect physique, how to build shoulder muscle. Keep reading to know the routine I follow to develop shoulder muscles.

If you were looking just to look good in clothes, you could get shoulder pads, but to look good with and without your clothes you need to build shoulder muscle.

The shoulder muscles consist of 3 headed muscle group, the anterior (the front muscle) the medial region ( the middle) and the posterior region (the rear). These muscles allow the movement of lifting and rotating the arms. Two different movements will stimulate these heads, the over head press and raise.

To build shoulder muscle, the most effective way is the over head press which can be achieved with both barbells and dumbbells, but in my opinion the dumbbells are the best.

One arm will not be albe to cheat the other with dumbbells as they allow a more natural motion range. Sit on a bench, preferably with a vertical support for your back. Press the dumbbells over your head, do not lock out the elbows, return them to shoulder level.

To help contribute to great shoulder width and a wider upper body, preform side lateral raise. The medial head will accept the majority of the stress from the side lateral raise.

With the palms facing inwards, hold the dumbbells and stand with knees slightly bent. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level and return to the start position.

Basically the overhead press and side lateral raise is all you need to build shoulder muscles. It is not recommended to preform isolation exercises on the anterior and posterior heads. You will not achieve maximum result by working the shoulder muscles too hard.

Quality not quantity is the key for how to build shoulder muscle.

Here is a sample routines to build shoulder muscles.

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press " 2 sets of 5-7 reps. Standing, Dumbbell Side Laterals- 2 Sets of 10 Reps

I don't recommended to isolate muscles, but if you wish you can include, Standing Front Dumbbells Raise " 1 set of 12 Reps Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise " 1 set of 10-12 reps.

Standing Front Dumbbells Raise " 1 set of 12 Reps Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise " 1 set of 10-12 reps to isolate muscles but not recommended.

Keep a record of each of your workouts and improve from week to week by either increasing the resistance or the number of reps performed. - 17268

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment Overview

By Jared Hillman

The issue of a deficiency of B12 is uncommon these days in the USA, as this problem is mainly a result of malnutrition. Nonetheless, this is a condition that can also appear as the result of a poor absorption by our body. It is important that we learn about the common vitamin B12 deficiency treatments and how to avoid it.

The most common way to treat light deficiencies is using over-the-counter vitamin B12 supplements. These supplements can be found in most drugstores in the form of pills and you can buy it without problem.

In severe cases however and in cases where there is malabsorption, the vitamin B12 treatment will include more serious measures like the use of intramuscular injections of B12 that must be applied for life and the inclusion of prescribed drugs such as prednisone.

Diet plays an important role in restoring the levels of vitamin B12 and is an integral part of any vitamin B12 deficiency treatment. The people who are at high risk of developing this condition include vegan people, pregnant/lactating women and infants.

Vitamin B12 is mainly found on animal protein food, and this includes fish, meat, poultry, eggs and of course dairy products. The problem with vegan people is that they don't eat these sources of B12, a vitamin rarely found in vegetables.

Pregnant women and infants have higher nutritional needs. In the cases of all these people with high risks, supplementation becomes extremely important. The good thing is that our bodies do not need great amounts of this vitamin.

The importance of diet is also present in people who don't absorb well vitamin B12. It is important to know that these people can't depend solely on supplements of any kind.

These are the most common treatments for vitamin B12 deficiency, keep in mind though that this article serves as a source of information. To get a proper diagnose you need to visit a doctor who will vary the treatment and doses of vitamin B12 according to your specific case. - 17268

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Wu Yi Tea For Weight Loss: A Safe, Natural Alternative

By Petronella Lauritsen

There is no shortage of media exposure given to Wu Yi these days, with everyone who is anyone talking excitedly about how they used Wu Yi tea for weight loss. What are the facts about Wu Yi? Can you really lose weight drinking this tea, or is it simply a fad? Wu Yi tea has been consumed in China for centuries now (and the Chinese are well known for their good health and low obesity rates). Let's examine the information out there about the effectiveness of Wu Yi tea for weight loss.

