Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Lose Chest Fat

By Steve Brodie

No man wants to be able to trade bras with his partner. Man boobs can cause extreme psychological discomfort for men, especially as there aren't many women who fall head over heels for wobbly pecs.

Knowing how to lose chest fat comes down to knowing the causes and dealing with them appropriately. A big factor is female hormones. The basic cause is a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone, the main sex hormones. Breasts and curvy hips will result from the feminizing effects of excess estrogen in a male body. Fit and slim men can get chest fat, it is a more complex issue than simply too much fat.

The first step is to minimise excess estrogen. Trying to lower estrogen by increasing testosterone can sometime make things worse as some men get man boobs because they are converting testosterone to estrogen, so increasing testosterone wont be a good idea! Treating your body as a complex whole is the best idea, as sometimes treating individual elements alone can adversely affect other parts.

Sometimes its obvious what causes man boobs. If you are overweight and have man boobs then dropping the weight will help a whole lot, not just for your chest but for your general well being. Being overweight doesnt help the problem if the cause is hormonal either, because testosterone is converted to estrogen mainly in fat cells, so the more weight you carry, the more likely you are to get man boobs.

For most guys this next line will cause a lot of pain - apologies in advance. Your favourite cold beer is likely to be a big cause of your man boobs. There are ingredients in beer that are very estrogenic, like hops which will inevitably lead to ladylike features like man boobs.

There are a few basic things to take care of to rid yourself of man boobs without getting risky surgery which can leave horrid scars and your boobs may even return. Exercise, lifestyle and diet are the key ingredients. These are all things which will make a healthier life your you, with the added benefit of getting rid of those man boobs. Getting to the gym is important, not only for your regular health but for shedding chest fat. Find an exercise program that will target problem areas, there are plenty that are specially designed for man boobs.

Diet is very important for getting rid of man boobs. Zinc is extremely important as it has a lot to do with testosterone and needs constant replacement especially if you hit the gym a lot, because working out will deplete zinc in your system. Walnuts and organic wild meats are great sources of zinc. Watercress is an absolute must for man boobs as are cauliflower and broccoli; these foods are estrogen modulators so should be included in the diet.

Curcumin and grape seed extract are natural supplements which fight the nasty effects of estrogen in the male body. Including soluble fibre in the diet can also help to drain the foreign estrogens from the body. Living with man boobs is not something that any man wants to do, and as there are natural ways to get rid of them there is no reason anyone has to. - 17268

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What Is Causing Your Fatness?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Top scientists believe that weight gain is being caused by many things, there is no single enemy here. Therefore, your struggles with body fat is most likely caused by a variety of negative variables.

Now in an earnest attempt to figure all of this out, researchers around the globe have come up with many theories for the root cause of weight gain. And although these theories shouldn't be taken as final explanations, they do provide insights as to why you may be gaining weight.

So without further delay, here are some theories on what's causing your fatness:

1. Lipoprotein lipase. Dietary fat gets shoved into fat cells by lipoprotein lipase. According to this theory, those with too much body fat have too much lipoprotein lipase. And those with little body fat have less.

2. Sheer number of fat cells. Your fat cells can increase in size, but they can also replicate and increase in number. Proponents of this idea believe that overweight individuals have a higher number of fat cells and therefore constantly struggle with losing weight.

3. The point theory. Have you noticed that your body likes to hover around a certain weight? This could be explained by the set point theory which states that your body will resist change. So every time you try to lose weight your metabolism slows down.

4. Less calorie burning fat. The fat responsible for excess weight gain, white fat, mainly stores calories. Brown fat, however, mainly burns fat to release heat. Individuals with higher levels of body fat have less brown fat.

5. Thermic effect of food. Right after you eat, your body burns a little extra calories because of the thermic effect of food. This theory claims that lean people burn more right after eating in comparison to overweight people.

Now despite all these possible theories of fat gain, it won't do you any good to get bogged down. Don't think that any one theory is the end all be all to your fat loss efforts. In reality, lifestyle choices account for the majority of weight gain. - 17268

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You Can Reduce Stress with Chiropractic

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We certainly live in stressful times. It's not easy to assess whether our era is the most stressful, but we do have plenty of daily stress. Job, home, kids, relatives, and the economy - all these stresses add up and yet we wonder why we have so many aches and pains.

