Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lose Weight By Running

By Melissa Newton

There are several options to choose from if you really want or need to trim excess weight off your body; one of the most effective and least expensive is to learn how to lose weight by running.

This physical activity is very effective because every time you run, you sweat a lot which is beneficial in the elimination of unwanted wastes in your body excreted through perspiration. This will eventually lead you to more water intake due to thirsts as a result of the strenuous activity. Drinking a lot of water is very essential in most weight loss programs because this is beneficial flushing out harmful materials stored in the body and it also enables oxygen to fill in most organs in the body including the brain; making your mind very active in most activities that you perform.

It is important to make an at least an hour available every single day for exercise if you really want to lose weight by running. Everyone has extremely busy family and work schedules which makes it difficult to make time for daily exercise. I promise, it is extremely vital to make time for daily exercise if you want to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, it will keep your brain in top operating condition and your body healthy.

An inactive lifestyle can lead to many health problems and disorders. If you can't lose weight by running, you need to find some other way that works best for you to keep from becoming obese. It is important to always know what your body mass index or BMI is and make sure it stays in the healthy range.

You will find many programs to effectively lose unwanted weight on your body, but one of the least expensive and highly effective is to lose weight by running. - 17268

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The Truth About Abs Health And Fitness Advice

By Jane A Moore

I don't often write reviews, but I've made an exception in this case. I believe there is more than just hype to the well known abs program 'The Truth About Abs'. Most 'lose fat' information on the web tends to be just a lot of sales copy in front of a gimmicky product or crash diet. The reason I want you to read this whole article is so you can see that there is actually some solid information in this plan, and if followed will change your success with your get fit and stay fit endeavors.

The e-book "The Truth About Abs" that Mike Geary has written is more than a guide to getting ripped abs - since the abs are only a small part of the whole picture. This is an easy to follow program that will help you change your eating habits and patterns, and give you exercise routines to boost your metabolism and build core strength and lean muscle. The book covers 3 main topics -

1. An introduction and important general information about leanness, metabolism, body fat %, effective abdominal training, and lean body mass.

2. Workouts, information on how to exercise more efficiently, multi-joint vs single joint exercises, and total body work outs with surprising information on why cardio IS NOT the best way to lose weight; and

3. Diet and Nutrition, explanation of how blood sugar and insulin affect your diet program, the Glycemic Index, and the calorie burning properties (thermic effect) of food.

The workout schedules are easy to follow and don't take up much of your time. The Truth About Abs training program is broken down into two sections that include Interval training and Resistance and Weight training. Mike suggests that anything longer then 45-60 minutes per session is not a good use of your time. He breaks down his training program into 45-60 minute session, 3-4 times per week.

If you really want to get your body toned and in shape, then you should easily be able to find time for this schedule. The bonus is you don't need a gym or a lot of equipment. However, Mike suggests having a set of dumb bells and an exercise ball to most effectively perform the workouts. This shouldn't be a huge investment, $30-40 at the most - way cheaper than a gym, and it means you have created your own gym right at home.

There is a huge amount of nutrition advice that Mike has included in this program. The suggested diet plan calls for 5-6 smaller meals per day, eating every 3 hours (not including sleeping hours). An important tip is to plan your meals for an entire week, and shop once a week getting only the food you need for those meals.

There is also a section which explains how to determine your total calorie requirements - along with the more frequent smaller meals, this will help you figure out the total amount of food you should be consuming. This was a great help for me, to know that this is not a fad diet where you are will be hungry over half of the time.

Mike provides meal plans that are easy to shop for, easy to make and very satisfying. These meal plans provide you with more than enough food and you are unlikely to experience any hunger pains. However, you need to be disciplined with yourself and follow the recommended diet plans. One of the first things the book says is: "The nutrition section of this book is vitally important to your success. Let me state this loud and clear... if all you focus on is your training, and your diet is full of junk, you WILL NOT see results! You need to apply BOTH the training strategies as well as the nutrition strategies if you want to make this work."

I hope that I've given you a better insight into the actual information behind all the hype. As you can see, there are no magic promises with this program, but rather a clearly laid out plan with plenty of information to support a fitness lifestyle change. If you truly commit yourself to making a change, having a guide with no-nonsense healthy advice is the best thing you can do to start on your path to physical change. - 17268

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Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review: Is It A Scam?

