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Monday, December 22, 2008

Learn Why Rabbit Meat Is Healthier Than Beef

By Ferdinand Dubem

Whether you are a connoisseur of gourmet meats or just an ordinary individual who likes his meal to taste really good and to whom eating must always be a delight of senses - of all senses - you will always appreciate a tender loin chop or a steak, poultry or fish. The truth, unfortunately, is that the best and tastiest meat is the meat that has the most fat as the flavour, most of it, comes from the fat, actually. A healthy alternative is represented by rabbit meat, which is an extremely lean, low fat, white meat; rabbit meat is ideal for those watching their cholesterol consumption. The flesh is tender, finely grained, and of a bright pearly pink colour.

What is a hamburger made with and from? A carefully made hamburger should be made entirely of ground beef and seasonings. A hamburger that contains no major ingredients besides beef may be referred to as an " all beef hamburger " or " all beef patties " to differentiate them from inexpensive hamburgers unreal with added flour, texturized vegetable protein or other fillers to reduce their cost. Some cooks prepare the patties for hamburgers eclipse binders, such as eggs or bread crumbs, and seasonings, parsley, onions, soy sauce, Thousand Island dressing, onion change mix, or Worcestershire sauce.

In case you are interested in Cooking with your own grill seasoning, then you should notice that it is so easy to make it yourself. All you need is to mix pepper, salt, onion and garlic powder, coriander and red pepper flakes. Recipes are all over the internet now so it will be much cheaper for you to google seek than to buy guide books. The directions mentioned above is ideally simple and it very much resembles what you usually put to a deliciously home made steak. Usually when making a steak at home, you want it to have the best of flavors. And of course you tend to add garlic and onion at least beside the salt and the pepper.

Other plants / herbs that go with the rabbit, and are part of the rabbit seasoning are parsley, sage, basil, fennel, bay leaves, mustard, spinach, onion, garlic, celery, carrots, tomatoes, all salad leaves, capsicum, cos and radicchio; olives, capers and anchovies could also be part of rabbit seasoning. If you think that a suitable drink enhances the flavor of a meal and enriches it, you should consider both red and white wine as ingredients for rabbit seasoning. Besides the wine's effect on the seasoning of the rabbit, you should keep in mind that it also tenderizes the meat.

The moment you decide to cook some poultry meat, assuming you are not a very experienced cook, do not worry. First of all, just ask a neighbor, buy a cookery book or search the internet for recipes and how to guides or advice and I am sure that you will be able to prepare the best poultry dishes with the adequate poultry seasoning. Besides, you will be able to make your family or friends with wonderfully prepared poultry, seasoned with the tastiest poultry seasoning. For those who need some poultry seasoning recipes I can say that in order to make some of the greatest poultry flavore, you just need some common ingredients and a little time. Fortunately, poultry, especially chicken takes just a tinge of your time to cook. The same is true about preparing the poultry flavorer you will need for the best of results.

For the opening, it is recommended that you cook this meal outside as it usually makes a lot of mess but the outcome of this cooking endeavor is worth it. After you have taken your decision on what size of turkey you want, round up a pot and preferably buy groundnut oil to deep fry it. Also decide on the deep fried turkey seasonings blend that you want to use. In case you are not familiar with the blends seen in supermarkets then buy bulkk flavorer spices and herbs that you know you like and go with preparing turkey meat. In case groundnut oil makes your choice of dish rather expensive, you can also stick to regular cooking oil. - 17268

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Learn The Best Way To Cook A Delicious Freshly Caught Fish

By Ferdinand Okeke

A freshly caught fish can be prepared in many ways. Any fisherman worth his salt has his own unique way of cooking a freshly caught trout, salmon or whatever fish he caught. So fisherman all across the country has been handed down methods of cooking fish. Here are some tips to get the best out of your fish.

1. Frying

Breading and frying a freshly caught fish is as good as it gets. The smell of butter emanating from the frying pan and the flair a fisherman puts in flipping his catch is worth its weight in gold, almost. For the newbie fisherman, make sure that the butter is extra hot but not yet glistening. Again, make sure that the fish is properly coated in batter. Season your batter to your heart's content, salt and sweet pepper never goes wrong. You may want to add other herbs and spices with the batter for a more delectable fish.

2. Grilling

Initially, grilling would seem to be the easiest way to handle your fish. A neophite might assume that grilling fish is the same as grilling steaks or burgers. Unlike fowl or cattle, fish tends to produce most of its own juices when cooked. On a grill the delectable juice drips into the coals.

In order to avoid losing the moisture, start by coating the fish with oil. The oil will glue a part of the moisture inside. Second, keep an eye on the fillets and stir them as soon as a cut would reveal that the fresh fish is cooked halfway through. After being flipped, monitor the fish carefully. Remove the fish as soon as it is cooked through.