So many ailments are stress-related. Americans are notoriously overweight. Overeating is a stress-coping mechanism.1 Headaches and backaches are often associated with increased stress. There is a strong correlation between high blood pressure and stress, ulcers and stress, and even cancer and stress.

What can we do? The external stresses in our lives aren't going away. Our activity-filled lives are busy and complex - there is always going to be stress. The key is to help avoid or ease the physical effects of stress. Interestingly, chiropractic treatment can be of great assistance in reducing the effects of stress on the body.

Stress can cause muscles to tighten. This is an unconscious reaction. Tight muscles cause a cascade of further muscle tightening, shortening of muscles and ligaments, and a resulting decrease of mobility in joints, particularly shoulder joints, hip joints, and joints of the spine.2,3

This overall mechanical effect of stress has a number of additional consequences. All extra unconscious muscle activity wastes precious nutritional resources and uses up energy needed for critical body functions. Lactic acid accumulates, irritating nerve endings and further increasing muscular tightness. And, importantly, the losses in spinal joint mobility lead directly to increased levels of pain. This, of course, leads to more stress.

This vicious circle of stress, muscular tightness, and pain can be relieved and reduced by chiropractic treatment.4 Chiropractic therapy is specially designed to improve joint mobility of the spine and pelvis. This gentle, effective treatment gradually restores maximal spinal motion. Muscle tightness is alleviated, metabolic processes begin to return to normal, and nutrients become much more available to help maintain healthy functioning. Levels of pain are reduced, and we become better able to withstand the physical effects of stress.

Your chiropractor will explain the many benefits of treatment, and will provide instruction in stretching techniques and specific exercises that help maintain the positive results of therapy.

There will always be stress. but we can learn how to reduce the physical effects of stress, and become stronger, healthier, and happier in the process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Take a Break! A few quick tips -

You can get up out of your chair or leave your workbench and walk over to an open window. Change your point-of-view. Breathe some fresh air. Go for a five-minute walk, either in the corridors of your building or out-of-doors. Call a friend and chat for five minutes. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and take an imaginary vacation - relaxing on a warm beach, deep-sea fishing on a beautiful yacht, or skiing down a gorgeous mountain.

These short, focused breaks will help reduce muscular tightness and physical stress, and can also help your brain recharge so you will be more creative and productive!

1Marchesini G, et al: Psychiatric distress and health-related quality of life in obesity. Diabetes Nutr Metab 16(3):145-154, 2003 2Weickgenant AL, et al: Coping activities in chronic low back pain: relationship with depression. Pain 53(1):95-103, 1993 3Burns JW: Arousal of negative emotions and symptom-specific reactivity in chronic low back pain patients. Emotion 6(2):309-319, 2006 4Hurwitz EL, et al. A randomized trial of chiropractic and medical care for patients with low back pain. Spine 31(6):611-621, 2006 - 17268

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Healthy Fats Complete Your Health

By Kathryn Barry

Healthy Fats include Saturated, Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fats. Your body depends on a supply of fat in order to work and function properly.

The over consumption of Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats has lead Americans into a serious and life threatening Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency.

Increasing your Omega-3's and decreasing your Omega-6's until you reach a ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in the 2 to 1 or 1 to 1 range will help to prevent such health problems like blood clots, weight gain, learning disabilities, heart problems, cancer, hyperactivity, and liver damage. Most people are likely to be in the 20 to 1 or 50 to 1 ratio in favor of Omega-6.

Another Serious Issue is Saturated Fats

We are being conditioned to stir clear away from these fats, yet your body depends on these Healthy Fats in order to flourish.

Your lungs can't work properly without an adequate supply of saturated fats.

Omega 3's need saturated fats to be used properly in your body.

Your kidneys function better with a saturated fat called myristic acid.

Without saturated fats your body's hormones would have a tough time completing thousands of jobs required by your body.

Inflammation can be controlled with an adequate supply of saturated fats.

Your cells communicate better when your diet has this fat and your cell membranes should be made of about 50% saturated fat.

In order for calcium to be utilized properly a certain amount of saturated fat is required in your diet.

Saturated fat plays an important part in your brain which is mainly composed of fat.