By Melissa Newton

Let's review the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, is this top rated diet program really effective in helping you lose weight? The main part of this program is a book written by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst that goes over the relation in dieting to your digestive system. Dr. Gudakunst is a specialist in, has seven years of experience and has done much research in the field of the human digestive system and colon. She wrote her book to educate people on how the digestive system works so they can understand the best diet for its specific needs.

Moving on with our Top Secret Fat Loss Secret review, the book included in this program has 49 very informative pages which discusses more on how to prepare foods that are beneficial to your aim of losing weight; as well as our bodies' metabolic states. Moreover, it discusses some useful tips on food intake of carbohydrates and proteins; including the ideal frequency of eating your meals. Apart from that, it further guides you on the ideal amount of water you need to take along with your diet that will give the most beneficial effects.

One of the great things about this program is that Dr. Gudakunst included quizzes to help you evaluate and find out what your micronutrient ratio is, this will really help you discover the type of diet that is best for you to improve your metabolism with out much effort.

Another great aspect is that it's found online so that you can keep track of your improvement and your digestive patterns easily. It also includes a quick detoxification program that is included in your new diet program to help cleanse your colon by freeing it from buildup of toxins over years of eating unhealthy foods.

There is one con that I have found with this program: it doesn't encourage regular exercise. Most successful diet programs require regular exercise in order to be effective. It's okay though because I am telling you now that any weight loss program needs regular exercise if you want to get the maximum benefit. This Top Secret Fat Loss Secret review has deducted that this is a great program that can greatly aide in your weight loss journey. - 17268

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Lose 10 lbs A Week: Shed That Weight Fast

By Melissa Newton

You are almost out of time. Your high school reunion or wedding is shortly coming up. You have prepared the best clothes and shoes to wear but alas, there is one thing more that needs to be done: lose weight. But with the time left, is there something that you can do to lose 10 pounds a week?

It's ok, you don't need to worry, there are a few things you can do. Following is a list of things that can be done to help you shed those 10 lbs in a matter of days.

1. You need to cut your carbohydrate count to the absolute minimum if you want to lose 10 lbs in a week. You can lower your carbs by replacing bread, pasta, rice and other carb rich foods with fruits and raw vegetables. Eat a banana or celery, both have a high amount of fiber which will make you feel full, minus the guilt.

2. You also need to eat a lot of protein, this can be found in lean meats and beans. You shouldn't eat processed foods, they are high in salt because it makes you retain water.

3. Drink as much liquid as possible. This is vital because it aides in digestion and detoxification. It also helps you feel fuller between snacks and meals. Try to drink water as often as you can tolerate, water is free from calories and is the most healthy option.

4. You should also try to exercise more than normal. If you usually work out three times a week, go for seven. I know you will be tired, but the best way to lose weight quickly is by working out.

Here is another tip. Some studies have proven that a short routine works better than a longer one. So if you want to lose 10 pounds a week, you can break up your entire 40 - minute exercise routine to 4 segments of 10 minutes each or 2 sets with 20 minutes each.

This may seem like a piece of cake, but the test is really doing it; be patient and your sacrifice will be worth it. Please remember that this "lose 10 lbs a week" program is only for a special occasion or to break through a weight loss plateau. This should not be done over a long period of time because it could be very harmful to your health. - 17268

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Six Foods That Will Boost Your Metabolism

By Ricardo d Argence

There are six foods that will give you similar affects that a thermogenic of cardio session can affect your body. Assist your body in burning fat while you are maintaining a healthy longer life with these foods that will ramp up your metabolism. Who wouldn't want all that?

Most people will blame their genetic make up to be the cause for their slow running metabolism. How many people complain that their partner seems to be able to lose weight easily, and even though they work harder their weight won't budge? If you have these foods in the right quantity during specific times of the day you will help your body lose weight, and gain muscle.

1. Blueberries: 'Antioxidant' seems to be the new buzzword of this decade. Everyone needs more antioxidants. Everyone wants more antioxidants. Everyone buys foods with antioxidants; but do we know what they are?

Oxidation is a chemical process within your body whereby electrons are taken off a substance via a chemical reaction. When your body undergoes oxidative stress, such as when you're sick, have a disease or after a workout, the product from this oxidation is known as a 'free radical'. Good thing we have antioxidants like blueberries.