An alternative to basting the fish with oil is to wrap it in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will maintain the moisture and marinate the fish in its own moisture. Placing herbs and spices inside the foil with the fish boosts the grilling process and the fish itself.

3. Baking

Thermogenic is the best option for the fisherman who does not want to watch over the fish during preparation. The fisherman can prepare the marinade and pre - heat the oven, then toss the fish into the oven for a predetermined amount of time. You may prefer to check on the fish intermittently, in order to ensure that you don't overcook the fish.

Whatever fish you caught, a good recipe and adequate cooking for sure will enhance the catch. Take time to prepare for cooking, a badly cooked fish will undoubtedly spoil your day. Do not forget the first rule of cooking; don't overcook your fish. - 17268

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Tips - Working is a good way to stay on top of your health

By Manu Hagen

Working is a good way to stay on top of your health. Many things about working make a mortal feel good both inside and out. Knowing that you can do something to make a difference in peoples lives is a great inter feeling.

Working will keep you healthy by keeping you in shape so you can maintain. Working forces the brain to continue processing, which is good when one is trying to say healthy. Work boosts your self-esteem. Your self-esteem when satisfied will be so high you will not know what to do with it. You won't feel depressed, since the stress is less on you. Just knowing that you are going to meet your bills on time will give you a peace of mind.

Stress can do a lot to your mental as we as physical reactions. You have to be able to control your stress to avoid illness. Being stressed out all the time can cause you to go into a depression and not be able to get out without your doctors help.

When you feel stressed, it often brings you down. You feel worn and often feel like nothing in life will help. Stress begins to burden you, which affects your health and in time, you will not have control if you do not take control now.

Stress will equates to we to remove weight or even benefit weight. Highlight can equate to headaches that seems to continue. As we concede highlight to take over, it progressively breaks down your shield system. This is when we knowledge sickness, colds, influenza etc. Basin follows symptoms crop up identical to usual stress. At this indicate a thoughts takes over, personification tricks to upset we further.

Some of the things that depression can cause are either too much sleep where all you do is sleep or not enough sleep making it hard to sleep. You will find it hard to achieve a good night sleep. Now we see fatigue during wake hours accumulating.

Some people that are depressed gain weight. Often they sit around sinking in self-pity, which means activities are out of the question. Now the muscles start to deteriorate, since these natural sources need activities to survive. As the depression continues, the person starts binge eating, or not eating enough foods. Now we have a problem, since the intestines, and other vital organs will sustain damage. - 17268

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Do You Know These 7 Reasons Why You Should Front Squat?

By Caleb Lee

I can nearly guarantee you're not front squatting enough or to some extent. For some reason, you don't see several gym goers (mostly bodybuilders) utilizing this time-tested training.

Crossfit has gone miles and miles towards bringing it back, but if you're not doing crossfit - it's most likely not even on your radar.

This is a shame because if you want to get full body strength build awesome quads chisel your abs and save your "tweaked" lower back then you're going to love the front squat.

Here's 2 reasons why you must front squat for a stronger, bigger, more powerful body that moves, looks, and feels better than ever:

1. Get Better Quads - The front squat is an EXCELLENT movement to get bigger, stronger quads-probably the best exercise there is. Because you're position is more upright, it emphasizes the quads more.

2. Get Stronger, More Cut Abs (Core) - Because you're holding the weight in front of your body, and you must remain upright your entire core gets a great workout trying to stabilize the weight and keep you upright. If you find you're leaning forward a lot when you back squat, you'll quickly get stronger and fix this problem if you switch to front squats for a while.

Front squats aren't just great for building a hard body with muscles of steel either! They're also really good at just making you more fit and keeping you more fit. What good is looking strong if you must sacrifice your health in the process?

Here's the five additional reasons why you must Front Squat for better physical condition:

1. Makes Your Other Lifts Better - Because the bar is placed ahead of you, on your shoulders, the front squat is enormously like other exercises and strengthens the "base" of those lifts/presses. Power Cleans, Overhead Presses, Overhead Squats, and so on all share the same "starting" position as the front squat. Getting stronger and more comfortable with Front Squats will help you in those exercises as well.

2. Bad Form Gets Self-Corrected - If you're back squatting with bad form you can wrap up the exercise at the cost of causing harm to yourself. The advantage about front squats is the form is self correcting: If you're not straight enough you'll drop the bar if you're not holding the bar properly you'll drop it if you don't keep your elbows up you'll drop it. It's a training that pretty much forces your form to be smashing.

3. Less Weight - Generally speaking, if you can urge your body with less weight (because you're doing a harder workout) then it is safer. Since the Front Squat is harder than Back Squats you won't be able to lift as much weight. Which means a lesser amount of spinal compression.