Coconuts are a great source of saturated fats. Their saturated fat content is at about 92% and coconuts have a special type of fatty acid which is medium chained in length.

Despite having a very high saturated fat content, coconuts do not have any cholesterol. Coconut's fatty acids also contribute to the production of energy which is a great help for people who have weight problems.

Lauric Acid is Abundant in Coconut's Fatty Acids

Coconuts and mother's milk have something in common and that is lauric acid. This special fatty acid is responsible for quite an array of health benefits.

Your body will convert Lauric Acid into a substance called Monolaurin. Monolaurin is especially important for new borns as they develop their immune system. Monolaurin contains antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial attributes.

Your thyroid which is connected to your metabolism is greatly enhanced by the presence of lauric acid. Lauric acid also helps your pancreas secrete insulin.

Coconuts can alleviate issues such as Stress, Wrinkles, Dandruff, Weight Gain, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Heart Problems, and Immune System Disorders.

My Favorite is Raw Coconut Cream! You can make your own if you have a Green Star Juicer and some good coconuts.

Healthy Fats can do miracles for your well-being and health. So start making better choices and enjoy a much better life and energy level. - 17268

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The Low Down on Caffeine

By Damian Papworth

It's become a morning tradition-each and every day we wake up and get the day started with a cup of piping hot coffee. It seems that many of us simply can't live without the stuff. Those quad shot, venti lattes from Starbucks have become an essential part of our morning routines. So just what is it that makes that infamous black sludge sludge so irresistible? The answer is caffeine. Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant used throughout the world to help us get through the day.

More than 80% of the entire world population consumes caffeine, whether it be in coffee, tea, sodas, or candies, each and every day. Around 90% of all Americans consume the stuff on a daily basis. More than half of them consume more than 300 milligrams each day. That's a lot of caffeine.

So, the big question is why does caffeine have such an effect on us? Why is it so powerful and why are we slaves to it, especially in the morning? Caffeine, known scientifically as trimethylaxanthine is quite simply a stimulant. In its pure, unmodified form, it's a crystalline substance that tastes bitter.

Caffeine was first discovered back in 1819 by a German chemist called Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, who called it kaffein due to the fact that it was found in coffee or kaffee in German.

Caffeine occurs naturally in some species of plants, which use it to keep away potentially fatal insects. Caffeine is actually a natural pesticide.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. It acts quite literally like a pick me up. Ingest caffeine and you'll feel less drowsy, more alert and ready to go. This is why so many people rely on it to wake up in the mornings. Caffeine also has diuretic characteristics, although studies have shown that these aren't necessarily significant. Caffeine takes about 30-45 minutes to be absorbed by the body. The duration of its effects varies, but for the average healthy adult, it lasts around 4-5 hours.

The benefits as well as potential dangers of consuming caffeine have been the subject of many studies. It is known that consuming too much caffeine, thus more than 6,000 mg per day (most people consume around 300 mg a day on average) can lead to various sleep problems. Caffeine is also quite addictive.

People tend to build tolerances to caffeine, much like other drugs. This means they need to ingest more caffeine to feel the effect. Caffeine tolerance is known to develop quite rapidly. Those who consume large amounts of caffeine may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, stomach pain and irritability when they've not had any caffeine.

Moderate consumption of caffeine seems to increase one's capacity for physical and mental labor. It can actually enhance athletic performance and endurance. Caffeine works by stimulating your neurons.

Percolated coffee contains around 80-135 mg of caffeine per serving; drip coffee, on the other hand contains 115-175 mg of caffeine. A Starbucks coffee, tall, 12 ounces contains 240 mg of caffeine. Green tea contains 30 mg, while black tea contains 50 mg.

Caffeine is not recommended in large quantities for pregnant women. Although the findings are as yet inconclusive, there is some evidence to suggest that caffeine may affect the formation of the fetus or possibly increase the risk of miscarriage. It may also affect fertility. That being said, there is no direct link connecting caffeine to miscarriage.

Caffeine consumption is forbidden by some religions. - 17268

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Easy Bodybuilding Tips To Get Big Muscles Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Big muscles are popular with everyone. And it seems like everyone wants to get them! Certainly the people with big muscles generate lots of positive attention you'd enjoy receiving yourself. But in addition to making you look great, adding muscle mass to your body also helps you to be a healthier person.