Free radicals will build up in your body if you don't remove them and they begin to damage cells that you need. This will lead to inhibited muscle growth, disease and sometimes fat loss. Blueberries can stop this oxidation process and build up free radicals.

2. Almonds: Almonds are truly one of nature's miracle foods. They provide the most healthy calories and nutrition for the smallest serving size. You get the most nutrition possible out of the calories you eat. One serving of almonds, or about a handful, is an excellent source of vitamin E and a good source of fiber (which helps keep you full) and offer heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

3. Whey Protein: Whey protein (the highest quality and best form of protein) is incredible stuff. It provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle tissue. Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a healthy immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building and potential fat loss.

4. Salmon: Everyone feels that Salmon is high in calories, which is true but its low in saturated fat. It is an excellent source of protein and a unique type of "good" fat called omega-3. It's an essential fatty acid that is found in salmon which is extremely beneficial to your cardiovascular system. Omega-3 is a health-promoting fat that will help to prevent erratic heart rhythms. This will assist to avoid blood clots within the arteries and improve the ratio of good cholesterol to offset the bad cholesterol that is known to clog the arteries. This will help to prevent any clog to your arteries.

5. Spinach: A jade green in color, leafy vegetable such as spinach can provide more nutrients than most other foods. Protect yourself against osteoporosis, colon cancer, arthritis, and other diseases by eating lots of spinach. Spinach is also known for benefiting your mental state too.

6. Water: Almost 2/3rds of our body weight is "water weight". Blood is 83% water. Muscles are 75% water, the brain is 74% water, and bone is 22% water. So what do you think happens when we aren't adequately hydrated? Our bodily processes can't function optimally. We're depriving them of an essential nutrient.

Eating all of these foods in your daily eating plan will help you to feel more energized and keep you living longer. There aren't many foods that we can eat that will keep you as fit and healthy as these six foods. - 17268

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Bodybuilding Routines for the Neck: Train Your Lateral Flexors, Extensors and Traps

By Ricardo d Argence

We in general as people will normally over look the training of this crucial area for two main reasons. In addition, they are that we do not know how to do the exercise or we do not possess the equipment for the task at hand.

Lateral Flexors. The lateral flexors, which tilt the head left or right, can be worked in the same manner as the flexors. To begin, you will lie on a bench on your side, then rest a towel on the side of your head and hold a weight plate in place with your hand.

Just simply let your head tilt downwards, and then pull it back upwards as if you are trying to touch your ear to the shoulder that is off the bench. Again you must use several sets of 10-15 reps of moderate resistance before you go and switch to your other side to work out the opposite lateral flexor group.

Extensors. Extensors are a lot like the flexor groups in that they can be worked out with a head strap or neck machine. In using the head strap the most common way is to attach the end of the chain to the strap and hook to a low pulley or you can just hang plates on the chain. Then be sure to put your hands on your quads and bend at the waist.

Now you will focus more on tilting your head backwards as though you looking up. Another path to take would be to lie down on a bench with you head over the other end. Put the towel on the back of your head and put the weight on top of it.

Now while the plate is being held in your hands, let the head drop slowly, then begin to raise it bending only you neck. Having moderate resistance for a few sets of 10-15 will be ideal for you as with the other exercises.

Traps. Trapezius or Traps muscles are a part in the extensor group, so that means that they will be worked when doing other exercises that have talked about under the heading of The extensor. Moreover, they can be workout with added barbell exercises, as most people will know.

Mostly, people tend to lump basic barbell or dumbbell shrugs and the sole motion for traps. The dead lift and the various others can work the traps really hard specifically during the lockout part of the lift. Notice the huge looking traps on power lifts that have a lot of big pull.

While the deadlift is nearly always a part of my routine, I'd like to offer a few lesser-performed lifts taken from Olympic weightlifting that will hammer the traps extremely hard. The most common lift in this category would have to be the power clean and to a lesser extent, the squat clean. Because the arms are kept very straight as long as possible during the pull, the hips, traps and upper back must provide the power to accelerate the bar before dipping under it to rack the lift.

In the same way as the clean variations, the snatch will provide a lot of stimulation for the traps. The pull is going to have a rough "shrug" while the bar continues to accelerate before it dips beneath it.