4. More Natural Spine Position - You're more upright with the front squat your spine is in a more nonaligned "straight" position. This combined with the fact you're lifting a reduced amount of weight is better for your spine at the end of the day.

5. Lower Back Approved - Nearly everyone have lower back problems and back squats worsen these conditions. But because your upper body is normally straight (rather than leaning forward like in a back squat) there's a reduced amount of force on your lower back. I started front squatting when I hurt my lower back. - 17268

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Having a Pump Does Not Mean Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

If you've been working out for a while, i'm sure you will understand what i will talk about. It sometimes happens that, after some really heavy sets of your routine, you start to have a really amazing feeling. Your muscles feels tight and engorged with blood. And when you look in the mirror they look full and vascular. What you get is nothing but a "pump". And as i told you, if you have ever had one, you'll agree with me it's really, really great (or maybe you agree with Arnold who said it's like having an orgasm).

Let's face it, a pump feels incredible. For those of you who aren't quite sure what I'm talking about, a pump is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside your muscle tissue as a result of resistance training. The muscles will swell up and increase in size, vascularity and tightness.

A pump is in no way indicative of a successful workout. It doesn't mean it's bad for you to achieve one during your session, it's simply a natural result of intense weight training. But if you focus your workout in getting a pump instead of muscle gain, you are making a huge mistake, and it will tax you.

On countless occasions I've heard lifters raving about the massive pumps they get in the gym as they share methods for achieving the best pump possible. "Dude, this will give you a crazy pump!" If you have already been working out for a decent amount of time then you know exactly what I'm talking about. While a pump does feel extremely satisfying, just remember that it means very little in terms of muscle stimulation and growth.

A pump is just the blood flowing to the area. You can get a good pump without working all that hard. Giving your body no reason to grow. But you can get the greatest pump, and it does'nt mean your muscles will grow the most. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. And i think you'll agree with me when i say that will never work. So, how can i know if i'm in the right way? It's nothing complex.

Keep a record of your workout (in terms of weight and reps), and compare them week after week. If you are increasing your resistance, if you can perform one or two extra reps, then you had a successful workout, it doesn't matter how far you were to achieve a pump.

Building muscle mass and strength is all about training with 100% intensity on every given set and then striving to improve from week to week. If you are able to consistently achieve this, your muscle size and strength will increase faster than you ever thought possible, with or without a pump. - 17268

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Healthy Eating Designed for Children

By Michael Byrd

Healthy eating designed for children sometimes does not hit the target.

Resorting to bribery, threats or manipulation can be done by parents just to persuade their child to eat healthy food. But there is an easier way to do this and parents would not need to employ such dirty tactics on children.

There are seven instant tips to help you attain success with healthy eating.

1. Start the ball rolling while they are young. The younger they are, the easier it can be. Do not wait for the time when their taste buds get ruined by sweet treats. By this time, it can be harder to convince them to eat Brussels sprouts and broccoli. If you failed to do it while they were much younger, you can use tip # 4 ? be tough ? and prepare for a negative reaction that you may get from your kids.

2. Have a supply of healthy foods inside your home. This can remove their fondness on one food or food group. It can be OK for them to have their favorite food, but offering them alternatives does help in orienting them with different food tastes. Unhealthy foods are of course out of the picture. This means no junk food should be allowed. It may only spell trouble in the long run.

3. Bring together the foods that they like with the food they despise. Do it like this: stir fry onions with zucchini, broccoli, carrots and snow peas instead of having them eat only a platter of steamed broccoli. Cutting the veggies into small pieces will assure you that they get some carrots with the zucchini.

4. Be fervent! If you cannot impose firm-love, your plan will fail. You will need to inform your child that this is what you cooked for dinner and that is it. There is no other available food. If you only have healthy food in your home, it can work. Since there are no other options and they get hungry, they have no other choice but to eat what you served.

5. Do not permit your kid to go near people who will sabotage your plan. Some people just seem to find contentment over the fact that they can offer your kid sweet treats. And yes, even your doctors and dentists do this. What you can do is to teach your child to say "No thank you". If a close relative is doing the same thing, you may threaten them you will stop visiting if they won't stop.

6. Restrict your child from watching TV commercials. Yes, commercials. These commercials are the source for nutritional education of 95% of the populace. Whenever children watch kiddie shows, they get to see junk foods being advertised as delicious food to eat and it can affect their craving for the right food.

7. Be a good model. This is apparently the most important tip. Do not expect your child to give up on candy and ice cream if you can't do it yourself. Convince them to eat fish, vegetables and whole grains by showing them that you are eating it as well. At an early age, you will be their role model, so might as well be a good one.

If you have not been a good role model, then you have no right to get angry over the poor eating habits of your child, obesity, ADHD and you will often be absent from work when they get sick.

Get into healthy eating and learn to love yourself more! - 17268

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