It doesn't take long to see the initial effects of a good program of exercise and muscle building along with eating right. Those results may be small initially, but they can help keep you motivated to continue your program and see bigger and better results over time. It will take some work-and don't let anyone tell you otherwise-but in the end, the results will be worth the effort.

If you really want to develop big muscles, you'll need to maintain your focus. Each aspect of your workout is important, so you can't start skipping anything or get lazy. You need to apply yourself and keep working, but by doing so, you will achieve your goals.

Many new muscle builders want to know the fastest way how to get big muscles. In order to do that, you have to make a serious change to your lifestyle. Following the correct diet and exercise program is how you get big muscles. There are other things that you can do to increase the speed of your muscle development, but at the very least, you should be doing those two.

Regardless of what you've heard before, anyone can grow bigger muscles. Look into buying a easy to follow muscle building guide to help you with your goal. To achieve results fast, give your full effort to your workouts.

To begin with, start with the basics. By doing too much too fast you could potentially hurt yourself. Even using light weight is going to get a good pump going. Warming up and cooling down are extremely important to new muscle growth.

Try not to isolate your muscles, working several at once is key to good tone. This allows each group of muscles to work harder than working them on their own. Some examples are pull ups, shoulder press, push ups, and squats. Do not worry if you feel worn out fast at the start, after a few sessions you will be able to exercise longer.

You want to be sure and work all of your body parts at least once a week. You have a positive effect on each section of your body by working multiple muscles at once. Trying to isolate your muscles is not a good idea. You want your body to have a good balance so being sure to cover every section is important.

It is equally important to rest your muscles between workouts. Stressed muscles may tear and rip. While this is normal, your body needs recovery time to help re-grow muscle tissue so the muscles will be stronger and larger. Look for a program that provides adequate rest between workouts, working out no more frequently than every other day to provide that critical rebuilding time for your muscle tissues.

A good workout that exercises all muscle groups at least weekly is a good way to get started. If you want to get bigger muscles in certain areas, you can work those muscle groups more frequently during the week, but if you do, be sure you run through at least a minimal workout for all of your muscle groups at the same time. When you focus on exercising and building muscles in your entire body you will get great results. You'll feel better, have better posture, and be better toned in all areas. - 17268

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Georgetown Personal Trainer Reveals The Truth About Crunches

By Josef Brandenburg

We often come across several possible methods for attaining those perfect flat abs and crunches is one among them. But a personal trainer from Georgetown totally disagrees with this saying that it is just a misconception. Crunches or for that matter any other workout on your abs may not help you in achieving those abs you have been wishing for.

You must have come across many ads or might have read several magazines, websites and books suggesting you to do crunches. All this while, we have believed this information because they are all telling us the same thing over and over. But are you going to believe something just because everyone says it? What if everyone started saying that the world was flat again, would you believe that too?

First you have to understand that ab crunches will not help you get that picture perfect abdomen. Everyone is born with abdominal muscles that you can't see because they are covered by a layer of fat. All you need is to follow a good fat loss program rather than do an endless amount of crunches.

You would be able to cut almost half the amount of unwanted fat in your body in just 4 hours a week. A Georgetown personal trainer can make this happen. Why would you want to waste twenty hours of your valuable time doing workouts with no end result when you could definitely see results by following the right program for few hours a week?

Another fact which most people are not aware of is that these crunches have a negative impact on your posture. Just picture the position you are in while doing crunches. Your head is bent forward while your shoulders and rib cage moves forward towards the pelvis resulting in your spine bending forward completely. This position is surely not very comfortable as there is no support for your back. A Personal trainer from Georgetown can guide you on losing weight along with providing proper protection and support to your back.

So now that you know that crunches are not the way to get the abs or the overall physical appearance that you want, what do you do? Talk with your Georgetown personal trainer and get set up a core workout plan that will get you in shape, make you feel a lot better and set you up for a long and healthy life.

You have gotten past the lies and the misunderstandings. Now it is time to see what else is out there and actually move forward into a healthier lifestyle with the help of your very own Georgetown personal trainer. - 17268

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Practicality and Convenience of Home Gyms

By Krasen Dell

Home Gyms eliminate the hassles in carrying a bulky gym bag and hunting for a parking space. Home exercises are more effective than doing your physical regimen in a fitness club. This is a fantastic way of having physical fitness without leaving your house. Working out in your own house definitely offers advantages than having workouts in fitness club.