I generally do the power snatch, where you don't drop as low upon completion of the lift and the bar is locked out overhead while in what would be a 1/4 squat position. I don't see a reason to go into a complete squat snatch, which does allow the use of more weight due to the deep bottom position you attain to get under the bar. I feel that the power clean and power snatch force you to pull much harder, since you'll have less time to drop under the bar to rack it.

If you are a person who suffers from tightness due to long hours of sitting on your butt in an office doing these stretches will make your life more comfortable in many ways. The power you will grow in your traps will help you pulling movements and give you a decent and finished look to your body. - 17268

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Ovarian Cyst Removal - What You Need To Know Before You Let Your Doctor Cut You Open.

By Lisa Page

Are you thinking surgery is the only ovarian cyst removal option available to you? If that is correct then you have to be able to answer this question without a shadow of doubt - Have you exhausted all other available options of treatment?

If for whatever reason you haven't considered all options of treatment then you need to continue reading.

There are two main surgical ways of removing ovarian cysts - laparoscopy and laparotomy.

Laparoscopy is used if the cyst is small and benign and is usually done under general anaesthesia. It involves an incision into the abdomen and a small surgical instrument used to remove the cyst.

The other ovarian cyst removal method - laparotomy is a more complex surgery and is usually used where the surgeon suspects the cyst to be cancerous or at the risk of being cancerous.

Again this surgery is done under general anaesthesia but involves making a bigger incision in the abdomen.

This is so that if need be the doctor will be able to remove surrounding tissues such as the lymph nodes if there is a chance that it can become cancerous as well.

The important thing to note is that ovarian cancer is very rare and that the vast majority of surgeries are unnecessary.

The biggest decision you have to make is just before you go under that surgical knife when you fill out the form giving the surgeon consent to not only remove cyst but also your ovary or potentially uterus if they think it may cause you problems.

After the surgery you may wake you to discover you are now unable to have children for the rest of your life, or that you will need to be on hormone replacement therapy forever.

The question is have you exhausted all other options of removing ovarian cyst and is surgery your last resort? If your answer is yes, then by means go ahead with the surgery.

But if you have not considered and tried other forms of treatment such as natural and holistic healing combining a mixture of diet, exercise, stress management, reducing toxin overload, and using natural hormones then you are leaving out a form of ovarian cyst removal treatment that has helped thousands of women. - 17268

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Your Raw Food Diet Journey

By Bob Hirt

Have you every felt that you were being scrutinized for your eating habits by the media and advertising on what you should or should not be eating? The decisions on what we eat are mostly unhealthy but our minds tells us that it tastes wonderful which makes it's hard to crack the habit. What then happens all to often is our health takes a nosedive as we are not willing or able to adjust our diet and exercise.

Just like physical fitness, our own emotions play an integral part of our nutrition and well being. We've probably all had the experience of receiving some bad news or been on an emotional roller coaster and suddenly losing your appetite. This clearly shows that our emotions are an vital part of how your body addresses and processes food. It's a very important part of your health.

Even if you're a veteran raw-foodist, hopefully you will find some key thoughts in this article that will help you refine your diet and improve your overall health program. Here are some things to consider

1. Foods you feel you "MUST" have

Craving foods that are processed and cooked is a normal experience as you move towards a raw food diet. The cravings, while perfectly normal, seem to never go away

The cravings we feel are deeply rooted in our emotional and nutritional needs and reactions.

Continuing to have cravings for cooked processed foods because of the failure to adhere to a regular habit of eating your vegetables and fruits makes it easy to pinpoint the nutritional aspects.

The sticky part is being able to eat as much fruit as you need to get your calories while not consuming more fat than you should and consequently consuming enough greens to get your daily intake of minerals.

Eating more than enough fat will also cause your cravings but a "nutritionally sound" approach that's "low fat" is the best remedy against cravings.

There are several sites like will show you what your daily calorie intake of fruits and veggies should be but remember that an average fit man consumes 2500 to 3000 calories while an average fit woman consumes 1800 to 2500 calories each day.

2. Always Incorporate Fitness into your daily routine

Are you aware that you cannot be healthy without being physically fit? In the past few years we have suffered losses of athletes young and old by way of a heart attack. This stems from being physically fit but unhealthy.