A lot of research has been done on the health benefits of Wu Yi tea. Wu Yi tea is an oolong tea (the sort of tea commonly served in Chinese restaurants) which is grown around Mount Wu Yi on the Chinese province of Fujian. The soil of the region has a high mineral content, which along with the way the tea is processed after harvest is believed to give this tea its beneficial properties.

All tea contains polyphenols, but Wu Yi tea is an especially good source of these natural compounds. Polyphenols are also the reason that Wu Yi tea for weight loss is a winning strategy. Polyphenols cause your body to start producing more of the enzymes which break down fat stored in your body. Since Wu Yi tea helps your body use its natural fat burning abilities, it is a safe and natural way to step up your weight loss program.

The effects of polyphenols on weight loss have been studied, with the results showing that using Wu Yi Tea for weight loss just plain makes sense. One study showed that after drinking Wu Yi tea, the participants burned calories at a rate 10% higher than the control group, who drank water instead. Now, while you may not think this sounds that impressive, just think about what burning 10% more calories could mean for you when combined with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine. This is the kind of edge you need to lose weight faster.

Besides this metabolism boosting effect and helping you to break down fat, Wu Yi tea may also be able to prevent you from absorbing some of the fat in foods you eat. A study performed in Japan showed that after drinking oolong tea, the participants absorbed less fat from a snack of potato chips than did their non-oolong drinking counterparts. Looks like there's more than one way that drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss can help you to meet your target weight faster.

If you're interested in learning more about how Wu Yi tea can help you lose weight, you may want to read up on the tea by reading Wu Yi tea reviews - there are quite a few places online where you can see what others have to say about this product.

Drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss is a great way to help you lose weight faster; and since it tastes great and offers plenty of other health benefits, Wu Yi tea is something which everyone should include in their diet, especially if they're trying to lose weight. - 17268

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Feed Your Muscles and Starve Your Fat

By Victoria Jamison

If you're trying to build muscle and lose fat through proper diet nutrition, you can easily get frustrated. Hopefully these 6 tips can help you get closer to this elusive goal.

Eat More Than You Think You Should

I know, you think I'm crazy. How can you lose weight by adding more food. I should be more specific. Eat more often, not necessarily more food. It's very important to give your body protein periodically throughout the day.

When you go for a long period of time, your body kind of freaks out. The next time you eat, your body will think that meals are going to come few and far between, so it will store whatever it can from that meal as fat.

Keep energies up by having constant regular blood sugar levels. Not eating for long periods, decreases your blood sugar and makes you tired.

Eating a giant meal (even a healthy one) will put a huge strain on your body and cause it to rush through the digestion process. When your body isn't running as efficiently, it isn't going to get everything it should out of each meal. This will cause your body to crave more food sooner than you should. I suggest you eat every 2 to 4 hours.

Clean and Lean Food

Make sure to consume plenty of lean proteins, complex carbs and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Simple carbs like white flour products (bread,crackers) and sugar(cookies and cakes) can spike up your insulin level and prevent your body from burning fat efficiently.

Break Off the Love Affair with Sugar.

If you're not care, you'll consume more sugar than you thought you were. Why? It's hidden with all these fancy names. The next time you're doing an ingredient check, look for things like glucose, sorbitol and even lactose. They're all types of sugar.

Drink more water

If you're not drinking about 8 glasses of water each day, you're depriving your body of a very important need. Water will help your body to digest your food more easily and efficiently, making sure it absorbs all the nutrients you're offering it. What will also help your tone your muscles and lose weight.

Be Pro Protein

When you don't give your body enough protein it will turn to it's own lean muscle to gain energy. This obviously isn't a good thing. So, keep putting lean and clean proteins in and you'll be fine. Sometimes this is difficult to do. Try eating fish and chicken as much as you can. You can even throw in some lean beef every once in a while.

Carbohydrate Rotations

You can control and adjust your insulin levels by keeping your carb content low for a couple of days at a time. Then boost them back up again to keep your body from going too far in the opposite direction. This will help accelerate your fat loss and not cause you to go carb crazy. If you're going just 2 days without, you can push through and make it. It's not like when you go on an extremely low carb diet for weeks on end.

Through carbohydrate rations and decreased overall carb intake you will push your body into massive fat burning mode. Watching your protein intake and intervals will make sure you don't lose your precious muscle tissues. - 17268

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