Exercises done in the privacy of your home is ore convenient and very practical these days. If you have mastered all the programs and the steps you can apply these things in your own house and at the same time have some time to tinker on important things that could have been left undone if you were to go out. You can spend more time with your family and share the fitness space with them.

Before going to the treadmill or picking up your weights, you can prepare some dinner and while waiting for it to be cooked you can have some few rounds for at least ten minutes. You do this everyday at your most convenient time and in some few weeks time you notice the changes in your body. Home Gyms are advisable to have treadmills with a heart monitor attached to it. Dumbbells are also important tools you should have for some core lifting exercises.

With your private fitness corner at home, you can do some workout anytime you feel like doing it. You can splurge on anything you want to eat and shed off the calories after some few minutes. You do not have to wait for your schedule to visit a club to shed off those unwanted elements from your body.

Home Gyms set ups can be inquired from experts and professionals for your programs. You may visit some web sites for more information regarding your fitness program. These fitness set ups have tremendously grown popularity these days because of their practicality and convenience. You just need to equip your space with some of the most basic equipment that you need for your regimen. - 17268

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Want The Straight Scoop On Human Growth Hormone Supplements And Aging

By Robert Read

Scientists define aging as the degradation of skeletal muscle formation. Some say its an inability of DNA cell reproduction. In both cases, your human growth hormones are at the root of the subject. Natural production of these hormones in your body starts to fall of when you turn twenty and is at half of its original production when you turn sixty. Human growth hormones are produced in your Anterior Pituitary gland and play a big role in cell reproduction and in your immune system function.

Our natural aging posses is accelerated by the decline in the production of these hormones, several factors contribute to the decline. Genetically there are few resins why, outside of not needing these hormones, our bodies slow down their production.

Some scientists theorize that the resin our bodies slow down this production is that it's only been in the past one hundred years that the average age of the human population has surpassed fifty. Giving the body no real resin to waste energy on these hormones. When you were a baby your mother's milk gave you an extra boost of these growth hormones. This is why babies who was not breast fed, in early development, are smaller and less developed than those that were.

Two thousand years ago, which is not much time in evolutionary development, the average person lived into their thirties giving the body no resin what so ever to produce these hormones. The farther back in time you go the less the average life expectancy was. If you were a cave man you were lucky to make it passed your first birthday and was probably an elder by the time you turned thirteen and became sexually active. So If you take a serous look at this the scientist were probably right.

We face a delema, today our life spans have reached a point that we now need these hormones in order to maintain a healthy body and productive life into our fortys, fiftys and sixties.

Some athletes have been criticized for taking human growth hormone supplements to extend and enhance their physical abilities. The truth is that these athletes are facing in their thirties and forties a natural decrease in their body's ability to product the hormones that gave them these abilities in the first place. The real controversy comes when younger athletes still in high school try to gain from these same supplements that which they would not have had in the first place. However, let's make a clear distention about the difference between Human Growth Hormone Supplements and artificial growth steroids. Artificial growth steroids are synthetic replications of muscle growth hormones that can cause serous side effects. Human Growth Hormone Supplements are the essential and non-essential amino acids that your body needs to make these hormones on its own. The essential and non essential amino acids that can and well help your body produce human growth hormones.

Here is a list of these essential and non essential amino acids that should be found in any human growth hormone supplement.

* L-Arginine Hydrochloride changes in the blood stream to nitric acid. It helps treat chest pain, clogged arteries and blood vessel swelling. It also triggers the production of protein and creatine in the body for muscle production.

* L-Leucine slows the degradation of muscle tissue and is used in the body to form steroids.

* L-Glutamine is a non essential amino acid essential for the production of DNA, protein and is the primary source of fuel for the entrecote, cells lining the inner walls of the small intestines. Its also an alternative source of fuel for your brain and is used in weight lifting, body building and endurance sports.

* L-Lysine converts into al lysine in your body for the production of elastins and collagen.

* Bovine colostrums aka first milk helps metabolize immune hormones.

* L-Ornithine Hydrochloride helps the body produce the human growth hormones L-arginine, L-praline and polyamines.