You may think that you are healthy just because you are watching what you eat. You must also include a regimented fat intake and exercise routine in order to truly be healthy.

People who are physically fit not only digest their food better, the whole process of nutrition is dramatically improved with an improved fitness program. This means the food you eat will be assimilated better, you're blood sugar will be more under control, and numerous other health advantages.

Staying or starting a physical fitness program has always been the hardest to maintain. This is usually our weakness but staying on the path and making it a routine will make it easier to achieve your goal.

3. For maximum affect eat your fruit before meals

Most people like fruit don't they? Well how about including it as a before meal snack? This has the effect of making you more full when you eat your regular meal be it lunch or dinner. Don't stuff yourself with fruit though, just enough for a good snack before each meal and you'll find yourself eating less.

When you're making the move to a raw food diet make sure and include fruit at the beginning of every meal like we mentioned earlier. Did you get in trouble when you were a kid for eating fruit before a meal? Now that we're grown up we need to change our eating habits by satisfying our sweet tooth's with fruit which will curb our craving.

4. Whole grain produce is good to eat

Your focus should be to pursue eating 100% whole grains because our bodies convert the sugar in these rich carbohydrate sources at a slow rate which keeps our bodies energized longer than simple sugars. The fiber contained in these grains will help you to quickly flush and eliminate toxic waste that forms in the body and the grains themselves are loaded with antioxidants much needed by our bodies. This is the type of diet that our ancient ancestors consumed who felt and stayed looking young and working hard long into their senior years. Health food experts around the globe have stated for years the benefits of a diet that is high in whole grains and the ever growing evidence has become overwhelming. Whole grains are the best way to get complex carbohydrates during your daily routine.

You can either take the next 2 to 20 years to get your health in check or you can take a little time and do it in the next 2 months. You can't argue the health benefits of a raw food diet. - 17268

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How To Lose Weight And Fat Quickly

By Melissa Newton

A lot of people are now searching for the right answer to the question on "how to lose weight and fat quickly". This is mostly asked by people who have significantly gain weight as a result of unhealthy diet and lifestyle. With ease of access to various unhealthy foods like the ones offered in fast-food outlets such as the crunchy French fries and delicious hamburgers, canned products, and processed goods which contain elevated levels of salt and other harmful chemicals; many people nowadays are indulging in diet not beneficial for their health. Along with sedentary lifestyle, they are at high risk of gaining more pounds toward obesity.

Let's take a look at the bright side, many more people are realizing the high health risks with these diet and lifestyle choices, leaving them wondering how they will lose weight and fat quickly to lower their risk of obesity.

The rise of heart attacks in obese people has made losing weight more fashionable for people who wish to lower their body mass index and their risk of obesity related health problems. It is also becoming more trendy to be thinner which leads people trying to lose weight to be sexier and more lean.

There are several products on the market that will help you lose weight and fat quickly, it is becoming harder to find what will work for you due to the high demand and high product volume. All products claim that they are the best, and most have received a lot of negative attention. Some guarantee results in days without changing your lifestyle habits while others promise to burn fat in less than a week without any exercise program.

It is important to remember that the real, powerful programs will require a change in diet and regular exercise. The government warns people to not consume products that claim weight loss without any exercise, because it is a vital part of losing weight. When you are trying to decide on a program to help you lose weight and fat quickly keep in mind that it can be done with lifestyle changes and healthy eating. - 17268

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The Best Foods That Make You Lose Weight

By Melissa Newton

There are several weight loss programs available for people who want to lose weight. The best idea is to use a natural version where you get to eat tons of foods that promote healthy weight loss. These foods are primarily fruits and leafy green vegetables, they offer sufficient nutritional content and are great fat burners especially during exercise.

A few examples are cabbage and celery which you should eat daily if you strive for a thinner, healthier body. They are great because they are converted to energy in the body very efficiently. Excess energy is converted to fats in your body, but fruits and vegetables consume a lot of energy when being digested. In this case you will end up losing weight if you eat them instead of their fattening alternatives.

Fruits are a great substitute for desserts like cake and ice cream. They are satisfying for your sweet tooth, but don't contain fats or nearly as much sugar as their calorie loaded alternatives, they are also a great source of nutrition. Opting for fruit is another great diet change you can make in your goal towards a healthier body to cut calories and fat.