* L-Glycine is a non essential amino acid that helps people how have trouble sleeping and those with prostate enlargement issues. It also helps with low blood sugar levels, muscle spasms and immune system problems.

* Vitamin B6 elevates oxygen levels in the blood stream and protein metabolism.

* Gama Aminobutyoric Acid signals the anterior pituitary gland to produce human growth hormones.

* Tribulus triggers the supply Luteinizing hormone that signal the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

As you age and theses compounds are no longer being produced in the quantity to give you the vigor you once had. If you take seriously the effects these amino acids had on extending the careers of some very famous athletes in the passed few years. Its not hard to see the very real potential that these natural supplement could have on the quality of your own life. I guess the biggest proof of the effects these amino acids have on quality of life as we age is that after these same athletes were forced to stop taking these natural body building blocks how sharply there performances declined. If your looking to keep or get back that vigor for life you once had these human growth hormone building blocks are the keys. - 17268

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Which One Is Better " Good Form, or More Reps?

By Yasir Khan

We have all been in that situation. Whether its in the squat cage or lying down to bench, or even standing and doing bicep curls, weve all reached the point where the exercise has become too hard to do right. Sweat popping on your brow, teeth gritted, you have to suddenly make a decision. Do you muscle through, force out those last three reps, even if your form suffers, and complete the set, or do you set down the weights, take a breath, and admit that you were trying for too much? Next time youre in the gym, take a look around. Odds are youll see most people taking the first choice, wobbling as they squat or swinging their free weights up during bicep curls. Sure theyre completing their sets. But is this the right way to go?

The answer is no. Its not. There are a whole host of reasons why sacrificing form for greater reps at a higher weight is an incredibly bad idea. The first and most important is that by sacrificing good form, you open yourself up to a host of injuries. As you lift increasingly heavier loads of weight, you place your body under greater and greater stress and tension. If everything is locked correctly in place, your body will be prepared to handle the load. If not? Muscles, tendons, and joints will suffer, resulting in potential strains or tears. Are you willing to lose months of working out for a quick moment of pride?

Health aside, youre messing up the very routine youre trying to perform. One of the key reasons people allow their form to slip is because the targeted muscles have become exhausted, and the person is trying to harness the strength of ancillary muscles to compensate. But are you supposed to rely on muscles that should only indirectly be involved? Does it make any sense to exercise those side muscles instead of the main group youre supposed to be hitting? Of course not. If youre jacking up your military press by thrusting with your hips, then quit pretending to work out your shoulders and go squat.

Conversely, if youre doing the exercise right, you can lift more weight. If everything is aligned, if youre hitting the right muscles, and youre breathing correctly, youll be able to do more. More reps, more weights. Because youll be engaging the muscles in the purest, most direct manner, allowing for the greatest output. By observing correct form, youll be increasing their functional capability, which will translate into greater results in a shorter period of time.

Notice I mentioned breathing in the last paragraph. Breathing is essential to good form. If youre exercising correctly, your breathing will be synched to your reps, exhaling and inhaling with each extension and contraction. Breathing correctly helps you generate more force and reduces the risks of heart problems and high blood pressure. Youll avoid getting dizzy and light headed, will maintain smooth, rhythmic control of the weights, and feel much better at the end of your workout. And the best way to ensure this will happen? Observe correct form.

So what are some of the classic mistakes to watch out for? Youve seen them a million times. The guy who uses momentum to hike up his weights during bicep curls, swinging them like mad pendulums. Dont! If you have to sit down on a bench, or press your back against the wall. Another one: arching your back during military press. Dont do it! Lock in your core, tuck your tail bone under and squeeze those glutes. By maintaining a straight alignment youll be able to breath better and generate more force. Final tip: align your knees over your toes while squatting! Failing to do this can cause serious knee injuries, limit the amount of weight you can squat, and make you look wobblier than a man made of jello. Watch your toes in a mirror if you have to, and only go as far down as youre comfortable going.

So remember, like any good coach such as Tony Horton always says, if you have to take a break, stand down, catch your breath, relax. Dont push so hard that you become light headed, risk injury, or sacrifice form. Even in such challenging workouts as the P90X youre encouraged to always, always observe good form, because when you lose that, your health is mostly likely the next thing to go. - 17268

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Exercise Guide : Kettlebell Workout Programs

By Mark Walters

Complete body fitness can easily be achieved through the proper performance of a kettlebell workout program. Kettlebells don't just condition, tone and strengthen the muscles, they also promote cardiovascular health and flexibility. Here are four tips to help you succeed with your fitness goals using kettlebells:

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #1

Many beginners make a common mistake with kettlebell exercises. They start off with weights that are too heavy for them, and rush through the routine. Weight needs to be increased in gradual degrees until the body is used to them to avoid injuries.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #2 Don't Go Too Fast

Increase pace and intensity gradually. Different people have different levels of endurance when it comes to kettlebell workout programs. Hence, the frequency, pace, weight levels and repetitions will vary for every person. Whatever the pace and intensity of each routine though, you should aim to workout at least three per week.

You'll know when the time is right to increase your pace because you'll be able to perform the kettlebell exercises without feeling any strain on your body. Should you notice significant changes in your muscle tone or weight, this is another indication that you need to increase the intensity of your program.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #3 Prepare Beforehand And Take Rests

Proper preparation is critcial. It is important to warm up first for 10 minutes or so before the days session. On your first session, take the time to learn the right form first.

To train safely you should also be taking regular breaks. This is necessary to help your muscles recover and is the most basic preventive measure against serious injuries.

Breaks can be as simple as a few seconds between repetitions to skipping routines every other day. As an additional measure, if you start regularly performing then you should take a few consecutive days off from it a month.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #4 Sets Of Exercises Choose exercises that work on all your muscles. Though kettlebell programs can be a complete workout, for them to be so, you need to do a range of exercises. Look to target at least the 3 major muscle areas - upper, lower and core. - 17268

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How To Build Up Muscle: Work Smarter Not Harder When Learning How To Build Up Muscle

By Henry Bantista

Nobody wants to be that little guy who gets sand kicked in his face and loses his girlfriend to the bully. Almost every guy has wanted to build up muscles at some point in their life. The reason there are so many gyms and health clubs in cities across the country is that almost everybody desires to be in better shape than they are. It does not matter if you look to lose weight or bulk up. There is one rule that applies in how to build up muscles that you must follow closely. Work Smart.

You may admire the guys of professional bodybuilding and even secretly desire to be one of those guys, but you have to keep in mind that these guys did not get the way they are through standard means of training. These guys have a gift from God, there natural make up is more conducive to gaining muscle.

The super stars of body building have a genetic advantage over the rest of us. They were born with the right combination of things to build up muscle, and in many cases these guys have not used just standard body building techniques to gain these massive physiques.

Chances are you are more like the average Joe, particularly if you are that puny little guy on the beach. First of all you probably don't have the genetic gifts and advantages of pro bodybuilders. Secondly you will have to learn to train smarter not harder to achieve your goals. Here are some steps to help you achieve this, and begin to build the muscle you have always wanted.

So once you have committed yourself to your goal to build up muscle, you must join the local gym or purchase the necessary equipment from a sporting goods store. Once you have your equipment you should consult a certified trainer to help you initiate a program that is safe and smart.

Another tip to help you work harder not smarter when building muscle would be to overcome any mental barriers. You need to psyche yourself up to work out. Building muscle is hard work, they don't call it a work out for nothing. So you need to look past the big boys and the pretty ladies at the gym and focus on your workout. You will get better results by focusing on what you are there to do, lift weights. So don't worry about what the other guy is doing, concentrate on your workout and focus on your training.

Another thing you need to concentrate on is focusing on your workout and blocking out those around you. Do not measure yourself up against the others, as nothing will discourage you faster. By trying to do what the other guy is doing you almost guarantee that you will hurt yourself.

Once you have a program designed for you, stick to it, do not attempt to over work yourself. Working smart and sticking with a program that improves gradually is how to build up muscle. By doing this you will be able to maintain the workout program on a regular basis. It makes no sense to workout hard then not be able to get back into the gym for a week or more. A weight training program is no good if you won't stick with it. By overdoing you can find that you have injured yourself. Throwing out your back is not how to build up muscle. So the first thing you should keep in mind when starting a weight lifting program is to be safe, do all training with moderation and workout smart. - 17268

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