It is important to include a daily workout routine in your weight loss program, it increases metabolism and burns fat that, in conjunction with eating the right foods, will get you to your weight loss goal quickly. All effective weight loss programs with long lasting results require a regular exercise program.

Eat right and exercise frequently, and you will be on your way to a sexy lean body in no time flat. Start with the diet changes like eating fruits and vegetables, and then include daily exercise and your lifestyle transformation will be complete. - 17268

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Are You Wondering How To Lose Weight Naturally?

By Melissa Newton

The obesity epidemic has scared everyone into looking for an easy and fast program that teaches you how to lose weight naturally. If you look at the market today you will see that there are several different products that seem to offer the quickest results like supplements, tablets, drinks and replacement meals. The problem is, how do you know if they work?

The answer is yes, most of them do. But the more appropriate question would be, "Are they really safe?" This time, the answer is quite questionable. This is mainly because most of the synthetic "stuff" are made of chemicals that either have bad side effects or worse - are fatal when taken in huge amounts.

The synthetic, chemically produced products and everything that goes along with them are probably the biggest reason why there are so many people looking for ways to lose weight naturally. If you are one of those people here are a few tips to help you get started on a natural weight loss program.

1. Before you start any weight loss program visit with your doctor to let him know what your plans are. You should also ask him for tips on how to lose weight naturally for your specific circumstances.

This is a very important step because it will ensure that your plans won't interfere with your health.

2. Start by checking on the food that you eat. You can do this by making a list of everything you take in. This helps you become more conscious of all the unnecessary calories that you put in your body and makes you aware of your unhealthy eating habits. This journal can help you determine the exact point where your weight loss program can start.

3. After taking a look at your journal you need to eliminate foods that have high calorie counts. This will help you come up with a healthy meal plan that will work for your lifestyle.

4. When planning your meals you should start weeding out the unhealthy foods and substitute with healthier more natural options like fruits and vegetables. They are not only healthy, but are high in fiber which will help in the detoxification process.

Dieting is hard and can be tedious, especially if you don't like fruits and vegetables. Get a group of friends or family together and try different ways of preparing your fruits and vegetables. It will be fun and maybe you will find a new favorite meal.

5. Another way to lose weight naturally is to exercise, it is one of the quickest and most inexpensive ways to burn fat. You may wonder how, it is because exercising helps increase your metabolism which helps burn fat faster.

So there you have it, those five items cover anything and everything you need to know and find out on how to lose weight naturally. Hope it helps you the way it did others. - 17268

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Do These Steps And You Will Achieve Your Bodybuilding Goals

By Charles Ishihashi

More and more guys today are becoming interested in bodybuilding. Whether it's for attracting girls, or entering competitions, or even to participate in the lucrative modeling industry, bodybuilding is quickly becoming more popular than ever before. If you are interested in bodybuilding for any of these reasons, then this article is for you.

Just like any other goal, you need to choose a specific target to shoot for, as well as a time frame. Most guys are good at measuring where they are when they start, they measure their biceps, chest, and legs. But they don't stop and consider a target. Without a specific target, it's hard to keep up your motivation. So the first rule is to set a specific target of where you want to go. This can be measurement, or how much you can lift. As long as it is specific.

Once you've got your target set up, you'll need to figure out how long it will take to get there. This can be difficult. Many times guys will set up a target that isn't really achievable, and get discouraged. On the other hand, if your target is too far out there, you will lose your motivation. Make sure your timeline is achievable, but not easy.

After that, you'll need to create a schedule, and stick to it. Many guys go to the gym and just do whatever they feel like, without a real plan. The best way to get to a specific goal is to develop a specific plan, down to which muscles you are going to work on which days. Make sure you give yourself plenty of rest time. That is when the muscles do their actual building.

Of course, you'll also need to monitor your caloric input. Building muscles will burn a lot of calories. But just any old calories won't do, you'll need the right combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Some choose to add in various supplements, but that is beyond the scope of this article. Just know that diet is as important as exercise when starting a bodybuilding plan.

These simple ideas is all you really need to get started. Remember, Arnold started in his basement with weights made out of coffee cans filled with cement. With a strong enough goal, nothing can stop you. - 17268

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